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Semantics Exercise 1

The following sentences are ambiguous. Provide a paraphrase for each reading or

1. The new computer and printer were left at the door.

a. Por la puerta estn la nueva computadora y el impresor
b. La puerta est cerca de la nueva computadora y el impresor

2. The chicken is ready to eat.

a. El pollo est listo para ser comido.
b. El pollo est listo para que le den de comer.

3. Ringing bells did not annoy him.

a. El ruido no lo molesta a l.
b. A quin no le gusta el sonido de las campanas?

4. He likes galloping horses.

a. A l le gusta molestar y hacer ruido.
B. A quin le gusta?

Semantics Exercise 2

A. The following words are ambiguous. Some have two meanings; others have
more. For each word, define or give a synonym for two meanings. Use your
intuitions (not the dictionary).

1. charge
a. Cargar enrgica
b. Carga de tarjeta

2. claim
a. Explicar algo
b. Escalar montaa

3. park
a. Parque de autos
b. Parque de juegos

4. soil
a. tierra
b. suelo

5. heat
a. Caliente
b. Calor

B. Provide five examples of words that are ambiguous. Give two different
meanings for each one.

1. Point
a. Escribir algo
b. Sealar algo

2. Card
a. tarjeta de crdito
b. tarjeta de naipe

3. Good
a. persona eficiente
b. hermosa

4. chip
a. pequeo trozo de madera
b. una pieza larga y delgada de la patata

5. Exercise
a. actividad que requiera esfuerzo fsico, realizado especialmente para mantener o
mejorar la salud y la forma fsica.
b. el uso o la aplicacin de una facultad, derecho, o proceso.

Semantics Exercise 3

Indicate whether each word below is an instance of homophony or polysemy.
Defend your answer in each case by discussing the meaning of the word(s).
If the relation is one of polysemy, discuss in what ways the various meaning
can be related.

1. accomodation (lodging; anything that meets a need)

It is a instance of polysemy because can be the same word but it has a differents

2. nail (fingernail or toenail; carpenters nail)

It is a instance of homophony because it has the same pronunciation but different


3. admission (confession; entrance fee)

It is a instance of polysemy because can be the same word but it has a differents

4. plane (aircraft; flat or level surface)

It is a instance of polysemy because can be the same word but it has a differents

5. fire (as in forest fire; cause someone to become unemployed)

It is a instance of homophony because it has the same pronunciation but different

Semantics Exercise 4

5.5 Evaluative and Emotive Meaning

A word may be associated with more than its literal meaning; it may have
emotional connotations as well. Bertrand Russell once offered the following
paradigm to illustrate this distinction:
I am firm.
You are obstinate.
He is a pig-headed fool.
The same person might be correctly described by all three terms, but their
emotional effects are quite different.

A. The following triples are further examples of "emotive conjugations." In each
case, first state the literal meaning shared by the words and then discuss how
they differ in terms of expressed evaluation and emotional impact. Choose
three of the following examples to discuss.
1. tavern, bar, dive
I am in the tavern
You are in the bar
He is diving

2. fairer sex, female, broad

-womens are the fairer sex
- he supports the female gender
- she has a broad mind

3. resign, quit, throw in the towel

-He resigned from the addiction

- he quit smoking
- you never throw in the towel

4. relase, discharge, fire (from a job)

- He released her, and she rolled, coughing.
-Hes being discharged under section 2A of the Official
- Royce and Fritz left the fire together.

5. meticulous, fussy, nit-picking

- Meticulous in maintaining the quality of our products and services.
- We are very fussy about human rights with some countries.
-I would make just one tiny criticism - which I hope he will not take as nit-picking,

6. car, jalopy, heap

-I have a new car
-She has a jalopy
-He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap

7. between jobs, out of work, on the dole

-What Is the Difference Between Job, Occupation, and Career?
- we are out of work
-You are on the dole and looking for employment in a field that suits your interests.

8. separate from, walk out on, desert

-they were separate from its maxims and customs.

- I walk out on the balcony and sit on a chair.

9. discriminating, exclusive, snobbish

I am discriminating
You are exclusive
She is snobbish

10. nonsense, baloney, a crock

- It could be nonsense but it's a nice story.
-Your words nonsense
- What a crock!

11. father, dad, old man

-My father is the best
-He is my dad
-You are old man

12. dead body, corpse, stiff

- they have a dead body
-You look like a corpse
- I was cold and stiff

B. Provide three more sets of examples of emotive conjugations.

1. beautiful, good, bad-looking

-I am beautiful
-you have quite good features
-she isn't bad-looking, if you like that type.

2. scholar,widely, believe.
-I am a scholar;
-you have read widely;
-she will believe anything.


social, doctor, abuser.

I enjoy social drinking;

have you ever thought of talking to your doctor?
She is an alcohol abuser.

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