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Keynes and Friedman: An Astrological Perspective

“John Maynard Keynes (5 June 1883 – 21 April 1946) was a British economist whose ideas
have profoundly affected modern macroeconomics and social liberalism, both in theory and
practice. He advocated interventionist economic policy, by which governments would use fiscal
and monetary measures to mitigate the adverse effects of business cycles, economic recessions,
and depressions. His ideas are the basis for the school of thought known as Keynesian
economics, and its various offshoots.

In the 1930s, Keynes spearheaded a revolution in economic thinking, overturning the older ideas
of neoclassical economics that held that free markets would automatically provide full
employment as long as workers were flexible in their wage demands. Following the outbreak of
World War II, Keynes's ideas concerning economic policy were adopted by leading Western
economies. During the 1950s and 1960s, the success of Keynesian economics was so
resounding that almost all capitalist governments adopted its policy recommendations. In 1999,
Time magazine included Keynes in their list of the 100 most important and influential people of
the 20th century, commenting that; "His radical idea that governments should spend money they
don't have may have saved capitalism".[1]

Milton Friedman (July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) was an American economist, statistician,
and a recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics. He is best known among scholars for
his theoretical and empirical research, especially consumption analysis, monetary history and
theory, and for his demonstration of the complexity of stabilization policy.[1] He was an economic
advisor to U.S. President Ronald Reagan. Over time, many governments practiced his
restatement of a political philosophy that extolled the virtues of a free market economic system
with little intervention by government.” Wiki
Here again like in Adam Smith’s (the father of modern economics) chart we see an aspect
between Saturn/Pluto…a conjunction in the early degrees of Gemini …
Strangely this is what connects his chart to that of Milton Friedman whose Saturn is exactly in
the same position. This leads us to expect that perhaps a deeper look at Saturn might help us
understand the connection between these two economists whose theories seem to have shaped
the policies of many governments in the 20th Century.

The Sabian symbol for their common Saturn position is

Gemini 2 (Phase 62): Santa Claus furtively filling stockings hanging in front of the
(In the words of Ebertin Saturn-Pluto is “Hard times”)
Their composite chart (below) shows “Saturn opposite Uranus”. In the words of Ebertin…”quarrel
…separation”. Essentially as their wiki biography states this is exactly what happened and the
point of contention was whether governments should spend perhaps like “Santa Claus” when
economies were depressed.

In Keynes’ chart (above) we see “Admetus opposite Uranus” forming a T-square to his natal Sun
and “Admetus trine Jupiter”…Jupiter is about benevolence…Admetus is about difficulties,
stagnation and hard times so is this “benevolence during hard times”
Friedman also has a connection between Saturn-Uranus and Pluto. Saturn-Pluto are semi-
sextile and Uranus forms a trine to Saturn and quincunx to Pluto…so once again we seem to
have the hallmark of a brilliant economist.

Also both have Admetus in aspect to Uranus…Keynes has an opposition while Friedman has a
sextile. The TNP Admetus is associated with stagnation (a TNP that is associated well with
conditions of economic turndowns)…the aspect to Uranus…shows the need for creative genius to
find ways to break through the stagnation .

The composite chart (below) bears this out even better. The two planets associated with “money”
(Venus) and “expansion” (Jupiter) are in a tight T-square with Admetus (stagnation)
Venus is conjunct Pluto (the money of the toiling masses) at the apex of the T-square.
Dynamic Chart
John Maynard Keynes
5 Jun 1883 NS,

Selection: Solar Arc Dirns (Current)

Sun (2) Sqq Plu (10) (X) Sa-Na 9 Dec 2008 15°Li04' D 00°Ge04' D
Sun (2) Sqq Sat (10) (X) Sa-Na 20 May 2010 16°Li30' D 01°Ge30' D

Keynes may be dead and long gone but his current progressions show the Sun in aspect to
Saturn/Pluto…at the Santa Claus degree…perhaps governments worldwide waking up once
again to his theories that the solution to economic depression was to stimulate the economy
through government expenditures as well as reduced interest rates.

However, it remains to be seen whether the increased governmental expenditure will simply bail
out large corporations with public money or whether it will filter down to provide a genuine
stimulus and opportunity for growth for the toiling masses.
Dynamic Chart (5):
Barack Obama - Natal Chart
4 Aug 1961, 7:24 pm, AHST +10:00
Honolulu Hawaii, 21°N18'25'', 157°W51'30''

Selection: Solar Arc Dirns (Current)

Sun (8) Qnx Adm (2) (X) Sa-Na 28 Aug 2008 28°Vi03' D 28°Ar03' R
Sun (8) Tri Jup (12) (X) Sa-Na 10 Jul 2011 00°Li52' D 00°Aq52' R
Sun (8) Sqr Ven (5) (X) Sa-Na 22 Jun 2012 01°Li47' D 01°Cn47' D

This table above shows Obama’s current progressions. Coincidentally we see the same planets
we have been discussing Venus (money) , Jupiter (benevolence, expansion) and Admetus

The table below shows Obama’s current progressions as they aspect Keynes’ chart. Once again
we see Obama’s Sun in aspect to Keynes’ Saturn/Pluto conjunction on the Santa Claus


Dynamic Chart (5):

Barack Obama - Natal Chart
4 Aug 1961, 7:24 pm, AHST +10:00

Radix Positions Chart (3):

John Maynard Keynes - Natal Chart

Selection: Solar Arc Dirns (Current)

Sun (2) Tri Plu (10)(X) Sa-Na19 Sep 2010 00°Li04' D00°Ge04' D5 Barack Obama3 Keynes
Sun (2) Tri Sat (10)(X)Sa-Na4 Mar 2012 01°Li30' D01°Ge30' D5 Barack Obama3 Keynes
*** END REPORT ***

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