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Installing GeoMedia


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the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Natural Resources. Software based on the National
Transformation Version 2 developed by Geodetic Survey Division, Geomatics Canada.
Copyright for Dynamap/2000 2002-2005 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. This product contains proprietary
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Use of this software product is subject to the EULA delivered with this software product.
Intergraph Corporation
Huntsville, Alabama 35813-0001

Installing GeoMedia Objects

Installing GeoMedia Objects

GeoMedia Objects setup uses Windows Installer to install the software.

Steps to Take before You Install GeoMedia Objects

Verify that your system meets or exceeds the requirements for GeoMedia Objects 6.1 listed in
the GeoMedia Objects Readme. GeoMedia Objects runs on Windows XP and Windows
See the Licensing GeoMedia Products section for more information.

Verify that you have administrator privileges on the system where you want to install
GeoMedia Objects.

Verify that you have Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 or higher installed on your
system. See Microsoft documentation for more information on installing and using .NET.

If you expect to use GeoMedia Objects with MGE, MGDM, MGSM, or ODBC Tabular
projects, or with CAD data that has database attribute linkages, install the Open Database
Connectivity (ODBC) drivers that are appropriate for the database-management systems you
use with your data. You can get the appropriate ODBC drivers from your database system

In order to use the Oracle Object Model data server, you must load the Oracle client software
before installing GeoMedia Objects.

You must remove previous versions of GeoMedia Objects before installing the current version.
You will not be able to install this version over a previous version. Use Start > Control Panel
> Add or Remove Programs to remove any previous versions of the product.
Note: To check the version of GeoMedia Objects currently installed, go to Control Panel and
click Add or Remove Programs. Select GeoMedia Objects from the list; then click the link
that says Click here for support information.

Installing GeoMedia Objects

Installing GeoMedia Objects

1. Close all Windows programs.
2. Insert the GeoMedia Objects CD into the CD-ROM drive, or connect to the shared network
folder containing GeoMedia Objects.
3. If you are installing from a shared network drive, or if the installation process does not start
automatically, you can select Start > Control Panel and then use the Add or Remove
Programs Wizard to run Setup.exe. You can also double click the filename Setup.exe.
4. When the GeoMedia Objects Setup dialog box appears, read the instructions and follow the
prompts to install the product where you want it.
Note: You can change the installation folder for each component by selecting the component
and then clicking Browse.
5. When the installation process is complete, click Finish.

Licensing GeoMedia Products

The GeoMedia 6.1 suite of applications uses a licensing scheme based on FLEXlm, a popular
license manager used in the software industry. The two modes of FLEXlm licensing used by the
GeoMedia suite of products are nodelocked and concurrent.
Please visit our licensing web site at to generate or to view
your licenses.
Note: GeoMedia 6.1 will run unlicensed (in nodelocked mode only) for a grace period of 30 days
after installation. As with any nodelocked license, you cannot use Remote Desktop or Terminal
Services; this functionality requires a concurrent license.

Installing GeoMedia Objects

Loading GeoMedia Objects on a 64-bit Operating

This section provides the system administrator and end user with information on installing and
deploying GeoMedia Objects on a 64-bit operating system. If you run on a 64-bit operating
system, such as Windows Vista x64, you will need to know the differences discussed in this
section. GeoMedia Objects is a 32-bit application, but it can be run on most 64-bit processors.
Loading GeoMedia Objects on a 64-bit operating system will result in a few changes in folder and
license file locations, registry entries, and use of Microsoft Windows tools.
Folder LocationFolder structures for GeoMedia Objects are different on 32-bit and 64-bit
operating systems. On a 32-bit operating system, all GeoMedia Objects folders and Common Files
folders install under C:\Program Files. On a 64-bit operating system, these folders install under
C:\Program Files (x86).
License FilesWhen placing a license file for GeoMedia Objects on a 64-bit operating system, it
must be placed in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intergraph\Ingr_Licenses.
Note there is no Intergraph folder in C:\Program Files\Common Files on a 64-bit operating system.
Like the license folder, GeoMedia Objects will be placed in C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoMedia
Registry EntriesIn a similar fashion, GeoMedia Objects and related registry entries are different
on a 64-bit operating system. GeoMedia Objects HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry entries are
unchanged on a 64-bit system, but HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry entries are in a different
location. The new location for local machine entries for GeoMedia Objects on a 64-bit operating
system is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Wow6432Node > Intergraph. If the FLEXlm
entry for GeoMedia Objects licensing needs to be modified for license file location or concurrent
license server reference, it is also in the new location at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software >
Wow6432Node > FlexLM license manager.
32-bit Compatible ApplicationsAny 32-bit compatible operating system application used in
conjunction with GeoMedia Objects has also been relocated on a 64-bit operating system. For
example, ODBCad32.exe is the application used to create ODBC DSNs that may be used for
various GeoMedia warehouse connections. There are two different ODBCad32.exe files on a 64bit Windows operating system. One normally resides in C:\Windows\System32, the other in
C:\Windows\SysWOW64. Because a 64-bit operating system can run both 32-bit and 64-bit
applications, a folder is used to distinguish 32-bit applications from 64-bit applications. Operating
system applications available from Windows Explorer views reference 64-bit applications. If you
need to run a 32-bit Windows application, you must browse to the 32-bit folder, and then run the
application from there. The 32-bit Windows applications will be found in
C:\Windows\SysWOW64. The 64-bit applications will be found in C:\Windows\System32.

Installing GeoMedia Objects

Configuring Unicode
All controls in the product that perform the display and entry of either graphic text or attribute text
now support multi-language text (Unicode).
The following is a sample procedure for configuring Unicode:
1. Use Registry Editor (regedit) from the command line to open the registry.
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Intergraph.
3. Locate the two String Values GeoMediaUnicodeTextFontName and
If they do not exist, create them by right clicking on Intergraph and then selecting New >
String Value from the right mouse menu.
4. Select GeoMediaUnicodeTextFontName, and from the right mouse menu select Modify.
5. On the Edit String dialog box, type any valid Unicode font, for example Arial Unicode MS, in
the Value data field, and then click OK.
6. Select GeoMediaUnicodeTextFontSize, and from the right mouse menu select Modify.
7. On the Edit String dialog box, type the number of the appropriate font size in the Value data
field, and then click OK.

Documents Provided with GeoMedia Objects

The following online documents are provided with GeoMedia Objects:


Installing GeoMedia Objects

Instructions for installing the product

GeoMedia Objects Object Reference

Programmer's guide for objects, methods, and


Deploying Applications Built with

GeoMedia Objects

Describes the procedures to create a Setup


These documents can be found in the .\Resources folder on the product CD. You can view the
Installing GeoMedia Objects by double clicking on .\Resources\InstallingGeoMediaObjects.pdf
and the GeoMedia Objects Object Reference by double clicking on .\Resources\GM_auto61.chm.
Note: You may not be able to view the GeoMedia Objects Object Reference or the GeoMedia
Objects Object Model Quick Reference over a network connection. However, you can view it by
double clicking on .\Resources\GM_auto60.chm. or .\Resources\GMO_AutoModel.chm on the
product CD.

Installing GeoMedia Objects

Repairing Your GeoMedia Objects Installation

If your GeoMedia Objects installation stops working, you can use the Repair option to check it
and to replace any missing or corrupt files. To repair your GeoMedia Objects installation, use the
following procedure:
1. Select Control Panel from the Start menu.
2. From the Control Panel, select Add or Remove Programs.
3. Select GeoMedia Objects.
4. Click Change.
5. Click Next; and then click Repair.
6. Click Install to begin the process of checking and replacing corrupt or missing files.
7. When the installation is complete, click Finish.

Removing GeoMedia Objects from Your System

To remove GeoMedia Objects from your system, use the following procedure:
1. Select the Control Panel from the Start menu.
2. From the Control Panel, select Add or Remove Programs.
3. Select GeoMedia Objects.
4. Click Remove.
5. Click Yes.
6. If prompted, restart your computer.

Additional information on Intergraph Support and Services is available on the Internet.

Use a web browser to connect to Intergraph Online at
For general Intergraph information, call 1-800-791-3357 (U.S. and Canada) or
001-256-730-2000 (international).

Installing GeoMedia Objects


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