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~Oi~ Vocabulary

A 1 ~ examination

l:ll- lrn.q to be busy

~~iil enough, thoroughly

.:g--¥- stud y

1:1 q to be easy 2=l ~ anxiety

~ ~g Pronunciation * ~<>1JL[.£_Cll~JL] <>1 ~ x] [0-1 ~~n

~Al pJ-[°J-~l1fr]

Jij ~ % y ql Jij 7Jll ~ y q 1


Aj A~ 'B : ~~'>1 ::g-Jf- ~o 1 ~ '>1 .a ?

S::.. • u]-0l E.. i>ll rJ 0

'- • 1:0 .A~" ~ I J..L..

* * * * * ** * * *

AjA~'B : q~ A17Jo11 ~ "'l~ ~ ~~'>1Ji..

~ : ~~'>1 "'1 ~ 01 '>1 i:~.!f~ Ji.?

AjA~ ~ : 01-y_2_, e>i 1fl:Al ~o 1- .a. ~ : '>11-711 ::g-Jf- -&-} li:! ~ iL ?

1--1 If- ~ ~a -B"}:Al tr tAil Ji..

~ : t;ll, -=r..c-a ~ ~ ~ ~l~yq.



1. Honorofic ending (question) - l::i Y 7J}?

1) c:>l~711 All-lP'JY7J}?

How have you been?

2) *~ 0J .. ~._.J'J Y7J}?

Are you getting dressed?

2. Honorific -A1- (for person only)

*-¥--8"} ~ A~ A }l?J-o 1 TT~l..B..?

Who is that man who is studying? *-¥--8"}A 1 ~ ~o 1 7.J Aj A~ \it 0 1 A~l..B...

The person who is studying is Mr. Kim.


1. qg {C-:AJ~ TollAl 'A1'7} e>J-~711 A}%!8. ~~ ~o} _}i!_A~l..B.. . .::z.~ :JJ.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~711 :JJ..~ ~A~l..B.. .

. 1) o}717} ~1~A1q.

( )

2) O-iuiY7} Al:AJoll 7P'Jq.

( )

3) AJAB\iJol ~4.

( )

4) %A~ol 7Jq.

( )

_}i!_71 : %A~ 01 .g..q.

- o}tl-] A17} (__«-/~l q).

1) y-~ *~oll ~q.

- o}tl-]A17} *~oll ( ).


2) %A~~ l:1J~ ~o}~4.

- e>l Pi y ~ l:1J ~ ( ).

3) o}717} *~ oJ ~4.

- ~PiY7} *~ ( ).

4) ~-T7}.:1.~ ~ .:1.rH4.

-AJA~~Ol.:1.~~( ) .

.li!_71: (o}1:J-1:Al, ~Jl, 2J=-4)

- o} 1:J-1 :A 17} :&l ~ 2J=-11 e>l Jl..


3) o+, ~~ A~, ~o}<5}4)


Examinee Encouragement Present

There is all old Korean tradition of giving yot or ch' apssalttok to a student before he/she takes the college entrance exam. Because yot and Ch'apssalttok are sticky they have the meaning of 'stick to the test'("pass the test"). However, you never feed them miyokkiik the morning of the exam. It's traditionally thought that since miyok is slippery, the student will 'slip off the test'. If you go to a school that is giving the exam, you can see mothers of examinees sticking yot to the front gate of the school or on the wall and praying their hearts out. They do this because they believe in the effects of the yot, as well as to show maternal love for their child.

Nowadays, there are changes in the kinds of presents given between middle and high school students. The most popular is a fork. You pierce food when eating with a fork, so this present means for the student to "pierce (~q) " the right answers. Besides forks, tissue, mirrors, knives, darts, etc. are also popular presents. The dart has the same meaning as the fork. The reason for giving tissue is a little different. This is because the verbs for blowing your nose (51 ~ ~q) and solving problems ({t-All ~ ~q) sound the same. As for a mirror, looking at a mirror and taking a test use the same verb ".M.q". There is no example of giving a knife as a present in Korea. So then what's the reason for giving a knife? The reason may be because the Korean verbs for "write, M c]" and "chop, ~ q" sound very similar.

Korean traditions and customs are slowly changing. Till a few years ago, presents for examinees were yot and Ch' apssalttok, but now they are getting diverse. The young generation want presents that show their individual personality. To the older generation the meaning of these presents may be ridiculous, but as time goes by you never know what may become a new tradition.

- 58-

~~ol1~ ~~ A1~ ~ ~ <l::~P~ol1711 <3!°1t+ ~T!l ~ ~~i>}~ _2..?1l~ %~01 'Utf. <3!°1t+ ~T!lol1~ ~717} Wi.9·.l1711- J~~ A1~ol1 ~ ~.9..ct ~ ~olP'~ ~~i>}{::- 3!01q. 1ft~, A1~.!2.~ t@- °1-~ol1~ ~tJls.. u1Q:]~ % ~A1 ?j~q. 0}1l} 01Q:]01 01nC1~Ll71} 01Q:]~~ A1~ol1 u1nC1All{! <ll ~q~ A~ztollA~ .:J_~ %~01 A~Zl 3! ~q. ~~ A1~01 ~A1~Jl 'U :c ~.ll!. ~ol1 7}.!2. ~ 4- ~ A~ Sl 6j n1 Y ~ 01 .ll!. {to 1 Y- ~.Ii!. 'ifol1 <3! ~ ~0:1 ~.Jl ~"8 ~O:l 71£i>}{::- .£.~ ~ ~ 4- 'Uq-.

013! ~ <3!Sl .K~ ~~6jA~471.!2.q-i::- 0}1l} Al~ .!2.~ A~ ~ ~"Bll ~ ~~ tf-5}.Jl ~~ 5Y'JoflSl jf_~~ 3!°1tf.

J~];]l _S_~ -F, .Jl ~~A~ ~ A}olollAi ~ ~%Sl **7} l:l}li'1.Jl 'Uq. 71-~J- ~71 'U~ ~% %-&~ (~3.). ssis. gC1 ~ ~6j ~~tf~ I:~lAi o}olg6j ~ ~6j ~'it~ ~ ~.9..4~ ~ollAi 9{:- ~%olq. ~3. ~oJ1 *Al, 71%, ~, q-E ~£ ~71'U~ ~%olq. (qE)£ ~3.9} 1l1-~71- Als.. ~'it~ ~ ~.9..4:c Slo171- 'Uq. (*Al) ~. * °l-ft-C ~ q-gq. *%~ ~ uJl *A1 ~ Al-%i>1-~ 3!~~ Al~ ~fi11£ ~ ~4.Jl ~q. JC1 1171} *Al ~ *%.l4 A1~ ~fi117} ~ ~ %A} '~q' ~ A}%~* A~ztol1 Ai A~Zl ~~01q . .:J_C1~ ~~ ~%i>}~ 01 ft ~ -¥-<3l~71t? ~~ollAi ~ ~ ~%-5}~ ol17} ~tf. (~) ~ ~~ °1%~ ''it~ ~ ~4' 9} '~s.. ~6j 4' Sl ~g 01 %A}i>}71 uJl~014.Jl ~tf.

~~91 ~.:!8-°1Y- %~~ ~~} l:l}li'1.Jl ~tf. ~ \:i ~71}A11fr "Bll£ 4-~ A~ ~ ~~ ~%~ <3!01'--l- t!l0lCXl~];]1 01fi11~ AJ-rcfi>l q°J=iifl~tf. ~A~ltll ~ ~ A}~~1frSl lflAJ~ lE~~ 4- ~{::- 3! ~ ~-5}.Jl 'Uq. 7PJA-lltlloll711 :c Afls..-&- ~%~Sl Sl1l17} ~ ~~~Al1fr, A~l-%l 01 "6" g~ 6j L- Afl ~.:!8- .9...£ Al-C1 ~~A1£ .2.~ ~olq.

'tt'Cf however CI1l2-f~ slippery 5!:~OH matemallove

!ff-A~~ similar

cP~J=t;~c~ be getting diverse Sf~~ ridiculous

- 59-

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