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Research topic is sales of IMINT loyalty cards through HPCL outlets in Bangalore
city. To find out the sales of IMINT cards and what are the promotional activates
are used by the company with the help of questionnaire survey and interviewing
the HPCL outlet dealers and staff members .

The company should try to create product awareness among the retailers and
representative of the product. So the sense of belief in the product has to
generate. And the company should opt for a multi channel marketing system as
its serves for the benefits like increased market coverage, lower channel cost
and customized selling

In order to service the high competitive market place effective distributaries

channel need to set up. The marketer should use distribution channel to display
the product and service to the layer or user.

Distribution is all about getting your product/service to the right people at the right
time with special consideration for profit and effectiveness. Successful marketing
does not end when a business has developed a product/service and has found
its appropriate target audience with a view to selling it at the 'right price'.

The next issue that needs to be faced is how they are going to distribute and sell
this product/service to these people-i.e. the consumers.

When a product/service is purchased by a consumer, it may have been bought

directly from the business, or it may have been through a number of
intermediaries (wholesaler, retailer, etc): these are known as distribution


Individual consumer and corporate or original buyer aware that literally

thousands of goods and services i.e., other loyalty cards from Indian oil,
Bharat Petroleum etc are available through a very large of diverse channel
outlets. What they may not be well aware of is the facts that the channel
structure, establishment through which the product must move to get to them,
can be amazingly complex. Usually, combination of whole sailing, retailing and
may other Areas join forces in marketing channel arrangement to make it
possible to delivers of product and services to the customer.

they can organize their production capabilities in such a way that the products
they have developed can be seen, analyzed, debated and by select few perhaps,
but actual the actual large – scale delivery of the product to the consuming
public demand different type of effort, which create time, place and utilizes a
finished products unless the product is transported to where the gain can access
to it, stored until they are ready to it.

And eventually exchanged for product or money or services so that they can
gain possession of it. In fact, the four type of utility (form, time, place, and
possession) .are inseparable.
Channel member tend to specialize in creation function: their role are unique, at
least in part. Thus manufactures specialize in production and national promotions
while retailer specializes in merchandising, distribution
And promotion on the local level. The specialization result in significant amount
of operational independences among channel members. Each channel member
become dependent upon the other members to realize its
Organizational objectives for example; both retailer and the distributor are
independent on each other to reach the final consumer. The same is true for

marketing of services. Marketing of independent original involved in the process
of making a product or service available for the user or consumer. From the
outset, it should be recognized that not only do marketing channel satisfy
demand by supplying product and services at the right place, quantity, quality
and price but also stimulate demand through the promotional activities of unities
constituting them.
A major focus of marketing management’s delivery, it is only through
distribution that public product can be made available for consumption.
“Marketing channel are sets of independent organization involved in the process
of making product or service available for use consumption.”

To reach the target market, the marketer uses different kinds of marketing
channel. Communication channel deliver and receive message from target

buyers, it included newspaper, magazines, radio, television, mail,

telecommunication and internet.

Beyond this communication are conveyed by facial expression and clothing, the
look of retail stores, and may other media. The marketer uses distribution
channel to display, sell or delivery the physical product or services the buyer or
user. They include distributor, wholesalers, retailer and agent.
A marketing channel performs a work of moving product from dealer to
consumers. It overcomes the times, place, possession gaps that separates
product and services from those who need or want them.

It is true that “you can eliminate an intermediary but cannot eliminate its function”.
Member of making channel perform a number of keys.
1) Information: collection and dissemination of market research information l
like potential customer, competitor and other forces in the marketing


2) Promotion: development and dissemination of persuasive

communication designed to attract customer to the offer.
3) Risk taking: the assumption of risk connected with carrying at the
channel work.

The most common routes used for bringing the products in the market from
producer to customer are as follows:

Manufacturer - consumer
Manufacturer - retailer - ultimate consumer
Manufacturer - wholesaler - retailer - consumer
Manufacturer - agent - whole seller - retailer - consumers
Manufacturer - whole seller - consumer

Each intermediary that performs work in bringing the product and its title close to
the final buyer constitutes a channel level. Since the producers and the final
customer both perform work, they are part of every channel.

1) Zero level channels: it is also called direct marketing channel. It consists of

a manufacture selling directly to the consumer. ex : door to door sales ,
1) one level of channel : this channel contain are selling intermediary such as
2) Two level of channel: in this channel the manufacture sell to whole seller,
whole seller to retailer, and final retailer to consumer.
3) Three level of channel: thus this channel contains of three intermediation
– wholesaler, jobber and retailer.

Channel design decisions:
In design marketing channel, manufactures have to decide what is ideal, what is
feasible and what is available. A new firm typically and what is available. A new
firm typically starts as a local operation selling in the limited markets. Since it has
limited capital it not uses existing intermediaries.

The number of local market is apt to be limited. A few manufacturers ,sales

agents, a few wholesaler, several establishment retailer a few trucking
companies and a few whole sellers several established retailer a few trucking
Companies and a few warehousing, deciding on the best channel might not be
problem. The problem might to be convincing one or few available intermediaries
top handle the manufactures lines.

If the new firm is successful it might be branch to new markets. Again the
manufacturer will tend to work through available inter mediator although doing so
might main using different types of market channel in different area
In the smaller market the firms might sell directly to retailers.

In the larger market it might sell through distributors. Designing a channel

system call for analyzing customer needs and identify evaluating the major
channel alternatives.

1) analyzing customers desired service out put levels

Understanding what, why, when, and how target customers by is the first step in
designing the market channel. The market must understand the service out put
levels desired by the target customer –the types and levels of service that people
want and expect and they purchase of product. Channel produce.

The service out put

A) product variety:
Product variety represents the assortment breach provided by the marketing
channel. Normally customer prefers a greater assortment because chances
increases customer chances of finding what he needs.
B) Service Backup:
Service Backup represent he adds on services provider by the channel.
The greater the service Backup, the greater the work provider by the channel

2) Establishing the channel objectives and constraint

The channel objectives should be stated is terms of targeting service output
levels effective planning requires determining which market segments to serve
and the best channel to use in each case. Channel objective various with product
characteristics perishable products require more direct marketing because of the
dangers associate with the delay and repeated handling, bulky products such as
building materials require channels that minimize the shipping distance and the
number of handling in the moment from producers to consumers, high value
goods should be sold through intermediate etc.

3) Identifying the major channel alternatives:

After the company has decided its target market and desired positioning it should
identify its channel alternatives.

A channel alternative is described by three elements.

The types of available business intermediate
The number of intermediates needed
The terms and responsibility of each channel participant.

Companies should search for innovative marketing channel. Sometimes a
company selects an unconventional channel because of the difficulty or cost of
working with the dominant channel. The company must search for the channel
alternatives that promises the most long – run profitable.

1.3 Need and importance of the study

This study helps to understand more about effectiveness of distribution channel

of IMINT through hpcl outlets in Bangalore. Various scenarios can be created
with involve the introduction of new products or modification to existing product
to determine the effect of these changes on market preferences.

1) The study has been conducted in the city of Bangalore

2) The sample size of the study is 100 respondents only
3) The respondent included HPCL dealers and its staff members.
4) Measure the effectiveness of advertising and marketing campaign to build
brand image


Research refers to the systematic method consisting of enunciating the problem ,

formulating a hypothesis , collecting the fact or data , analyzing the facts and
reaching certain conclusion either is the form of solution towards the concerned
problem or in certain generalization for some theoretical formulation , research
simply means search for fact – answer to question and solution to problems .

Research design is a part of marketing research , marketing research is

systematic design , collection , analysis and reporting of data and finding relevant
to a specific marketing situation facing by the company . The primary focus on
the study was to access effectiveness’ of distribution channel.

2.1 Problem statement:

“I-MINT Loyalty card is launched recently in the market. Product is doing

well in the Airtel and Lifestyle outlets. But it is not up to the expectation in
the HPCL (Hindustan Petrolium) outlets in Bangalore city

So my project is to find out the reasons for the problem and suggest
the appropriate solution to over come on this problem.


According to Philip kotler a market consist of all the potential customer sharing a
particular needs or who might be willing and able to engage in exchange to
satisfy that needs or wants. The size of the market depends upon the number of
person who exhibits the needs having the interested to other, and agrees to
offer these resources in exchange for what they want.

Marketing is social and managerial processes by individual and groups obtain
what they want and need through creating, offering and exchanging products.
Marketing is a process of building up bridges between the end users and the
producers of products and services.

In other words it means building up of relationship between customer and the

company. The marketing starts and ends with customer. According Philip kotler
“marketing is the human activity directed to satisfy the needs and wants through
an exchange process.

economy is clearly the greatest advantage of secondary data. instead of printing
data - collection forms , hiring field works , transporting then through the field
work , and editing and tabulating the results , researches , alone or with some
clerical assistance , may obtain information from a published record compiled by
somebody else . Also secondary data can be quickly obtained. Another
advantage of some secondary data sources is that they provided information that
could not be obtained by the typical organization.

2.3 Objectives:

 To identify sales potential of IMINT cards at HPCL outlets.

 To identify the best promotional activities for sales of I_MINT cards

through HPCL outlets.

 To identify the hindrances in selling.

2.4 Scope of study:

 It gives an idea about the sales of I_MINT cards at HPCL outlets.

 It gives an idea about how to increase awareness of product among


 It also gives clear idea about what are the promotional activates should
adopt for the success of product.


Primary data has been collected through questionnaire survey and interviewing

the HPCL outlet dealers and its members.

Collection of the data is a process of enumeration together with proper recording

of results. The success of an enquiry is based upon the proper collection of data.
Secondary data are those data which have been already collected and analyzed
by some earlier agency for its own use; and later the same data are used by a
different agency.

According to WA NEIUSWANGER, “a primary source is a publication in which

the data come publication by the same authority which are gathered and
analyzed them.” A secondary source is a publication, reporting the data which
have been gathered by other authorities and for which other responsible.

Secondary data are either internal or external to the company considering their
use. Internal data are typified by summaries of sales representative report
invoices and operating statement a research manager must necessarily become
families with all material of this type that is available within the company.


The basic idea of sampling is that by selecting some of the elements among the
HPCL dealers in Bangalore city .we many draw a conclusion about the entire
dealers, sampling is useful if the population size is large.


The small representative out of lot population selected at randomly is called as

And characteristic of the sample is known as static:

SAMPLE UNITS: sample units of the study are HPCL outlets dealers and staff in
Bangalore city.

SAMPLE SIZE: sample size means the number of sampling units to be selected
from the dealers for the investigation .due to time and cost constraint, which is a
proportion of total population.
I have taken the sample size of 100 respondents from HPCL outlet dealers and
its staff.

the number of sample is selected on simple random sampling basis. Simple
random sampling was used in which each population element has a known and
equal chance of selection.


The respondents are mainly from hpcl outlets of entire Bangalore city. They
included dealers, staff; field work is very important step in the process of market

It has carried out with in prior planning and with almost accuracy; it is carried out
very systematic manner. The field work activity involves data collection. By
contacting the respondent for this interview schedule was prepared in this study
prepared questionnaire was used for interviewing the respondent.

The structured questionnaire is the tools used to collect the data from the

respondent, which consist of both open ended and closed ended question.

The main data collection method for descriptive study is survey method .the
principal survey options were questionnaire is the main instrument is collecting
primary data.

It consists of a set of question presented IMINT loyalty card seller for their
answers. Questionnaires consist of both open ended and close ended questions.


Data has been primarily gathered by means of questionnaires, which aimed at

retailer. The study has been conducted in the month of April 2007 in Bangalore.
The research was done both with the help of primary and secondary data.


- primary data ( questionnaire,. Personal interview)

- secondary data (company website, brochures)


The various sources of secondary data can be divided into two broad categories

1) Published sources
2) Unpublished sources

Published sources:
various governmental international and local agencies publish statistical data.

Unpublished sources:
there are various sources of unpublished data. Various books, magazines have
been used. it called as secondary data.


Definition of research: “research is an organized enquiry designed and

carried out to provide information for solving problems.”

Descriptive research:

Descriptive research includes survey and fact findings enquire of different kinds.
The major purpose of descriptive research is the description of the
State affair, as it exits at present, the methods of research utilized in descriptive
in descriptive research survey methods of all kinds, included comparative and
correctional method.


a) The lack of proper awareness of dealers about a project study.

b) The findings of the study are on the basis of the information provided by the
respondent and may biased

c) Time constraint due to the exhaustive nature of the study.

d) The respondent is selected on the basis of simple random sampling .so this
survey included all the limitation of simple random sampling.

e) The study is limited to Bangalore city only.

f) The time period of the study is one month

g) The respondent may be biased.

h) Study limited to I_MINT Loyalty cards only


Loyalty Solutions & Research Limited (LSRL),

Incorporated since February 2006, is a subsidiary of Tech Process Solutions

Limited. both companies are network companies of ICICI Venture Funds.

LSRL's core line of business is to conceptualize, design, develop & promote

consumer loyalty programs.

The company's management & advisory team brings decades of experience in

enhancing consumer experience through unique customer rewards & loyalty

LSRL launches i-mint:

India's first nationwide coalition loyalty and consumer rewards program, where

leading brands Airtel, HPCL, ICICI Bank, Indian, Lifestyle &
have come together.

i-mint allows consumers to benefit through the largest ecosystem of business

partners on a single rewards platform. it is a unique program in all aspects, and
cuts across geographies, payment modes & business sectors.

now whatever the consumer does, the consumer always mints rewards!

Year of Establishment

It is a new company . started in the month of February 2006.

 India's first nationwide coalition loyalty and consumer rewards program.

 subsidiary of Tech Process Solutions Limited. both companies are

network companies of ICICI Venture Funds.

 It has 6 branded participants namely Airtel, HPCL, ICICI Bank, Indian,

Lifestyle & .


 Airtel – exclusive telecom partner

 ICICI Bank – exclusive banking partner

 HPCL – exclusive fuel partner

 – exclusive travel aggregator

 Lifestyle – exclusive organized retail partner

 Indian – exclusive Airline partner

on every monthly billing of Rs. 100, you earn 2 points.

Airtel comes to you from Bharti Airtel Limited - a part of the biggest private
integrated telecom conglomerate, Bharti Enterprises. Bharti provides a range of
telecom services that include cellular, basic, internet and national long distance.
Bharti also manufactures and exports telephone terminals and cordless phones.
apart from being the largest manufacturer of telephone instruments in India, it is
also the first company to export its products to the USA.

Bharti is the leading cellular service provider, with an all India footprint covering
all 23 telecom circles of the country. it has over 23 million satisfied customers.

Airtel mobile customers can now start earning points on their i-mint card for
usage related to their prepaid and postpaid connections.

if you are an Airtel mobile postpaid customer, you earn points on your monthly
billing (this month’s charges) and if you are an Airtel mobile prepaid customer,
you earn points on the retail price of the recharges done on your mobile phone.
in both cases, you earn 2 points for every Rs. 100 of bill value for postpaid and
recharge value for prepaid.

India’s second largest petro-retailing company, HPCL is renowned

for undertaking superior retail innovations, by providing it’s customer greater
service through its “Club HP” outlets. our large bouquet of value added products
& services are aimed at ensuring a comprehensive “Achcha Lagta Hai” fuelling
experience for each of our customers

HPCL’s launch of India’s first branded diesel product - “Turbojet” was met with a
high level of success. the petrol variant “Power” has topped the charts in brand
recall amongst customers. in addition, the endeavor to provide maximum
customer delight, prompted the launch of India’s first e-fuel station, aimed at
providing premium quality products to our esteemed customers.

Terms & Conditions:

swipe2drive :
1. the double reward points offer is open for all i-mint card members purchasing
fuel at select HPCL Retail Outlets in Mumbai, Vashi, Delhi NCR, Bangalore and
Hyderabad cities during promo period.

2. employees and their families/relatives of HPCL, LSRL, and their advertising

agencies are not eligible to participate in the lucky draw for mega prize .

3. the i-mint card members will be eligible for double reward points on first–cum-
first serve basis upto a maximum issue of 20,00,000 points by HPCL during the
promo period. a lucky draw will be held for eligible i-mint card members who
complete two transactions for a minimum value of Rs. 100/- during the promo

period to award the prize of one (1) car.

4. cash in lieu of prize/points will not be offered. prize/reward points are not

5. prize will be awarded after due verification by HPCL officials and the winner
will be informed by post. the identity of the winner will be verified by i-mint card
details and photo identity.

6. the award of points will be limited to a maximum fuel purchase of Rs. 5000/-
per month and 2 transactions per day.

7. . transaction should be of a minimum value of Rs.200/- (or above)

ICICI Bank is India's leading bank with a network of about 614

branches and extension counters and over 2,200 ATMs. ICICI Bank offers a wide
range of banking products and financial services to corporate and retail
customers through a variety of delivery channels and subsidiaries & affiliates in
the areas of investment banking, life and non-life insurance, venture capital and
asset management. ICICI Bank is the most valuable bank in India in terms of
market capitalisation.

Customers imint points on ICICI Bank debit card

now earn 1 i-mint point on every Rs. 200 spent on your ICICI Bank debit
card purchases.

Indian, is the country's premier airline with a network that

spans 73 destinations. having set the standards for civil aviation in India since its
inception in 1953, it has many firsts to its credit, including introduction of the wide
bodied A300 aircraft on the domestic network, the fly-by-wire A320, domestic
shuttle service, walk in flights and easy fares. the Indian logo emblazoned on the
tails of all its aircraft has become synonymous with service, efficiency and

Indian flies more than 8.8 million people annually to 55 destinations within India
and 18 internationally, from Oman, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain in the West
to Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia in the east, and Sri Lanka, Mayanmar,
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Maldives in the South Asian sub-

now, every time you fly Indian, you can earn i-mint points in-addition to frequent
flyer points. just remember to quote your i-mint card number at the time of
booking your tickets or while checking-in. i-mint points will get credited to your
account, upon travel.

flying with Indian becomes even more rewarding, now you can earn 6 i-mint
points with every Rs.100 you spend.

Lifestyle is one of India’s leading retail stores offering

customers a diverse mix of world-class fashion and lifestyle brands. today it is
synonymous with gorgeous clothes, trendy accessories, stylish footwear, chic
jewellery and much more. by virtue of the unique value and experience offered to
its customers, Lifestyle has been recognized as a preferred shopping destination
in India with nine stores across Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad,
Gurgaon and Ahmedabad.

Lifestyle is amongst the first to introduce stand-alone home improvement stores

called ‘Home Centre’. spread over a very large area with unique ‘concept rooms’,
Home Centre has been modeled in line with international home experience

with i-mint, shopping at Lifestyle has become more rewarding than ever.
because with every purchase you make worth Rs.100, you get 2 i-mint
points, which can be redeemed for a host of exciting products and
services., India’s no.1 online travel company where

thousands of visitors log on everyday to buy
air-tickets, hotels and holidays. with you can be sure you will
always get:

• lowest airfares across all airlines
• booking hotel online from over 1500 properties ranging from 2 star to 7 star
• thousands of holiday options to choose from within India or internationally
• multiple payment options. pay by credit card, cash-on-delivery or ITZ cash
• 24/7 customer service offers complete travel solutions for any kind of budget

requirement. you can book online instantly or call up our travel consultant who
will assist you with all travel needs. now all these great deals are available to you
with the added attraction of i-mint reward points.

with on every Rs.100/- spent on all domestic air tickets

earn 5 imint points, on all domestic packages earn 8 i-mint points and on
all international packages earn 18 i-mint points.

3.3 Shopping outlets:

you can mint points across thousands of member outlets—from malls to
multiplexes, stores to supermarkets, coffee shops to bookshops, restaurants
to restobars; while filling petrol, paying your mobile bill, doing your banking
and more.


“i-mint” represents a network of merchant that are interested in providing

relevant offers and services to the members, and the members who are
interested in receiving these offers and services.

To ensure that the offers and services are relevant LSRL may solicit
information from the members from time to time. This is solely for the purpose
of making the program more and more meaningful. We are committed to
protecting the privacy of our members and their transactions.

This section explains how company protect and use customer information in
safe, secure and responsible manner.
This document includes information about:

• Protecting information and making security of Information a priority.

• Collecting Information.
• Managing Information.
• Making sure the information is accurate.
• Honouring customers preferences.

LSRL protects the customer data by:

 Setting policies and procedures for carefully handling customer

 Limiting access to sensitive information;

 Protecting against unauthorised access to customer data using data

encryption, authentication and virus detection technology;
 Requiring service providers to comply with privacy laws;


LSRL collect and use various types of information to service customer accounts,
save customer time and money, better respond to customer needs, and manage
risk. Customer information shall be collected under the following categories:

Personally Identifiable Information or (PII):

Profiling Information:


All information shall be stored in a separate server placed in LSRL approved

premises. LSRL reserves the rights to hold its members’ data indefinitely.


LSRL may occasionally share its information with trusted third party data
processors to organise, process, clean & analyse its data to help them better
understand the trends and segments within their member base.

They shall use this information solely with the purpose of enhancing the value of
the program for the member base and to better tailor our offers to your specific
interests. All such third parties shall be under Non Disclosure agreements and
strictly bound to maintain the confidentiality of the information shared.

They intend to share data with their sponsors & advertisers in aggregate form,
but they will ensure that the Program is designed to make sure customers are not
identified personally to advertisers unless they make the choice to share their
Personal Identification Information directly with them.

Hence the advertisers shall be made aware of the segments and trends in the
database and can then route their customised messages through LSRL

Occasionally, customer may want to avail of services or offers that, by the very
terms, will require us to forward Information to the advertiser or partner so that
they can provide the service to you. Your permission for the same shall be
sought and we will require that these third parties comply with the Non disclosure
policies set forth in agreements with them.

In case of redemption offers requiring mailing of vouchers or gift items or

rewards to customer mailing address, LSRL shall have to part with customer
Personal Identification Information to the extent required, with the redemption
fulfilment vendor, for delivery of orders and gift certificates. As before, strict
compliance with Non Disclosure Agreement will be sought .

LSRL reserve the right to release information to local, state, or central law
enforcement officials when they believe in good faith that the law requires it, or
when required to, by order of a Court or authorised administrative agency.

LSRL Member Care department may contact customer in response to an inquiry

they submit. Member Care may also contact customer with regard to a particular

problem that may have occurred with their account or with an offer in which they
may have participated.

LSRL may use this information to learn more about customer participation in the
Program and make it more relevant to their interests.


LSRL website shall provide complete access to members on their account

details and points status. Members can access their profile details and update
the same on the website.


Aggregate Data:

LSRL do not provide any of customer PII to its advertisers. Because LSRL
contact customers on their behalf, they do not have access to customer PII
unless customer make the choice to share it with them.

It may share non-personally identifiable information collected via the Program in

aggregate (or grouped), anonymous form with advertisers or other third parties
so that they may better evaluate what products and services are most appealing
to different segments of its member base, but it do not disclose customer last
name, address, email address, or any other personally identifiable information to
these third parties unless customer give their express consent.

3.5 Anti-SPAM Policy:

Because email is an integral part of the Program, customer sign up to receive
email targeted to their interests at the time of enrolment. If they later decide their
wish to cease participation in this portion of the Program, they may do so at any
time by visiting Update Account Info and turning the email off. opting not to
receive email does not exempt them from receiving administrative emails, that
include but are not limited to, notices about vital program and membership status
changes or alterations to LSRLs Terms of Service.

Automatically Collected Information:

When customer log on to the I-mint website or use the I-mint card at a I-mint
Merchant, the server automatically recognizes them by their encrypted Member

This ID acts as a unique identifier, which allows us to recognize them and

authorize their transactions. It also allows LSRL to keep track of customer
activity on its site for crediting Points to their account.

This information may be added to their personal profile and used to target them
with offers and advertisements that are most relevant to their interests.

Data Verification and Supplementation:

Data verification involves the use of third-party data processing services to
standardize and clean customer provided enrolment information so that it is
easily identified and accessed in LSRLs database.

Data supplementation involves appending any publicly available information

about customer to their personal profile.

Guarding your own Information:

LSRL recommend that customer take the following precautions to guard against
the disclosure and unauthorized use of their account and personal information:

Update any changes in addresses immediately through the proper channel.

Report lost or stolen cards immediately.

Security of the Information :

LSRL maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect

customer information. Specific Employees only are authorized to access
Customer information for business purposes only. Its employees are bound by a
code of ethics that requires confidential treatment of customer information and
are subject to disciplinary action if they fail to follow this code.

Making sure the information is accurate:

It is in customer interest and it is LSRLs objective, for them to have accurate,

current and complete information concerning customer and their account.

LSRL have strict procedures that their employees abide by to meet this
objective. While some procedures are required by Central, state or RBI

They have implemented additional procedures to maintain accurate, correct and

complete financial information, including processes to update information and
remove outdated information. If customer believe that LSRL have incorrect
information about them or their accounts, customer should intimate LSRL.
They will correct any erroneous information as soon as possible.

3.6 Presence:-
In the following cities LSRL sale their product:

a) Bangalore
b) Mumbai
c) Hyderabad
d) Chennai
e) Delhi
Outlet service:
There outlet service of IMINT is in different form.

 ICICI bank
 HPCL outlets
 Lifestyle
 Indian
 Make my
 Airtel


IMINT loyalty card

Visibility involves all promotion strategies some of the poster,
barrower, pamphlets, outlet advertisement.

3.7 Program terms and conditions :

The terms and conditions explain the nature and scope of the relationship
between Loyalty Solutions & Research Limited “LSRL” (as owner and
management for the program) and a member of i-mint. the terms and conditions
cover limitations and exclusions on the liability of LSRL, i-mint and the i-mint

1 definitions

“affiliate” means and includes any company (a) which is the holding or
subsidiary company of LSRL or (b) a person under the control of or under
common control with LSRL, or (c) any person, in 50% or more of the voting
securities of which LSRL has a direct or beneficial interest or control.

“control” together with grammatical variations when used with respect to any
person, means the power to direct the management and policies of such person,
directly or indirectly, whether through the ownership of the vote carrying
securities, by contract or otherwise howsoever.

“LSRL” shall mean Loyalty Solutions & Research Limited and such expression
shall, unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof, include its
successors, assigns, representatives and transferees.

“customer” for this program means customers of LSRL and customers of group
companies of LSRL or any other person as may be decided by LSRL from time
to time.


i-mint means the i-mint customer rewards program, managed and operated by
LSRL offering benefits, facilities or arrangements to members by reason of their
membership into the program, whereby certain i-mint points are accumulated on
every earn activity made by members within i-mint network & such i-mint points
may be used by the member for redemption through the i-mint rewards catalog.

i-mint member means a customer as defined above, who is enrolled as a

member of i-mint holding a valid i-mint card. membership to this program is
governed by rules set by LSRL for this program and are subject to change.

i-mint membership account means the account where the member’s i-mint
points will be accumulated.

“primary member” is the member who owns the i-mint membership account and
controls all redemptions on it as well. card held by the primary member is known
as the ‘primary card’.

“add-on members” are additional cardholders on primary members’ account. a

primary member can issue cards to his immediate family. ‘immediate family’ is
limited to spouse, children, father, mother, brother and sister residing at the same
address as that of the primary member.

i-mint card means a i-mint customer rewards program card. this card shall be
the property of LSRL where a unique membership id is given to every member.

i-mint point is the unit currency for the program. members’ are awarded i-mint
points for earn activities within the network.

i-mint merchant means any or all of the present or future entities, merchants,
shops, departmental stores, airlines, hotels, restaurants, car rental companies
and other participating establishments, whether with online or offline presence, in
agreement with LSRL, where members can accumulate i-mint points for
purchase of goods and services.

i-mint network :means all the i-mint merchants and LSRL for the time being
taken as a whole.

“earn activity” means any activity, which results in accruing of i-mint points to a
member .

“redemption” means any activity, which results in exchange of i-mint points by a

member for i-mint rewards,

i-mint rewards catalog means the periodical rewards catalog issued by LSRL

for this program containing the particulars or rewards currently available in the
program and the number of i-mint points required for them.

i-mint rewards means the rewards issued by LSRL as enlisted in the i-mint
rewards catalog and/or as communicated from time to time.


• drenched in the United Colors of Benetton with these vouchers worth

Rs. 500 redeemable at all Benetton outlets. (1300 points)

• package tour to Hollywood including 2 nights/3 days stay, transportation,

Sony pictures studios highlight tour, movie stars' homes tours, the historic
Hollywood walking tour with live narration and return economy class
airfare. (1,41,300 points)

• make driving a more pleasurable experience with the KDC MP4026g

stereo music system from Kenwood with MP3 player and
• 4 speakers. (23,600 points )

• women's travel companion consisting of moisturizer, face wash, cleansers
and perfume. (1,000 points)

• prevention is better than cure. whole body check-up voucher worth Rs.
5,250. valid in all participating Apollo hospitals. (13,200 points )

• experience the buzz of racing at Danny's go-karting. (350 points )


The key to competitive success may lie in adding valued services and improving
their quality. The main service differentiators are ordering ease, delivery,
installation, customer training, customer consulting, and maintenance & repair .

Ordering ease: - It refers to how easy it is for the customer to place an order
with the company.

Delivery: - It refers to how well the product or services is delivered to the


Installation:-It refers to the work done to make a product operational in its

planed to location. Buyers of product heavy equipment expect good installation

Customer training: It refers to training the customer’s employed to use the

vendor equipment properly and efficiently.

Customer consulting: It refers to data, information systems and advising
services that the seller to buyers

Maintenance & repairs: It describes the service program for helping customers
keep purchased in good working order.

Table 1

1) How many customer walk-in to your outlet per day ?

Response Frequency
1000 44
>1000 15
<2000 26
<3000 15

44 the respondents feel that 1000 customers walk in to hpcl outlets per day
15 respondents feel that >1000 customers walk in to outlet/ day.
26 respondents feel that <2000 customers walk in to outlet/ day and
15 respondents feel that <3000 customers walk in to outlet/ day.

According to the above table most of the outlets having 1000 customers/day.


N u m b e r o f c u s to m e r s v is itin g th e
H P C L o u le t p e r d a y


F re q u e n c y
1 0 0 0 > 1 0 0 0> 2 0 0 0 > 3 0 0 0
R e sp o n se


2) Which type of customers are more ?

Response Frequency
2 Wheelers 50
3 wheelers 5
4 wheelers 30
Others 10


50 respondents feel that 2wheeler customers are more. 30 respondents feel

that 4 wheeler customers are more 5 respondents feel that 3 wheelers are
more and 10 respondents feel that others vehicles are more.

According to the above table 2 wheeler customers are more in hpcl outlets.

Graph 2


Table 3

3) How many of them enquire about I-Mint loyalty service card?

Response Frequency
All of them 15
Most of them 32
Few of them 44
None 9

15 respondents feel that all customer will prefer IMINT service.
32 respondents feel that most of them will prefer IMINT service
.44 respondents feel that very few customers will prefer IMINT service and 9
respondents feel that nobody will prefer IMINT service.

According to the above table very few customers are using the IMINT service.

Graph 3


All of them
Most of them
Few of them

Table 4

4) Do you have a swipe machine in your outlet?

Response Frequency
Yes 80
No 10

80 respondents feel that they are having swipe machine and 20 respondents
feel that they don’t have the swipe machine

From the above table most of the hpcl outlets have the swipe machine for
IMINT loyalty cards.

Graph 4


Table 5

5) What is the ratio of card customers to that of cash?

Response Frequency
Card 44
cash 56

44 respondents feel that they are having 44% of card customers and 56
respondents feel that they are having 56% cash customers.

From the above table most of the hpcl outlets have more cash customers
than card customers..

Graph 5


Table 6

6) how many customers use IMINT service in a day?

Response Frequency
>25 40
>50 20
>75 17
>(100) 23


40 respondents feel that >25 customers will use the service in a day. 20
respondents feel that >50 customers will use the service in a day .
17 respondents feel that >75customers will use the service in a day.
And 23 respondents feel that >100customers will use the service in a day.


According to the above table very few customers are using the IMINT service in a

Graph 6


Table 7

7) Do you think the number of customers walking into your outlet will
increase because of you promoting I-MINT cards?

Response Frequency
Yes 66
No 34


66 respondents say that number of customers will increase. And 34

respondents say that it does not affect the business.


According to the above table the number of customers will increase due to the
imint card service.

Graph 7



Table 8

8) Your feed back on sales of I-MINT loyalty cards through you?

Response Frequency
Positive 55

negative 22
Neutral 15
None 8


55 respondents given positive feedback towards IMINT cards. 22 respondents

have the negative feedback. 15 respondents are neutral and 8 respondents have
not given any feedback.


Most of the respondents have the positive feedback towards the sales of IMINT
loyalty cards.

Graph 8


Table 9

9) Are you trying to convert customers into IMINT card users?

Response Frequency
Yes 68
No 32


68 respondents feel that they are converting customers into IMINT card users
and 32 respondents says that because of time constraint they are not trying to
convert customers into IMINT card users.


From the above table most of the dealers are converting customers into IMINT
card users.

Graph 9


Table 10

10) How many cards do you sell in a month?

Response Frequency
>50 56
>100 20
>200 14
Not interested 10

56 respondents feel that they will sell less than 50 cards in a month. 20
respondents feel that they will sell less than 100 cards in a month.14
respondents feel that they will sell less than 200 cards in a month . and 10
respondents are not interested in selling the IMINT cards.

The above analysis shows that dealers are interested in selling the IMINT cards

Graph 10

Not interested

Table 11

11) What type of promotional activity would you suggest?

Response Frequency
Watch out arch 4
Road show 38
Merchandise 46
All 12


According to the above table 38 respondents feel that road show is better.
46 respondents suggest the merchandise. 4 respondents says watch out arch
should use and 4 respondents feels that all the above activities should use.


Most of the dealers suggest the merchandise promotional activity is better for
the promotion of IMINT loyalty cards.

Graph 11


Watch out arch
30 Road show
20 Merchandise


Table 12

12)According to you which is the most effective form of advertisement to

make customers walk in into your outlet for service.

Response Frequency
TV 42
Radio 36
Magazine 8
News paper 14

According to the above table 42 respondents feel that TV is better. 36
respondents feels radio advertisement is good. 8 respondents feel that giving ads
in magazine is good and 14 respondents says news papers are best sources for

Most of the dealers feel that TV is the most effective form of advertisement.

Graph 12

25 Radio
20 Magazine
News paper

Table 13

13) which is the main feature that a customer looks for while buying IMINT

Response Frequency
Quick service 18
Price 12
Benefits 52
All 18


According to the above table 18 respondents feel that customers looks quick
service. 12 respondents feels customers looks price while buying IMINT. 52
respondents says customers looks for benefits and 18 respondents says
customers looks all i.e quick service, price and benefits.

From the above analysis the customers looks for the benefits of the product while
purchasing .

Graph 13

features prefered by customers to
purchase I-MINT cards

Quick service

Table 14

14) your response towards the promotion of this product?

Response Frequency
Excellent 21
Very good 36

Average 27
Poor 16


According to the above table 21 respondents feel that promotion of IMINT card
is Excellent, 36 respondents says very good. 27 respondents feel that the
promotion of IMINT cards is Average and 16 respondents says it promotion of
this product is poor.


From the above analysis the promotion of IMINT loyalty cards is very good. But
still awareness has to be created by conducting certain programs in colleges,
road shows and promote the product,

Graph 14


Table 15

15) Do you know the benefits/rewards of IMINT loyalty card? (for staff)

Response Frequency
Yes 27
no 73


According to the above table respondents feel that they are not aware of IMINT
card benefits/rewards . 27 respondents says they are aware of IMINT card


According to the table the HPCL outlet staff has not aware of IMINT loyalty card
benefits and rewards.

Graph 15




 The HPCL outlet staff members are not aware of the product.

 The dealers are fairly happy with the IMINT service.

 Most of the dealers are not happy with overall promotion activities of the
company in relation to the product. starting when product is launched it was
very good .

 Some of the dealers feel that there is less advertising support provided by
the company.

 There are mainly two reasons for decreasing sales of IMINT loyalty cards.

a) Lack of awareness
b) Less advertisement

 I found that majority of the respondent are not aware of IMINT card benefits
/ rewards.

 It was found that some dealers feel that difficult to convince the customers
in order to sell the product.

 In some outlets the advertisement of the product is Excellent.

 Most of the outlets does not have any kind of cut outs, advertisement
banners, posters for IMINT loyalty cards.
Suggestions :

a) The distribution network of the product i.e. the number of outlets for selling
the IMINT cards has to be increased. this ensures more visibility of the

b) The company management should try and create product awareness
among the HPCL outlet dealers and staff members. the sense of belief in
the product has to be generated ,

c) The company should opt for a multichannel marketing system .as it service
for the benefit like increased market converge , lower channel cost and
customized selling .

d) company should appoint a sales person to sell the IMINT cards in HPCL
outlets. It helps to increase the sales.

e) Company should use different form of promotional activities like road show,
merchandise which helps in creating the product image.

f) Should give the awareness of the product through TV, news paper,
Magazines, Radio continuously.
g) Regular retailer / dealer representative meet should be organized to obtain
feedback from them. This would help the company formulated strategies
more suitable to the requirement of the market.
h) The quality, long use, reliability, image, reference have been top five
attribute in influencing the brand preference. So the company should
maintain and improve the brand image with the attributes of these factors.
i) The company should improve their quality of service for IMINT loyalty cards.
j) Customer relationship must be maintained

Conclusions :

A customer is always a king. every company to win the market

should understand its customer and satisfy, delight them in such way that it will
create a long term relationship between customer and company , a company can
considered such when all its customer are satisfied and happy .

The study deals with the sales towards IMINT loyalty cards
product of LSRL. The study helped to understand what are the different
promotional activates using by dealers and the company.

The study helped to understand few problems faced by dealers

such as less advertisements supported by the company, Lack of awareness
about the product.




 Philip kotler , marketing management eleventh edition.

 cp kothari , research methodology second edition 1990.
 Bulmer , marten ( ed ), sociological research method London; Macmillan,
 cooper r. Donald and Pamela schindler,
Business research method


Company profile:
Product profile :
Company broachers:


Respected Sir:

I am MBA student from Kristu Jayanti college .doing a project on the

“Sales of I_MINT loyalty cards through HPCL outlets in Bangalore city.”

This project is undertake as a part of of our curriculum and also fulfilling the the
university requirements. Request you to co-operate and fill the questionnaires
given below:

 Name:……………………………………………………………….

 Address:……………………………………………………………

 Phone number…………………………………………………….

 Email ID:……………………………………………………………

1) How many customers in your outlet Per day ?

1000 ( ) >1000 ( ) <2000 ( ) <3000( )

2) Which type of customers are more?

2 wheeler ( ) 3 wheeler ( ) 4 wheeler ( ) others ( )

3) How many of them enquire about I_MINT loyalty Card service?

None ( ) Few ( ) Most of them ( ) All of them ( )

4) Do you have swipe (EDC) machine for I_MINT card?

Yes ( ) No ( )

5) what is the ratio of cash and card customers?

Cash…………. Card……………..

6) If you have, then how many customers use this service in a day?

>25 ( ) >50 ( ), >75 ( ) >100( )

7) Do you think the number of customer walking in your outlet will increase,
because of you promoting I_MINT loyalty cards?

Yes ( ) No ( )

8) Your feedback on sales of “I_MINT loyalty cards “ through you?

Positive ( ) negative ( ) neutral ( ) none ( )

9) Are you trying to convert customers to I_MINT card users?

Yes ( ) No ( )
10) How many cards will you sell in a month?

>50 ( ) >100 ( ) >200( ) not interested( )

11) What type of promotional activity would you suggest?

Watch out arch ( ) Road show ( )

Merchandise ( ) All ( )

12) According to you which is the most effective form of advertisement to

make customers walks in into your outlet for service?

TV ( ) Radio ( )

Magazine ( ) News Paper ( )

13) Which is the main feature that a customer looks for while buying I_MINT

Quick service ( ) Price ( ) Benefits ( ) All( )

14) Your response towards the promotion of this Product?

Excellent ( ) very good ( )

Average ( ) Poor ( )


I take this opportunity to express my issues pleasure with deep sense of

gratitude to thank our principal Fr.Jose Kutty and Prof.A.M.Tatti of

management studies for intending their support is celebrating this project

work. Special thanks to Mr. Arun Kumar (Dean of MBA Dept)

I am great by indebted to MR. Sachin Tiwari who gave me permission for

conducting this project work in LSRL. I also thank Mr.Anand (external

guide LSRL) for his valuable guidance and support. Words are inadequate to

express my hearty and sincere thanks to hill of his enthusiastic

encouragement and valuable guidance is celebrating my project work


I also thank the entire staff of the company for providing information and

assistance. Especially Mr.Manju for his constant support throughout the

survey. I declare the privileged of thanking my internal guide Mr. Vinod

Joseph for his valuable suggestion and constant encouragement, which was

the service of inspiration and motivation game during the course of my

project work. I express my profound thanks to my parents and friends. last

but not least. I take this opportunity to thank each and every one of the

LSRL who were supported me.

Page number
1.1 introduction to research topic 02
1.2 theoretical background of the study 03
1.3 need and importance of the study 09


2.0 Brief Introduction 11

2.1 Statement of the problem 11
2.2 Review of Literature 12
2.3 Objective of the study 13
2.4 Scope of the study 13
2.5 Methodology 14
2.6 Sampling 16
2.7 Tools for data collection 17
2.8 Types of research 18
2.9 limitation of the study 19




List of the Tables:

No Content Pg no

4.1 Customers walk in per day in your outlet 43

4.2 Enquire about IMINT service 45

4.3 Which type of customers are more 47

4.4 Swipe machine for IMINT Cards Ratio of card and 49

cash customers

4.5 Ratio of card and cash customers 51

4.6 Customer use the service per day 53

4.7 Number of customers will increase because of you 55

promoting IMINT cards.

4.8 Feedback on sales of IMINT cards through you. 57

4.9 Are you trying to convert customers to IMINT card 59

4.10 How many cards will you sell in a month. 61

4.11 Which is the Most effective form of advertisement 63

4.12 Suggested promotional activity 65
4.13 Main features the customers looks for 67

4.14 Response towards the promotion of the product 69

4.15 Awareness of IMINT loyalty card 71

List of the Graph:

No Content Pg no

4.1 Customers walk in per day in your outlet 44

4.2 Enquire about IMINT service 46

4.3 Which type of customers are more 48

4.4 Swipe machine for IMINT Cards Ratio of card and 50

cash customers

4.5 Ratio of card and cash customers 52

4.6 Customer use the service per day 54

4.7 Number of customers will increase because of you 56

promoting IMINT cards.

4.8 Feedback on sales of IMINT cards through you. 58

4.9 Are you trying to convert customers to IMINT card 60

4.10 How many cards will you sell in a month. 62

4.11 Which is the Most effective form of advertisement 64

4.12 Suggested promotional activity 66

4.13 Main features the customers looks for 68

4.14 Response towards the promotion of the product 70

4.15 Awareness of IMINT loyalty card 72


This study is conducted at HPCL outlets in Bangalore city. The topic

of the study is sales of IMINT loyalty cards through hpcl outlets. The

main objective of the study is the total sales of IMINT loyalty cards

and its effectiveness. Marketing channel is an asset of interdepended

organization involved in the process of making product and service


In order to service the high competitive market place effective

distributaries channel need to be set up. The marketer should use

distribution channel to display the product and service to the layer or

user. The marketer also use services channel to carry out potential


The starting point of this study provided secondary data. The first

step to collect relevant information for the study to be conducted by

referring books, project report and internet .secondary data provided

enough information to resolve the problem being investigated.

Examining the available data. It helped to define the problem and

formulated hypothesis about its solution.

Questionnaire is the main instrument in collecting primary data. It

consists of set of question presented to HP outlet dealers and its staff


for their answer. Due to cost constrain sample size of this study was

taken as 100 respondents. From the study ,the current dealers are

not up to the mark.

The study deals with the sales towards IMINT loyalty

cards product of ICICI. The study helped to understand what are the

different promotional activates using by dealers and the company.

The company should try to create product awareness among the

dealers and representative of the product. So the sense of belief in

the product has to generate. And the company should opt for a multi

channel marketing system as its serves for the benefits like increased

market coverage, lower channel cost and customized selling.


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