4.step 2 Develop Plan

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STEP 2: Develop Plan



Plan Template


Develop Plan
Action Plans


STEP 2: Develop plan

Having worked through the e-Learning Roadmap and established
a set of e-Learning priorities, the school is now ready to address
the question How will we get the school to where we want it
to be in relation to ICT integration? This progressive route will be
outlined in the e-Learning Plan.
In developing the e-Learning Plan the e-Learning team should
consult as many school stakeholders as is possible. The team
can follow the school planning principles suggested by PPDS
and SLSS. For additional information in relation to whole school
development planning, consult the PPDS (www.ppds.ie) or the
SDPI (www.sdpi.ie) and SLSS (www.slss.ie) websites.
An e-Learning Plan template is provided in this handbook, along
with sample extracts of a completed plan. Schools can download
an electronic copy of the e-Learning Plan template from the NCTE
website at www.ncte.ie/elearningplan.

STEP 2: Develop plan


Completing the e-Learning Plan

The e-Learning Plan will contain the following:
Section 1 Introduction

school vision/mission statement

e-Learning vision
completed e-Learning audit
completed e-Learning Roadmap
overview of planning process

Section 2 Overview and action plans

e-Learning Plan overview (priorities,
targets and tasks)

action plans (detailed target and task


Section 3 Conclusion
e-Learning budget

ICT policy checklist

sign off and date


STEP 2: Develop plan

The fundamental
purpose of School
Development Planning is to
ensure that all students experience
a quality education appropriate to
their needs in a changing world.
School Development Planning An Introduction
To Second Level Schools, Department of Education
and Science, 1999

Section 1: Introduction
The introduction section of a schools
e-Learning Plan provides background
information on the plan. It contains the
schools vision statement along with an
e-Learning vision statement. It lists the
schools ICT resources and the level of ICT
skills among the teaching staff. This section
also lists the members of the e-Learning
team and the timeframe taken to develop
the plan. The completed e-Learning audit
and e-Learning Roadmap, covered in
step 1, are attached to this section of the
e-Learning Plan.

Section 2: Overview and action plans

This stage involves the use of two linked components the e-Learning Plan overview and
the action plans. The e-Learning Plan overview contains the schools identified priorities in
relation to e-Learning (established in Step 1) and the associated targets and tasks. These
are further broken down in the action plans, which describe the targets and tasks and also
outline the following:
timeframe during which the e-Learning priorities will be implemented
person or persons responsible for the implementation of the priorities and/or
teachers who will assist in this activity
resources required to ensure the successful implementation of the priorities
criteria to be used in measuring the successful implementation of the priorities
Document templates are available to download from the NCTE website

STEP 2: Develop plan


The e-Learning Plan overview lists the priorities and their associated targets, tasks and
implementation timeframes. At primary level, the overview will usually contain all of
the schools e-Learning priorities, targets and tasks. At post-primary, an e-Learning Plan
overview and associated action plans may be completed for each subject department
within the school. It is important to note that these plans can be adapted to suit
individual schools requirements.
The e-Learning Plan
Overview provides a summary
of the schools priorities and
targets and forms the basis of
the schools action plans
























ProfessionalDevelopment Target1:


Write the
schools priorities
in here


STEP 2: Develop plan

Set the
target(s) to be
achieved that will
meet the stated
priorities here

the tasks to
be achieved to
attain the stated
targets here

Set the
timeframe or
deadline for the
completion of
each task here

e-Learning priorities
The school will by now have identified a number of e-Learning priorities following the use of the
e-Learning Roadmap; the e-Learning Plan will describe how the school plans to implement these.
The timescale for implementing these priorities may vary. Some priorities may be achieved in a
short timeframe (e.g. over the course of a school term), while others may take longer (e.g., 1 to 3
years). For each priority, the school will establish a target or a set of targets. Each target will have
a number of associated tasks that need to be completed in order to achieve the target.
Sample priority
That teachers use of ICT focuses on the development of literacy and numeracy skills for
students with special educational needs.

e-Learning targets
Each priority is divided into a small number of attainable targets. These targets are used to
aid the monitoring of the overall progress towards achieving the specific priority.
Sample target
The English department will procure appropriate literacy software/online content for
students with special educational needs and evaluate progress in their use on a regular basis.

e-Learning tasks
Each target, in turn, is broken down into one or more tasks that will translate the desired
targets into practical achievements.
Sample task
The English department will use the identified software titles/online content, focussing
on specific learning objectives of students with special educational needs, and integrate
these into the individual educational plans. This will be carried out in the first term.
When setting tasks, schools may find it useful to apply the SMART principle, thus ensuring
that each task is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound.






Specify a task to be completed

Is this task measurable and how will it be evaluated. This will help
indicate when the task has been accomplished.
Is the task achievable and what are the resources and actions required
to achieve this task?
Is the task relevant to achieving the particular stated priority in the
eLearning plan and relevant to the schools current circumstances?
How long will the task take and in what timeframe will it be achieved?
STEP 2: Develop plan


Action plan
The action plan records the e-Learning priorities already identified. Each e-Learning
priority identified will have one or more associated targets and each target will have one
or more associated tasks.
The action plan identifies who will carry out the task, what resources are required to do
this, what are the expected outcomes and the monitoring and evaluation procedures.
The diagram below describes the different sections of the action plan.
The action plan breaks down
the schools priorities and
targets into practical and
more manageable tasks




Write in the schools Priorities here (from the e-Learning Plan Overview)


Write in the Target to be achieved (from the e-Learning Plan Overview)











State the task

to be completed
(from the
e-Learning Plan

Fill in the
date by which the
task should be
completed (from
the e-Learning
Plan Overview)

Identify who
will carry out
the task and is
responsible for its


State how you will monitor

progress during implementation

Identify the
resources required
to complete the

the outcomes
expected once the
task is complete


State how you will evaluate if

the target has been achieved

This process is repeated for all priorities identified. When the overview and action plans
have been completed, these are collated by the e-Learning team and together, they
comprise the e-Learning Plan.

STEP 2: Develop plan

Section 3: Conclusion
The final section of the plan should be completed by the e-Learning team when the other
aspects of the e-Learning Plan have been finalised. This includes details on what is to be
purchased and the relevant costs, if available.
The NCTE website has a number of resources and supports available to assist schools in
theICT purchasing and procurement area. These are available on the NCTE website at

Resources include advice and support on purchasing ICT equipment, including:

details on ICT purchasing frameworks
where frameworks dont exist, details are provided on other purchasing mechanisms
an ICT equipment self-audit spreadsheet
suitable ICT equipment specifications for schools
templates for engaging with suppliers, seeking quotes etc.
guidelines on the evaluation of responses from vendors.
The Conclusion also includes a checklist of relevant school policies and a section for sign
off by the principal and the chairperson of the Board of Management.

STEP 2: Develop plan


At this point the e-Learning team will have:
Entered e-Learning priorities on the e-Learning Plan.
Identified associated targets and tasks for each e-Learning priority.
Co-ordinated the creation of a series of action plans for the entire school.
Ensured that the e-Learning Plan is signed off by the school management.
Completed the e-Learning Plan.


STEP 2: Develop plan

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