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Dosen : Drs. HA. ROMADLON, MM, CTP

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

Kalender Akademik

Telkom University


Heregistrasi :
1. Pembayaran SPP
2. Input mata kuliah pada IGRACIAS
3. Perwalian

11 Januari 27 Pebruari 2016

Masa Kuliah I

18 22 Januari 2016

Perubahan Rencana Studi (PRS)

29 Pebruari 9 Maret 2016

Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS)

11 Maret 27 April 2016

Masa kuliah II

28 April 2 Mei 2016

Hari Tenang

3 14 Mei 2016

Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS)

Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business


Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business


Telkom University

Don Peppers & Martha Rogers, Managing Customer Relationship : A

Strategic Framework. Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New
Jersey. 2011

Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

Root of Customer Relationship Management

2. Traditional Marketing
3. The view from here (Customer Definition)
4. Definition of Relationship
5. Return on Customer Measurement
6. Technology and Customer Revolution

Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

Root of Customer Relationship


Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

Definition of Customer

No company can succeed without customers. If you dont

have customers, you dont have a business. You have a
Don Peppers and Martha Rogers

For many years, enterprises depended on gaining the competitive

advantage from the best brands.
Brands have been untouchable, immutable, and inflexible parts of the
twentieth-century mass-marketing era.
But in the interactive era of the twenty-first century, enterprises are instead
strategizing how to gain sustainable competitive advantage from
the information they gather about customers.

Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

Customers are every companys source of revenue

Organizations must manage their customer relationships

effectively in order to remain competitive
Customers have always been at the heart of an enterprises
long-term growth strategies, marketing and sales efforts,

product development, labor and resource allocation, and

overall profitability directives

Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

Increasing the Value of the Customer Base

Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

Operational CRM focuses on the software installations and the

changes in process affecting the day-to-day operations of a
firmoperations that will produce and deliver different
treatments to different customers.
Analytical CRM focuses on the strategic planning needed to
build customer value as well as the cultural, measurement, and
organizational changes required to implement that strategy


Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

Focusing on Customers Is New to Business Strategy

The move to a customer-strategy business model

Coordinated effort to get, keep, and grow valuable customers has taken on a
greater and far more relevant role in forging a successful long-term,
profitable business strategy
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, supply chain management
software (SCM), enterprise application integration software (EAI), data
warehousing, sales force automation (SFA), marketing resource
management (MRM), have helped companies to have helped companies to:
mass-customize their products and services
literally delivering individually configured communications, products, or
services to unique customers, in response to their individual feedback and


Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing efforts have centered on the four Ps

product, price, promotional activity, and placepopularized by
marketing experts E. Jerome McCarthya and Philip Kotler
Four Ps are all about the get part of get, keep, and grow
Customer needed to believe that the enterprises offerings
would be superior in delivering the four Cs: customer value,
lower costs, better convenience, and better communication


Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

Quotes about CRM

CRM is not a software package. Its not a database. Its not a call
center or a Web site. Its not a loyalty program, a customer
service program, a customer acquisition program, or a win-back
program. CRM is an entire philosophy.
Steve Silver

A CRM program is typically 45 percent dependent on the right

executive leadership, 40 percent on project management
implementation, and 15 percent on technology.
Edmund Thompson, Gartner Group


Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

Managing Customer Relationships Is a Different

Dimension of Competition


Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business


Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

Grouping of Assignment

1.One class devided into 8 groups

2.The member each group about 5-6 person
3.Each group focuse on one Telco in Indonesia or


Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

What Is a Relationship?

What does it mean for an enterprise and a customer to have a

relationship with each other?
Do customers have relationships with enterprises that do not
know them?
Can the enterprise be said to have a relationship with a
customer it does not know?
Is it possible for a customer to have a relationship with a brand?


Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

Learning Relationships

1. The customer learns more about his own preferences from each
experience and from the firms feedback, and is therefore able
to shop, purchase, and handle some aspect of his life more
efficiently and effectively than was possible prior to this
2. The enterprise learns more about its own strengths and
weaknesses from each interaction and from the customers
feedback, and is therefore able to market, communicate, and
handle some aspects of its own tactics or strategy more
efficiently and effectively than was possible prior to the

Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

Return on Customer

Measuring the Efficiency with Which Customers Create Value

o Return on investment quantifies how well a firm creates value from a
given investment
o But what quantifies how well a company creates value from its
o For this you need the metric of Return on Customers (ROCsm).
o equity, divided by the total customer quity at the beginning of the
periThe ROC equation has the same form as an ROI equation. ROC
equals a firms current-period cash flow from its customers plus any
changes in the underlying customer
o Businesses are shifting their focus from product sales transactions to
relationship equity

Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

The Customer and Technology Revolution


Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

Quadrant I: Traditional Mass Marketing. Companies that compete primarily on

cost efficiencies based on economies of scale and low price. Companies in this
quadrant are doomed to commoditization and price competition.
Quadrant II: Niche Marketing. Companies that focus on target markets, or
niches, and produce goods and services designed for those defined customer
groups. This more strategic and targeted method of mass marketing still offers
the same thing the same way to everyone, but for a small, relatively
homogeneous group.
Quadrant III: Database Marketing. Companies utilize database management to
get better, more efficient use of their mailing lists and other customer
information. Generally focused primarily on continuation of traditional
strategies but at lower costs to serve.
Quadrant IV: One-to-One Learning Relationships. Companies use data about
customers to predict what each one needs next and then are able to treat
different customers differently and increase mutual value with customers.

Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business

CRM ROI in Financial Services


Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

School Economics and Business



Creating the great business leaders

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