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Allusions in the Life of Pi

Odysseus and the

Lotus Eaters

Jonah and the




How is it referenced in
the film?

How is it
referenced in
the film?

How is it referenced in
the film?

How is it referenced in
the film?

Pi catches up to the
girl he likes and in
order to hide his real
meaning, he asks what
the lotus flower
symbol that she
showed meant.

It is referenced
in the film when
a whale jumps
up near Pi and
lands down on
Pis raft sending
all the fresh
water and biscuits into the sea.

Whats the real story?

Whats the real story?

Whats the real story?

A storm sent by Zeus sweeps them along for

nine days before bringing them to the land of
the Lotus-eaters, where the natives give some
of Odysseus's men the intoxicating fruit of the

God told Jonah to go to the city of Ninevah but

Jonah denied and went on a ship going in the
opposite direction. Then God sent a storm that
threatened to break the boat if Jonah doesnt
jump aboard, so Jonah get thrown in by the
sailors. Then a whale swallows him and he stays
in there for 3 days and 3 nights and when he
gets spat out, he goes to Ninevah to tell them
they have 40 days until they get destroyed.

Mother Earth, unable to bear the burden of sins

committed by evil kings and rulers, appealed to
Brahma, the Creator for help. Brahma prayed to
the Supreme Lord Vishnu, who assured him that
he would soon be born on earth to annihilate
tyrannical forces. One such evil force was
Kamsa, the ruler of Mathura (in northern India)
and his people were utterly terrified of him. On
the day Kamsa's sister Devaki was married off
to Vasudeva, an akashvani or voice from the sky
was heard prophesying that Devaki's 8th son
would be the destroyer of Kamsa.



How is it referenced in
the film?

How is it referenced in
the film?

Whats the real story?

It is said that the goddess Parvati, wishing to
bathe, created a boy and assigned him the task
of guarding the entrance to her bathroom.
When her husband Shiva returned from one his
interminable battles, he was denied access by
Ganesh and killed the boy in a fit of petulant
rage, striking his head off with his sword. Parvati
was upset and so to soothe her, Shiva sent out
his warriors to fetch the head of the first dead
creature they found, which happened to be that
of an elephant. The head was attached to the
body of the boy and he was brought back to
life. The elephant's head symbolizes
unmatched wisdom and the gaining of
knowledge through reflection and listening. And
because of his role as his mother's doorkeeper,
he is often placed facing doorways to keep out

Whats the real story?

He is the most important god of Vaishnaism, the
largest Hindu sect. Indeed, to illustrate Vishnus
superior status, Brahma is, in some accounts,
considered to have been born from a lotus
flower which grew from Vishnus naval. A
complex character, Vishnu is the Preserver and
guardian of men (Narayana), he protects the
order of things (dharma) and, when necessary,
he appears on earth in various incarnations or
avatars to fight demons and fierce creatures
and so maintain cosmic harmony.

I am curious about

Whats the real story?

Hanuman was born to the vanaras. His mother
Anjana was an apsara who was born on earth
due to a curse. She was redeemed from this
curse on giving birth to a son. The Valmiki
Ramayana states that his father Kesari was the
son of Brihaspati and that Kesari also fought on
Rama's side in the war against Ravana. Anjana
and Kesari performed intense prayers to Shiva
to get a child. Pleased with their devotion, Shiva
granted them the boon they sought. Hanuman,
in another interpretation, is the incarnation or
reflection of Shiva himself.

I am curious about

Allusions in the Life of Pi

the unworthy.

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