Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Managing Stock

The Stock Control module is used for material management (raw materials/ingredients) used in production,
various forms of finished goods, and warehouse management. Warehousing supports extensive location
management and warehouse optimization solutions. This module is used in conjunction with the Purchase
Control and Sales Order modules to provide a flexible stock management system. Further links with MPC,
Service Management, Project Management, and Asset Management allow more complex scenarios to be


Stock Items
Stock items are any supplies kept regularly in stock. Permanent stock information is entered in the stock file.
Enter Stock Items
To enter stock items, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Stock Items/Enquiries folder, and select Enter/Adjust Stock

1 Enter a unique Stock Code

identifier. It is used as a
primary code for managing,
finding, and using the Stock
Item. 1
2 Create a Description for 2
the stock item. The
description entered can be
used for enquiring stock
items. As a default, the first 3
line is the primary
description used and
appears on enquiries,
reports, and documents.
The second line and Long
Description are additional
descriptions which can be
added and used, if

3 Specify the nature of an

item so it can be treated
appropriately in the Status
Code field. It can also be 5
used as a sorting and
searching mechanism.

Note: Status usage may depend on whether the item is physically held in inventory
or not. Physically held materials (status 0-7) may be sorted into Finished Goods
(e.g., Status 1), Purchased Items (generally Status 6, 7), Spare Parts, etc. Non-
physically held items (Status 8, 9) can be services or additional charges such as a kit
which sells multiple products as a bundle, or a simple assembly built to order.

4 Notice other codes available for grouping, sorting, searching, and managing stock items. These are controlled against pre-
defined codes. Most can be used on reports and documents, as necessary.

5 Enter the EAN Code or the GTIN Code, if used. This is the unique identification number guaranteed to be unique by the
organization that issued the number range and is commonly used to label goods when they move between companies.


Enter Sales and Budgeting Information

1 Enter the price in the

Price List 00 field in its
currency. Additional
prices can be set in the
Price List routine.
2 Optionally define a New
Price 00 for Price List 2
00. It can be set prior to
its effective date.
3 Enter the Date From and 4
the Date To to establish 5
the Valid Period. 6
4 Enter the Tax Code for
this item.
5 Enter Yes for EC VAT
Exempt or No for EC 9
Tax, if applicable.
6 Enter any Other Taxes
applicable. ([0] is none.) 11
7 Enter the Distribution
Fee code, if applicable.
([0] is none.) 13
8 Enter the 14
Units/Package number.

9 Enter the Price Multiple to be applied.

10 Enter the Delivery Rule. The various choices here control the treatment of an item at the point of the sales order.

11 Enter the Default Bin to be used to store the item in new warehouses.

12 Accept the default entry

Note: The ABC Code is a method of grouping stock items into High (A), Low (B), and
for the ABC Code and
Lowest (C) levels of profitability. Routines are available to have this automatically
the Frequency Code.
calculated. This is helpful, for example, for identifying items that should be manually
13 Enter any Budget planned and purchased versus taking advantage of the system's automated routines.
Quantities applicable. The Frequency Code is used in a similar fashion to the ABC code. The Frequency Code
ranks items from A to P, depending on the frequency of stock item turnover. The
14 Enter any Budget Type
system can calculate this automatically.
that is applicable.


Set Up Discount and Commission Information

1 Set up as many as eight general QTY

Discount levels. Volume discounts
specified here are available to all
customers. Enter the Quantity
threshold as well as the Percentage
Discount, or set the Price, whichever

2 Notice stock items can utilize special

codes that give unique percentage
customer Discount Codes, Bonus
Codes, and salesmen Commiss
Codes, depending on the customer
being sold to. Enter any required
codes in these fields.

Enter Measurements and Units

1 Enter the specific stock item

measurements. These can be printed
on export documents and calculated
as totals for deliveries.

2 Enter the appropriate Unit Code and

Factor to be used when holding the
item in inventory, purchasing from a
supplier, selling to a customer, and/or 1
in manufacturing.


Enter Purchasing Information

1 Enter the standard purchasing Currency

code and the Purchase Price for this
stock item.

2 Enter the required percentage uplift to

this purchase price to represent the 1
Estimated-Oncost such as customs
duties, shipping, etc. If actual on-costs
are entered against the stock items, this 3
should be left at 0%.

3 Enter the Landed Cost - the estimated

cost price (including on-costs) in local 4

4 Enter default purchase information

including the Purchaser, Supplier
Code, Alternative Supplier Code,
Supplier Stock Code, if different, and
Delivery Time. 5
5 Specify critical default material
management controls such as the
Reorder Level and the Economic Order 6

6 Set the Drop Shipment, if necessary,

and its Delivery leadtime for this item.

Define Costing and Accounting


1 Depending on the Valuation Method,

enter the relevant Weighted Average
Purchase Cost or Standard Cost per
unit. These are defaults for new
warehouses where they can be
re-calculated and/or adjusted
automatically. If consolidation is used,
enter the consolidation currency cost as
2 Enter the correct Accounting Code.
This allows flexible accounting down to
the stock item level.

3 Enter the default Accounting

Dimension codes that should be used
when creating accounting transactions
for this stock item.


Enter Maintenance Information

1 Select the Maintenance Code associated

with the stock item. The Maintenance
Code is used in conjunction with Service
Order and Contract Management to
display which products are covered under
maintenance agreements. Complete the
other fields, as required. 1
Select whether Serial Numbers are used or not
and if they are mandatory or optional.

Enter User Defined Information

1 Select any User Defined codes that have

been set up. These fields can be free-form
or controlled by a pre-set Stock Control
Code File.


Enter Miscellaneous Information

1 Indicate whether the on-hand balance

should be allowed to go negative for
any reason in the Negative Balance
field. 1
2 Select Yes to Enter Batch information 2
with warehouse transactions.
3 Select Yes if the item should be 4
Quality Controlled or No if not. 5
4 Select Yes if the items are Controlled
Goods and should only be purchased
from approved vendors or No if not.

5 If the item is batch controlled, select

the Batch Picking Order. Options
include First In First Out, Last In first
Out, First Expire First Out, Best Before
date sequence (shortest life picked 7
first), or Bin Sequence.

6 If the Available To Promise feature is

activated, enter Yes for an ATP Check
at order entry.

7 Complete other fields, as required, to

control replacement items and end of
life items (Product Hold set to Yes), if
complimentary items are automatically
offered and it is possible to issue
goods from batches that have expired.
Determine Bin Information

1 Select whether or not this item is

submitted to Bin Control.

2 Determine the Item/Batch

Placement. Options include No 1
Restrictions, One Stock Item per Bin,
One Batch per Bin, and One Batch per
Stock Item and Bin (different stock
items are allowed). 3
3 Enter the permitted Temperature and
Humidity range for the item.
4 Enter the Storage Types.

5 Select the Bin Location Rule Type.

This controls how to identify bins
during put-away activity.
Note: The Recipe Handling screen displays only when the hospitality
feature Show Hospitality Recipe Information is activated in the Company
Feature Setup. The details are used later in recipes to calculate the
nutritional value for menu items. Fields on this screen include Portion Size
for the item, and the Calorific, Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrate values
for the item.


Enter Master Planning Information

1 Enter the rule for the

Lot Size Technique.
This defines how to
calculate the quantity
to order when
planning stock
requirements. Options 1
include Lot for Lot,
EOQ (Economic Order
Quantity), Fixed Order 3
Quantity, Fixed Period
of Time, and MOQ
(Max Order Quantity). 5
2 Enter the default
Order Quantity. This
is used as the
Economic Order 7
Quantity (EOQ) or
Fixed Order Quantity
(FOQ) and can be
calculated by the

3 Enter the Fixed Time Period for orders.

4 To avoid placing small orders, select a Multiple to be used for quantities.

5 Input the level of Safety Stock required. Typically, this should equal the forecasted demand during the time it takes the
supplier to replenish inventory.

6 Enter the number of days of demand used when calculating the safety stock and the number of days before goods are
needed that the demand should be placed in the Due before Need field.

7 Decide what the basis for the stock requirement calculation should be in the Reservation/Forecast field. This parameter
defines how the combination of reservations and forecasts is evaluated when assessing current and future stock demands.
Options include: both reservations and forecasts, only reservations, only forecasts, greatest of reservations or forecasts, and
sum of reservations and forecasts.
Complete any other fields as required, accepting defaults where applicable.


Set Up Price Lists
An extensive array of Price Lists can be set up and used when selling stock items. This allows flexible control of current and
upcoming prices for products in any currency. Price Lists control the default price given to customers.
To set up price lists, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Other Stock Files folder, and select Price Lists. When the
Option window appears, choose Enter/Adjust Price Lists.

1 Select the Stock Code the

price is being entered for.

2 Choose the Price List

corresponding to the price
being entered for the stock 1

3 Enter the current Price.


Establish an Advanced Discount

Traditional sales discounts are supported based on the item or item-customer combination. The setup is intuitive and can be found
by expanding the Stock Control folder, expanding the Discount/Commission Codes folder, expanding the Customer/Stock
Discounts folder, and selecting Enter/Change Discount. More advanced discounting is supported where the amount of the
discount can be based on many factors relating to the customer or item, and complex rules can be defined within hierarchical
Discount Schemas.
To establish discounts, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Discount/Commission Codes folder, expand the Discount
Schemas folder, and select Enter/Adjust Discount Templates. When prompted, select the Language Code associated with the
Discount Template.

1 Enter a new discount

Template Code.

2 Enter a Description of the

Discount Template in the
selected language.
1 2
3 Select the master files for
which the Discount
Template is based (either
customer or item master).

4 Select the Field to associate with the 3 4

discounting from the Master File.


Define Discounts
To define discounts, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Discount/Commission Codes folder, expand the Discount
Schemas folder, and select Enter/Adjust Discount Definitions. When prompted, select the Language Code.

1 Enter a unique Discount


2 Define the Discount Type.

Discounts can be percentage
based, fixed amounts, order
value based, or progressive. 2
3 Define if the discount can be 3
used for Grouping. 4
4 Select the discount Template
Code being used.

Set Up Discounts
To set up discounts, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Discount/Commission Codes folder, expand the Discount
Schemas folder, and select Enter/Adjust Discount Setup. When prompted, select the Language Code.

1 Enter the Discount Code that

was created while defining a
discount and the Setup Code.

2 Notice the Field Description

column is taken from the
Discount Template form. That 1
is a criterion to select the cases
when the discount is granted.

3 Define the Value From and

the Value To columns. These
contain the range of values
2 3 4
that define the items to which
the discounts are given.

4 Determine if the discounts are

to be given to the items that
fall into the specified range or
to the items that do not fall
into the specified range in the
Incl/Excl field. The inclusive
value is used by default.

5 Set the Period for which the

discount is valid, and define a
Price List.

6 Enter either the Maximum

Quantity or Maximum
Amount for the discount,
depending on the Range Type 7
parameter of Amount or

7 Use the Update Max Qty/Amount Counter on Delivery Date to define the moment to update accumulated values to the
right of the Maximum Quantity and Maximum Amount fields.
Move to the next screen to specify discounts for a certain quantity or amount.


Apply a Discount Schema

Discount Schemas are used to combine Discount Templates into complex marketing tools. Depending on the Schema type, the
total, most significant, or least significant discount will be applied, based on a tree-based structure defined in the schema.
To apply a discount schema, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Discount/Commission Codes folder, expand the
Discount Schemas folder, and select Enter/Adjust Discount Schemas.

1 Create a new Discount Schema Code.

2 Select the Schema Type. Choose between accepting all discounts, only the least, or only the most significant.

3 Link the appropriate Discount Note: Once Advanced Discounts are set up, any sales order for which an
code to the Schema. For each advanced discount is not applied will have a note automatically created
discount code, define if child explaining the reason the discount was not applied.
discount templates are always
processed or if only the parent
is applied, and whether to apply further discounts at the same level, the parent level, or to finish the discount calculation.

Bill of Materials
A Bill of Materials Template is a pre-defined Bill of Materials which generally lists all of the possible components in a Bill of
Materials, as opposed to a Configuration with a specific selection of components from the Template. Optional items cannot exist
in Configurations.
For example, a stock Bill of Materials Template is a BOM that has generic specifications which can be customized for a particular
configuration. For example, the BOM Template may have a configuration created according to a specific customer request or
represent a recipe in a hotel. A stock Bill of Materials Configuration is a specific BOM created for a single customer and has a
unique Serial Number. (If there are multiple versions of a BOM Configuration, each version must have its own serial number.) A
Configuration History is saved and can be referenced in relation to the original or future customers. The process of entering a
Configuration is essentially the same as for a Template and is not documented here apart from to note the menu path.
Create a Bill of Material Template
To create a bill of material template, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Bill of Material folder, and select
Enter/Adjust BOM Template (or Enter/Adjust BOM Configuration if entering a Configuration).

1 Enter the Template Code and

create a Template Name.

2 Click on the Add Node button

to create a node. A Node can
be a parent or child item. The
first Node created is assumed
to be the Parent item.
Note: Depending on the BOM, it is possible to have levels with a variety of
Group Parents and Sub-Nodes. A Node is a Group Parent that contains Sub-
Nodes or an end Component item, if no further Sub-Nodes exist. The BOM
graphical interface allows for easy viewing of the structure as well as Drag and
Drop facilities to change structures.


Create a Bill of Material Template Node

1 Enter the Node Name.

2 Enter the related Stock Code. This field

is optional for a BOM Template but
mandatory for Configurations.

3 Enter the Child Quantity of items

contained in a Node. This only applies to
4 Enter the Price List Code to use when
pricing this item. 3

5 Enter the Structure Type by deciding

whether BOMs can be sold as complete
or partial forms. The Structure Type is
only defined for the top-level item.

6 Define if the Node is Optional or


Note: To create a BOM Configuration based on a BOM Template, right-
click on the top item field, and select Copy from Template.


Use the Graphical View

1 Click on the Graphical view

The Graphical View provides a user-
friendly mode for viewing a Bill of


Serial Numbers
Serial Numbers are specific codes used to register individual items within batches of stock items. These are often linked to
warranties, configurations, and other contractual obligations.
Create Serial Number
To create serial numbers, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Serial Numbers and Warranties folder, and select Enter
Serial Numbers Received.

1 Select the Stock Item with

a Serial Number assigned to

2 Enter the Serial Number.

This can be done manually,
in an automated sequence
by using the [+] symbol, or 2
in a sequence following a
specific batch number by
using the [*] symbol.
Move to the next screen.

3 Select the Supplier of the

stock item.

4 Select the Warehouse

where it is located.

5 Choose the Batch ID, if 3



6 Enter the customer information.

If the Serial Number is part of an
existing BOM Configuration, it can be
selected for later reference.

Forecasting and Purchase Planning

Forecasts are used to predict future demand and can be used as the basis of Manufacturing or stock replenishment planning.
Forecasts can be entered by day, week, month, or year for any stock item or group of items. Forecasts can be automatically
generated as well, based on prior year statistical details.
Create a Forecast
To create a forecast, expand the Note: To enter a forecast for a group, select the Stock Group menu option.
Stock Control folder, expand the
Stock Items/Enquiries folder, expand
the Forecasting folder, expand the Enter/Adjust Forecast folder, and select Stock Code.

1 Create and register a Forecast

number and enter a Segment
code, if required. Segment codes 1
can be used to split a single
forecast into multiple sections
(e.g., to represent different sales 2

2 Select the Stock Code.

3 Enter the forecast DATE and the

demand QUANTITY expected.
Dates can be entered on a day,
week, month, or year basis.

Note: The same forecasts are used in SRP and MPC to identify
predicted demand.


Use Stock Requirement Planning

To use stock requirement planning, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Stock Items/Enquiries folder, expand the
Stock Requirements Planning folder, and select SRP.
This routine is used to calculate net requirements using information from the Stock Planning file, forecast or actual demand, safety
stock levels, etc. It is based on MRP concepts and follows MRP logic without creating any work orders.

1 Define whether to run Lead

Time calculation before
running SRP.

2 Select the requirements used

for calculation. For instance, 2
[ST] in the Which
Demands field means
requirements are controlled
by information on the stock
item record.

3 Enter the Forecast Date 3

range. This range includes
the dates to include in the

4 Select the Stock Code and

Warehouse range that
should be included in the

Print a Replenishment Proposal

To print a replenishment proposal, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Stock Items/Enquiries folder, expand the Stock
Requirements Planning folder, and select Print Repl. Proposals.
Use this routine to print the replenishment proposals created when you generated the Purchase Schedule, before releasing them
to the Purchase Control module.

1 Select the supplier or range

of Supplier codes,
Warehouses, and
Purchasers. 1
Select the appropriate Report


Convert a Stock Requirements Planning Replenishment Proposal to a Purchase Order

To convert a stock requirements planning replenishment proposal to a purchase order, expand the Stock Control folder, expand
the Stock Items/Enquiries folder, expand the Stock Requirements Planning folder, and select Convert SRP Replenishment
Use this routine to retrieve the purchase order proposals from the SRP calculation and convert them to purchase orders. You can
also adjust them before converting them to purchase orders.

1 Make the required selections, and

press [Enter].

2 Select the Row Number to

adjust, if necessary. Press [Esc].
The system will prompt whether
to update to conversion. Select


Many standard stock reports including batch traceability, price lists, stocktakes, valuation, and allocation reports are available. The
following procedure is the same for all stock control reports.
Another useful report is the Stock Valuation List B. This list shows the total stock value per stock item and warehouse, calculated
using the stock valuation models plus the standard cost.
When preparing for purchasing, it can be helpful to also print a Deficiency List. The deficiency list can be used as the basis for
purchase orders. The list includes all items where the quantity available is less than or equal to the reorder level.
Use the Physical Stock List Report
To use the physical stock list report, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Reports folder, expand the Stock Reports
folder, and select Physical Stock List.

1 Define the selection criteria so only stock items that need to be reported are displayed.

2 Define the Order in which sorting should be made. Select and input a Data Code as a basis of sorting.

3 Choose the Warehouses to view.

Stock Transactions and Counts

Stock transactions take place for a variety of reasons. These transactions give rise to accounting transactions, if required.
Stock transaction types include:
• Goods received
• Stock issued
• Stocktaking discrepancy
• Purchase costs
• Stock transfers
• Purchase discrepancy
• Purchase costs
• Appreciation/depreciation
• Transfers between warehouses
• Convert purchase costs


Make a Stock Transfer

To make a stock transfer, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Transactions folder, expand the Enter Transactions
folder, and select Stock Transfer.

1 Select the WAREHOUSE from which

the transfer of stock items should
take place.

2 Select the WAREHOUSE to which

the transferred Stock Items go.

3 Enter or confirm the DATE for

transferring stock.

4 Select the STOCK CODE to transfer. 3

5 Enter the QUANTITY to transfer.

4 5
6 If the stock item requires Batch
information to be entered along
with transactions, the Batch Info
dialog box appears. Enter the
appropriate batch details.

7 Enter the Reference for the

transaction and the Order Number.
These could be used to indicate the
nature of the transfer and/or the
person responsible. 7


Press [Enter] to update, and when

Note: For quality controlled items, it is not possible to use this routine to
prompted whether on not to proceed
move goods still under quality control. The Enter Quality Control Results
with the update, enter Yes. To print an
routine must be used to both enter changes to the quality control status
Internal Dispatch note, enter [Yes].
and move items still being tested.

Receive Stock
To receive stock, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Transactions folder, expand the Enter Transactions folder, and
select Stock Received.

1 Select the WAREHOUSE to receive


2 Enter the DATE of the transaction.

3 Select the STOCK CODE to be


4 Enter the QUANTITY to be 2


5 Adjust the cost PRICE, if necessary.

3 4 5
When a window appears, enter the Supplier Code and the Order Number, if needed, and press [Enter] to update. This will
receive the stock items into stock.
Issue Stock
To issue stock, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Transactions folder, expand the Enter Transactions folder, and
select Stock Issues.

1 Select the WAREHOUSE to issue

stock to.


2 Enter the DATE of the


3 Select the STOCK

CODE to be issued.
4 Enter the QUANTITY to
be issued.

5 Adjust the sales PRICE,

if necessary.

3 4 5
6 If batch information is
needed, batch
information will display.
Enter the Supplier
Batch ID and the
Order Number. This 6
can be used as needed.
Press [Enter] to update. This
will issue the stock items
from stock.
Use Stock Transaction Lists
Stock Transaction lists give full details about all stock transactions processed in the system.
To use stock transaction lists, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Transactions folder, and select Stock Transaction

1 Define the selection criteria for the Stock Transaction list, as needed.

2 Define the Transaction Types to view in the list.

3 Select whether to Date the order or order the transactions in which they were processed. When finished, press [Enter].

4 Select any Accounting or Dimension selection criteria required. When finished, press [Enter]. Define if calculations are made
in Base Currency. Click on [OK]. Confirm sorting.
Print the General Ledger Journal
Inventory based accounting transactions are generated by printing the General Ledger Journal. These transactions can be validated
or adjusted from the journal as well.
To print the general ledger journal, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Transactions folder, and select General Ledger

1 Select Yes to the question Create GL Transactions?

2 Set the Date range for the inventory transaction to be printed.

3 Select Yes to the question Ready to Create GL Transactions?

4 Define which Date Range should be posted to the GL and with what Book Entry Date. Select Yes to the question Ready
for Check, Sort and Print?

5 Print in the Base currency. Select No to the question Is Reprint of Journal Required? Select Yes to update the General


Create a Traditional Stocktake List

The Stocktaking Basis report is used to create periodic stocktake lists that can later be used to report current stock levels for each
stock item in the various warehouses.
To create a traditional stocktake list, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Reports folder, expand the Stock Reports
folder, and select Stocktaking Basis.

1 Define the selection criteria so only the stock items to report are displayed.

2 Define the Order in which sorting should be made. Select and input a Data Code as a basis of sorting.

3 Choose the Warehouses to view.

4 Select whether to include the on-hand balance in the report, whether to sort by Bin Order, and whether to print items with a
zero on-hand balance.

5 Enter the stocktake list number. If a number entered is already in use, you will be asked whether to overwrite the existing
Create a Periodic Counting Proposal
The Physical Stock list displays a report of current stock levels for each stock item in the various warehouses; this is used as the
basis of a traditional periodic stocktake. The following procedure is the same for all Stock Control Reports.
To create a periodic counting proposal, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Reports folder, expand the Stock Reports
folder, and select Physical Stock List.
Define the selection criteria so only stock items to report are displayed.

1 Define the Order in which sorting should be made. Select and input a Data Code as a basis of sorting.

2 Choose the Warehouses to view.

3 Choose the Report Format to use.

Cycle Counting
The Cycle Counting feature provides an enhanced stock taking functionality for continuous stocktaking. This feature is designed to
achieve consistency between stock held on the computer and the physical stock held in warehouses.
Create a Counting Proposal
To create a counting proposal, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Cycle Counting folder, expand the Proposal folder,
and select Counting Proposal.

1 Choose the default Campaign Type

to create a list of items to be

2 Click on the dotted […] button to 1

list the available campaigns.

3 Click OK to update. A message that

states List Created displays.


Print a Cycle Counting List

To print a cycle counting list, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Cycle Counting folder, expand the Proposal folder,
and select Print Cycle Counting List.

1 Select the List Number.

Enter Stock Taking Results

To enter stock taking results, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Transactions folder, and select Stock Taking.

1 After selecting the warehouse and date, a List number dialog appears.
Enter a [?] to enquire the Cycle Counting Lists rather than the regular
Stock Taking list. Select the list to use.

2 Enter the results of the

physical count in the

Note: All stock items and/or batches that have discrepancies over their Tolerance Limit
have a Recount List printed as many times as defined in the setup. The Stock Taking is
to be conducted and entered again. When the recount set is reached and the
discrepancy is still too high, a Reason Code will be requested.


Stock Management
The system uses both Batch Numbers and Batch IDs. The Batch Number is a unique number created when a batch controlled item
is received, and it remains the same for the life of the item. Batch Numbers are often printed onto items and used for batch
tracing, batch pricing, and other batch related activity. The Batch ID is an internal ID created by the system when goods are
received. Every time an item is moved to a new bin or warehouse or something happens to it (such as it is used in production), a
new batch ID is created. The Batch ID can be used to identify the specific place and condition of a batch controlled item. Thus,
one batch number may be related to many batch IDs for the same physical item.
Enter Batch Information
Batch information, if set up, can be entered along with inventory transactions. Alternatively, the information can be entered
directly into Stock Control when no transaction is occurring.
To enter batch information, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Stock Items/Enquiries folder, expand the Other Stock
Files folder, and select Batch Information.

1 Select the Stock Item for

which batch information
is to be entered.

2 Select the Warehouse

where the batch is

3 Select the Batch ID to

enter information for. To
select by Batch Number, 2
use [F4] to list all available 3
batches of the selected
item in the selected

Enter Batch Details

1 Adjust any fields, as

required, including
Supplier Batch ID and
Bin Code.

2 Adjust the Quality Control

Category, as necessary.


Enter Batch Dates

1 Enter any dates related to

this batch including the
Delivery Date,
Manufacture Date, Best 1
Before date, Deliver
Before Date and Expiry

Enter User Defined Fields

1 Enter Batch User Defined

details, as appropriate.

Enter Extra Descriptions

1 Enter any additional

information in the free text
fields available.


Display Quantities

1 Notice the system displays the

current quantities on Balance,
what has been Allocated, and
what has been Ordered.

Warehouse Management
Stock items may have a different physical location, or it may be necessary to separate inventory because it is controlled differently.
Enter Basic Warehouse Information
To enter basic warehouse information, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Miscellaneous folder, expand the Setup
folder, and select Warehouse.

1 Enter a unique Warehouse

code to use.

2 Enter the Internal Name and

Address for the warehouse.
3 Enter the appropriate
Calendar Collection for the 2
warehouse. Calendar
Collection helps users handle
and calculate the working
time of many business entities
that employ this warehouse.
Calendar Collection also helps
set and organize the working
time of this warehouse.

4 Select the Warehouse Type -

Regular, Consignment, or
Vendor Managed. This will
control ownership of the
items in the warehouse and
when to account for items
going into and out of the 3

5 Select if Zeroing is allowed

at this warehouse. This is 4
useful for temporary
warehouses used on sites or
external events where, after
the event is complete,
reusable items can be transferred to permanent warehouses. The balance on the temporary warehouse is zeroed in a single


Enter Warehouse Accounting Information

Warehouses can be set up to manage each separately, from an accounting and reporting standpoint.

1 Enter the Stock Valuation Model

and the Stock Valuation Model
for Consolidated Currency.

2 Enter the inventory Account Codes

to be used with this Warehouse.


1 Define if the common Picking

routine is used for this Warehouse
in the Use Common picking field.

2 Fill in other fields, if available. 1


The Setup Available To Promise (ATP) window appears,

1 Check the boxes where ATP checks should be performed.

Define Warehouse Area Information

Warehouses can be set up with many different areas for example, receiving area, dry goods area, bulk area, etc. Special
functionality is linked to the receiving area to move the goods into permanent bins using the Bin Location Proposal report.
To define warehouse area information, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Bin Management folder, and select
Enter/Adjust Warehouse Areas.

1 Select the Parent Warehouse to


2 Enter a Warehouse Area Code

and a Description for the
warehouse area.
3 Select if the area will be used for 3
Receiving Area or not.

4 Enter up to five different Bin

Types used in the warehouse 4

Note: Bin Type and Bin Location Rule Types should be set up before setting up
warehouse areas. This is done in the Code Files routine for Stock Control.


Set Up a Bin
To set up a bin, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Bin Management folder, and select Enter/Adjust Bins.
Bin management provides the key to efficient warehouse usage. Bins can be any separately identifiable location in a warehouse to
store goods. Bins are linked to Warehouse Areas.

1 Select the parent Warehouse to


2 Enter a Bin no. and a

description for the bin. 1
3 Select whether Capacity
checking should take place, and
if so, define the capacity and the
margins for use.
4 If Storage Type is used, select
the storage type of the Bin, for
example, Humidity Controlled

5 Select the Warehouse Area

within which the bin is located

6 Select the Bin Type, for 4

example, shelf, pallet, etc. 5
Note: The Storage Type and the Bin Type should be set up before setting up
bins. This is done in the Code Files routine for Stock Control.

Note: Bin Location Rules match the item, Bin Type, and Bin Storage Type to find
the best bin for storage at the time goods are moved from receiving areas to
permanent locations via the Bin Location Proposal report. Default bins can be
set up, and these will be used, if available.


Enter Warehouse Details

Warehouses are necessary for a variety of purposes; therefore; it is possible to specify unique Stock Requirement Planning
guidelines, Delivery Times, and other supply constraints by Warehouse.
The Warehouse location may supply its own Customers. Therefore, the sales Forecast for the location will reflect Customer
demand, directly effecting purchase planning.
It may also be necessary to process Drop Shipments and manage Lead Times differently, depending on the location.
To enter warehouse details, expand the Stock Control folder, expand the Stock Items/Enquiries folder, expand the
Enter/Adjust Stock Items folder, expand the Other Stock Files folder, and select Warehouse Information.

1 Select the Stock Code.

2 Enter the Warehouse

code where the stock
item is located.
3 Set the Re-order Level
for the Warehouse.

4 Input the Economic

Order QUANTITY used 2
with Purchase Planning.


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