3 in Huge Blow To Israel, Netherlands Declares BDS Free Speech'

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In huge blow to Israel, Netherlands declares BDS free speech

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Declaration comes as Israel pushes Europe to outlaw the movement *
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Anti-Israel demonstrators march behind a banner of the BDS organization in

Marseille, June 13.. (photo credit:GEORGES ROBERT / AFP)
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In a huge blow to Israel, Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders announced
Thursday that calls to boycott the Jewish state fall within the limits of free
speech, undermining intensive Israeli diplomatic efforts to sway European
capitals to outlaw the Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment Movement.
Statements or meetings concerning BDS are protected by freedom of
expression and freedom of assembly, as enshrined in the Dutch Constitution and
the European Convention on Human Rights, Koenders said Thursday during a
debate on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the Dutch parliaments Foreign

Affairs Committee in The Hague.

He added that the Dutch government has explained to Israel that it opposes any
boycott against it, but that BDS endorsement is a free speech issue. Sweden
recently made a similar declaration.
His words came just two day after the State Comptroller charged Israel was
losing the battle against BDS and delegitimization because of government
disorganization and a lack of resources. Dutch Ambassador to Israel Gilles
Beschoor Plug told The Jerusalem Post that Thursdays decision did not reflect
a change in government policy. Supporting BDS by people in Holland is not illegal
and therefore it falls within the limits of freedom, the ambassador said.
Beschoor Plug said that despite the statement, Holland does not support BDS
and does not believe it will help solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A twostate solution, the ambassador said, would only be achieved through dialogue
and not isolation.
As long as what one says is not illegal you are free to say it, Beschoor Plug
But Koenders statement struck a chord in Jerusalem where the Foreign
Ministry is in the midst of a massive legislative campaign to outlaw BDS
throughout western parliaments. Jerusalem argues that BDS falls into the
category of hate speech, pitching itself against international human rights
organizations and left wing parliamentarians in Europe and other Western
Israels position is based on the argument that by calling to divest and boycott
Israel, BDS supporters are seeking the destruction of Israel. It believes
therefore that it should be illegal.
Human rights organizations and left wing parliamentarians in turn are using
European governments to affirm that BDS is protected by the laws of free
The BDS movement wasted no time in declaring Koenders words a victory. Sarah

Wilkonsin tweeted: Israel who claims to be democratic, failed in their attempt

to be undemocratic!
In response to the Dutch move, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Emmanuel
Nachshon lashed back and told The Post that there needed to be limits on the
concept of freedom of speech.
Once free speech becomes a pretext for allowing hate speech, then it is no
longer legitimate, Nachshon said.
The statement of the Dutch Foreign Minister is puzzling and difficult to
understand, he added. How can someone on the one hand be against hatred and
boycott, but on the other hand justify people who advocate this hatred policy
under the guise of freedom of speech?

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