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senin: K3ll (10-11.50) --> Tugas K3LL
selasa: biomol (10-12.30), rekayasa biokim (13-15.30) --> ppt biomol
rabu: MAEN --> "belajar bersama my true love my whole heart"
kamis: mekflu (10-12.30), perpindahan kalor (13-15.30), komnum (16-18.30) --> ma
kalah + ppt PK, kuis mekflu
jumat: statprob (8-9.50) --> pr statprob
UAS Semester 4
Senin : K3 (23 Mei), Praktikum (Makalah, deadline 5 Juni)
Selasa : Biokimia (31 Mei --> 6 Juni), Biomol (UAS = Makalah)
Kamis : Komputasi Numerik (Take Home, 2 Juni), Mekanika Fluida (26 Mei), Perpind
ahan Kalor (2 Juni)
Jumat : Statistik (27 Mei)
Day 1 summary:
Objective safety:
+safe personal
+protection enviroment
+company image
-preliminary hazard analysis
+how often
-preliminary risk hazard
+Project development scheme
-process related hazard
+hydrocarbon inventory
+fluid characteristic
+process conduction
+presence of pollutans
-plot plan review
+provide guide to select the best layout
Summary day 2
-main issue(people,asset,enviroment, company image)
-defenition (probabilistic, deterministic)
-order of magnitude

probabilistic approach
deterministic approach
-hazard identification
+ hazard vs risk
+risk reduction process (torelable, residual, prevention, mitigation)
+ installation layout (fire zone, impacted area, restricted area)
-consequence analysis (hazan)
Analysis of consequence of a release (gas, liquid , 2 phase)and analysis of (dis
persion, fire a dexplosion)
offshore FPSO general layout(AKPO) (an example)
-layout design for safety(segregation between unit, fire/blastwall)
-hazardous area classification
Summary day 3
Quantitative risk assestmen technique
1. Major hazazard assestment
2. Quantitative risk analysis
3. Reduction of ignition source
+hazard area
+electric safety
Hazard potential
-intrinsic properties
-controlled by app of engineering control
.: large inventory /flammable/toxic
Accident scenario -> consequence of event leading to the un controlled release
-Bowie structure : causes
-Risk rangking matrix
-safety measure (severity, pollution, injuries, assest)
-safety critical measure principle
->reducing frequency
->reducihg severity
- Qra ( hazan,frequency,scenario development, consesuence analysis, impact analy
sis, risk summation, risk evaluation
-optimization regards to simops
Study case
Piper alfa disaster 1988
Summary day 4
+optimization regard to simops
Study case
-south pars case 2&3 (qatar and iran)
+hazardous classification
-intent (legal requirement)

-flammable atmosphere
-hazardous area
-area classfication
-hazardous zone(0,1,2)
+code and standard
-main code (ip code part 15)
-Internal reference
-atex european directive
-iecex international directive
-fluid characteristic (flash point)
-leak source identification
-grade release(primary, contionous, secondary)
-effect of hazardous area classification(classificatin vs ventilation)
-control ignition source (13 type of ignition source, main hazard, gas group)
+recomendation and conclusion
+pressure releave system
-component with safety function
Summaryday 5
safety instrumented system
fire and gas detection system
-risk management hierarchy
+an alarm
+automatic remediation
-purpose (provide rapid and reliable indication of occurance of hazardous event)
-gas identification
+method (catalytic, infra red, cold temperature)
+leak (optical, ultrasonic)
+toxic gas detection
'Selectiveto particular
'H2s, so2, co
' detection
application of gas detection
-location of flammable gas detector
-location of toxic gas detector
-gas sensor location and placement
detection fire-general
-detect (heat, smoke, flame)
optical (uv, ir, uv/ir, ir3)
smoke detection
heat detection
-mapping assestment of detector
passive and active fire protection system
-principle of fire protection

passive fire protection

-pfp fire protection material
-standarised type of fire (cellulosefire, hc fire, jet fire)
-pfp fire rating
active fire protection
-objective(reducing fire effect, active protection, control fire)
-active fixed fire protective system (water deluge, foam, co2, sprinkle, watercu
-afp water deluge (offshore,onshore,enviromental precaution)
-afp fire water pump supply system
-afp manual fire fighring methods

Dengan kemampuan komputasi numerik yang telah anda pelajari, selesaikanlah semua
tugas dengan cara menjawab peratanyaan-pertanyaan yang sama, yakni
1. Tunjukkanlah bagaimana pembentukan jenis persamaan termasuk dalam polinonomia
l/ aljabar linearmulti-variabel ataukah persamaan polinomial non linear sinle va
riabel untuk setiap kasus soal yang telah diberikan di kelas.
2. Tunjukkanlah konstanta atau variabel apa yang dihitung dalam persamaan yang t
erbentuk tersebut. Tunjukkan/selesaikan dengan metode apa untuk menghitungnya se
suai yang telah dipelajari dalam buku Metode Numerik (Chapra & Canale) dan hasil
persamaan akhir yang diperoleh.
3. Hitunglah error dengan menghitung selisih antara data angka variabel hasil/ou
put dari hasil formulasi persamaan yang didapat dan angka yang didapat dari data
hasil eksperiment. Berikan dalam bentuk plot/diagram sumbu x-y.
4. Setelah menguasai metode numerik dengan benar, maka buatlah algoritma yakni m
erupakan serangkaian langkah-langkah/prosedur logik dan spesifik untuk mendapatk
an hasil akhir perhitungan/jawaban akhir soal. Atau langsung langkah perhitungan
algoritma diwujudkan dalam bentuk diagram alir (Flow chart) yang merupakan la
ngkah logik algoritma dengan menggunakan sederetan simbol blok dan tanda panah.
Setiap simbol blok menunjukkan suatu pengoperasian tertentu atau langkah dalam a
lgoritma, sedangkan setiap tanda panah menunjukkan arah urutan operasi yang dija
lankan perhitngan. Lebih lengkapnya baca di Buku referensinya.
5. Setelah dibuat algoritma/Diagram alir, maka buatlah program komputer untuk me
mbuat perhitungan lebih cepat dan akurat. Program komputer merupakan serangkaian
instruksi /algoritma yang disusun sesuai dengan kode bahasa pemrograman dan dap
at dijalankan pada mesin komputer.

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