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Transportation Research Part D 36 (2015) 167177

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The effect of road trafc noise on the prices of residential

property A case study of the polish city of Olsztyn
Agnieszka Szczepanska, Adam Senetra , Monika Wasilewicz-Pszczkowska
skiego 15, 10-724 Olsztyn, Poland
Department of Planning and Spatial Engineering, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Prawochen

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Available online 20 March 2015
Road trafc noise
Prices of residential property
Acoustic map

a b s t r a c t
The key factors that determine the prices of real estate are location, technical standard of
property as well as the local environment. In urban agglomerations, road trafc noise has a
considerable impact on the purchasing decisions made by apartment buyers. This is a
widespread problem in Central-Eastern Europe. The main objective of this study was to
verify the working hypothesis that apartment prices are correlated with trafc noise levels
in Olsztyn, the capital city of the Region of Warmia and Mazury in north-eastern Poland.
The study was carried out in four principal stages. Firstly, trafc noise intensity was
determined for apartments (objects of real estate transactions concluded in 2013), based
on an acoustic map for the city of Olsztyn. The map was developed in line with the provisions of Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June
2002 relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise. Secondly, the
values of the Noise Depreciation Sensitivity Index (NDSI) were calculated. NDSI determines
the percentage change in property prices per dB increase in noise levels. The distribution of
unit prices of apartments was mapped relative to noise levels, and the relationships
between the analyzed variables were assessed. Thirdly, linear correlations between the
unit prices of apartments and noise levels were analyzed. The strength and direction of
relationships between the analyzed parameters were determined based on Pearsons
correlation coefcient. In the last stage, the distribution of the unit prices of apartments
was mapped by ordinary kriging, a geostatistical estimation method. The research
hypothesis was conrmed by comparing the spatial distribution of trafc noise levels measured in stage 1 with the spatial distribution of apartment prices.
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

A landscape is generally regarded as a visual phenomenon, but local scenery can also be experienced with the involvement other senses: hearing, smell and even touch. This approach is referred to as multisensory landscape perception.
Research results indicate that the visual landscape is complemented by an acoustic landscape where visual experiences
are enhanced through sound. The acoustic environment is studied by various elds of science, including musicology, cultural
anthropology, physics and geography. The concept of a multisensory landscape emerged in the 1980s. In this approach, landscape is perceived not only as the visual reality, but also as the acoustic reality, where sound is an additional stimulus that
complements a sensory experience.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +48 895234948.
E-mail address: (A. Senetra).
1361-9209/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


ska et al. / Transportation Research Part D 36 (2015) 167177

A. Szczepan

Soundscape is a term that describes the acoustic environment. The concept was introduced by Schafer in the 1970s, and it
was fully explored in his book, The Tuning of the World, published in 1977. In his studies of soundscape evolution, Schafer
describes urban soundscapes as complex sonic environments and as cues about socio-cultural life throughout history
(Raimbault and Dubois, 2005). In line with a different approach, soundscape shall be dened tentatively as the totality
of sound phenomena that lead to a perceptual, esthetic and representational comprehension of the sonic world
(Augoyard et al., 1999). This denition of sound, an element of the local landscape, spurred research aiming to analyze various sound qualities. In this context, sound is most often associated with noise. Road trafc noise, in particular in an urban
setting, is recognized as one of the greatest annoyances in literature (Hedfors, 2003; Raimbault and Dubois, 2005; Yang and
Kang, 2005). Urban dwellers search for residential locations that are removed from sources of noise, mostly heavily traveled
highways, industrial plants and large retail outlets.
Trafc noise is regarded to be one of the main environmental problems in Europe. The achievement of a high level of
health and environmental protection is one of the objectives of European Union policy, and the relevant goals are outlined
in Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2002 relating to the assessment and management
of environmental noise. In the light of the above Directive, Member States are under obligation to monitor the acoustic
environment and develop protection programs for areas where noise levels exceed the allowable limits. In Poland, acoustic
maps are developed and updated pursuant to the provisions of environmental protection laws. The above measures support
assessment of exposure to noise, identication of noise sources and areas that are particularly susceptible to noise. Acoustic
maps combined with information about real estate prices provide reliable data for evaluating the effects on noise on transaction prices and real estate values.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the correlation between noise emissions and prices on the local real estate
market in Olsztyn, the capital city of the Region of Warmia and Mazury in north-eastern Poland. Two residential estates comprising apartment blocks were analyzed. The rst estate is situated in a downtown area characterized by high road trafc
intensity. The second estate is set remotely from the city center, but it is adjacent to a main transit corridor that connects
the downtown area with the largest housing districts.

Literature review
Urban centers have always been the main sources of noise pollution. Cities traditionally combine various types of human
activity and functions, and they are characterized by high population density. Throughout centuries, the expansion and
introduction of new urban functions and continued population growth created new sources of noise and increased noise
levels. Civilizational change contributes to growing levels of noise pollution in the environment. Most urban components,
including people, produce noise which makes up the citys acoustic landscape. The urban soundscape comprises background
noise, sounds produced by mechanical equipment, human activity and human presence, speech, communication and noises
of nature (Garrioch, 2003; Kang and Servign, 1999; Lebiedowska, 2005; Neudorf, 2009). The acoustic landscape has to be
analyzed in a broader context of different sensory experiences and our knowledge of the surrounding space (Botteldooren
et al., 2011; Raimbault and Dubois, 2005; Yang and Kang, 2005).
Some sounds which are an intrinsic element of the urban landscape are regarded as noise which is a source of annoyance.
The most common sources of urban noise are road trafc, rail trafc, air trafc and sites of industrial activity (De Coensel
et al., 2005; Dubois et al., 2006; Garrioch, 2003; Raimbault and Dubois, 2005).
Not all urban are perceived negatively, and some sounds have positive connotations and can contribute to the quality of
the urban soundscape. Sounds of nature and their sequences (melodies) lead to positive perceptions of space. They are an
important component of emotional experiences that create the atmosphere of a place (Bernat, 2011).
In a Polish study conducted with the use of a multiple choice questionnaire, the respondents favorite natural sounds were
chirping of birds (90.9%), gushing water (21.2%) and rustling of trees (24.2%). Unpleasant sounds included trafc and
machine noise (55.2% and 39.9%, respectively), urban noise (13.8%), followed by sounds of sudden weather phenomena,
shooting sounds, arguing, shouting, loud music, re engine and police car sirens (Kowalczyk, 2008).

Road trafc noise and its consequences

The urban environment is permeated by the noise of human activity, including trafc noise. Road trafc noise is caused by
two main factors: tire-pavement interactions and noise generated by a vehicles engine and exhaust system. According to
estimates, tire-pavement interactions are the main source of road trafc noise produced by passenger cars traveling at
speeds higher than 55 km/h and goods vehicles moving faster than 70 km/h (subject to vehicle weight, age and weather conditions). Noise levels, noise tolerance and the effect of noise on the human auditory system are determined by a combination
of factors. Noise levels higher than 55 dB can be a source of annoyance, and the allowable noise limit is set at 65 dB.
According to statistical data, around 250 million Europeans suffer from noise-related disturbances (Directive 2002/49/
EC...., 2002; OECD Environmental...., 2008).

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Road trafc noise has an adverse effect on the urban environment. It contributes to health problems, such as sleep disturbance and loss of productivity, but it also has adverse economic consequences by driving down the prices of real estate
(Papi and Halleman, 2004). The existing road networks rely on noise models developed for the contemporary vehicle eet
and current trafc intensity levels. Future models should account for noise emissions from new generation vehicles and
changes in road trafc intensity (Stead et al., 2012).
The Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the
Environmental Noise Directive (2011) indicates that noise pollution is often linked to urban areas. Its authors also observe
that noise exposure in Europe presents an increasing trend compared to other environmental stressors. The main driving
forces for environmental noise exposure are urbanization, growing demand for motorized transport and inefcient urban
planning. Noise pollution can disturb sleep, affect the cognitive function of school children, cause physiological stress reactions, cardiovascular disease and psychiatric disorders. Economic costs of noise pollution include devaluation in house prices
and productivity losses, whereas social costs are related to premature death or morbidity. The social cost of trafc, rail and
road noise across the European Union has been estimated at EUR 36 billion per year, most of which is related to passenger
cars and goods vehicles.
The economic consequences of noise pollution, namely the drop in real estate prices, are directly linked with social
aspects growing incidence of health problems in areas exposed to high levels of noise. This problem is most visible in
the housing sector where rest and recreation are very important functions.
Noise and real estate prices
In literature, the impact of noise on real estate prices is generally investigated in the housing sector. Most studies analyze
statistical correlations between changes in noise intensity and changes in real estate value. The majority of research focuses
on two sources of noise in the urban environment: air trafc noise resulting from the proximity of airports (Bell, 2001;
Collins and Evans, 1994; Marmolejo-Duarte, 2008; Marmolejo-Duarte and Roca-Cladera, 2008; Karanikolas et al., 2011;
Levesque, 1994; Nelson, 2008; Pennington et al., 1990) and road trafc noise (Bateman et al., 2001; Benoit and Lanoie,
2007; Blanco and Flindell, 2011; Brandt and Maennig, 2011; Carles et al., 1999; Karanikolas et al., 2011; Kim et al., 2007;
Nelson, 1982, 2008; Taylor et al., 1982; Wilhelmsson, 2000).
The Noise Sensitivity Depreciation Index (NSDI) is one of the most popular indicators for describing the impact of road
trafc noise on real estate prices. NSDI determines the percentage change in property prices per dB increase in noise levels
(Blanco and Flindell, 2011). NSDI is generally calculated with the use of direct methods such as the Hedonic Pricing (HP)
According to the State-Of-The-Art on Economic Valuation of Noise, the Final Report to the European Commission DG
Environment (Navrud, 2002), there are two main approaches to measuring the economic value of noise annoyance:
An economic value per decibel per year measured by the Noise Sensitivity Depreciation Index (NSDI), dened as the average percentage change in property prices per decibel.
An economic value per year per person (or household) annoyed by noise.
In a world-wide study of road trafc noise, NSDI was determined in the range of 0.082.22 per cent (Wilhelmsson, 2000;
Bateman et al., 2001; Bell, 2001; Navrud, 2002; Kim et al., 2007; Nelson, 2008; Marmolejo-Duarte and Gonzlez-Tamez,
2009; Brandt and Maennig, 2011; Blanco and Flindell, 2011).
The inuence of noise on property prices can also be evaluated by relying on the HP method to survey market participants preferences regarding improvements in environmental quality. The second indicator, willingness-to-pay (WTP) per
decibel per household per year, has been estimated in the range of EUR 7 per 10 dB reduction in noise levels to EUR 99
per 50 per cent drop in noise intensity (Feitelson et al., 1996; Navrud, 2002; Marmolejo-Duarte, 2008; Wardman and
Bristow, 2004; Nellthorp et al., 2007).
Both approaches can be used to describe the preferences of property market participants, but they differ in the type of the
analyzed preferences. The HP method is applied to evaluate revealed preferences: the consumers actual behaviors aimed at
the accumulation of market goods provide information about their choice of non-market commodities. This method relies on
statistical dependencies between the level of non-market goods (noise levels) and the value of market commodities (property price). The WTP method surveys declared preferences, and it is based on the consumers direct responses. Revealed preferences indicate the price that the consumers would be willing to pay for a given commodity or changes therein, such as a
reduction in noise levels. However, whereas a reduction in noise levels has an indisputable effect on house prices, the values
given by the above indices are characterized by signicant uncertainty.
It should be noted that noise also inuences rental rates on the market of residential property, but its effect is less profound than on the market of property intended for sale (Feitelson et al., 1996; Navrud, 2002). The above can probably be
attributed to temporal residence in rented property and the absence of a legal title to property.
Sociodemographic factors, including age, education, material status and level of environmental awareness in a household,
play an important role in property valuation. Those parameters shape consumer behaviors on the property market and inuence the prices of individual property (Wardman and Bristow, 2004; Nellthorp et al., 2007; Marmolejo-Duarte and GonzlezTamez, 2009).


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Fig. 1. Location of the research object. Map of Olsztyn analyzed sites. Source:

Acoustic mapping methodology

An acoustic map was developed for the city of Olsztyn in line with the provisions of Directive 2002/49/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2002 relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise. The cited
directive denes environmental noise as unwanted or harmful outdoor sound created by human activities, including noise
emitted by means of transport, road trafc, rail trafc, air trafc, and noise from sites of industrial activity. A strategic noise
map is dened as a map developed for the global assessment of noise exposure from different noise sources in a given area or
for overall predictions for a given area. European cities are also under obligation to develop acoustic maps pursuant to the
provisions of their respective national laws. In Poland, acoustic maps are regulated by the Environmental Protection Law
(2001). Managers of transport facilities have to measure noise levels and develop acoustic maps in areas where environmental noise limits are exceeded.
The following indicators are used to describe levels of environmental noise in an acoustic map [Regulation of the Minister
of the Environment. . .., 2012]:

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A. Szczepan


1. Lnight long-term indicator of average night-time noise, determined on every night of the year.
2. Lden long-term indicator of average noise level A, expressed in decibels, determined on every day of the year in view of
the time of day. This indicator is expressed by the below formula (1):

Lden 10 lg

12 0;1Lday
100;1Levening 5
100;1Lnight 10



Lday long-term indicator of average noise level A, expressed in decibels (dBA), determined during the day throughout the
year (from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.).
Levening long-term indicator of average noise level A, expressed in decibels (dBA), determined during the evening
throughout the year (from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.).
Lnight long-term indicator of average noise level A, expressed in decibels (dBA), determined during the night throughout
the year (from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.).
Indicator Lnight is one of the parameters used to calculate Lden, and it is the second indicator applied in the process of
designing acoustic maps.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment (2012), the maximum values of Lden are
set at 68 dB for road trafc noise in residential estates and 70 dB in downtown areas of cities with a population higher than
The long-term indicator of average noise level (Lden) for apartments was determined 4 m above ground along building
facades most exposed to road trafc noise in the following intervals of dBA values: 3045, 4650, 5155, 5660, 6165,
6670, 7175, 76100.
Description of the studied market
The effects of road trafc noise on real estate prices have been studied in Olsztyn, the capital city of the Region of Warmia
and Mazury in north-eastern Poland (Fig. 1). Olsztyn has a population of 200,000. Its suburban region comprises mostly single-family houses, and it stretches within a 20 km radius from the citys administrative boundaries. The suburban region has
an estimated population of 120,000, and most of its inhabitants commute to Olsztyn on a daily basis. Due to Olsztyns signicance as a regional center of economic activity, an absence of a ring road and the regions proximity to Russian and
Lithuanian borders and the Baltic Sea, the citys downtown districts are exposed to heavy transit trafc, including in the
direction of Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Belarus and Ukraine. Olsztyn is one of the main transport hubs leading to destinations
in eastern and north-eastern parts of Europe. Olsztyn has 242 km of paved roads per 100 km2. Population density is 1998
people per 1 km2.
Two residential estates comprising apartment buildings, which are characteristic of this part of Europe, were analyzed.
The Srdmiescie estate (Fig. 1) is exposed to high levels of road trafc which is generated mainly by goods vehicles traveling
between Central Europe and northern and north-eastern parts of the European continent (Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia,
Finland, Belarus, Ukraine). Some trafc routes intersecting Srdmiescie have the status of national transit roads (Fig. 1).
The second analyzed estate was Nagrki (Fig. 1) which is situated far from sources of road trafc noise. The main sources
of internal noise are local access roads and public transport vehicles. The road network in Nagrki comprises roads which do
not have the status of national transit roads (municipal roads from downtown Olsztyn to the largest residential estates in the
city) and local access roads (Fig. 1).
The analyzed estates are representative of the entire city. They are typical residential estates composed of homogeneous
apartment buildings. The estates differ in their location in the city and, consequently, their exposure to noise. They represent
different living standards in the same urban center.
Methodology and results
The study was carried out on the assumption that apartment buyers are guided in their purchasing decisions by the buildings location relative to the road. This assumption was made in view of the fact that one of the analyzed estates is situated in

Table 1
Linear correlation between unit prices of apartments and noise levels Srdmiescie residential estate.

Correlations (unit prices of apartments in EUR/m2 noise level in dBA); N = 79 correlation coefcients are
signicant at p < .05000


Unit price in EUR/m2

Noise level in dBA

Unit price in EUR/m2

Noise level in dBA





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Table 2
Linear correlation between unit prices of apartments and noise levels Nagrki residential estate.
Correlations (unit prices of apartments in EUR/m2 noise level in dBA); N = 39 correlation coefcients are
signicant at p < .05000


Unit price in EUR/m

Noise level in dBA



Unit price in EUR/m2

Noise level in dBA





Unit price of apartments in EUR/m2 = 1379.70 - 8.54 * x


Unit price in EUR/m2










Noise level in dBA

Fig. 2. Distribution of unit prices of apartments relative to noise levels Srdmiescie residential estate.

downtown Olsztyn where road trafc intensity is very high. The second estate is bounded by municipal roads which lead
from central Olsztyn to the largest residential estates in the city. The levels of road trafc noise increase signicantly during
rush hours.
Data relating to 118 apartment transactions conducted between January and December 2013 was analyzed in this study.
To unify experimental samples and eliminate other price-shaping factors, the analyzed data was sorted to produce transactions concerning apartments with the same legal status, apartments in buildings erected based on the same construction
technology and in similar condition, apartments with similar area, situated in distinct housing estates. The one of the differentiating factor was location relative to a road. Signicant variations in real estate prices resulting from changes in market
supply and demand were not observed in the analyzed period, the time trend in prices reached 0%. Unit prices per square
meter are expressed in EUR based on the average EUR/PLN exchange rate quoted by the National Bank of Poland as at 23
December 2013 (EUR 1 = PLN 4.1638). The analyzed prices ranged from EUR 7271128/m2, and the average unit price
was determined at EUR 895/m2.
The study was carried out in four principal stages:

Unit price of apartments in EUR/m2 = 1191.18 - 6.11 * x


Unit price in EUR/m2








Noise level in dBA

Fig. 3. Distribution of unit prices of apartments relative to noise levels Nagrki residential estate.

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Fig. 4. Distribution of unit prices of apartments in the Srdmiescie residential estate.

1. Noise levels in buildings were determined based on the acoustic map of Olsztyn. The data shown in Figs. 5 and 7 indicates
that the main roads generate very high levels of noise. In selected buildings of the Srdmiescie estate, noise levels were as
high as 7175 dBA. In Nagrki, maximum noise levels were determined in the range of 6165 dBA. The above ndings
indicate that transit trafc generates higher levels of noise than local trafc.
2. The distribution of unit prices of apartments was mapped relative to noise levels. The data shown in Figs. 2 and 3 indicates that apartment prices decrease with a rise in noise pollution. In Srdmiescie (Fig. 2), apartment prices increased by
EUR 8.54/m2 per 1 dBA decrease in noise levels. In Nagrki (Fig. 3), a 1 dBA drop in noise levels increased apartment prices
by EUR 6.11/m2. NSDI was determined at 0.94% in the Srdmiescie and at 0.70% in the Nagrki residential estate. The
above NSDI values are consistent with those reported in other studies (see Section 4), and indicate that apartment prices
are affected by trafc noise levels.
3. Linear correlations between unit prices of apartments and noise levels were analyzed. A statistical correlation between a
dependent variable (unit prices of an apartment) and an independent variable (noise level) was determined by Pearsons
linear correlation analysis. Pearsons correlation coefcient is a measure of the strength of a linear relationship between


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Fig. 5. Acoustic map of Olsztyn Srdmiescie. Source:

two variables. Its absolute value indicates the strength of a correlation between the analyzed parameters. The direction of
that relationship is described by the sign of the correlation coefcient (+ or ). In the discussed study, Pearsons correlation coefcients were determined at 0.61 for the Srdmiescie estate (Table 1) and 0.51 for the Nagrki estate (Table 2).
Those results point to correlations between the investigated attributes. A negative value of the correlation coefcient
indicates that the examined correlation is inversely proportional, meaning that unit prices of apartments decrease with
an increase in noise levels.
4. The distribution of unit prices of apartments was mapped (Figs. 4 and 6) by ordinary kriging. Isoline interpolation tools
available in ArcGIS 10 software were used. Geographic Information Systems and the relevant applications feature
advanced tools for analyzing, visualizing and managing spatial data. Kriging is a geostatistical estimation method which
accurately estimates the values of the analyzed variables. Kriging estimates are assumed to be a weighted, linear
combination of random regionalized variables. The following value is a kriging estimator represented by a random function Z(si) (2):

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Fig. 6. Distribution of unit prices of apartments Nagrki residential estate.

Z  s0

wi Zsi


where: Z(s0) estimated value in location s0. Z(si) observed value of the analyzed variable in location si. wi kriging
weights (calculated on the assumption of minimum error variance; the sum of weights has to be equal to 1).
The weights are calculated on the assumption of minimum variance is estimation errors. In ordinary kriging, the sum of
weights has to be equal to one. The use of kriging methods in analyses of price distribution on the real estate market is
widely discussed in literature (Bourassa et al., 2007; Pez, 2009).
In the Srdmiescie estate, the lowest prices (Fig. 4) were reported for apartments exposed to high levels of noise (Fig. 5)
and situated along a national transit road. A similar situation was encountered in the Nagrki estate, where apartments situated along the municipal transport corridor and the major access road, the main sources of noise in the analyzed estate
(Fig. 7), fetched the lowest prices (Fig. 6). Higher prices were quoted for apartments situated inside the estate where noise
levels are considerably lower. The national transit road was a considerable source of noise, and apartments located in its
immediate proximity were characterized by the lowest prices in Srdmiescie (EUR 727/m2). By comparison, the lowest price
in Nagrki was lower at EUR 736/m2. A trend was observed with regard to maximum apartment prices which reached EUR
1128/m2 in Srdmiescie and EUR 1090/m2 in Nagrki. The difference between maximum and minimum prices was signicantly higher in the estate adjacent to the national transit road (EUR 401/m2). In the estate bordering the municipal transport
corridor, the above difference was only EUR 354/m2. The above disproportions clearly indicate that the Srdmiescie estate is
exposed to much higher noise levels, and this weakness is not compensated by its convenient downtown location. It should
be noted, however, that the maximum prices of apartments situated further away from sources of noise in the Srdmiescie
estate were higher than those in Nagrki (difference of EUR 38/m2), which is a characteristic trend in downtown locations.
Maps illustrating the distribution of unit prices of apartments (Figs. 4 and 6) indicate that noise exposure has a negative
effect on apartment prices in the analyzed estates.


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Fig. 7. Acoustic map of Olsztyn Nagrki residential estate. Source:

The differences in the values of the Pearsons correlation coefcient between two estates indicate that the signicance of
noise levels varies in different parts of the city. The above could be attributed to differences in buyers sociodemographic
characteristics (income, age), differences in location, exposure to noise (one of the key determinants of property value)
and local attributes (Feitelson et al., 1996; Wardman and Bristow, 2004).
The article presents the results of the rst stage of research. The next analysis, in the same analyzed site, will be carried
out after putting into use the ring road. The works on the Olsztyns ring road began in 2014.
The results of this study indicate that noise pollution is an important determinant of real estate prices. Acoustic maps
developed for large cities in the European Union are an abundant source of analytical data. GIS tools were used in this study
to identify the correlations between road trafc noise and prices on the local real estate market based on the spatial distribution of noise sources and apartment prices.
The presented isoline maps are a rich source of information about the spatial distribution of environmental factors such
as road trafc noise and industrial noise. Isoline maps help urban planners to minimize the annoyances experienced by big
city residents. They support the implementation of various planning and legislative measures to prevent real estate devaluation, including the introduction of restrictions on the construction and expansion of residential estates in areas most
exposed to trafc noise.
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