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May 29, 2016

Join us each Sunday morning at 9:00 and 11:00 am as we embark
on an increasingly crucial discussion of what it means to be the
church, a people called by God, as the church's role in North
American culture continues to shift. What was our beginning like,
what's happened over the past 1,700 years, and what clues do we
have about the future shape and role of the church in our culture?
Come be a part of the conversation which includes:

Sunday, June 5
"Longing for Spring"
Sunday, June 12

Today is the last day the Outreach & Missions Team will be
collecting food items for the Emergency Food Network. The
Emergency Food Network provides a 3-day food supply to
individuals and families in the Charlottesville-Albemarle area who
find themselves in an emergency without food.
We suggest the following items:
Breakfast cereal
Canned fruit
Canned pasta with sauce
Canned vegetables
Baking mixes for cakes/breads/pancake mixes
Your contributions may be placed in the food collection bins in the
Reed Room and the Welcome Center. Monetary donations are
also welcome. If you would like to make a monetary donation,
please make your check payable to Aldersgate United Methodist
Church, note "Emergency Food Network" on the memo line and
place it in the offering plate. Thank you for your support to the
Emergency Food Network.

Toddler Play Group

Support sought for Medical Mission to Honduras

We would like to invite families with elementary school aged

children as well as our toddler friends to join us for playgroup at
Aldersgate this summer. We will be meeting on the playground
here at church from 9:30-11 a.m. on the first and third Mondays
each month this summer (except July 4), starting on June
20. Bring a snack and outside toys to share. If it rains we will move
inside. Any questions, or if youd like a text message reminder,
please contact Heidi Crockett 434-806-3467 or Tori Fahrenkrog

For the fourth year in a row, Aldersgates Fay Painter, joined this year by
Kathryn Reid, will spend a week in June in the impoverished, remote
mountainous region of central Honduras, bringing life-saving medicine
and health care to children and families. The team of 16 people will
serve 1200+ people with vision care, dental care, medical care, fluoride
treatments, and anti-parasite medicine. Children needing surgery and
ongoing care will be identified and served through an extended care
program and surgical teams.

A Note of Thanks
My sincere appreciation for all who have stood by me as I have
had some of the darkest days of my life. I will admit when my
doctor used words like cancer and malignant in the same
sentence, it knocked me off my feet. I prayed to God that night I
would not wake up the next morning. Obviously the prayers of my
Aldersgate friends are more powerful than all of my prayers
because I did wake up and every day since. And I wish to
continue. I appreciate all of the visits, cards and gifts from my
Aldersgate family. My very special appreciation to John, Brian,
Mark, and especially Mary Seymour for making me a member of
their family. Al Highsmith

Fay and Kathryns mission trip is with the Friends of Barnabas

Foundation in Midlothian, Virginia, which was started 15 years ago by a
United Methodist minister, the Reverend Linwood Cook. Fay is the coleader of the June team. The cost is $2,000 per person, and the team
needs to raise an additional $7,500 to purchase medicine and medical
Please consider a gift to sponsor her trip. Checks may be made payable
to AUMC and write Honduras mission trip in the memo line. Thank
you, and God bless you.

Treasurers Report for May 29, 2016

Office space sought for ministry to refugees
I am seeking a single office on the bus route in Charlottesville/
Albemarle County for our ministry to refugees: ARISE (Alliance for
Refugee and Immigrant Support and Education). We do not have
the funds to pay rent, so we are seeking donated space. If you
have a business (or know of a business) that has a vacant office
that isnt otherwise being used, please consider contributing the
Please contact me at faypainter8@gmail.com or
962.6333. Thank you, Fay Painter.

Last weeks offering


Income year to date


Income last year to date


Budgeted income 2016


Submitted by Fay Painter, Treasurer

Summer Bible Study

Joseph: Beyond the Coat of Many Colors by Mary Englund Murphy will
be the book study this summer beginning the week of June 5th. The
book covers eight topics from sibling rivalry to walking by faith. It is a
practical application of the faith journey of Joseph and his family.
We now have two groups meeting: one at 10:00 am on Sunday between
the services and an online group on Monday evenings at 8:30 pm. We
would like at least two more groups.
If you are interested in leading, hosting, or participating in the book
study reply to this message on The City or email Mike Thornton at
mikethornton100@gmail.com. Please indicate if you are interested in
participating (which time) or leading or hosting another group. No
experience is necessary and we will all be working around vacations
come join a group!

Pastoral Transition Timeline

As you may already know, Rev. Scott Davis, Aldersgate's Lead Pastor, has
been appointed to serve as the District Superintendent of the Lynchburg
District beginning July 1, 2016. Rev. Rob Robertson, Lead Pastor of
Charity United Methodist Church in Virginia Beach, is projected to be
appointed as Aldersgate's new Lead Pastor beginning July 1, 2016.
Below are several key dates and events during this time of transition.
Please put them on your calendars:
Farewell Picnic for Rev. Scott Davis and Family
(games, gifts, goodbyes, & good food) Sunday, June 5, 5 7 PM
Pen Park Shelters 2 & 3 (Parking is available around tennis courts or in
the main parking lot. Please leave parking spots in front of the shelters
for those who are handicapped or have difficulty walking.) Dinner will
be pot luck, with fried chicken and drinks provided. A sign up for the
picnic will be offered online and in the Reed Room.
Last Sunday for Rev. Scott Davis Sunday, June 12, 9:00 and 11:00
Super Sip n Chat with farewell cakes at both services
Rev. Rob Robertson projected to begin ministry as AUMC's Lead Pastor
Friday, July 1

Audio / Visual Team

The A/V team is looking for a volunteer who is interested in serving as
the liaison for the Technology and Audio Visual team. This role is great
for someone who enjoys new technology and is good with creating
effective systems for special event management and worship services.
The coordinator should be a highly communicative person willing to
learn and train others as well as enjoy learning new technology. This
position will have a ramp-up training period with the existing A/V chairbeginners welcome!
Contact Chelsea Morse at
Check the box on the
Communication Card located in the Worship Bulletin.

First Sunday for Rev. Rob Robertson Sunday, July 3, 9:00 and 11:00
Super Sip n Chat with welcome cakes at both services
Welcome Ice Cream Social for Rev. Rob Robertson
Saturday, July 9, 2:00 PM-4:00 PM at AUMC
Ice cream, drinks and some toppings provided. Sign up for additional
desserts and toppings will be available.
For further information please contact the Transition Team:
Billie Campbell, Chair, Church Council (billiecampbell@earthlink.net; 434975-5298), Laura Nelson, Lay Leader (lnelson582@aol.com; 434-9781954), Joan Forrest, Co-Chair, Staff Parish Relations Committee
(joansforrest4@gmail.com; 434-974-6650), Pat Daniel, Co-Chair, Staff
Parish Relations Committee (jfd0740@embarqmail.com; 434-975-1363),
Susan Painter, Lay Member to Annual Conference
(smpainter@comcast.net; 434-987-5448)

Church Charge Conference on June 6

A special church charge conference will be held at 7 P.M. on Monday,
June 6, 2016 in the sanctuary at Aldersgate UMC.

The Finance

Committee has presented a proposal to Church Council to refinance the

mortgage on our church building.

The proposed action for a new

mortgage would provide a lower interest rate and a lower monthly

payment. Church Council approved the proposed action subject to
approval at a special charge conference.

All church members are

encouraged to attend.


Youre Invited!
Fifth Sunday Praise and Worship

Whos ready for Vacation Bible School? June 27th-30th

from 5:30-8pm well be journeying through Egypt with
Joseph as he goes from prison to palace.

Byrd Chapel UMC
3-5 p.m.

To register your children, grandchildren, etc. please


All ages are welcome and encouraged to attend!

Sponsored by the Charlottesville District Youth

To sign-up as a volunteer please join the group 'VBS

Volunteers' on The City, talk to Rachel in the Reed
Room on a Sunday, or call her during the week at
(434) 973-5806.

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