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Article written by: Michael

It may not seem much but there is a

anymore and he started speaking

huge difference between using

his thoughts and gaining freedom.

actions and using verbal words, but

in fact both can make an impact in
someones life specifically a
childrens life. Its a very
controversial topic the use of
corporal punishment in shaping
childrens discipline. Using violence
towards a child is completely wrong,
there are various passive ways to
teaching them discipline.

Many parents like to believe that

corporal punishment is a way teach
a child from right and wrong but is it
really? Using violence on a child is it
really better than just using words or
passive punishment? I believe not
instead of teaching children to
behave its more like scarring them
for life and believe that we live in a
life full of constraints.

During my friend named Tommy's

childhood their parents had used
corporal punishment as a method to
teach him discipline but the effect of
corporal punishment had turned him
into an obedient human robot for
quite a while. He never used to talk
back to his parents, he had always
agreed with what they wanted even
though deep down he didnt
necessarily agree my emotions were
all hidden, until he couldnt take it

Why use hitting when we have a

mouth to speak? By hitting children
to teach them how to behave we
instead teach them that violence is
something to be accepted,
acknowledged and they may even
develop mental scars. According to
a psychiatrist Tracie O. Afifi,
Physical punishment in the absence
of child maltreatment is associated
with mood disorders, anxiety

disorders, substance

says something absolutely rude but

abuse/dependence, and personality

should the child get constantly hit

disorders in a general population

for something they dont know or

sample. Meaning that corporal

fully understand yet?

punishment has an impact mentally

on how a child develops, it could be
negative and is rarely positive.

Instead of hitting a child for example

if they are fooling around or getting
in trouble in school the alternative to

I thought that words and books and

violence would be speaking. The

pens were more powerful than

parents can discuss with their child

guns. This quote was made by

calmly as to why this happened and

Malala Yousafzai who believed in

giving them verbal warnings and

women rights to education and

consequences such as removal of

equality, although she could have

certain benefits that the child would

died because of Taliban people who


invaded her city, she chose not to

use violence but instead use words
to get her point across.

Although not many people speak of

parents using corporal punishment,
its frequently a subject we tend to
bring up when theres a case of child
abuse. Of course a light slap on the
cheek would be okay when a child

There are a lot of school who still

illegal according to the United States

use corporal punishment but not for

constitution of rights and

a justifiable reason most of the time

amendments it is said that, it is

its because of a racial

illegal to discriminate against

discrimination, sexism and any other

someone on the basis of race, color,

discrimination. And when corporal

religion, national origin, or sex. But

punishment becomes abuse it

no one seems to stop those schools

leaves a huge impact on the person

from conducting such cruelty to

who is being punished constantly for


no justifiable reasons.

Talking is always better than using

For example there is one Mississippi

violence against a child for the

high school who uses corporal

reason of teaching discipline, for

punishment but not for a justifiable

example our school in Laval Quebec

reason they use it more for racial

we do not and are not allowed to

discrimination one of the students

use corporal punishment towards

had said this, every time you walk

students. There are hardly any

down the hall you see a black kid

problems throughout our school, of

getting whipped. I would say out of

course there will always be those

the whole school there's only about

few who act out, but it isnt because

three white kids who have gotten

they havent been taught discipline


correctly it is probably because they

are going through something that is
affecting their lives so much that

Using violence as a means to

discriminate someone is completely

they act out as a way of venting

themselves from their current

how to behave when everyone has a

situation. There is no reason to use

mouth and can speak instead. Hit or

corporal punishment to teach a child

talk? I say definitely talk!

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