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Pragues Astronomical Clock:

The Astronomical Clock (Prask Orloj) in Prague is one of the highlights of Old Town Square and one of
the top sights in the entire city. Most tourist think its cool, take and photo and move on, but the clock is
even cooler if you know how to read it. The clock itself is made of 3 parts the Astronomical Dial (shown
below), the Walk of the Apostles Figurines, and the Zodiac Dial on the bottom. There is a lot going on
with the clock which can be overwhelming, but we will try our best to make it easy.

How to read Pragues Astronomical Clock:

The Astronomical Dial (shown above) is the time telling part of the clock and was built in 1410. It shows
position of the Sun (10) and Moon (11) in the sky with a mechanical clock in the center of it.
The first thing to examine is the stationary background of the Astronomical Dial which pins you the
observer standing in Prague right in the center of an Earthly map. Surrounding the Earth are colored
rings that represent the current sun light with the bottom dark circle being night time (7), the orange to
the left being day break (5), the grey to the left being sunrise (4), the blue on the top being daytime (2),
the grey on the right being sunset, the orange on the right being twilight, working your way be to night
time. These colored rings for the daylight move throughout the year as the days grow longer and
On the edges the of the Astronomical Dial the ring of Roman Numerals show the Modern 24 Hour Clock
(1) we are used to today set to Central European Time. Follow the Golden Hand (9) to see the current
time on the standard 24 hour clock. Outside of the standard Roman Numerals is another ring with
Schwabacher Numerals showing Ancient Bohemian Time (8) that went off Italian hours. In Italian hours
they still used a 24 hour day, but the day ended and reset officially at sunset. Throughout the year the
ring of Schwabacher Numerals rotates to keep the end of the day lined up with sunset which can be
anywhere from 4-8 pm during the year using modern hours. Easiest way to think of it is that Sunset is 0
hours and each hour is the time after Sunset.
When using the ancient Czech time it is important to know that while they changed when the day ended
based on the length of daylight, the day light and night time hours were always divided up into 12 parts
each regardless. Because the length of the day time changes throughout the year they used an odd
system called Unequal Hours or Planetary Hours where the length of the 12 daytime and 12 night time
hours themselves changed in to keep 12 night hours and 12 day hours. The position of the Gold Sun on
the Golden Hand in relation to the Golden Arch Lines on the background will tell you what time it is
based on Unequal Hours. Notice how the Arch Lines on the top of the clock have the numbers 1-12 on
them going from Sunrise on the left to Sunset on the right? The Gold Sun moves up and down the
Golden Hand throughout the year to narrower or wider spots in the Golden Arch Lines showing the
Unequal hours are longer or shorter.
The Moon along the Zodiac Ring (13) spins around the clock representing its orbit around the Earth and
it also has both a black and white half that rotate to show the current cycle of the Moon.
The small Golden Star (6) shows the position of the vernal equinox and measures Sidereal Time based
on its positions in relation to the Roman Numerals on the outer ring.
The Zodiac Ring move so the sun goes across it counter clockwise marking the current position in the
Zodiac year.
The relation of all the celestial items are a little weird today as when the clock was built most people
believe that everything revolved around the Earth on an ecliptic plane and it wasnt until the 1500s that

it was discovered we are in a solar system going around the our sun. Remember from stop 3 that it was
right here in Old Town Prague where another Astronomical break through happened in 1619 when
Kepler came up with his Laws of Planetary Motion.
Calendar Dial added in 1870. The center has the crest of Old Town Prague surrounded by the 12 Zodiac
symbols of pre-2012 lining up with the days they fall on laying on the outer ring which has marks for
each day of the year. The Dial rotates keeping the current day on the top.
The Walk of the Apostles, animated statues added in the 1600s, Apostle Statues added in 1865, statues
come alive hourly; the skeleton statue representing Death is our favourite as it appears to be striking
along with the hourly bells.
From left to right in the photograph at the top of the first page of this article, the first is Vanity,
represented by a figure admiring himself in a mirror. Next, the miser holding a bag of gold represents
greed or usury. Across the clock stands Death, a skeleton that strikes the time upon the hour. Finally, the
Turk tells pleasure and entertainment.

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