What Do We Really Need

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What Do We Really Need?

Redefining Priorities
By Andres Aguila

1. essential or necessary to something
2. something that is a requirement or is wanted
Perhaps everything truly is relative. My chosen path is a life of total surrender to the Most High. It includes
letting go of all attachments to worldly things, including even, attachments to people. My spiritual master
spoke some very direct words, which I have chosen to believe. He said "And everyone who has left houses
or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much,
and will receive eternal life" My shepherd leads me on a hard-core journey of letting go of all that is
temporary and releasing all that is the ego. Therefore, the views I have on the concept of "need" may differ
from the views of the same concept by those who have chosen other paths.
Life had finally come to some smooth sailing after 34 years of seemingly constant storms. Finally I pursued my
life vision and my heart calling without too much distraction. I had at last mustered the strength to leave behind
my old, unfulfilling materialistic life and dive head first into life's purpose - and the true journey of my heart.
Now I could actually be the example and really live the inspiring life to help others out of their own darkness
and misery. The vision for The Revolution Project had been incubating in me for nearly 20 years, and although
I had served youth and children for much of that incubation period, the culmination of the dream now danced
right in front of me - eye to eye with my destiny. I finally chose to hold on to her hands, humble myself, and let
her lead. Like any rookie dancer, I stepped on her feet again and again. And, like any great teacher Destiny
patiently forgave me over and over and relentlessly offered new opportunities.
Making the actual, physical move to Costa Rica, although painful to leave behind loved ones, seemed to fall
into place miraculously. My house sold for a full retail price, giving me an incredible profit on the investment
of time, energy, and resources - and I never even listed it or told anyone it was for sale! An acquaintance
actually emailed me and said he wanted to buy it. Wow. No turning back. I gave all my material possessions
away other than a backpack full of stuff and a computer, said my good-byes, cried my eyeballs red a few times
(I actually popped a blood vessel in my eyelid once during a 45 minute torrential sobbing session), and got on
the plane.
Even after paying off some debts, and leaving some money behind for tickets to fly my kids out to be with me, I
had $50,000 in an investment with a financial broker friend of mine. This little nest egg was proving to be more
of a hatchery, gaining over 36% annually, and giving me a nice lump of cash each month to move the vision
forward, and support me and several other people while I learned more lessons I would need for the journey.
Did I need the house in the U.S.? Did I need the material possessions? Did I need the status or the career I had
achieved as an artist in the U.S.? OK, deeper nowdid I need the friends I had in the U.S.? Now another level
deeperdid I need the children I had in the U.S.? Ouch. That strikes a chord in many people "Children
need their father," I have been told by several folks. My reputation plummeted as soon as people found out my
plans to follow my calling - with or without my own 4 children. My mom, my dad, friends, and strangers alike
voiced opinions to me and to others. I was a daddy. I really enjoyed my kids. I coached soccer, went to parent
teacher meetings, took them camping, I played with themI was involved in their lives. Yet now I headed out
into the rainforest without them.

I had agreements with both of my x-wives (yes, two x-wives - a whole 'nother story - did I really need them?)
that the kids could live with me in the summers and visit on holidays. After being out of the States for about 6
months I learned that the mother of the youngest two had no intention of ever letting them even visit, much less
live with me. The mother of the two oldest let them visit, but refused to let them live with me, even as one of
them cried and begged. And no, I did not "get it in writing." I simply took their word for it and did not even
modify the custody agreements. Do I really need my kids? Are they even really my kids?
Do my kids really need me? Do I trust God that they will receive all that they need?
Letting go of attachments.
I found a great deal on a bunch of power tools and bought thema few thousand dollars-worth for $1500. I
went to Nicaragua and left a new "friend" in charge of the farm where I was living at the time. When I returned
from the trip he was gone and so were the tools. Did I need the tools? About 2 years later, when I caught the
man red-handed with some of the tools (he said had sold nearly all of them), I was able to immediately tell him
"I forgive you. I love you." He was flabbergasted, and wondered how I could forgive him so easilywell, I
had already forgiven him and had let go of the tools in my heart. Still when I see him, I do not resent him.
Quick questiondid he need the tools?
Letting go of attachments.
I went on a trip the States and brought back some computers. A guy who had been helping out with the project
stole one of themDid I really need it?
Letting go of attachments.
After being in Costa Rica for nearly two years, I finally found the right farm, and for a very reasonable price.
To even sweeten the deal, the owners accepted my offer to pay $5000 down, make some payments, and pay off
the rest in 2 years without interest. Now gaining 48% on my $50k, I had nothing to loosewell, I had put a
$10,000 cap on my losses if the investment went sour - so I could loose $10,000.
Now working on fixing up the farm to make it livable, and phasing out the hostel/restaurant/art center, which I
had opened in the nearby city, the dream continued to materialize.
One day I got a call from my friend, the money manager. The money was "frozen" by the government of some
islands called Turks and Caicos. Apparently, my friend had invested, along with hundreds of other investors
into a firm in Turks and Caicos. Some "officials" seized the money and accused the firm of fraud. Though
charges were never filed, and the owner of the company was never jailed, neither did the money ever return
Did I really need the money?
Letting go of attachments.
Although we thought we may loose the farm, at the very end of the term, my dad came through with an open
ended and interest-free loan to save the propertyeven though he had told me "no" when I had asked him
I have learned how to live in poverty. I am happier than I have ever been. I have not whined one time about the
"losses." I have peace and I have joy. My dream is alive. Awakening Soul has continued to materialize. I have
received the gift of a wife who is my true life partner, and two more wonderful kids came with her.

Although I do still feel the feelings of missing the kids in the States, I have faith that they will receive all they
need, and that when the time is rightif the time is rightthey will be with me physically.
Maybejust maybeI needed to lose my life in the US. I needed to lose my reputation and career in the US. I
needed to lose two wives. I needed to lose four kids. I needed to lose those tools. I needed to lose that
Maybe I needed to lose everything so that I could see that, rather than the things of this world; all I really need
is God.

Who are you? What is your dream? What are you going to do about it?
Andres and his wife, Zahrah facilitate internships, empowerment counseling, and natural healing on a
beautiful organic farm in Costa Rica. For more information about Awakening Soul; the vision of living
in community; and for free downloads of Awakening Soul music, books, and other articles, visit:
also find us on facebook
or email - 1AwakeningSoul@gmail.com_

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