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The researcher found that customer expectation influences perception &

satisfaction, and perception influences satisfaction & post purchase behavior finally
satisfaction influences the post purchase behavior. Hence first we need to fulfill the
customer expectation because once expectation is fulfilled then customer perception
become good and also his post purchase behavior gives the result of positive attitude.
Customer expectation is the key factor for the car manufacturer. When we are
talking about the expectations, every day the human being expectations are increased
and always they prefer the new innovations, not only that they want to that innovations
should come true. Normally in the car industry especially the car manufacturers try to
innovate the new technology based on the customer requirements, any way some times
that new technology will fulfill the expectation of the customers and sometimes that
deviate from the customer expectations. The researcher strongly recommend to every
car manufacturer before launching the new car it would better if they consider about
customer expectations. Once the expectation is good then they will automatically
satisfied finally we can bring out the positive post purchase behavior from the
Secondly the researcher found that the customer expectation, customer
perception and customer satisfactions are moderate to the customer post purchase
behavior. It would give the positive results in post purchase behavior if the car
manufacturer fulfills the level of expectations, perceptions, and satisfaction. Hence the

researcher suggest that if any manufacturer want to bring the positive post purchase
behavior they would fulfill the expectation, enrich the perception and increase the
satisfaction level rather than moderate level.
And also the researcher found that there is a good relationship among the
customer expectation, customer perception, customer satisfaction and customer post
purchase behavior. Hence the researcher suggest it would give the best positive results
if the manufacturer or dealers concentrate on the each part of customer expectation,
customer perception, customer satisfaction and customer post purchase behavior,
because these all are having strong relationship with one another. Therefore, if the
manufacturer or dealers are keeping away from customer expectation; customer
perception, customer satisfaction, it definitely affects the post purchase behavior of the
Finally the researcher found that there is a strong association between
psychographic factors and customer post purchase behavior. Hence the researcher
suggests that it would better if car manufacturers and dealers are considering about
each and every human beings psychology. Because in this study the psychology factor
strongly associated with the customer post purchase behavior. Around the world every
human being are having their own psychology, we cannot expect the same psychology
behavior to each and every human beings. Therefore the manufacturer and dealers are
should try to know the human psychology based on their expectation, perception and
satisfaction; then only they can bring the positive attitude of the post purchase
behavior. As a manufacturer should study the each & every human being taste,

preferences, thinking attitude, expectations and perception then only the manufacturer
can expect the positive attitude of the post purchase behavior from the customer end.

Managerial implication:
To the manufacturers:

study useful to manufacturer in the following way, the majority of the

respondents are expect and give more importance to the car exterior, convenience,
performance, safety and economic aspect. From this study the manufacturer can
understand the customer expectation. It would be better if manufacturer concentrate on
the following factors i.e., car exterior, convenience, performance, safety and economic
aspect. First the Car exterior which includes style of the car, design of the car, colors
of the car which influence more to the customer expectation, hence the manufacturer
before design a car if they concentrate on exterior part then they can satisfied more
customers and can get the positive attitude from the respondents post purchase
Next most of the respondents feel and give more importance to the
convenience; in the convenience part which include interior space, forward visibility,
comfort, interior decorations etc.,. If the manufacturers concentrate on these things
definitely they can acquire the positive results from the customers. Another criterion of
the customer expectation is towards the car performance, which includes engine
power, engine sound, braking ability and speed of the car. Whenever the

manufacturers produce a car with more reliable and powerful engine they can satisfy
the expectation of the customers.
Car safety is the prime most factors in the customer mind. Even though the car
manufacturer gives a car with more safety the customer expectation level still not yet
satisfied. Hence if the manufacturer concentrate on the safety part they can fulfill the
customer expectation, safety part which includes air bags, ABS brake, central locking
system, alarm system, etc., more over now a days the higher segment cars having good
safety equipments rather than lower segments cars. Therefore every segment
customers wants the proper safety, if the manufacturer concentrate on more safety in
the c-segment cars definitely they can satisfy the customer expectations.
Further the respondents give more importance to the economic factors such as,
maintenance cost, fuel consumption and re - sale value of the car. After the car
purchase if customers meet the heavy maintenance cost, fuel consumption then they
are totally disappoint with that car. Hence the manufacturers definitely fulfill the
customer expectations if they concentrate on maintenance cost and fuel efficiency of
the car.
To the dealer:
This study useful to the dealers in the following way, the majority of the respondents
give more importance to the sale service and after sales & service. Sale service, which
has includes the behavior of the show room people or sales representatives. How they
behave at the time of car purchasing in case if they are dealing the customers in a bad

manner then that will affect the customer expectation. Hence the dealers retain so
many customers if they provide the proper assistance to the customers. After sales and
service which has include repair time, repair quality, spare parts, number of service
station and warranty period. Hence the dealers fulfill the customer expectation if they
focus on set the proper repair time, repair quality, availability of spare parts, number of
service station and warranty period.

Limitation and recommendation for future research:

This study covers only the Chennai city
This study covers only the C-segment cars not extent to cover the other
segments like A-segment, B- Segment, D- segment. Also study could be
extended to other cities in tamilnadu. There is also scope for conducting the
study in other states of India, as that would open up more findings.

This study is aimed to analyze the post purchase behaviour of consumers

towards C segment cars. This study conducted at Chennai, Tamil Nadu. A
sample of 680 consumers participated in this survey. Simple random sampling
technique was adopted in this study. Frequency analysis, percentage analysis,
one way ANOVA, correlation, multiple regression and path analysis are adopted
in this study. Perception, expectation and satisfaction are considered to evaluate
the post purchase behaviour of the consumers. The study found that Perception,
expectation and satisfaction are influences consumers post purchase behavior
towards C segment cars. The study highlighted that does not influence the

factors engine reliability, internal design, external design, service provision and
internal quality on post purchase behavior. The study concluded that the
company can increase the number of service centers in Chennai. The service
personnel should maintain prompt delivery after servicing the cars. In order to
attract the consumers the manufacturers should concentrate on the attractive
aspects of internal design, external design.

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