Manual - QualiPoc SW - Freerider v10.6

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QualiPoc Freerider
Manual 10.6.0
March 2011

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Part Number: 16-100-201044-5

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QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

QualiPoc Freerider............................................................................................................................................0

Preface ..................................................................................................................................................1
Related Documents ...............................................................................................................................1

System Overview .................................................................................................................................2

Configuration of QualiPoc Freerider .................................................................................................4

Configuration of NQComm ....................................................................................................................4
Configuration of NetQual NQTM ...........................................................................................................6
Configuration of NetQual NQView.......................................................................................................11
Configuration of QPControl .................................................................................................................13

Starting a Task ...................................................................................................................................15

Monitor a Task .....................................................................................................................................16
NQView .......................................................................................................................................... 16
QPView........................................................................................................................................... 16

Stopping a Task .................................................................................................................................17

Appendix ............................................................................................................................................18
Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................................................18
FTP Connection Problems ............................................................................................................. 18
Known Limitations................................................................................................................................18

Figure 2-1 QualiPoc Benchmarker Overview .................................................................................................... 2

Figure 2-2 System Architecture ......................................................................................................................... 1
Figure 3-2 NQComm settings FTP/HTTP....................................................................................................... 4
Figure 3-3 NQComm settings Servers ........................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3-4 NQComm settings SMS Notification ............................................................................................. 5
Figure 3-5 Add group......................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3-6 Add unit General ........................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3-7 Add unit Connection...................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3-8 Add unit QualiPoc ......................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3-9 Add unit Actions ............................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 3-10 Add unit - Special configuration ..................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3-11 Add a QualiPoc device General.................................................................................................. 9
Figure 3-12 Add a QualiPoc device Subscribers............................................................................................ 9
Figure 3-13 Add a QualiPoc device QualiPoc settings................................................................................. 10
Figure 3-14 QualiPoc unit Update ................................................................................................................ 10

Contents |

QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

Figure 3-16 NQView settings Connection .................................................................................................... 11

Figure 3-17 NQView settings Test manager ................................................................................................ 12
Figure 3-18 NQView connections.................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 3-19 NQView connection details .......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 3-20 NQView Automatically (re-) connect to units ............................................................................... 12
Figure 3-21 QPControl define Unit Name and Computer Name ..................................................................... 13
Figure 3-22 QPControl define FTP Server ...................................................................................................... 13
Figure 3-23 QPControl define FTP login data ................................................................................................. 13
Figure 3-24 QPControl define FTP mode........................................................................................................ 14
Figure 3-25 QPControl define Access Point.................................................................................................... 14
3-26 QPControl trigger a poll command. ......................................................................................................... 14



QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG


The QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0 describes how to configure and operate the QualiPoc Freerider.

QualiPoc Freerider is as benchmarking solution based on the QualiPoc suite.

Related Documents
[1] Manual - NetQual - TestManager.pdf
[2] Manual - NetQual - NQView.pdf
[3] Manual - NetQual - NQComm.pdf
[4] Manual QualiPoc SW QPView.pdf

Chapter 1 | Preface

QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

System Overview

QualiPoc Freerider is a QualiPoc based system where the mobile phones are connected and controlled by a
Laptop or TabletPC through to the use of a Wireless LAN Ad Hoc network. The maximum number of devices
that can be used for measurement is 6.

Figure 2-1 QualiPoc Benchmarker Overview

In order to establish the communication between the system components, control and configure the system,
run and monitor the measurement, the following application components are needed:
1. On the Laptop:

Test Manager: configures the system, the task and Campaign to be run by the various mobile

NQComm: ensures the communication between the Laptop and all the probes via FTP server
(also installed on the Laptop)

NQView: provides the real monitoring based on the information logged by all the single devices

2. On the QualiPoc

QP Engine: measurement engine actually running the tests

Chapter 2 | System Overview


QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG





FTP Server

NTP Server





Figure 2-2 System Architecture

Chapter 2 | System Overview


QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

Configuration of QualiPoc Freerider

This chapter describes how to configure the QualiPoc Freerider after the installation. For a description on
how to install QualiPoc Freerider software, see the Installation QualiPoc Freerider.pdf document.

Configuration of NQComm
1. Log on to the computer.
2. On the Start menu, click All Programs, click SwissQual, click Diversity, and then click NQComm.
3. In the NetQual Settings window, click the General tab and check the following checkboxes:

Start NQComm when the user logs on

Start scanning automatically

Minimize after auto-scanning

Figure 3-1 NQComm settings - General

4. On the FTP/HTTP tab we use the default setting.

Figure 3-2 NQComm settings FTP/HTTP

Chapter 1 |

QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

5. On the Servers tab use the defined server from the installation.

Figure 3-3 NQComm settings Servers

6. On the SMS Notification tab disable the checkbox Allow SMS Notification.

Figure 3-4 NQComm settings SMS Notification

Chapter 3 | Configuration of QualiPoc Freerider


QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

Configuration of NetQual NQTM

1. Define your access points and subscribers. For a complete description on how to configure access
points and subscribers please see document [1].
2. In the menu System configuration click the icon Add group.
3. Define Group name and Group type, press Add.

Figure 3-5 Add group

4. Press the icon Add unit and define on the General tab Unit name, Computer name, Unit type, Group.

Figure 3-6 Add unit General

Chapter 3 | Configuration of QualiPoc Freerider


QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

5. On the Connection tab no definitions are needed.

Figure 3-7 Add unit Connection

6. On the QualiPoc tab define QualiPoc unit profile and SMS profile. It is coactive to select the No SMS

Figure 3-8 Add unit QualiPoc

Chapter 3 | Configuration of QualiPoc Freerider


QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

7. On the Actions tab no definitions are needed.

Figure 3-9 Add unit Actions

8. On the Special config tab no definitions are needed.

9. Press the Add button to add the unit to the group.

Figure 3-10 Add unit - Special configuration

Chapter 3 | Configuration of QualiPoc Freerider


QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

10. Click the icon Add a QualiPoc device. On the General tab define the Device name and

Figure 3-11 Add a QualiPoc device General

11. On the Subscribers tab define the subscriber.

Figure 3-12 Add a QualiPoc device Subscribers

Chapter 3 | Configuration of QualiPoc Freerider


QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

12. On the QualiPoc settings tab define the access points and select the internal GPS type.

Figure 3-13 Add a QualiPoc device QualiPoc settings

13. Press the Add button to add the QualiPoc device to the unit.
14. On the unit press the Update button to send the settings to the device.

Figure 3-14 QualiPoc unit Update

15. Repeat these steps for each QualiPoc Freerider unit.


Chapter 3 | Configuration of QualiPoc Freerider


QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

Configuration of NetQual NQView

1. On the Start menu, click All Programs, click SwissQual, click Diversity, and then click NQView.
2. Open the NQView settings, click Settings on the Tools menu.
3. In the Settings window, click on the General tree.

Set the NQView time mode to UTC greenwitch time.

Figure 3-15 NQview settings General

4. Click on the Connection tree and set the following timings:


Connection timeout : 2 seconds

Auto reconnect timeout: 5 seconds

Auto reconnect attempts: 3

Figure 3-16 NQView settings Connection


Chapter 3 | Configuration of QualiPoc Freerider


QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

5. Click on the Test manager tree and enter the database connection.

Figure 3-17 NQView settings Test manager

6. Click on the Save & Close button.

7. Now click on the button Connect Diversity Unit on the toolbar.

Figure 3-18 NQView connections

8. Now click on the button Connect Diversity Unit on the toolbar.

9. In the NQView Connection click on the button Create and define your units.

Figure 3-19 NQView connection details

10. If all units are defined check the option Automaticaly (re)connect to Diveristy units.

Figure 3-20 NQView Automatically (re-) connect to units


Chapter 3 | Configuration of QualiPoc Freerider


QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

Configuration of QPControl
1. After starting up QPControl select Options > Settings > Unit > Phone define the Unit Name and
Computer Name.

Figure 3-21 QPControl define Unit Name and Computer Name

2. Define the FTP server IP address.

Figure 3-22 QPControl define FTP Server

3. Define the FTP Login Data.

Figure 3-23 QPControl define FTP login data


Chapter 3 | Configuration of QualiPoc Freerider


QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

4. Define active mode for the ftp connection.

Figure 3-24 QPControl define FTP mode



5. Select the 1 and 2

Access Point for the connection.

Figure 3-25 QPControl define Access Point

6. Now poll the FTP server to receive and send messages to NQComm.

3-26 QPControl trigger a poll command.


Chapter 3 | Configuration of QualiPoc Freerider


QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

Starting a Task

7. Define some tasks. For a complete description on how to configure tasks and jobs please see document
8. Make sure that NQComm is running.
9. Start a task with TestManager.


Chapter 4 | Starting a Task


QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

Monitor a Task
There are two ways to monitor a running task. On the phone you can monitor the task with QPView. With
NQView you can remotely monitor the task on a laptop or tablet pc.

10. Start up NQView and load the desired workspace. Press the Connect Diversity Unit button and close
the NQView connections window again with the Close button.
11. Now the Freerider QualiPoc units with a running task will now connect to NQView.

For more information on how to use NQView, see the document [2].

If QPView is installed you can monitor the actual measurement on the phone with QPView, for a description
see the document [4].


Chapter 4 | Starting a Task


QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG

Stopping a Task
A running task can be stopped with the TestManager by pressing the Stop task icon.

Important: Stopping a task with TestManager is just possible if the unit is connected to NQView because
NQView sends the stop command. If the unit is not connected the task needs to be stopped manually on
the device.


Chapter 5 | Stopping a Task


QualiPoc Freerider Manual 10.6.0

2000 - 2011 SwissQual AG


This chapter describes how to troubleshoot problems that you might encounter when you use QualiPoc

FTP Connection Problems

Check if the phone is running.

Check if QPControl is using the correct access point.

Check if the WEP key is correct.

Check if the SSID of the APN is correct spelled.

Check if the phone and the laptop have fixed IP addresses.

Check if the Ad-hoc network is connected on the laptop. Disconnect it and connect again.

Check the channel number of the WLAN on the QualiPoc is the same as the one defined in the APN
in TM.

Check the FTP server settings. (Is the FTP server running and has all the needed user rights on the
FTPShare folder)

Check the Windows Firewall settings.

Known Limitations

Stopping a running task is just possible if the QualiPoc unit is connected to NQView.

A QualiPoc unit can just connect to NQView if a task (QPAEngine) is running.


Chapter A | Appendix

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