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(To be submitted to the project steering comittee)

PART A: Synopsis Registration
I. Student Details
Roll Number
Name of program
Semester III
Name of LC
LC Code
II. Project Synopsis Details
Title of the project
Private brands are an important marketing tool and profit center for many retailers.
Objectives of the project
Objectives of the project Following are the main objectives of the private branding. Definition of private branding.: A private brand is a product that is exclusively manufactured
for a retailer. The retailer will market the product under its own brand name. Prices for private brands are usually set cheaper than competing name brands. Consumers often
think that private brands are of lower quality, but that perception is changing.The concept of private branding has several components which store's assist with. they are asist
with quality, brand loyalty, lower prices and higher margins, branding, control, all these are the are the objectives of the private branding.A comparative analysis between
retailers and manufacturers of private labels was regarded as necessary to learn about their perspectives regarding competition. The large sample size encouraged confident
generalization of the findings. Another limitation was only analyzing data from a country that has a low private label market share.
Problem Statement
A problem statement is a concise structure of the description about what issue is to be addressed. It serves as the back bone of a study. The following are some of the following
problem statements: 1. value proposition: the value propositions is the way by which consumers make their purchasing decisions. the better the quality, the lower the price, the
greatest is the value. product quality claims were that they were equivalent to the national brand. private label products are priced anywhere from 20 to 70 percent cheaper than
the national brand. even after giving heavy discounts, private label products still achieve a higher gross margin percent than the branded competition, since many private label
purchase decisions are trade-off versus the national brand, the greater value wins out. 2. market share: the second driver is the market share, the greater the private label's
market share, the smaller the discount that is needed verses the leading national brand. . 3. transformed image: there was a time when private labels were confined to the value
section of a retail store. viewed as the poor cousin to the national brands, consumers perceived these products as generics with low quality. . 4 Rapid Urbanisation : Rapid
urbanisation is causing the speedy migration of population to major tier I and tier II cities, which have a significant share in the retail sales of the country. 5 Rising Middle Class:
The Indian middle class is the largest consuming class and the prime target segment for retailers in India.The Indian middle-class population and its growing disposable income

level is expected to fuel the future growth of organised retail in India. . 6 Changing Shopping Behaviour: The swift technological, economic and social changes of the last decade
have had considerable implications on the buying and consumption behaviour of the customers. There is a paradigm shift occurring in the shopping attitude of Indian consumers
and this is reflected in their changing preferences, tastes and shopping behaviour. Indian consumers are more aware of brands and shops for lifestyle, and value brands
according to their need and occasion.
Methodology to be used
The methodology to be used are as follows: Common examples of private brands include: Grocery products - canned food, frozen food, rice, cereal, sodas, etc. Generic
medicine and health products - pain relievers, cough syrup, bandages, etc. Textiles - towels, washcloths, bed sheets, etc. Private brands provide retailers some good benefits.
1. Control. A retailer will have a much greater degree of control over quality and marketing of private products because it develops them. 2. Profit margin. Private product brands
tend to have a higher profit margin compared to name brands. 3. Image. You can create a unique image for your retail establishment with your private brands. 4. Customer
loyalty. It's possible to improve customer loyalty because of the exclusivity of private brands. If you can get consumers hooked on your private brand, then they must go to your
store to get it because it is the only place they can get it. Successful Private Brands According to some experts, there are three main factors that will determine the success of a
private product. Clothing Household supplies - cleaning products, kitchen utensils, dishes, etc
III. Guide Details
Name of the Guide
Date of Birth
Primary Contact Number
Primary Email Id
Total Experience

Name of the PG
Master of Business

Area of
Year of
Specialisation passing




Has the guide

completed the PG
with 55% and


Does the guide has more than

two years of Experience
I Dr./Mr./Mrs/Ms. TEJAS .K. SONVANE hereby confirm my willingness to guide Mr./ Ms. ANIL ALWANI RollNo. 1305014871 attached to Learning Centre
(code) 03458 , BARODA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, whose Project Title is Private brands are an important marketing tool and profit center for many retailers. during
the Summer session of 2014 (year). I agree to submit the project status/ Internal Assessment marks to the University.

(Signature of the Guide)

I hereby declare that this project synopsis is an original work carried by me and will not be
submitted to any other University for fulfillment of any course of study.
(Signature of the Student)


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