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C NA Lesson Plan N100A: Week 1

Topic 3 NCLEX-PN Test Plan

Objectives: The student:
4. Defines NCLEX PN knowledge/ skills categories, test plan
Additional objectives:
1. Discusses origin, purpose of the NCLEX-PN evaluation program
2. Explains framework for NCLEX-PN content distribution and its processes
3. Explains how the nursing process in integrated into the NCLEX
4. Identifies test taking strategies using previous class or text multiple choice questions
5. Defines levels of cognitive ability on NCLEX-PN questions
6. Distinguishes between NCLEX-PN and NCLEX-RN exams
A. Class preparation: Use Text: NNR pp 1-10; FN, pp 1251-53
B. Lecture (40min) with one 5 min break
1. Define the NCSBN; the NCLEX-PN and its purposes
National Council of SBs of Nursing; 1993 turned to computerized testing; it measures
applicants competence to perform safe care at entry level. All States territories use
this exam. Content for NCLEX-PN knowledge of nursing and its procedures applied to a
specific situation. Think about this: a specific situation action to take, a task to perform
as if it were required of you right now. You could know all the knowledge and still not
pass, because the questions are almost entirely situational. Some questions are easy
having less information to process; other are complex with 2 or more facts for the
tested to consider when choosing the best answer to the issue at hand in the question,
to what the question is asking the testee to do.
2. Forms of the questions: multiple choice (stem + 4 options); multiple response (right
group/sequence of number for a procedure); or fill-in the blank with correct calculation
3. Explain NCLEX-PN framework for addressing nursing knowledge and skills.The
framework is based on specific client needs put into categories: Safe/effective care;
health promotion and maintenance; psychosocial integrity; physiological integrity (see
Table 1-1 in text) p3. Have students read definitions of categories and comment.
4. How is the nursing process integrated into the NCLEX-PN?
5. Define levels of cognitive ability and who levels are lested on the NCLEX-PN p5
Knowledge: fact, normal data, definition Comprehension: understands (a light goes on,
learner is changed from this new understanding; never forget this level) explain,
interpret, predict, distinguish
Application: use knowledge in a situation, with data given choose the best option; use
information according to circumstances presented; Analysis more data to put together;
requires more schooling.
From NCSBNs tables(handout), compare/contrast % distribution for testing of
each of the categories for RN
and LVN
Self Study (30 min) with 15 min break
1. Find categories in texts books: Promotion/maintenance; safety concerns; treatment by
physician; physio and
psycho integrity of NNR

Seminar (35min)
2. At what level are you now? (0) so no panic
3. What actions in the past have helped you do well on a test? What actions hindered

4. Review of content by instructor
F. Maximum topic points:
Topic 4: NCLEX-PN Test Plan:
Additional Objectives:
1. Discusses how multiple choice questions are constructed
2. Explains the dos and donts of answering multiple choice questions
A. Class preparation: same as for Topic #3
B. Lecture (40 min) with 5 min break
1. Define multiple choice and fill in the blank, multiple response questions; someone find these in
Ch. 1


Explain structure of a multiple choice test question: stem; options; often 2 incorrect and 2
seem correct; look again at what q is asking. Knowledge of content often very complete, but
this will not alone help you.
Knowledge question: facts or a scientific statement in the stem; correct scientific finding in the
options of which only 1 is correct; e.g.
The following organizations are committed to serve LVNs professional and educational needs:
1. NCSBN and NLN
3. ANA and NLN

4. Comprehension questions: patient in the stem has a need for the nurse act: usually to use one
of the steps in the NP;
e.g. p 138, # 9: options come from text about which assessment/intervention or evaluation is
5. Application questions: more facts in the stem from the sciences (A&P, Psych, Nut, HD, Rx, Nsg)
and options that require
knowledge of multiple facts, conditions, principles in nursing science; one is different than the
other three, e.g. 3 are
correctly grouped; one is not. If three are correctly grouped than how can any one of them be
correct? Or three are
wrong. E.g. #18 , p409
6. Analysis questions: stem is complex with in stem imagine or visualize; options are often findings
from different known
diseases; when not sure, helps to look for more global response, an answer that covers another
one; when not sure,
helps to look for ,more global response, an answer that covers another one; determine if each
option exactly answers
the question (issue) in the stem; e.g. #18 p.476
7. Strategy for reading a question:

Read the stem and 4 options and any key words/phrases e.g. most important (implies
that more than one option is correct but not priority)

never only : usually incorrect

Determine who is the client

Determine if the stem is true or false; it is true then option is true; vice versa

Determine the issue of the question (what is the question asking); answer in r/t the issue
not whether the option is correct

Eliminate options that are obviously incorrect; then go back and reread the stem and
remaining options

If both seem correct look for the more glogal/comprehensive option; it is the more global
one contains the alternative option within it, it is likely that the more global response is the
correct answer.
C. Self study (30min) with one 15 min break

Study hand out on text question categories

D. Seminar (15min)

Resume discuss, seminar format: Explain how distinguish different levels of questions.

Week: 1 Topic 2 Title: Philosophy/Conceptual Framework/Curriculum

Class objectives:
The student:
1. Translates School Philosophy/Concepts in other terms or languages
Additional objectives:
2. Define and explain a philosophy statement, conceptual framework and curriculum
3. List all the values, concepts contained in the philosophy and conceptual framework
4. Describe the progressions of C NA curricular content
5. Discusses advantages of C NA lecture format
6. Explains C NA point system of grading
A. Lecture Content Outline: 40 min




Define philosophy: love of wisdom; understanding the problems all human beings face,
a culturally determined system of beliefs, concepts, theories, convictions; different
philosophies; some solid and enduring, other s popular but short-lived, rootless; both
have long-lasting impact on children, education goals; how clients/patients are cared
for; what clients/patients except; what life choices people make. For a nurse it is
important to be open to the beliefs, practices and traditions of other cultures. Manu are
helpful to health and healing; others detrimental. Take 5 min here: Do you have a
philosophy of life? Do you think about it much? Act from it? How does recent scientific
progress affect philosophy?
Define conceptual framework: List all the values, concepts contained in the philosophy
and conceptual framework. Whats it for? To direct the teaching in a certain way; to
help faculty choose classes and objectives that line up with the mission and values of
the school; a base for curricular design. Memorize ours! Show our comment on each.
Comments from class.
Define curriculum: and describe the progression of its content

B. Self-Study
Choose 3 values from the philosophy and 3 concepts from the conceptual
framework and identify them in the
various class objectives
C. Seminar
In seminar format (chairs in circle) discuss with classmates where in the body of
courses integration of C NA
values and concepts were identified
Evaluate what was learned
Homework: List all values and concepts; along side put one or more synonyms.
Optional: add a word with
same meaning from another language. Assignment due by (Date)____
D. Evaluation
A Philosophy of life explains a persons ________________________ and practices
A. beliefs
B. religion
C. nationality
D. opportunities
Theory Class N100A
Class objectives:
1. List at least three successful study methods
2. Identify different learning styles
Topic #5
Title: How to Study for Success
Resources: Hill, S. & Howlett, H., Success in Practical/ Vocational Nursing : From Student to Leader.
(W.B. Saunders Co.,2001); Meltzer; M. & Palau, S., Reading & Study Strategies for Nursing Students
Lecture Outline:
1. Introduction- Importance of Smart Study Skills
2. Learning Styles
3. Core Skills for Smart Student: PORLOCRPTE which stands for P=Positive Attitudes,
O=Organizing, R= Reading, L=Listening, O=Observing, C= Communicating (including Writing,
Speaking), R= Remembering, P=Practicing, T=Testing, E=Evaluating. All of these skills are part
of a process which means that after analyzing, you begin with Organizing, etc.
4. Organizing Time Management
5. Reading
6. Listening
7. Observing
8. Communicating-includes Writing, speaking
9. Remembering- Using mnemonics, Relativity, Associational, Context
10. Practicing
11. Testing
12. Evaluating

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