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2002 Vault Inc.

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ISBN 158131195-8
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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

Table of Contents

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2


History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9



Key Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Ownership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Competitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12







Overview of the Hiring Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

Questions to Expect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Questions to Ask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

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Job Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

A Day in the Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31





Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young is the result of the May 2000 purchase of Ernst
& Youngs consulting practice by Cap Gemini, a French IT consulting firm.
The purchase doubled Cap Geminis revenue and strengthened its North
American consulting efforts. The firms IT and management consulting
services in the United States now boast more than 55,000 people, and the firm
has a significant presence in more than 30 countries.
The consultancy services a plethora of industries: chemicals, consumer
products, retail and distribution, energy and utilities, financial services and
insurance, health care, high tech, life sciences, manufacturing,
telecommunications, media and network services, and transportation.
CGE&Y primarily provides IT consulting services, and to accomplish its
high-tech objectives it maintains strategic alliances with such companies as
Cisco, IBM, Commerce One, Siebel, Oracle, SAP, J.D. Edwards, and

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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young at a Glance

Employer type: Public company
Stock listing: Paris Bourse (Symbol:
Employees: 56,500 (2001)
Revenues: $8.3 billion (2001)

Telecom Media Networks
Consumer Products, Retail and
Energy, Utilities and Chemicals
Financial Services
High Technology and Automotive


Good profit sharing plan
Wide variety of projects
Diverse for a large firm

Shakeup in culture
Constant travel
Recent layoffs



Strong we can do everything

Layoff City
Solid and dependable
What a culture clash
Old school
Big 5 refugee
Too large
Solid and dependable

2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

The Scoop
Early days
The history of Cap Gemini Ernst & Young goes back a century, to Chicago in
the 1890s. At that time, many American businesses had no notion of regulated
accounting practice, and the government had yet to burden American
taxpayers with the income tax. English businesses based in the United States,
however, knew better, and sent for Scots to look after their investments. One
enterprising Scotsman, Arthur Young, set up an independent accounting firm
in Chicago in 1894. This firm became Arthur Young & Company in 1906.
Meanwhile, two brothers, Alwin and Theodore Ernst, Americans who had
been quick to pick up on the accounting concept, launched a tiny accounting
firm in Cleveland in 1903. Alwin had previously worked for the CEO of a
large industrial firm and believed that accounting could be used to help
corporate management make smarter, money-saving decisions. A
management consultant was in the making.
Arthur Young and Ernst & Ernst got a big break in 1913, when the passage of
the federal income tax suddenly created big business for tax departments.
Arthur Young, growing steadily, formed a national partnership in 1921,
uniting its five offices behind its new headquarters in New York City. Ernst
& Youngs expansion and promotion hit a snag in the early 1930s, when the
AICPA adopted a policy prohibiting members from advertising. For a time,
A.C. Ernst resigned from the association. Still, the financial chaos of the
1930s proved to be lucrative for both Arthur Young and Ernst & Ernst, as the
Great Depression spawned new financial reporting regulations that increased
the need for accounting and auditing services. To snare enough employees to
meet demand that decade, Arthur Young began to recruit college students and
to train them in its first staff school.
Both firm patriarchs went to their heavenly reward in 1948; Arthur Young at
84, and A.C. Ernst at the relatively tender age of 66. Arthur Young the
company made news in 1957 by appointing the first female partner in what
was then the Big 8, and Ernst & Ernst merged with British firm Whinney,
Murray & Co. to become Ernst & Whinney. Arthur Young and Ernst &
Whinney found each other in 1989, merging to become Ernst & Young.
Eleven years later, E&Y became the first of the Big Five to separate its
accounting and consulting businesses, selling its consulting arm to French
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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

The Scoop

consultancy Cap Gemini in May 2000; thus was born the now-familiar Cap
Gemini Ernst & Young.

CGE&Y around the world

No matter where you are on this planet, you probably arent far from a Cap
Gemini Ernst & Young office. The firm counts about 55,000 employees in 30
countries across the globe. CGE&Ys offices are organized into eight
geographical regions: North America, the United Kingdom and Ireland,
Nordic, Benelux, Germany and Central Europe, France, Southern Europe,
and Asia Pacific. In fiscal 2001, CGE&Y reported worldwide revenues in
excess of $8.3 billion.

Making connections
During the Internet boom, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young placed its bets on
helping traditional businesses and dot companies establish an online
presence. Well, any observer of the economy over the last few years knows
how that business plan played out. CGE&Y even created a stand-alone
division dedicated to e-business in 2000 in an attempt to compensate for the
firms initial slow entry in the dot-com market. The move backfired,
however, when intra-organizational conflicts resulted. We made a mistake,
then-COO Paul Hermelin told the Financial Post in May 2001. It triggered
some internal resentment and as the Internet hype was fading we had to
reorganize. Like most consulting firms, CGE&Y now targets more
traditional firms, like its current clients Bell Canada, engineering concern
ABB, Eli Lilly, Heineken and Standard & Poors.
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young has sought other, more promising markets as
well. In December 2000, CGE&Y and Cisco Systems formalized their March
2000 agreement by launching a new industry practice, Cap Gemini Ernst &
Young Telecom Media Networks. The practice works under Cap Gemini
Ernst & Youngs auspices, providing software and other strategic
telecommunications technology solutions to over 150 clients.

Pursuing partnerships
In November 2000, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young started a number of
partnerships and services extensions. It teamed up with Oracle and Fiat SpA
to form an Internet consulting company, eSPIN, with Fiats new Business
Solutions arm. In February 2001, the December 2000 partnership between
CGE&Y and Vodafone was officially named Terenci, a company that will


2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

The Scoop

offer mobile communications services to a variety of industries. Then, in

March 2001, CGE&Y and tagmanet launched tagmaConsultant, an online
consulting service.
The firms efforts continued through 2002. In September 2002, it joined
French pharmaceutical concern Pierre Fabre in creating a new company,
Pierre Fabre Informatique, of which Cap Gemini Ernst & Young owns 51
percent. The new firm implements Pierre Fabres IT systems. In July, the firm
teamed with Clarian Health Partners in a $100 million, multi-year deal to
implement the healthcare providers new clinical information system. And in
April it formed an alliance with customer-relationship-management specialist
SPL WorldGroup that will allow GGE&Y to include SPLs CRM systems into
its solutions portfolio.
CGE&Y also has expressed interest in acquiring smaller information
technology services companies. In May 2001 then-CEO Geoff Unwin
reported that the firm had been approached by a number of companies about
a possible acquisition, and that it was scouting potential targets. CGE&Y is
looking in particular for companies to fill niche markets in Germany and the
Asia Pacific region.

Talkin bout the government

CGE&Ys latest foray is into the increasingly lucrative world of consulting
for the U.S. government. Already dominated by Booz Allen Hamilton,
Accenture, American Management Systems and BearingPoint, the sector is
nevertheless growing at a rapid pace and is expected by many analysts to
draw in a number of other firms over the next decade. In September 2002,
CGE&Y achieved a listing on the General Service Administrations Schedule
70, one of a number of exclusive lists containing consulting firms allowed to
bid for government work. The firm is now shopping itself to a variety of
government agencies.

Cutting crew
CGE&Ys post-merger performance hasnt been particularly rosy, despite its
fervid pace of acquisitions and deal-making. The tanking high-tech economy
and the drop in demand for consulting services hit the company just as it was
getting its new self together. As a result, to save costs the company has cut
7,900 jobs over the last two years, and analysts expect it to cut another 3,000
by the end of 2002. U.S. employees who lost their jobs in December 2001
could perhaps take solace in being informed of the layoffs in person a month
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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

The Scoop

earlier; according to The Times of London, 750 staffers in the United

Kingdom learned they were being let go via voice mail.
A company representative told Kennedy Information in September that the
firms weakness stems from its highly decentralized business model. We
took on too much and had to isolate where costs and profits were coming
from. Some employees also blame the post-merger restructuring,
particularly the sales system: Before the merger, everyone had a selling
component to their job description. At the moment of the merger, the firm
announced that selling would be a specialized profession, with fewer people
doing sales. So of course that meant an immediate decline in sales efforts.
CGE&Y made the moves as part of a massive cost-cutting initiative designed
to save about $800 million. Layoffs were not the only money-saving measure
the firm undertook. For example, in a devastating blow to bread lovers
throughout the firm, the traditional free Tuesday morning croissants were
canceled in some European offices.
In the fall of 2001, the firm downgraded its annual revenue forecast from an
original figure of $9.6 billion to $7.5 billion. As a result, financial analysts
have been understandably skittish when it comes to assessing CGE&Y. The
[post-merger] integration challenge was massive, Goldman Sachs equity
research director Richard Leggett told The International Herald Tribune in
November 2001. But it took nine months to establish the structure of the
new organization. Those turned out to be a crucial nine months. As the
company emerged from that period, the bottom fell out of the market.
In late 2001, Unwin announced that he would step down from his post at the
end of the year and leave the firm altogether in April 2002. (Unwin, 59 years
old at the time of the announcement, said he had already planned to retire
when he turned 60 and asserted that the move was not a result of pressure
from the shareholders.) Taking his place was longtime CGE&Y executive
Paul Hermelin.
For his part, Hermelin remained rather tight-lipped about the firms future
during this period, asserting only that CGE&Y did not expect to make any
dramatic shifts in strategy until market conditions improved. This statement
did not keep others from predicting such a shakeup, however; in December
2001 rumors surfaced that IBM Global Services had offered to acquire
CGE&Y. The two companies have been the subject of merger rumors several
times in the past, but both continue to deny that any kind of a deal is in the


2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

The Scoop

But while Hermelin would not talk about the possibility of a merger, he did
say early in 2002 that CGE&Y was through making major cost-cutting
measures. Unfortunately, that was not to be. Despite the CEOs earlier
statements, in June of that year the firm announced a change in structure
aimed at improving profits in its core consulting, IT services and outsourcing
business lines.

LEAP! of faith
In an attempt to make the most of a bad economy, in June 2002 CGE&Y
launched its LEAP! initiative, aimed at adapting the company to industrys
changing IT needs. The program, which stands for Leadership, Expansion,
Alignment, and Portfolio & Productivity Management (the exclamation point
is just to get you excited), includes shifting and/or laying off up to 3,000
people and an streamlined focus on selling the firms consulting, IT and
outsourcing solutions.

Experiencing firsthand the sting of pink slips and declining revenues, Cap
Gemini Ernst & Young has undertaken a branding effort intended to unite the
firm and its clients against our common foe: The Economy. The guerrilla
campaign, officially called Defy the Economy, markets the firms methods
of transforming companies into adaptive enterprises that can combat
market volatility. As of mid-2002, CGE&Y had already launched it in Europe
and had begun to target the U.S.
In need of a new acronym, the firm also created OTACE (On Time Above
Client Expectations), a new tool through which clients can make known what
they hope to accomplish prior to the start of an engagement and evaluate the
firms performance on an ongoing basis.

Accolades abound
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young holds a treasure trove of industry awards; most
recently, in July 2002, it won the Billing World Excellence Award for
Integration Project of the Year, given to its Telecom Media Networks practice
for its international infrastructure growth solutions. April 2002 saw the
National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) give CGE&Ys
Multimedia Campus Presentation its 2002 Award of Excellence in the
category of Educational Programming by an Employer.

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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

The Scoop

In 2001 the firm also brought home the Best Management Practice Award
from the Management Consultancies Association (MCA), where it was
recognized for its work with Open Interactive, the worlds leading interactive
television series. MCA also offered high commendation in the Strategy &
Business Transformation category for work in the military shipbuilding
industry. In February 2001, CGE&Y received the Greatest Business
Impact Lotus Beacon Award for the internal knowledge management
system, Knowledge OnLine, it created for the Fluor Corporation. On the
other end of the awarding dynamic, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young sponsored
the E-nitiative award at Londons Growing Business Awards ceremony in
December 2000.
CGE&Y also hopes to continue what had in previous years become an annual
tradition for the then-independent Ernst & Young: being named to both
Fortunes 100 Best Companies to Work For list and Working Mothers 100
Best Companies for Working Mothers list. The lists take into account
recruiting, development and earning, work environment, rewards and
recognition, health and well-being, time/work/life, and financial security.
E&Y regularly earned praise for family-friendly work arrangements, its
mentoring and networking opportunities for women, and for founding an
Office for Retention.

A university of our own

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young University, situated outside of Paris, facilitates
the sharing of best practices as well as basic skills. The Discovery program
is designed to help recent graduate new hires to learn about Cap Gemini Ernst
& Young and the methods it employs in studies and with clients.
Developing our International Leaders is a nine-month program that takes
an intensive look at a variety of industries and capabilities. The 11-year-old
University was awarded the Corporate University Xchange European
Excellence Award in October 2000. Knowledge Galaxy fits into the daily
life of a Cap Gemini Ernst & Young consultant as the knowledge-sharing


2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

The Scoop

Undergraduate hires: $40,000-$43,000
Advanced degree and experienced hires: $50,000-$60,000
MBA hires: $70,000-$95,000, depending on experience
Bonuses: Cap Gemini reviews and ranks consultants on a 1-5 scale, with 5
the highest. This scale is then used to apportion bonuses. The firm did not
offered bonuses in any significant number in 2001; mid-year it announced it
would not give any, but after much criticism it agreed to offer bonuses to all
those employees who scored a 5 in their reviews, providing they worked in a
profitable sector.

15-25 days of paid vacation, depending on rank and tenure
Generous leave of absence policy
401(k) plan (match 50 cents to a dollar, to qualifying employees)
Flexible spending account
Pension plan (again, to qualifying employees)
Reimbursement for late-night cabs, meals, etc.
Flexible work arrangements
Medical, dental and vision plans
Insurance plans
Long- and short-term disability
Adoption assistance
Service recognition awards

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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young



2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

Key Officers
Chairman: Serge Kampf
As a young French entrepreneur, Serge Kampf watched his country reemerge
from World War II and the colonial wars as a modern, industrial powerhouse,
and he saw early on the need that French firms would have for IT services.
In 1967 he founded Cap Gemini (originally called Sogenti), an IT consulting
firm that operated for years out of a two-room office in Grenoble. But using
an aggressive growth strategy and a knack for predicting the globalizing
trends of the 1970s and 1980s, Kampf steadily grew his firm into the
consulting behemoth that it is today.
North American CEO: Mark Hauser
CEO and COO: Paul Hermelin
Group Vice President, Cap Gemini Telecom & Media: Alexandre Haeffner
Director: Chris van Breugel
Director: Clive Williams

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young is a public company. French investment group
Compagnie Generale dIndustrie et de Participations (CGIP) owns 5.7
percent of the firms stock, while Kampf owns another 6 percent.

Business Units
Telecom Media Networks
The newest division, TMN served as CGE&Ys flagship unit during the dotcom heyday. Today it is still strong, though understandably not as much as a
few years ago. TMNs 6,500 employees aim to service clients with end-toend solutions in media and high-tech sectors, including marketing strategy,
CRM and applications management.

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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young


Consumer Products, Retail and Distribution

This unit focuses on providing in-depth research into consumer trends and
market outlooks for a wide range of sectors.

Energy, Utilities and Chemical

Employing almost 6,000 people, this division focuses on every aspect of the
EU&C sector, primarily through a range of industry specific practices such as
Trading and Risk Management and Communications Hubs.

Financial Services
CGE&Ys financial consulting unit claims 35 of the worlds 50 largest
financial institutions among its clients. Like other divisions, Financial
Services provides clients with an array of services designed to provide endto-end consulting: strategic consulting, implementation, CRM and cost
efficiency analysis.

High Technology and Automotive

While this unit has borne a large part of the companys financial woes over
the last two years, it has also been instrumental in bringing in clients eager to
streamline their own operations to reduce costs. HT&As Adaptive
Manufacturing Enterprise blueprint, a collection of cost-efficiency solutions,
has helped a number of manufacturing clients weather the downturn. The unit
also provides best-practice analysis, B2B and CRM solutions and
collaborative product development services. The divisions hard work has
paid off: In 2001 CGE&Y won the Institute of Transport Managements
Automotive Consultancy Company of the Year award.

US offices:
10 Glenlake Parkway; Suite 1000
Atlanta, Georgia 30328
Phone: (404) 541-7101
Fax: (404) 541-8407



2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young


600 Peachtree Street NE

Suite 3600
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
Phone: (404) 817-4222
Fax: (404) 817-4225
One North Charles; 10th Floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Phone: (410) 783-3800
Fax: (410) 783-3801
AmSouth/Harbert Plaza
1901 Sixth Avenue North; 17th Floor
Birmingham, Alabama 35203
Phone: (205) 458-7666
Fax: (205) 226-7468
Boston Area
275 Grove Street 2-300
Newton, Massachusetts 02466
Phone: (617) 928-7600
Fax: (617) 928-7622
600 Memorial Drive; Suite 200
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Phone: (617) 494-4900
Fax: (617) 577-7801
One Cambridge Center
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142
Phone: (617) 494-5600
Fax: (617) 494-4501
433 Main Street
Hudson, Massachusetts 01749
Phone: (978) 562-0330
Fax: (978) 562-3230

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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young


101 North Tryon Street
One Independence Center; #1000
Charlotte, North Carolina 28246
Phone: (704) 331-1900
Fax: (704) 331-2071
Sears Tower
233 South Wacker Drive; 14th Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60606
Phone: (312) 879-4923
Fax: (312) 879-6130
111 North Canal; 15th Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60606
Phone: (312) 928-1400
Fax: (312) 928-1695
10255 W. Higgins Road; 3rd Floor
Rosemont, Illinois 60018
Phone: (312) 879-2500
Fax: (312) 879-5671
River Center II
100 East River Center Blvd; Suite 500
Covington, Kentucky 41011
Phone: (859) 655-1500
Fax: (859) 655-1501
1200 Skylight Office Tower
1660 West Second Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
Phone: (216) 583-3300
Fax: (216) 583-8319
One Crosswoods Center
100 East Campus View Blvd; Suite 250
Columbus, Ohio 43235
Phone: (614) 438-2675



2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young


7701 Las Colinas Ridge
One Panorama Center; Suite 600
Irving, Texas 75063
Phone: (214) 665-5000
Fax: (214) 665-5555
9781 S. Meridian Blvd. #220
Englewood, Colorado 80112
Phone: (720) 568-4200
Fax: (720) 568-4201
500 Woodward; Suite 1620
Detroit, Michigan 48226
Phone: (313) 628-7540
Fax: (313) 628-7107
1180 Pauahi Tower
1001 Bishop Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Phone: (808) 535-6820
Fax: (808) 535-6999
1401 McKinney Street; Suite 900
Houston, Texas 77010
Phone: (281) 220-5000
Fax: (281) 220-5001
10 West Market St, Ste 1300
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Phone: (317) 977-1300
Fax: (317) 977-1301
Kansas City
11300 Tomahawk Creek Parkway, Suite 340
Leawood, Kansas 66211
Phone: (913) 319-8000
Fax: (913) 319-8001

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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young


Timberlands Office Park

4000 W. 114th St., Suite 100
Leawood, Kansas 66211
Phone: (913) 253-2100
Los Angeles Area
725 South Figueroa Street; Suite 300
Los Angeles, California 90017
Phone: (213) 240-7000
Fax: (213) 977-4279
18101 Von Karman Avenue; Suite 400
Irvine, California 92612
Phone: (949) 567-8700
Fax: (949) 567-8703
18111 Von Karman Avenue; Suite 700
Irvine, California 92612
Phone: (949) 440-3500
Fax: (949) 440-4599
31255 Cedar Valley Drive; Suite 319
Westlake Village, California 91362
Phone: (818) 735-8300
Fax: (818) 991-4606
400 West Market Street; Suite 2020
Louisville, Kentucky 40202
Phone: (502) 585-6444
Fax: (502) 585-1068
200 South Biscayne Boulevard; Suite 2770
Miami, Florida 33131-5313
Phone: (305) 415-1515
Fax: (305) 415-1330
220 South Sixth Street; Suite 1200
South Tower
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
Phone: (612) 492-2700
Fax: (612) 492-2701



2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young


North New Jersey

100 Walnut Avenue
Clark, New Jersey 07066
Phone: (732) 382-5400
Fax: (732) 382-5575
3 Paragon Way
Freehold, New Jersey 07728
Phone: (732) 358-8900
Fax: (732) 358-8803
1280 Wall Street West
Lyndhurst, New Jersey 07071
Phone: (201) 872-4100
Fax: (201) 872-2506
New York City
5 Times Square (U.S. Headquarters)
New York, New York 10036
Phone: (917) 934-8000
Fax: (917) 934-8001
55 Broad Street
New York, New York 10004
Phone: (917) 320-3201
Fax: (917) 320-3217
750 Seventh Avenue
New York, New York 10019
Phone: (212) 314-8200
Fax: (212) 314-8202
Two Commerce Square
2001 Market Street; 41st Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
Phone: (215) 448-3815
Fax: (215) 448-4069

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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young


One Renaissance Square
2 North Central Avenue; Suite 2600
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
Phone: (602) 452-5900
Fax: (602) 452-8007
USX Tower
400 Grant Street; 47th floor
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219
Phone: (412) 227-1100
Fax: (412) 227-1101
St. Louis
The Plaza in Clayton
190 Carondelet Plaza; Suite 1200
Clayton, Missouri 63105
Phone: (314) 290-8000
Fax: (314) 290-8001
San Francisco/Bay Area
555 California Street; Suite 1800
San Francisco, California 94104
Phone: (415) 951-3200
Fax: (415) 951-3296
20425 Stevens Creek Boulevard
Cupertino, California 95014- 2261
Phone: (408) 861-1800
Fax: (408) 861-1801
200 North Sepulveda Boulevard; Suite 1000
El Segundo, California 90245
Phone: (310) 727-8400
Fax: (310) 727-8848
10500 NE 8th Street; Suite 1400
Bellevue, Washington 98004
Phone: (425) 818-3300
Fax: (425) 818-3301



2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young


100 North Tampa Street; Suite 2350
Tampa, Florida 33602-5197
Phone: (813) 225-4747
Fax: (813) 225-4847
Washington, D.C.
8000 Towers Crescent Drive; Suite 800
Vienna, Virginia 22182
Phone: (571) 382-6000
Fax: (571) 382-6001

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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young



2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

Vault Newswire
September 2002: Go go government work
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young became the latest entrant in the burgeoning
government consulting field, joining such stalwarts as Booz Allen Hamilton
and American Management Systems on the General Services
Administrations Schedule 70, a list of firms allowed to bid for government
consulting contracts.

September 2002: A new joint venture

Cap Gemini announced a joint venture with the French pharmaceutical firm
Pierre Fabre. The new firm Pierre Fabre Informatique will implement IT
systems for the drug company. Cap Gemini owns 51 percent, while Pierre
Fabre owns 49 percent.

July 2002: A change in leadership

Mark Hauser was appointed CEO of Cap Geminis North American
operations, succeeding Terry Ozan, who moved on to head the firms
worldwide service innovation and strategy efforts.

July 2002: And the winner is

Cap Geminis Telecom Media Networks division won the 2002 Billing World
Excellence Award for Integration Project of the Year, thanks in large part to
its efforts to revamp Nextel Communications large-scale business systems.

June 2002: LEAP!

As part of an effort to rein in costs, CGE&Y cut 2,500 employees; the cuts
came on top of 5,400 axed during 2001. The majority of the cuts, part of its
LEAP! initiative, took place in continental Europe and the United States. The
firm also announced a change in structure aimed at improving profits in its
core consulting, IT services and outsourcing business lines.

April 2002: SPL in the house

CGE&Y announced a strategic alliance with SPL WorldGroup, a major
provider of management solutions for the energy industry, to utilize the
latters CorDaptix CRM package to its utilities and energy solutions portfolio.
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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

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February 2002: Youve got a deal

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Canada and Hydro One Networks Inc., one of
North Americas largest provider of telecom and energy services, signed a $1
billion (Canadian) deal under which a CGE&Y subsidiary will manage
selected business services, including customer service and accounting, for the
utilities giant.

December 2001: Unwin steps aside

Having successfully directed the Cap Gemini and Ernst & Young merger,
longtime CEO Geoff Unwin announced at a board of directors meeting that
he would step down from his post. Succeeding him was Paul Hermelin, who
had already held a variety of positions within the company, including serving
on the board of directors.

December 2001: Big Blue rumored to be

interested in acquiring CGE&Y
Less than two years after the merger of Cap Gemini and Ernst & Young,
rumors have surfaced that the combined company may undergo another
major merger. CGE&Y stock has risen sharply on speculation that IBM
Global Services had offered to acquire it. The two companies have been the
subject of merger rumors several times in the past, and both denied that any
kind of a deal is in the works.

December 2001: Roll out

CGE&Ys cost-cutting efforts literally have caused some employees in
Europe to go hungry. In a devastating blow to fancy bread lovers throughout
the firm, the traditional free Tuesday morning croissants were canceled.
However, employees report that the policy, which comes during a period of
widespread layoffs, probably has reduced costs enough to save at least one

December 2001: CGE&Y to create time and

materials company
Responding to a slow market for information technology services, Cap
Gemini Ernst & Young announced that it will create a new company focused
on low-end services. The so-called time and materials unit will employ
5,000 people and will provide clients with short-term hardware and software



2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

Vault Newswire

solutions. Such services are unlike CGE&Ys usual offerings, which tend to
be longer and more lucrative.

November 2001: Get the message

Maurice Abell, CEO of Cap Gemini Ernst & Youngs operations in the United
Kingdom and Ireland, took an unusual tack to tell employees about the firms
upcoming round of layoffs: he left them a voice-mail message. The UK
offices will see a reduction of 750 jobs as a result of what Abells message
described as current market conditions. The firm made 250 other job cuts
in May. Additionally, executives in the region falling into the top 10 percent
of the firms salary range will see their pay cut by 100,000 or more.

May 2001: CGIP orders a small stake

In a move aimed at simplifying its corporate structure, French holding
company CGIP announced that it plans to reduce significantly its stake in Cap
Gemini Ernst & Young. CGIP currently owns 15.2 million shares, 8 million
of which it would sell. The move would reduce CGIPs piece of the CGE&Y
pie to 5.7 percent.

February 2001: Another dance partner?

Rumors are flying in the business community about another potential
takeover target for Cap Gemini Ernst & Young. This time the would-be
partner is Sema Group PLC, according to French news daily Le Figaro.
CGE&Y is just one of a number of possible suitors, however; Schlumberger
and Logica PLC have also been mentioned.

February 2001: Ernst & Young announces

strategic marketing alliance with CrossLogix
Ernst & Youngs alliance with CrossLogix will accelerate distribution of
CrossLogixs web-based, enterprise systems to corporate and financial

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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

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February 2001: Ernst & Youngs Hospitality

Services Group initiates Energy Advisory
The Energy Advisory Services help their clients identify and implement
energy conservation measures and make informed energy purchasing



2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

Our Survey Says

Hard times
Insiders tell us that life at the firm has been unstable over the last year. While
insiders describe the merger as almost a non-issue for former E&Y
consultants, it came just as the economy soured, making it difficult for
CGE&Y to consolidate its new identity. As a result, some firm employees
have a hard time seeing the bright side of the weakened market. Morale is
pretty bad, comments one consultant. Adds another, Unfortunately the
merger could not [have] come at a worse time. Combine our leaderships lack
of ability to execute the post-merger integration with the recession of 2001,
and what you have is not pretty, laments one insider. Given the layoffs and
the poor economy, there was not much attention put toward culture, adds
As is the case for many of its competitors, new hiring at CGE&Y has slowed
down significantly, and raises were on hold for most of 2001 and 2002. And
training, which had brought thousands of employees to Cap Gemini
University in France every year, has been downgraded: Training is a shadow
of its former self. Most of the firm-sponsored training is outsourced. Theyre
no longer training hordes of people like they used to do. As a result of all
these factors, CGE&Y has yet to develop a coherent sense of self: Theres
been a real dilution of culture, especially with the decline in training
opportunities and in combination with the layoffs, notes one respondent.
Recently the firm has made an effort to improve its culture, including Super
Fridays for operating groups that involve all members participating in a crosscountry meeting over phone and/or video conferencing. There is a push
from all levels to rebuild a strong culture, notes on consultant. I hope it will
be successful, but it will depend on the economy improving. Nevertheless,
the constant worry about the job situation has been extremely frustrating.

All or nothing
CGE&Y is a no-nonsense firm, which may explain why it has been able to do
as well as it has, despite the economic downturn and the uncertainties
associated with the merger. The firm is a believer in being integrated into
the clients everyday work environment, we hear, which can mean extremely
long hours and little time on the beach. On projects, Ill leave around 7 to 9
p.m. generally, says a source. On crunch days about 30 percent of a
typical project Ill leave from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

Our Survey Says

Some respondents estimate that they spend as much as 90 percent of their

time on the road. Explains one source, I have been fortunate to find local
projects, [but that] is rare. My colleagues who do travel go by the 3/4/5
policy where they fly into the client city Monday mornings and can fly home
Thursday nights. Fridays they typically work from home. None of this
should be surprising, of course. One source warns, Consulting in general is
no place to have a family. The hours are long, and you never know what the
future will hold. And another consultant tells us that the 3/4/5 policy, while
still officially in place, has gone the way of free Starbucks and foosball tables
in every office: The 3/4/5 day is somewhat of a myth from the days of the
mid-1990s when there was a crunch for employees and life/work balance was

Well-paid and diverse

In return, consultants at CGE&Y can expect a solid compensation package,
as well as the standard benefits: accidental death/dismemberment insurance,
an on-site gym in some offices, laptops and tuition reimbursement. They are
also recognized for career milestones, receiving loyalty gifts for certain
numbers of years of service at the firm. In addition, According to one
consultant, All staff, in the U.S. at least, receive profit sharing equal to 5
percent of their annual pay, deposited into their 401(k) each January. This is
on top of the 401(k) matching we get. (Needless to say, though the profitsharing structure is still in place, depressed earnings over the last few years
have meant that employees saw little or no share of the wealth.)
And despite the conservative nature inherent in being a large consultancy,
CGE&Y is a diverse firm. Four of my five projects have had women as my
manager, one insider says. There also seem to be a reasonable percentage
of vice presidents who are women. And for a consulting firm, CGE&Y is
ethnically diverse as well: If you look at MBA schools as a benchmark, I
would say CGEY is average to above average.

In-house recognition
To back up its belief in publicly recognizing its employees for their efforts,
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young includes among its more unique programs the
Consultant of the Quarter award. Each division within the company selects
an employee to be its Consultant of the Quarter. Those selected are then
nominated to attend the Overachievers Club celebration a four-day, allexpenses-paid trip to an exotic location for the employee and a guest.
Company sources tell us that recognition is sincere and real-time employees
are also given spot recognition with cash awards or with personalized awards
that meet the employees special interests.


2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

Getting Hired
Overview of the Hiring Process
While Cap Gemini Ernst & Young has regularly recruited on U.S. campuses
in the past, it has decided not to do so during the 2002-2003 season. Instead,
applicants should begin by visiting the firms careers web site. There they
can complete an online application or find the address of an office in which
theyd like to work, to which they can apply directly (see page 11 for a
complete list of U.S. offices). Applications for experienced consultants are
also accepted online. The process, we hear, is extremely uniform and
bureaucratic, so dont plan on using personal connections to get hired: It
wont help much if you know someone. If you know someone, you might get
an interview where before you were on the fence, but thats it.
The interview process is fairly standard across offices: After a resume screen,
candidates are brought in for a day of four interviews. Each interviewer,
typically a senior person from that office, is responsible for covering a
particular aspect of the applicants background, interests and skills. After the
team has met and discussed the candidate, there is typically a fifth, review
interview. The interviews, we hear, vary greatly from person to person and
office to office, largely because the firm offers little guidance on how to
conduct them. There isnt a lot of training of interviewers on what to ask,
says one consultant who has conducted several interviews. When I was at
IBM we had very specific training, but at CGE&Y its much more
Unlike many other consulting firms, Cap Gemini does not utilize cases,
preferring to rely on fit-oriented questions. That said, the firm sets pretty
high standards for who fits: As one Cap Gemini consultant, who has sat on
both sides of the interview desk says, The firm wants people with the
consulting flair, so look professional and talk well.
Insiders share that the interviews are rather laid-back; they wont try to stress
you out to see how you handle the pressure. One says that the interview was
more friendly and collegial than I expected not confrontational. Most
candidates are contacted within 48 business hours of their second interview
for potential offers. Geographic sell days are also held in most locations,
affording candidates an opportunity to become familiar with local personnel
and their specific office assignment.
The firm has identified several dimensions: technical/professional
knowledge, ability to learn, analysis and judgment, client serving orientation,
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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

Getting Hired

knowledge of industry, flexibility, adaptability, travel, quality, commitment to

excellence, leadership, integrity and executive presence.
This means
questions like Tell me about a situation where you used your skills to
demonstrate [one of these factors]. What was your role? What did you do?
What happened? What did you learn from this experience?
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young also does extensive hiring of experienced
candidates; qualified candidates must be not only technically savvy, but also
have strong business acumen. The interview process itself is very hands-on
and usually consists of three interviews. Candidates can expect to have a
technical interview (depending on their area of focus) and also to meet with
some of their peers, allowing them to experience the real look and feel of the
company from a cultural standpoint as well as from an opportunity
standpoint. As insiders point out, Technical skills can be taught, but a
persons ability to interact with people, well, cannot.
But experienced hires should take note: While Cap Gemini actively recruits
them, it also holds them to a higher fit bar for fear that they will bolt once
they enter the consulting lifestyle. The firm has reservations about absorbing
people from industry, says one consultant, and the retention rate for
industry hires is relatively low because of the difference in lifestyles. Also,
firm executives feel that the late 1990s saw both Cap Gemini and Ernst &
Young take on too many upper-level employees, and thus the firm is in the
process of cutting back: CGE&Y got overstocked in partners, notes one
source. Now the firm is raising the leverage ratio [partner per junior staff]
and the revenue per partner.

Questions to Expect
1. I see from your resume that you worked on developing a database
during your summer job. Tell me a bit about that. How exactly did you
use your skills there?
Interviewers want to see your skills in action, and to start the process of the
full skills match. Also, note that Cap Gemini Ernst & Young interviewers
wont necessarily be looking to see that youve done high-profile work for
fancy companies. They simply want to see that you have the right skills and
youve used them.



2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

Getting Hired

2. So what are some of the activities have you been involved in at school?
Keep in mind here the words of one of our contacts: Were looking for
diversity, not just in terms of ethnicity and gender and things like that, but
also in terms of interesting backgrounds. We really want people with different
ways of solving problems.
3. What are some of your favorite classes?
You might want to structure your answer to show off some of your talents.

Questions to Ask
1. Generally speaking, how many projects will I be working on in this
Insiders report varied work requirements depending on the department.
2. What kinds of international opportunities does Cap Gemini Ernst &
Young offer?
The firm is increasing its international presence, so assignments in overseas
locations should abound for globally minded young consultants.
3. What is a typical day in the life for a consultant at this office.
Its important to get a feel for how things are run at the office to which youll
hopefully be attached. Even though a lot of your workweek will be spent
away, your schedule will still be largely determined by your office.
4. What is the current workload like at this office?
Again, things differ among offices, and you want to make sure youll be
entering one with enough work to keep you busy and employed. Find out
whether the firm is assembling capacity or work if the office is focused on
the former, it could be a while before theres enough for everyone to do.
5. What is the current salary range for this position?
As one consultant who has conducted interviews tells Vault, At the end of
the second interview, a candidate might want to enquire about pay ranges.
Otherwise they could find themselves with an offer and no chance to

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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young



2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

On the Job
Job Description
Broadly speaking Cap Gemini Ernst & Young consultants work in either
Strategic Consulting or Business Consulting. (These are two of the firms six
designated professions; Technology, Operate, Business Development, and
Enabling Professions are the others.) Many consultants arrive at CGE&Y
with prior industry experience. To be considered for senior positions,
prospective consultants generally are expected to have worked at least three
years at another consulting firm or in a field related to that which they will
specialize. Software and other technical expertise, as well as familiarity with
industry trends, may also be necessary credentials. Working within a team
environment, CGE&Y consultants are responsible for doing analyses,
conducting research, and preparing proposals and presentations for clients.
The job usually involves frequent travel to the client site and other locations.
As they gain more experience, consultants will oversee the work of junior
staffers and act as liaison between the project team and the higher-ups in the
firm. After working their way up the ranks, they also work on identifying
new business opportunities and potential clients.

A Day in the Life

8:25 a.m.: Arrive at the client site. At the office, officially the hours are 8:30
to 5:30, but you cannot expect to be on a regular schedule while working on
a project.
8:30 a.m.: Catch up on voice mail, e-mail and The Wall Street Journal, and
plan out the day as best you can. (I spend much of my time in meetings with
the client, and a lot of time just crafting the project itself.)
9:00 a.m.: Meet with your team to begin planning a pitch for tomorrow. You
have some good ideas about how to expand the clients e-commerce
capabilities, and this is your best chance to flesh them out before going public
with them. (We are constantly building spreadsheets to crunch numbers

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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

On the Job

weve gathered, and building PowerPoint slides to show the client the results
of our analyses.)
9:45 a.m.: Start crafting your part of the pitch in between fielding numerous
e-mails and phone calls from frantic employees from the client company.
(One of the great things about my job is that I get a decent amount of
interaction with director-level client employees.) However, some days thats
more of a plus than others.
11:45 a.m.: A senior CGE&Yer with whom youve developed an informal
mentor-mentee relationship calls to check on how youre doing and how the
project is coming along. I spend a lot of time guiding [young consultants]
career development, says one senior manager proudly.
1:00 p.m.: Order in lunch from the local deli and schmooze with your team
members. (Lunch is catch as catch can. We try to get together for lunch, but
often Ill go along with the client.)
1:50 p.m.: Work on putting the finishing touches on tomorrows pitch. (You
make pitches to the client early in the project. Later, you tend to have more
informal meetings.)
3:30 p.m.: During another team meeting you call a co-worker at the office
who has some experience that might be pertinent to your project. (I do most
of my work in person or in meetings, and not via the phone. The exceptions
would be calling the client for clarification on a requirement, for example, or
to conference someone else into a meeting where we need their input.)
6:00: Take a straw poll to see where people want to go to dinner tonight.
There are social events like dinners about one night a week when Im at the
office, but I go out more often when Im at the clients.)
7:15: Head out to dinner. The project is coming along well so far, so you feel
OK about leaving. Of course on crunch days about 30 percent of a typical
project Ill leave from 10 p.m to 2 a.m. While enjoying a plateful of sushi,
discuss tomorrow nights social activities. (Though most project members
can go home Thursday evenings, a good number choose to stay at the client
city Thursday nights and then we all go out dancing and partying. Then they
get up early Friday and fly homeThe after-work social life is a great ending
to a long day. This pace, however, wears one out and by the weekend I dont
even want to go out with my friends. I just want to sleep!)



2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

On the Job

Engagement manager
7:00 a.m.: I arrive at the client site and read through e-mails from Europe. I
work in a global group, and so Im always firefighting problems that have
already emerged in offices overseas. Seven seems a little early, but at the
clients you have to arrive before their own managers, which can be pretty
early, especially when the firm has a lot of work in Europe.
8:30 a.m.: Done with the e-mails, I run status checks on current projects until
12:30 p.m.: Typically we go to lunch as a project team, especially if part of
the client team is from out of town as well its important to build good
rapport with your coworkers. However, the days of extensive, 3-martini
lunches are over; were much more cost-conscious now.
2:00 p.m..: Back from lunch, I dig into my long to do list that resulted from
my e-mails and status checks from that morning.
3:30 p.m.: Status meetings and more status meetings. Especially when a
deadline is approaching, our team meets often to work out kinks and make
sure were all on the same page. These meetings sometimes take up the rest
of the day; other times I return to my desk and work until dinner. I like to
work late so that I can leave the client site by Thursday night.
7:00 p.m.: Like lunch, dinner is often taken with the client team. At the very
least the CGE&Y side gets together for dinner or drinks the best clients of
the hotel bar are consultants.

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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

Final Analysis
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, like its fellow IT consulting firms, will likely
continue to face hard times until the economy and, in turn, the demand for
their services, picks up. The firm is well-positioned, notes one CGE&Yer.
But it entered technology implementation management back when no one
was doing it, and now its a commodity. So the question is whether they can
keep their advantage. The firm has had to make serious cuts in personnel and
services to save costs at a time when it should be consolidating its postmerger identity, and as a result of this shift in priorities, morale at the firm is
significantly depressed. Nevertheless, few people blame their misfortunes
wholly on CGE&Y, and observers both inside and out of the firm expect
business to pick up significantly within the next two years.

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Cap Gemini Ernst & Young



2002 Vault Inc.

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

Recommended Reading
Check out Focus E-zine, Cap Gemini Ernst & Youngs online magazine,
which gives you a good idea about the companys approach to business and
strategy. Its located at In
addition, we recommend the following articles:
Cap Gemini to Cut 3,000 Jobs as IT Spending Slides, The Independent,
October 13, 2002.
Big Fish Meets Big Pond: Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Jumps into Federal
Market, Washington Technology, August 28, 2002.
Unwin Quits as Chief Executive of Cap Gemini, Financial Times,
December 12, 2001.
Cap Gemini Saves Dough on Pastries, Dow Jones International News,
December 11, 2001. Cost-cutting comes at the expense of tasty breakfast

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