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Moroccan Association

of Teachers of English
OZT MATE Regional Branch



Regional Conference

Ouarzazate, May 27 29, 2016




Chamber of the Industry

Commerce and Services

Bab Sahara Hotel, Ouarazate


MATE National
E-mail: Website: MATE Profile
The Moroccan Association of Teachers of English (called herein MATE) is a nongovernmental
organisation that was created in 1979 by Moroccan teachers and supervisors of English. Their
main goal behind that idea is to respond to an urgent need for professional development and the
development of ELT in Morocco. MATE since then accumulated a long experience and
expertise for its members and non members as well; for, on a regular basis, quarterly
newsletters and annual proceedings ensued the annual conference that take place every end of
March or beginning of April. Almost all Moroccan cities hosted the event. Since its creation,
MATE has gained credibility all over Morocco. Many branches were set up in different cities,
on the pursuit of covering all the geographical territory. To name some of these: Marrakech,
Agadir, Ouarzazate-Zagora, Beni-Mellal, Guelmim, Fez, Tiznit, Essaouira, Laayoune, Larache
and Nador.


Ouarzazate-Zagora-Tinghir MATE branch was created on 3 June, 2000. Earlier to that,

however, teachers and inspectors had been endeavouring in a community-like mood and spirit
which culminated in organising two successive annual colloquia: one in Tinghi r, 1999 and the
other in Ouarzazate. From then on, the idea of setting up a Ouarzazate-based branch began to
gain momentum. In fact, no sooner had the branch been created than its members unreluctantly
worked seriously, generously and benevolently for the sake of their own professional
development, and for the benefit of their students in the final analysis, especially that
Ouarzazate-Zagora-Tinghir region is far from the services offered by English centres and
universities that might empower its students as well as teachers of English. Coming is a brief
chronology of colloquia organised by OZT MATE branch.
OZT MATE branch is bestowed by rich human potentialities that ensure the
sustainability of its members who are willing to accomplish more and more
educational achievements no matter how scarce are material resources, and albeit
other challenges that impede their way. The branch has been represented by its
benevolent members in many.

The following is some information about the previous conferences:

27-28 May, 2000



Teacher-student rapport

Lycee Zaid Ouhmad, Tinghir

Language, culture and educational


26-27 May, 2001

Toward an Innovative Teacher of English

4-5 May, 2002

InformationTechnologyand English Language


Centre de Formation des Prof s. du

Premier Cycle, Ouarzazate.
Complex Culturel et Sportif ,Ouarzazate

Centre de Formation des Prof s. du

Premier Cycle, Ouarzazate.

Teacher and teaching material development

Centre de Formation des Prof s.

du Premier Cycle, Ouarzazate. Chamber of
commerce, industry and services,

28-29, May, 2004

Bridging the school with its environment

Centre de Formation des

Prof esseurs du Premier Cycle,

4-8 April, 2005

Language Education and citizenship: Issues

and values (National conference )

Hotel Village Electrician,Ouarzazate

2- 3 May, 2003

5-6 May, 2006

25-26 May, 2007

18 -20 April,2008

24-26 April, 2009

16 -18 April,
22-24 April,
25-27 May,2012

24-26 May,2013

Teacher and Human

Development: What Relations?
English Language Teaching and Learning
within Educational Reforms in Moroccan

Centre de Formation des Prof s.

du Premier Cycle, Ouarzazate.
Centre de Formation des Prof s.
du Premier Cycle, Ouarzazate.

Enhancing critical thinking through

the teaching learning process

Chamber of commerce, industry

and services, Ouarzazate.

ELT In Morocco : Changes &


Chamber of commerce, industry

and services, Ouarzazate.

Going Beyond the Classroom:

Promoting Foreign Language Teaching
and Learning
Through Extra-curricular
The EFL teaching and learning
in the 21st century: Exploring
effective methods and practices
REVISITING Learners Behaviours

May 23th ,24th , and Surmounting Teachers Challenges Through

Continuous Professional Development
Professional Practices in ELT: Changes &
27-28 May 2016

Dar Attakaf a, Zagora

Bougafer Hotel , Tineghir.

COS ONE, Ouarzazat

Dar Attakaf a, Zagora

Bougafer Hotel , Tineghir.

Hotel Bab Sahara, Ouarzazate

MATE National Board: April 2016-2018


Mohammed HASSIM
Noureddine BENDOUQI
Mustapha ZANZOUN
Abdullah YOUSFI
Mohamed BAKKAS

1st Vice president
2nd vice president
Secretary general
Vice secretary general
Vice treasurer
General Council Member
General Council Member
General Council Member
General Council Member
General Council Member
General Council Member
General Council Member
General Council Member

OZT MATE Regional Branch: May 2014-2016


Abdelouahed OULGOUT
Mohamed OUKAAI
Noureddine BABA
Mohamed Amine CHORAIH

Vice president
Secretary general
Vice secretary general
Vice treasurer
General Council Member
General Council Member

OZT MATE 16th Regional Conference organizing committee:

Mr. Abdelouahed OULGOUT

+(212) 6 15 66 13 84

Mr. Mohamed ELGHAZY

+(212) 6 76 58 11 51


+(212) 6 66 56 79 76

Friday 27th May, 2016

- Check-in and registration

- Opening ceremony
- Reception
- Keynote speech Plenary Session: Pr. Mohammed Hassim
- Dinner


Saturday 28 , May, 2016




-Presentation 1- Sharing Some Useful Classroom Activities

Omar Titki
-Presentation 2 - Teaching English through MATE CIRCLEs: Changes & Challenges
Mohamed Elghazy
-Presentation 3- My experience with IATEFL Conference and Scholarships
Mohamed Bouri
-Presentation 4- My ILEP 2016 experience
Rachid Meftah
-Presentation 5- Experience Sharing: EMRC Project, A Dream That Came True. How?
Yassine Ait Hammou






-Workshop 1- An EFL Teacher's Top Ten Tools of the Trade

Renata Bobakova
-Workshop 2- Developing a Computer Application for Grammar Practice: a Sample Digital

Abdelouahed Oulgout

-Workshop 3- Harnessing virtual learning systems for an ever-connected teacher-student

relationship: A workshop on Moodlecloud

Hicham Zyad
-Workshop 4: Enhancement activities in EFL context
Mohamed Oukaai

-Regional Students Talents Show (Ouarzazate Access Students)


- Lunch
-Trip : Visit to Ouarzazate Cinema Museum & Kasba Ait Ben Haddou
-Social evening


Sunday 29th May, 2016


-Presentation 6- Google Docs For Classroom Management
Rachid Meftah
-Presentation 7- Introduction to online ELT teachers CPD solutions
Mohamed Elboubakri

-Presentation 8- Virtual Classes: Going beyond the school providing further
educational support

Yassine Ait Hammou

-Presentation 9- Technology in teacher training programs: Moving beyond computer literacy
Hicham Zyad
-Presentation 10- A Comparative Study of the Perceptions of Pre-service Teachers about
Online Professional Development: ELT and Arabic Pre-service Teachers at CERMEF- Tangiers

Rachid Sassi


- Discussion


- Break


-Workshop 5: Teacher Professional Development

Mohamed Elmaanaoui
-Workshop 6: Refreshing student-centered teaching strategies for the weary educator
Renata Bobakova


- General assembly and renewal of OZT MATE board


- Lunch & departure

Opening Ceremony:
Short speeches:

Draa Tafilalet MEN Regional director

MEN Delegate in Ouarzazate
MATE National Board President
City Council President
Local Authourities
OZT MATE Regional Branch President
OZT MATE 16th Regional Confernce Organizing Committee
Other guests

Presentation 1: Sharing Some Useful Classroom Activities
Omar Titki
No one can deny the importance of innovation in education and that of professional development.
We, as teachers of English, always need to sharpen our saw and bring new and innovative ideas
and activities into our classroom. One way to do this is to share our experiences. Therefore, my
presentation is meant to serve this purpose. I am going to share some activities that I have done

with my students and that I think would be helpful and inspire other teachers , especialy the
novice ones, as there are many in the region.

Omar Titki has been teaching Engish at Sidi Ahmed Bennacer High School ,in Zagora , for five
years now. He spoke and participted in many regional and national conferences. He has been
involved in many national and international educational projects.

Presentation 2: Teaching English through MATE CIRCLEs: Changes & Challenges

Mohamed Elghazy

MATE CIRCLEs are educational spaces meant to provide an opportunity for English language
learners to practice their English in more relaxed and friendly settings. In fact, the CIRCLEs can
make an excellent contribution to students life not only at school, but also in their communty at
large. In this paper, I will explore some practical activities developed within the CIRCLEs as
participant centered spaces. By highlighting the changes and aspirations that the CIRCLEs have
proved in students personal development, I intend to show how MATE CIRCLEs are, potentially,
a very valuable part of the English language student experience.

Mohamed Elghazy is an EFL teacher at Sidi Amrou High School in Tazarine, Zagora. He
graduated MA in Cultural Studies from Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdullah University, Fez in 2012. He
taught English for business and tourism in various Moroccan cities (Agadir, Fez, Rabat, Sale,
etc). Currently, he is Ouarzazate - Zagora - Tinghir (OZT) MATE vice-president. He is also
coordinating both MATE CIRCLE & MATE Access in Tazarine, Zagora; and he has participated
and presented in many conferences. His fields of interests are Moroccan cinema, postcolonial
discourse, media studies, cross-cultural studies and TEFL. Recently, he ran the Life Skills project
in his community (the project is developed by International Youth Foundation in collaboration with
Peace Corps in Morocco).

Presentation 3: My experience with IATEFL Conference and Scholarships

Mohamed Bouri

IATEFL offers educators around the world a wide range of prestigious scholarships. Each year,
thousands of candidates compete to win 50 plus scholarships that target all disciplines of
education. To be short-listed, you need to keep in mind a couple of helping thoughts. The focus of
this presentation is to give you the gist of my experience as an IATEFL scholarship winner and a
handful worth of strategies to increase your winning chances to attend the upcoming conference
in Glasgow.

Mohamed Bouri is an English teacher. He has been teaching English as second language for
twelve years. He has won a couple of international awards and scholarships including the
International School Award, Concordia Universitys full-fledged scholarship to obtain his masters
degree of education in Curriculum & Instruction, and the very recent IATEFL grant to attend its
50th anniversary conference held in Birmingham, UK. His professional career outside Morocco
includes serving as a Universal Ambassador for Concordia University, US. His interests include
but are not limited to leadership, educational technology and sports.

Presentation 4: My ILEP 2016 experience

Rachid Meftah

My ILEP 2016 experience is a sharing activity through which I would like to share with my
colleagues my five months fellowship at Kent State University in the US. I was among the five
Moroccan secondary school teachers selected to participate in ILEP program 2016. I had my
ILEP experience in Kent State University in Ohio from 05/01/2016 to 10/05/2016. I benefited from
a rich and intensive program which included an internship at high schools, auditing two university
classes, taking a technology seminar, creating a professional development module in teams,
meeting American friendship families every weekend, attending conferences, attending cultural
activities, going on field trips, visiting associations and clubs.... This rich experience benefited me
personally and professionally.

Rachid Meftah is a secondary school teacher of English as a foreign language. He has been
teaching English at Salaheddine Elayoubi public secondary school for six years. Before, he had
been a primary school teacher and taught Arabic and French to all the six levels. Rachid got his
Bachelors degree from Ibno Zohr University. Rachid has been a trainer in Access Micro
scholarship program for 4 years. He is also an active member in many associations like Mate
(Moroccan association of teachers of English) and MORCE-NET (Moroccan Resource Centers of
English Network). Rachid is an ILEP (International leaders in Education Program) graduate. He
earned the ILEP scholarship last year and was hosted in Kent state University in the US from
05/01/2016 to 10/05/2016. There, he had an internship at high schools, audited two university
classes, took a technology seminar, created a team professional development module, and
participated in many academic and cultural activities.

Presentation 5: Experience Sharing: EMRC Project, A Dream That Came True. How?
Yassine Ait Hammou

EMRC (English Multimedia Resource Center) is an English Language resource center and library
equipped with ICT tools located in Abi Bakr Essediq High School - Ouarzazate. It is also a
classroom where teachers of English teach on a daily basis. This project came to life thanks to
the grant got from the US Kids to Kids Organisation (A World Connect Program) along with the
help of Peace Corps, Abi Bakr Essediq High School administration and the Delegation of National
Education in Ouarzazate.

I am a PhD researcher (Multilingualism, Language Planning and Language Policy). I got a master
of education in TEFL & ICT. I am also a co-founder, member, online English tutor and English
spokesperson of the Educational Association. I have represented Morocco in the
following international events: -Representative of Association Virtual/Online Classes
Experience-Morocco in the "US Department of States International Visitors Leadership Program:
Education in the Digital Age - The United States of America, 2014". -Represented Morocco in the
"5th World Youth Congress - Istanbul Turkey, 2010". -Represented Morocco in the "Turda
Democracy and Development Gathering Program for the East European and MENA sudents, Cluj
- Romania, 2008". My main fields of interest are E-learning, ICT in Education, TEFL,

Multilingualism, Language Planning and Language Policy.

Presentation 6: Google Docs For Classroom Management

Rachid Meftah

Teachers in my school and in many other high schools still use files and paperwork to manage
classroom work. They still fill out record books, attendance books, and mark books manually, and
this takes much of their time inside and outside the classroom. Managing classroom work this
way is ineffective and time consuming. Google Docs with Google Drive are efficient and easy
tools that can solve this problem. By using Google Docs, teachers can plan, organize, and fill out
lesson plans, the record book, the attendance book, and mark book effectively.

Presentation 7: Introduction to online ELT teachers CPD solutions

Mohamed Elboubakri

Noone can deny the importance of continuing professional development for ELT instructors.It
helps teachers to stay up to date with the new methods and procedures of teaching and learning
which leads to the improvement of their classes output.Learning was and is still always linked to
travel but the only difference between past teachers and actual ones ,seeking professional
development, is that past educators take long real journeys .However ,traveling for knowledge in
the modern era can also be virtual ,through internet,with same or better results in various

Mohamed E l boubakri:
Teacher of English in ISTA from Zagora (Rouha Commune), living and working in Ouarzazate.
B.A in English language and literature from LUIZ Agadir.
Founder and facilitator of Ouarzazate English Friends Club (OEFC) (
Member of Moroccan association of teachers of English (MATE) and Moroccan Resource
Centers of English Network (MoRCE-Net).
Citizen journalist and interested in Media (in both Arabic and English).

Presentation 8: Virtual Classes: Going beyond the school providing further

educational support
Yassine Ait Hammou

Abstract: is the first Moroccan website specialized in providing a rich assortment of services
related primarily to education. The forums' services target pedagogic, psychological and
orientation support for high school students through distance learning by taking advantage of the
assets of modern techniques of ICT (the web, virtual classes, video-conferencing...). The project
was founded in 2009 by a group of high school teachers in Ouarzazate. Educational
Association also organizes different annual events such as "Orientation Meetings", "High School
Clubs Olympic Contests" and "2nd Baccalaureate National Exam Preparatory and Psychological
Training Workshops" for students.

Presentation 9: Technology in teacher training programs: Moving beyond computer literacy

Hicham Zyad

The unabashed drive for the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in
the educational sector demands a redefinition and restructuring of pre- and in-service teacher
training programs in Morocco. Although empirical research on the pedagogical usefulness of ICT
offers mixed results on the resultant effects on students learning, a good deal of evidence points
to the positive impact of ICT on students uptake, motivation and engagement. However, the
pressing question that emerges in relation to educational ICT integration is whether or not
teachers are sufficiently prepared to take up the challenge in terms of pedagogical knowledge
and skills adequacy. In this context, the present paper discusses different models whereby ICT is
incorporated in pre- and in-service teacher training programs in different educational settings.
The discussion of these models is intended to pave the way for a comparison with the model
adopted in Moroccan teacher training programs to empower teachers to use ICT for instructional
purposes. The paper also reports the results of a study investigating how secondary education
teachers employ ICT in their classrooms in El-Jadida province. The purpose of the incorporation
of this study is to build the argument that the ways in which teachers receive training in
educational technology is reflected in the manner they use it in their classrooms. The main
implication drawn from the these comparisons is that while computer literacy is a necessary step
in the right direction, focused attention needs to be directed to how technology can best be used
to foster a more powerful learning environment.

Hicham Zyad is a doctoral student in the Moroccan-American doctoral studies program run by
Hassan II University, the School of Humanities in Ben MSik. My research interests are ELT,
writing pedagogy, and educational technology. I have publications in the International Journal of
Instruction, the International Journal of English and education and the International Journal for
21st Century Education (in Press). I have participated in several national and international
conferences and my contributions have been published in these conferences proceedings. I am
an ELT professional in state-run secondary education with 12 years experience.

Presentation 10:

A Comparative Study of the Perceptions of Pre-service Teachers about

Online Professional Development: ELT and Arabic Pre-service Teachers at CERMEF- Tangiers
Rachid Sassi
The current case study was an endeavor to investigate the perceptions of the pre-service
teachers in Arabic and English departments at the Centre Rgional des Mtiers de lEducation et
de la Formation (henceforth CRMEF), Tangier about the construct of Online Professional
Development (OPD). Besides, it aimed at determining if the informants in question hold similar
attitudes towards that concept, delineating the taxonomies of online platforms used by the
respondents under investigation to access OPD and identifying the typologies of barriers that the
pre-service teachers face to access OPD. To achieve these objectives, a questionnaire was
designed and administered to 52 participants at the CRMEF, Tangier. The analysis of data elicited
through the questionnaire reported the following findings: calculating the means for each
statement about OPD showed that there is a significant difference between the options of Arabic
and that of English in some items. As for the rest of the items, the analysis displayed that there is
no remarkable difference in the means of both groups. This means that English department tends
to perceive OPD positively, while the majority of Arabic teacher-trainees stay indifferent towards
that construct. What proves this conclusion is that 10 replies to an open-ended category in the

questionnaire were in favor of OPD. To detect if there is a significant association between

responding to the items related to OPD and option, the chi-square was run. The latter observed
the existence of such relationship in six statements, and therefore, this gives support to
concluding that the option affects the respondents perceptions of OPD. In a similar way, the t-test
was run to account for the existence of a significant difference between the two options. Actually,
that test of comparison showed that there was a significant difference between the means of both
options in three statements related to perceptions of OPD. Further, the analysis illustrated that
the pre-service teachers in both options use a wide range of online channels to access OPD.
Last but not least, the analysis of the last section of the questionnaire reported that the preservice teachers of Arabic and English face many barriers that cripple them to have an optimal
access to OPD, including lacking ICT literacy skills, teachers beliefs & practices, workload
among others.

My name is Rachid Sassi. I am an English language teacher at the high school of Mohamed V,
Ouazzane. I have written some essays related to the issues of professional development and ICT
integration in the teaching-learning process. These essays are available on the website of
Morocco World News. I an interested in applied linguistics, media studies and cultural studies.

Workshop 1: An EFL Teacher's Top Ten Tools of the Trade
Renata Bobakova
To keep students interested, engaged, and motivated, I use a variety of tools that I regularly bring
to language lessons to spice up the sometimes-mundane classroom environment. During this
workshop I will introduce you to ten of my favorite school utensils, which I have been using for a
long time. You will also get an opportunity to try two learner-centered activities that revolve
around each tooltwenty activities altogetherand you will be encouraged to discuss how those
tools could be utilized within your respectful school setting.

Renata Bobakova has a Masters degree in TEFL and English literature. She has taught ESL for
almost thirteen years in a variety of settings in the U.S.A. (immigration centers, adult education
centers, and at university level/IEP), and she has an extensive background in teacher training.
She is currently employed as an English Language Fellow, funded by the U.S. Department of
State and Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. and working at the Facult des Lettres et
Sciences Humaines, Ibn Zohr University in Agadir, Morocco. She has presented at various
TESOL conferences all around the world.

Workshop 2:

Developing a Computer Application for Grammar Practice: a Sample Digital

Abdelouahed Oulgout

The workshop revolves around developing a digital interactive resource for English grammar

practice. The participants are expected to get acquainted with the necessary tools and skills to
develop their own ELT digital learning resources. They will be provided with a step-by step guide
to put such a task into practice. To meet this aim, we have already started a sample application to
engage English learners in an interactive environment where they will enjoy practicing English at
home using their desktops. Being aware of making use of ICTs to develop one's own ELT
materials is the utmost aim of the workshop. Therefore, we hope that by the end of the workshop,
the participants will go back home with new skills and ideas to start up their personalized
professional ICT projects.

Abdelouahed Oulgout is a Moroccan teacher of English, software designer, English and Arabic
Essayist; and an Arabic Poet. He got his BA degree at the faculty of letters and humanities,
University of Moulay Ismail, Meknes. He had been once a member-founder and ex-leader of
English Committee for Dialogue and Communication at the same university. Abdelouahed is
currently president of OZT-MATE regional branch and coordinator of Boumalen Dades Access

Workshop 3:

Harnessing virtual learning systems for an ever-connected teacher-student

relationship: A workshop on Moodlecloud
Hicham Zyad

21st century technological advancements have brought new transformations and challenges to
the educational landscape worldwide. A major transformation is the widespread use of learning
management systems (LMS) as a virtual platform for a sustainably uninterrupted teacher-student
relationship. Moodle is an instance of an LMS with an increasingly ubiquitous presence in several
secondary and post-secondary institutions. It has been designed in line with the principles of the
socio-constructivist tradition, which is the dominant theoretical trend in present-day pedagogy.
The impetus for such widespread use of Moodle comes from its simplicity and flexibility. Due to
considerations of ease of use, Moodle designers have taken great caution to make Moodle
navigational features accessible to users with less than moderate computer literacy. Its flexibility
is reflected in the multiplicity of goals for which Moodle can be utilized. It can be used as an
exclusively online learning environment, a platform for focused collaborative work or a repository
for self-study courses and materials. However, owing to a host of attitudinal, logistical and
infrastructural issues, several institutions in the Moroccan educational system miss precious
opportunities by failing to harness the affordances of Moodle to create a more powerful learning
environment for their students. In this context, the present workshop comes to fill the gap by
demonstrating to teachers how they can create an account in Moodle-cloud. The areas included
in the workshop are creating an account in Moodlecloud, creating courses, enrolling students,
expanding the database for uploaded materials, creating activities and uploading materials

Workshop 4: Enhancement activities in EFL context

Mohamed Oukaai

Teaching English language should take into account the present needs of the 21st century
students. It is noticed that students spend a lot of time in English classes but the learning
outcomes are not satisfactory. The reason behind this might be the fact that the material taught

and the way it is taught do not match with the 2st students needs. In this respect, teaching
English through enhancement activities can help students better learn English authentically and
at the same time promote their real-life skills. For instance, both Access program and Mate
Circles are two examples which have achieved a remarkable success thanks to their focus on
enhancement activities. So, this workshop aims at setting the ground for teachers to discuss the
importance and relevance of enhancement activities in EFL context, and to reflect on how to
design a lesson plan for enhancement activities classes.

Full name: OUKAAI Mohamed
Workplace: Sijilmassa High school, Errachidia
Education: Master degree in crosscultural and literary studies

Workshop 5: Teacher Professional Development

Mohamed Elmaanaoui

As teachers we are always looking for ways to improve our teaching practices.This workshop will
offer a chance to participants to discuss the significance of teacher professional development.It
will also help them examine strategies that can facilitate professional development in language
teaching.Finally, the participants will discuss the constraints that impede teacher development.


ELMaanaoui is an inspector trainee at Centre de Formation des Inspecteurs de

l'Enseignement,Rabat. His professional interests include professional development in language
teaching and pragmatics.

Workshop 6: Refreshing student-centered teaching strategies for the weary educator

Renata Bobakova

As teachers we wear many different hats, and because of our workloads sometimes the last thing
we wish to do is to prepare creative, interesting, engaging, and learner-centered activities for our
students. In this workshop you will discover twenty different activities and strategies that target all
the skill areas (reading, grammar/writing, vocabulary, speaking and listening), are studentcentered and require minimal preparation from the weary educator.


Group picture: OZT MATE 15th Regional Conference, Tinghir, 2014

OZT MATE Board, 2014 2016


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