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The Strategy in Building the
Competitiveness in the ASEAN
Economic Community Era
University Of Abulyatama

ASEAN countries announce the establishment of ASEAN

Community which has three pillars; they are ASEAN Security
Community (ASC), ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), and
ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC). These pillars become a
new paradigm that will trigger the ASEAN cooperation to an
improved community and new identities.
The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015 focuses on the
establishment of integrated economic areas that diminish the cost
of transaction, improve trade and business facilities, as well as to
increase the competitiveness of micro business sectors. The AEC
2015 aims to create a single market that stable, prosperity, and
high competitive of production based. In economic sector, AEC is
integrated within an effective regulation for trading and
infestation that has free flow of goods traffic, services,
infestation, and capital. It also meant to facilitate free movement
of entrepreneurs and labors. The implementation of AEC 2015
will be focused on 12 priority sectors that consist of 7 goods
sectors (agriculture, electronic, automotive, fishery, rubber
industry, wood industry, and textile) and five other service sectors
(air transportation, health care, tourism, logistic, and technology
information industry or e-ASEAN).
The formation of AEC will open chances for members of ASEAN
countries to broaden their economic scale, decrease the poverty
and social economic gaps. It also aims to increase the interest of
investors and travelers, diminish the transaction cost, and
rehabilitate the trade and business facilities. Moreover, the
formation of AEC will give an easiness and increase the access of
intra-ASEAN market as also to increase the transparency and
fasten the conciliation rules and domestic standardizations.
Higher Education as the institution that focuses on education,
research and community service seeks to enhance its role in
actualizing the readiness of human resources that able to
compete in ASEAN Economic Community. One of the efforts is by
putting science into the field of education, research and
community service that directly applicable to the development of
sector riil.

Balee Nyak Syech

University Of Abulyatama
March 30 - 31 2016

Higher Education as the institution that focuses on education,

research and community service seeks to enhance its role in
actualizing the readiness of human resources that able to
compete in ASEAN Economic Community. One of the efforts is by
putting science into the field of education, research and
community service that directly applicable to the development of
sector riil.
To be able to compete in AEC, ASEAN countries have to prioritize
the implementation and application of management sector, the
engineering modified system and also the application of
appropriate technology in all sectors of education. It also can be
done through continuous research that utilizes the availability of
its local natural resources. Further, it also can be actualize by
utilizing advanced science and technology, management and
engineering modified system which then applying it directly to
the community which can be in the form of research and
community service. Thus, it will create competitive products that
have good quality and better standards and ready to compete
in the ASEAN Economic Community era.
The AEC is actualized by advancing various sectors and utilizing
its natural and human resources into the development of the riil
sectors. It can be done through the application of management,
technology and engineering modified system. What currently
happen is that there are shortcomings of human resources, natural
resources, and also capital that leads to a problem. Therefore,
they need to be synergized and managed properly as to give
better impact towards the improvement of peoples quality of
To synergize these three elements, it is urgently needed to apply
science into various sectors such as Agriculture, Fisheries,
Livestock, Engineering Science, Law, Education, Medical, Public
Health Sciences, Economy and other applied science that
integrated into the development of the riil sectors into three
pillars of education (education, research and community service).
One of the efforts to improve the
quality of human resources is by
applying science into certain areas
which then integrated into three
higher education pillars such as
education, research and community
devotion. These aspects then will be
transferred to increase rill sector
development which later will able to
produce better quality products
University of Abulyatama

The international seminar aims to examine the theories, the
prospects and also case studies that related to the effort to build
technology competitiveness in ASEAN Economic Community.
Various theories that lead to sustainable technology development
should be developed. Further, it also applies for international
researches, human resources, natural resources, and also global
market. It is expected that this seminar will be a place for
lecturers, researchers, practitioners and decision makers to get
together and share their thoughts and ideas to formulate the
efforts and find better ways to develop human and natural
resources, and also develop sustainable technology development
in the riil sectors.


Architectural Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mathematics and Statistics
Physical Science &Engineering
Energy and Transport
Disaster Risk Reduction
Information Technology & Multimedia
Technology and Environment
Robotic and Computer Science
Civil Engineering


Economic Development and Management
Anthropology and Sociology
Psychology, Human Resource Management, and AEC
Gender and Empowerment
Politics and Law
Geography and Demography
Peace, Security, and International Relations


National Institute of Education, Singapura
China University of Geosiences (CUC, Wuhan)
ACCU Jepang
Prof.Dr. Faszli Jalal (Indonesia)
Prof. Dr. Jamaluddin, M.Eng (Kopertis, Indonesia)


The Chancellorship members of Abulyatama University hereby
would kindly like to invite all those interested, lecturers,
researchers, post graduate students, NGO members, and
government officials to participate in this international seminar,
either as presenters or as participants. The seminar will
presented by keynote speakers, international and national
lecturers or researchers, and oral and posters parallel sessions.
Topics include:

Biological Science
Agriculture and Food Security
Livestock &Veterinary Science
Health Science
Medical Science
Marine & Fisheries


The Seminar will take place in Gedung Nyak Syech 3rd floor,
Abulyatama University, Aceh Besar - Aceh.
Registration Fees
Presenter (National)
: IDR. 750.000.Presenter (International)
: USD. 200.-

Non- presenter participant:

1. National
Lecturer, Post graduate student
and general public
: IDR. 200.000.Undergraduate student
: IDR. 100.000.2. Foreign Nationality
Lecturer, Post graduate
: USD. 50.and general public
Undergraduate student
: USD. 25.Please transfer your payment to account number 5555550626
BNI, a.n Abulyatama University. This fee does not include hotel
and transportation. The committee will provide lunch and snacks
during the conference.

Closing date for Full paper submission 22 March 2016
Closing date for registration March 27, 2016

Full paper should be received on the indicated date. If the paper
is not submitted on that date, the paper will not be published in
: 250-300 words
Full paper
: 6 8 pages

For further information, please contact:
Ferlya Elyza, M.Pd
: +6281360040340
Ema Dauyah, M.EdSt
: +6282383391455
Putri Dini Meutia, M.Pd
: +6282383391457

English, Bahasa Indonesia
(Language options to be included in the Registration Form)
Address : Universitas Abulyatama Jalan Blang Bintang KM. 8,5
Lampoh Keudee, Kuta Baro Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Propinsi Aceh
- Indonesia, Postcode : 23372

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