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Operations Management Question Bank

Questions Carrying 4 Marks

Differentiate between forward scheduling and backward scheduling with suitable
What are the different dimensions of a quality product.
Explain the concept of product structure.
Production is the basic activity of all Industrial units and all other activities revolve
around this
activity. Explain the production functions with reference to this statement.
What specific properties must be satisfied for a mathematical model in order to be
solvable by
Linear Programming?
Q.3. Discuss the term Quality Assurance. What are the major components of a
Quality Assurance
Q.4. What is Materials Requirement Planning? Discuss the principles and structure of
Requirement Planning.
Q.5. Define Capacity Planning. What are the factors that should be considered in
Capacity Planning?
Q.6. Explain the differences in the process design of manufacturing industries and
service industries.
Q.7. Explain the concept of work measurement and discuss the five important
Motion Study Principles.
Q.8. Write short notes on any three of the following:
1. Processing Systems.
2. The Design Considerations.
3. Product Quality.
4. Long-Range Capacity Planning.
5. Product Layout.
Define Operations Management and explain the need and scope of Operations Management in the
decision making process.
Q.2. What is Plant Location? What are the factors affecting Plant Location?
Q.3. Explain the concept of Product Design. What are the steps involved in Process Design?
Q.4. What do you understand by Job Design? Enumerate the human elements in Job Design.
Q.5. Discuss the nature of Materials Requirement Planning. What are the fundamental principles of

Materials Requirement Planning?

Q.6. What is Linear Programming? Explain how to formulate Linear Programming Models.
Q.7. What are the principle determinants of Quality? Explain the need and importance of Statistical
Quality Control in production management.
Q.8. Write short notes on any three of the following:
1. Aggregate Planning.
2. Equipment Selection.
3. Work Measurement.
4. Warehouse Location.
5. Quality Control in Service Industries.

What is Operations Management? Explain the nature and features of Operations

Q.2. Discuss the scope and importance of Work Element in Job Designing.
Q.3. Describe the factors involved in Warehouse location.
Q.4. What are the techniques of Statistical Quality Control? Discuss their
advantages and
Q.5. Define the term Aggregate Planning. Explain the strategies for Aggregate
Q.6. Discuss the nature of Linear Programming. What are the areas of application of
Q.7. Explain the development of Materials Requirements Planning. What are the
principles of
Materials Requirements Planning?
Q.8. Write short notes on any three of the following:
1. Quality Control in Service Industries.
2. Manufacturing Resource Planning.
3. Equipment Selection.
4. Work Measurement.
5. Process Layout.
Explain Materials Requirement Planning and discuss the nature and development of Materials
Requirement Planning.
Q.3. Describe the importance of the Determinants of Quality and explain the role of Quality Control in
service industry.

Q.4. What is Linear Programming? Describe the nature of Linear Models.

Q.5. Discuss the meaning and objectives of Operations Management. How it is to be used for Decision
Q.6. What is the concept of Plant Location? What are the factors affecting the decision of Plant
Q.7. Explain the meaning of Product Design and Layout Design. Discuss their role and importance in
Production Management.
Q.8. Write short notes on any three of the following:
1. Process Layout.
2. Work Measurement.
3. Principles of MRP.
4. Statistical Quality Control.
5. Aggregate Planning.
What is Operations Management? Explain the nature and scope of Operations Management.
Q.3. Discuss the need and importance of Quality Assurance. What are the determinants of Quality
Q.4. What do you mean by Product Layout. Explain its role in production.
Q.5. Briefly explain the principles of Materials Requirement Planning. Suggest ways for successful
implementation of Materials Requirement Planning.
Q.6. What is Linear Programming? Describe the main areas of application of Linear Programming.
Q.7. Discuss the nature of human element in Job Design. Also describe the Work Element in Job
Q.8. Write short notes on any three of the following:
1. Warehouse Location.
2. Work Sampling.
3. Objectives of Production Management.
4. Aggregate Planning.
5. Statistical Quality Control.
. What do you mean by Product Design and Product Layout? Explain the role and importance of
choice of a Processing System.
Q.3. Identify the techniques of Warehouse Location. Explain how materials handling and types of
building are interrelated in the development of Warehouse Location.
Q.4. Discuss the objectives and nature of Operations Management.
Q.5. Describe the meaning and scope of Linear Programming. Discuss the nature of Linear Models and
their applications in Operations Management.
Q.6. Explain the role of Quality Circles in Quality Assurance, discussing the determinants of Quality.

Q.7. What is a reasonable length of planning horizon for aggregate production planning that may be
used by a manufacturer of room air-conditioners? What measures of aggregate outputs may be
used by this company. How can the company respond to the anticipated fluctuations in output
Q.8. Write short notes on any three of the following:
1. Need for Aggregate Planning.
2. Quality Control in Service Industry.
3. Work Measurement.
4. Process Layout.
5. Job Design.
A company is operating in two unrelated businesses. The first one is making common salt, which
is sold in one-kilogram consumer packs. The second business is making readymade garments. The
owner of the businesses has decided to implement Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) in one
of the two businesses, which is likely to give him greater benefit. Assuming that the current
turnover and profits of both the units are comparable, compare the relative benefits and limitations
of Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) for these two businesses.
Q.2. Describe the various objectives of Production Planning and Control. Explain the functions of
Routing, Scheduling and Dispatching.
Q.3. Explain the concept of Warehouse Location. What are the various factors affecting Warehouse
Location? Discuss in detail giving examples.
Q.4. Discuss the various factors which must be taken into account during Job Design and Development
of a product.
Q.5. Discuss the meaning and objectives of Production Management. State the nature and scope of
Operations Management.
Q.6. Enumerate the determinants of Quality. Describe the need and role of Statistical Quality Control.
Q.7. What is Linear Programming? Explain how to formulate Linear Programming Models.
Q.8. Write short notes on any three of the following:
1. Manufacturing Resource Planning.
2. Systems Approach in Operations Management.
3. Aggregate Planning.
4. Work Measurement.
5. Quality in Service Industries.

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