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Release Notes

VERSION 2014.1

Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1


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EXCITE v2009 - Release Notes
EXCITE v2009.1 - Release Notes
EXCITE v2009.2 - Release Notes
EXCITE v2009.3 - Release Notes
EXCITE v2010 - Release Notes
EXCITE v2010.1 - Release Notes
EXCITE v2011 - Release Notes
EXCITE v2011.1 - Release Notes
EXCITE v2011.2 - Release Notes
EXCITE v2011.2.1 - Release Notes
EXCITE v2013 - Release Notes
EXCITE v2013.1 - Release Notes
EXCITE v2013.2 - Release Notes
EXCITE v2014 - Release Notes
EXCITE v2014.1 - Release Notes

Document No.

Copyright 2015, AVL

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed,
stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language in any form or
by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without
prior written consent of AVL.
This document describes how to run the EXCITE software. It does not attempt to discuss all the
concepts required to obtain successful solutions. It is the users responsibility to determine if
he/she has sufficient knowledge and understanding of structural dynamics to apply this software
This software and document are distributed solely on an "as is" basis. The entire risk as to their
quality and performance is with the user. Should either the software or this document prove
defective, the user assumes the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction. AVL
and its distributors will not be liable for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages
resulting from any defect in the software or this document, even if they have been advised of the
possibility of such damage.
The names of the software and hardware products used in this manual are mostly the respective
trademarks or registered trademarks of their companies.

Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

Table of Contents
1. Service Pack v2014.1 _____________________________________________ 1-1
1.1. EXCITE Power Unit__________________________________________________________ 1-1
1.1.1. New Features ____________________________________________________________ 1-1 Turbocharger Analysis ________________________________________________ 1-1 Map Based Torque Converter Joint _____________________________________ 1-2 Planetary Gearset Phasing Utility ______________________________________ 1-3 New Utility Fretting Analysis ________________________________________ 1-4 Mount Layout Tool: Damped Modal Analysis ____________________________ 1-5 Equivalent Speed Dependent Stiffness of Viscous Damper ________________ 1-5 FE Interface Enhancements ___________________________________________ 1-5
1.1.2. Enhancements ___________________________________________________________ 1-6
1.1.3. Resolved Issues __________________________________________________________ 1-9
1.1.4. Installation Examples ___________________________________________________ 1-21
1.2. EXCITE Designer ___________________________________________________________ 1-24
1.2.1. New Features ___________________________________________________________ 1-24 Mount Layout Tool: Damped Modal Analysis ___________________________ 1-24 Mount Layout Tool: Other GUI Viewer Enhancements __________________ 1-27 Torsion: Equivalent Speed Dependent Stiffness of Viscous Damper (for use in
EXCITE Power Unit) ________________________________________________________ 1-28
1.2.2. Enhancements __________________________________________________________ 1-29
1.2.3. Resolved Issues _________________________________________________________ 1-29
1.2.4. Installation Examples ___________________________________________________ 1-30
1.3. EXCITE Piston&Rings ______________________________________________________ 1-31
1.3.1. 3D Piston Ring __________________________________________________________ 1-31 Basic Description ____________________________________________________ 1-31 3D Ring Modeler_____________________________________________________ 1-33 3D Piston Ring Simulation____________________________________________ 1-34 Result files used by IMPRESS Chart _______________________________ 1-34 Result files used by IMPRESS (3D Animation) ______________________ 1-35
1.3.2. Enhancements __________________________________________________________ 1-37
1.3.3. Resolved Issues _________________________________________________________ 1-37
1.3.4. Installation Examples ___________________________________________________ 1-38
1.4. EXCITE Timing Drive _______________________________________________________ 1-39
1.4.1. Enhancements __________________________________________________________ 1-39
1.4.2. Resolved Issues _________________________________________________________ 1-39
1.4.3. Installation Examples ___________________________________________________ 1-40
1.5. EXCITE Acoustics __________________________________________________________ 1-41
1.5.1. Enhancements __________________________________________________________ 1-41
1.5.2. Resolved Issues _________________________________________________________ 1-42
1.6. EXCITE Pre-processing Tools ________________________________________________ 1-43
1.6.1. Shaft Modeler: New Features _____________________________________________ 1-43 Gyroscopic Modal Analysis of Rotating Shafts: Main Application Case Turbocharger _______________________________________________________________ 1-43

AST.06.0101.2014.1 - 28-Feb-2015

EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes Enhancement _______________________________________________________ 1-47 Resolved Issue _______________________________________________________ 1-47
1.6.2. AutoSHAFT ____________________________________________________________ 1-47 Resolved Issue _______________________________________________________ 1-47
1.7. GUI (Graphical User Interface) _______________________________________________ 1-48
1.7.1. Enhancement ___________________________________________________________ 1-48
1.7.2. Resolved Issue __________________________________________________________ 1-48

2. Release v2014 ___________________________________________________ 2-1

2.1. EXCITE Acoustics ___________________________________________________________ 2-1
2.1.1. Highly Efficient Sound Radiation Calculation _______________________________ 2-1
2.1.2. Capabilities and Features _________________________________________________ 2-2
2.2. EXCITE Power Unit__________________________________________________________ 2-4
2.2.1. New Features ____________________________________________________________ 2-4 Map based Dual Mass Flywheel Joint (DMFM) __________________________ 2-4 Elasto Plastic Clutch Joint (EPCL) _____________________________________ 2-6 Electric Machine Joint Extensions ______________________________________ 2-7 EHD Contacts Non-stationary Thermal Boundary Conditions ___________ 2-8 Engine-Mount Joint Extensions (EMO1) ________________________________ 2-9 Mount Layout Tool Extensions ________________________________________ 2-10 Other Enhancements ________________________________________________ 2-10 Section Forces/Moments for Condensed Bodies ______________________ 2-10 FE Interface Enhancements _______________________________________ 2-11 Additional New Features _____________________________________________ 2-12
2.2.2. Enhancements __________________________________________________________ 2-12
2.2.3. Resolved Issues _________________________________________________________ 2-14 Resolved Issues Provided as Patches for v2013 __________________________ 2-20
2.2.4. Installation Examples ___________________________________________________ 2-22
2.3. EXCITE Designer ___________________________________________________________ 2-25
2.3.1. New Feature Extended Mount Layout Tool _______________________________ 2-25 Mount Non-Linear Properties _________________________________________ 2-25 Mount Non-Linear Static Analysis _____________________________________ 2-25 Mount Modal Analysis in Static Equilibrium Position ___________________ 2-26 Mount Basic Vibration Analysis in Static Equilibrium Position ___________ 2-26
2.3.2. Enhancements __________________________________________________________ 2-27
2.3.3. Resolved Issues _________________________________________________________ 2-28
2.3.4. Installation Examples ___________________________________________________ 2-29
2.4. EXCITE Piston&Rings ______________________________________________________ 2-30
2.4.1. Enhancement ___________________________________________________________ 2-30
2.4.2. Resolved Issues _________________________________________________________ 2-30
2.4.3. Installation Examples ___________________________________________________ 2-31
2.5. EXCITE Timing Drive _______________________________________________________ 2-31
2.5.1. Enhancements __________________________________________________________ 2-31
2.5.2. Resolved Issues _________________________________________________________ 2-32 Resolved Issue Provided as Patches for v2013 __________________________ 2-33
2.5.3. Installation Examples ___________________________________________________ 2-34
2.6. EXCITE Pre-processing Tools ________________________________________________ 2-35


AST.06.0101.2014.1 - 28-Feb-2015

Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

2.6.1. AutoSHAFT ____________________________________________________________ 2-35 Enhancements ______________________________________________________ 2-35 Resolved Issue _______________________________________________________ 2-35
2.7. GUI (Graphical User Interface) _______________________________________________ 2-35
2.7.1. Resolved Issues _________________________________________________________ 2-35 Resolved Issues Provided as Patches for v2013 __________________________ 2-36

AST.06.0101.2014.1 - 28-Feb-2015


Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1


This document describes the new features, enhancements and bug fixing in AVL
Workspace v2014.1 for the following:
EXCITE Power Unit
EXCITE Designer
EXCITE Piston&Rings
EXCITE Timing Drive
EXCITE Acoustics
Shaft Modeler
Changes described here can also be found in the updated documentation.

1.1. EXCITE Power Unit

1.1.1. New Features Turbocharger Analysis
Extended capabilities for performing a turbocharger analysis have been implemented.
Therefore following new features are available:

Turbo charger specific body icons and graphical elements have been introduced
(rotor, compressor, turbine, etc.).

Modal analysis of a constrained rotor considering gyroscopic effects have been

incorporated, which also include a mode whirl type identification
(forward/backward whirl). As results critical speed diagrams and animation of
eigenmodes are available. Refer to section for details.



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

A specific turbocharger solution pack is offered. Nevertheless licensing the

crankshaft dynamics + EHD solution packs allow to perform turbocharger
analysis without any restrictions, too. Map Based Torque Converter Joint

A new joint called Hydraulic Torque Converter (hereafter referred to as HTCM joint) has
been implemented in order to support the modeling of automatic transmissions (ATs).
Based on measured converter performance characteristics/maps, the transmission
behavior of the torque converter can be simulated. A mechanical connection like a LockUp clutch can be additionally taken into account by a clutch joint in parallel to HTCMjoint. In this way a complete torque converter can be modelled.
The user can specify 4 types of maps within the HTCM joint, depending on the available
data material. More specifically, -, cf- and k-curve is supported, as well as the torque
which is operating on the pump side. The values have to be specified over the speed ratio
nturbine / npump with respect to a defined reference speed of the pump.



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

The HTCM joint can be used as a connecting element between the engine and gearbox
(see picture below).

The hydraulic part of the torque converter is used for the vehicle launch. The TC provides
a multiplied torque, which helps to take-off the vehicle. When the turbine and the pump
reach the same speed (speed ratio = 1) the converter acts as a usual hydraulic clutch. Planetary Gearset Phasing Utility

Modelling planetary gearsets by using the Advanced Cylindrical Gear Joint (ACYG)
requires that the angular position - the so called phasing - of the individual gear meshes
between sun and planets as well as planets and ring is set up in a consistent manner.



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

Otherwise unrealistic uneven load distribution between the different planet-branches will
take place.
In order to compute phasing angles according to the global design parameters of the
gearset a small tool is now provided as an EXCITE-Utility. It can be called up through
the AWS-EXCITE GUIs drop down menu: Utilities | Python Scripts | Planetary
Gearset Phasing
In addition to the phasing angles of the individual ACYG-joints within the gearset, the
Utility also provides visualization geometries of sun, planets and ring gears in form of
Abaqus input files. These geometries are derived from the ACYG-Joint visualization tool
(Generate Profiles) and can be attached to corresponding bodies in order to obtain a
detailed gearset visualization within the 3D-view. New Utility Fretting Analysis

To fill the gaps for performing a fretting analysis on e.g a bearing shell 2 new utilities
have been implemented:

Redefine Node Coordinates

Evaluate Fretting Results

Redefine Node Coordinates will just read the deformations from an Abaqus .odb file after
a bolt preload step and apply the inverted displacements to the nodal coordinates of the
bore nodes.



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

Evaluate Fretting Results will read contact results from a detailed contact analysis from
an Abaqus .odb output database for defined steps, perform a special fretting calculation
and output fretting results either to text (Gidas or ASCII) or Excel (csv) files. In addition
fretting results can be written to an Abaqus .odb file for 3D visualization in e.g. Abaqus
CAE/Viewer. Mount Layout Tool: Damped Modal Analysis

Refer to section for details. Equivalent Speed Dependent Stiffness of Viscous Damper

Refer to section for details. FE Interface Enhancements

Abaqus 6.14
Native Abaqus 6.14 is now supported throughout AWS. In particular:

All FE Analysis tasks have been adjusted.

Utility Convert FE Data can convert an Abaqus 6.14 .sim file to .exb file.

Utility Modal Data Recovery is able to perform a modal stress recovery reading
modal stress data from an Abaqus 6.14 .sim database.

Due to inconsistent compiler versions, the EXCITE FEA Solver based on Abaqus 6.14
Standard Solver still cannot be offered. Also IMPRESS 3D will not be able to access
results from an Abaqus 6.14 .odb output database.

Ansys 16.0
The latest version of Ansys 16.0 is already fully supported.
In addition, there are 2 main new features in Ansys 16.0:
1. Generation of the inertia invariants internally and output the .exb file directly
using new EXB API
Ansys 16.0 is the first version, that will generate an .exb file directly at CMS
generation pass which will contain all relevant body properties for an flexible
body in AVL EXCITE for:
a. a body w/o global motion (SMOT) using command:
b. a body w/ global motion (CON6) using commands:
creates and stores all inertia invariants
This first version does not support the output of geometry (mesh data) as well as
a recovery matrix to .exb file. A separate recovery matrix (.tcms) can be requested
by command:
Nevertheless the Data Recovery utilities have been extended to read the mesh
data from an Ansys .cdb file and recovery matrix from .tcms file.
2. Recovery of EXCITE results in Ansys via DSUB file
Therefore a new APDL macro is available which prepares all necessary data for
an expansion pass in Ansys and convert the EXCITE results stored in Nastran



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

INPUTT4 file format to Ansys DSUB file format provided by an appropriate

Python script.

NX Nastran 9.x
New DMAP alter files have been introduced (AVL_alter_nxn.v9) to support latest
releases NX Nastran 9.0 and 9.1 for condensation jobs. In addition all case based
tasks have been updated to write proper input files for data recovery for the new NX

OptiStruct 13.0
OptiStruct 13.0 is the first version which will generate the inertia invariants internally
and generate an .exb directly during a condensation job.
Therefore parameter PARAM,EXCEXB,YES has to be defined in solver input file.
This first version does not support the direct output of geometry (mesh data) to .exb file,
yet. To overcome this issue the users can either simply add the geometry with utility
Convert FE Data to the existing .exb file or define a mesh input file to read the
geometry from a .bdf Bulk Data file at utility (Modal) Data Recovery.

1.1.2. Enhancements
AXHD joint: new oil outflow results
For the AXHD joint the following oil outflow results at boundaries have been added:
- Flow At Inner Diameter
- Flow At Outer Diameter
- Flow At Flange Start
- Flow At Flange End
Create model step
The memory management of excitepre (Create model step) was extended so that more
than 2GB of memory can be used in particular on LINUX systems.
Data recovery at MSC Nastran superelements
An additional parameter "PARAM,SPARSEDR,NO" has been added for performing a
superelement recovery using SOL111 or SOL112.
Datacheck for new joints
Datacheck messages are more readable now for several new joints (Clutch joint, Dual
Mass Flywheel, Torque Converter).
EHD bearing data properties
The description of option 'FE-mesh at B.C. of oil supply is modeled using a different



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

material type' has been updated and an appropriate figure has been added for
explanation .
EHD2: endless loop bug during integrating pressure
CRQ_134098, CRQ_134478
In some rare cases in EHD2 calculations, it could happen that the calculation stopped due
to an endless loop during pressure integration. Now only a warning will be given and the
algorithm will continue with a recalculation of the last time step.
EHD2: modified EHD2 divergence criteria
The joint divergence criteria were slightly modfied such that a few more model loops are
computed before a time step reduction is applied. This can lead sometimes to a few more
loops but enhances the stability of the overall algorithm.
Enhance EHDT performance by improved temperature initialization
Joints of type EHD2: As oil film temperature behaves inert compared to the rest of the
dynamic system, the number of cycles, which is required to get cyclic converged results in
case of steady state calculations, strongly depends on the inertially set temperatures.
This initial temperature setting was enhanced.
Enhanced description of Mass Props panel in Crank Train Globals
Some hints have been added to describe for which load generation the crank pin masses
will be used in Crank Train Globals as well as a best practice modeling recommendation
of connecting rod and piston assembly for EXCITE Power Unit.
Enhanced Jacobi update control
Joints of type EHD2, AXHD, EPIL and ENHD use an adapted Newton-Raphson
algorithm to couple the multi-body dynamics with the hydrodynamics. This iteration
strategy was enhanced so less iterations are required per time step.
Enhanced Newton damping algorithm for joint iteration
The iterative coupling between bodies and joints of type EHD2, AXHD, EPIL and ENHD
is done using a Newton-Raphson strategy. The strategy considers a damping algorithm to
bring each time step to convergence. The damping algorithm was enhanced so that less
iterations are required per computed time step. The result quality remains unchanged.
Enhanced treatment of clearance time derivative for low speed applications
Instabilities may occur in low speed applications when hydrodynamic boundary
conditions run through high pressure areas. The instability mainly is related to the time
derivative of the clearance height (hp), which may be excited to oscillate in this case. A
smoothing of hp stabilizes the behavior significantly.
FE Analysis Task - Linear Static Stress Analysis: consideration of shear load
CRQ_115752, CRQ_130257
Shear (friction) load can now be applied in a similar manner as pressure load for
performing fretting analysis at bearing shells. Solid surface sets are required for applying
shear data and storage of shear stress data should be requested in EHD properties of the
joint before performing the EXCITE simulation.
Flow factor table
A description for the parameters required at user defined input for the Flow Factor Table
has been added to Users Guide.
Heat balance enhanced



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

Joints of type AXHD, EHD2 and EPIL: storage therms are considered in heat balance
now. This improves the understanding of the overall thermal balance within a joint.
IMPRESS 3D: support of Ansys .rst format added for structure borne noise evaluation
IMPRESS 3D is now able to read complex velocities from an Ansys .rst results file and
perform appropriate structure borne noise evaluations like generation of normal velocity
levels on outer surface for octave bands, etc.
Improved output of Initial Conditions at input fields that are intentinally left empty
The GUI now writes 0.0 value (instead of outputting the highest possible value) to the
simulation kernel, when the user provides an empty input field at Initial Conditions
specification for a body.
Installation model for piston analysis
At the piston installation model (105_Piston) the asperity table as well as flow factor
table have been updated and appropriate files - 'asppresstable.dat' and 'flowfactable.dat' added to the ./excite folder.
Kernel option: EHD (MB)
In "Kernel Options | Memory Allocation" the option "EHD (MB)" has been removed.
Lumped mass matrix (MFF) now generated when no QSET/SPOINT cards are defined
In the past condensation of a flexible body prepared for global motion without modal
DOF's did not work properly, as the lumped mass matrix was empty at the end of the
analysis. With the corrected AVL alter include file (AVL_alter_acms.v2013) this problem
has been fixed.
Utility - Modal Data Recovery / Modal Contribution Factor
A new flag is available at Modal Data Recovery / Modal Contribution Factor that allows
skipping of DOFs not available in the Recovery Matrix.
Nodal results
A description of obtained nodal results for each degree-of-freedom has been added to the
Users Guide.
Note for applying predefined motion at flexible bodies
When applying a predefined motion on a flexible body, it must be guaranteed that the
body is constraint in at least one node by a single point constraint (SPC) or grounded
spring. An appropriate note has been added in Users Guide.
Parallelization of body force application
The parallel performance was slightly increased by code restructuring. No difference of
obtained results compared to previous versions were caused.
Prepare Load Steps for Static/Transient Stress Analysis in Ansys: FE model file selection
FE Analysis task - Prepare Load Steps for Static/Transient Stress Analysis - does not
require to select any Ansys FE Model File, as this task just generates appropriate input
files which are used later in Ansys environment by APDL macros to setup the FE
analysis. An appropriate note has been added in Users Guide.
Print both time and angular reference information into simulation log file



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

Both time and angle information is printed into the simulation log file no matter if time
or angle based simulation timing is chosen by the user.
Result creation process and report creation process
Task 'Create Results' has been split into two separate tasks: 'Create Results' and 'Create
Reports'. For more information see CRQ_122525.
Rotation Axis setting preserved after re-opening of utility dialog
In Utilities->Misc->Generate Bearing Journal/Pin, the Rotation Axis setting was not
preserved (on the contrary to all other inputs), i.e. it was always reset to the default
rotation axis from FE Preferences after re-opening. This has been changed now and the
selected axis setting is also kept.
Stabilization of hydrodynamic coupling
With the changes of CRQ_132150 and CRQ_132151 the hydrodynamic coupling was
enhanced. Due to this enhancement problems like the reported "NAN or INF" messages
do not occur any more. Note that "NAN or INF" messages were reported due to viscosity,
which was not possible to be evaluated. This happened due to the bodies of the multi-body
dynamics have had diverged in the iterative procedure before.
OptiStruct 13.0 support of partial transformation matrix output
User can define now an appropriate node set and request a partial transformation matrix
in .exb file with OptiStruct 13.0 by defining DISP = <setID> in I/O options section.
Utilities - Modal Stress Recovery - conversion modal stress to FEMFAT .fms format
The modal stress data can be converted from an Abaqus .sim file to FEMFAT .fms files.
For each mode a separate FEMFAT .fms file will be generated containing the direct grid
point stresses, which have been requested at the condensation job. These files can be later
imported in FEMFAT together with the model scale factors to perform a fatigue
Utilities - Modal Stress Recovery: text output improved
Modal Data Recovery output of modal stress/strain data to text file has been reformatted
to be more readable. Additionally, two sorting options are supported: sorted by steps and
sorted by nodes. Finally the user can specify an individual set file containing nodes and/or
elements for which text output should be made.
Utility - Data Recovery: alternative input of mesh data
The data recovery tool supports now alternatively an input of mesh data also from native
FE input and results files, instead of importing them just from an .exb file. Currently the
following formats are supported:
Abaqus: .inp and .odb
Ansys: .cdb
Nastran/OptiStruct: .bdf and .op2
Utility - Prepare Section Forces: additional messages written to log file
The user will get informed that the original .exb file will be backed up at first call. In
addition statement 'END OF UTILITY' is written again to log file.

1.1.3. Resolved Issues

2D Percentage Results: fringe color bar for clearance height



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

For 2D percentage results the used inverted color bar has been changed to the AVL
standard color bar to show percentage values from blue (minimum) to red (maximum)
also for clearance height quantities.
ACYG general results + GESP/OVCO results for run-up now available
ACYG overall contact (OVCO) as well as gearing specific (GESP) results for run-up are
now available. Appropriate results in frequency domain are not supported currently.
Advanced Cylindrical Gear Joint: log-output to aws_session.log might cause quota to be
For models with multiple ACYG-Joints and enabled geometry modifications/corrections
the aws_session-log file may grow in size significantly. Consequently, disk quota may
become exceeded and jobs cannot be submitted. The problem has now been resolved by
cleaning up the log-output.
Advanced Cylindrical Gear Joint: Root shape definition base on real gear incorrect
For the root bending stress calculation, if the root shape has been defined with reference
to the real gear (alternative to the default virtual spur gear), the 'Location (Y)'-value
exported to the solver was incorrect. On the solver side this was manifested by wrong
bending arm distances h_Fyn. The problem has now been solved.
Advanced Cylindrical Gear Joint: Unit of tangent angle results
For the result-group 'Stress Results' for tangent angle output which defines the inspected
sections of the root curve is output in unit (deg). This output is incorrect since it must be
in unit (rad). This issue has been corrected now.
ANCH body type as speed controller for run-up
When using a ANCH body type as speed controller for a run-up calculation, the depicted
reference time/angle did not start at the starting time/angle but with an offset.
Asperity calculation did not consider surface layer deformation.
Hydrodynamic joints of type AXHD/EHD2/EPIL/TEHD: asperity calculation did not
consider surface layer deformation. This has been corrected.
Automatic setting of Load Reference and Interpolation/Extrapolation Method
User defined Load Reference, Interpolation Method and Extrapolation Method are now
automatically modified according to Load Item settings. For example, if user defined Load
Item is modified from non-constant to constant, Load Reference will be set to NONE and
Interpolation/Extrapolation Methods will be empty. Reverse Load Item modification are
setting previous settings.
AVL Workspace GUI refresh extremely slow on some LINUX distributions
Some of the latest NVIDIA Linux drivers cause a very slow refresh of dialogs in AVL
Workspace GUI. The problems have been observed under Red Hat Enterprise Linux, but
it is possible that the problem is also visible in other Linux distributions. AVL Workspace
has been fixed now to avoid those problems.
AWS startup delay
Occasionally, AVL Workspace startup on Linux took several minutes. This problem was
caused by a discouraged usage of the FlexNet licensing API. The API is now used
properly and the occasional very long startup times cannot be observed anymore.



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

AXHD: oil supply

Oil Supply definition check for the AXHD joint has been removed.
AXHD: thrust body profile motion
Joints of type AXHD: when defining a profile on the thrust body surface, the profile did
not move correctly in circumferential direction with the thrust body during dynamic
simulation. This bug was fixed.
AXHD open flange: force integration
In AXHD open flange applications, it was possible that the FE-nodes were not correctly
sorted for the pressure-to-force integration. This led to forces which were applied on the
wrong nodes. The bug was fixed.
AXHD: angle definition for open flange and boundary conditions
For the AXHD flange definition, the angle direction for the open flange and the boundary
conditions should be dependent on the flange axis direction (given by "General->Flange
Geometry->Direction-Axis"), which was not the case up to now.
Note: resolving this bug leads in some cases to a compatibility problem. If non-symmetric
boundary conditions were used and the AXHD flange axis was given by a negative mainaxis direction (e.g.: (0, -1, 0)) then the angle definition of the boundary conditions (and
open flange) has to be adjusted.
AXHD: assignment of boundary conditions on the HD-grid
In some cases it could happen, due to an internal calculation bug, that boundary
conditions of AXHD joints were one HD-element too small/large. Especially for thin
boundary conditions this could lead to incorrect results. The bug was fixed.
AXHD: circumferential volume flow results are calculated in wrong coordiante
Circumferential oil flow rates were calculated in the coordiante of the hydrodynamic
mesh. The oil flow has to be mapped to the real coordiante. This bug is repaired.
AXHD: incorrect flange B.C. positioning if thrust body had an angular offset
If the thrust body had an anuglar offset ('Body->Initial conditions->Initial Position and
Orientation of Body Coordinate System') around the joint rotation axis, then this offset
was also applied (in opposite direction) on the boundary conditions of the flange body.
This bug is now fixed.
AXHD: crash at mean temperature mode
Joints of type AXHD using the "Mean Temperature" approach: the calculation crashed in
v2014. The bug was fixed.
AXHD: open flange boundary condition discontinuity
If an AXHD open flange was defined from 0 to xx degrees, it could happen that the
boundary condition was not continous at the 360/0 degree transition. Usually this had
only a minor influence on other results than the boundary condition data. The bug was
AXHD: options for parallel oil groove
In general the description for all oil groove boundary conditions at AXHD joint has been
updated. To explain the options - mirroring and through-going groove - for a parallel oil
groove, an appropriate figure has been added.



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

Body Load Items table

In the Load Data dialog, under tree node "Other: User defined", Load Items can be
assigned to a body in a table. After removing the last item in this table, the simulation
could not be started or would produce wrong results since the loads were not prepared
properly for the related body. The problem is solved now.
Case set diagrams will work properly with negative speeds
Since speed was set to negative values, the generation of case set reports failed. The issue
has been fixed and x-axis shows now proper negative speed values in appropriate
diagrams like e.g. for "Peak hold" and "peak firing pressure" results.
Case set report generation
Due to unification of log files all logging in Excite Res now uses excite_logfile module. The
obsolete function has been renamed accordingly.
CON6 reference rotation calculation
If using loads which depend on a CON6-reference body with a defined reference node, the
obtained angular reference was not continuous in some cases. As a result the applied
loads had a slight shift in phase, which caused sharp peaks. These influenced NVH
investigations in particular . The specific bug was fixed.
Condensation w/ OptiStruct: no mass information available in .exb file
Since OptiStruct v13.0, besides all property data for a flexible body, which are written to
an .exb file directly, also the mass properties like total mass, center of gravity and inertia
tensor are output, too. These values are helpful for model information and can be used for
defining a rigid body in EXCITE. Flexible bodies do not use these data at all. Note: as per
convention in OptiStruct the MASS MOMENTS OF INERTIA TABLE is output, the offdiagonal components have opposite signs compared to written inertia tensor in .exb file
Constant Load Items are now included in .L files
Constant Load Items are now included in .L files, if the "Use Previous Load Files (.L)"
option is used.
Co-simulation with more than 3 bodies
Co-simulation with MATLAB or EXCITE Timing Drive: when connecting more than 3
bodies, EXCITE Power Unit transferred the wrong position/velocity data to the other cosimulation program. In particular data of the 4th and all following bodies were wrong
populated. The bug has been fixed.
Create flow tensor report
The create flow tensor report crashed due to the big memory demand of the new Python
script. The Python script memory allocation is enhanced and the memory requirements
are not a problem anymore.
Create Model step wrongly counted
The number of warnings of the "Create model" step were always reported to be equal to
zero. The counting did not work properly. The bug was fixed.



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

Create Reports
A new task 'Create Reports' has been introduced to separate the report generation from
task 'Create Results'. In addition the report generation for single cases is internally split
from the case set report generation, which will be submitted at the end as a separate job
only after all case reports have been completed successfully. The Results Control settings
still control whether case or case set reports should be carried out. Finally it is possible
now also to perform a case set evaluation on selected cases and not automatically for all
cases defined in a case set. And progress is set to 100%, if the case and/or case set report
has been completed successfully.
Define Node Connection dialog shows initial node connection sequence
Node Connection Sequence shows node IDs when Define Node Connection dialog is
opened. In previous versions this information was not available.
DMFM: execution stops after reading in from simulation.asix-file
When using a DMFM joint with the torque generation unit 'Mean Torque' defined
dependent on engine speed, the solver stops right after reading in the joint data from the
simulation.asix file giving the following error-message:
ASIX: set DMFM%meanTorqueInterpolationType to linear interpolation FORTRAN
PAUSE PAUSE prompt> To continue from background, execute 'kill -15 <pid>'
This problem has been solved now.
EHD contacts: 2D result data storage
The missing quantity - heat flux - has been added at description of storage of 2D EHD
data in the Users Guide.
EHD joints: sliding speed in analysis report
For joints of type EHD2/TEHD the sliding speed in analysis report was wrong. The value
has been corrected by a factor of 1/2.
EHD2: shell reference cylinder definition
If the '0-deg shell angle' in the reference cylinder definition of an EHD2 joint was not
given by a normalized vector, then a wrong geometry setup was possible.
EHD2+T: 2D results for lubricant temperature
The problem was related to storing 2D data for a defined extra range with separate
increments incorrectly. The issue has been resolved in EXCITE kernel (CRQ 135268).
EHD2: transition velocity calculation for asperity contacts
If the 'Start transition velocity' (in the EHD2 - surface contact tab) was not equal to zero,
then in some cases the computed transition factor was incorrect. This bug has been
EHD2: friction force time step shift
A bug in the friction force extrapolation (if applied on bodies) implied a higher number of
required model loops. Hence EHD calculations which apply friction forces on bodies
should be faster now. This has no influence on the results of a calculation.



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

EHD2: increased accuracy of oil flow results

The 2D results for axial and circumferential oil flow as well as the flow over boundary
results are now evaluated with increased numerical accuracy. This strongly reduces the
inbalance between inflow and outflow at stationary operation. Hydrodynamic pressure
results are not affected by the changes.
EHD2: oil flow evaluation for bearings with non-cylindrical FE mesh corrected
The evaluation of oil flow over edges was incorrect for bearings with non-cylindircal FE
mesh. This led to wrong outflow results and resulted in a notable disrepancy between
inflow and outflow. The evaluation of flow over edges as well as outflow evaluation was
corrected. The sign convention was changed to that of the regular bearing. Positive sign
for flow over edge meaning flow into the bearing. Hence, positive outflow means that oil
is flowing into the bearing over its edges. Furthermore, slight modifications in the flow
evaluation for boundary conditions improve result accuracy. There is now influence on
pressure distribution or distributed flow results from these changes.
EHD2: orbital path angular offset corrected for unrecomended FE mesh configurations
For EHD2 joints with center-surface coupling and regular structure mesh on the shell
side the angular orientation of the orbital path was incorrect, if there were no shell nodes
on the upper side of the bearing (0-deg direction). This was corrected. Now, orbital path is
evaluated with respect to the 0-deg definition in the joint dialog for all configurations.
EHD2: removed bug for EXCITE FEA post processing
Some parts of the EHD2 joint direction information output, used by EXCITE FE Analysis,
was incorrect. This could have lead to wrong results in e.g. generating a shell membrane
in EXCITE FE Analysis task Linear Static Stress Analysis.
EHD2: shear term modification disregarded for 'Shear and Pressure Term Modification'
The shear term modification was disregarded when the option 'Shear and Pressure Term
Modification' in 'Consideration of Cell Inclination in HD Mesh' was selected. Instead, the
standard approach was used in the Reynolds Solver. With this release, modifications for
both terms are now considered which improves axial and circumferential flow results in
case of strong inclinations. Pressure results are only mildly affected.
EMC: correction of inductive load in genset application
The inductive load description was corrected in the electric network of the EMC-joint. In
case of genset applications for the electrically excited synchronous machine (EESM) the
inductance of the 'Load' element gave incorrect transient behavior and has been
EMC: EESM in genset configuration gave wrong results in unit system other than SI
The sensor for excitation and output voltage gave wrong values if the unit system was not
SI. This is now corrected, identic results are obtained regardless of the FEM-preferences.
EMC: evaluation of forces for machine models considering eccentricity
For permanent-magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) considering eccentricity the
circumferential part of the machine force was incorrect. This caused a small shift of the
dominant radial contribution. The evaluation of the circumferential force was corrected
and verified with a reference FE simulation.



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

EMC: FE based model for double-fed induction machine (DFIM)

Evaluation of the FE based model for the double-fed induction machine (DFIM) did not
work properly. An error message was issued in initialization phase. This issue was
resolved and results compared to a reference FE simulation, which showed very good
EMC: restriction on data size removed for FE based electric machine models
The restriction on the size of data from FE simulation of approx. 10000 sampling points
was removed. With this version the possible amount of sampling points is only restricted
by the hardware memory.
EMC: wrong behavior of the machine observer for the PMSM-torque controller
For permanent-magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) the machine observer of the
torque controller was wrong in EXCITE Power Unit v2014 and v2014.0.1. The voltage
request was strongly overestimated which resulted in an offset of the delivered torque to
the torque demand in case of acceleration and deceleration. This problem has been fixed.
The torque controller now follows the command much more precisely.
ENHD: enhanced stability
For joints of type ENHD in some rare cases sudden sharp force peaks occurred, which
resulted in instable convergence behaviour. The force peaks were caused by a bug, which
appeared at very low journal eccentricities with respect to the shell center. The bug was
Error message on externally loaded nodes added
EXCITE v2014 did not deliver an error message if a load was applied to a node, which
was not part of the model. This was corrected.
EHD contacts: error message text enhanced
Hydrodynamic joints of type AXHD, EHD2, EPIL, TEHD: the error message outlining
inconsistent initial positions of connected body nodes with respect to the calculation grid
was enhanced. The enhancement should direct the user more directly to the critical part
of the model.
Utility - Data Recovery: modal contribution factors calculation fails
A side effect in resolving another bug in utility program 'exciteRecover' caused a failure
in calculation of the modal contribution factors in v2014.0. The issue has been fixed.
Utility - Data Recovery: modal stress recovery for node sets fails
Due to side effects of resolving some enhancements the modal stress recovery for node
sets failed. The issue has been resolved.
FE Analysis - Linear Static Stress Analysis: input file for submodel
File '<jobname>.ls' containing the load step information from the global model analysis
has been wrongly deleted during the initialization cleanup. The appropriate file has now
been excluded from the deletion list.
FEA task Thermal Load Analysis - Add Temperature B.C. on FE Surfaces
When using the FEA task Thermal Load Analysis to create thermal B.C., under "Add
Temperature B.C. on FE Surfaces", the temperature was interpreted in K but Abaqus
Thermal Analysis requires deg Celsius as input. This has been corrected now.



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

FEA task Thermal Load Analysis

When using the FEA task Thermal Load Analysis to create thermal BC, there is an
option to use data directly from file under "Add Temperature BC Include File". After
clicking on the Add button there is an option Select, but it did not open file selection
dialog. The problem is solved now.
Flow factor calculations crahses when HD Grids Nx is less than Ny
Flow factor calculations crahses if the number of HD Grids in x-direction is less than the
number in y-direction. The bug is repaired.
Flowmaster bearing maps not generated in batch process
The utility did not handle the information of bearing dimensions for more than one
bearing properly. Instead of using file 'bearingDimensions.dat' the information is now
handed over via the parameter list at calling the utility script.
Flywheel whirl pre-processing script
Due to restructuring the standard report functions and modules, the pre-processing script
for flywheel whirl evaluation failed. The Python script has been updated and works again
Flywheel whirl pre-processing script
The evaluation failed on Windows when the path names exceeded a certain length. The
pre-processing script has been updated to also work with such long file and directory
FTAB: model creation fails if 3 DOFs are considered at once
When 3 DOFs are considered at once in the FTAB joint, the internal joint name becomes
too long for the calculation kernel (example: 3@abc00) . The naming scheme has been
slightly improved now to better handle the situation when 3 DOFs are considered at once.
Note: it still can happen that the internal name gets too long, for example if the index of
the joint gets into two or three digit area.
FTAB: correct units displayed on Y axis for moments
The units of the torque results were read as N.m instead of from the files which
lead to wrong axis scaling. This has been corrected and now proper units are shown.
GEAR: inconsistent initial angular velocities
With some models using a GEAR-joint, the simulation terminated with the error message
5020004 right after the initialization phase. This was caused by an incorrect computation
of teeth number ratio and distance to contact point ratio used for the indicated
check/error. The problem has now been resolved.
GEAR: 'Mesh' results not available
Due to a problem with the binary database result channel storage no 'Mesh' results are
extracted and shown in IMPRESS Chart. The problem has been solved now.
GUID: reference body for joint axis
In some cases GUID joint axis was not valid because the reference body for joint axis was
not selected. After explicitly setting this in GUI, the problem disappears.
Hydrodynamics result data storage control
Joints of type AXHD/EHD2/EPIL/TEHD: a bug in the hydrodynamics result data storage



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

control was fixed. When referring to model.exc, in particular all definitions of kind JOINT
OUT2 ... did not work in v2013 versions as well as in v2014.0.
Import Thermal Deviation & Temperature Profile
If there was any error when using the "Import Thermal Deviation & Temperature
Profile" feature, the error messages were wrong. The correct messages are now shown.
IMPRESS 3D: face selections in EXB files
In some cases, IMPRESS 3D failed to read body result data reliably when face selections
were stored in EXB files. IMPRESS 3D data checks have been extended regarding face
selection data and prevents loading of data if invalid.
Inconsistency between scalar results and EHD 2D results
When setting results storage increment less than 1 deg, EHD bearing scalar results are
available for e.g. every 0.5 deg, but 2D results are available only for every 1 deg. It was
not possible to plot EHD 2D results for increment below 1 degree. This has been
Increase accuracy of outflow calculation for upper/lower shell applications
Joints of type EHD2/TEHD: when using upper/lower shell separately, the summed
outflow of the two edge parts did not exactly match the outflow of the complete edge. In
some cases differences of approximately 1% were seen. This was fixed by integrating both
result data quantities by applying the same method, which is trapezoidal rule.
Information message for initial rotation of crank train system
The information message for initial rotation of crank train system has been corrected in
the Users Guide.
Initial condition input remain disabled when unselecting calculation from Crank Train
Globals (CTG)
The initial conditions (position and orientation) input fields are disabled when the initial
condition calculation from cranktrain is activated. When the CTG based calculation is
deactivated again the intital condition inputs remained disabled. This has been fixed
Internal Forces at Node available for Results
Internal Forces at Node check-box is enabled in Results for Selected Node depending on
the existence of element dictionary and element stiffness matrices in the referenced body
property file (exb).
Interpolated, Constant Load Items
If an interpolated Load Item was defined as "constant" it has been omitted from the
calculation. The problem is solved now.
LCV loads wrong after switching to new load definition file
With the new load definition in the file "simulation.asix", LCV loads were not considered
properly. The following improvements are made:
1. Interpolation type input in simulation.asix for the LCV loads is corrected. It could be
linear or cubic, according to selection in Simulation Control|Advanced|Load
Interpolation within the Kernel.
2. LCV load specification according time or angle is corrected. Selection is in Simulation
Control|Reference Body|[ ] Angle-Based Simulation Timing.



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

Liner results for EPIL joint

All EPIL 2D joint results related to liner including averaged results like heat flux are
now represented consistently over the entire liner height.
Load Item 'Acceleration (Translation)'
Load Item of type 'Acceleration (Translation)' is removed from GUI, since it is not yet
fully supported.
Load Reference selection for the Load Items
Available load references and extrapolation modes are now adjusted to fit to the type and
characteristics of the defined load table. If a wrong or unsupported load reference has
been specified in an existing EXCITE model (saved with previous excite versions), the
load specification is automatically corrected after the model is loaded.
Loading Driveline joints from command line
There was a problem when starting aws and loading EXCITE Power Unit models directly
from the command line, if that model file name was specified as a relative path.
Specifically, the models containing Torque Converter, Dual Mass Flywheel or Clutch
Joint were affected. Loading the same model using File->Open was working properly.
Also loading the model from the command line was possible if an absolute file path was
provided as an argument. This problem has been fixed now.
When using a MATLAB joint in combination with the EPCL/DMFM joint a solver
internal error message "PINFO2: Internal error due to jType" was issued. This bug was
Memory leak at GIDAS file handling module
Memory leaks at the GIDAS file handling module have been fixed. This should avoid
Python crashes especially when requesting huge amount of result data like e.g. run-up
Micro-Contact Analysis report generation fails on Windows
When processing large amounts of data, Micro-Contact Analysis report generation may
fail on Windows platforms. Appropriate issues related to report generation with large
amount of data in Micro-Contact Analysis have been resolved.
Microslide Analysis: wrong flow factors calculated
In v2014 the Miocroslide analysis did not calculate the Patir & Chen flow characteristis
correctly. The mean square root roughness / orientation was not stored in the right way
therefore the values were missing later, which leads to zero values for the flow and stress
factors. This problem is solved.
MSC Nastran interface: ASET dofs will be removed from USET list
For a partial recovery matrix an USET1 entry is used to define the subset of omitted
degrees-of-freedom. Since the list also contains already defined dofs from the ASET, MSC
Nastran will remove the appropriate dof internally but only when using LANCZOS as
eigenvalue solver and not for ACMS domain solver. To overcome the problem, EXCITE
FEA now eliminates the appropriate ASET dofs from USET list before writing to the
condensation input file.
MSC Nastran interface: no mass information available using option 'mode=i8'



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

When running MSC Nastran 64-bit code using command line option 'mode=i8', the body
mass properties are not available in the body property file. All DMAP files have been
updated accordingly to get proper mass information in the bpdy property file (exb).
Non-constant Load Item table
If Load Item is non-constant, the definition table must contain at least two rows. If the
table has only one row, Load Item is undefined and is not considered during simulation.
Non-interpolated CONSTANT Load Items
Constant Load Items were not displayed when the "View All" button was selected for the
Load Items table. The problem is corrected now.
AXHD: oil in/out flow are to be caclulated in the real coordinates
Oil in/out flow were calculated with respect to the joint coordinate system (HD grid)
coordinates. A coordinate transformation was missing, which has been added now.
Oil Properties Database: application crash on "View in Impress Chart" with dummy input
If some dummy values are entered for oil properties, the application would crash after
using "View in Impress Chart" function.
AXHD: oil side leakage results is restructured
A bug in calculating the oil flow of axial thrust bearing at inner and outer raduis was
Orbital path evaluation
The description as well as figure and formulas for the orbital path evaluation have been
Order legend will no longer have any unit listed in case set reports
Generally case set results as order cuts like e.g flywheel motion got now a clean legend
description without any unit.
OSL: angle based calculation
When an oil supply line was used in combination with an angle based simulation, some
quantity updates were weighted with the angle step size instead of the time step size,
which in turn led to wrong results.
Piston skirt profile generation from FE thermal analysis
As a piston skirt usually has a large no-contact area, any FFT filtering did not work
properly and delivered strange thermal deviation profiles. This is resolved now by
applying averaged values in the no-contact area and using a surface smoothing algorithm
in contact areas to smoothen the profile data. Both features can be controlled via GUI.
Predefined motion for a body
If a predefined motion was used for a body and at the same time the initial conditions
were defined with empty input fields, the models would not run, even if the initial
conditions should actually be ignored. The problem has been fixed now.
Result organization in IMPRESS Chart corrected for EMC joint
In the result tree of IMPRESS Chart the electric component results were not organized
properly. Results of all electric components connected to one electric machine (EMC joint)



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

were grouped in one common sub-folder of the electric machine. Now results are arranged
in sub-folders for each electric component, hence making accessibility and recognition of
results easier. This corresponds to the arrangement used in versions v2013.x.
Results: wrong unit group for peak thermal load
For EHD result quantity 'Peak Thermal Load' the unit group has been changed from
power to thermal load.
SCIM Squirrel Cage Induction Machine
When 'Electric Machine Type' is 'Squirrel Cage Induction Machine' and 'Help' is selected,
an error message saying "Undefined Help Item" appears. The issue has been resolved.
Speed controller
Models without any applied external loads but with enabled speed controller (for instance
for a run-up ramp): in such cases the controller did not influence the controller body. So
no control happened. The bug was fixed.
Standard Reports (Case Set) - correct unit for torsional vibrations
Units for torsional vibration results in case set reports are now set properly to radians.
Standard Reports (Case Set): legend labels corrected for torsional vibrations
Legend has been corrected for torsional vibration results in case set reports and show
now correct bodyname/node combination for each graph.
Standard Reports: oil outflow results
Due to enhancements of oil inflow and outflow results in v2014 the Gidas file and
Channel names were changed but were not assigned to the standard report evaluation
properly. Standard report Python scripts have been updated accordingly.
Tools - Extract Case Set Results fails
The Extract Case Set Results tool failed because some imported Python modules were not
found. The modules are now available at the right location and tool works again properly.
Utilitiy - Data Recovery: Magnitude/Phase Punch output
When writing recovered results to a Nastran Punch file in frequency domain for
magnitude/phase values, the phase values have been written in degrees instead of
radians. Now the proper unit for phase values is written to the Punch file.
Utility - Data Recovery: format of external recovery matrix
In some cases when the Utility Data Recovery uses an external recovery, the matrix may
stop without an obvious error. The problem may be caused by a Python error at
recognition of the format of the external transformation matrix. The issue has been fixed.
Utility - Data Recovery: models with huge external recovery matrix
The problem was related to checking the format - ASCII or binary - of the recovery matrix
in Python script for utility Data Recovery. Unfortunately Python started to read the
entire matrix and caused a memory overflow. A new proper working function for file
format checking has been implemented to overcome the problem.
Utility - Modal Strain Recovery: principal strain data do not match
Comparing principal strain results from modal data recovery to either linear stress
perturbation steps or measurements offer too high deviations. The problem has been



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

fixed by correcting the shear components in evaluation formula, which have to be divided
by 2 for principal strains.
Utility - Prepare Section Forces fails to start
The utility 'Prepare Section Forces' fails to start due to an installation issue. Three
specific Python files are added in a common Python library path.
Utility - Prepare Section Forces: given pin & journal nodes not sorted properly
So far the given nodes for journal and pin center are sorted by labels. This caused a
wrong assembly of the element dictionary table as well as wrong calculation of the
element stiffness matrices, since node labels are not modeled in ascending order. Now the
sorting is based on nodal coordinates in crankshaft axis direction and delivers proper
element dictionary table and element stiffness matrices.
Visualization of the Load Item curves
If the defined range for some load curve is less than the visualized range, missing values
should be extrapolated according to "Extrapolation mode" specified in the load
Wear analysis failed for models using length units in meter
When using model units in N-m-s the wear evaluation failed. The issue has been fixed.
Wind Turbine Solution Pack
Unnecessary warning messages for the Wind Turbine Solution Pack have been removed.
Wrong unit group is set in Case Standard Reports for motion amplitudes for
Standard case reports show a wrong unit group, namely Ratio (-), for requested Motion
Amplitude results for the quantities Force and Moment. The reports will show now
correct units.

1.1.4. Installation Examples


EXCITE Power Unit: General Model


Purpose of this model is to understand in

general the Excite workflow with simple and
understandable bodies and joint for the
simulation and result evaluation


Example based on General Example1 with

duplicated bodies and joints.


Example based on General Example2 with

different shaft and joint definitions.


Example based on General Example3 with

extended body and joint definitions


EXCITE Power Unit: Simple 1 cylinder



Common EXCITE model setup and basic

presentation Nonlinear joints, 3D structure
based on Abaqus matrices


Example based on Abaqus matrices,

advanced bearing joint investigation with



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

enhanced hydrodynamic properties.


Example in which increasing speed range is

defined (speed is increasing over time interval)
Abaqus matrices.


Simple example with Abaqus matrices for

Block body. Crankshaft body is built with Shaft


Simple 1 cylinder engine in EXCITE Designer

mode. Torsional vibrations are analyzed.
Crankshaft model defined with Shaft Modeler.


Excite Co-simulation with MATLAB/Simulink.

Clutch analysis.


Excite model based on MSC.Nastran matrices.



Crankshaft Dynamics, Shaft Modeler

Crankshaft body, enhanced hydrodynamics
main bearing definition, single speed definition.
Block based on Abaqus matrices


Crankshaft Dynamics, Crankshaft Finite

Element Model with Nastran input files. ENHD
main bearing definition, single Speed definition.


Crankshaft Dynamics, Volumetric Crankshaft

body and block based on Abaqus input files,
ENHD main bearing definition and for single


Based on Nastran files, external loads from

EXCITE Piston&Rings and EXCITE Timing
Drive. Crankshaft body is built up with Shaft
Used for NVH analysis.


Power Unit Data Recovery with Abaqus files.

External loads from EXCITE Piston&Rings. Cosimulation with EXCITE Timing Drive.


Crankshaft Dynamics with Nastran Finite

Element body definition. Detailed EHD main
bearing definition.


Crankshaft Dynamics with Abaqus Finite

Element body definition. Crankshaft body is
built up with Shaft Modeler. Detailed EHD main
bearing definition.

_AXHD and


EXCITE Power Unit: 4 Cylinder Engine

Detailed axial bearing analysis. Axial

Hydrodynamic (AXHD) joints are included.

This model is based on

I4_demo_PU_FEM_abq_nonl_sweep example.
Only external loads from EXCITE
Piston&Rings are used. Friction settings and


Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

results are available.


In general Nastran matrices are used for input.

Crankshaft body is built as a combination of
volumetric and structured FE models.


This model is for engine mount joint analysis,

co-simulated with MATLAB/Simulink program.
It is based on
example. Engine Mounts are frequency



Co-simulation Models with Timing Drive

Main Bearing Wall Analysis


Detailed bearing analysis, Strength evaluation,

Abaqus matrices, with detailed thermal BC


Detailed bearing analysis, Strength evaluation,

Nastran matrices

MainBearing _EHD_ans

Detailed bearing analysis, Strength evaluation,

Ansys matrices


Conrod Analysis


Detailed bearing analysis, safety evaluation


Modal Stress Recovery with load history files



Detailed Piston Calculation

Piston/Liner analysis using EPIL joints for
Abaqus, Nastran and Ansys matrices
Detailed Piston pin Calculation
Piston/Liner analysis using EPIL joints for
Abaqus matrices with floating pin definition
Engine mount definition
Engine Mount joint definition
EXCITE Power Unit: 4 Cylinder Engine +
Manual Transmission


Transmission Manual model for NVH

evaluation (gear noise)


Transmission Manual model for Engine Mount





EXCITE Power Unit: 4 Cylinder Engine +

automatic Transmission
Transmission Manual model for NVH
evaluation (gear noise)
User Defined Joint


EXCITE v2014.1


Release Notes

Short EXCITE example with Fortran code

EXCITE Post Processing
Basic information about Python
Inline engine in concept phase


Simplified engine geometry in concept phase


Simplified engine geometry with increasing

speed over the time.


V-type engine in concept phase


Simplified V6 engine in designer mode


V6 engine using main bearing node-node

connection in enhanced hydrodynamic joints


Favorites Designer options described


Templates / Hints on how to solve realistic

problems with EXCITE program


Ship Engine Model

1.2. EXCITE Designer

1.2.1. New Features Mount Layout Tool: Damped Modal Analysis
In addition to classical (undamped) modal analysis, one can perform now damped modal
analysis of mounts supporting rigid engine/power unit. This is available as a separate

Both viscous and visco-elastic (material) damping types are taken into account this
enables to analyze viscous and rubber mounts.
In addition to the existing results, the following new ones are generated:
1. Decay rates and corresponding traces (magnitude vs. time), showing the vibration
relaxation behavior of the system with damping:



Release Notes


EXCITE v2014.1


EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

2. Mode shapes in 2D, available both in results shown in GUI and in the IMPRESS
Chart report:
for displacements (normalized unit-less motion magnitudes, as well as
for kinetic energy rates (in %).

3. Point trajectories are now shown during mode animation, giving a better
impression of 3D motion (in case of viscous damping the trajectories become
closed-loop curves).



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1 Mount Layout Tool: Other GUI Viewer Enhancements

Default 3D perspective view (from top-front-left direction) of the vehicle;

Engine part and mount labels:

Exploded view:

Different vehicle chassis (parametrizable):



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes Torsion: Equivalent Speed Dependent Stiffness of Viscous

Damper (for use in EXCITE Power Unit)
If the element stiffness is frequency dependent (the usual definition of viscous damper),
then it can be re-calculated using the Torsion task of EXCITE Designer into an
equivalent speed dependent stiffness. The transformation is based on equivalence of
kinetic energy.

This additional result can then be used in EXCITE Power Unit to model the same
element with equivalent speed dependent characteristics (together with already existing
result of equivalent speed dependent viscous damping).



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

1.2.2. Enhancements
Mount Layout: improvements
1. Pull-down lists for copying power unit components and mounts are now empty by
default. When nothing is chosen the copy button will skip the process.
2. The speed table for selecting simulation speeds has been moved to the simulation
3. The "Show report/results" button has been moved to the results section.
Mount Layout: increased maximum number of mounts and power unit components
Maximum number of mounts and power unit components is increased to 20.

1.2.3. Resolved Issues

MBLoad: too tight a tolerance for checking the crank pin position
In MBLoad, there was an unreasonably high accuracy threshold set for checking the
consistency of the crank pin position. Tolerance is now changed to 1% of crank radius.
Mount Layout Tool: no coordinate transformation for constant torque and dynamic loads
The vector of constant torque (engine torque) and the variable components of dynamic
load (coming from Unbalance) are specified per definition in power unit (relative)
coordinate system. These had to be transformed into vehicle (absolute) coordinate system
before using them for solution. Fixed with v2014.0.1.
Mount Layout Tool: percentage of kinetic energy in modes not exact
In modal analysis results, the calculation of percentage of kinetic energy in modes
assumed up to now a diagonal tensor of inertia, and therefore could not be exact (i.e. the
sum of percentages for different motion components within a mode could differ from
100%, and in some cases, the percentages could even become negative). This has been
modified now to take tensor of inertia of general type into account, too.
Standard Report: irrelevant or misleading messages in log
EXCITE Designer tried to generate a standard report for the tasks which did not run (i.e.
were not selected), instead of skipping them. As a result, multiple irrelevant or
misleading warning and error messages were generated.
Standard Report (Torsion): names of Elements/Nodes missing in report for Torsional
Names of Elements/Nodes are written to the legend in the Torsional Analysis report
Standard Report (Torsion): generation fails for systems with frequency-dependent
In v2014, Torsion report generation failed for systems with frequency-dependent stiffness
(this worked with v2013.X).
Standard Report (Torsion): shear stress synthesis curve missing
In v2014, shear stress synthesis curves were missing in the Torsion report, which were
present in v2013.2.



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

1.2.4. Installation Examples


Bearing Analysis, Torsional Vibration Analysis, Strength



Advanced material definition (Haigh)


Gough Pollard Method


Calculation from Main bearing loads









4 Cylinder Engine Analysis in EXCITE Designer

4 Cylinder Engine Analysis in EXCITE Designer

Branched system up to wheels added to the model.

4 Cylinder Engine Analysis in EXCITE Designer

Additional camshaft bodies and timing belt are
Shaft Modeler Example
Basic options in Shaft Modeler are presented.
Structural properties of webs and disks calculated
externally using volumetric FE Model
(Patran/Nastran/Scripts); AutoSHAFT not used.
AutoSHAFT analysis in combination with Shaft
Crankshaft Geometry based on 3D CAD model (STL
format). Structural properties of webs and disks are
calculated with AutoSHAFT.
5 Cylinder engine AutoSHAFT analysis
Structural properties of a single web calculated with
AutoSHAFT; results copied to other similar webs.
V6 type crankshaft in Shaft Modeler
A Vengine crankshaft with split pin for Shaft Modeler/


Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

1.3. EXCITE Piston&Rings

1.3.1. 3D Piston Ring Basic Description
In the 3D Piston Ring Dynamics Module, the 3rd dimension, which is the circumferential
direction, is added to the piston ring analysis domain. The ring is discretized into a
certain number of 3D beam elements in circumferential direction. Each element has 2
nodes and the displacement at each node has 6 degrees of freedom (DOF).

Figure 1-1: 3D Beam Element

This results in a 12x12 stiffness matrix for each element and a 6x6 mass matrix for each
node. The stiffness and mass matrices as well as the element force vector are then
assembled, and the resulting system of equations is solved iteratively.
There are two approaches to generate the stiffness and mass matrices, as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 1-2: 3D Ring Body Modeling Workflow



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

The main approach is to use the integrated 3D Ring Modeler, which is described in the
section The geometrical input data required for 3D ring modeling is the same
which is used for 2D ring modeling: cross section, bore and gap. Additionally, one has to
specify Poissons ratio in material data of the ring.
The 3D model of ring body can be generated for any type of cross section specified by its
contour (the same geometrical data specification as for 2D modeling). The number of
nodes (mass points) on the ring is specified by the user.
An alternative approach is to use any of the EXCITE supported Finite Element Packages
to generate these matrices of the 3D-beam element and save them in the exb-file format.
The following figure shows how to activate 3D ring modeling.

Figure 1-3: Ring Simulation Control Activating 3D Ring-Pack Modeling Approaches

All the ring forces used in the 2D modeling are applied at each node (ring mass point) as
it is shown in the following figure.

Figure 1-4: Ring Forces

The hydrodynamic and asperity contacts are evaluated at each ring segment.



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1 3D Ring Modeler

The 3D model of piston ring body is generated based on the same principles as structured
models of crankshafts and plain shafts (NOD6 type bodies in EXCITE Power Unit) using
EXCITE Shaft Modeler. Such a model contains lumped masses connected by elastic
The ring is discretized into equal lumps with the nodes placed in the centers of respective
segments. The connecting elastic elements are approximated by solid bars.
When running the Ring Dynamics task with the 3D Ring Model option, the 3D model of
the ring body (stiffness & mass matrices, element connectivity, coordinate system, etc.)
can be viewed using EXB-Explorer. The EXB-Explorer can be started from the Tools bar
menu in Excite Piston&Ring GUI.

Figure 1-5: Assembled 3D Ring Body Model in EXB-Explorer

The 3D model of the ring body (nodes and connecting elements) can be visualized and its
natural modes can be animated using AWS PP3 by loading the respective .mod files.
Besides that, an .xml file for each ring contains the list of natural frequencies and the
identification of modes based on share of kinetic energy components.

Figure 1-6: 3D Ring Body Model in AWS PP3: visualization (left) and
animation of normal modes (right)



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

Additionally, the 3D surface of the ring can be viewed by loading the respective .stl files
into IMPRESS 3D.

Figure 1-7: 3D Ring Body surface visualization in AWS Impress 3D 3D Piston Ring Simulation

All the results data generated by the 2D Ring Dynamics Module are available also for the
3D Ring Module. Additionally the following files are created for each ring.


Binary file contains the scalar results of the top flank


Binary file contains the scalar results of the bottom flank


Binary file contains the scalar results of the ring running


Binary file contains the top flank 2D results


Binary file contains the bottom flank 2D results


Binary file contains the 2D results of the ring running face Result files used by IMPRESS Chart

These files are saved in a binary format equivalent to the format used with EXCITE
Power Unit. When submitting Simulation -> Create results the results are converted into
GIDAS format and can be visualized using IMPRESS Chart.
The following list of new ring dynamics variables is available in the results tree.
Scalar Results

Ring Top/Bottom Flanks


Ring Running Face



Peak Total Pressure

Angular Position of Peak Total Pressure
Radial Position of Peak Total Pressure
Peak Oil Film Pressure
Angular Position of Peak Oil Film Pressure
Radial Pos. of Peak Oil Film Pressure
Peak Asperity Pressure
Angular Position of Asperity Pressure
Radial Position of Asperity Pressure

Peak Total Pressure

Angular Position of Peak Total Pressure
Axial Position of Peak Total Pressure


Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1


Peak Oil Film Pressure

Angular Position of Peak Oil Film Pressure
Axial Pos. of Peak Oil Film Pressure
Peak Asperity Pressure
Angular Position of Peak Asperity Pressure
Axial Pos. of Peak Asperity Pressure
Asperity Friction Power Losses
Hydrodynamic Power Losses
Total Power losses
Minimum Oil Film Thickness
Angular Position of Minimum Oil Film Thickness
Axial Pos. of Minimum Oil Film Thickness-Running Face
Gas flow along the land in the circumferential direction
Gas flow along the groove behind the ring in the circumferential direction

2D Results

Ring Top/Bottom Flanks


Total Pressure
Hydrodynamic Pressure
Asperity Contact Pressure
Clearance Height
Total Shear Stress
Hydrodynamic Shear Stress
Asperity Contact Shear Stress
Asperity Contact Ratio

Ring Running Face


Total Pressure
Hydrodynamic Pressure
Asperity Contact Pressure
Total Shear Stress
Hydrodynamic Shear Stress
Asperity Contact Shear Stress
Clearance Height
Asperity Contact Ratio
Oil Film Thickness
Fill Ratio Result files used by IMPRESS (3D Animation)

The following files are created by the 3D Ring Dynamics Module for each ring and can be
used directly by IMPRESS 3D.

<Ring Name>.SD1

Binary file contains the ring/body variables


Binary File contains the top flank 2D results


Binary File contains the Bottom flank 2D results


Binary File contains the running face 2D results

The following variables are available for 3D animation:

Ring Top/Bottom Flank



Total Pressure
Hydrodynamic Pressure


EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes


Ring Running Face


Asperity Contact Pressure

Clearance Height
Total Shear Stress
Hydrodynamic Shear Stress
Asperity Contact Shear Stress
Asperity Contact Ratio

Total Pressure
Hydrodynamic Pressure
Asperity Contact Pressure
Total Shear Stress
Hydrodynamic Shear Stress
Asperity Contact Shear Stress
Clearance Height
Asperity Contact Ratio
Oil Film Thickness

Body Variables

Translational Acceleration
Angular Acceleration
Translational Velocity
Angular Velocity
Inertia Force

The following figure is an example of an animation of total pressure magnified at running

faces & colored at bottom/top flanks (different scaling top ring 2nd/3rd ring).

Figure 1-8: Ring State Variables Animation in 3D



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

1.3.2. Enhancements
3D Ring gas pressure channels
Added new 3D Ring gas pressure channels
Friction model
A new friction model is implemented. The manuals are updated accordingly.
Problems occur if the number of contact points on piston exeeds 250
In previous version, problems occur if the number of contact points on the piston surface
exeeds 250. The data field depending on the number of contact points is restructured and
its required memory is allocated dynamically.
Ring Force results
Ring Force results are now provided also for models with more than five piston rings.

1.3.3. Resolved Issues

3D Ring Body Animation
The problem in 3D Ring Body Animation occurred due to the difference between elments
internal and external numbering.
Body coordiante system
In ring animation, the body coordiante system does not match the hydrodynamics
coordinate system. This bug is repaired.
Checking out the license for Ring Dynamics
The problem of checking out the license for Ring Dynamics is resolved.
Different volumes for Land 1 for TS & ATS w/o considering piston secondary motion
A bug in calculating the contribution of liner ovality to the land volume in v2013.2 has
been repaired.
Duty factor does not match the friction coefficient calculated by stribeck cell-based
Duty factor does not match the friction coefficient calculated by stribeck cell-based. The
duty factor saved in PSTdutyParam.GID is based on the whole piston characteristic
length. This is modified and the duty parameter now is based on the cell characteristic
Error occur if no of points on ring groove bottom side is different from that on the top side
In v2014.0 the solver crashes if the number of points on the ring groove bottom side is
different from that on the top side. The bug is repaired.
Incorrect ring fluttering in ring performance report
Bugs in evaluating ring fluttering and ring bad seal were repaired.
Joint Results are not saved, if reading ring geometry from external exb-file is enabled



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

Joint Results are not saved under WORK@ directory if reading ring geometry from
external file is enabled. This is caused by bug in file handling.
Kinetic energy of the piston
In the previous versions, the contribution of inertia of the pin was not added to the piston
inertia when the pin mass was assigned to piston mass. This bug is repaired.
Results Tree Correction
In the results tree under Results Data-Ring Dynamics -> Ring Flank Contact -> Contact
at Ring Bottom/Top Flank, the Variable "Side Clearance at Back Edge" @ TS &ATS have
been corrected.
Ring and Groove Geometry
The units were wrong for Ring and Groove Geometry in the output file "ringSIMU.out.
The units of the simulation summary is corrected.
Ring End Gap Position Mismatch between FE Mesh and HD Mesh
Ring end gap position mismatch between FE mesh and HD mesh is repaired. This bug
was in 3D animation only. The FE & HD numbering start at the end gap in counter clock
wise direction. The zero angle /anti-thrust side starts at y-axis.
Task Measurement Evaluation
When certain models from older versions of AVL EXCITE Piston and Rings (for example
v2010.1) were loaded the simulation would not run properly for the task "Measurement
Evaluation" since the system would complain about missing oil definition. This problem
has been fixed now.
The "angular postion of MOFT" is saved in the channel of "Axial Position of MOFT" and
vice versa
The "angular postion of MOFT" is saved in the channel of "Axial Position of MOFT" and
vice versa. The bug is repaired.

1.3.4. Installation Examples







EXCITE Piston&Rings: 6 cylinder diesel engine

Common EXCITE P&R model setup and basic
presentation for single cylinder with bore 128 mm.
Enabled tasks: Piston Slap, Ring Dynamics and Oil
EXCITE Piston&Rings: gasoline 4-stroke engine
Common EXCITE P&R model setup and basic
presentation for single cylinder with bore 76 mm.
Enabled tasks: Piston Slap, Ring Dynamics and Oil
EXCITE Piston&Rings: 1.9 L diesel engine
Common EXCITE P&R model setup and basic
presentation for single cylinder with bore 80 mm
compatible to EXCITE PU installation example.
Enabled tasks: Piston Slap, Ring Dynamics and Oil


Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1


1.4. EXCITE Timing Drive

1.4.1. Enhancements
CLUB-Element: Extended tribological evaluations
On request the CLUB-element now performs additional tribological evaluations and
provides results such as
* Asperity and EHD-contact load
* Boundary and viscous friction force
* Effective friction coefficient
* Wear load and specific thermal load
* Archard debris volume
Termination of simulation by EXCITE.STOP file in case/working-directory
A new functionality has been implemented which regulary terminates a simulation run,
as soon as a file named EXCITE.STOP is present in the case/working directory. Binary
database is closed and restart-files are written, which enables the user to post-process the
results until the time instance of the termination. This feature is of particular interest for
runs which are not under the control of JMS (e.g. by utilizing an alternative queuingsystem or manual start). On Linux-systems the file can be generated via the shell
command 'touch EXCITE.STOP'.
Note: since the EXCITE TD kernel has no information about the location/path of the
case/working directory, the feature works only when the kernel executable (excite_td.exe)
has been started directly in the working directory. Otherwise, EXCITE.STOP need to be
placed at the location where the EXCITE TD executable has been started.

1.4.2. Resolved Issues

3D-Viewer: UD result scripts - NT Belt Slippage
The UD result script NT Belt Slippage failed for flat belts.
Cam Design: extended finger follower evaluations do not contain results for first part of
opening phase
In some cases results output and visualization for extended finger follower cases started
at the beginning of the deceleration phase. The output is now available for the entire lift
Cam Design: numerical peaks in acceleration curve derived from follower or grinding
wheel lift
When externally deriving the follower acceleration from follower or grinding wheel lift,
the generated acceleration curves have shown peaks depending on the step width used in
Cam Design. The peaks could not be seen in the acceleration curves delivered from Cam
Design directly. This problem is mitigated by several changes in the internal calculation
procedure and in the used accuracy limits.
CLUB-Element: extended Cam-Follower Tribology Default value for Hardness (H)
The default values in 'Wear Model Properties (Archard)' | 'Hardness of Worn Material'
are updated to be more convenient. The data check is updated accordingly.



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

FIFO/FIFH-elements connecting to a CLUB-element

When connecting two finger follower elements (FIFO or FIFH) to a single CLUB-element
(with the background to drive two finger followers by one cam) the contact force in the
corresponding CDAT-element only contains the contribution of one FIFO/FIFH-element.
This problem has been solved. However the following restrictions exist when two
FIFO/FIFH-elements are following a CDAT-CLUB configuration:
* Both of the driven finger followers must have the same lever geometry at cam and valve
side. An internal error will be issued if this is not the case.
* The support deflection of both levers must not differ significantly.
Toothed belt macro - unloaded belt shape circular
In the toothed belt macro the definition of the unloaded belt shape circular did not work
correctly. The problem is fixed now.
UD results: automatic generated chain/belt results fail for reduced binary file output.
The scripts "Chain/Belt results automatic" and "NT Belt results automatic" failed if the
option to reduce the output into binary files using command ##o(XX##o) was used in the
2nd remark.
Valve train specific User Defined results in Valve Train Templates
User defined result scripts for Contact Loss Angle Cam-Follower, Timing Values, Valve
Jump, and Valve Closing were are now available also for the Valve Train Templates.

1.4.3. Installation Examples

301_Cam Design


Example based on flat tappet layout of a single

valve train
EXCITE Timing Drive: Single Valve Train


Single valve train example based on flat tappet

layout, intake valve train


Single valve train example based on finger

follower layout (rocker directly actuated by the
cam), exhaust valve train, applied cylinder


EXCITE Timing Drive: Shafts


Modeling of shafts using Shaft Modeler, 3 cylinder



Modeling of shafts using single Shaft elements, 3

cylinder camshaft




EXCITE Timing Drive: Cam Design

EXCITE Timing Drive: Entire Timing Drive

3-cylinder example, combining models 302-01,
302-04, 305-02
EXCITE Timing Drive: Gear Drive
2-step timing gear drive, truck application


Release Notes





EXCITE v2014.1

EXCITE Timing Drive: Chain Drive

Timing chain drive using bushing chain, no
detailed tensioner (only spring/damper)
EXCITE Timing Drive: Chain Drive
Timing chain drive using silent chain, no detailed
tensioner (only spring/damper)
EXCITE Timing Drive: Toothed Belt Drive
Timing belt drive using toothed belt (HTDA type),
no detailed tensioner (only spring/damper)
EXCITE Timing Drive: FEAD
FEAD (Front End Auxiliary Drive) model, nontoothed belt, includes rotational eccentric
EXCITE Timing Drive: Hydraulic Tensioner
Hydraulic tensioner model with check valve and
ventilation disk, modeled by single generic
EXCITE Timing Drive: Optimization Example
Optimization example based on model 302-01,
target is reduction of contact pressure under
limitation of permitted valve contact velocity and
contact loss angle, variation is done on spring

1.5. EXCITE Acoustics

1.5.1. Enhancements
Additional field point mesh (plane) parameter introduced
Additional field point mesh parameter has been introduced enabling to define rectangular
mesh instead of only a squared one.
Example for supported external formats
For all supported external formats small examples have been added to the
Frequency Type: Interval
A new frequency type (named interval) has been developed and implemented. The new
frequency type allows the user to just set start and end frequency value independent if
these values are exactly part of the defined MLV result file (compared to frequency type frequency range). Finally EXCITE Acoustics will automatically use those frequencies for
the simulation which are part of the interval.



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

Installation Example
The description of the installation example has been updated and is in html format.
Installation Example
A new updated I4 demo installation example has been implemented. The new acoustic
model has been generated with the automatic calculated layer distance. Notice that
results obtained with v2014 and its installation example are not directly comparable with
the new updated installation example.
MSC Nastran op2 file format
A MSC Nastran op2 file includes geometry and result information. With the current
version it is no longer necessary to define a separated geometry file for a MLV Boundary
Output file formats
A new chapter called Output Files has been introduced in the Users Guide. This chapter
gives the user an overview about all generated files dependent on the selected Task
Show origin for field point meshes implemented
Show origin for field point meshes has been implemented. The corresponding checkbox is
placed in visibility options group of the field point mesh editor.
Speed up MLV mapping procedure
A new mapping strategy has been implemented. This new mapping strategy is speeding
up the complete mapping effort especially for large structural FE meshes (>200.000 FE
nodes). The activation is automatically done so no additional user action is necessary.
Support of Ansys format rst
A new external format support (Ansys rst file format) has been implemented. The Ansys
results file format (containing geometry and results) can now be used to define the Multi
Local Velocity boundary condition.
Velocity dependent quantities on microphone positions
Velocity dependent quantities on microphone positions have been implemented. The
additional 2D results quantities are output power (active, reactive) and radiation
efficiency on the physical edge as well as output power (active, reactive) on field point

1.5.2. Resolved Issues

Gidas file: General information
In v2014 the Narrow band | General | Performance | Other folder and its quantities are
empty. This problem has been solved.
IMPRESS Chart unit names
In v2014 several quantity names are not valid regarding the common use of IMPRESS
Chart. This problem has been solved.
Installation Example I4_demo_full_workflow.proj
In v2014 the 3rd Octave Band result is missing to follow the installation example manual



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

chapter 9.3 point 6 properly. This problem has been solved by activating 3D Results 3rd
Octave Band.
kgf-mm-s unit system
In v2014 the selection of kgf-mm-s as FEM Preferences Unit System causes a crash
without any message for the user. This problem has been solved.
MSC Nastran op2 file format
In v2014 the MSC Nastran op2 file format was used by default as 'real' / 'imaginary'
formatted. In the case of a MSC Nastran op2 file format which contains 'magnitude' /
'phase' formatted results the final simulation results are wrong. This problem has been
Post-Processing file AllResults
In v2014 the post-processing file AllResults is not identified as a file under Linux. The
file has been renamed to AllResults..
Solver runtime error caused by undefined boundary conditions
If a boundary selection in the Cutting Tool was created, but no corresponding boundary
condition was defined in Simulation Control, a runtime error occured. If a selection has
no boundary condition, the solver now recognizes this and returns an appropriate error

1.6. EXCITE Pre-processing Tools

1.6.1. Shaft Modeler: New Features Gyroscopic Modal Analysis of Rotating Shafts:
Main Application Case - Turbocharger
With this new feature one can perform the modal analysis of rotating parts (crankshafts
and other shafts), taking gyroscopic and other related dynamic effects into account.
Primarily, it is aimed at analyzing shafts rotating with high speed, where these effects
become more pronounced. A typical application case is a turbocharger, with the rotor
spinning at speed of up to 100 000 rpm or more (see chapter
New element Rotor Wheel has been introduced, where one or more mass lumps can be
defined on or off rotation axis. The resulting model consists of a single mass lump having
rigid connections to the neighbor elements to the left and/or to the right.
As the rotor has to be suspended in bearings, special toggle is introduced within journal
element to designate it as main journal. These become marked in 2D-View field with
small black triangles.



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

The modal analysis with the option Gyroscopic Effect is performed in a specified speed
range, starting with 0 rpm.



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

The modal analysis is performed for each spin speed. In addition to the existing result
types, whirl direction is identified (FW/BW means here forward/backward whirl).

The whirl direction can be seen during the 3D animation of the modes in PP3.

There is also stability analysis performed, resulting in the number of unstable modes
related to negative eigenvalues of modified stiffness matrix for each spin speed (written
to corresponding .FREQ files).



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

The 2D results contain critical speed diagram in two variants:

For all speeds;

For speeds under stability threshold.

NOTE: In both cases, only some first elastic modes (up to 2 kHz) are included. The
stability threshold is internally calculated and written out to the .GID file specified below:



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1 Enhancement
Improved Normalization of Modes
While animating the modes in PP3 after modal analysis in Shaft Modeler, the disks
visually have been tilting more than one would expect it in the bending modes. This effect
was because of a method of normalization, separately applied to translations and to
rotations of nodes. Now a new method is introduced which normalizes all DOFs of the
body simultaneously. As a result, for the bending modes, the disks are percepted now to
remain visually orthogonal to the shaft bent middle line. Resolved Issue

Differences in kinetic energy rates of modes for constrained crankshafts
In modal analysis of constrained crankshafts, the kinetic energy distribution was
different in AWS v2014. The state which existed in AWS v2013.2 has been re-established

1.6.2. AutoSHAFT Resolved Issue
License info added to log files
License info has been added to AutoSHAFT.log and AutoSHAFT_details.log files. The
information is given on:
1) license request/returning request status (checking out..., checking in...)
2) expiration period (remaining validity in days)
3) license version
4) license request/returning request result (checked out, not checked out, checked in).



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

1.7. GUI (Graphical User Interface)

1.7.1. Enhancement
Optimization - Design Explorer
"Skip Infeasible Designs" feature
So far, during generation of designs for a design study the infeasible designs were
indicated by a number of not satisfied constraints (feasibility > 0). Although indicated as
infeasible, those designs were evaluated anyway. This enhancement introduces "Skip
Infeasible Designs" checkbox in "Specify" dialog (DOE studies) and "Specify Start
Designs" dialog (optimization studies). Enabling/disabling of "Skip Infeasible Designs"
checkbox has to be done prior to generation of designs (pressing "Generate Design Points"

1.7.2. Resolved Issue

Optimization - Design Explorer
Design Explorer project file (.de)
The internal structure of the Design Explorer project file (.de) has been upgraded.
Regarding all AWS clients (EXCITE*, BOOST*), the change is transparent: on loading an
existing Design Explorer project, its internal structure is upgraded. The upgrade will
become permanent upon saving Design Explorer project next time.



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

2. RELEASE V2014
This document describes the new features, enhancements and bug fixing in AVL
Workspace v2014 for the following:
New: EXCITE Acoustics
EXCITE Power Unit
EXCITE Designer
EXCITE Piston&Rings
EXCITE Timing Drive
Shaft Modeler
Changes described here can also be found in the updated documentation.

2.1. EXCITE Acoustics

EXCITE Acoustics is a new tool of the EXCITE product family for the calculation of sound
radiation in free field from vibrating structures such as engines and power units using
the Wave Based Technique (WBT). It seamlessly fits into the EXCITE structural dynamic
analysis workflow as the final step of acoustic analysis, using the FE mesh of the
structure and the surface velocity results as input. With interfaces to common FE tools
for the import of the vibrating structure geometry and the surface velocity boundary
condition, EXCITE Acoustics can also be used as a standalone EXCITE tool.

2.1.1. Highly Efficient Sound Radiation Calculation

Although the evaluation of structure-borne noise (surface velocities) as result of an
engine or power unit flexible multi-body dynamic analysis already is a good basis for
improving design, excitation mechanisms and transfer paths, the direct evaluation of
airborne noise allows assessing and improving the design on basis of real sound
Using previously calculated surface velocities as input EXCITE Acoustics efficiently
calculates the sound radiation in free field and provides airborne noise results which are
directly comparable with measured acoustic data and legal noise limits.

Figure 2-1: Sound Pressure on a Spherical Field Point Mesh around a 6 Cylinder Engine



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

The used Wave Based Technique is based on an indirect Trefftz approach where by the
dynamic acoustic pressure is expressed as a linear combination of wave functions, which
exactly satisfies the homogenous Helmholtz equation. Since a fine acoustic mesh
discretization is not required and is not dependent on the frequency, the wave based
models are substantially smaller than acoustic models required for element-based
methods like BEM or FEM. This enables accurate results to be achieved with high
computational efficiency.
A unique automated procedure has been developed to generate the acoustic mesh starting
from the unmodified structural FE mesh used for the structural vibration analysis. Thus
the acoustic simulation model for the wave based analysis can be set up easy and very
fast with a few mouse clicks.

Figure 2-2: Intermediate step of automated meshing procedure detection of inside/outside

Post-processing of airborne noise results such as sound pressure levels at microphone
positions or on arbitrary field point meshes around the radiating structure is a separate
and fast final step. This allows microphone positions and field point meshes to be added
or modified without the need for recalculation of the sound radiation.

Figure 2-3: 2D Results at Microphone Positions

2.1.2. Capabilities and Features

EXCITE Acoustics is a complete package including all necessary pre- and 2D/3D postprocessing tools:
meshing tool for automated generation of the acoustic WBT mesh
3D pre-processing viewer for visualization of the acoustic meshing step results
with interactive capabilities for optional mesh modifications



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

various interfaces to import geometry and surface velocity boundary conditions of

the vibrating structure
o geometry: EXCITE (.meg), Abaqus (.inp), MSC Nastran/ NX Nastran
o surface velocities: EXCITE (.mer), Abaqus (.odb), MSC Nastran/ NX
Nastran (.pch, .op2)
optional constant or frequency dependent boundary conditions on selected
structure parts (pressure, velocity or impedance)
dynamic and fully automated mapping of structure boundary conditions and
velocities on the acoustic mesh
OpenMP parallelized solver for use of multiple CPUs for each frequency step
default standard and user definable microphone positions
field point mesh generator for 3D post-processing (plane and sphere)
evaluation of sound pressure levels for single frequencies, 3 rd octave and octave
2D standard and user definable report generation of microphone results
3D result visualization and animation of structure plus airborne noise (sound
pressure on field point meshes)



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

2.2. EXCITE Power Unit

2.2.1. New Features Map based Dual Mass Flywheel Joint (DMFM)
A new joint called Dual Mass Flywheel (hereafter referred to as the DMFM joint) has
been implemented in order to consider elastic and frictional behavior of a Dual Mass
Flywheel (DMF) on the basis of maps and graphs. The new feature provides two kinds of
predefined map-types which are in agreement with common supplier specifications:

Torque or stiffness versus wind-up angle + hysteresis

Mean/static torque + dynamic stiffness + hysteresis

(in agreement with MSC-ADAMS/Driveline definition)

Moreover, the joint offers a set of generic torque generation units, which allows map
definitions to be customized according to specific needs:

Mean/static torque:

Static stiffness characteristics:

Dynamic stiffness characteristics:

Hysteresis characteristics:

For dynamic stiffness and hysteresis the so-called Property Assistant Tool can be utilized
in order to define stiffness/hysteresis values depending on the DMF wind-up angle and
the DMF-speed in the form of 2D-maps.



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

The following figure depicts a typical application workflow starting with the suppliersdatasheet (1), the DMF characteristics derived by an EXCITE Power Unit Test-Rig model
(2) as well as the usage of the DMFM-joint (along with new clutch joint) in an entire
engine/transmission model (3). Finally (4) outlines the decoupling/isolation effect between
the combustion engine and the transmission input.



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes Elasto Plastic Clutch Joint (EPCL)

The new Clutch joint simulates the clutch behavior in automotive applications coming out
of a one dimensional rotational approach. A single state-variable friction model based on
a lumped elastic asperity is implemented in this new driveline component (as shown in
the following figure).

Figure 2-4: Bristle Model EPCL

Any type of friction clutch can be simulated. A conventional automotive
launching/shifting friction clutch as well as a synchronization clutch inside a gearbox.
Engagement/disengagement can be predefined via clamping force characteristics. All
operation phases of a friction clutch can be simulated. The EPCL joint renders static
friction (= stiction), pre-sliding and sliding.
Easy parameterization with generally available clutch data is possible (i.e. reduction of
clutch geometry to basic input parameters.

Figure 2-5 shows simulation results for clutch activation. With the EPCL joint realistic
behavior and results can be achieved. Many scenarios, e.g. the typical stick/slip effect and
its resulting effects onto power-train dynamics, can be investigated.



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

Figure 2-5: Clutch Activation Electric Machine Joint Extensions

The double fed induction machine (DFIM) is introduced as an additional machine type. It
is commonly used in industrial drive applications as well as for electric grid stabilization.

For the electrically excited synchronous machine (EESM) as well as the DFIM also FE
based models are introduced that allow for accurate consideration of saturation,
reluctance as well as cogging torque. These models have the advantage of easy
parameterization out of FE calculations without the need to evaluate cross-dependent
saturation separately.
The FE based model is extended for all machine types to consider machine skewing. This
is a fast alternative to multi-slice FE-simulations that are state of the art for such

For the permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) with parallel connection a new
fidelity for the FE based approach is introduced. It considers eccentricity in radial and
azimuthal direction and its effect on mechanical and electrical side. This model can be
used to investigate radial forces and changes in torque fluctuation as well as impact of



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

rotor bending on stator vibrations. Bearing forces can be determined up to a high

frequency range.

blue: mass unbalance only, black: magnetic force in addition

The control system for the PMSM is extended by a standard torque control. This
alternative aims at electric drives such as in automotive applications, where speed is
controlled by the driver. EHD Contacts Non-stationary Thermal Boundary

To be able to consider non-stationary thermal boundary conditions for either piston-liner
contact as well as slider bearing analysis following extensions have been made:
1. New FE Analysis Task Thermal Load Analysis, that will:


read the cyclic averaged head flux results from an initial EXCITE EHD
contact analysis and map the results to distributed heat flux acting on
predefined surfaces on piston/liner or journal/shell structure

write an Abaqus input file for a coupled, simultaneous heat transfer and
displacement/stress analysis


Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

Temperature Distribution

Thermal Expansion

2. Extension of joint properties for EHD2+T and EPIL+T to be able to import the
calculated temperatures from .odb file directly and map them to an appropriate
temperature profile as well as to read the thermal expansion again from .odb file
and generate an appropriate profile for the radial deformation.
3. Several loops can be performed until equilibrium of temperature and thermal
expansion is reached.
Version 2014.0 does support Abaqus FE interface only. Subsequent releases will support
also all other FE interfaces. Engine-Mount Joint Extensions (EMO1)

With the previous versions this joint offered the possibility to describe frequencydependent mount characteristics. A two mass surrogate model was capable to capture up
to two resonance transitions of elastomer mounts.
With this version amplitude dependency is added to the frequency characteristics by
tabular input e.g. from static stiffness measurement or simulation. Additionally, the user
has the option to model amplitude dependency with a constant stiffness and damping or
an amplitude characteristic analogous to the NONL-joint. This extension in model depth
becomes especially relevant at load changes where the pre-load levels of the mounts
change. A separate coordinate system for the joint is introduced with visualization in the
3D-View for easy usability of the direction dependent model.



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

The diagram shows the stiffness of the combined amplitude and frequency dependent
model that considers the actual static pre-load level as well as the dynamic behavior of
the mount. Mount Layout Tool Extensions

Refer to section 2.3.1 for details. Other Enhancements Section Forces/Moments for Condensed Bodies
A new utility Prepare Section Forces has been introduced, which enables based on the
condensed stiffness matrix to generate the element dictionary table (KDICT) as well as
element stiffness matrices (KELM) for crankshafts.
The utility requires e few geometric inputs (e.g. inner/outer diameter and width of journal
and pin), material data as well as for each web the labels of adjacent journal and pin
A Python script will be called performing the following steps:

reading the geometry and stiffness matrix from the existing .exb file

identifying the webs

for each web:


constrain the right/left-most journal node (extended web)

apply unit loads on right/left-most pin node (extended web)

solve the unit load perturbations

call Shaft Modeler routine to calculate element stiffness matrix

write the element dictionary table and assembled element stiffness matrix to
same .exb file

determine web center nodes for result evaluation

After that run EXCITE tasks Create Model and Simulation and check at Common
Results Crankshaft Section Forces and Moments for task Create Results. Same section



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

forces and moments as for a structured crankshaft models can be evaluated and plotted

As prerequisites each pin and journal must contain at least 3 nodes along each width and
all 6 degrees-of-freedom must be retained.
Version 2014.0 supports crankshafts for in-line engines. Extensions for V-engines will be
made in first two patches of v2014. FE Interface Enhancements

Abaqus 6.13
Support of AMS based substructure generation procedure:

support of partially retained nodes

support of free-interface and general mixed-interface substructures

Ansys 14
The crankshaft strength analysis and preparation for fatigue evaluation using
AutoSHAFT, Shaft Modeler and Fillet Modeler is now possible with Ansys 14, too.
Therefore the tools AutoSHAFT and Fillet Modeler are able to write meshes for webs
(global model) and fillets (submodel) in Ansys format. In addition a new APDL macro
Create Load Cases for Fatigue either for preparing the basic load cases for single webs to
superimpose stresses in the fatigue tool directly or for performing a transient stress
analysis has been introduced.

MSC Nastran 2013

DMAP support of DMP parallelization for Nastran ACMS domain solver for

NX Nastran 8.x
New DMAP alter files have been introduced (AVL_alter_nxn.v8) to support latest
releases NX Nastran 8.1 and 8.5 for condensation jobs. In addition all case based
tasks have been updated to write proper input files for data recovery for the new NX

OptiStruct 13.0
First of all RADIOSS has been renamed to OptiStruct. Next the FE interface to
OptiStruct got following extensions:

support of AMSES eigenvalue solver

support of data recovery using EXCITE INPUTT4 file and HyperWorks .h3d file

Finally OptiStruct 13.0 will perform the generation of the inertia invariants internally
and output the .exb file directly using new EXB API.



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes Additional New Features

Angular reference calculation
The angular reference calculation was extended.
In the case of a defined reference body (e. g. "powerunit"), the angular reference
calculation of an angular reference body (e. g. "crankshaft") which is used as load
reference, considers the angular inclination of the "powerunit".

2.2.2. Enhancements
3D-Viewer: Visualization of EMO1
In order to see the transformation matrix of Engine Mount (EMO1) joints, they are now
represented in 3D-View with Coordinate System axes.
Advanced Cylindrical Gear Joint: Changed animation data output increment
The output of the animation data (dialog 'Results' | 'Animation results') has been
associated to the result steps instead of time steps. This shall support a more continuous
representation during gear animation.
Advanced Cylindrical Gear Mesh->Check and Generate Profiles Dialog
To make the textual report easier to read, the dialog for Advanced Cylindrical Gear
Mesh->Check and Generate Profiles is now resizable.
Axial Thrust Joint
Thrust Bearing joint is now enabled between two connecting rods.
Body result data storage
The body result data storage was enhanced. In particular the changed result data
channel sequence guarantees IMPRESS a shorter time period, which is required for
loading data.
Co-simulation with EXCITE Timing Drive
The number of EXCITE Power Unit bodies is not limited now in co-simulation with
EXCITE Timing Drive.
DGBB Rolling Bearing
For the Rolling Bearing of type DGBB, clearance range of 1% of bearing diameter has
been increased to 5%.
Dynamic Response Analysis - Base Motion Excitation
An appropriate note at panel 'Dynamic Response Analysis - Boundaries' for usage of base
motion excitation has been added in the Users Guide.
EHD: Endless loop checks in hydrodynamics
Joints of type AXHD/EHD2/EPIL/TEHD: A number of endless loop checks were
implemented. This was required in particular in the code area, where integrating
pressure/shear stress to nodal forces/moments.
EHD: Thermal calculation in hydrodynamic joints
Joints of type AXHD/EHD2/EPIL: In addition to existing parameters the layer thickness



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

can be entered from external. This is considered in the conductivity part of the energy
Examples: Updated for "Pressure B.C. specified as absolute pressure" option
All relevant installation examples - 100_General example 5, 102_I4_Demo EHD
examples, 103_MainBearing, 104_Conrod, 105_Piston and 105a_Piston_Pin - have a new
option "Pressure B.C. specified as absolute pressure" activated as default.
External Coupling: Body Limitation Removed
External couplings to EXCITE Timing Drive as well as MATLAB were limited by a
maximum number of 3 EXCITE Power Unit bodies being connected. This limit is removed
so that an arbitrary number of bodies can be connected.
FE Interfaces: AVL Alter for NX Nastran version 8.1
This new Alter file enables the same functionality in NX Nastran 8.1 that is supported in
MSC Nastran 2012.2
FE Interfaces: DMAP alter file for NX Nastran v8
For NX Nastran version 8.x a new DMAP file called 'AVL_alter_nxn.v8' has been
developed and tested. The file is available in the appropriate installation folder
'fem/nx.nastran/' of EXCITE.
FE Interfaces: DMAP for Condensation with HDMP method in NX Nastran
The new AVL DMAP alter file 'AVL_alter_nxn.v8' supports the usage of HDMODES
method during condensation with NX Nastran 8.1 and 8.5.
FE Interfaces: FE Analysis Task - Linear Static Stress Analysis: support for Liner body in
EPIL joint
It is now possible to apply EHD pressure on Liner body from an EPIL joint, too.
Distributed pressure method is supported only, but no concentrated load like e.g *CLOAD
for Abaqus.
FE Interfaces: MSC Nastran - use of ACMS with DMP option
The AVL DMAP alters have been modified to enable Nastran's ACMS solver in
combination with DMP parallelization.
FE Interfaces: SOL111 alter for NX Nastran
A new alter file is now available that enables usage of SOL 111 sequence on NX Nastran.
FEA - OptiStruct Settings: File Selector does not show up for "INCLUDE External Files"
At FEA Analysis->Options->OptiStruct Settings for both "Sub-Case Information" and
"Bulk Data" the file selector did not work for "INCLUDE External Files". The
workaround was to copy/paste the paths into the input field. The problem is fixed now.
FEA Solver: Dynamic Response Analysis Methods
An appropriate note regarding the usage of method "Apply Loads/Enforced Motion on
Uncondensed Model" for dynamic response analysis has been added in the Users Guide.
Fillet Modeler supports Ansys output
Fillet modeler supports Ansys output, but only indirectly: through a conversion script



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

Friction coefficient regularization

A regularization of friction coefficient was introduced in the CAM joint to overcome
numerical problems related to bodies contact with high-frequency, direction-inverting
relative tangential (sliding) velocity.
JMS based stop/restart functionality
JMS based stop functionality was enhanced in the solver. According to the requirement,
the percentage is not set to 100% if a calculation is stopped. It remains at that percentage
at which it was stopped.
Joints: Show the roles of connected bodies within a joint
The role which the connected bodies are playing within a joint is shown more clearly now.
The role can be, for example, "Journal/Pin" or a "Shell". This information is shown at two
1) at Joint Connections dialog
2) with tool-tip for joints in 2D editor
Mass information for SMOT bodies printed to log file and .MASS file
Mass information for SMOT bodies is printed to log file and .MASS file. This correlates to
data, which are depicted in GUI.
Results: Wear volume result for joint ENHD, EHD2 and EPIL
A new result - Wear Volume - is now calculated for joints ENHD, EHD2 and EPIL at
result evaluation and the results are available as variables in .GID files as well as written
to report log.
Simple Rigid/Flexible Body
Load / Save buttons are introduced for all matrices of the Simple Rigid/Flexible Body tool.
Torque controller based on the current control scheme
New torque controller with the relationship between torque and set currents described by
look-up tables.

2.2.3. Resolved Issues

2D Percentage Results: Unit of Fringe Bar and Fringe Bar For Clearance Height
For 2D Results Data - Percentage the unit for the fringe bar has been corrected to
'percent'. In addition also for quantity 'clearance height' the color bar has been changed
from inverted standard AVL colors to standard AVL colors.
3D-Viewer: ACYG (gear) joint symbol
The ACYG (gear) joint symbol in the EXCITE 3D Viewer was skewed when the gears
were not co-planar. This has been fixed.
Advanced Cylindrical Gear Joint: Computation of effective radius of curvature at pitch
The effective radius of curvature at the pitch-point (used to compute backlash damping
curve) was computed by considering pinion flank-shape only. This lead to slightly
incorrect (too small) values. The issue has now been solved.
Advanced Cylindrical Gear Joint: Incorrect calculation of the stress concentration factor



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

Within the computation of the root bending stress, the stress concentration factor Y_S
was not evaluated correctly. As a consequence the computed local root bending stress
values might be up to 20% below the real/correct value. The corresponding formula has
now been corrected.
Advanced Cylindrical Gear Joint: Internal error due to negative contact length
For pinion/gear geometries with distinct negative addendum modification coefficient, the
calculation stopped with an internal error: 'JO_ACYG_evaluate_GearStress: Internal
error due to negative contact length.' This issue has been resolved now.
AXBE implementation was corrected for some minor cases
The AXBE implementation was corrected for some minor cases. In particular the
treatment of additional clearance gaps as well as the "tension only"/"compression only"
mode are made consistent.
AXHD Joint: Oil flow results
The oil inflow and outflow results for the AXHD joint have been re-activated and can be
accessed from GIDAS files or plotted as a joint result in IMPRESS Chart.
AXHD Joints at Run-up Evaluation: Missing Quantities
During evaluation of run-up overall results for AXHD joints the result data for Peak Oil
Film Pressure was missing. Now the GIDAS files for the appropriate quantities are
generated and result and report generation terminates normally.
Boundary Conditions: grid points
If the Number of Grid points defined in the Joint dialog was too large, the HD mesh in
the View Boundary Conditions dialog would have been invisible.
CAM joint: Contour not rotated accordingly to initial body rotation
Rotation matrix of joint system with respect to body1 profile system was considering also
body1 initial angle, which was not needed.
Correct estimation of initial position for bodies controlled with predefined motion
There used to be a problem in interpretation of initial position for bodies using predefined
motion (kernel and GUI differences). For all bodies that are moving according to
predefined motion, the kernel and GUI will both ignore whatever is given for initial
position, and calculate the initial position for such bodies by evaluating predefined motion
input at the time point of simulation start. This problem has actually been solved since
Co-simulation: EXCITE Power Unit - EXCITE Timing Drive - MATLAB
Models which contained a combined co-simulation of EXCITE Power Unit + EXCITE
Timing Drive + MATLAB did not work properly. Several issues were fixed.
Documentation: "TPout"
The meaning of "i" and "N" in the equation for describing the decaying output torque
"TPout" has been added to the Users Guide.
EHD: Ambient pressure in hydrodynamic boundary conditions
For joints of type EHD2, EPIL and AXHD (but not TEHD): The AWS - Solver interface
(model.exc) did not consider ambient pressure definitions correctly as these are passed by
a zero flag. The zero flag was not recognized as input. A non-defined parameter was



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

assumed and the default values (setting of supply pressure) were set therefore. This bug
has been fixed.
EHD: correction of oil flow at boundary between lubricated and cavitated domain
The EHD2-joint produced incorrect results at the edge between lubrication and cavitation
if the option 'Shear and Pressure Term Modification' was used in 'Bearing Data',
'Consideration of Cell Inclination'. The hydrodynamic pressure and consequently the oil
flow were wrongly calculated at lubricated cells neighbouring cavitated cells. This caused
locally incorrect fill rates and outflow results. The issue is resolved.
EHD: Fix flow result calculation of AXHD joints
Circumferential and radial flow calculation didn't consider flow factors. This was
extended accordingly.
EHD: Heat transfer coefficient of second connected body
Joints of type AXHD, EHD2 and EPIL: A bug in the heat transfer coefficient of the second
connected body was fixed. Due to this bug the obtained heat flux at thrust/shell/liner side
was always equal zero.
EHD: Internal data transformation procedure
Joints of type AXHD, EPIL and EHD2 use 2D data arrays for describing temperature and
oil film height profiles, but also wear profiles. The profiles are specified with respect to
one connected body (the master body where the HD grid also sticks on). In order to map
data to the secondary body surface (e. g. in case of a wear calculation, the applied
mapping procedure contained a slight index error due to which the profiles were slightly
shifted in circumferential direction. This bug was fixed.
EHD: Thermal calculation in open flange area of AXHD
Up to now heat balance calculation did not consider the open flange area. Due to this
calculated thermal results were wrong in all open flange applications. This has been
EMC: result storage corrupted if files are closed after each step
In previous versions result generation failed for EMC joints when closing of results files
was requested after each write (to be specified in 'Simulation Control', 'Data Storage').
This issue was solved with this version, result storage for EMC joints works now also if
result files are closed after each step.
EMC: Visualization of output voltage of the power supply
The 'AC Power Supply' used with the induction machine types of the EMC-joint offers the
possibility to specify time-dependent voltage or frequency. Visualization of the resulting
phase voltages is provided in the 'Power Supply' input dialog. Visualization was wrong
regarding frequency evolution and has been corrected with this version.
EMC1: Importing large data sets on Windows
On Windows it was not possible to process large data amounts with the Property
Assistant due to a software crash. This issue is resolved without change of functionality.
EMO1 Parameter Identification: View Results
Stiffness and damping returned from the EMO1 joint utility for parameter identification
were shown in IMPRESS Chart with the unit system consistent with Options/FEM
Preferences. This error has been corrected and now the units shown in IMPRESS Chart
are in N-mm-s.



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

Examples: Abaqus Piston Model

The Abaqus piston model has been updated to get consistent surface normals between
Negative and Positive X groups.
EXB Explorer: File Open
File Open did not start from the current model's fem directory, which made it difficult to
browse for exb files related to current model. This has been fixed now.
External load is not applied on the body
For some models created with AWS v=2011.2 or older, it is possible that user defined
body load is wrongly defined and then not applied. This is corrected.
FE Analysis Tasks: scratch initiation for Nastran
There was a problem in the way DBset cards were written in Nastran input files created
by FE Analysis tasks. This error is now fixed.
FE Analysis Task - Condensation: CELAS2 writing and GRID parsing
Writing of Nastran CELAS2 cards had wrong syntax and has been corrected. In addition
a parsing error for GRID cards has been fixed, too.
FE Analysis Task - Linear Static Stress Analysis - Boundaries
The description for option 'Add Cylinder Pressure Load' was missing and has been added
for the supported FE Solvers - MSC|NX Nastran and Ansys.
FE Analysis Task - Linear Static Stress Analysis for Ansys: problem reading EHD results
Reading repeatedly the results from the body .SD1 result data file in each data step
caused the error. Body result data are read now only once for all steps at the beginning to
avoid the program hanging.
FE Interfaces - Ansys macros updated for version 15
Using Ansys macros from older EXCITE versions (< 2013.2) in Ansys 15 caused a
"VREAD" error. This has been fixed in latest macros, provided since EXCITE v2013.2.
FE Interfaces - EXB File: Selection data from Nastran and OptiStruct
All predefined property and material selections are now transferred properly from FE
input files to the EXB file.
FE Interfaces - SOL 111 and 112 results on a node set
There was an issue regarding results of SOL 111 and 112 on a node set. This issue can be
resolved by adding the following lines to the Nastran control file:
RPD,UHF1,,,RGPV,/UPX/9//// $ AL
FTAB Moments: Correct units displayed on Y axis
The units of the torque results were read as N.m instead of from the files which
lead to wrong axis scaling. This has been corrected and now proper units are shown.
Generate Flowmaster Bearing Map: sign of oil outflow
Due to changed convention for oil flow with positive in flow and negative out flow, the oil
flow was output with negative values to Flowmaster Bearing Map by mistake. As the



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

Generic Bearing in Flowmaster requires positive oil flow values, now the absolute value
will be written to Bearing Map File .bdf.
Kinetic Model Check
When using the main bearing example from the installation and activating DOF T1 for
the main bearing, the calculation crashed. This was due to an internal DOF not being
initialized correctly. The corresponding bug was fixed.
Kinetic Model Check
In particular joints of type EHD2 with surface-surface couplings behaved wrongly, so that
the displaced motion in 3D viewer was incorrect. This bug was fixed.
Load application
An error was fixed in the load application for bodies of type RI3D with constraint global
DOFs. In case of using such a body, loads were not considered in dynamic solution of
motions appropriately.
Load reference calculation corrected for special cases
The load reference calculation for bodies, which have an initial rotation around another
axis (e. g. Z) than the rotation (e. g. Y) axis failed. The corresponding bug was fixed.
Membrane Mesher
Membrane Mesher would crash if zoom in 2D was too large. This has been fixed.
Membrane Mesher
In some cases Membrane Mesher would create two coincident nodes. This has been fixed.
Modal Analysis
Details about the Eigenvalues calculation could not be opened. This has been solved.
Oil Supply Line in V engines
The calculation of Oil Supply Line node positions was incorrect in the case of tilted
connected bodies (V engines). This has been fixed.
Results - Order Tracking and Peak Hold Diagrams for Nodal Results
Order tracking and peak hold diagram for the nodal results was not available in the runup report. The missing results have been added and appear in the run-up report.
Results - Run-up result evaluation: ALL quantities will be displayed properly for
individual speeds
If "ALL" quantities is selected in run-up results sometimes the process stops, sometimes
only a part of the results is available. The issue has been fixed and user will get now all
results properly.
Results - Run-up Result Evaluation: Identifying Single Cases
The identification of the limits for single cases failed at specific models. To overcome the
problem the tolerances have been adjusted to get an appropriate start and end time for
the single cases.
Results - Run-up/run-down: Interval Settings
Settings for interval for run-up ramp sampling of mean speeds are written correctly into
the file but it was not taken into account and the complete run-up ramp



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

was always taken. The issue has been fixed and interval settings are now considered
Results - Run-up: Section forces and moments results
The problem of missing section forces and moments for run-up (previously only available
for single speeds) has been resolved.
Results - Subtitle for Follow-Up and Percentage 2D Joint Results
The threshold, angle and Z values at subtitle for Follow-Up and Percentage 2D joint
results no longer contain 5 digits. Any trailing zeros after the decimal point have been
removed. Given natural numbers do not show a decimal point at all.
Results - Support for run-down results
Run-down results for single speeds are made available in EXCITE v2014.
Shear stress results for hydrodynamic joints
Joints of type AXHD, EHD2, EPIL and TEHD: Total and asperity shear stress results for
journal/piston/flange were depicted rotated with respect to the HD grid. The computed
quantities were correct. The angular shift of the depicted quantities was removed.
User input strings not converted to xml-conform version
User input strings could contain xml non-conform characters. During input file creation
those characters are not converted and that is leading to xml reading error and
simulation stop. Problem is solved.
Utility - 'Consider DOF's eliminated by MPC's (m-Set)' works now for all body types
Updated Nastran DMAP's and adjustments at conversion tool 'exciteTrans' include the
option 'Consider DOF's eliminated by MPC's (m-Set)' for condensed bodies performing a
large motion (CON6).
Utility - Conversion tool 'exciteTrans' at skin mesh generation
A programming change solving another issue caused the 'exciteTrans' to crash. The
function has been corrected and skin mesh generation works now fine throughout the
tested models.
Utility - Convert FE Data: exciteTransform for OptiStruct
The conversion program exciteTransform v2013 for OptiStruct with the OUT2/OUT4
option could hang during reading of coordinate system information because of unexpected
data block structure in OUTPUT2 file. Version 2014 of exciteTransform provides support
for the specific data blocks to run the model transformation successfully.
Utility - Data Recovery: Data Recovery from Ansys X4OA partial recovery matrix
The data recovery from an Ansys partial recovery matrix (X4OA) failed due to
inconsistent file usage at generating the body property file (.exb). The error has been
resolved in Python utility script 'convertFEdata'.
1. The partial recovery matrix will work and is supported only for SMOT body types
(same as for Nastran); a CON6 body requires always the full recovery matrix to build up
the inertia invariants and within this process the recovery matrix either for the full or
skinned model will be written automatically. As soon as Ansys will provide an .exb file
directly the user will get the possibility to request a partial recovery matrix for any body
2. At Utility Data Recovery the option Recover To "Node Set" with set definition "Recover



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

All DOFs of Partial Recovery Matrix" must be defined! And toggle on flag 'Interpolate
results at nodes w/o ...' to run the data recovery successfully.
Utility - Failure at reading data block MAA from a Nastran v2013 OUTPUT4 file
The conversion tool 'exciteTrans' failed at reading data block MAA from an OUTPUT4 file
generated with Nastran v2013 and ACMS domain solver. The reading routine has been
replaced by a new one.
Utility - Flowmaster Bearing Map: wrong labels at printout in log file
The labels 'Viscosity' and 'Clearance' for given parameters have been exchanged.
Utility - Modal Stress Recovery: writing stress data to .txt output
EXCITE - Modal Data Recovery v2013.2: it has been noticed that when performing Stress
Recovery with requested text output for node set containing less than 4 nodes the
application hangs and has to be killed manually. The issue has been fixed with v2014 and
output files are created successfully.
Utility - Wrong units for results of EMO1 parameters identification
Utility log file now displays the unit system, which is always in N-mm-s. Users need thus
to convert utility results to their own unit system. The input file for EXCITE Power Unit
<joint_name>_emo1.dat is written consistently with settings in FEM Preferences. All
other log and results file keep on writing in N-mm-s.
Utility -Data Recovery - Recover to Element Set corrected for handling sets from .exb file
The Data Recovery program did not output the defined element set information obtained
from .exb file to geometry .meg file to be able to perform post-processing at predefined
sets. With version 2014 information for defined sets is preserved in the output .meg file.
Advanced Gear Animation-Tool: Opening of animation control file fails
In cases where the joint name of an Advanced Cylindrical Gear Joint (ACYG) contained
underscores ('_') the recognition of the animation control file
(<joint_name>_AnimationControl.xml) failed and animation results could not be loaded.
This issue has been resolved. Resolved Issues Provided as Patches for v2013

Solver: Limit of input lines in model.exc extended
The create model step uses the excitepre executable, which parses a defined model.exc
file. The maximum number of model.exc input lines was set to 10000. This limit was
extended to 40000.
Tools: Friction Map Generator
Friction Map Generator stopped with an error due to a missing file in the installation.
The file is added to the installation now.
Correct consideration of reference nodes in load referencing
If a load reference considered a reference node, the angular position of the defined
reference node was not picked up correctly. This was in particular true in case of nodes on
or near a rotation axis. The corresponding bug was fixed.



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

EHD: Endless loop checks in hydrodynamics implemented

Joints of type AXHD/EHD2/EPIL/TEHD: A number of endless loop checks were
implemented. This was required in particular in the code area, where integrating
pressure/shear stress to nodal forces/moments.
Tools: Generate Flowmaster Bearing Map: sign of oil outflow
Due to changed convention for oil flow with positive in flow and negative out flow, the oil
flow has been output with negative values to Flowmaster Bearing Map by mistake. As the
Generic Bearing in Flowmaster requires positive oil flow values, now the absolute value
will be written to Bearing Map File .bdf.
Units for clearance and viscosity for Flowmaster Bearing Map corrected
Clearance and viscosity values have been written in wrong units to Flowmaster Bearing
Map file .bdf. The units for clearance are now converted properly to microns and for
viscosity to Ns/m^2*10^3, as requested by the Generic Bearing format for Flowmaster.
Advanced Cylindrical Gear Joint (ACYG): Missing flank pairs for internal gearings
For internal gearings (e.g. ring-to-planet meshes of planetary gearsets) with specific
geometry properties (in particular large negative addendum modifications), the contact
was not resolved correctly. This is manifested by the fact that some of the actually mating
flank-pairs were not detected by the contact algorithm. This issue has now been
AXHD Joint: Oil flow results
The oil inflow and outflow results for the AXHD joint have been re-activated and can be
accessed from GIDAS files or plotted as a joint result in IMPRESS Chart.



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

2.2.4. Installation Examples



Purpose of this model is to understand in

general the Excite workflow with simple and
understandable bodies and joint for the
simulation and result evaluation


Example based on General Example1 with

duplicated bodies and joints.


Example based on General Example2 with

different shaft and joint definitions.


Example based on General Example3 with

extended body and joint definitions


EXCITE Power Unit: Simple 1 cylinder



Common EXCITE model setup and basic

presentation Nonlinear joints, 3D structure
based on Abaqus matrices


Example based on Abaqus matrices,

advanced bearing joint investigation with
enhanced hydrodynamic properties.


Example in which increasing speed range is

defined (speed is increasing over time interval)
Abaqus matrices.


Simple example with Abaqus matrices for

Block body. Crankshaft body is built with Shaft


Simple 1 cylinder engine in EXCITE Designer

mode. Torsional vibrations are analyzed.
Crankshaft model defined with Shaft Modeler.


Excite Co-simulation with MATLAB/Simulink.

Clutch analysis.


Excite model based on MSC.Nastran matrices.



EXCITE Power Unit: General Model

EXCITE Power Unit: 4 Cylinder Engine


Crankshaft Dynamics, Shaft Modeler

Crankshaft body, enhanced hydrodynamics
main bearing definition, single speed definition.
Block based on Abaqus matrices


Crankshaft Dynamics, Crankshaft Finite

Element Model with Nastran input files. ENHD
main bearing definition, single Speed definition.


Crankshaft Dynamics, Volumetric Crankshaft

body and block based on Abaqus input files,
ENHD main bearing definition and for single


Based on Nastran files, external loads from

EXCITE Piston&Rings and EXCITE Timing


Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

Drive. Crankshaft body is built up with Shaft

Used for NVH analysis.

Power Unit Data Recovery with Abaqus files.

External loads from EXCITE Piston&Rings. Cosimulation with EXCITE Timing Drive.


Crankshaft Dynamics with Nastran Finite

Element body definition. Detailed EHD main
bearing definition.


Crankshaft Dynamics with Abaqus Finite

Element body definition. Crankshaft body is
built up with Shaft Modeler. Detailed EHD main
bearing definition.

_AXHD and

Detailed axial bearing analysis. Axial

Hydrodynamic (AXHD) joints are included.


This model is based on

I4_demo_PU_FEM_abq_nonl_sweep example.
Only external loads from EXCITE
Piston&Rings are used. Friction settings and
results are available.


In general Nastran matrices are used for input.

Crankshaft body is built as a combination of
volumetric and structured FE models.


This model is for engine mount joint analysis,

co-simulated with MATLAB/Simulink program.
It is based on
example. Engine Mounts are frequency



Co-simulation Models with Timing Drive

Main Bearing Wall Analysis


Detailed bearing analysis, Strength evaluation,

Abaqus matrices, with detailed thermal BC


Detailed bearing analysis, Strength evaluation,

Nastran matrices

MainBearing _EHD_ans

Detailed bearing analysis, Strength evaluation,

Ansys matrices


Conrod Analysis


Detailed bearing analysis, safety evaluation


Modal Stress Recovery with load history files




EXCITE v2014.1


Detailed Piston Calculation

Piston/Liner analysis using EPIL joints for
Abaqus, Nastran and Ansys matrices
Detailed Piston pin Calculation
Piston/Liner analysis using EPIL joints for
Abaqus matrices with floating pin definition
Engine mount definition
Engine Mount joint definition
EXCITE Power Unit: 4 Cylinder Engine +
Manual Transmission


Transmission Manual model for NVH

evaluation (gear noise)


Transmission Manual model for Engine Mount




EXCITE Power Unit: 4 Cylinder Engine +

automatic Transmission
Transmission Manual model for NVH
evaluation (gear noise)
User Defined Joint
Short EXCITE example with Fortran code
EXCITE Post Processing
Basic information about Python
Inline engine in concept phase


Simplified engine geometry in concept phase


Simplified engine geometry with increasing

speed over the time.



Release Notes

V-type engine in concept phase


Simplified V6 engine in designer mode


V6 engine using main bearing node-node

connection in enhanced hydrodynamic joints


Favorites Designer options described


Templates / Hints on how to solve realistic

problems with EXCITE program


Ship Engine Model


Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

2.3. EXCITE Designer

2.3.1. New Feature Extended Mount Layout Tool Mount Non-Linear Properties
Mounts can have now non-linear (polynomial) stiffness and viscous damping
characteristics. Also proportional damping both for rubber mounts and for rubber parts
of hydraulic mounts - can be defined.

Two mount configurations variants are supported now:

Fixed-direction mounts (with properties defined in axial and in lateral directions);

Hinged mounts (with properties defined in axial direction only) - also known as
torque brackets. Mount Non-Linear Static Analysis

The linear static analysis module is substituted by a new iterative non-linear static
analysis module.
Two types of static loads acting on the power unit rigid body are:

gravitation force (defined in absolute system and applied at the center of gravity);

driveline reaction torque (defined in the power unit coordinate system and
applied parallel to crankshaft rotation axis).



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

Driveline reaction torque is the constant mean engine torque for each engine speed
analyzed, multiplied by actual gear ratio.
It is also possible to interpolate engine torque by setting the load factor between full load
(100% load) and motored engine (0% load) conditions.

In the position of static equilibrium, the linearized stiffness and damping coefficients are
calculated to be further used in modal and dynamic analyses. Mount Modal Analysis in Static Equilibrium Position

Modal analysis is performed now for the linearized system at the position of static
equilibrium. Different loads for different engine speeds lead to different positions of static
equilibrium and consequently, to different effective stiffness constants of mounts after
linearization. Finally, this leads to different results for different speeds, both in frequency
spectrum and in mode shapes. For each simulation case (i.e. for each combination of gear
ratio, acceleration and load factor) there will be a separate set of results vs. engine speed,
including the critical speeds diagram shown below. Mount Basic Vibration Analysis in Static Equilibrium

As in the case of modal analysis, the dynamic (vibration) analysis is also performed for
the linearized system at the position of static equilibrium.
Variable gas and mass excitation forces and moments of engine are internally precalculated by the Unbalance module (Cranktrain Globals) for each analyzed engine speed.



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

Linear dynamic analysis module is based on the 3D forced response solution in frequency
domain and results in periodic output values for a single engine cycle.
The report contains both force/moment excitation components and the respective
displacement/deformation/force response both as curves vs. crank angle (for analyzed
speeds) and Campbell diagrams.

2.3.2. Enhancements
Bearing: Engine configuration information detected in Bearing task
The following information is detected while analyzing $CASE_DIR/loads/cranktrain.dat
file, and is written out to the log file (bearing.INF): 1) engine configuration; 2) block
inclination angle; 3) cylinder range angle (e.g. this is the V-angle for V-engines).
Mount Layout Tool: GUI enhancements
Here are the main changes/enhancements/modifications in GUI:
- "Power Unit" dialog window: added option for copying component data.
- "Transmission" dialog window: made Final Drive gear step optional.
- "Engine Torque" dialog window: new section for Dynamic Analysis.
- "Transient Load" dialog window: new section for Dynamic Analysis.
- "Acceleration Field" dialog window: moved data from Case definition into own section.
- "Mounts" dialog window: added option for copying mount data; added new input data
corresponding to new solver; added a chart for showing different properties of mounts.
- "Cases" dialog window: Cases are now relevant for all calculations, not only for Static
- "Simulation" dialog window: Static Analysis calculation is now a pre-requisite for all
other calculations; added option for selecting Dynamic Analysis calculation; the results
vs. speed and/or crank angle can now be chosen for showing them in report.
- "Results" dialog window: Results are divided into case- and calculation-specific; 3D
Campbell diagram for displaying the results of Dynamic Analysis calculation has been



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

- "3D Viewer": added Show/Hide Axis button.

- "Report": adapted to show new input and result values; added results of Dynamic
Analysis calculation; the results are divided into case- and calculation-specific.
Mount Layout Tool: New example
Due to considerable changes in Mount Layout Tool, a new example is made based on
I4_demo_transmission_rigid.ex variant of 107_I4_Demo_TransmissionManual
installation. Because of the enlarged data set, the old examples (102 and 121) are not
compatible with the new version of the software and will not be further supported.
Strength: Renamed "Comparison/Safety Factor" to "Durability Factor"
Renamed "Comparison/Saftety Factor" to "Durability Factor" throughout the Strength
task (in reports/results and in documentation).

2.3.3. Resolved Issues

Mount Layout Tool: possible wrong negative sign of gear ratio
The sign of the gear ratio changed automatically by the GUI to negative (could be seen in
log window) for some combinations of reverse gear, power unit coordinate axes choice and
engine configuration type. Now, the gear ratio will automatically change the sign to
negative in case of reverse gear only.
Bearing: Missing information on main bearing split angle definition for V-engines
There was an information on split angle definition for main bearings of V-engines missing
in user documentation. It is added now to on-line help.
Bearing: Wrong big end bearing diameter in EXCITE Designer examples
Excite Designer models 121_Designer_I4, 123_Designer_I4_driveline, and
124_Designer_I4_timingdrive-belt contained 44mm big end bearing diameter which was
not consistent with crankshaft (Shaft Modeler) and conrod (Conrod Modeler) definitions.
Now big end bearing diameter has been changed to 52mm.
Conrod Modeler correction in EXCITE Designer mode
The option "Add Mass of Piston Assembly (defined in CTG) to Mass at Small End" is a
purely EXCITE Power Unit option (needed for exb file), and it is hidden and ignored in
EXCITE Designer mode.
Dialogs of some EXCITE Designer elements could not be opened
Dialogs of some newly created EXCITE Designer elements could not be opened without
first opening the dialogs in the EXCITE Power Unit mode. This is solved.
Error opening driveline elements for Designer analysis
Under some conditions dialogs for driveline elements for Designer analysis could not be
opened before user opens dialogs for those elements in EXCITE Power Unit mode.
Problem is solved.
MBLoad kernel crashed if "Plots in frequency domain" was not active
MBLoad kernel crashed if, in Simulation Control | MB and Web Load | Standard Report,
the toggle "Plots in frequency domain" was not activated or if the "Maximum order
shown" was not assigned a positive value to.



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

No load files generated in case of direct non-interpolated moments

Torsion task of EXCITE Designer could not run because no load files were generated in
case of directly applied non-interpolated moments, although being referenced in
torsion.sys file.
Strength tried to analyze max. speed even out of the sequence
In case of constant step width for speeds, Strength module tried to analyse the maximum
speed even if it didn't comply with the constant step width definition.
Torsion: Not possible to start 32 bit Designer Torsion task on 64 bit systems
It was not possible to start 32 bit Designer Torsion task on 64 bit systems (APPCRASH).
This has been made possible now.
Under some conditions ROTX joint dialog could not be opened
Using a ROTX joint coupling to a shaft may leads to problem with opening of joint and
shaft dialog. This is corrected.

2.3.4. Installation Examples


4 Cylinder Engine Analysis in EXCITE Designer


Bearing Analysis, Torsional Vibration Analysis, Strength



Advanced material definition (Haigh)


Gough Pollard Method


Calculation from Main bearing loads





4 Cylinder Engine Analysis in EXCITE Designer

Branched system up to wheels added to the model.

4 Cylinder Engine Analysis in EXCITE Designer

Additional camshaft bodies and timing belt are
Shaft Modeler Example
Basic options in Shaft Modeler are presented.
Structural properties of webs and disks calculated
externally using volumetric FE Model
(Patran/Nastran/Scripts); AutoSHAFT not used.


EXCITE v2014.1



Release Notes

AutoSHAFT analysis in combination with Shaft

Crankshaft Geometry based on 3D CAD model (STL
format). Structural properties of webs and disks are
calculated with AutoSHAFT.


5 Cylinder engine AutoSHAFT analysis

Structural properties of a single web calculated with
AutoSHAFT; results copied to other similar webs.
V6 type crankshaft in Shaft Modeler


A Vengine crankshaft with split pin for Shaft Modeler/


2.4. EXCITE Piston&Rings

2.4.1. Enhancement
Oil Consumption Calculations
If different cases were started at the same time, the solver crashed during the oil
consumption calculations. This limitation is eliminated.

2.4.2. Resolved Issues

Contribution of micro-hydrodynamic friction
The contribution of the micro-hydrodynamic contact was in the wrong direction. This bug
is repaired.
Create Report
Create report failed in some cases. This bug is repaired.
GIDAs File format
If the friction mean effective pressure value is very small and goes below 1.E-100, the
value will be written in the GIDAs as 1.-100. This format problem is solved by using the
advanced format.
Vogel coefficients of 20W-30, 20W-30 & 20W-20
Mistype mistakes in the Vogel coefficients of 20W-30, 20W-30 & 20W-20 are corrected.



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

2.4.3. Installation Examples





EXCITE Piston&Rings: 6 cylinder diesel engine

Common EXCITE P&R model setup and basic
presentation for single cylinder with bore 128 mm.
Enabled tasks: Piston Slap, Ring Dynamics and Oil
EXCITE Piston&Rings: gasoline 4-stroke engine
Common EXCITE P&R model setup and basic
presentation for single cylinder with bore 76 mm.
Enabled tasks: Piston Slap, Ring Dynamics and Oil



EXCITE Piston&Rings: 1.9 L diesel engine

Common EXCITE P&R model setup and basic
presentation for single cylinder with bore 80 mm
compatible to EXCITE PU installation example.
Enabled tasks: Piston Slap, Ring Dynamics and Oil

2.5. EXCITE Timing Drive

2.5.1. Enhancements
New Macro - Hydraulic Belt Tensioner
A new macro for a hydraulic belt tensioner was developed. This tensioner has no external
oil supply and changes its working direction based on the direction of the plunger and
housing connector points.
Bushing/Roller and Silent Chains: Implementation of a new chain impact evaluation
A new chain drive evaluation method has been implemented for Busing/Roller as well as
Silent Chains. The method is based on the synthesis of a contact force history for all
sprockets/guides which are in contact to a particular chain. Based on the derived contact
force history (which contains just the engagement impacts) an FFT is carried out. Finally,
the magnitudes at selected orders (typically impact orders and their harmonics/subharmonics) are accumulated to an RMS-value for each sprocket/guide. The obtained RMS
value gives a relative measure for the induced chain whine noise.
In order to activate the evaluation the following statement has to be introduced to
'Simulation Control' | 'Description' |'2nd remark':
The extraction of the contact time history for each individual sprocket/guide as well as
the corresponding RMS values are provided via the user defined result script named A more detailed description of the evaluation is given in the Helpsection of the user defined result evaluation script.
Treatment of tables specified for more than the given period length
If users have specified tables for a period longer than the defined period length, EXCITE



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

Timing Drive provided a warning message. Calculations have been submitted and the
corresponding table was truncated at period length in the calculation. In v2014, the
warning is provided if the last value in the table exceeds the period length by less than
1%. If this limit is exceeded an error message is given and calculation is not started any
UD Result Script - effective tension
A new post processing script was generated which determines the effective tension for a
specific chain/belt drive using SHPU and PULL elements. The effective tension is defined
as the difference in force between incoming and leaving span around a pulley. The script
extracts results vs. time and min/max values vs. speed.
UD Result Script - Results evaluation for chain/belts
A new user defined result script was generated for the determination of chain/belt
results. This script is called Chain/Belt results Automatic and is based on the script
Chain/Belt results. The new script extends the old one by automatically creating the
crossing lines in the middle of each free belt span, so that definition of the crossing lines
is not necessary anymore.
UD Result Script - Results evaluation for NT belts
A new user defined result script was generated for the determination of NT belt results.
This script is called NT Belt results Automatic and is based on the script NT Belt results.
The new script extends the old one by automatically creating the crossing lines in the
middle of each free belt span, so that definition of the crossing lines is not necessary
UD Result Script - Slippage calculation for NT belt
A new post-processing script was generated for the determination of the slippage between
belt and pulley. The script compares the rotational speed of the belt segment at the
defined position (crossing line) with the pulley speed to determine the slippage. The script
is called from the pulley element and extracts time results as well as min/max values vs.
UD Result Script - Torque Transfer NT belt
The user defined result script Torque Transfer NT belt was extended to write out
min/max transferable torque vs. speed and max exploit of transferable torque vs. speed.
Variable Damping or Stiffness Table
The limitation on the number of rows was increased for the following Mechanical
Connection tables: Rot. Damper--Damping Table
Trans. Damper--Damping Table
Rot. Spring--Stiffness Table
Trans. Spring--Stiffness Table

2.5.2. Resolved Issues

Job Management System: Status 'Completed' although simulation stopped due to an error
Due to an error in the communication between the EXCITE Timing Drive kernel and the
Job Management System, the status 'Completed' was given, although the simulation
stopped with an error. This problem was resolved by issuing the status 'Failed'.
Meshing data computation for GEAR and SHGE-Elements: Incorrect contact length for



Release Notes

EXCITE v2014.1

If the sum of the addendum modification coefficients x_1 + x_2 is zero, the computation
stops with the error 'Unable to calculate Contact Length' Set to zero!'. This problem has
now been corrected.
SHGE and GEAR elements: Modified calculation of engagement direction
For the computation of the engagement line direction at driving and backlash side,
the helix angle measured at the base cylinder (beta_b) is now used.
Before directions were computed using helix angle at pitch cylinder (beta) which caused
some slight deviations from the expected theoretical values in particular with high helix
Spring Macro - Incorrect results with number of elements not equal to 4
The spring macro created wrong results when the number of elements was not equal to 4,
especially resulting in an incorrect preload.
UD result scripts - Results evaluation for chains/belts gives zero forces
The result scripts generating chain and belt specific results determined wrong forces
when activating additional result types beside the chain/belt force.
UD results script ESPR spring force top/bottom creates wrong results
The user defined result script for the determination of the top/bottom spring forces of the
enhanced spring created wrong results if the number of end coils at the retainer end was
smaller than 1.
Units in Spring macro diagrams
Units in Spring macro diagrams are now synchronized with units in Characteristic tables
(Force Characteristic, Stiffness Characteristic, ...). Resolved Issue Provided as Patches for v2013

Problem with camshaft (from Camshaft Macro) and valve train (from SVT Macro)
In the released version, connection between a SVT Macro and a Camshaft Macro did not
work correctly for link points located on cam segments of the shaft. This problem has
been solved.



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

2.5.3. Installation Examples

301_Cam Design


Example based on flat tappet layout of a single

valve train
EXCITE Timing Drive: Single Valve Train


Single valve train example based on flat tappet

layout, intake valve train


Single valve train example based on finger

follower layout (rocker directly actuated by the
cam), exhaust valve train, applied cylinder


EXCITE Timing Drive: Shafts


Modeling of shafts using Shaft Modeler, 3 cylinder



Modeling of shafts using single Shaft elements, 3

cylinder camshaft





EXCITE Timing Drive: Cam Design

EXCITE Timing Drive: Entire Timing Drive

3-cylinder example, combining models 302-01,
302-04, 305-02
EXCITE Timing Drive: Gear Drive
2-step timing gear drive, truck application
EXCITE Timing Drive: Chain Drive
Timing chain drive using bushing chain, no
detailed tensioner (only spring/damper)
EXCITE Timing Drive: Chain Drive
Timing chain drive using silent chain, no detailed
tensioner (only spring/damper)
EXCITE Timing Drive: Toothed Belt Drive
Timing belt drive using toothed belt (HTDA type),
no detailed tensioner (only spring/damper)
EXCITE Timing Drive: FEAD
FEAD (Front End Auxiliary Drive) model, non
toothed belt, includes rotational eccentric
EXCITE Timing Drive: Hydraulic Tensioner
Hydraulic tensioner model with check valve and
ventilation disk, modeled by single generic


Release Notes



EXCITE v2014.1

EXCITE Timing Drive: Optimization Example

Optimization example based on model 302-01,
target is reduction of contact pressure under
limitation of permitted valve contact velocity and
contact loss angle, variation is done on spring

2.6. EXCITE Pre-processing Tools

2.6.1. AutoSHAFT Enhancements
FE Mesher: FAME Hexa executable version upgraded in AutoSHAFT installation
FAME Hexa executable version upgraded in AutoSHAFT installation to the Build 13246
which was officially released with FIRE v2013.2. This helps to resolve some problems
related to the volumetric FE meshes generated by FAME Hexa within AutoSHAFT
session (see CRQ_116933).
IMPRESS: Distance Measuring Tool
In IMPRESS, the distance measuring tool - which is very useful for AutoSHAFT users has become easily accessible: now also under Info | Geo info within the application bar on
the right. Resolved Issue

FE Mesher: Some POINT entries in CFF file could be corrupt
For some models, position and inertia data of some web mass points in CFF file were
corrupt (the entries shown were not numbers). This happended because of some identical
nodes present in FE mesh. Upgrading FAME Hexa mesher to the last released version
resolved the problem (see CRQ_130178).

2.7. GUI (Graphical User Interface)

2.7.1. Resolved Issues
Job Submission and Control: Copying the project directory to another location is working.
Two main issues caused the bug. First, project directory and product version was
recovered from the config file. Second, the job state files contained invalid state
Job Submission and Control: Avoid replacing characters of a constant string
The characters of a constant string were modified which caused an access violation.
Job Submission and Control: Fix for showing details of model-based tasks



EXCITE v2014.1

Release Notes

The detail window failed to open for model-based tasks upon double-clicking a modelbased task in tab "Tasks" (empty fields "Case set" and "Case").
Job Submission and Control: queue file location changed
The queue file now resides in the directory JMS_USERHOME.
Job Submission and Control: Cannot open log file to check message for status failed
The task information window can now be opened for all tasks displayed in the latest view.
The system was unable to identify the latest tasks submitted from the same project whose
variants reside in different project directories.
Job Submission and Control: Submitting FEA jobs caused problems when displaying Task
Information dialog
Upon building the compact tree in task information window several casesets having
identical names have to be taken into account to select the unique task path if FEA tasks
are involved. Resolved Issues Provided as Patches for v2013

Licensing: Launch Users Guide from the product licensing utility
Clicking the 'Help' button in the product licensing utility caused an error due to a wrong
path to the file containing the documentation. The path is corrected and the 'Help' button
works properly.
Job Submission and Control: Relate simulation status information to the currently loaded
Now the filter string in simulation status window contains at least the name of the model
currently loaded. If no model is loaded the filter string is empty. However, a user-defined
filter string is only restored from a previous session if the string contains the name of the
model currently loaded. Otherwise, the filter string equals the name of the model
currently loaded. As consequence, the information of the simulation status window is
related to the currently loaded model always.
Job Submission and Control: Fix for Compact Tree in Task Information Window
Upon building the compact tree in task information window, the first found case set for a
model was erroneously selected always. Now the name of the case set is taken into
account to select the correct case set.
Scripting and Runtime Environment: Error Starting Friction Map Generator for EXCITE
Timing Drive
An error starting the Friction Map Generator for EXCITE Timing Drive has been solved
by correcting the used start command.



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