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Transport before the invention of cars, carriages and the transport with carriages

The Second Industrial Revolution ( also known as The Technological Revolution)

The First industrial Revolution, what is the second industrial revolution, the
beginning of the first cars
Important people at the beginning of the invention of cars : Ford, Benz
Timeline important historical dates, picture and photos of cars throuhout the
history up to the present
Hello, for those who haventt met me, my name is akovi Niko and I ll be the
presenter of this presentationtoday. In my presentation I am going to discuss the
history of transport, ecpecially before the invetion of cars. Larer on Im going to
talk about the Second Industrial Revolutionn and its causes, what preceded it,
and in the end when and who contributed to the invention of the first cars. I am
going to mention a few important people and interesting facts about their life,
and the short timeline of the most important people will follow in the end. At the
end, a few photos and pictures of cars throughout the history up to the present
will be shown as well.
This was my presentation about the history of motor vehicles. I hope you have
learned something new and that I havent been too boring. If you have any
questions, feel free to ask. Thank you all for your attention and goodbye.
The hictory of transport is very long, from the beginnings with simpified small
ships up to present times with all modern ways of travelling. In the beginnings,
walking was the only way to travel distances, besides animals used for carrying
loads. It was all very primitive up to 3500 BC, when the first wheel was invented
and strongly influnced the development of vehicles in the following years.
At the beginning, people used carriages for travelling because there were no
steam engines or any other inventions from the 18th and 19th century. Carriages
were the fist land transport vehicles pulled by animals, usually horses or oxen.
These first carriages were built for comfort of the passengers in the firt place, so
they were the symbol of the priveleged class of society or nobility.

The most important invention of The First Industrial revolution was the steam
engine in the second part of the 18th century. It had the enormous impact on the
development of mankind, but it was the announcement od the Second Industrial
Revolution with its even greater infuence. From 1871 to 1914 some of the greates
inventios were developed such as: Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler and the first
car power by internal combustion engine, Graham Bell and the first telephone,
Louis Pasteur and the antirabic vaccine, Rontgens discovery of x-rays, etc.
Karl Benz was born on November, 25 1844 in Germany, Mohlberge, and doed on
April, 4. 1929 in Ladenbourgi. He was a German engine designer and engineer,
generally regarded as the inventor of the first automobile.
Henry Ford was born on July 30. 1863 in Springwells, today a part of Dearborn, a
town in Michigan. He died on April, 7. 1947 at the age of 83 on his Dearbon
estate. He wa the founder of the Ford Motor Company. Because of his crutial

influence on history and culture, that period of economic social history is also
known as Fordism (mass production of inexpensive goods).
Franz C. Was the first to use a car powered ba a steam engine.
Lenoir invented the first two-stroke engine.
Benz and Gottlieb invented the firs car.
Ford was the firts to produce cars on the assembly line for mass production.
In 1876, Otto used the four-stroke engine.
In 1901, the fist car model Opel in Zagreb.

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