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Examine the role of two cultural dimensions on behavior (for

example, individualism/collectivism, power distance,

uncertainty avoidance, Confucian dynamism,
Cultural dimensions or cross-cultural communications are
psychological dimension, or values that apply to specific cultures that
were thought of by Dutch psychologist Greet Hofstede There are many
roles in which people can describe cultural dimensions on behavior,
which includes things such as the theme of society vs. me, which is
comparing the individuals wish, and the total gain of society as a
whole or how in many countries around the world ordinary people
usually subject to power without raising a hand or an opinion. This
essay is going to be talking about 2 of the roles, one being in the
theme of Individualism/ Collectivism and another being power
The first cultural dimension on behavior that is going to be
explained in this essay is Individualism vs. Collectivism. Individualism
and Collectivism (IDV) can be described into 2 sides the high side of
this dimension, called individualism, can be defined as a the individual
mindset of a person and the desire of the person, for example wanting
a new car or wanting to protect themselves and their intimate family
acting more like an individual. On the other hand of the spectrum lies
collectivism, which represents the societys needs like how people can
expect their relatives or friends to look after them without second
thought and act more like a we unit. This correlates to behavior
because of the fact that the desire of each person is different therefore
the peoples mindset differs. For example, a person protects their
family and friends by themselves and classifying themselves as I and
on the other hand people classify themselves as we to work together
on the subject.
The other cultural dimension that is going to be explained is
power distance (PDI). Power distance in simple words is the extent to
which the less powerful expect and accept that power is distributed
unequally. The scale of power distance can be determined by country
to country Low power distance meaning that the country are more
democratic and high power distance meaning the country is more
autocratic. This relates to the topic of behavior because although
people want equality it is impossible to satisfy everyone and achieve
that equilibrium, and because of this they will strive and change their
behavior for their respective goals constantly.
In conclusion, the cultural dimensions explain a lot about the
world around us even without speaking out loud. Different people from

various cultures classify themselves as I or We from their language

and learning of the past. The extent of subjection to power can also be
used to change ones behavior and make them strive for the better.

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