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Expansive clays; floors; constructin; preventive methods; foundatin

In this article revelant informatin on one of the most complicated to Word and is
also causing several problematic in constructin soils now.
We are talking about clay soils with expansive properties and in our state and
municipality of San Juan Bautista, Tuxtepec Oaxaca, is of great importance to
study as abound in several municipalities in our state.
The implement protective measures for the constructin of high plasticity clays in
the sostenes bravo boulevard improve how to build on clays soils of high plasticity
applying appropiate methods.
It has long been that the presence of expansive clay solis affects buildings as its
main feature is to produce movements as a result of swellings and retractions of
the land on which the foundatin is supported and unfortunately cause in most
About 10 years ago started the constructin of houses, house know geo rooms in
that boulevard, where prevail clay soils, the soil studies do not take adequate
preventive measures, such soils accent bringing that place is flooded.
Taking into account factors that affects the community in the aforementioned
section beacause no studies were carried out and therefore no safety measures to
build on it looking from this article that are archieved propose appropiate measures
to the safe constructin of high plasticity clays since this is a relevant and consider
The precautionary measures for the constructon of high plasticity clays on the
Sostenes-Bravo boulevard in Tuxtepec Oaxaca were based on the knowledge
obtained about high plasticity clays which are currently based on geotechnical
studies and practices. Therefore it seeks to propose preventive methods to builds
on these soils.
First going to talk about that are clays high plasticity, as are formed, the damage
that can result in civil Works, the tests must be perfomed to know its nature (liquid
limit, classificatin SUCS, testing AASHTO, index of plasticity), presenting results
to give a precise solution and to apply security measures to build on them.
High plasticity clays, is a very important issue for which we choose to be concrete
and specific with the information. Over time the expansive clays have presented a

big problem for the buildings because when these are presented on our floor snub
brings us great cost and more various problems arising from them. Today, detect
clay soils with high plasticity is the work of geotechnical and civil engineers, so
carried out the relevant tests to find factors and parameters of the composition of
The problema of Sostenes-Bravo boulevard was a factor mentioned; with the
necesary testing prior to construction talking into account the necesary preventive
measures to avoid long-term consequences.
Soil mechanics is dedicated to all kinds of demostrations on a floor, either
movements, soil type, color, type of mineralogy, etc which took us by the hand to
our study.
Measures of prevention on the ground, depending on the compositin and type of
weather depending on the regin in which we are working, therefore, a study of soil
mechanics, involves many other factor, to have an effective and successful
It is we will be focusing on the study of the costructin processes in clays of high
plasticity in order to have concrete bases on the study of this type of soil and how
to repair the damage that these clays cause.

Talk of expansive clays, leads to on issue of great importance in civil enginering.
Expansive clay soils in the presence of moinsture, as its main feature its
experience volumen changes when its content in liquids, this means the floor is
made of very suceptible to fall apartwith this type of soil would produce this tended
to fracture producing cracks in the walls or that the foundatin give way and the
whole building collapse.
Its is know that being build without any caution on espanse soils, causing many
buildings to fall, creating millonaries owners of buildings espenses it can be taken
as historical antecedent some buildings have collapsed by heavy rains in cities
around the world through the years.


1.- Water
2.- Temperature
3.- Type of foundation
4.- Geotechnics

Water in contact with this type of soil, they experience an expasion in its particles
and generate a volumen change, losing stability and this generates temperatures
affects this type of soil in two diferent ways;
High temperatures cause the soil to dehydrate, shink, crack so that they lose their
resilience and their volumen decrases, while room temperatures is maintained at
normal state and low temperatures higher humidity exists, increasing its wter
content and volumen.
Geotechnics helps us to adequately determine soil properties, its characteristics,
its chemical composition, etc., that help us choose a suitable way to imprement the
measures to build on a specific type of soil.
Type of foundation; this is most important aspect as it is the part of the structure
that would support the entire weight of the building and not be suitable could
happen from a collapse of our edification to a total loss of the work.

To make the necessary preventive meansures to build on these because deifferent
tests gaveus that it is indeed a clay soil and this makes i tan unestable rea.

The implementing preventive measures to build on clays improve how to build on
clays soils of high plasticity applying appropriate methods.


Vernier: Vernier caliper also know as calliper is to accurately measure small tems
(screws, holes, small objets, etc.). consist of a fixed of 12 cm accurately of a
millineter, on which a mobile rule or Vernier moves.
Sieve: screening is an economical method for granulometric analysis. This method
of analysis of particle size; it is universally used for quality control in virtually all
industrial sectors such as the chemical. Mining and metallurgy, food industry,
cosmetics, pharmaceutical industry and other laboratorios granulometry.
Triaxial Chamber: this equipmet consists of a triaxial compression chamber which
is formed by a lucite cylinder, about 10 cm in outer diameter and about 6 cm thick
on your Wall. The bases of the chamber are surronded by stell plates cadmium,
sealed relative to the cylinder perfectly lucite through rubber or rubber.
Hydrometer: a device thet uses the floating force to measures the specific gravity
(S) of a liquid. This device is made of glass and has a prismatic rod section is
graduated and wherein the measurement is performed. When introduced into a
liquid, the hydrometer is partially submerged upringht and with the rodo ut of the
liquid Surface.
Desiccator: device used to removed moisture from ceftain products or substances;
it consists of a closed vacuum in which introduced a product container, and are
used in industry and chemistry.

Particle size analysis is in general terms, in separated and classified by size to the
solid particles that compose it. There are several procedures for the separation of
soil in different fractions according to their size, some of these are:
*by mesh screening
*sedimentatin methods
*combined analysis

Figure 1

1.- The total weight of the simple is determined
2.- Stir with a shovel the sample provided in order to homogenize.
3.- It was cleaned with soft brusheach mesh bristles (figure 1) provided.
4.- Using a sample bucket inside the mesh No. 4 is positioned and manually cribo.
5.- The fraction retained on the sieve was weighed and the portion of ground
happened mesh shielded No. 4.
6.- The porcentaje of the portion that passes the mesh No. 4 on the starting weight
of the sample was calculated.
7.- The crazing was perfomed using a blade in order to obtain a representive
8.- Took one of parts of the sample (about 800 g) was placed in a tray and the
weight of it was recorded.
9.-They were disintegrated in less tan the mesh materials No. 4.

10.- The material is placed in the mesh No. 200 and start the washing process. the
process stopped when the water jet was colorless
11.- The retained material is placed in a tray and subjected to a drying process by
convection oven for 24 hours at 105 C
12.- Sieved in mesh No. 10, No. 20, No. 40, No. 60, No. 100 and No. 200, the
weight of soil in each was determined and recorded.
13.- Equivalent percentages with respect to each portion was calculated on the dry
weight of the original sample and the granulometric curve was plotted.

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