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REDES DE COMPUTADORAS Referencias Bibliográficas


Referencias Bibliográficas

[1] Held Gilbert, Ethernet Networks: Design, Implementation, Operation, Management, Editorial
John Wiley & Sons, 2003.

[2] Spurgeon E. Charles, Ethernet the Definitive Guide, Editorial O’Reilly, 2000.

[3] Terry Dash, Network Primer, editado por Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), 1999.

[4] Vito Amato, Cisco System Networking Academy: First Year companion Guide, Editorial Cisco
Press, 2002.

[5] Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Redes de Computadoras, cuarta edición, Editorial Pearson Educación,

[6] Schoder D., Fischbach K., Schmitt C., Core Concepts in Peer-to-Peer Networking, publicado
por, Idea Group Inc. 2005.

[7] Steinmetz Ralf, Wehrle Klaus, Peer- to - Peer Systems and Applications, Editorial Springer,

[8] International Standard ISO/IEC 7498-1 1994, Information Technology – Open systems
Interconnection – Basic reference Model: The Basic Model, publicado por ISO/IEC copyright
Office, 1994.

[9] International Standard ISO /IEC 7498-4: 1989, Information processing systems – Open Systems
Interconnection – Basic Reference Model – Part 4: Management Framework, publicado por
ISO/IEC copyright Office, 1983.

[10] International Standard ISO/IEC 7498-3:1997 (E), Information Technology – Open Systems
Interconnection – Basic Reference Model: Naming and Addressing, publicado por ISO/IEC
copyright Office, 1997.

[11] Cisco Systems, Internetworking Technology Handbook, publicado por Cisco Systems, Inc, 2000.

[12] Nabielsky Jose, Skelton P. Anita P., RFC 782 A Virtual Terminal Management Model,
publicado por The Defense Communications Agency, The MITRE Corporation.

[13] Palmer J. Mihael, Redes de Computadoras una guía práctica, editorial Thomson Learning, 2001.

[14] Stallings William, Data and Computer Communications, editorial Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.

[15] Guía de usuario, Token Ring PCI Network Interface Card, publicado por 3Com corporation,
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REDES DE COMPUTADORAS Referencias Bibliográficas

[16] Hewlett-Packard, PCI FDDI Administrator’s Guide HP-UX 11.0, 11i v1, 11i v1.5, and 11i v2,
publicado por Hewlett-Packard Development Company, 2003.

[17] Molina J. Francisco, Redes de Área Local, Editorial Alfa Omega Ra-Ma, 2006.

[18] Terry Dash, Network Primer, publicado por Education Development Center, Inc. © (EDC),

[19] Goscisnky Andrzeej, Distributed Operating Systems: The Logical Design, Editorial Addison-
Wesley, 1994,

[20] Cisco, Network Academy Progam, IT Essentials II: Network Operating Systems Companion
Guide, publicado por Cisco Press, Inc, 2003.

[21] International Technical Support Organization, OS/2 Warp Server, Windows NT, and NetWare:
A Network Operating System Study, December 1996, publicado por International Business
Machines Corporation (IBM), 1996.

[22] Cisco, Network Academy Progam, Fundamentos de Redes inalámbricas, Editorial Cisco Press,

[23] Glosario de ISO, The ISO Standards Glossary, publicado por The International Standards
Glossary, 2008.

[24] Estándar Federal 1037C, Glossary of Telecommunication Terms, publicado por el Institute for
Telecommunication Sciences (ITS) de la National Telecommunication and Information
Administration (NTIA), de los Estados Unidos, 2000.

[25] IEEE Project 802, Overview and Guide to the IEEE 802 LMSC, publicado por The Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2004.

[26] LAN/MAN computer society, IEEE 802TM Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area
Networks, Overview and Architecture, publicado por The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, IEEE, 2002.

[27] ANSI/IEEE Std 802.1D™- 2004, IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks
Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges, publicado por The Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, 2004.

[28] ANSI/IEEE Std 802.2 [ISO/IEC 8802-2:1998] , IEEE Standard for Information technology
- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems- Local and
metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements Part 2: Logical Link Control,
publicado por The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1998.

[29] IEEE Std 802.3™-2005 [ISO/IEC8802.3], “Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access with collision
detection (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer specifications”, publicado por The
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 2005

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[30] Battaglia Jim et al, The Ethernet ecosystem, publicado por Ethernet Alliance version 1.1, January

[31] Hadriel Kaplan, Robert Noseworthy, The Ethernet Evolution From 10 Meg to 10 Gig How
itall Works!, publicado por Networld Interop, Atlanta, 2000.

[32] ANSI/IEEE Std 802.4-1990 (ISO/IEC 8802-4 : 1990), Information processing systems Local
area networks Part 4: Token-passing bus access method and physical layer specifications,
publicado por The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1990.

[33] ANSI/IEEE Std 802.5-1998 (R2003) [ISO/IEC 8802-5: 1998], Information technology—
Telecommunications and information exchange between systems— Local and metropolitan area
networks— Specific requirements— Part 5: Token ring access method and Physical Layer
specifications, publicado por The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 1988

[34] Jonathan Follows, Token Ring Solutions, publicado por International Technical Support
Organization, IBM, 2000.

[35] IBM International Technical Support Organization, High-Speed Networking Technology: An

Introductory Survey, publicado por International Business Machines Corporation, June 1995.

[36] IEEE Standard 802.6, Distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB) Metropolitan Area Network
(MAN), publicado por The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc, 1990.

[37] Cisco Systems, PA-F-MM and PA-F-SM Half-Duplex FDDI Port Adapter Installation and
Configuration, publicado por Cisco Press, Inc, 2002.

[38] IBM International Technical Support Organization, High-Speed Networking Technology: An

Introductory Survey, publicado por International Business Machines Corporation, 1995.

[39] Gast S Matthew, 802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide, Editorial O’Reilly, 2005.

[40 ] Sankar K., Sundaralingam S., Balinsky A., Miller D., Cisco Wireless Security, Editorial Cisco
Press, 2005.

[41] Academia de Networking de Cisco Systems, Fundamentos de Redes Inalámbricas, Editorial

Pearson Education, 2006.

[42] ANSI/IEEE Std 802.11™-2007, (Revision of IEEE Std 802.11-1999), IEEE Standard for
Information Technology— Telecommunications and information exchange between systems—
Local and metropolitan area networks— Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN
Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications, publicado por The
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 2007.

[43] International Technical Support Organization, Wireless LAN Communications, publicado por
International Business Machines Corporation, 1996.

[44] White Paper, Wireless Networking, publicado por Black Box Corporation, 2007.

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[45] White Paper, 802.11n: Look Before You Leap, publicado por Motorola Incorporation, 2008.

[46] Flint Arnet Mattew, et al, Inside TCP/IP, Editorial New Riders Publishing, 1995.

[47] Charles M. Kozierok, The TCP/IP Guide A Comprehensive, Illustrated Internet Protocols
Reference, Editorial No Starch Press, 2005.

[48] Stevens W. Richard, TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols, Editorial Addison-Wesley,

[49] Parziale Lydia, et al, TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview, Publicado por International
Business Machines Corporation (IBM), Eighth Edition, 2006.

[50] Davies Joseph, TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows, publicado por Microsoft
Corporation, 2008.

[51] Tracy LaQuey, The Internet Companion: A Beginners Guide to Global Networking, Editorial
Addison - Wesley, 1994.

[52] Forouzan A. Behrouz, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Editiorial Mc Graw – Hill, 2003.

[53] Palmer J. Mihael, Redes de Computadoras una Guía Práctica, editorial Thomson Learning,

[54] Clark D. Davies, Tennenhouse L. Davies, Architectural Considerations for a New Generation
of Protocols, publicación técnica, Laboratory for Computer Science, M.I.T., 2008.

[55] Estándar ANSI/TIA/EIA, ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1 Commercial Building

Telecommunications Cabling Standard Part 1: General Requirement, publicado por
Telecommunications Industry Association, 2001.

[56] Estándar ANSI/TIA/EIA, ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2 Commercial Building Telecommunications

Cabling Standard, Part 2: Balanced Twisted-Pair Cabling Components , publicado por
Telecommunications Industry Association, 2003.

[57] Estándar ANSI/TIA/EIA, ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.3 Optical Fiber Cabling Components

Standard, publicado por Telecommunications Industry Association, 2002.

[58] Estándar ANSI/TIA/EIA, ‘ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A Administration Standard for

Commercial Telecommunications Infrastructure, publicado por Telecommunications Industry
Association, 2002.

[59] Estándar ANSI/TIA/EIA, ’ANSI/TIA/EIA-607-A Commercial building Grounding and

Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications’, publicado por Telecommunications Industry
Association, 2002.

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[60] Estándar mexicano NYCE, ‘ NMX-I-248-NYCE-2004, Telecomunicaciones – Cableado –

Cableado estructurado genérico – Cableado de telecomunicaciones para edificios comerciales
– Especificaciones y métodos de prueba’, Normalización y Certificación Electrónica A.C.,
México, 2004.

[61] BICSI, Manual de Métodos de Distribución de Telecomunicaciones, ‘Telecommunications

Distribution Methods Manual (TDMM), 10th Edition’, publicado por Building Industry
Consulting Service International, BICSI, 2003.

[62] Barret David, Groth Dvid, McBee Jim, ‘Cabling : The Complete Guide to Network Wiring’ ,
editorial SYBEX, 2004 .

[63] Sun Microsystems, Guía de administración del sistema: servicios IP, Editado por Sun
Microsystems, 2009, Inc.

[64] BICSI, LAN Design Manual, publicado por Building Industry Consulting Service International,
BICSI, 1996.

Referencias Electrónicas

[RE-1] Ethernet History Timeline,

[RE-2] Hobbes' Internet Timeline v8.2,

[RE-3] Diferentes familias de protocolos,

[RE-4] Familias de procesadores Intel,

Request For Comments (RFC’s)

[RFC 766] Internet Protocol Handbook,

[RFC 768] User Datagram Protocol (UDP),

[RFC 791] Internet Protocol (IP),

[RFC 792] Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP),

[RFC 793] Transmission Control Protocol (TCP),

[RFC 821] Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP),

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[RFC 782] Virtual Terminal management model,

[RFC 826] Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol: Or Converting Network Protocol Addresses to
48.bit Ethernet Address for Transmission on Ethernet Hardware,

[RFC 903] A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) ,

[RFC 959] File Transfer Protocol (FTP),

[RFC 1034] Domain names - concepts and facilities (DNS),

[RFC 1180] TCP/IP tutorial-

[RFC 1208] A Glossary of Networking Terms,

[RFC 2460] Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification,

[RFC 4605] - Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP),

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