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Chapter 5
States of Consciousness
1. Psychologists refer to our awareness of ourselves and our environment as:
a. perception
b. intelligence
c. cognition
d. consciousness
Answer: d; Easy
2. In which of the following sets are the three words most highly associated?
a. {implicit, automatic, unconscious}
b. {implicit, controlled, conscious}
c. {explicit, controlled, unconscious}
d. {explicit, automatic, unconscious}
Answer: a; Moderate
3. Implicit is to explicit as __________ is to _________.
a. controlled; automatic
b. aware; unaware
c. conscious; controlled
d. slower; faster
Answer: b; Difficult
4. What do contemporary psychologists generally believe with respect to the relationship
between the mind and the body? How does the modern view relate to Descartes
a. Contemporary psychologists believe that consciousness exists in the brain. This view
contrasts with Descartes dualism.
b. Contemporary psychologists believe that consciousness exists in the brain. This view
agrees with Descartes dualism.
c. Contemporary psychologists believe that consciousness is separate from the physical
body. This view contrasts with Descartes dualism.
d. Contemporary psychologists do not believe that consciousness exists. This view
contrasts with Descartes dualism.
Answer: a; Difficult
5. In what way is the modern study of consciousness relevant to the free will vs.
determinism issue?
a. The study of consciousness supports the free will position, because it reveals that we
explicitly aware of the basis for much of our behavior.
b. The study of consciousness supports the free will position, because it suggests that the
mind is separate from the physical body.

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c. The study of consciousness supports the determinism position, because it reveals that the
basis for much of our behavior lies outside our explicit awareness.
d. The study of consciousness supports the determinism position, because it suggests that the
mind is based in physical body.
Answer: c; Difficult


A space-time anomaly catapulted a group of 19th-century psychologists to this years

APA conference. Freud, Titchener and Watson discuss the conferences proceedings thus
far. Which of these three psychologists would be comfortable with the current study of
consciousness in psychology?
a. Freud
b. Tichener
c. Watson
d. Only Freud and Tichener would be comfortable with it.
Answer: d; Difficult
7. An emphasis on the purposes of consciousness to guide our behavior, to enable
planning, and so forth is most consistent with the _________ approach in psychologys
a. structuralist
b. functionalist
c. psychodynamic
d. behaviorist
Answer: b; Difficult
8. Biological processes occurring on a cycle of approximately 24 hours are termed:
a. biorhythms
b diurnal rhythms
c. daily rhythms
d. circadian rhythms
Answer: d; Moderate
9. Which of the following statements best expresses the relationship between biological
rhythms and circadian rhythms?
a. Biological rhythms are examples of circadian rhythms.
b. Circadian rhythms are examples of biological rhythms.
c. Biological rhythms are the same thing as circadian rhythms.
d. Biological rhythms are similar to circadian rhythms.
Answer: b; Moderate
10. The menstrual cycle is an example of a _________ rhythm. The sleep-wake cycle is an
example of a ___________ rhythm.
a. biological; biological and a circadian
b. circadian; biological
c. biological; circadian
d. circadian; biological and a circadian

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Answer: a; Difficult
11. The ________nucleus in the hypothalamus regulates the bodys circadian rhythms.
a. suprachiasmatic
b. intralaminar
c. ventromedial
d. lateral geniculate
Answer: a; Difficult
12. The secretion of melatonin is ultimately regulated by a group of neurons in the
a. How much sleep a person has had
b. The ambient light surrounding the individual
c. How much a person has exercised that day
d. The actions of the prefrontal cortex
Answer: b; Difficult
13. Which of the following alternatives best represents the sequence of events by which
melatonin is secreted in the blood?
a. pituitary gland + pineal gland melatonin
b. pineal gland suprachiasmatic nucleus melatonin
c. suprachiasmatic nucleus + pineal gland melatonin
d. suprachiasmatic nucleus pineal gland melatonin
Answer: d; Difficult
14. Your text reports research (Bodenhausen, 1990) in which morning people and evening
people judged the guilt of students accused of misbehavior in hypothetical scenarios.
Participants provided guilt ratings either in the morning or in the evening. Which
alternative correctly names and identifies variables in this study?
a. independent variable: guilt ratings; dependent variable: morning or evening session
b. predictor variable: morning or evening session; outcome variable: guilt ratings
c. independent variable: morning or evening session; dependent variable: guilt ratings
d. independent variable: morning or evening participant; dependent variable: morning or
evening session
Answer: c; Moderate
15. Which of the following defines a circadian rhythm?
a. A cycle that regulates waking and sleeping
b. A cycle that regulates heart rate
c. A cycle the regulates depression
d. A cycle that regulates the menstrual cycle
Answer: a; Easy
16. Your text describes a study (Bodenhausen, 1990) in which morning people and evening
people judged the guilt of students accused of misbehavior in hypothetical scenarios.

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Participants provided guilt ratings either in the morning or in the evening. The results of
the study
a. demonstrated that circadian rhythms can influence important social judgments.
b. demonstrated that people rely to a greater degree on stereotypes when they have little
c. demonstrated that people rely less on their stereotypes when they have little energy.
d. both A and B
Answer: d; Difficult
17. In sleep research, participants brain waves are recorded while they sleep. This research
normally makes use of which of the following?
a. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
b. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
c. Electroencephalography (EEG)
d. functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
Answer: c; Difficult
18. How long is a typical sleep cycle, in which a sleeper progresses through some or all of
the sleep stages?
a. 30 minutes
b. 1 hour
c. 90 minutes
d. 2 hours
Answer: c; Moderate
19. Adults spend about ______% of their sleep in REM sleep.
a. 10
b. 15
c. 25
d. 35
Answer: c; Moderate
20. Which of the following sequences reflects the successive brain wave patterns sleepers
display as they fall asleep and enter progressively deeper sleep stages?
a. beta theta alpha delta
b. beta alpha delta theta
c. alpha beta delta theta
d. beta alpha theta delta
Answer: d; Difficult
21. Which alternative correctly pairs a sleep stage with a description of its corresponding
brain activity?
a. N2 sleep spindles
b. N1 delta waves
c. N2 beta waves
d. N3 alpha waves

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Answer: a; Moderate
22. Which alternative correctly pairs a sleep stage with a description of its corresponding
brain activity?
a. N1 sleep spindles
b. N2 delta waves
c. N2 beta waves
d. N3 delta waves
Answer: d; Moderate
23. Adults spend about one-quarter of their sleep in ________. They spend about half their
sleep time in _________.
a. REM sleep; stage N1
b. REM sleep; stage N2
c. stage N1; REM sleep
d. stage N2; stage N1
Answer: b; Difficult
24. The deepest level of sleep is
a. Stage N1
b. Stage N2
c. Stage N3
d. REM
Answer: c; Moderate
25. As sleepers enter deeper sleep stages, their brain waves:
a. increase in complexity
b. change little
c. decrease in amplitude
d. decrease in frequency
Answer: d; Moderate
26. Brief periods of spiky brain wave patterns called sleep spindles are characteristic of
____ sleep.
a. N1
b. N2
c. N3
d. N1 and N2
Answer: b; Moderate
27. The slowest wave sleep is characteristic of
a. stage N1
b. stage N2
c. stages N1 and N2
d. stage N3
Answer: d; Moderate

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28. REM sleep is sometimes called active sleep for all the following reasons EXCEPT:
a. heartbeat is fast and irregular during REM sleep
b. brain activity is intense during REM sleep
c. vivid dreams occur during REM sleep
d. the activity of skeletal muscles increases during REM sleep
Answer: d; Moderate
29. REM sleep is paradoxical because:
a. the brain is active, but the major skeletal muscles are paralyzed
b. the skeletal muscles remain active, but the brain is inactive
c. the brain is less active than it is during other sleep stages
d. both the brain and the body are inactive
Answer: a; Easy

How do successive REM periods change as the night progresses?

a. Successive REM periods become shorter as the night progresses.

b. Successive REM periods become longer as the night progresses.
c. Successive dreams become more elaborate and vivid over the course of the night.
d. both B and C
Answer: d; Difficult
31. Which sleep disturbance is INCORRECTLY matched with a description?
a. sleep apneadifficulty breathing during sleep
b. narcolepsy Extreme daytime sleepiness
c. insomniadifficulty sleeping
d. REM sleep behavior disorder intense panic; most common among children
Answer: d; Difficult
32. Which of the following defines narcolepsy?
a. Difficulty breathing during sleep
b. Extreme daytime sleepiness
c. Difficulty sleeping
d. Intense panic; most common among children
Answer: b; Easy
33. Which of the following defines sleep apnea?
a. Difficulty breathing during sleep
b. Sudden sleep during waking consciousness
c. Difficulty sleeping
d. Intense panic; most common among children
Answer: a; Easy

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34. According to your text, how many Americans suffer from insomnia?
a. 5% to 10%
b. 10% to 15%
c. 15% to 20%
d. 20% to 25%
Answer: b; Difficult
35. Which of the following is NOT a recommended solution if one has trouble sleeping?
a. avoiding daytime naps
b. taking sleeping pills
c. exercising during the day
d. avoiding caffeine
Answer: b; Easy
36. At-risk groups for sleep apnea include each of the following EXCEPT:
a. older adults
b. men
c. young children
d. obese individuals
Answer: c; Moderate
37. Four-year old DeMarcus falls asleep shortly after his 8:30 p.m. bedtime. At about
9:45, he suddenly sits up in bed, breathing rapidly and appearing to be in a state of
sheer panic. DeMarcus is probably experiencing:
a. a narcoleptic attack
b. sleep terrors
c. sleep apnea
d. REM sleep behavior disorder
Answer: b; Moderate
38. Which of the following sleep disorders or disturbances is more common among
children than among adults?
a. sleep terrors
b. somnambulism
c. REM sleep behavior disorders
d. Both A and B are more common among children.
Answer: d; Difficult


39. Macy is a newborn; Laurel is a preschooler; and Maddie is an elementary-school

student. Ideally, Macy sleeps ______ hours per day. Laurel sleeps _______ hours
each day. Finally, Maddie prefers _______ hours of sleep each night.
16; 14; 12
16; 10; 9
12; 10; 8
16; 9; 8

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Answer: b; Moderate
40. According to your text, humans should ideally sleep about _______ hours each night.
In reality, though, Americans average about ______ hours of sleep each night.
a. 10; 7
b. 10; 6
c. 8; 7
d. 8; 6
Answer: a; Moderate
41. With respect to its negative effects on driving, getting less than 6 hours of sleep each
night is equivalent to a blood alcohol level of:
a. .02
b. .04
c. .05
d. .08
Answer: c; Difficult
42. The manifest content of a dream
a. is the dream you report having
b. is the underlying meaning of a dream
c. occurs only during the first part of the dream
d. will not occur during REM
Answer: a; Moderate
43. The latent content of a dream
a. is the dream you report having
b. is the underlying meaning of a dream
c. occurs only during the later dream stages
d. is associated with sleep spindles
Answer: b; Moderate
44. Esther dreams that she is flying. Esthers psychoanalyst suggests that such a dream
represents a hidden desire for sexual intercourse. Which of the following statements
is true?
a. Flying is the manifest content.
b. Flying is the latent content.
c. Sexual intercourse is the manifest content.
d. Esther wishes to fly.
Answer: a; Easy
45. Of the theories of the function of dreaming mentioned in your text, the activationsynthesis theory is probably the most:
a. cognitive
b. functional
c. psychodynamic

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d. biological
Answer: d; Moderate
46. With regard to the activation-synthesis theory, activation is to synthesis as _______ is
to _________.
a. the cortex; the brainstem
b. the brainstem; the cortex
c. the cortex; the limbic system
d. the brainstem; the limbic system
Answer: b; Difficult
47. Rauchs and colleagues (2005) found that rats that were not allowed to dream
a. became more sexually aroused.
b. had more difficulty learning new tasks.
c. better remembered information that they had experienced more recently.
d. had smaller brain mass.
Answer: b; Difficult
48. Biorhythms are one example of circadian rhythms.
Answer: F; Moderate
49. Circadian rhythms are one example of biorhythms.
Answer: T; Moderate
50. Each sleep stage has its own distinct pattern of brain waves.
Answer: T; Easy
51. Waking consciousness is associated with alpha waves.
Answer: F; Moderate
52. Brain waves decrease in wavelength as the sleeper progresses from stage N1,
through stage N2, to stage N3.
Answer: F; Difficult
53. Psychologists usually recommend sleeping pills as the first step in treating insomnia.
Answer: F; Easy
54. Successive REM periods lengthen as the night progresses.
Answer: T; Easy
55. Most cases of insomnia are temporary.
Answer: T; Moderate

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56. Sleep apnea involves daytime sleep attacks.

Answer: F; Moderate
57. In Freuds theory, the dream one remembers having is the manifest constant.
Answer: T; Moderate
58. Circadian rhythms are regulated by the ________ in the hypothalamus.
Answer: suprachiasmatic nucleus; Difficult
59. About of our sleep time is spent in ________ sleep, a stage associated with
Answer: REM; Moderate
60. When we are awake, our brain produces _________ waves.
Answer: beta; Moderate; Moderate
61. Bernice is participating in a sleep study in the laboratory. The EEG shows very slow
delta waves. Bernice is in stage ____.
Answer: N3; Difficult
62. Francine is sleepy all day; she is unaware, though, that she wakes briefly several
hundred times each night due to short pauses in her breathing. She is likely suffering
from _______, one of the sleep disturbances described in your text.
Answer: sleep apnea; Moderate
63. Freud believed that a dream as we experience it is symbolic of its _______ content.
Answer: latent; Moderate
64. The process of moving information into long-term memory is termed _________.
Answer: consolidation; Moderate
65. According to Hobsons ________ theory, dreams begin in random neural activity.
Answer: application-synthesis; Moderate
66. Describe the stages of sleep and the characteristics of each of the stages.
67. Review three theories of why we dream and indicate the research that supports each

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65. Chemicals that change our states of consciousness are termed ________ drugs.
a. psychostimulant
b. illegal
c. psychoactive
d. recreational
Answer: c; Easy
68. Psychoactive drugs are found in:
a. chocolate
b. cold medicines
c. cigarettes
d. all of these
Answer: d; Easy
69. Which of the following is NOT one of the four major classes of psychoactive drugs?
a. depressants
b. stabilizers
c. opioids
d. hallucinogens
Answer: b; Easy
70. Psychoactive drugs achieve their effects by:
a. mimicking neurotransmitters
b. blocking the reuptake of neurotransmitters
c. blocking the action of neurotransmitters
d. any of these
Answer: d; Difficult
71. Which of the following alternatives correctly defines the symptoms of stimulants?
a. They enhance mood and increase energy
b. They calm, produce sleep, and slow heart rate and respiration
c. They strongly slow body functions including heart rate and may create constipation and
d. They create altered consciousness and hallucinations
Answer: a; Easy
72. Which of the following alternatives correctly defines the symptoms of depressants?
a. They enhance mood and increase energy
b. They calm, produce sleep, and slow heart rate and respiration
c. They strongly slow body functions including heart rate and may create constipation and
d. They create altered consciousness and hallucinations
Answer: b; Easy

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73. Which of the following alternatives correctly defines the symptoms of opioids?
a. They enhance mood and increase energy
b. They calm, produce sleep, and slow heart rate and respiration
c. They strongly slow body functions including heart rate and may create constipation and
d. They create altered consciousness and hallucinations
Answer: c; Easy
74. Which of the following alternatives correctly defines the symptoms of hallucinogens?
a. They enhance mood and increase energy
b. They calm, produce sleep, and slow heart rate and respiration
c. They strongly slow body functions including heart rate and may create constipation and
d. They create altered consciousness and hallucinations
Answer: d; Easy
75. Which alternative correctly pairs a class of psychoactive drugs with an example?
a. depressants heroin
b. hallucinogens marijuana
c. stimulants LSD
d. opioids cocaine
Answer: b; Moderate
76. Which alternative correctly pairs a class of psychoactive drugs with its general effects
on thought and behavior?
a. hallucinogens -- alter sensation and perception
b. stimulants slow many body functions
c. opioids -- enhanced mood; increased energy
d. depressants produce hallucinations
Answer: a; Moderate
77. Which alternative correctly pairs a class of psychoactive drugs with its mechanism of
a. hallucinogens mimic endorphins
b. depressants mimic endorphins
c. opioids increase production of GABA; decrease production of acetylcholine
d. stimulants block reuptake of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine
Answer: d; Difficult
Giacomo uses crystal methamphetamine. He finds that he
now needs more meth to feel the effects of the drug than he did
when he started using it. Which term is used to describe Giacomos
a. dependence

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b. habituation
c. abuse
d. tolerance
Answer: d; Moderate
The need to use a drug regularly is termed __________.
a. dependence
b. habituation
c. abuse
d. addiction
Answer: a; Moderate
80. Terry swears that hell never take oxies again. When he stopped using oxycontin,
though, he had chills, cramps, and diarrhea. Which term offers the MOST SPECIFIC
description of Terrys experience?
a. withdrawal
b. tolerance
c. addiction
d. dependence
Answer: a; Moderate
81. Which alternative correctly matches a term with its definition?
a. dependence increased doses of a drug are required to produce the same effect
b. addiction a need to use a drug regularly
c. dependence negative experiences accompany reducing or stopping drug use
d. tolerance increased doses of a drug are required to produce the same effect
Answer: d; Moderate
82. Which of the following alternatives correctly defines tolerance ?
a. Increased doses of a drug are required to produce the same effect
b. A need to use a drug regularly
c. Negative experiences that accompany reducing or stopping drug use
d. Reductions in ability to tolerate drug overdoses
Answer: a; Easy
83. Which of the following alternatives correctly defines dependence ?
a. Increased doses of a drug are required to produce the same effect
b. A need to use a drug regularly
c. Negative experiences that accompany reducing or stopping drug use
d. Increased desire to stop using a drug
Answer: b; Easy
84. Which of the following alternatives correctly defines withdrawal ?
a. Increased doses of a drug are required to produce the same effect
b. A need to use a drug regularly
c. Negative experiences that accompany reducing or stopping drug use

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d. Removing the effects of a drug from the sympathetic nervous system

Answer: c; Easy
85. Which of the following alternatives correctly defines addiction?
a. Increased doses of a drug are required to produce the same effect
b. A need to use a drug regularly
c. Negative experiences that accompany reducing or stopping drug use
d. When the user craves a drug and is driven to seek it out
Answer: d; Easy
86. The _______ ratio is the dose of a drug that is likely to be fatal divided by the dose
normally required to feel the drugs effects.
a. risk
b. safety
c. tolerance
d. fatality
Answer: b; Moderate
87. The ________ ratio provides a __________ definition of the danger of a given drug.
a. safety; methodological
b. safety; procedural
c. safety; operational
d. tolerance; procedural
Answer: c; Moderate
88. Which alternative correctly arranges drugs in order of increasing safety ratio?
a. alcohol heroin marijuana
b. alcohol marijuana heroin
c. heroin marijuana alcohol
d. heroin alcohol marijuana
Answer: d; Moderate
89. Stimulants prevent the reuptake of each of the following neurotransmitters EXCEPT:
a. dopamine
b. endorphins
c. serotonin
d. norepinephrine
Answer: b; Difficult
90. After lunch, Katya enjoys a cup of coffee and a cigarette, thereby consuming two
a. benzodiazepines
b. depressants
c. stimulants
d. opioids
Answer: c; Moderate

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91. Julios pupils are dilated. He is breathing rapidly, and his heart is beating quickly.
Which type of drug has Julio most likely consumed?
a. a stimulant
b. a depressant
c. a barbituate
d. an opioid
Answer: a; Easy
92. Which of the following drugs is NOT a stimulant?
a. cocaine
b. caffeine
c. morphine
d. methamphetamine
Answer: c; Easy
93. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the effect of caffeine
and the other stimulants on the nervous system?
a. They decrease central nervous system activity.
b. They increase sympathetic nervous system activity.
c. They decrease somatic nervous system activity.
d. They decrease sympathetic nervous system activity.
Answer: b; Moderate
94. The drug Chantix is prescribed to help people quit smoking cigarettes. Chantix is a:
a. nicotine antagonist
b. dopamine antagonist
c. dopamine agonist
d. both A and C
Answer: d; Difficult
95. Cocaines effects on the body include each of the following EXCEPT:
a. slowed respiration
b. elevated blood pressure
c. increased body temperature
d. increased heart rate
Answer: a; Moderate
96. The high from snorting cocaine lasts ________ minutes, while the high from smoking
cocaine lasts ________ minutes.
a. 10 to 15; 5 to 10
b. 10 to 15; 1 to 5
c. 15 to 30; 5 to 10
d. 15 to 30; 1 to 5
Answer: c; Difficult

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97. The attention-deficit drugs Adderall and Vyvanse are examples of ________, which in
turn belong to the _________ class.
a. amphetamines; stimulant
b. amphetamines; opioid
c. benzodiazepines; stimulant
d. benzodiazepines; opioid
Answer: a; Difficult
98. Psychoactive drugs that reduce the activity of the central nervous system are termed
a. hallucinogens
b. opioids
c. depressants
d. stimulants
Answer: c; Easy
99. How do depressants influence neurotransmitter activity in the brain?
a. They increase the production of both GABA and acetylcholine.
b. They decrease the production of both GABA and acetylcholine.
c. They increase the production of GABA and decrease the production of acetylcholine.
d. They increase the production of GABA and decrease the production of acetylcholine.
Answer: d; Difficult
Garth has had a number of drinks and cannot walk a straight line: The alcohol
appears to have affected his:
a. hippocampus
b. amygdala
c. thalamus
d. cerebellum
Answer: d; Moderate
Alcohol use is responsible for nearly ___% of all automobile fatalities.
a. 25
b. 35
c. 50
d. 65
Answer: c; Difficult


In explaining the effects of alcohol on aggression, the author of your text
highlights the role of attention and expectations. The authors explanation is
therefore most consistent with the _________ approach in psychology.

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Answer: a; Moderate
Mrs. Cormier suffers from insomnia and chronic pain. Mr. Dennison
experiences ongoing anxiety and occasional insomnia. Mrs. Cormier might be
prescribed a __________. Mr. Dennison might be treated with a __________.
a. benzodiazepine; benzodiazepine, as well
b. benzodiazepine; barbiturate
c. barbiturate; benzodiazepine
d. barbiturate; stimulant
Answer: c; Difficult
Which alternative correctly classifies a specific drug with respect to its drug
type and drug class?
a. Xanax benzodiazepine opioid
b. Seconal barbiturate depressant
c. Seconal barbiturate opioid
d. Seconal benzodiazepine opioid
Answer: b; Difficult
Barbiturates tend to induce sleep at _____ doses, whereas benzodiazepines
induce sleep at ________ doses.
a. low; moderate
b. low; high
c. high; low
d. high; moderate
Answer: a; Difficult
Which of the following statements is true concerning inhalants?
a. Inhalants are stimulants.
b. Inhalants are opiods.
c. Inhalants have a low safety ratio.
d. Inhalants have an extremely high safety ratio.
Answer: c; Moderate
Which alternative correctly orders opioids from least to most addictive?
a. heroin morphine opium
b. morphine heroin opium
c. morphine opium heroin
d. opium morphine heroin
Answer: d; Difficult
__________ has the lowest safety ratio of all the drugs discussed in your text:
Its safety ratio is 6.
a. Heroin
b. Cocaine
c. Methamphetamine
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d. Alcohol
Answer: a; Moderate
The side effects of opioid use include:
a. dizziness; nausea; impaired coordination and balance
b. dilated pupils; increased blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature
c. difficulty thinking; slowed speech; faulty judgment; sluggishness
d. slowing of bodily functions; constipation; depressed heart rate and respiration
Answer: d; Moderate
Beth is restless and irritable. Her whole body aches. In addition, she
experiencing severe nausea and is vomiting often. Beth is most likely withdrawing
from _______ use.
a. stimulant
b. opioid
c. depressant
d. barbiturate
Answer: b; Difficult
Hallucinogens act mainly by mimicking the action of __________ at the
a. endorphins
b. norepinephrine
d. serotonin
Answer: d; Difficult
The most widely used hallucinogen is:
a. alcohol
b. mescaline
c. LSD
d. marijuana
Answer: d; Moderate
Throughout history, marijuana has been used to treat:
a. migraines
b. chronic pain
c. morning sickness
d. A, B, and C
Answer: d; Difficult
Which of the following types of drugs are least likely to produce either
physical or psychological dependence?
a. barbiturates
b. opioids
c. hallucinogens

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d. depressants
Answer: c; Moderate
The personality trait of sensation-seeking is _________ correlated with the
likelihood of using drugs.
a. positively
b. not
c. negatively
d. perfectly
Answer: a; Moderate
Scores on the Balloon Analogue Risk Task may serve as a(n) __________
definition of risk tolerance.
a. conceptual
b. procedural
c. methodological
d. operational
Answer: d; Moderate
In research conducted by Lejuez et al. (2005), adolescents risk tolerance was
________ related to having tried cigarettes.
a. perfectly
b. curvilinearly
c. negatively
d. positively
Answer: d; Moderate
Your text states that during the 1990s, the percentage of 12th-graders who view
regular marijuana use as harmful has ________. During the same period, the use of
marijuana among 12th-graders has __________.
a. remained constant; increased
b. remained constant; remained constant
c. declined; increased
d. declined; remained constant
Answer: c; Moderate
Dependence reflects the need to increase the dose of a drug to feel its effects.
Answer: F; Moderate
Fewer than 1 in 5 cocaine users become addicted to the drug.
Answer: T; Moderate
Stimulants prevent the reuptake of dopamine.
Answer: T; Moderate

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Adderall is one example of a benzodiazepine.
Answer: F; Difficult
Inhalants are among the most dangerous drugs of abuse.
Answer: T; Moderate
Opioids are chemically similar to serotonin.
Answer: F; Moderate
Sensation-seeking is unrelated to drug use.
Answer: F; Easy
_________ drugs influence emotion, thought, and behavior.
Answer: Psychoactive; Easy
Dexedrine, Adderall, and crystal methamphetamine are examples of
Answer: amphetamines; Moderate
MDMA is more commonly known as ________.
Answer: Ecstasy; Moderate
Alcohol is one member of a broad class of drugs termed _________.
Answer: depressants; Easy
Late one night, Charlene takes a Xanax pill and drinks a glass of wine, thereby
consuming two ________.
Answer: depressants; Moderate
Nikkis doctor prescribes a drug to relive her pain and get some sleep at night.
Most likely, he prescribed a(n) _________.
Answer: barbiturate; Moderate
According to your text, hallucinogens influence the action of the
neurotransmitter _________.
Answer: serotonin; Moderate
Distinguish between tolerance, dependence, withdrawal, and addiction,
providing specific examples where appropriate.

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Describe several different ways that psychoactive drugs can enhance or
impede the activity of neurotransmitters, providing examples where possible.
List three classes of drugs. Identify two drugs in each class and describe their
physiological and behavioral effects.
Review the general demographic variables and the specific traits or
characteristics of the individual that seem to be associated with the use of
psychoactive substances such as nicotine, alcohol, and illegal drugs.

2013 Flat World Knowledge, Inc.


Which alternative correctly pairs a term with its definition?
a. sensory deprivation the intentional reduction of stimulation to one or more of the senses
b. meditation a trance-like state of consciousness marked by heightened suggestibility
c. hypnosis the individual focuses on a specific object, word, or process
d. None of these is correctly paired.
Answer: a; Moderate
Which alternative correctly defines sensory deprivation?
a. The intentional reduction of stimulation to one or more of the senses
b. A trance-like state of consciousness marked by heightened suggestibility
c. The individual focuses on a specific object, word, or process
d. The lack of ability to perceive colors
Answer: a; Easy
Which alternative correctly defines hypnosis?
a. The intentional reduction of stimulation to one or more of the senses
b. A trance-like state of consciousness marked by heightened suggestibility
c. The individual focuses on a specific object, word, or process
d. The lack of ability to respond to the commands of others
Answer: b; Easy
Which alternative correctly defines meditation?
a. The intentional reduction of stimulation to one or more of the senses
b. A trance-like state of consciousness marked by heightened suggestibility
c. The individual focuses on a specific object, word, or process
d. The ability to forsee events in the future
Answer: c; Easy
Hypnosis is to meditation as _______ is to _______;
a. reduction; concentration
b. concentration; suggestion
c. suggestion; reduction
d. suggestion; concentration
Answer: d; Moderate
Which option correctly matches an individual with his contribution to the
development of hypnosis?
a. Braid coined the term hypnosis
b. Mesmer popularized the use of hypnosis in psychology
c. Hilgard passed magnets over peoples bodies in an attempt to hypnotize them
d. Braid used hypnosis to make unconscious desires conscious
Answer: a; Difficult

2013 Flat World Knowledge, Inc.


The term hypnosis is based on the Greek word for:
a. trance
b. submission
c. sleep
d. dream
Answer: c; Moderate
Which of the following psychologists is associated with the early use of
a. Freud
b. Fechner
c. Tichener
d. Ebbinghaus
Answer: a; Easy
Approximately what proportion of the population can be hypnotized?
a. Everyone can be hypnotized.
b. Most people can be hypnotized, but not everyone can be.
c. About half the population can be hypnotized.
d. About one-third of the population can be hypnotized.
Answer: b; Moderate
Your text argues that skin conductance is a reliable indicator
of deception. A skin conductance measure therefore offers a
suitable ___________ definition of deception.
a. scientific
b. operational
c. methodological
d. conceptual
Answer: b; Moderate
Kinnunen et al. (1994) used skin conductance measure to examine whether
hypnotized individuals truly believed they were hypnotized, or were simply acting
hypnotized to please the hypnotist. What were Kinnunen et al.s (1994) results?
a. Only 35% of the participants really believed they were hypnotized.
b. About 50% of the participants really believed they were hypnotized.
c. Just over 75% of the participants really believed they were hypnotized.
d. Almost 90% of the participants really believed they were hypnotized.
Answer: d; Moderate


Which of the following statements is true concerning the ability of hypnotized
people to control their own behavior?
Hypnotized people are often no more suggestible than are non-hypnotized individuals.
Hypnotized people always comply with a hypnotists suggestions.
Hypnotized individuals cannot control their own behavior.
Hypnotized individuals are not aware of their behavior.

2013 Flat World Knowledge, Inc.


Answer: a; Moderate
Which statement best reflects the legal status of hypnotically obtained
testimony in many jurisdictions?
a. Hypnotically obtained testimony is inadmissible in court because it is often inaccurate.
b. Hypnotically obtained testimony is inadmissible in court even though it is usually fairly
c. Hypnotically obtained testimony is admissible in court because it is generally accurate.
d. Hypnotically obtained testimony is admissible in court even though it is often inaccurate.
Answer: a; Easy
Hypnosis has been used successfully in the treatment of:
a. chronic pain
b. post-traumatic stress disorder
c. recurring nightmares
d. A, B, and C
Answer: d; Moderate
__________ entails the intentional reduction of stimulation to one or more of
the five senses.
a. Hypnosis
b. Meditation
c. Sensory deprivation
d. Suggestion
Answer: c; Easy
Fern is floating in salt water in a large tank. The surrounding room is dark
and soundproof. Fern is undergoing:
a. sensory deprivation
b. meditation
c. sensory reduction
d. perceptual elimination
Answer: a; Easy
Sensory deprivation becomes unpleasant and less beneficial when sessions are
longer than about:
a. 15 minutes
b. 30 minutes
c. 1 hour
d. 2 hours
Answer: c; Difficult
Sensory deprivation can successfully treat:
a. insomnia
b. headaches
c. addictive behaviors

2013 Flat World Knowledge, Inc.


d. A, B, and C
Answer: d; Moderate
Janelle is concentrating on a mantra, a specific word. In which of the
following activities is Janelle most likely engaged?
a. hypnosis
b. meditation
c. sensory deprivation
d. attentional focusing
Answer: b; Easy
With respect to its effects on the nervous system, research suggests that
a. reduces sympathetic nervous system activity
b. increases sympathetic nervous system activity
c. reduces parasympathetic nervous system activity
d. increases parasympathetic nervous system activity
Answer: a; Easy
A recent study of Tibetan monks (Lutz, et al., 2004) showed which of the
a. Meditation reduces brain function
b. Meditation increases only left brain function
c. Meditation can permanently alter brain structure
d. Meditation has little influence on the brain.
Answer: c; Difficult
Roy Baumeister and his colleagues have argued that which of the following
behaviors can help us escape from consciousness
a. Drug use
b. Binge eating
c. Beliefs that one has been temporarily abducted by aliens
d. A, B, and C
Answer: d; Moderate
According to Roy Baumeister and his colleagues, people's belief that they
have been abducted by aliens may allow them to
a. persuade others.
b. reduce the effects of psychoactive drugs on consciousness.
c. escape consciousness.
d. increase consciousness experiences.
Answer: c; Moderate

Not everyone can be hypnotized.

2013 Flat World Knowledge, Inc.


Answer: T; Easy
Posthypnotic amnesia is usually dramatic.
Answer: F; Moderate
Hypnosis may contribute to the successful treatment of post-traumatic stress
Answer: T; Moderate
Sensory deprivation is most beneficial when sessions last several hours.
Answer: F; Difficult
Meditation is associated with few if any changes in brain activity.
Answer: F; Easy
A trancelike susceptibility to suggestion is characteristic of ________.
Answer: hypnosis; Moderate
Hypnotic suggestibility is __________ correlated with the ability to engage in
Answer: positively; Moderate
Jean does not remember what happened while she was hypnotized. Jean is
demonstrating __________.
Answer: posthypnotic amnesia; Moderate
The intentional reduction of stimulation is at the heart of ________, one of the
ways consciousness can be altered without drugs.
Answer: sensory deprivation; Moderate
A researcher is imaging the blood flow in a participants brain while she
meditates. The researcher is using a brain study method called ____________.
Answer: functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI); Moderate
Describe three common beliefs regarding hypnosis. Evaluate these notions in
light of the research evidence.
Identify the specific physical and psychological disorders that may be
successfully treated by a) hypnosis; b) sensory deprivation; c) meditation.

2013 Flat World Knowledge, Inc.


2013 Flat World Knowledge, Inc.


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