The Ten Commandments in The Qur'an

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The Ten Commandments in the Qur'an

Islam (Submission to the will of God) is the the religion of Noah, Abraham,
Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, Muhammed
and all the other messengers mentioned or not mentioned in the Scripture.
The Ten Commandments as we see them here are not any more than the
same message given to the prophet Muhammed. See the following table.

The Ten Commandments Confirmation in the

(Exodus 20: 1-17 & Quran
Deuteronomy 5: 6-21) (Chapter: Verse)
"There is no other god beside
Thou shall not take any god
1 except one God. 1
He is the one God; there is no
other god beside Him..(28:70)
There is nothing that equals
(like) Him. (42:11)

No visions can encompass

Him, but He encompasses all
visions. He is the
Thou shall make no image of
2 God. 2 Compassionate, the

"My Lord, make this a

peaceful land, and protect me
and my children from
worshiping idols. (14:35)
Do not subject GOD's Name
to your casual swearing, that
you may appear righteous,
Thou shall not use God's name in pious,
3 vain. 3 or to attain credibility among
the people. (2:224)
...And your parents shall be
honored. As long as one or
both of them live, you shall
Thou shall honor thy mother and never say to them, "Uff"
4 father. 4 (the slightest gesture of
annoyance), nor shall you
shout at them; you shall treat
them amicably. (17:23)
The thief, male or female,
you shall mark their hands as
a punishment for their crime,
5 Thou shall not steal. 5 and
to serve as an example from
GOD. GOD is Almighty,
Most Wise. (5:38 - 39)

... Incur GOD's

condemnation upon him, if
he was lying. (24:7)

Do not withhold any

testimony by concealing what
you had witnessed. Anyone
who withholds
a testimony is sinful at heart.
Thou shall not lie or give false (2:283)
6 testimony. 6
O' you who believe, you shall
be absolutely equitable, and
observe GOD, when you
serve as witnesses, even
against yourselves, or your
parents, or your relatives.
Whether the accused is rich
or poor, GOD takes care of
both. Therefore, do not be
biased by your personal
wishes. If you deviate or
disregard (this
commandment), then GOD is
fully Cognizant of
everything you do.[4:135]

....Anyone who murders any

person who had not
committed murder or
horrendous crimes, it shall be
as if he murdered all the
people. (5:32)

"You shall not kill any

7 Thou shall not kill. 7 person - for God has made
life sacred - except in the
course of justice. If one is
killed unjustly, then we give
his heir authority to enforce
justice. Thus, he shall not
exceed the limits in avenging
the murder, he will be
You shall not commit
8 Thou shall not commit adultery. 8 it is a gross sin, and an evil
You shall regard the parents,
the relatives, the orphans, the
poor, the related neighbor,
Thou shall not covet thy
9 neighbors wife or possessions. 9 the unrelated neighbor, the
close associate, the traveling
alien, and your servants.
And do not covet what we
bestowed upon any other
people. Such are temporary
ornaments of this life,
whereby we put them to the
test. What your Lord
provides for you is far
better, and

The Sabbath was

relinquished with the
revelation of the Qur'an. We
are told in the Qur'an that
the Sabbath was only
decreed for the Jews. (16:124)

God, however ,ordered us to

make every effort and drop
all businesses to attend the
Thou shall keep the Sabbath congregational (Friday)
10 holy. 10 prayer. The Submitters may
tend to their business during
the rest of
the day.

O' you who believe, when

Congregational Prayer (Salat
Al-Jumu‘ah) is announced on
Friday, you shall hasten to
the commemoration of GOD,
and drop all business. . (62:9)

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