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Katie Iverson

LIB 686
March 16, 2015
Final Paper

The Innovative World of 2038

The future depends on what you do today (Mahatma Gandhi). Today we are
developing technology at an exponential rate. This is causing a shift in the way we live our lives
and how we communicate with each other. Education is key to preparing us for this new way of
life, so our education system will have to adapt to meet these needs. Armed with the skills
needed, we will be able to tackle future challenges. As a result by 2038 we will live in an
incredible world. Innovative technology developed through collaboration will not only make our
lives easier, but more gratifying as well.
Enriching our lives through education is the maxim of the future. To become active
participants in this new age of information technology knowledge is essential. The structure of
the traditional k-12 school will have to change to adapt to a new way of learning. Tomorrows
students need additional skills to sort through and find valuable information online. Access to
technology is key to learning these skills. Technology will be available, at a one to one ratio, for
all students in private and public schools. Students will have the flexibility to bring their own
devices as well to use in school. Through the use of technology learning will become a more
personalized experience. Students will do most of their studying and research outside of school
hours, so that when they come to class they are ready to learn. Teachers can easily differentiate
instruction for each student by using technology. The studying that takes place outside of class
will be at an appropriate level and learning style for the individual student. Class time can then
be used for exploration and application of knowledge.

Universities and all other post high school training will have changed as well. There will
be more options for people to pursue knowledge and training in their field of choice. Distance
learning will be common place because learning can take place anywhere and at any time.
College campuses will no longer host classes, because that will all happen online. Instead
campuses will be a location for research, cultural events, design competitions and other
educational events. One of the benefits of distance learning is that it will become easier to enroll
in classes from different schools, so again students can tailor their education to meet their needs.
For learners that choose an informal route or for those that need additional support before
attending college, free online education options will be available worldwide.
Leisure Time
Lets start with the homes of 2038. The basic structure of homes will stay the same, just
as they have in the past. The size and style of home will vary depending on the location and
each familys needs and financial stability. However, in 2038 we will all have energy efficient
smart homes. New homes will only be built to the highest energy efficiency standards and old
homes will all be retrofitted to meet the new standards.
Cars that drive themselves? In 2038 they will. Driverless cars will start as a luxury for
the wealthy, but as the technology becomes more accessible they will become a realistic option
for everyone. The convenience of autonomous vehicles is that is that you are free to focus your
attention on other things. Since we can remove human error from the equation, there will be
significantly less car accidents. There will be fewer injuries and deaths so our roads will be much
safer in the future. However what is truly amazing will be the speed at which these cars can
travel. You may be wondering how it could be safer to travel at high speeds in a driverless car.
Well first the entire infrastructure of our transportation system will have to change to

accommodate these vehicles. The new design of our roads will be modeled after the fastest
trains in the world, maglev. Maglev (magnetic levitation) is a system that uses magnetic tracks
to lift and propel trains forward. As a result friction is drastically reduced so trains can travel
faster and use less fuel. This is the technology that will be developed and implemented by 2038.
Maglev autonomous cars will keep us moving.
Online shopping is already gaining immense popularity. It is convenient to buy
everything you need without ever leaving your house. By 2038 online shopping will be a way to
buy everything you need from food to furniture. Since you dont want to have to wait around for
your order to be delivered, you will have the option of droid delivery which guarantees delivery
within one hour of purchase. For those who enjoy the benefits of online shopping, but also enjoy
actually going out shopping there will be fantastic options as well. Stores will be modified to
combine the best of both worlds.
Food production will have to drastically change to feed our growing population. Already
farmers are looking at how to produce more food when while being placed under heavier
restrictions. By 2038 advances in food technology will make it possible for farmers to produce
food that meets our growing demands. With the advances in technology will be a focus on
educating the public on food production. People will be able to make smarter choices about the
food they purchase for their families and they will be more supportive of farmers. Our food will
be safe and grown under sustainable farming practices so that we can continue to feed future
A wide range of careers will be available in 2038. For some the increase in popularity of
nomadic jobs will allow people to work for any location at any time. This style of work is

mainly due to the use of open source materials. Research and development as well as
programing and even curriculum writing can happen collaboratively from any location around
the world. People work to contribute to the collective intelligence. These types of careers can be
very rewarding because individuals will find them intellectually stimulating and they have the
flexibility to work whenever and wherever they choose. However with that flexibility the
downside can be the demand of constantly being connected to work. A career for someone that
prefers something that is more industrious might involve working to build and maintain the
maglev cars and the highway system that they run on or construction of new energy efficient
The global market will also be greatly impacted by technological advancement and big
data. Global ecommerce will dominate because of the use of data. Worldwide companies will
be able to collect massive amounts of data to effortlessly find trends and then use that
information to develop products that the consumer will want. Before you even realize that there
is a product that you want to have, companies know and will be working hard to develop it and
convince you that it is something that you simply cannot live without.
The future of healthcare is bright. By 2038 doctors will be able to treat patients with
greater accuracy and as a result more people will find recovery. Thanks to cloud based
healthcare, people will be able to receive more individualized treatment. Advancements made in
DNA sequencing give doctors the ability to prescribe DNA specific treatment plans. No longer
will we have to suffer through the unknown as doctors try to determine what is wrong and create
a plan of action. We can live longer, healthier, happier lives.
Essential Tools

Tired of holding your smart phone while you text, email, update Facebook and possibly
even make a phone call? Not to worry because in 2038 that will be a thing of the past. The
future is wearable technology. For example, the use of products like google glass will be
widespread. Instantly you will be able to access the internet, email, all of your favorite apps and
even make phone calls. Because it is 100% hands free you will be able to dictate emails or text
As technology advances, machines will play an integral role in our lives. The time and
research that has gone into designing humanoid robots will have paid off. Robots will be able to
walk with ease as they respond to their changing environment. Walking may seem like an easy
task for us, but for the world of robotics it meant teaching the robot to not only use the many
sensors it possesses but to process that information and respond with the appropriate action.
Humanoid robots of 2038 will be able to be purchased and programed to perform a variety of
tasks. It goes so far beyond the original use of robots for the three Ds (dirty, dull and dangerous
jobs). While the advances in robotics will impact careers, by 2038 the biggest change will be
how they are used for personal use. Every home will have some type of robot that will make our
lives easier.
Just like past generations, we are looking to the future predicting what we will see. In the
2038 the world will look like a very different place then it does today. Technological advances
will allow people to live an easier lifestyle. However it is a great leap we must take to get from
where we are today to the world of 2038. The growth we may see could come at a great cost if
we are not careful. It is easy to get caught up in a world online when the line between reality and
virtual reality starts to blur. We already see people making fewer meaningful connections with

other people offline. Younger generations that are raised with constant access to overwhelming
amounts of information and technology come to expect instant gratification. For the world of
2038 to become just as promising as it seems, we need to be prepared. It starts with education.
Education today, success for tomorrow.

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Fischer, M. (2012, October 06). MagLev Cars: Why aren't we floating above the road yet?
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Frase, K., Nadler, S., Royyuru, A., Rao, J. R., & Borger, S. (n.d.). IBM innovations that will
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Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Estrada, V., and Freeman, A. (2015). NMC Horizon Report:
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