MegaMan Zero 3 (BR)

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by DominicanZero
GameBoy Advance
JP Release date:
April 24th, 2004
EUR Release date:
September 3rd, 2004
US Release date:
October 5th, 2004
Current FAQ Version: 2.25
First FAQ Release:
May 6th, 2004
Latest FAQ Release: November 1st, 2004
Copyright 2004 Fernando "DominicanZero" Bordas
AKA "NightshadeZero". All rights reserved.




This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne
Copyright Convention of 1976. It is for private and personal
use only--it cannot be reprinted in part or in whole, or
reproduced in any way or in any form (written or otherwise).
It is a free document that cannot be used in any sort of
commercial transaction, including selling it or giving it away
as a gift. This FAQ cannot be referenced, altered, or used by
anybody (including webmasters, publishers, and magazine staff)
without my express written permission. This FAQ was created
and is owned by me, Fernando Bordas (DominicanZero). I can be
contacted at <dominicanzero (at) gmail (dot) com>. It can be
found exclusively at GameFAQs (, The
MegaMan Network (, and Planet
MegaMan (
All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected
that are not specifically mentioned herein.
This disclaimer is the creation of Kao Megura, and is used with
permission from the original author. May God let his soul rest
in eternal peace.

The guide has a built in search system, to make it easier
locating the exact spot you're stuck in. To look for any section,
simply look in the Table of Contents the name of the
corresponding title, press Ctrl+F (or its equivalent in other
OS's other than Windows), then enter the Section ID (the number
or letter preceding the section title) and a space, then enter
the section name in all caps, and make sure the "Match Case"
checkbox is checked. It'll take you immediately to the section
you want to read. For example:
-Looking for the game story?
Search for "IV. STORY", without the quotes.
-Looking for the walkthrough for Cactank's stage?
Search for "12. GLACIER LE CACTANK", without the quotes.
-Looking for Zero's minigame?
Search for "a. ZERO", without the quotes.
And so on and so forth. Remember to check the "Match case"
checkbox to make sure you get pointed to the right place. Keep
this in mind to ease navigation of the guide in general, and

enjoy your game. ^_^


Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Revision / Update History
III. Controls
a) Controller Configuration
b) The Weapons
IV. Story
V. Miscellaneous tips / advice before starting the game
VI. The New Systems
1) Secret Disks
2) Cyber Space
3) Armor Chips
VII. Walkthrough (stages by boss name)
01. Omega, Part 1
00. The Resistance Base
02. Childre Inarabitta
03. Devilbat Schilt
04. Blazin' Flizard
05. Deathtanz Mantisk
06. Baby Elves, Part 1
07. Anubis Necromancess V
08. Hanumachine R
09. Blizzack Stagroff R
10. Copy X mk-II
11. Cubit Foxter
12. Glacier Le Cactank
13. Tretista Kelverian
14. Volteel Biblio
15. Baby Elves, Part 2
16. Omega, Part 2 (FINAL STAGE)
17. Final Boss Fights
VIII. The EX Techniques
IX. Complete Secret Disks list with stage they're found in
X. Cyber Elves and their Effects
a.- Nurse Elves
b.- Animal Elves
c.- Hacker Elves
d.- Miscellaneous Data About Cyber Elves
XI. Secrets
001. Minigames (explanation & how to unlock them)
a. Zero
b. Ciel
c. Copy X
d. Harpuia
e. Fefnir
f. Leviathan
g. Phantom
002. Alternate Gameplay Modes
003. Battle Network Viruses and Z-Saber Battle Chip
XII. Extra Stuff
XIII. CodeBreaker Codes
1- Japanese Version

2- European Version
3- American Version
XIV. Frequently Asked Questions
XV. User Feedback and Questions
XVI. Acknowledgements
XVII. Resources and additional help
XVIII. Contact Information

Hi there, and welcome. DominicanZero's the name, MegaMan Zero 3's the
game (damn... that sounded a lot better when I thought of it =p). This
is my first FAQ, which will attempt to be one of, if not THE, most
complete RMZ3 FAQ out there. I've been playing the Rockman/MegaMan
series since I was a little 6 year old toddler, and well, now I'm 20,
and am still in love with the series. After 15 years of ups and downs,
this game proves that the Rockman games are still kicking. ;)
MegaMan Zero 3 is the third (duh!) game in the latest addition to the
MegaMan games. Like its predecessors, the main features of this game
are the high (although not as high) difficulty, the innovative bosses,
classic addictive gameplay, and unique character design. This game is
extremely likely to be the best one in the series, and when the
japanese version came out and it was all I had, man, I wish you could
have seen me playing that thing madly, but not understanding a single
crap of what everyone was saying there. =p But this is enough chatter.
I won't take any more of your time with flashy stories or something, so
let's get right down to business. =)

May 3rd, 2004:
Began writing the FAQ.
Version 0.1
May 5th, 2004:
Version 0.2

First versions of several sections finished. Added

the full CodeBreaker codes list. Completed the actual
walkthrough up to Childre Inarabitta.

May 6th, 2004:

Version 0.22

Added more content to several sections. Walkthrough

completed up to Deathtanz Mantisk.

May 7th, 2004:

Version 0.4

More content and new section added, existing content

revamped. Walkthrough complete up until Copy X MK-II.

May 9th, 2004:

Version 0.65

Even more content added, as well as a new section,

"Additional Help and Resources". Walkthrough complete
up until Cubit Foxter. Several bad things have been
happening at home, which may delay further updates.

May 12th, 2004:

Guide complete up to the second Baby Elves stage.

Version 0.8

Only missing the final stage of the game. Secret

Disks List currently being worked on, organized in
numerical order.

May 13th, 2004:

Version 0.91

Final stage finished. Missing the full Secret Disks

Locations List, in numerical order. Currently working
on it.

May 14th, 2004:

Version 1.0

UNTIL FINALLY!!!! XD First truly complete version of

the damn thing. =p From now on, further updates will
only be for additional content that I may consider
appropriate to be added. ^_^ Enjoy! =D
(Extra Special Thanks go to Fireman from the Planet
MegaMan forums for translating some final data to
make this guide truly complete!! XD)

May 17th, 2004:

Version 1.05

Added a new section with extra stuff found in the

game, as well as the actual translations for the EX
Techs' names, and the corresponding credit info for
those tidbits.

Sept. 4th, 2004: Added some new tidbits of english info gotten from
Version 1.2
the translated European release of the game. The
guide itself has been corrected at many points, and
the sections are being carefully reviewed now that
there's an english release.
Sept. 11th, 2004: Major overhaul to the guide. New section added, old
Version 1.3
sections revamped, all names translated (if not all,
at least most). Secret Disks Database translated and
transcripted directly from the game, and Cyber Elf
Listing complete only on Nurse Elves section.
Sept. 12th, 2004: Completed the Cyber Elf Listing. So far, everything's
Version 1.4
complete, and I'm only waiting for the US version to
come out to make any final changes needed, and
declare the final version of this guide.
Added the guidelines to use the built-in search
engine in the guide.
Oct. 30th, 2004: Well, seems you guys were all over me with getting
Version 2.0
this thing updated, huh. =p I have finally decided
to get off my lazy ass to update this monster, so yay
and stuff. =p
More specifically, a new section under the Cyber
Elves are has been added, general and overall
spellchecking done, new comments here and there, name
changes/translations fixed, and well, basically minor
updates to most of the sections.
Also, the ASCII art at the top has been changed to
reflect the multi-version nature of the FAQ, since
in its three incarnations (Japanese, European and
Stateside) the game is basically the same, aside from
text translations from zone to zone.
Nov. 1st, 2004:
Version 2.2

Changed a little formatting here and there. As well,

stage order both in the index and in the actual guide
has been reordered to match exactly the order of the
game. Some notes have been added here and there, some
text reformatted as well. Finally got ahold of the

American version CodeBreaker codes (thanks Helder!).

Further spellchecking everywhere (I don't see any
more mistakes, but if you do, email me immediately
so I can correct it ASAP).
Nov. 11th, 2004: Added a tiny bit of info I missed in the previous
Version 2.25
updates, about the link capabilities between this
game and MegaMan Battle Network 4 (both versions).
Dec. 24th, 2004: Added a new section, and did some minor corrections
Version 3.0
on the Secret Disks Data listing.

----------------------------------------------------------------------III. CONTROLS
Pause the game, and press either R or L twice to bring up the
Controller Configuration Menu. The upper configuration is the
General Controller Configuration, and the lower one is the
Sub-Weapon Use Configuration.
Default Controls:
-A Button
---Confirm a choice in menus
-B Button
---Cancel a choice in menus
---Unpause the game
-Start Button
---Pause/Unpause the game
---Confirm a choice in the main menu
---Skip cutscenes (once you've already seen them)
-Select Button
---None that I know of
-L Button
---Switch screens to the left in the Pause menu
-R Button
---Hold to use Sub-Weapon
---Switch screens to the right in the Pause menu
-Directional Pad:
---Move the cursor in menus

---Move Zero
---Press UP to enter doors
---Press UP to talk to people and/or use computers
Recommended Controls:
-General configuration: Set B
---L Button: Sub-Weapon
---R Button: Dash
-Sub-Weapon Configuration: Set C
---Sub-Weapon Button: TOGGLE Sub-Weapon (It's easier to play
this way instead of having to hold the
button when you need to use the
All weapons become elemental powered if you have the corresponding
elemental chip equipped when using the max charge attack.
Your basic long range weapon. Can be charged to two levels.
Your basic close combat weapon. Can be charged for a devastating
attack. Can also perform a three slash combo. While in the Cyber
Space, this weapon gains several new abilities, such as a
spinning dashing slash, spinning jumping slash and an upwards
finishing slash for your three slash combo (this is only if you
have actually acquired the Cyber Elves that give you those
-Shield Boomerang
Somewhat useless, this weapon protects you from incoming enemy
shots. This is really useful when you're in a bind with many
enemies all around shooting at you, since the reflected shots
will damage them. Other than that, without the corresponding EX
Techniques, this weapon is pretty much useless.
-Recoil Rod
The new weapon in the game, I couldn't believe my eyes when I
found out how useful this damn thing is. It allows you to do two
useful new tricks: Pushing enemies (charge the attack, then
release against an enemy), and extend your jump height (charge,
then hold down and release; kinda like a pogo jump). Another good
thing about this weapon is the fact that it can attack in three
different directions: forwards, diagonally upwards, and
diagonally downwards. When charged, you can attack straight
forward, straight up, and straight down. This is useful to take
out enemies from below walls and similarly complicated terrain.
Also, you can use this trick while dashing to make a dashing
super jump; use this to your advantage whenever you can.

----------------------------------------------------------------------END CONTROLS

From the game itself:
"The legendary Reploid Zero awoke from a long slumber...
With Ciel's Resistance he defeated Copy X, the ruler of Neo Arcadia.

The terror of the Neo Arcadian regime ended,

but the energy shortage remained a constant problem.

Ciel devoted herself to researching new forms of energy.

And Elpizo became the newly appointed Resistance leader.

However, overcome by his desire for power,

Elpizo awakened the Dark Elf, whose magic had once nearly destroyed
the world.

Elpizo, thirsting for the power of the Dark Elf, lost sight of his
true duty,
and was finally defeated after a fierce battle.
However, the Dark Elf fled, her destination unknown...

The battle over the Dark Elf had only just begun..."
Two months have gone by after the events depicted in the previous game,
and Neo Arcadia has calmed down their pressure activities towards the
Resistance. One day, a strange ship crashed somewhere out there, and
the Resistance members noticed amazed that the energy readings given
off were strikingly similar to those of the Dark Elf...
Zero, Ciel, and a couple of Resistance members set off in order to
investigate this extraordinary finding...


-The first most noticeable difference compared to its prequels is the
fact that you can charge your weapons from the very start of the
game. Use this to your advantage.
-In case you were too dense to understand what I meant in the
previous line: you don't have to level up your weapons anymore; the
game doesn't need you to, as you have all your charging abilities
right from the start, and the others must be acquired through Cyber
-Even though I mentioned this already, it's highly recommended that
at the start of the game you change your button configuration so you
dash with the R button, and use the Sub-Weapon with the L button, as
well as changing the Sub-Weapon use configuration so the button
TOGGLES the weapon on and off, instead of having to hold it to use
the weapon.
-I also say something around these lines later in the FAQ, but every
time you complete a mission, hang around the Resistance Base for a
while, and talk to everyone several times. More than once, you'll
receive a Secret Disk, or be asked a series of questions in order to
be awarded a Secret Disk.
-The Recoil Rod, despite the strange name, is one of the most useful
weapons I've used. I prefer to keep the Z-Saber as my permanent main
weapon, and the Rod as the almost permanent Sub-Weapon. Believe me,
it'll save your life more than once. ;)
-In all stages, there are only 10 Secret Disks. It's a good thing to
always check at the end of a stage how many you got, so you can tell
if you missed some, and go back to the stage to get them.
-The Resistance Base holds 20 Secret Disks, that can be acquired at
different times and after different events throughout the game.
-As in the previous installment, EX Techs can only be acquired when
your Rank is high enough (A or S). Your Rank is lowered whenever you
use Fusion Elves (those with an F beside their names), lose too much
time in the mission, fail to complete the Mission Objective, or lose
any lives during a Mission. Notice that the usage of Fusion Elves
implies a permanent loss of points throughout the rest of the game
missions, so in the end (as always), it's your call whether to use
them or not.
-Cyber Space may look kewl, but it drastically lowers your rank
(can't stress it enough). Only use it if you have already visited
the level, or if you don't mind not getting the EX Tech of the NEXT
Boss. (The current one depends on your current rank.)
-The difficulty has been severely toned down from the previous
two installments, while maintaining a decent and challenging level.
So if you conquered the previous games, this one will be relatively
easy to adapt and master. Also, if you still feel weak, and are
willing to accept the consequences, you can enter Cyber Space to
have all of your possible abilities active at once without killing
your elves.
-Boxes scattered around the levels, when not explicitly said that
they contain Secret Disks, can have either Energy Crystals or Energy

Refills in either size (large or small). Full Life Refills are never
found in these boxes, so don't hold yer breath. =p
-The Command Room Talk Menu is as follows, for those who have the
japanese version of the game:
+-Speak to the Operators
| +-Start Mission
| | +-Opens up Boss Select Menu (if applicable)
| |
| +-Revisit Cleared Stage
+-Derelict Spacecraft
+-Childre Inarabitta
+-Devilbat Schilt
+-Blazin' Flizard
+-Deathtanz Mantisk
+-Baby Elves' Stage 1
+-Anubis Necromancess V
+-Hanumachine R
+-Blizzack Stagroff R
+-Copy X mk-II's Neo Arcadia
+-Cubit Foxter
+-Glacier Le Cactank
+-Volteel Biblio
+-Tritesta Kelverian
+-Baby Elves' Stage 2
+-Speak to Ciel
+-Manage Data
| +-Save Game
| +-Load Game
| +-Erase Game
-As you finish levels, they'll appear in the Revisit Cleared Stage
menu in the exact same order as depicted above. So just figure out
which stages you haven't cleared, and make your own list, which will
be increasing in size as you clear stages.
-Once you clear a stage, you can always go back and revisit it
whenever you feel like it. Also note that once a stage has been
cleared, you can visit its Cyber Space counterpart with no penalties
whatsoever. Use this knowledge to easily fill up your SubTanks and
Energy Crystal reserves on any stage you've already cleared.
-In Cyber Space, enemies killed will drop goodies at a higher rate
than in the real world. Combine this with the previous tip to fill
up your reserve supplies before tackling a difficult stage / boss.
-In Cyber Space, you do NOT get ANY Secret Disks from enemies, so if
you want to fill up your database, you'll have to go back to the
real world and kill enemies there to get the Disks.
-Should the case arise that you're going for a speed run, I suggest
forgetting about the hard-to-get Secret Disks on the first trip
through a stage: they only make you waste valuable time. Skip 'em
and go back for them after you finish the stage.

1) Secret Disks
This game introduces the new Secret Disk system. Throughout the
levels you will find items similar in appearance to data chips.
These are called Secret Disks. They're the new way to acquire most
of your upgrades in the game, as well as obtain information about
various characters and events as well. There are 10 Secret Disks
scattered throughout each level, which added to 20 more found in
the Resistance Base during various events, add up to the complete
180 Secret Disks database. The database divides into various kinds
of Disks:
-----------------------------------------------------------------Armor Upgrades
They usually contain Armor-related chips.
Information about various events in the
-----------------------------------------------------------------Cyber Elf Disks
Pretty self-explanatory.
Enemies Bios
Pretty self-explanatory as well.
-----------------------------------------------------------------Major Characters
Do I need to say it again? =p
-----------------------------------------------------------------Which means that each and every single Cyber Elf you get in the
game is acquired through a Secret Disk. To keep track of your
current database status, you can talk to Cerveau (the scientist
reploid in the Lab) and choose the first option. Find them all and
you can unlock a new gameplay mode... But this will be discussed
in the Secrets section. ;D
For the sake of organization, I will be using the Secret Disk code
preceded by a C ("Chip") so you can do a quick search of any
Secret Disk you might be missing (i.e. search for C006, and you'll
see where it's located).
2) Cyber Space
Another major addition in the game. Scattered throughout the
levels are blueish transparent doors. When walked through, you'll
be taken to the Cyber Space of that area. There's not too much
difference compared to the real world, other than the overall
stage appearance becomes green tinted (Matrix, anyone? =p) and all
the elves you have collected so far become active, with the slight
feature that they do not die (after all, you're in a computerized
area =p). Basically, as my friend SilverLimit put it, it makes you
a powerhouse with all the abilities you can have. Note that when
counting towards stage score, entering the Cyber World drastically
lowers your score, since all of your elves become automatically
used. The game justifies these doors as being portals opened into
Cyber Space because of the energy disruptions created by the power
of the Dark Elf. >.<
3) Armor

third major addition to the game. This system works similar to
elemental chips system used in previous games. Once you unlock
Armor chips, you gain several new abilities. There are three

kinds: Helmet, Armor and Boot Chips. Explanations are as follows:

----------------------------------------------------------------->Helmets, from left to right:
-Helmet with
little rays:
Quick Charge
-Helmet with
little balls:
-Helmet with
little dashes
beside it:

Auto Charge

Auto heal / Stand still to automatically

heal yourself

-Helmet with
nothing special:
Normal Helmet
----------------------------------------------------------------->Armors, clockwise from the top left:
-Gray Jacket:
Resistance Armor / You won't get pushed
back when attacked
-Winged Jacket:

All Terrain Armor / Allows you to walk on

damaged and unstable terrain without

-Red Jacket:

Normal Armor

-Fire Icon:

Fire Armor / Your charged attacks and some

EX Techs become Fire powered

-Ice Icon:

Ice Armor / Your charged attacks and some

EX Tecks become Ice powered
-Thunder Icon:
Thunder Armor / Your charged attacks and
some EX Techs become powered with
----------------------------------------------------------------->Boots, clockwise from the top left:
-Dashing Skates:
Shadow Dash / Allows you to dash right
through most enemies without taking damage
-Hopping Arrow:
-Hopping Arrow
with Waves:

Double Jump / Pretty self-explanatory =p

Water Hop / Allws you to hop in the surface
of the water; you can do this as many times
as you like

-Red Boots:

Normal Boots

-Blurred Boot:

Speedster / Increases your running speed

-Boot on Ice:

Spiked Boots / Walk on ice without slipping

-Boot on a Wall:

Slow Slide / Decreases your sliding speed

while clinging to walls

-Boot with a
Golden Outline:

Ultima Foot / Has the abilities of all the

other boot chips; refer to the Baby Elves 2
stage guide to find out how to acquire

Secret Disk #006 (this Secret Disk contains

this boot chip)

----------------------------------------------------------------------VII. WALKTHROUGH
Since every time you complete a mission you go back to the Base,
although I listed it as a single entry in the table of contents,
I'll put it whenever applicable after each mission, and give you
specific guidelines to get the newly unlocked Secret Disks.
Also, although this guide lists the stages in a pretty specific
order, you can go by them in any way you want and just use the
stage's references and guidelines to clear it (note that some of
them will need several upgrades that you will possibly not have
at the time, should you decide to break this order; this means
that you'll have to revisit the stage at some point). I made this
guide trying to revisit as few stages as possible, and so far,
I only revisit one, even though if you have enough skill, you
actually don't need to do so. More details later. =p
Now, let the fun begin. ;D
Secret Disks:
-C007 -C024 -C037 -C050 -C101
-C111 -C133 -C140 -C156 -C158
Start off by moving forward and destroying the Iceberg-like
enemies on your path. Note that the fifth one is prone to
dropping a Secret Disk (C133). After collecting it, climb the
cliff and look out for two bunny-like enemies that crawl under
the snow. Destroy them both, and one of them will probably drop
a Secret Disk (C140). Then, fall off the pit, and enter the
secret room to the left to collect another Secret Disk (C024).
Climb again and continue forward.
After the cutscene plays, move onwards. Quickly destroy the ice

cubes, then blow up the bat like enemy and climb onto the next
platform, then Dash Jump back to collect another Secret Disk
(C037). Continue onwards destroying the ice cubes if they
bother you too much =p as well as the Pantheon Droids (those
X-lookalikes). After climbing to the upper floor, there's a
Full Energy Refill on a platform to the right. Blow the ice
cubes, and wait for the shielded enemy to come forth. As soon
as he opens his shield, destroy it. Advance a little, and do
the same with another shielded enemy. Move to the right some
more, and you'll see many ice cubes falling. Destroy ONLY THE
FIRST ONE (else it'll be impossible to go up), and climb up
there to find another Secret Disk (C050) and an Energy Crystal.
Drop down, then continue to the next floor. Dodge/destroy the
bat enemy, then climb yet again to another floor (destroy the
box on your way for an Energy Crystal). Two shielded enemies
await you. Destroy them, one of them will probably drop Secret
Disk C158. After that, Dash Jump to the right to grab another
Secret Disk (C101). Destroy the box for a small energy refill,
then continue onwards. As soon as you see another bat enemy,
quickly destroy it to (probably) receive another Secret Disk
(C156). Destroy then the box to your right for Secret Disk C111
and climb up. During the climbing, you'll notice a small ledge
to the right, Dash Jump to it and destroy the box on it to
receive the stage's last Secret Disk (C007). Jump back to the
opposite wall, and climb up to where the Pantheon soldier is
shooting (be careful when jumping). The next few steps are just
jumping three small floors like that while blowing up another
bat and another Pantheon, then the Boss Fight.
-Energy Balls: He fires three balls from his !
mouth, in two patterns: Close, !
middle, far; and far, middle, !
-Energy Disks: He will detach his arms, and !
put one to the right and one !
at the top of the screen,
while firing several disks
from them. Has one pattern:
Up, right, up, right, up, up. !
The top disks are fired
depending on your position;
the low ones are easily
dodged. Dash Jump over the
first, Dash UNDER the second. !
This guy's really easy. Start by dashing up !
to him and slashing at his chest. He'll start !
the fight with his Energy Balls attack, using !
the two patterns in succession. After that, !
he'll use his Disks attack and then his Balls !
attack beginning in close. After this, the
choice of attacks is random, but that's
nothing to worry about. This battle is as
easy as dodging his only two attacks around !
and hitting him whenever you can get close. !
After a few seconds, he'll fall.

After this battle you'll be welcomed in the Resistance Base, so
hang around and meet everyone. ;)
Secret Disks:
-C023 -C044 -C058 -C092 -C099
-C106 -C107 -C116 -C165 -C166
-C167 -C168 -C169 -C170 -C171
-C172 -C173 -C174 -C175 -C176
This big comfy place will be your base of operations, where you
will talk with fellow resistance members, gain new weapons,
check out new chips, and spend most of your little free time.
=p Every time you complete a mission, it is highly recommended
that you talk with everyone several times, for some of the
resistance members will more than probably give you free
Secret Disks, or ask you a series of questions in order to give
them to you. At the beginning of the game, there will be a few
disks laying around as well. It's best to locate them all
before going to the second mission of the game, then speak to
Cerveau as soon as you have acquired a decent amount. Note that
you will first gain access here after the Introduction Stage
Mission. ;)
Start by going to the rooftop, then climbing over the left
tower to collect Secret Disk C106. The go to the last floor,
and enter the right tower and talk to the soldier there to
receive Secret Disk C058. Now go to the fourth floor and enter
the room to the left to pick up Secret Disk C176. Leave and
head to the third floor. Go to the left and talk with old man
Andrew there a few times. After a while, he'll ask you
something. Answer with the first option, and he'll start
telling you his story. After a while of chatter, he'll ask you
if you're already tired. Answer with the second option, and he
will finish his story. This will be useful to get a Secret Disk
later on. ;)
Now head to the right and enter the dorms. Look for room 3D to
get Secret Disk C099. Head to the second floor and enter the
Hall to your left to pick up Secret Disk C168. Now head to the
bottom floor and enter the lone room to the left to get your
hands on Secret Disk C171. Head out, and while still on the
bottom floor, head to the right, and talk with the kid sitting
there twice. The second time, he'll ask you two questions,
answer top then bottom to receive Secret Disk C175. On the way
back to the elevator, enter the room in your way to pick up
Secret Disk C172. We're almost done, so hang in there. =p
Go back to the fourth floor, and enter the room to the left of
the Command center. Pick up Secret Disk C170 there, then talk
twice to the maid to receive Secret Disk C167. Exit, and enter

the Command center. Exit right, and enter Ciel's room at the
end of the hallway to grab Secret Disk C165. Finally, enter the
Laboratory to find Cerveau and get Secret Disk C166. Now talk
to Cerveau to receive your extra weapons, the new Recoil Rod
and the (somewhat old =p) Shield Boomerang. After the cutscene
plays, go back to the lab and talk to Cerveau, and choose the
first option to check out your Database Status. He keeps track
of all the Secret Disks you've acquired so far, and you can
check him out whenever you want. Now head to Ciel, and speak to
her to be presented with the first four bosses. Next stop:
Childre Inarabitta's Base.
DESCRIPTION: "We've verified a reading similar to the Dark Elf on
the ruins of an intercontinental oceanic highway...
We have verified that Neo Arcadia is pursuing this.
We believe it will take some time for them to reach
the source of this reading.
If possible, you should verify this signal, and if it
is indeed the Dark Elf, protect it."
Secret Disks:
-C005 -C009 -C049 -C059 -C075
-C079 -C113 -C159 -C160 -C161
-Mission Objective: Push the four Water Pump switches before
Inarabitta destroys them.
-Since this mission has a specific objective, after the cutscene
where you meet Inarabitta, everything must be done as fast as
humanly possible to maintain a good rank while at the same time
being able to collect all 10 Secret Disks.
Start the stage by falling down the first pit you see and head
left. Charge the Recoil Rod and let it loose against the wall
to destroy it. Destroy the oyster enemy and pick up Secret Disk
C005 (it'll only become vulnerable when you turn your back to
it). Go back out and catch up with Inarabitta. Ciel will then
call you and tell you about the mission objective I pointed out
in the Notes section. Get ready!
After the cutscene, quickly dash jump over the submarine, and
destroy the two ice generators, as well as two piranhas in your
way. Fall down the pit near the right side, and enter the small
alchove for a Secret Disk (C075). Quickly jump back up (careful
with the piranha in your way out), and jump to the yellow
platform above you. Dash jump to the platform over your head to
the right, and jump to the next platform to grab a Secret Disk
(C009), then go back to the yellow platform, drop down, and
destroy the ice generator (it'll probably drop Secret Disk C161
after exploding). Continue quickly forward while being careful
with spikes everywhere. Drop in the first hole you see, and
stand on the button until it's pressed down and the screen
shakes. Quicly jump out (be careful with the oyster on your way

out), and continue forward. As soon as you see a downwards

yellow slope, dash backwards so you gain height, then dash jump
forward to overcome a giant spiked wall. Immediately jump to a
yellow platform over you and blow open the box on it to receive
a Secret Disk (C059). Drop down and continue forward. Look out
in the small cliff for another oyster in the middle of the
ground. Destroy it, and advance up to another ice generator.
Destroy it, and look for a piranha lurking around. Send it to
hell to get a Secret Disk (C159) for your effort. Continue
onwards, and destroy another oyster, then two empty boxes, then
yet another oyster (this one's prone to give up Secret Disk
C160). Drop down the next pit, and quickly dash to the left and
press the next switch. After getting out of there (careful with
the piranha), you'll come up to two short spiked walls. Dash
jump over them, then jump on the big yellow platform. Quickly
change to the Recoil Rod if you in any chance ditched it, then
charge it and do a pogo jump to jump over the spiked wall. Then
quickly dash forward while avoiding the Submarine Pantheon and
enter the miniboss door.
-Eye laser: He'll scream and charge a laser !
that'll arc through the whole !
room. Depending on where you
are it'll start in the opposite !
side of the room. Avoid by
clinging to the very top of the !
wall on your side.
-Fire Arrows: He'll yell and throw five fire !
arrows in an arc pattern. You !
can avoid them by jumping
between the shots.
He'll laugh and try to grab you.!
If he does, he'll suck energy !
from you. Avoid by moving out !
of the way quickly.
-Stone Drop: He'll say some gibberish and
grab both walls and start
dropping stones on you. This is !
very easy to avoid since he
literally yells at you what
he's gonna do next.
This guy's a pushover. His pattern is random, !
but even so, he shouldn't pose much of a
problem. Always keep your saber charged, and !
let him have it whenever you see an opening. !
After a few hits, he'll be easily dispatched. !
This battle rewards you with another Secret Disk (C079). After
leaving the boss room, do a mad dash forward (be careful with
the ice generator in the exit) and ignore the Submarine
Pantheon. Jump on top of the gray column, and make your way up
to the platform with the spikes on the lower side. There's
another platform exactly like that over it with Secret Disk
C049 on it. Quickly fall down and dodge/destroy the Submarine
Pantheon, then drop down the small ledges and press the next

switch. Quickly get out (it's 95% probable that Inarabitta will
have caught up with you by now), and make your way over the
submarine. As soon as you leave it behind, mad dash forward and
look for a small pit with the fourth and final switch, and a
box besides it. After you have pressed it, Inarabitta will
catch up with you; jump over the submarine and go back to a
small hole in the terrain with a box that contains Secret Disk
C113, the last of the level. You can now breathe a little, then
follow the sub around while it clears your path (it won't kill
any enemies in the way though). After the sub reaches the base,
drop down then jump up and enter the boss doors to face
Childre Inarabitta.
-Torpedoes: Fires 4 torpedoes at you. If you !
lowered the water level, you can !
just cling to the wall to be out !
of danger.
Will climb the walls, then dive !
down on your head. When the
ground is hit, releases four ice !
shards. Avoid by getting out of !
the way.
-Floating mines: Will climb the walls again, !
but this time will fall heads up !
and drop four little mines on
the surface of the water.
-Frozen Blade: Will charge a big ice blade
throw it upon you. This is also !
the EX Technique you receive.
What can I say about this little... thingy? !
The fact that I dunno its sex makes it a
little annoying describing this battle. =p
Heck, Inarabitta itself IS an annoyance. =p !
Start the battle by switching to your Rod and !
charging it. His pattern is pretty random and !
depends on your attacks. Hit him whenever you !
have the chance with the charged Rod, and you !
will send him reeling backwards. If it starts !
jumping on a wall, a charged attack will drop !
it off. Keep pushing it off his attacks and !
the battle will be dine for quickly.
For your efforts, you will receive the Ice Elemental Body Chip.
If you performed good while clearing this stage, you will also
receive the ThrowBlade EX Tech. Activate it by pressing down
and attack while standing. With the Ice chip activated, this
Tech becomes an Ice Elemental attack, and won't disappear as
If you grabbed Secret Disk C005 at the start of the stage, you
will also acquire the Splash Jump Foot Chip. It allows you to
jump on the surface of the water as many tims as you wish, but
you have to keep the timing; else, you'll probably sink like a

After your first Resistance Mission, go and speak to Cerveau to
check your database status. Before that, though, speak to him
and choose the second option (to chatter) to receive a Secret
Disk (C092). Now speak to him again and choose the first option
to check your current database status. After that, go back to
the Command center, and speak with the operators to go to your
next mission. Devilbat Schilt, here we go!
DESCRIPTION: "We have discovered a Neo Arcadian weapons factory.
They are fixing and refitting broken weaponry. It
seems this is more efficient than making new ones.
They have doubled weapon production recently.
Destroy this factory to cut Neo Arcadia's military
Secret Disks:
-C012 -C052 -C053 -C084 -C093
-C100 -C104 -C115 -C131 -C147
-Avoid being caught by the Security Cams at all costs. When they're
not watching, destroy them.
Start the stage by clearing the path from the two Pantheons
ahead of you. The slowly walk forward until you see the camera
light. Wait until you can't see it anymore, then quickly dash
jump and blow it up. Destroy as well all four mice that come
out of the hole in the wall. Climb up the ladder, and let the
mace blow up the Pantheon for you. ^_^ Jump over the hammer,
then destroy the next Pantheon. Slowly climb up the ladder, and
keep an eye on the camera. When it turns to the right, quickly
climb and destroy it. Jump over the mace, and destroy the next
four mice; one of them will probably drop a Secret Disk (C147),
all while staying under the cover of the platform below the
door to Cyber Space. When the camera turns towards the Cyber
Door again, quickly dash under it and destroy it from the
opposite side. Pick up the energy refill if needed, then
continue onwards. Jump over the junk pit, and destroy the
Pantheon on the other side. Destroy another four mice, and
climb up the ladder. Kill the Pantheon in front of you then use
the Rod to destroy the one above. Climb up and destroy the
cable thingy attacking downwards with the Rod. Moving onwards,
you'll see yet another mace. From where you see it, hit it with
a fully charged Rod, and go under i. Destroy the box to receive
a Secret Disk (C012), then climb up through the hole the mace
just made to grab another Secret Disk (C115). Moving onwards,
a camera's just above your head. Destroy the mice, and look

for the light. Destroy the camera as usual, and continue.

Destroy the cable thingy with the Rod (it blows it in one hit),
then charge the Rod and jump over the junk pit. Release the Rod
JUST as you're about to land to kill the Pantheon in the
platform, then do the same twice again. Continue onwards, and
just when you see another hammer, jump over it and jump into
the alchove over it to grab a Secret Disk (C104). Now climb
down the ladder and enter the miniboss doors.
-Bee Release: The hive will release two to
three bees randomly. When it
opens, that's when its fully
vulnerable. Attack the insides. !
-Goo Shot : After releasing the bees, it'll !
also throw out some goo, which !
difficults your movement and
won't let you cling to walls. !
Shave off by moving quickly. If !
you can, avoid by moving out of !
the way. It's really easy to do !
Cling to the top of the left wall and charge !
your Rod there. When the hive opens, release !
the attack; and if you're still sliding down, !
should a bee have come out below the
vulnerable level, it'll also get destroyed in !
the same hit. After that, fall down and slash !
at the opening again if you can. Dodge the
goo, cling again to the left wall, rinse and !
repeat. =p
You'll get Secret Disk C093 for your headache. Exit the
miniboss room, grab the energy refill if needed, and climb the
ladder. Jump over the spikes (be careful, you'll land on a
conveyor belt), and make your way up the conveyors. The fourth
one has a junk cannon on the ceiling, and will drop a junk
robot as you climb, so be ready with a charge. Climb the ladder
but be careful of the cable awaiting at the top (wait for it to
swing to the left, then quickly climb and dash right). When you
see the spikes, start charging. Jump over and land on a belt,
and immediately release the attack to blow up a junk robot.
Jump again over s'more spikes, and take out the cable over the
next pit. Now jump to the higher conveyor and destroy the mice
factory on the small ledge to be able to grab another Secret
Disk (C100). Charge again and drop down (careful with the mice!
It's guaranteed one will still be waiting for you down there).
Jump to another conveyor and be careful with the junkbot you'll
be faced against. After destroying it, quickly dash jump and
destroy the cable thingy in your way, then grab the two Energy
Crystals on the ledge. Drop down the ladder, and wait for a
junkbot to come down and destroy it, it'll probably give up yet
another Secret Disk (C131). Make your way down, and breathe a
little on the ledge. =p See the cable down there? It's guarding
a Secret Disk, so destroy it and pick the Disk up (C084). Go
down and jump over the junk pit (if you fall inside, quickly

jump repeatedly to get out), and destroy the mice generator

that follows. Go back to the ledge you were standing on after
picking up the Disk, and go back to the mice generator. Destroy
it again for another Secret Disk (C052). Make your way through
the junk pit, and destroy the cable overhead. On the other side
a junkbot awaits, so blow him up too. Destroy the cable and go
down the ladder. Blow the mice generator to kingdom come, and
drop yet again down another ladder (make sure to make a pitstop
halfway down to get the Energy Crystal). You'll fall on a box
over a junk pit. Destroy the box to get the final Secret Disk
of the stage (C053), and continue your way. Blow the cable over
the junk pit, and climb the ladder. Activate your Ice chip if
you haven't done so already, and use your brand new Frozen
Blade to shred the junkbot to pieces. Enter the boss door to
finally strike Devilbat Schilt.
He'll open a wing and release an !
INSANE amount of bats. You can !
predict this since he'll fly mid !
height to release them, and dash !
under him to safety.
-Fly around: He'll just fly around from one !
place to another. =p
-Thunder Balls: He'll land, and throw a small !
series of thunder balls in three !
different heights. Most of the !
time you can catch up and jump !
behind him and cling to a wall !
to safety.
-Electric Sparks: He'll show two illusions, !
one will become the real McCoy, !
and shoot a thunder wave at the !
floor, which will release three !
small thunder balls racing
through it. This is also is the !
EX Tech you get from this guy. !
-Sonic Waves: He'll show up in the middle of !
the screen and release a series !
of sonic waves everywhere. Wait !
until the ones that bounced off !
the walls get near, then jump
them to avoid them.
There's a pretty cheap way to dispose of this !
dumbass. Charge your Rod with the Ice chip, !
and wait for him to show up. When he does,
nail him with the Ice Rod in his face or
chest. He'll get frozen, but the best part is !
you'll INTERRUPT his attack. He'll stagger
back, and you can go to the center of the
arena again and wait for him to show up again !
to hit him. As long as you nail him whenever !
he shows up, he'll fall in no time.
For your waste of time, you'll get the Thunder Elemental Body
Chip. If you also did good enough in the stage, you'll also get

the SaberSmash EX Technique. Activate this by jumping and

pressing down and attack while in midair. Zero will literally
do a downwards stab, similar to his Hyouretsuzan and his
Rakukojin from X4 and X6 respectively. When powered up with the
Thunder chip, his attack will have the same effects as it did
with Devilbat (i.e. sending small thunder balls through the
DESCRIPTION: "The Neo Arcadian army is building up at the base in
Aegis Volcano.
We do not know what their intention is."
Secret Disks:
-C008 -C026 -C047 -C072 -C073
-C102 -C114 -C141 -C146 -C152
-Be VERY careful with the totem enemies. They'll shoot an iron ball
from their cannons, which can do severe damage.
Start the stage by standing still and charging a little. Then
move forward carefully, and destroy the first totem. Charge
again, and do the same with another totem. Charge again, and
you'll soon see a volcano in the background. Two more totems
await your arrival, this time added to the fact that the
volcano will erupt every now and then throwing three lava balls
at you. After you dispose of the two totems (and avoid the lava
balls as well), destroy the Pantheon, and continue. Send the
next five Pantheons to hell, and when you come across a lava
pit, destroy the ball that pops out. Jump over the pit and kill
the Pantheon up next. Jump over another pit, and wait at the
next one for the little ball to come out again. (Tip: If you
don't have the Downwards Stab EX Tech active, you can slash in
midair, then hold down to keep your saber there, damaging
everything that comes into contact with it. You can jump and
simply keep your saber there waiting for the thing to come out
of the lava.) Carefully jump over the pit (look out for the
Pantheon on the other side), and jump over another pit. In this
next one, wait again for the thingy to come out, and destroy it
as usual (this time it'll probably drop Secret Disk C141). Next
ahead are platforms standing on lava. Jump on the first one,
and look for a way to dispose of the Pantheon on the next one
(the shield works great to reflect its shots). After it's gone,
jump on the patform it was standing on, and to the next one.
Wait for this third one to be raised by the lava burst, then
dash jump and attack to the right to destroy a Pantheon and
cling onto the wall of a ledge that contains the second Secret
Disk of this level (C047). Next, fall of the ledge as close to
the wall as you can (careful with the spikes), and you'll fall
on another platform. Quickly dash jump to the right to land on
yet another platform, then dash jump from there to safety. Now,
take a quick breath, then let's continue. ;)

Carefully advance forward, and be ready to destroy or jump over

another ball fired by one of those totem things. Quickly
destroy it, and blow open the box beside it for another Secret
Disk (C102). Dodge two helicopter enemies, and destroy the
totem on the other side. Climb up the ladder, and charge your
rod there. Do a mighty Dahs Jump to the left, and try to time
releasing the Rod attack DOWNWARDS to pogo jump on one of the
helicopter enemies and land on a platform that holds a Full
Energy Refill, and another Secret Disk (C026). Fall down and
make your way back to where you were atop the stairs. Next up,
Lava Sinking Platforms. Wait for each to drop down, then
quickly jump on them and wait for the next. Rinse and repeat
for about six platforms. Next, enter the mid-level stage doors.
Charge your Rod once inside, and hit the first crate you see to
be able to go down the ladder it blocks to pick up two Energy
Crystals and a Secret Disk (C114). Go back up, charge your Rod
again, and when you see the flamethrower enemy, release the Rod
and immediately attack again to destroy it. Go down the ladder
and push the crate there TWICE. You'll soon understand why. Go
down again and through the next mid-level stage door while
blowing up two Pantheons on your way. You'll enter a timed
MiniBoss battle.
These things will only show up, release a few !
thorns and disappear. You must kill 25 of
these annoyances to be able to advance. If
you just destroy them as they show up, and
don't ever give them the chance to completely !
materialize you'll be done in around 20-23
seconds. Note that one of these guys will
almost surely drop a Secret Disk (C152).
After you're done here, kill the Pantheon and climb the ladder.
Kill another Pantheon, then jump to where he was standing and
jump a few times to bring the indestructible spinning spike
away from the exit. Jump out of there, and grab the Energy
Crystal on the ledge. Kill the two Pantheons, and destroy the
box (DON'T JUMP!!) to get Secret Disk C072. Attack up with the
Rod to destroy the flamethrower, and continue. See the crate
down there? See the bed of spikes below it? Remember the crate
I told you to push earlier? You make the connection from there.
=p Anyways, climb up the right wall to get a Secret Disk (C073)
then go back down and climb the ladder. Destroy the Pantheon,
and then the flamethrower with the Rod as previously. Go back
to the ladder, and back to the flamethrower again (it should
have respawned), and destroy it again for Secret Disk C146. Now
activate your Buster and move onwards. When you see a box, blow
it open to get another Secret Disk (C008). Now activate your
Buster and charge it. Wait until the spinning spike thing is
coming back from the right, then jump over it, quickly destroy
the fmalethrower (USE THE BUSTER TO AVOID GETTING HIT), and
climb up before the spike comes back. Here comes the single
most difficult part of the stage. Three platforms will be

falling and sinking in lava, towards a hole. After you pass

those, there will be three more in a mirrored pattern. You must
jump on the side of the one that's falling, then jump on top,
then on top of the next one, then on top of the next, and so on
for about five times, due to the strange position of each
platform you'll be landing on. Do this around five or six times
then jump to safe grounds, and charge your Rod. Release against
the flamethrower, then quickly attack it again. Pick up the
Energy Crystal behind it, and enter the boss doors to find
yerself face to shoulders (what?! He's taller than you!) with
Blazin' Flizard.
-Circle Fire: He will start firing small
fireballs everywhere. Your best !
bet to avoid this is to try to !
slip between two fireballs, or !
electrify him to interrupt his !
-Disc Throw: He will throw the big flower
like thing he has in his head. !
If you stay in place, this will !
not hit you.
-Flamethrower: He'll use the flamethrower in !
his hand. Since this covers so !
much area, the only way to
avoid this is to either get out !
of range, jump behind him, or !
cling to the very top of the
wall AND STAY THERE. Can't
stress it enough.
-Tail Flames: He'll throw three small flames !
from his tail. Get in between !
them to avoid getting hit.
This guy's hard, but not that hard. Enable
Downwards Stab EX Tech if you haven't done so !
already, and perform it charged with the
Thunder chip whenever you can. Be VERY
careful when jumping over him, and with jumps !
in general, 'cuz he likes to jump around
every now and then. If you survive enough and !
are lucky enough to slip between his attacks, !
he'll fall pretty quickly; otherwise prepare !
yourself for one helluva long fight.
Beating him will nail you the Fire Elemental Body Chip. If you
also moved decently in the stage, you'll also receive the
BurstShot EX Technique. It can only be triggered when the Fire
chip is active. With it, your charged Buster shots will explode
after some distance to inflict more damage.


DESCRIPTION: "This was a residential area where humans once lived.
We sent some people to investigate...
And received news that Dark Elf may have been seen.
For some reason, we are unable to scan this area. We
would like you to go there to investigate first-hand."
Secret Disks:
-C001 -C013 -C028 -C039 -C048
-C067 -C074 -C112 -C135 -C145
-Mission Objective: Burn all the vegetation traces in the stage.
-Regarding the mission objective, nearly everything that moves that
you can't attack is vegetation, so burn everything you find. You
should have the Fire chip by now, so make good use of it.
Start by setting on fire all the vegetation around you. Moving
onwards, destroy the Pantheons while blowing everything that
resembles a plant on your path. When you enter the building,
enter the very first door you see and break the blocks with a
charged Rod attack to pick up a random box, and a Secret Disk
(C039) in another one. Go back out and kill the helicopter,
climb to the first platform you see and dash jump towards the
wall to the left to grab two Energy Crystals. Destroy the
Pantheon on the platform ahead of you (hint: use your new EX
Tech), and burn the tree root to reveal a door. Enter it, kill
the Pantheon, pick up the Energy Refill, and charge your Rod
and release it against the block in your way to pick up a
Secret Disk (C001). Go back out (careful, the helicopter enemy
as well as the Pantheon will have respawned), and jump to the
right. Climb the ladder, and destroy the plant-like enemy.
Charge your rod twice and destroy the blocks in your way to
reach a door with a Pantheon and Secret Disk C112 inside. Back
outside, kill the plant enemy again and go back, and climb the
ladder. Burn the tree root, the fungi and the Pantheon while
going through to the left, and climb yet another ladder. Enter
the door, kill two Pantheons, then burn the vegetation at the
end to reveal a ladder. Carefully go down (beware of the
Pantheon at the bottom) and pick up an extra life and a Secret
Disk (C074). Go back up and out (the first Pantheon you saw
will have respawned, so be careful). Burn every single trace of
vegetation you see while moving onwards, and you'll soon reach
a ladder with another extra life at the bottom. Climb back up
and keep burning everything that moves. After a short walk,
enter the Miniboss Door.
After the cutscene, exit the Miniboss room and burn the leaves
covering a ladder and a door. Burn what's inside, pick up the
Energy Crystals, and go back out. Destroy the Pantheon and
continue onwards. Destroy the helicopter guy and fall down the
hole. Keep yourself at the left side of the screen until you
see another helicopter on the right side; destroy it and take
his place. You should fall on some Energy Crystals, but get out
of the way quick, since you're standing on spikes, and they
tend to kill you instantly, y'know? =p
After moving onwards a little (and burning some more vegetation
traces -- dammit, does this thing never end?!) a Miniboss fight

This guy can get really desperating, really !
quickly. The only place you can damage him is !
in the green orb that pops up every now and !
then. Start by activating your shield, and
keep it up for the whole battle, except those !
scarce moments where you will attack the orb. !
Always position yourself so the shield
reflects any shots, and slash at the orb
whenever you see it. Keep the pressure (or
*keep up* with the pressure) and after a
short while, this guy will fall.
After this drawn out battle, this guy will drop a Secret Disk
(C067). Continue onwards and climb the platforms while blowing
up the Pantheons. In the top square leaf block there's a hidden
Full Energy Refill which becomes revealed after the vegetation
is burnt away. Continue and destroy the Pantheon, then the
plant enemy. It'll probably drop the corresponding Secret Disk
(C145). Destroy the Pantheon, and climb up. Be careful with the
Pantheons that show up behind windows; wait for them to come
out to blow them up.
| Some of you have been repeatedly emailing me about this
| SubTank deal. After many headaches and useless explanation |
| (since I ALREADY point out the exact reason for this
| elsewhere in the guide), I decided to put this here.
| Fact is, you CAN get the first SubTank of the game here in |
| your first playthrough. But it requires very precise aim
| and very exact control of the pogo jump, dash jump, and the |
| GBA directional pad. You need to destroy the rightmost
| window-stationed Pantheon, and then use a pixel-perfect
| dash jump to land on the rightmost one, then immediately
| release a pogo jump attack to rebound off its head, and be |
| able to reach the leftmost high platform. It houses a big |
| Energy Crystal and the first ever SubTank of the whole
| game.
After a while of Pantheon killing and vegetation burning you'll
see a box, crack it open for a Secret Disk (C028). Climb up the
wall, pick up the Energy Refill, and enter the fake wall to
your right, then the door. Fall down the pit hugging the right
wall, then kill the Pantheon over your head and collect the
Full Energy Refill and a Secret Disk (C048). Go down and exit
left. Destroy the vegetation around you and carefully climb up
(orange cannons will appear at the top of the platforms). Go
BACK instead of forward, and destroy some more vegetation.
Drop hugging the walls on the last pit to find another Secret
Disk (C013). Go back up and climb to the left.
Destroy all the vegetation you find up until a point where you

notice you've already been there, then go back. Destroy a few

of those orange cannons, and one of them will drop a Secret
Disk (C135). Continue onwards clearing the last of the
vegetation, then, after everythings clear, enter the boss door
to be annoyed by the voice of Deathtanz Mantisk.
-Razor Claw: He'll throw one or possibly both !
of his claws in succession, which !
will spin madly and depending on !
his location, will race through !
the ground then the wall, or vice !
-Stone Slash: He'll fire upwards, then a rock !
will fall. He'll do three quick !
slashes and break it. Climb high !
on the wall to avoid.
-Backslash: If you approach him when his back !
is turned to you, he might do a !
backwards counterattack. Stay
fairly far from him.
-Walljump slash: He'll cling to the walls and !
quickly come down and slash.
After he's done so once, he'll
quickly jump to the opposite wall !
and do the same. Dash under him !
when he's coming down to avoid. !
-Claw Throw: He'll throw his claw at you, as !
if it were an arrow. Dash under !
it to avoid. When it touches the !
wall, it'll come back open. Dash !
Jump over it to avoid.
This guy tends to be quite hard. Always keep !
your Rod active, and make sure no elemental !
chips are enabled. A non-elemental charged
Rod attack will send him flying backwards,
which you can use to stop his attacks in mid !
execution. I recommend getting to this guy, !
losing a few lives fighting him, then
restarting the game, so you get to know his !
pattern and possible reactions (it's totally !
random, and depends on your actions). Keep up !
severe pressure on him, and attack him with !
the Rod whenever you see an opening. After a !
while, he'll fall, and hard. =D
After beating this moron, you get a new Armor Chip, the All
Terrain Chip, which you can use to walk on quicksand, junk
pits, and unstable platforms without making them fall or you
get sucked by the pit, respectively. Also, depending on your
performance, you will receive the 1000 Slash EX Technique; with
the Recoil Rod equipped, pressing the attack button will make
you perform a series of quick forward attacks. As well, you get
to see a series of cutscenes which further advance the
storyline, and then you'll get automatically deployed to your
next mission.

After you finish this mission and check your acquired disks, if
you recovered Secret Disk C001, you'll receive the Auto Charge
Helmet Chip. Equip this, and your weapons will be automatically
charged, without you having to hold B all the time.
Secret Disks:
-C021 -C030 -C055 -C057 -C090
-C098 -C117 -C127 -C138 -C139
-This level is full of conveyor belts and those annoying totems. Be
very careful when dealing with those (they usually come together).
-All 10 Secret Disks are located in the first area of this stage. If
you don't have them all by the time you board the airship, then
make sure you come back and explore the stage again.
Start by killing the camera over you and the two Pantheons
ahead. Climb the ladder, and climb the camera over your head.
Continue and you'll find a miniairship generator. Blow it up
(beware, after the three thingies, it'll shoot by the sides),
and go past it to find a Pantheon and a camera. Blow both up,
then dash jump to the left and attack at the same time to
destroy another camera (prone to dropping Secret Disk C139) and
find a Secret Disk on its own (C057). Go back and destroy again
the big airship generator thingy, and if you blew up enough of
his birdies, one of them will drop a Secret Disk (C098). Climb
up, and if you've killed all the Pantheons in your path, the
next one will drop a Secret Disk (C127). Climb up (careful with
the camera) and up again. Stay in place until you see the
camera turns away from you, then blow it up, and climb to the
ledge to destroy a Pantheon and get another Secret Disk (C030).
Moving onwards, there will be a Pantheon and another airship
generator. Destroy it, and it'll probably drop a Secret Disk
(C138). If not, go back and try again. =p After you deal with
that, continue and fight yet another generator (this is
starting to get old... [-_-]' aint' it?), destroy another Pantheon
and another camera, and welcome to Conveyor Belt Land. =p
Quickly climb the first conveyor and dash under the totem.
Climb the wall, and climb the next conveyor. Destroy the camera
on the way, and climb to the ledge it was attached to to grab a
Secret Disk (C090). Carefully get to the end of the conveyor
(there's a spike bed at the end), jump over the spikes, destroy
the Pantheon, and get Secret Disk C055. Hop onto the platform,
go up and look out for the totem. Wait for it to release a ball
them jump up to it and release a charged attack. Destroy the
box for a Secret Disk (C117) and continue onwards. Climb the
wall, then another conveyor. On top there's a camera, and a
totem at the end, so be careful. Destroy both, then go past the
totem for two big Energy Crystals. Climb the ladder, then blow
up another of those generator thingies (this is the last one!)

and dash jump to the ledge to the left. Blow the camera and
climb up there; there's a Pantheon and a Secret Disk inside a
box at the end (C021), the last of the level. Go back, blow the
generator up *again*, and move onwards. Enter the miniboss
doors, and climb the ladders for a cutscene, and the second
area of the stage.
Destroy the two Pantheons on the way, then be careful from now
'cuz some little helicopters will be coming down from this
point every on every now and then. Destroy four more Pantheons,
and the rocket will finally open up from the back. Make your
way through the rocket, but be aware that each time you leave a
section behind, it'll detach and blow up, so you gotta move
fast to jump to the next one. There are several collectibles
scattered around (Energy Crystals, Energy Refills, a Full
Energy Refill, and an extra life), but the most important part
here is surviving. At the end, enter the boss doors for the
showdown with the Baby Elves.
-Serpent Balls: The blue Baby will throw four !
blue balls that will do an arc in !
the middle of the arena, then fly !
away. Get below him to avoid it. !
-Junk Drop: The orange Baby will travel the !
arena back and forth dropping
some junk that will difficult
your moves and jumps. Jump in
between the drops to avoid.
-Change Sides: Both Babies will change sides !
flying in a zigzag pattern. Dash !
under them to avoid getting hit. !
-Giant Elf: Both Babies will join together to !
form a giant elf. It'll travel
the arena back and forth shooting !
small balls at the ground that
disperse when they hit. Jump over !
the dispersions to avoid.
Well, these two brats are one annoying couple !
that will get your tired pretty quickly. Once !
you attack one, you can immediately attack
the other to keep lowering their health, for !
the health bar is the same for both. Their
blows are really easy to dodge, but since
they move too much, you can easily miss it
and get hit. Keep attacking them whenever you !
see an opening, and you'll win in no time.
Just be careful not to fall on them. ;)
Beating them nets you a series of cutscenes that will get the
story moving, then you'll end up back at the Resistance Base.


After the cutscenes, go to the second floor and talk to the fat
guy there. When he asks you something, answer with the first
choice to receive a Secret Disk (C169). Now go to the right,
and enter the dorms. Go to Room 2D, and talk to the soldier
there. Answer top, top, bottom, bottom to get another Secret
Disk (C023). Now go to the third floor and talk to old man
Andrew there. Answer top, top, bottom, bottom, bottom, top, top
to receive another Secret Disk (C107). Now go back to Ciel's
room and talk to Alouette there; answer top to get the final
Secret Disk for now (C116). Now go to Cerveau and check up on
your Disk Database (you have quite a lot of disks you have to
check on =p), then head on to the Desert, on your way to
Anubis Necromancess.
DESCRIPTION: "We have detected Neo Arcadian units moving through
the southern desert.
These forces must be interecepted as soon as
Secret Disks:
-C022 -C031 -C065 -C085 -C089
-C091 -C105 -C118 -C153 -C154
-Although Anubis' weakness is the Ice Chip, it's highly recommended
that you use the All Terrain Chip throughout this stage, seeing as
there are many quicksand pits, and that tends to make your visit
to this stage much more difficult.
-You'll find two Pantheon Helicopters throughout the stage. You need
to destroy them both in order to acquire one of the Secret Disks.
-Many Secret Disks in this stage are out in the open, but in high
ledges. Make sure you've mastered the Recoil Rod Pogo Jump before
entering this stage so you can collect them all in one single run.
Start by destroying the sandcrawler ahead of you (wait until it
comes out, then slash it), and the two Pantheons a little
further. Destroy another two sandcrawlers, and three Pantheons.
If by now a sandcrawler hasn't dropped a Secret Disk (C091),
go back a little and destroy a couple more. In the moving sand
area, destroy the floating bombs and quickly retreat (you can
also use the buster to destroy them from afar). Make sure you
have your All Terrain Chip active as well. If after three or
four floating bombs you don't get a Secret Disk (C153), go back
and kill some more. Continue after the first moving sand area,
and you'll reach a long quicksand pit. Use your All Terrain
chip to traverse this easily. Blow open the box, and destroy
two sets of a Pantheon and a floating bomb. Climb the moving
sand cliff, and destroy the floating bombs. Blast the box open
for a Secret Disk (C085), and continue onwards to face the


-Stone Throw: He'll show up and spit some
rocks from his mouth. Aside from the !
fact that several mini helicopters
will be flying down to annoy you, this !
is his only attack.
Weren't it for the moving sand, this battle'd !
be a pushover. Thankfully (for the sake of
challenge), it isn't. He'll sink in the
quicksand, and come out every now and then to !
spit some rocks. Meanwhile, several of those !
miniature helicopter thingies will be flying !
down to heat the pace up. Keep hitting the
worm's mouth while destroying the helicopter !
thingies and he'll be gone in no time.
If you didn't kill enough flying thingies in this battle, kill
some more while moving onwards, and you'll receive their Secret
Disk (C154). Also, destroying the Sand Worm will net you a
Secret Disk too (C089). Moving onwards, these heli-thingies
will just keep appearing, so kill as many as you see. =p Blow
the box open, and pogo jump to the platform to grab a Secret
Disk (C031). Jump to the next platform to pick up the Full
Energy Refill, then continue onwards. As soon as you see the
blue Cyber Space door, do a pogo jump from the right and climb
to the platform over the door to grab a Secret Disk (C022).
Soon after, you'll hear the first of two Pantheon Helicopters.
Switch to your Buster, activate the Explosive Shot EX Tech, and
your Fire Chip, and fire away. Careful, though: the helicopter
will release a guided missile every now and then; blow it up
with the secondary weapon. After it's gone, you'll come to two
columns with platforms at the top. They each hold a Secret Disk
(C108 and C118). Pogo jump to reach the lower one, then jump on
the other. After another moving sand / quicksand area, you'll
find the second Pantheon Helicopter. Blast it off the air to
receive a Secret Disk (C065), the final one of the stage.
Continue onwards, destroying the Pantheons and the helithingies
and after a short lonely walk, you'll face the boss.
-Staff Throw: She'll throw his staff to the !
middle of the arena, and disappear !
on one side to show up in the other. !
Move to the corners of the screen to !
avoid damage.
-Disappear: She'll disappear, and use her
sarcophagus to crush you. When you !
see the two halves appear, cling to !
one of them and immediately jump
behind it.
-Summon: She'll summon a maximum of three
reploid zombies. These can be killed !
for freebies. =p
-Ground Change: She'll change the terrain of !

the arena. So far I've seen a sloped !
terrain, and a quicksand pit. Email !
me if you find something new.
This gal's pretty easy. As soon as you see
her, charge your Ice Chip (any weapon) and
let her have it whenever you see an opening. !
Since her attacks are easily avoided, all
there is to this battle is to dodge her blows !
and keep constant pressure on her. After a
pretty short while, she'll fall.
For this battle you get... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! *Cries* But if
you did good in the stage, all is not lost, since you'll be
getting the ShieldSweep EX Technique. Charge your shield and
hold down before releasing it to make it spin on the ground for
a small distance, then go back to you. When powered with the
Thunder chip, it leaves small balls of electricity on the
ground it covers. Next stop: Hanumachine's Jungle.
DESCRIPTION: "We have detected Neo Arcadian units moving through
the Forest of Anatre...
These forces must be interecepted as soon as
Secret Disks:
-C002 -C014 -C040 -C063 -C071
-C076 -C108 -C119 -C134 -C157
-I have gotten several emails about this already. So I'll make it
clear now: The first EASILY REACHABLE SubTank of the game is found
here. It's not the first of the game, but it IS the first that you
can reach without much hassle.
This stage is in a forest, which means you can burn almost
everything in here. Start by pogo jumping with the Fire chip to
set the leaves over you in fire. Next, kill the bee, a plant
enemy, and another bee, then climb the tree and kill another
bee. =p Go back through the platforms at the top to pick up an
extra life, and a Secret Disk (C063). Kill a few more bees and
one will drop a Secret Disk (C157). Continue the stage burning
the tree leaves and using the higher route (it's safer and has
all the goodies =D). When you get to the cave, use the higher
platforms to get into the alchove and grab Secret Disk C002. Go
back down and enter the cave doors to reach the next area.
Once inside, you'll notice a button on the ground. As long as
you stand on it, it'll move the rock next to you upwards for
you to pass under, but when you release it, the rock will go
back to its original place, so move fast and be careful. Up
next, you must use your charged Rod to push the block in front

of you (careful, there's a cannon that comes out of the wall)

to push the button in the hole. Destroy the cannon twice after
the block is in place, and move onwards. Kill the bat, and push
the block twice to make it push the button. If you take the
lower route, you'll score a Secret Disk (C071). Kill the cannon
and stay on the button as long as needed. Immediately after you
blow up the cannon (assuming you let the rock move completely
up), quickly jump out and dash under the rock. Push the next
block to make it press the button on the wall (careful with the
wall cannon again). Destroy the wall cannon, it'll probably
drop a Secret Disk (C134). Climb up there, kill the bat, and
continue. The next button is a trick for unexperienced players,
so ignore it and continue. Avoid the two cannons, and stay with
a charge near the edge of the next platform, near the button.
(Make sure you have the Rod active; if not, activate it now.)
Hold down, and as soon as you dodge the shots from the wall
cannons, dash towards them (DO NOT LET GO OF DOWN YET!) and
release the rod attack to perform a dashing pogo jump. Quickly
turn back, and you'll be able to easily climb the ledge; on it
is a box with a Secret Disk (C014). Now press the button you
saw down there, until the ground stops shaking. You'll need to
be REALLY QUICK now (lemme repeat it: REALLY QUICK). Dash out
of the hole, and dash inside the alchove before the stone goes
completely up again. If you can pull this off, you'll net a
Secret Disk (C119). To get out, you must press the button ahead
of you, and quickly climb on the rock and slide through the
small hole before it gets back in place. (This is an extremely
hard trick, so you might want to wait until you have cleared
the stage, then come back and do it from cyber space, since
your rank won't matter then, you'll have all your ablities, and
you can exit the stage as soon as you get that Secret Disk.)
After you get out, or if you pick the upper route (only things
you'll find are a big Energy Refill, and a tripod enemy), kill
the wall cannon, and push the block ahead 4 times to put it in
a safe place to get the next Secret Disk (C108). Jump onto the
ledge above you and charge your Rod to do a dashing pogo jump
to the left to pick up the FIRST EASILY REACHABLE Energy
SubTank of the game (careful with the tripod enemy). Go back
down and move onwards. Kill the wall cannon, and press the
button next to it. Wait until the ground stops shaking, then
jump right and pogo jump left, then immediately turn right to
cling to the moving rock and reach a ledge with a Secret Disk
(C076). Now go back down, kill the wall cannon, buzz the tripod
enemy off, and kill three more wall cannons. Before you
trespass the boss door there's one last thing you must do.
Charge your Rod and attack DOWNWARDS the second to last rock,
beginning from the left. Do this a few times to receive a big
Energy Refill and the last Secret Disk of the stage (C040).
NOW enter the boss doors to fight the annoying monkey,
-Fire Bullet: He'll throw himself like a
bullet, and when he hits a block !
or wall, he'll bounce and bullet !
himself in the opposite way.
Avoid by jumping higher, or, if !
you can't, moving or jumping out !

of his way.
-Fire Ricochet: He'll fire himself and start !
bouncing everywhere. He'll start !
the fight with this attack, so !
be ready to move out of the way. !
-Pogo Attack: He'll jump and try to fall on !
your head with his staff. Dash !
out of the way to avoid damage. !
-Helicopter: He'll jump and begin spinning
his staff, just like Zero in Z1. !
Dash out of the way.
-Monkey Spit: He'll spit three monkeys, which !
will try to grab you and suck
energy from you. These can be
destroyed for freebies. ;)
Oh. My. GOD! What an annoying voice! This guy !
is pretty easy, as long as you make sure to !
break or interrupt all his attacks. When he's !
engulfed in flames, he's literally invincible !
so don't even try to get near. Switch to your !
Thunder chip and Rod, and attack him with the !
charged Rod to interrupt his attacks (as with !
most bosses). Keep dodging his mad moves,
avoid contact with the monkeys, and you'll be !
done in a few minutes.
As with the previous battle, you get absolutely nothing for
kicking this weirdo's ass, but if you did good enough in the
level, the SplitHeavens EX Technique will be yours. Press up
and attack to use it, you will perform a Shoryuken-like slash;
and when powered with the Fire chip, it'll give you a flaming
saber attack, as well as more height. Blizzack Stagroff, YOU'RE
NEXT! >:(
If you recovered Secret Disk C002 while in this stage, you will
also receive the Auto Recover Helmet Chip. With this equipped,
stand still in the same place for a while to automatically heal
DESCRIPTION: "We have detected Neo Arcadian units moving through
the northern tundra...
The enemy is constructing a frontline base. There
seems to be a reasonable amount of time left to act."
Secret Disks:
-C015 -C032 -C035 -C066 -C068
-C109 -C120 -C128 -C132 -C136
-There are two routes to tackle this stage. One is by hopping in the
surface of the water at the start of the level, until you get to
clear grounds. The other is by going underwater. Be aware that all

the Secret Disks of this part are in the upper route though.
Destroy the three Pantheons, and make sure you played a bit
with the Water Hop Foot Chip before coming here, 'cuz if you
want the good stuff from this level, you'll need to be fairly
good with them. Jump on the water, then hop all the way to the
other side to clear grounds. Once there, kill the two Pantheons
and climb the tower (beware of the Pantheon; kill with Rod from
below) to pick up a Secret Disk (C066). Drop down and kill the
helicopter enemy, then climb up another tower. Pick up the big
Energy Refill, and drop down again. Kill the series of
helicopter enemies, and if one of them doesn't drop a Secret
Disk (C132), keep killing more. After you're done, enter the
doors for the second area of the stage.
Destroy the igloo like enemy, and do a pogo jump to cling to
the wall. Carefully time a wall dash jump (hold the dash button
while jumping) and climb onto the ledge to acquire a Secret
Disk (C109). Go back down and make your way onwards (try hard
not to be frozen by the cold air escapes). Blow the box open
for a Secret Disk (C015), and continue. Destroy another igloo
cannon and two Pantheons, and fall in the water. Blow up a few
Submarine Pantheons there, and one of them will drop a Secret
Disk (C128). If it doesn't, keep trying. Climb back up and blow
the three Pantheons away. Before going through the midsection
doors, climb to the top of that wall to find another Secret
Disk (C032). Now enter the doors for the third and final part
of the stage.
Surprise: those freakingly annoying totems are back. There are
ice spikes on the ceiling as well, which will fall on you when
you move under them. Thankfully, an upwards jumping Rod attack
takes care of them while you take care of other matters.
Destroy the totem ahead, and climb the ladder. Destroy the
spikes above and kill the Pantheon. Climb the other ladder,
then dash under the first ice spike to make it fall, so you can
grab the Energy Crystal and the Secret Disk (C035). Continue
and destroy another totem, then you'll come to a series of
"spiked jumps", as I like to call them. =) As you jump, slash
with your saber to destroy the spikes when you're about to land
on a safe platform. Destroy the spider at the end, then the
Pantheon. Climb down the ladder, and destroy the two Pantheons
(be careful though, they seem to like hanging around below the
ladder). Continue down another ladder (another two Pantheons
down there seem to have the same likings as these last ones)
and continue. Destroy the spider up there with upwards normal
Rod attacks. Continue, but be careful of the totem, and blow
the box open for a Secret Disk (C120). Continue and destroy yet
another totem, and it'll probablt drop the corresponding Secret
Disk (C136). Climb the ladders and destroy the Pantheon
guarding the last Secret Disk of the level (C068). Climb the
ladder, destroy the spider and the three Pantheons, then climb
yet a final ladder to enter the boss door and break some ice
with old pal Blizzack Stagroff.
-Jumping Ice Ball: He'll jump around and fire !
some Ice balls at you. Be careful when !

trying to dodge these, since the angle !
at which he'll fire is completely
-Snow Cannon: He'll fire a white beam at you !
with his face to the screen. This has !
little snow sparks that latch onto you !
and difficult your moves. Cling to any !
wall to avoid.
-Shoulder Ice Spikes: He'll just throw the
spikes in his shoulders. Tends to do !
this when you're slowed down by the
snow sparks from the previous attack. !
-Spiked Ice Cannon: He'll fire a white beam !
is one of his most dangerous attacks, !
since it also fires ice shards, and
creates a spiked wall in the wallspace !
it hits.
This guy's pretty random, but when put under !
severe pressure, becomes little less than a !
moron. Attack him with your charged Fire chip !
weapons as well as your new EX Tech, and he !
should be gone in less than two minutes.
For beating this guy, as in the previous two battles, you get
absolutely nothing, except the ability to advance further in
the game. But if you did good in the stage, you get a little
reward: the BlizzrdArrow EX Tech. With the Ice chip equipped,
charge and fire the Buster for an Ice shot that will divide
into three Ice shards going high, low, and mid-height. Now get
to the base, and tell Ciel to get you a cab to Neo Arcadia's
core. We've got some business there now. *evil grin* >:D
DESCRIPTION: "We have analyzed the enemy's movements...
As a result, we have succeeded in determining the
location of the Neo Arcadian HQ.
It seems that Copy X and Weil are commanding the
entire army from this base."
ZERO: "If you strike here, you may be able to stop Neo
Secret Disks:
-C034 -C042 -C061 -C062 -C069
-C070 -C077 -C110 -C121 -C137
-This stage just so happens to be Spikefest 1.0, so be very careful
when traversing the floating elevator areas. (There will be spikes
literally everywhere!)
Kill the Pantheon and the camera above you. Jump, kill another

two Pantheons, another camera and another Pantheon. Kill yet

another camera, then dash jump to the right to grab a big
Energy Refill and a Secret Disk (C110). Drop down, kill the
camera, and blow the box open for another Secret Disk (C121).
Climb onto the floating elevator, then get ready to jump like
a stuntman around in several of those things. >:( Oh well...
Over the fourth of these platforms is a small room with a
Secret Disk (C062), wait for the platform to reach its highest
point to jump inside. Go back down and continue clinging to the
side of these elevators (just one more, a least for now), and
kill the Pantheon. You will see a Security laser in front of
you. Wait 'till the laser dissipates, then dash through. Else,
some enemies will come from all the corners of the screen and
attack you. Also, be aware that the stage will be swarmed with
lasers until the middle of the stage from now on. After the
second laser, destroy the camera, and get through another laser
and a bed of spikes. Dash through yet another two lasers, and
destroy the camera. Another two lasers await you behind it.
Kill the Pantheon and the camera, and climb up. You can kill
the Pantheon and pick up the Full Energy Refill if you need it.
Kill the camera, then open the box for a Secret Disk (C034). Go
through two more lasers, a Pantheon, a spike bed and another
Pantheon, crack the box open, and enter the ceiling doors. And
welcome to Spikefest 1.5, grasshopper.
From your position, wait until the lower elevator comes near,
and jump onto it. Be aware that all your next movements will
need to be made with extreme caution, as the walls (as well as
the ceilings) are covered in spikes. Dash jump to the left to
open a box with a Secret Disk (C042), then jump on the nearest
elevator. Make your way up, and you'll find another platform
(where the door to Cyber Space is) with a big Energy Refill and
a Secret Disk (C070). Be careful as there will also be a wall
mounted two-way cannon here. Pick up both goodies, then
continue upwards. At the top there's the continuation of the
spikefest to the right, and a two-way cannon, a Full Energy
Refill, and a Secret Disk (C077) to the left. Pick up those and
make sure you destroy the cannon, then continue onwards
(careful though, some elevators might crush you against the
ceiling). At the top, kill the cannon and the spider, then deal
with the floating bomb. Advance a little, then come back and
destroy the two-way cannon a few more times for the
corresponding Secret Disk (C137). Continue, and kill another
wall mounted cannon form below (use an upwards Rod attack).
Jump onto the elevator, and make your way up while killing yet
another of these cannons and a floating bomb. Once at the top,
there are yet another of these cannons (they're getting old!)
and two more floating bombs and a spider. Kill them all, then
before climbing up, continue left. Make your way through the
simple elevator maze to reach a Secret Disk (C069), then climb
onto the second to last one to reach a small room up above with
another Secret Disk (C061), the last of the stage. Make your
way back, and kill the floating bomb again, then climb up and
enter the boss doors to meet your pal of old, Copy X... in a
second incarnation.
-Slide Kick: Remember Bison from the Street !

Fighter games? Copy X's slide kick !
is just like his. =p
-Ice Shot: He'll fire an ice shard that will !
dissipate on contact. Avoid by
dashing out of the way.
-Thunder Shot: He'll fire a slow moving
thunder ball. I dunno if you can !
destroy it. ^_^;
-Flamethrower: He'll fire a series of flames. !
Simple but effective. =p
-Splash Shot: He'll fire three consecutive
water splashes.
His elemental weaknesses vary so damn much
throughout the fight that it's not even worth !
mentioning them. Just always keep moving, and !
always stay somewhat near him to wait for an !
opening. Slash him with all you've got, and !
use your SubTank if you need to; this could !
get to be a pretty long fight. Try to catch !
him when he's off guard to make him stagger !
backwards and give you a little more room to !
maneuver your strategy, as well as more time !
to retreat if need be. When his health hits a !
certain point, he'll heal himself, so be
ready to attack as soon as he finishes. (In !
case you REALLY wanna know, his elemental
weakness depends on his color and his attacks !
at any given moment, with the usual Paper,
Rock, Scissors pattern.)
Beating him nets you the Quick Foot Chip and advancing the
story a little... But if you also performed well, you'll
acquire the ReflectLaser EX Tech: With no element chip
equipped, fire a fully charged Buster blast to fire a laser
shot that'll bounce off the walls for a short time.
Exit the Command room after the cutscenes, and go to the left
wing on the fourth floor, and talk to the guy there. Answer top
then bottom then top then bottom to receive another Secret Disk
(C173). Now go back to the Command Room and exit through the
other door, and talk to the old man on the way to the lab twice
to receive yet another Secret Disk (C174). Now go to Cerveau to
check your current Database status (if you've caught all the
available Secret Disks so far, you should have exactly 119
Secret Disks), then go back to the Command room for the next
batch of Bosses.


DESCRIPTION: "This is a Neo Arcadian energy plant. It is currently
What is so important that they had to shut down the
plant in the middle of an energy crisis?
The place was shut down around the time Weil appeared,
so it bears investigation."
Secret Disks:
-C004 -C056 -C064 -C078 -C082
-C095 -C124 -C149 -C150 -C155
-There will be two levers throughout the stage that will change the
movement orientation of a series of hanging platforms. Although you
will probably have to move them to grab some items, you'll have to
bring them to a specific position in order to be able to advance.
Dodge the spinning spike and the tripod enemy and climb down.
The lights will suddenly go out. Dodge two more spinning spikes
(floor and ceiling) and continue left. As soon as you see a
yellow pole, use anything Thunder-enhanced to power it up and
call the little butterfly-like thingies towards the ceiling
lamps (that way they're easier to kill, and won't bother you
as much). Destroy a good few of those and continue dow. Kill
s'more butterflies and destroy the box to grab a Secret Disk
(C056). Lighten the pole, and kill some more butterflies to
receive a Secret Disk (C155). Continue and climb the ladder.
Kill the blue wall cannon and climb up. Use the stairs to the
right and grab the big Energy Refill and a Secret Disk (C124),
and that'll give you sight of what awaits on the left side. Go
down and climb back up through the left ladder, and destroy the
two blue cannons. Climb up and avoid the tripod enemy, and blow
the box open for another Secret Disk (C082). Now play God and
use your Thunder chip and say, "Let there be light!". And there
was light, and You saw t'was good. =D Continue onwards avoiding
two more spinning spikes, and light another energy pole. Kill
the blue cannon and climb down the ladder. On the way are yet
another blue cannon and a tripod. Dodge/kill them, and pick up
the big Energy Refill at the base of the ladder. Climb down
again and kill a final blue cannon, then continue right into
the first of two energy generator chambers. You must push all
the buttons while they rotate by hitting them with all you've
got. You have to push them twice before they're activated, so
be ready to mash that B button for a while. =p After all the
buttons are in place, exit right and light another pole. Ignore
the enemies and pick up the two big Energy Crystals at the end,
then climb up and destroy a blue cannon. Be careful with the
spinspike on the ceiling, and keep climbing up. Pick up the big
Energy Refill, and from down there, charge any weapon and light
the pole to summon the butterflies towards the lamp, clearing
your way, then enter the door for a miniboss fight.
-Flamethrower: It'll fire some flames in two !
downward angles. Stay high to !
avoid these.

-Freezing Air: It'll blow freezing air in two !
upward angles. Either stay in !
the middle, or low to avoid
being frozen.
This is a nonsensical fight that does require !
some thought (as weird as that may sound =p). !
The fact that there are three spinspikes in !
the room as well doesn't make things any
easier either. The wheel on the wall will
spin a few times, then change colors and fire !
the attack corresponding to the color. Just !
keep on the platforms to avoid damage, and be !
sure to jump around between platforms if one !
stops being safe. Attack while the green eye !
is opened, and you'll be done in no time.
You'll get a Secret Disk for beating this thing (C149). Exit
the room and continue. Hit the lever up ahead to make the
bars go in the opposite direction, then climb on one, charge
the Rod, and do a pogo jump to the left (careful with the cable
thingy) to grab a Secret Disk (C064). Hit the lever back into
position, then climb on a bar and move to the very back, where
your feet almost touch normal ground, to make sure you avoid
the overhead spikes found everywhere. Be very careful with the
two floating bombs up ahead (I suggest activating your buster
here and keeping on shooting forward), as well as with the
flamethrower at the end. Kill it, then charge the Rod and wait
for a platform; jump on it, and pogo jump to the right for a
Secret Disk (C095). Go back down and continue forward. Charge
your Rod and release the charge against the flamethrower's
shield to make it turn, then quickly dispose of it. Go down the
ladder, grab the big Energy Refill, then enter the doors for
the second generator room. This time the buttons are higher,
and there are disappearing enemies as well. I suggest you use
the Combo Attack EX Technique, standing like half a body away
of where the main pillar is, and keep on hitting B until all
buttons are pushed. If you do this correctly and with enough
speed (and have the stamina to survive it for a while -- and
YES, I meant YOU, not Zero), Zero will not sustain any damage,
since the quick Rod slashes will destroy any spikes fired
toward him. After you're done here, kill the cable overhead and
climb onto the left wall. You'll walk right inside of a hidden
little alchove that encases a Secret Disk (C078) inside. Climb
the ladder and kill another cable, then climb again and kill
the flamethrower like you're used to (charge the Rod, make it
turn around, quick attack). Destroy two floating bombs ahead
and another flamethrower from below (use the Rod), and continue
onwards. Climb down twice while killing another floating bomb
and two more cables. If one of them doesn't drop a Secret Disk
(C150), advance a little and come back, they'll respawn. Kill
more until one does. Continue and kill the flamethrower, then
hit the lever so the platform immediately over your head goes
right. Climb your way to the top platform, then, at the top of
the left wall, pogo jump and pick up an extra life and a Secret
Disk (C004). Go back down and turn the lever the other way, and
make your way up again; then, at the last platform, charge your
Rod and do a pogo jump to reach safety, then enter the boss
doors to face off against Kyubit Foxstar herself. (I'm one of

those who think the original japanese name sounded a lot cooler
than the crappy english translation. So sue me. >.<)
-Flame Division: She'll divide herself into 5 !
floating flames, and move them in !
a pattern that will cover the
entire arena. Cling to the top of !
a wall, then wait for the flame !
nearest you to arc a little and !
dash jump up to avoid damage;
it'll be really hard to get used !
to this trick, but once you grasp !
it, as long as you always break !
her attacks, she won't hurt you !
in the whole battle.
-Flame Circles: She'll fly low and summon
nine little flames that will move !
around in circles. If you keep at !
always interrupting her attacks, !
she won't even do this once.
-Fireballs: She'll bring out nine fireballs !
and start shooting them at you. !
Since these are fired directly, !
not randomly, cling onto the wall !
and slip in between shots to
dodge these.
-Somersault: This is not really an attack but !
tends to confuse the player. She !
will jump and do a somersault
extra jump in midair. When she's !
low on health, she'll do this a !
lot, so be very careful when
moving around.
-Flame Burst: She'll fire several little
fireballs upwards that will stay !
on the ground on contact. Avoid !
by clinging to the top of the
walls and STAYING THERE, at least !
until the flames dissipate.
What makes this girl difficult is her Flame !
Division attack, since she covers the entire !
room with it. But once you got the timing to !
pull off my trick, she's as harmless as a
baby. Just keep pummeling her with the fully !
charged Thunder Rod to interrupt her attacks, !
and stay out of the way whenever she divides, !
and you'll be just fine. Keep the pressure on !
to beat her in one or two minutes. =)
For defeating this femme fatale you get the Double Jump Boot
Chip: equip it to be able to do a second midair jump (unlike in
the X series, this applies to dash jumps as well). In addition,
if you also cleared the stage with style ;) you'll get the
SoulLauncher EX Tech: release a charged Rod attack upwards to
send little energy balls flying. When enhanced with the Fire

chip, the energy balls will be replaced with little flames

which will stay on the ground for a while.
Furthermore, if you also grabbed Secret Disk C004 in this stage
you'll get the Slow Slide Boot Chip: equip it to slide at a
slower pace when clinging to walls.
Now that you've got your Double Jump Boots, it's time to get
another SubTank. Revisit Deathdance Mantisk stage. Notice that,
according to my latest updates, if you got this in your first
playthrough in that stage, you can ignore this section and jump
immediately to Glacier Le Cactank's stage.
Since you already cleared this stage, it's perfectly okay to
enter Cyber Space; you won't be penalized for it. Advance until
the point where the Pantheons show up behind windows. Get on
the first platform you see, then do a dashing pogo jump to the
left, and immediately double jump to reach a previously
unreachable ledge with a big Energy Crystal and the second
SubTank of the game. Pause, abort the mission, return to the
Resistance, and set on forth towards Glacier Le Cactank's base.
DESCRIPTION: "Containers have fallen out of a space ship, which
fell onto snowy plains.
It is possible that they contain data about Omega or
Weil. We sent a scouting party, but the Neo Arcadian
forces are too strong, and they cannot pass.
We would like you to reinforce them, and retrieve the
Secret Disks:
-C003 -C025 -C029 -C046 -C060
-C086 -C103 -C123 -C130 -C162
-Make sure you're charging the weapon you're currently carrying,
since there will be lots of places where you'll need that charge.
-As soon as you release a charge attack, stand on the spot for a few
seconds and begin charging again, so you have the upper hand if
anything big tries to attack you.
-Ahhh... Such peaceful music... =p
Go past the Resistance soldier (make sure your Double Jump
boots are equipped -- that'll make things a lot easier) and
destroy several underground brats and a helicopter enemy. At
the "pit", charge your weapon and jump down, then immediately

turn back and release your charge attack (preferably saber or

Rod) to kill a fat Pantheon. Ride on the platform (make sure
you step on the back side to make it go forwards -- weird
system, I know) and charge again while riding. Turn back
briefly and release the charge on another fat Pantheon. Jump
off when you get to a real pit and destroy the minitank enemy
(careful with the helicopter overhead). The minitank cannot be
damaged with charged slashes, so be careful. After you get rid
of it, stand right there and charge again, then take a few
steps forward and release the charge to kill another fat
Pantheon. Ride the platform (be sure to be charging all the
while) and as soon as you see another fat Pantheon under you,
jump off and release the charge on it. If you've killed every
fat Pantheon so far, this one should drop the corresponding
Secret Disk, the first of this level (C130). Now go back left
and walk through the snow "wall", then attack randomly and
you'll open a box that contains a second Secret Disk (C003). If
you killed the fat Pantheon near enough, the platform will
still be there, ride it down; if not, continue on foot, or go
back and wait for another fat Pantheon. As soon as you see you
leave the ground to ride in a floating slope, jump off and
destroy the fat Pantheon on your tail, and pick up a Secret
Disk out in the open (C029).
Drop down and continue on the lower route. When you see a pit
with a thin snow floor, quickly dash through it: the snow will
crumble and fall when you step on it. Kill another underground
brat and continue until the next crumbling snow floor. Let it
crumble (the pit's not that big) and slide down the left wall.
(Be aware that there's a helicopter enemy over this bridge.)
Attack randomly to open a box with a Secret Disk (C103). Get
out and jump through, then continue and destroy the minitank.
Climb onto the upper route and go back a little until you find
another Secret Disk out in the open (beware of fat Pantheons!)
and go back. Destroy the minitank again and it should drop a
Secret Disk (C162). If it doesn't, try again. Continue onwards
and destroy two more helicopter enemies, then advance a little
to face the miniboss.
-Snowballs: It'll come out the on right side !
and shoot some ice balls that
will slowly fall on you. You can !
jump and slash away to destroy
them, though they don't pose that !
much of a threat.
-Snowball Avalanche: It'll come out on the
left side and spit a series of
small ice balls towards the right !
side. They'll roll on the snow
and become bigger, so watch out. !
Destroy several of these balls to !
get a Secret Disk (C046).
This guy's a pushover. Wait for it to fire
his snowfall, then double jump up to it and !
destroy as many balls as you can. Then wait !

for it to come out on the other side and spit !
his bigger balls, and destroy them as they
come out (try not to damage him during this, !
or you'll risk not getting a Secret Disk!). !
Do the same for a few rounds until you get a !
Secret Disk from one of the balls (C046).
When you grab it, start slashing the worm
with all you have (Fire chip!) and he'll be !
gone before you know it.
For taking this walk in the park, you receive a free Secret
Disk (C060). Continue onwards and kill an underground brat,
then jump over the pit. Slide down the right wall to find an
extra life hidden behind the snow. Jump back up and break the
box for a Secret Disk (C123), then continue on the lower route
(by all means ignore the upper one!). Continue onwards, killing
bees along the way, jump over two pits, and double jump to
reach a Secret Disk on the upper way (C086). Continue onwards
and kill a few more enemies (bees, a bird generator, and some
other things), then enter the boss doors to chill it out with
Glacier Le Catcank.
-Jump Press: He'll jump and try to crush you. !
Dash out of the way.
-Circling Shards: He'll stand still and start !
swinging one of his "fists" in a !
circle pattern, shooting ice
shards everywhere. Watch their !
angle to predict where to move !
to avoid damage.
-Chain Punch: He'll throw one of his "fists" !
at you as long as his arm allows !
him, then he'll start pulling it !
back. Pretty easy to move outta !
the way.
-Swinging Shards: He'll attach to the ceiling !
and start swinging an arm,
throwing ice shards everywhere. !
Time your movement and watch the !
shards to move in between them. !
This guy gives you three advantages right
the start: He's big (meaning: slow), he's
weak against fire, and he has low health. Add !
those up, and you have one helluvan easy boss !
fight. Pummel him with Fire attacks, and
dodge his ocassional reaction, and he'll be !
done for before you even know it.
Be aware that this is the only boss fight
where Ice spikes will be hanging from the
ceiling (you can destroy them though).
For burning this popsicle you get the Spike Foot Chip: equip it
to avoid slipping on ice. If you raced through like a pimp too,
you'll also get the OrbitShield EX Technique: Charge and

release the Shield Boomerang while holding down to make it spin

around you; not only you can use other weapons while the Shield
protects you, but if you charge it up with the Ice chip, the
spinning will last more as well.
Finally, if you also grabbed Secret Disk C003 in this stage,
you'll have the third and final Helmet Chip: the Quick Charge
Helmet Chip (and my personal favorite of the three). Equip this
to significantly reduce the charging time of all weapons. =)
DESCRIPTION: "Neo Arcadia has completed a giant elevator. We do not
know its purpose.
They are bringing something up from deep underground."
Secret Disks:
-C027 -C041 -C045 -C054 -C080
-C088 -C122 -C129 -C144 -C148
This stage just so happens to be somewhat of a break from the
others: it's not a walk in the park, but it really deviates
from the usual desperatingly long / hard / twisted / etc. kind
of stages we've grown used to. Start by walking a little until
you see a Pantheon. A bat should hit the ground; immediately
turn back and stand about just behind the first column of the
background, then do a pogo jump on the (still) rolled up bat
and immediately double jump to reach a ladder on a ledge with
the first Secret Disk of the stage (C045). Since this is a
little hard to get right unless you've practiced a lot, you
might want to leave it for later, after you've finished the
stage. Anyways, drop back down, Pantheon and possibly the bat
again, then continue until you see an upwards slope. Wait until
a Pantheon is in the lowest spot, then pogo jump on it to reach
a high ledge, and do a dashing double jump to the left to reach
the second Secret Disk of the level (C041) (it's the same ledge
where the bat was hanging on). Drop down (careful with the
Pantheons) and climb the ladder on the right side (you might
need to kill the camera from below; use a charged upwards Rod
attack). Kill the shielded enemy, advance a little and you'll
see a camera directly below you; charge your Rod and pogo jump
right over it to destroy it. Climb down the ladder and continue
then destroy the two shielded enemies, and at the left top of
the small slope, pogo jump to the left to grab the extra life
you saw earlier. Double dash jump to the right to reach the
ledge and kill the Pantheons there. Ignore the first camera
below you and destroy the second one as previously; climb down
the stairs and go to the left a little for a box. Go back right
and climb the second ladder, drop down and left for a box, then
pogo jump onto the right ledge for two Pantheons and another
ledge with a box that contains a Secret Disk (C080) (you can
also use the ladder if you want =p). Go back down and climb the
next ladder, and dash double jump to the right to another ledge.

Jump over the shielded enemy and kill it from behind. Dash
double jump to the right again for a final ledge with another
Secret Disk (C054) and a big Energy Crystal. Drop down (careful
with the Pantheon, it's annoyingly placed just below the ledge)
and go down the ladder at the end. Go down three times while
killing two float bombs, and on the third slope, blow the first
float bomb at the peak of its flight to make it blow the other
and that will also open the box (chain reaction, anyone? =p).
It contains yet another Secret Disk (C122). Continue down (be
careful with the Pantheon) and blow open another box, then keep
going down. Another Pantheon is on the next platform, kill it
and dash jump to the ledge with the big Energy Crystal. You can
jump over the float bomb to avoid damage, so do so and go down.
Wait 'till the camera below you turns to the right, then
quickly go down and destroy it. Before entering the miniboss
doors, charge your Rod and release it against the left wall to
break it; inside are three boxes, one of which contains a
Secret Disk (C027). Now enter the miniboss door, and prepare
yourself for an endurance test. ;) (I hope you have at least
one full SubTank, if not both!)
The first part of the miniboss area consists of a survival
battle: You will have to fight a seemingly endless horde of
shielded tanks and little PacMan wannabes falling from the
platforms overhead left and right. The best strategy here is to
kill the little PacMen as soon as they show up, and destroy the
shielded tanks from behind with the Rod (one hit sends them to
hell without stopping over anywhere =p). Make sure you don't
push the tanks with charged Rod attacks until you get their
Secret Disk from one of them (C148), and do the same with the
PacMen (C144). Basic recommendations: abuse the double jump,
it'll help you a lot to get out of the way. Also, make sure you
hit the shielded tanks from behind, because it's too dangerous
to wait for their attack to attack them from the front. Keep
your Rod always at the ready, and hit anything that moves.
After a while of suffering, a miniboss battle ensues. (-_-)'
-Boomerang Disks: It'll fire a series of fire !
disks in several upwards and !
downwards arcing patterns. !
Cling onto the side of the !
platform to avoid them all !
without suffering damage.
-Ramming Attack: It'll try to ram and drop
you off the platform (not
that it can, though, but it !
hurts like hell). Avoid in !
the same way as the previous !
With the proper strategy, this guy will only !
be a distraction from the endurance test.
Equip your Thunder chip, and do a small hop !
and release the attack to throw the pole
backwards and electrifying it. If you have

the Quick Charge Helmet Chip, make good use !
of it and keep charging. Always jump a little !
before releasing the attack to throw the pole !
backwards and electrifying him, and it won't !
have the chance to react.
Your prize for this battle is a Secret Disk (C088). Then the
endurance test continues, this time with a little twist. After
a little while and some enemies, to the PacMan wannabes will be
added new Pantheon soldiers with big-ass arm upgrades. The
shielded tanks will continue dropping down like there's no
tomorrow, so be careful. Kill enough Pantheons to receive their
Secret Disk, the last one of the stage (C129). Continue the
endurance test for a few more minutes, and the elevator will
finally arrive to its destination. In the exit hallway you can
breathe for a bit before continuing on. =p
Back on our way, kill the two Pantheons and go down the ladder.
Dodge or destroy the floating bomb, then do the same on the
lower platform. There's a camera below you which your pogo
attack won't reach, and there's a bed of spikes below as well,
so charge your buster and as soon as it turns to the right,
dash jump and cling to the left wall, then shoot it from there.
Slide down the right wall to see two floating bombs and a BIG
(and I mean BIG) bed of spikes. Shoot them both out of the
air, and charge your buster. Double dash jump to the left wall,
and as you slide down, shoot down the camera on the ceiling. Be
careful as you slow down, and ready to jump at any time, since
there's a bed of spikes directly below you. In the lower
platform a lone Pantheon awaits, as well as a big Energy Refill
on a small ledge to the left. Deal with both, charge your
buster, and as you slide down the left wall, blow the camera
away, then enter the boss doors to become somewhat intimidated
by Torredesta Cerberian's massive battle body. (Again, I prefer
this guy's japanese translation instead of the official name.)
-Tube Throw: He'll jump high and bring a tube !
down with him, twist it in half
throw it at you. Dash under the
tube, and if you're near a wall, !
say buhbye to some health. :(
-Crate Throw: He'll jump high and bring a
crate down with him, and throw it !
at you. Get the hell out of the
way here: this hits HARD!
-Ram Dash: Usually after he throws the crate, !
he'll ram it and destroy it.
-Mutt Attack: He'll detach the two extra mutt !
heads in his shoulders as two dogs !
on their own, which will move
around the arena. Make your way
between their movements to dodge. !
-Energy Balls: He'll spit some purple energy !
balls out of his three mouths. If !
you manage to hit him with a stun !
hit, the balls disappear and he'll !
cancel the attack.

-Jump Around: Pretty self-explanatory. =p
-Forward Thrust: He'll create a purple blade !
on his fist and try to ram you,
blade first. This is also his EX !
Get ready to get crushed, man! This guy,
unlike his stage, is a damn pain in the ass! !
He will be always moving around, and when not !
he'll detach his dogs and send them at you. !
His only weak spot is either of his three
heads (also applies when the dogs are
detached). Charged Rod attacks, as always,
will push him backwards and interrupt some of !
his own moves, so make sure you always keep a !
charge ready. Keep dodging and attacking him !
whenever you see an opening. Be aware that
this could turn out to be a long, worn out, !
and annoyingly hard battle, so gather your
patience before you enter the boss room!
Knocking the lights out of this thing nets you the Absorber
Body Chip: Equip it to have more body endurance, as well as not
being pushed back when hit. If you also blew his candles out in
the stage with mad skillz, you'll also get the GaleAttack EX
Technique: a non-elemental tech, dash and press attack to
perform a forward thrust. Next stop, Volteel Biblio's.
DESCRIPTION: "The ruins of an ancient library have been found. It's
completely soaked inside, but there may still be some
data around.
We'd like you yo search for data on Weil or Omega."
Secret Disks:
-010 -016 -017 -018 -033
-043 -051 -094 -096 -125
-You will need to speak to the computer at the middle of the level
to find out the correct doors in the upcoming maze. Each incorrect
door you enter will deduct many points from your final score for
the stage. Keep in mind that the correct doors will always be in
the middle rows, since the computer always shows nine doors on the
screen at the same time (which means you have less doors to risk).
-Mysterious BGM... Sounds like out of a Resident Evil spinoff... =p
-The first half of the stage is set in a somewhat "wet" environment,
which gets periodically electrified. This can hurt you quite a bit,
so make sure you get to a safe place before the water reaches its
At the very beginning, destroy the spider and look for the
first turtle. Hit its head to make it turn over, then use your

buster to hit the next one and make it turn over too. Pogo jump
(or double dash jump) to a ledge overhead containing a big
Energy Refill and a Secret Disk (C125), then go back down and
continue. When you reach the next safe spot, wait until the
water lowers, turn the turtle over, (optionally) destroy the
oyster and pick up another Secret Disk (C051). Get out of the
small alchove (quick, the water may rise at any moment), turn
the next turtle over and make your way towards the next safe
spot. You'll soon see what the hell's going on with the water:
some loose ends of electricity cables are making the water a
giant conductor. Deal with the spider before continuing on, and
then keep charging your weapon between safe spots (there will
be a spider at each one). In the last bit of this section, kick
open the box for a Secret Disk (C043). Continue and grab the
Secret Disk out in the open (C033), then hit the turtle and
ride its backuntil the water's safe again. Quickly jump off and
continue; destroy the box for another Secret Disk (C094), then
dodge the oyster and jump to safety. At the peak of the area,
though, jump onto the ledge to grab yet another Secret Disk out
in the open (C096). Enter the miniboss doors to reach the
computer that indicates the middle of the stage.
Talk to the computer and choose in sequence each of the four
options it offers you. Take careful note of the door colors you
see on each screen (it's random, so I can't really help here).
Make sure you take note of every single detail in the doors you
are shown, since each wrong door deducts lots of points from
your final Stage Mission score (it helps having paper and pen
around, and writing down the colors of all nine doors shown
when you select each option). There are four door colors: red,
blue, green and yellow. After you're sure you got everything
written down to the last detail, exit the room and destroy the
little wide cannon enemies, then go underwater. Kill the first
piranha you see, and enter the exact doors pointed out by the
computer earlier. In each you will find a Secret Disk; don't
pick them up just yet. Figure out which room is which. These 4
rooms are as follows:
-One is a perfect square room with spikes on the ceiling.
Contains Secret Disk C017.
-One is a perfect square but has a small hole on the ground
(somewhat shaped after a T). Contains Secret Disk C018.
-One is shaped after a P, with a right side higher than the
left. Contains Secret Disk C016.
-One is a perfect square room with nothing special whatsoever
(this is the one you're looking for!). Contains the final
Secret Disk, C010.
Try your hardest to make the last one I mentioned also the last
one you enter, since that will significantly decrease the
difficulty level of the upcoming boss fight against Volteel
Biblio. After you collect all four Secret Disks, Volteel Biblio
shows his ugly face.
-Invisible Swim: He'll swim in and out of the !
holes in the walls, ceiling and
floor. You can't damage him, but he !
can't damage you either.

-Pop Out: He'll pop his head out of one of
the holes, and from another one,
his hads will pop out and throw a !
(slow) electricity ball at you.
-Electricity Charge: He'll stand somewhere in !
the room, grab the floor with his !
long limbs, and charge the complete !
building with electricity. Either !
jump and manage to stay in the air, !
or prepare to get pwned (well, not !
really =p).
-Double Shot: He'll rise his long limbs and !
shoot two shots out of each in a
diagonal pattern up and down. Jump !
in the middle to avoid. This is his !
EX Tech, in case you care. ;)
-Thunder Grab: He'll try to grab you and give !
you an electricity shock. Move out !
of the way to avoid damage.
I can't stand this guy. Why, you might ask. !
Well, his laugh easily is the most annoying !
and infurating thing I have ever heard in a !
videogame. EVER. Oh well, at least I can kick !
his ass to feel better. ^_^
Make sure you have your Ice chip equipped,
and ram him with all kinds of Ice attacks. EX !
Techs work really well here too. Due to his !
high vulnerability to Ice attakcs, his life !
meter will decrease really fast if you keep !
continuously punishing him with cool blows
(pun fully intended =p). He'll do his pop out !
attack the most throughout the fight, so if !
you can keep hitting him whenever he shows up !
you'll have him beaten in no time.
Taking this guy's plugs out of the sockets earns you the
Shadow Dash Boot Chip: Equip it to dash right through enemies
without taking damage, it also makes Zero take the color of his
trails, maybe to indicate his status. If you also made him pay
the electricity bill with style, you'll also net the V-Shot EX
Technique: Equip the Thunder Chip to fire your buster in two
directions simultaneously (also applies to charged blasts).
After the chatter, Ciel will tell you to pay the respects to a
certain someone. Go to the room just to the left of the Command
Room to find... A little surprise.
What the...?!?!?! After having a little chatter with the
surprising character there, go back to Cerveau. Check out your
dabatase, then go back to the room you were just in and talk to
the maid a few times to receive the final Secret Disk of the

Resistance Base (C044). After that, come back to Ciel, and

you'll notice that if you talk to the operators, they'll tell
you something and return you to the previous menu. Oh well,
let's have some random chatter here then. Talk to Ciel and
choose the Talk (second) option... And after a series of pretty
interesting and surprising cutscenes, you get automatically
deployed to your next mission.
Secret Disks:
-C006 -C036 -C038 -C081 -C083
-C087 -C142 -C143 -C163 -C180
-In this specific stage there's one Secret Disk (perhaps the most
useful one in the game) that can only be obtained in the Cyber
Space, so the judging system is a little more lenient here.
Start by killing the Pantheon and the camera over it, then wait
for the tripod enemy to show a blue ball at the tip of one of
its legs and destroy it. Kill the other Pantheon, then drop
close to the right wall. Equip your buster (or anything with
long range capabilities) and destroy the blue cannon, then
dash double jump to the ledge to grab the Secret Disk up there
(C036). Drop down hugging the right wall again, then go back up
to where you can see the tripod enemy. Wait for it to reveal
its weak spot as you did with the previous one and destroy it.
Go down and climb back up and the tripod enemy should have
respawned, destroy it again and repeat a few times until it
drops a Secret Disk (C143). After you kill it, get ready for
one helluva trip. ;)
Enter the Cyber Space door just above the tripod enemy, and you
will witness the magic of becoming a walking wartank, literally
a one-man army! =D Now go down and kill the three big-armed
Pantheons on your way and another tripod enemy. After you kill
it, slide down the ledge to the left to grab a (somewhat) hard
to reach Secret Disk (C081). Next, jump onto the moving
platform to your right, then back up where the tripod enemy has
probably respawned. =p Now, jump onto a higher floating
platform to your left, and do a mighty dash double jump to the
left to reach a ledge with a gate that leads you to a Secret
Disk (C038), as well as a teleporter that takes you to a room
where you pit all your might against the Secret Boss of this
game; beating him rewards you with one of the best items in the
whole game. Who he is, you might be asking...
-Kunai: He'll throw several kunai (knives) at !
you. Jump and dash to dodge.
-Bunshin no Jutsu: Fans of the Naruto series !
will immediately recognize this !

name. =p He creates four clones; !
all five images blink, but there !
is one that looks more solid than !
the others; that's the real one. !
He'll follow up by jumping and
throwing several dispersive kunai !
at the floor.
-Dashing Slash: He'll dash at you and try to !
slash you with his katana. Jump !
over him to avoid.
-Shuriken Ride: He'll throw a giant shuriken !
at you and then ride on it while !
throwing dispersive kunai. There !
is no good way to avoid damage
from this, so stay alert and try !
to dodge the knives.
-Disappear: He'll disappear and reappear over !
your head, ready to throw several !
kunai at you. Immediately dash
out of the way.
-Dispersive Shuriken: This is the attack he !
uses the most. He'll throw what !
seems to be a shuriken, but it
really is a pack of kunai grouped !
together. As it spins, it
releases kunai in all directions. !
This is BY FAR his most dangerous !
attack, since it tends to have an !
alarmingly high success rate, due !
to confusion and nerve-wrecking. !
OMFG!!! PHANTOM'S BACK! And he's pretty much !
pissed. He'll try to kick your ass no matter !
what you do or where you move, so be always !
at the ready. The Shadow Dash boots may be of !
surprisingly great help in this here battle. !
Since his pattern is so random (it can barely !
be called a pattern), there's no real trick !
to beat him here, other than to keep heavy
pressure on him and not minding your health !
too much, 'cept if you're critical. Use a
SubTank if needed, and keep pummeling him
with all you've got. The GaleAttack EX Tech !
is extremely useful here, since it deals
heavy damage and hits multiple times; but let !
it be noted that it's very unlikely that
you'll be able to score a hit with it without !
suffering damage yourself. Keep looking for a !
chance to hit him and let him have it. Though !
this could easily be the single hardest
battle of the game, believe me, it's worth it !
just because of the reward.
Beating Phantom nets you a Secret Disk (C006) which you
wouldn't normally be able to get. Now, as soon as you get out
of his chamber, you will have to do a daring jump down to grab
a Secret Disk without suffering damage. Here's a small (and
"slightly" sucky =p) ASCII map:

> | |
> | |
> | |
/^^^| |^^
The >, V and ^ symbols represent spikes, the E represents where
a blue cannon enemy will be, the G represents the gate you come
out from, and the SD represents the position of the Secret
Disk (C180). I think you can pretty much figure it out from
there, even though the map sucks like nobody's business. =p
You can also use a trick for this one: line yourself up with
the first spike column on the ceiling you see when you get out
of the gate when you jump off: you'll fall right into a
platform right above of where the Secret Disk is, so you just
have to wait until it moves closer to the one to its right,
then fall just to the right of this second one to grab it.
Continuing on, climb onto the platform with the arrow to the
right just above you and kill the camera, then enter the
alchove for an extra life. Slide down the right wall and enter
the area gate to continue onwards. Make your way through here
while killing little wide cannons, big-armed Pantheons and
ceiling spiders. Blast open the box for a Secret Disk (C087),
then continue onwards. Kill the wide cannons as you go down the
"stairs", so to call them, and at the end, kill the Pantheon,
two spiders and another wide cannon, then drop down at the end
of the hall. Grab the big Energy Refill on the opposite ledge
if needed, then drop down the right side of the hole with your
Downwards Stab EX Tech to (probably =p) kill a Pantheon down
there. Drop down the right side with the Downwards Stab again
to kill a Pantheon at the bottom (careful with the spider over
you), then jump to the opposite ledge to blow a box open and
get a Secret Disk from it (C083). Jump down again with the sane
EX Tech, and hopefully you'll kill the Pantheon down there;
drop then through the left side to reach the bottom. Kill two
more wide cannons and a Pantheon, then take the exit back to
the real world.

After being plugged out of the Matrix (sorry... couldn't resist

it =p), go back a little and kill as many wide cannons as you
can until one of them drops the corresponding Secret Disk
(C163); then go back a little more and kill more ceiling spider
enemies until one does the same and gives you their Secret Disk
(C142). After that, make your way to the end of the stage (it's
not that far, really), and get ready for the second match
against the Baby Elves.
-Change Sides: Both Babies will change sides !
flying in a zigzag pattern. Dash !
under them to avoid getting hit. !
-Giant Elf: Both Babies will join together to !
form a giant elf. It'll travel
the arena back and forth shooting !
small balls at the ground that
disperse when they hit. Jump over !
the dispersions to avoid.
-Flaming Elves: They will engulf themselves !
in flames and move across the
screen. Stay at the bottom right !
corner of the area to avoid any !
-Floor Sweep: They'll move out of the screen !
and come back sweeping the floor, !
then at the center of the screen !
they'll arc and go back to their !
original positions. Jump over one !
of them while they get to the
middle, then move under one
towards the middle as they arc to !
avoid any damage.
-Ellipse Attack: They'll move in a quick
elliptical pattern. Jump over the !
one coming at your feet to avoid !
any damage.
You'll immediately notice some of their moves !
are pretty much recycled from the last fight, !
but that gives you the edge of knowing what !
they'll possibly do next. This fight is VERY !
easy, just a matter of figuring out their
pattern, then counter attacking whenever you !
find an opening. Keep the pressure with all !
you've got and they'll be gone pretty soon. !
For beating this stage, you get absolutely nothing, except
access to the final stage of the game. But if you grabbed
Secret Disk C006 while in Cyber Space after beating the secret
boss, you'll have the most useful Secret Disk of the game at
your disposal: the Ultima Foot Boot Chip. It has absolutely ALL
of the abilities of the other Boot Chips combined into one, so
equip it right away. ^_^

Go check up on Cerveau as soon as you come back, and if you
didn't check the contents of the Secret Disks in the Mission
Status screen, make sure you reveal the contents of Secret Disk
C006 to be able to use the Ultimate Boots. If you have followed
my instructions step by step so far, you should only have ten
little empty spaces on your database, so go to the Command room
to talk to Ciel and save your game, then talk to the operators
and choose the first option to be deployed to the 16th and
final mission of the game.
Secret Disks:
-C011 -C019 -C020 -C097 -C126
-C151 -C164 -C177 -C178 -C179
-This stage will be somewhat of an endurance stage, since you will
have to fight (as tradition in MegaMan games has it) all the bosses
you've previously fought in the game, as well as the final boss in
the end, with no Resistance Base pit stops in between fights, so
gather your wits and make sure your SubTanks are full, my friend:
This is going to be a long, LONG stage.
Kill off the Pantheons and blow the box open for a Secret Disk
(C097). Kill another Pantheon and two butterflies, then climb
on the first of a series of elevator-like platforms. On the
fourth one there's a Pantheon, so be careful. On the seventh
one, wait as it nears the spiked ceiling, then dash jump to the
right and immediately turn back and double jump to the left to
reach an alchove with a Secret Disk inside and a blue cannon at
the entrance (C177). Drop down and kill the Pantheon, then
enter the boss doors for the first set of Hachishinkan bosses.
The teleporter layout is as follows:




Defeat them all (refer to their corresponding stage guides for

specific strategies) and always rememeber to heal in between
battles with the big and small Energy Refills given freely to
you in the teleporter room. When you finish with them, exit the
room, and you'll see the real use of the Ultimate Boots. Now
you're on slippery ground, and there are lots of those laser
sensor thingies out there, but with your Spike Shoe capability
and your Invisible Dash capability combined in one single
powerup, this will be little less than a walk in the park! =D
Climb up and kill the Pantheon and the camera, then blow the

box open for a Secret Disk (C151). Continue past a series of

three laser sensors and spike bed combos, then kill the
Pantheon at the end and blast the box open for a Secret Disk
(C019). Go past the laser, destroy another Pantheon and use
the buster combined with the MultiShot EX Tech to destroy the
two shielded enemies (be patient here!). Drop down (careful
with the shielded enemy below) and crack the box open for
another Secret Disk (C020). Slide down the left wall and wait
for the laser to fade to jump into the small alchove and grab
yet another Secret Disk out in the open (C178). Fall down and
dash under the shielded enemy to destroy it from behind, then
continue and destroy another one, as well as a camera. Open the
box for another Secret Disk (C164) (careful with the Pantheon
here), then continue up, killing in your way a shielded enemy.
At the top lies the second boss room, so enter it and fight the
other four Hachishinkan. The teleporter layout is as follows:


Glacier Le


Deal with them as previously done (refer to the individual

stage guides for specific strategies) remembering always to
refill your health with the Energy Refills you're given for
free between each fight, then exit the room. If you've been
killing all the Pantheons you've met so far, the next one
should drop a Secret Disk (C126). If not, move on and kill the
next, and go back and kill the previous one. Destroy the wide
cannon, then open the box for yet another Secret Disk (C179).
Then at the end, drop down hugging the right wall twice, and
destroy the box for the final Secret Disk of the game (C011).
Drop down hugging the right wall again, then the left wall
twice. Then, drop down yet again (this time wherever you want)
to find the final boss doors and clear the stage (notice I said
the stage only!).
Secret Disks:
It wouldn't be a MegaMan game if the final stage didn't include
a series of several continuous fights with the final bosses, so
I decided to break them down in three phases.
It's not too different from the last time you fought him, so
the same basic strategy applies here. He'll only have one

additional attack: grabbing his huge sword and striking the

ground three times depending on your position (the third time
will also rise debris from the ground, so be careful). After a
little while of trading blows (or rather, dodging his blows
while he takes yours), he'll move on to the next phase.
DAMN! This huge battle body will be your opponent this time
around. It's apparently a combination of both Zero, X and Omega
all mixed together. In this phase he has a few basic attacks:
--Eye Laser: He'll fire a laser from each of the three heads.
The red (Zero's) head will fire at close range;
the middle (Omega's) head will fire at middle
range, and the blue (X's) head will fire at long
--Trap Sphere: He'll fire an orange sphere that traps you and
drains your energy if it catches you.
--Track Ball: He'll fire a yellow little ball that tracks you
and tries to hit you.
--Cannonballs: He'll fire three massive energy balls from his
giant buster cannon.
--Hyper Cannon: He'll rise his buster cannon up high, and fire
a massive shot that dissipates as it moves down.
The fight concentrates in being able to effectively dodge these
moves, and learning how to counter them. It's perfectly okay if
you let yourself get hit a few times just to see the range and
affected area of a few attacks, so don't be afraid to use this
strategy to correctly organize and figure out your battle plan.
Almost all of his attacks are rendered useless if you utilize
the full potential of the Ultimate Boots correctly (double
jumps, invisible dashes, et cetera). To win this battle, you
must hit the blue blinking... thingy in the middle of the heads
until the boss' health bar is completely depleted (as if that
wasn't obvious =p), but you have to make it out of there with
at least one full SubTank, since the battle ahead ain't no
easy task.
Finally! This end-it-all fight pits you against... Yourself?!
What the hell...?!
This fight isn't as hard as you might think, but even then, you
have to be careful. Omega Zero's attacks are as folows:
--Three Slash Combo: Your exact same three slash combo.
--Spinshot: He'll double jump and do the aerial somersault (AKA
Kuuenzan), which will throw several energy waves in
a half-circle pattern.
--Rakuhouha: The same attack he had in X4. He'll punch the
ground and send several energy waves everywhere.
--Hyper Rakuhouha: An enhancement of the previous attack. This
won't send the waves everywhere, but will create an
energy column around him that protects him from
anything you can dish out.
--Wave Combo: The same long range attack from the X series. He
charges a little, then shoots two big buster shots,
followed by a wave from his Z-Saber.

--Charged Saber: Your exact same charged saber attack, with the
slight addition of dropping debris from the already
destroyed ceiling.
--Dashing Ruyenjin: He'll dash towards you and perform your
exact same Rising Slash attack.
--7 Hit Assassination: This is by far his deadliest move. He'll
do a low height dash jump towards you; if you're in
range, he'll do a massive 7-hit combo that can make
you regret staying in his way. If you're careless,
this thing can massacre a full lifebar, so stay
the hell away from him.
His attacks are pretty powerful, but also pretty easy to dodge,
due to the way he acts before performing each. This battle
focuses on figuring out the range of his attacks, since his
pattern is pretty easy to figure out once you know his moves.
After you know where his attacks move and how can you slip past
them, keep smashing him with all you've got, and he'll fall in
a matter of minutes. =D
After a series of events happen and the story
further unfolds, you gain control of Zero
once again. Slash he who stands in front of
you, to trigger the final series of events!
Congratulations, you have finished the game!
Now sit back and watch the awesome ending!
----------------------------------------------------------------------END WALKTHROUGH

Since the Saber techs are pretty hard to translate, I decided to put
inside parentheses the effect of the technique used. The top row
consists of Z-Buster EX Techs; the middle one, Z-Saber EX Techs; and
the bottom one, Recoil Rod / Shield Boomerang EX Techs.
>>>>>Z-Buster Techs:<<<<<
-Reflect Laser / Non Elemental
Charge a fully charged shot and release to fire a shot similar to

the Gemini Shot obtained from GeminiMan in the classic series. =)

This shot bounces off walls for a while.
-V-Shot / Thunder Elemental
Activate the Buster while the Thunder chip is active and your shots
will be fired in two directions to cover more ground. Also applies
to charged shots.
-Burst Shot / Fire Elemental
Charge the Buster and release while the Fire chip is equipped.
After travelling a small distance, your shot will explode, damaging
everything nearby.
-Blizzard Arrow / Ice Elemental
Charge the Buster and release to fire a small Ice sphere that will
shatter into three Ice shards going middle, high, low. Needs the
Ice chip equipped.
>>>>>Z-Saber Techs:<<<<<
-Reppuu-Geki ("Gale Attack": Dashing Stab) / Non Elemental
Attack while dashing, and you will perform a forward thrust, like
if you were stabbing someone.
-Raku-Saiga ("Saber Smash": Downwards Stab) / Thunder Elemental
While jumping, press down and attack for a downwards thrust. When
powered with the Thunder chip, this also releases three electric
balls racing on the ground in both directions.
-Ten-Retsu-Jin ("Split Heavens": Rising Slash) / Fire Elemental
Ryuuenjin, anyone? =D This works exactly like it did in Zero 2:
press up and attack to perform a rising slash. When powered with
the Fire chip, the attack leaves a little flaming trail behind, and
also gives you more height.
-Zan-Ei-Dan ("Throw Blade": Frozen Blade) / Ice Elemental
Press down and attack while on the ground to release a small saber
wave. When enhanced with the Ice chip, releases a frozen wave that
does not dissipate as quickly.
>>>>>Recoil Rod EX Techs:<<<<<
-1000 Slash / Non Elemental
Quickly attack to perform a fast paced combo. This only attacks
forward, but its speed more than makes up for its lack of range.
-Soul Launcher / Fire Elemental
Charge the Rod, then attack upwards. It will release four little
energy balls that will collapse after fying up for a while, and
fall down. When powered with the Fire chip, the four energy balls
become four little fireballs that won't dissipate when they touch
the ground.
>>>>>Shield Boomerang EX Techs:<<<<<
-Shield Sweep / Thunder Elemental
This releases the Shield rolling on the floor forward, and after a
short distance, comes back to you. When powered with the Thunder
chip, leaves a series of Thunder balls in the way. A movement
glitch causes the shield to keep spinning around you if you dash

towards it and stay under it.

-Orbit Shield / Ice Elemental
This releases the Shield and puts it to spin around you, protecting
you from potential damage. When powered with the Ice chip, the
flight time of the shield is a little longer.
Special thanks to Splashman from the MMN and PMM Forums for the
translation of the japanese names! =)

Since I already pointed out at the stage list the specific locations of
the Secret Disks in the order you find them in the game, this list will
be a complete numerically organized list for further references. You
can search through the disks by looking for a specific number preceded
by the letter D (i.e. D180).
Number |
| Description
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D001 | Deathtanz Mantisk | AUTO-CHARGE (Head Chip)
| Automatic charge to your weapon
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D002 |
Hanumachine R
| AUTO-RECOVER (Head Chip)
| Automatic recovery of vitality
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D003 | Glacier Le Cactank | QUICK-CHARGE (Head Chip)
| Boosts your charge spd.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D004 |
Cubit Foxter
| FROG (Foot Chip)
| Slide slower down walls.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D005 | Childre Inarabitta | SPLASH JUMP (Foot Chip)
| Jump on water.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D006 | Baby Elves, Part 2 | ULTIMA FOOT (Foot Chip)
| Can use all Foot Chip traits.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D007 | Introduction Stage | FILE A
| The beast-like Mutos Reploids defend
| the human race.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D008 |
Blazin' Flizard | FILE B
| Neo Arcadia is a utopia of peace
| without any Mavericks.

D009 | Childre Inarabitta | FILE C

| Cyber-elves are smart programs for
| helping man and Reploid.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D010 |
Volteel Biblio
| Weil altered Mother Elf, starting the
| Elf Wars.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D011 |
Final Stage
| Pantheon are degraded, massproduced
| Reploid copies of X.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D012 |
Devilbat Schilt | FILE F
| Maverick Reploids fated to die formed
| the Resistance.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D013 | Deathtanz Mantisk | FILE G
| Cyber-Elf X was once the original X,
| but now he has no body.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D014 |
Hanumachine R
| The Four Guardians are Reploids made
| from DNA of X.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D015 | Blizzack Stagroff R | FILE I
| Elpizo was a Neo Arcadian Reploid that
| was seduced by Dark Elf.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D016 |
Volteel Biblio
| Dark Elf was Mother Elf before Dr.
| Weil altered her.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D017 |
Volteel Biblio
| Omega was made by Dr. Weil, but was
| banished to space.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D018 |
Volteel Biblio
| Use of Dark Elf made the Elf Wars
| terribly tragic.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D019 |
Final Stage
| A Maverick now means somebody who
| fights Neo Arcadia.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D020 |
Final Stage
| The Sigma virus turned Reploids into
| Mavericks.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D021 | Baby Elves, Part 1 | A Cyber-elf Martina was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D022 | Anubis Necromancess | A Cyber-elf Milvy was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D023 |
Resistance Base | A Cyber-elf Elphy was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D024 | Introduction Stage | A Cyber-elf Sylphy was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D025 | Glacier Le Cactank | A Cyber-elf Rilphy was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D026 | Blazin' Flizard
| A Cyber-elf Artan was inside.

D027 | Tritesta Kelverian | A Cyber-elf Zictan was inside.

--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D028 | Deathtanz Mantisk | A Cyber-elf Mott was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D029 | Glacier Le Cactank | A Cyber-elf Dott was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D030 | Baby Elves, Part 1 | A Cyber-elf Curiph was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D031 | Anubis Necromancess | A Cyber-elf Luriph was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D032 | Blizzack Stagroff R | A Cyber-elf Suriph was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D033 |
Volteel Biblio
| A Cyber-elf Tiriph was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D034 | Copy X MK-II Area X2 | A Cyber-elf Yuriph was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D035 | Blizzack Stagroff R | A Cyber-elf Beriph was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D036 | Baby Elves, Part 2 | A Cyber-elf Wiliph was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D037 | Introduction Stage | A Cyber-elf Cyliph was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D038 | Baby Elves, Part 2 | A Cyber-elf Snoq was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D039 | Deathtanz Mantisk | A Cyber-elf Mathiq was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D040 |
Hanumachine R
| A Cyber-elf Miyaq was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D041 | Tritesta Kelverian | A Cyber-elf Ajiq was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D042 | Copy X MK-II Area X2 | A Cyber-elf Dobuq was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D043 |
Volteel Biblio
| A Cyber-elf Mulaq was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D044 | Resistance Base
| A Cyber-elf Mailla was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D045 | Tritesta Kelverian | A Cyber-elf Muilla was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D046 | Glacier Le Cactank | A Cyber-elf Cloppe was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D047 | Blazin' Flizard
| A Cyber-elf Sloppe was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D048 | Deathtanz Mantisk | A Cyber-elf Putite was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D049 | Childre Inarabitta | A Cyber-elf Balette was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D050 | Introduction Stage | A Cyber-elf Maya was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D051 |
Volteel Biblio
| A Cyber-elf Kwappa was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D052 | Devilbat Schilt
| A Cyber-elf Gambul was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D053 | Devilbat Schilt
| A Cyber-elf Biraid was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D054 | Tritesta Kelverian | A Cyber-elf Birleaf was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D055 | Baby Elves, Part 1 | A Cyber-elf Pitapah was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D056 |
Cubit Foxter
| A Cyber-elf Pitapuh was inside.

D057 | Baby Elves, Part 1 | A Cyber-elf Beetack was inside.

--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D058 | Resistance Base
| A Cyber-elf Benipe was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D059 | Childre Inarabitta | A Cyber-elf Archim was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D060 | Glacier Le Cactank | A Cyber-elf Archil was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D061 | Copy X MK-II Area X2 | A Cyber-elf Byse was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D062 | Copy X MK-II Area X2 | A Cyber-elf Dylphina was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D063 |
Hanumachine R
| A Cyber-elf Lizetus was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D064 |
Cubit Foxter
| A Cyber-elf Cottus was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D065 | Anubis Necromancess | A Cyber-elf Shuthas was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D066 | Blizzack Stagroff R | A Cyber-elf Malthas was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D067 | Deathtanz Mantisk | A Cyber-elf Ilethas was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D068 | Blizzack Stagroff R | A Cyber-elf Enethas was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D069 | Copy X MK-II Area X2 | A Cyber-elf Busras was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D070 | Copy X MK-II Area X2 | A Cyber-elf Sabras was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D071 |
Hanumachine R
| A Cyber-elf Roderas was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D072 | Blazin' Flizard
| A Cyber-elf Boomeras was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D073 | Blazin' Flizard
| A Cyber-elf Clokkle was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D074 | Deathtanz Mantisk | A Cyber-elf Meteoras was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D075 | Childre Inarabitta | A Cyber-elf Meteorika was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D076 |
Hanumachine R
| A Cyber-elf Metorph was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D077 | Copy X MK-II Area X2 | A Cyber-elf Metella was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D078 |
Cubit Foxter
| A Cyber-elf Meterom was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D079 | Childre Inarabitta | A Cyber-elf Kynite was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D080 | Tritesta Kelverian | A Cyber-elf Surnite was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D081 | Baby Elves, Part 2 | A Cyber-elf Tenite was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D082 |
Cubit Foxter
| A Cyber-elf Stopalla was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D083 | Baby Elves, Part 2 | A Cyber-elf Stopina was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D084 | Devilbat Schilt
| A Cyber-elf Stopule was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D085 | Anubis Necromancess | A Cyber-elf Stopeta was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D086 | Glacier Le Cactank | A Cyber-elf Stoposa was inside.

D087 | Baby Elves, Part 2 | A Cyber-elf Hanmarga was inside.

--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D088 | Tritesta Kelverian | A Cyber-elf Hanmarji was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D089 | Anubis Necromancess | A Cyber-elf Hanmarbo was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D090 | Baby Elves, Part 1 | A Cyber-elf Aina was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D091 | Anubis Necromancess | A Cyber-elf Acooi was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D092 | Resistance Base
| A Cyber-elf Achoon was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D093 | Devilbat Schilt
| A Cyber-elf Anater was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D094 |
Volteel Biblio
| A Cyber-elf Awarne was inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D095 |
Cubit Foxter
| 80 E-Crystals were inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D096 |
Volteel Biblio
| 100 E-Crystals were inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D097 |
Final Stage
| 200 E-Crystals were inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D098 | Baby Elves, Part 1 | 150 E-Crystals were inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D099 | Resistance Base
| 40 E-Crystals were inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D100 | Devilbat Schilt
| 100 E-Crystals were inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D101 | Introduction Stage | 100 E-Crystals were inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D102 | Blazin' Flizard
| 50 E-Crystals were inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D103 | Glacier Le Cactank | 80 E-Crystals were inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D104 | Devilbat Schilt
| 100 E-Crystals were inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D105 | Anubis Necromancess | 100 E-Crystals were inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D106 | Resistance Base
| 40 E-Crystals were inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D107 | Resistance Base
| 500 E-Crystals were inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D108 |
Hanumachine R
| 100 E-Crystals were inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D109 | Blizzack Stagroff R | 100 E-Crystals were inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D110 | Copy X MK-II Area X2 | 100 E-Crystals were inside.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D111 | Introduction Stage | Omega
| This Reploids has the signature of
| Dark Elf.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D112 | Deathtanz Mantisk | Deathtanz Mantisk
| Uses scythes to dispose of old
| Reploids.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D113 | Childre Inarabitta | Childre Inarabitta
| Can become small to boost speed.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D114 | Blazin' Flizard
| Blazin' Flizard

| This lizard can detach his tail and
| frill.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D115 | Devilbat Schilt
| Devilbat Schilt
| Attacks with small bat drones from his
| cape.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D116 | Resistance Base
| Crea
| A blue Baby Elf named by Alouette.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D117 | Baby Elves, Part 1 | Prea
| A red Baby Elf named by Alouette.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D118 | Anubis Necromancess | Anubis Necromancess V
| Jackal 'loid revived by Dr. Weil.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D119 |
Hanumachine R
| Hanumachine R
| Monkey 'loid revived by Dr. Weil.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D120 | Blizzack Stagroff R | Blizzack Stagroff R
| Elk Reploid revived by Dr. Weil.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D121 | Copy X MK-II Area X2 | Copy X mk-II
| A revised Copy X revived by Dr. Weil.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D122 | Tritesta Kelverian | Tritesta Kelverian
| Can detach the two heads on his
| shoulders.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D123 | Glacier Le Cactank | Glacier Le Cactank
| Swings chained arms around.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D124 |
Cubit Foxter
| Cubit Foxter
| Fox Reploid that uses 9 remotes.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D125 |
Volteel Biblio
| Volteel Biblio
| Eel Reploid that uses electricity.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D126 |
Final Stage
| Pantheon Hunter
| Carries a 3 shot gun.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D127 | Baby Elves, Part 1 | Pantheon Guardian
| Carries an electric club.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D128 | Blizzack Stagroff R | Pantheon Aqua
| Shoots a harpoon from its arm.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D129 | Tritesta Kelverian | Pantheon Fist
| Punches when close.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D130 | Glacier Le Cactank | Pantheon Base
| Rides a hovercraft, uses hammer.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D131 |
Devilbat Schilt | Deathlock
| Mechaniloid made from old parts.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D132 | Blizzack Stagroff R | Gyro Cannon
| Floats up with a propeller.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D133 | Introduction Stage | Grand Cannon

| A cannon made for frozen terrain.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D134 |
Hanumachine R
| Tile Cannon
| A cannon that hides in walls.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D135 | Deathtanz Mantisk | Pyra Cannon
| A cannon that attacks from poles.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D136 | Blizzack Stagroff R | Heavy Cannon
| Shoots a one-ton cannonball.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D137 | Copy X MK-II Area X2 | Capsule Cannon
| Shoots 2 shots from a capsule.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D138 | Baby Elves, Part 1 | Generator Cannon
| Creates small mechaniloids.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D139 | Baby Elves, Part 1 | Eye Cannon
| Spots intruders and attacks.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D140 | Introduction Stage | Shrimpolin
| This foe can move quickly in sand or
| snow.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D141 | Blazin' Flizard
| Volcaire
| Stores lava inside body then splits
| mid-air.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D142 | Baby Elves, Part 2 | Claveker
| This foe shoots from ceilings.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D143 | Baby Elves, Part 2 | Petatria
| Revives if eye is not attacked.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D144 | Tritesta Kelverian | Shotloid
| Shoots while moving in small steps.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D145 | Deathtanz Mantisk | Seimeran
| This plant Mechaniloid smells nice.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D146 | Blazin' Flizard
| Lamplort
| Mechaniloid made to cook fish.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D147 |
Devilbat Schilt | Lemmingles
| 4 mouse-like Mechaniloids in a group.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D148 | Tritesta Kelverian | Cattatank
| Guards with shield then punches.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D149 |
Cubit Foxter
| Top Gabyoall
| Patrols floors and walls.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D150 |
Cubit Foxter
| Snakecord
| Hangs from ceilings and bites when
| separated.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D151 |
Final Stage
| Gallisni
| Appears when alarm is tripped.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D152 | Blazin' Flizard
| Crossbyne

| Shoots 4-way bullets and warps.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D153 | Anubis Necromancess | Flopper
| Explodes, damaging close units.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D154 | Anubis Necromancess | PurpleNerple
| This foe has a bomb underneath.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D155 |
Cubit Foxter
| Mothjiro
| Congregates near light.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D156 | Introduction Stage | Batring
| Repels any attack when wings close.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D157 |
Hanumachine R
| Melnett
| A bee-type Mechaniloid that stings.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D158 | Introduction Stage | Shotcounter
| Can block frontal attacks.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D159 | Childre Inarabitta | Sharkseal X
| A shark-type Mechaniloid that bites.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D160 | Childre Inarabitta | Shelluno
| Attacks from behind its target.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D161 | Childre Inarabitta | Icebon
| Produces ice underwater.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D162 | Glacier Le Cactank | Shellcrawler
| Runs when it loses its shell.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D163 | Baby Elves, Part 2 | Cannonhopper
| Shoots from ceilings and floors.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D164 |
Final Stage
| Dr. Weil
| Scientist who created Reploids.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D165 | Resistance Base
| Ciel
| Researcher specializing in energy.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D166 | Resistance Base
| Cerveau
| Engineer who makes Zero's weapons.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D167 | Resistance Base
| Andrew
| Old Reploid who likes to talk a lot.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D168 | Resistance Base
| Alouette
| Treasures a doll Ciel gave her.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D169 | Resistance Base
| Hibou
| This hungry Reploid eats E-Crystals.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D170 | Resistance Base
| Rocinolle
| Helps with wounded Reploids.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D171 | Resistance Base
| Perroquiet
| A brilliant assistant to Ciel.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D172 | Resistance Base
| Autruche

| A tall Reploid known for his dull
| speeches.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D173 | Resistance Base
| Hirondelle
| Flies around and gathers information.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D174 | Resistance Base
| Doigt
| Cerveau's helper and weaponmaker.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D175 | Resistance Base
| Menart
| A mischief-maker who plays hooky.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D176 | Resistance Base
| Pic
| A cynical Reploid who makes snide
| comments.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D177 |
Final Stage
| Harpuia
| The shrewd Green Lord leads the Rekku
| Army.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D178 |
Final Stage
| Fefnir
| The fierce Red Lord leads the Jin'en
| Army.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D179 |
Final Stage
| Leviathan
| The sly Blue Lord leads the Mekai
| Army.
--------+----------------------+--------------------------------------D180 | Baby Elves, Part 2 | Phantom
| The evil Dark Lord leads the Zan'ei
| Army.

This Elves list is just for the basic elves; any Elf Evolution gained
from feeding Energy Crystals to the Elves will NOT be listed here.
This is so you can just check which ones you do have, and which ones
not, in their base form, so you can evolve them as needed.
----------------------------------------------------------------------a.- NURSE ELVES
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Name | Description
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Martina | I double your vitality.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Milvy | I increase vitality slightly.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Elphy | I can raise vitality a tiny bit.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Sylphy | Use my power to boost vitality!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Rilphy | Let me boost your vitality!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Artan | I become a Sub Tank to help you.

----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Zictan | If you need a Sub Tank, I can help!

----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Mott | Use my power to increase lives by 3!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Dott | If you want 3 more lives call on me!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Curiph | My energy can heal 8 vitality.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Luriph | I heal 8 vitality for you.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Suriph | Let me heal 8 vitality for you.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Tiriph | Wounded? I can heal 8 vitality.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Yuriph | If you get hurt, I heal 8 vitality.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Beriph | Use me when you need 8 vitality!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Wiliph | My powers can heal 8 vitality.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Cyliph | Just for you, I can heal 8 vitality.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Snog | I can heal all of your vitality!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Mathig | I can heal vitality completely!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Miyag | Let me heal all of your vitality.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Ajig | Let me help! I heal all vitality!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Dobug | It's my job to heal you completely!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Mulag | My powers can heal you completely.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Mailla | Damage down. Bullets into 1 vitality.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Miulla | Damage down. Bullets into 1 vitality.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Cloppe | I drop Life Energy (S) around you!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Sloppe | I scatter Life Energy (S)!
----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------b.-ANIMAL ELVES
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Name | Description
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Putite | I'll make deadly traps non-lethal.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Balette | I can make you run faster!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Maya | I can boost your speed up ladders!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Kwappa | I'll help you defy gravity!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Gambul | You won't slide back from hits!

Biraid | I save you if you fall down a pit!

----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Birleaf | I won't let you fall down pits!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Pitapah | I cling to and stop certain enemies.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Pitapuh | I grab and stop certain enemies.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Beetack | I'll shoot ahead to help you!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Beenipe | My bullets will give cover fire!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Archim | My shots head toward the ground!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Archil | My shots hit the ground!
----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------c.- HACKER ELVES
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Name | Description
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Byse | I double the items you get!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Dylphina | Enemies will drop more items!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Lizetus | Press UP during TRIPLE ATTACK. (Allows upward 3rd slash)
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Cottus | Press DOWN during TRIPLE ATTACK. (Allows waving 3rd slash)
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Shuthas | Four shots for your Buster Shot!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Malthas | Dash + Up/down or jump + Up: spin.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Ilethas | Slash at bullets to stop them.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Enethas | Block shots and you'll get EC (S).
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Busras | +1 to your Buster Shot.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Sabras | +1 to your Z Saber.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Roderas | +1 to your Rod.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Boomeras | 1 to your Shield.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Clokkle | Speed up your weapon charge.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Metoras | Certain foes become Mettaurs.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Metorika | I can turn foes into Mettaurs.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Metorph | I'll turn foes into Mettaurs.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Metella | I turn foes into Mettaurs.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Meterom | Enemies will become Mettaurs.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Kynite | I destroy all small enemies!

----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Surnite | Use me to wipe out small foes!

----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Tenite | Knock out small foes instantly!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Stopalla | Certain enemies get stunned.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Stopina | I can stun certain foes.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Stopule | Some foes will get stunned!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Stopita | My job is to stun certain enemies!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Stoposa | It's my duty to stop some foes.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Hanmarga | My job is tu cut a boss's vitality!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Hanmarji | I halve a boss's vitality!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Hanmarbo | I will cut a boss's vitality!
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Aina | Become Lv. A during the mission.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Acooi | Use me to boost you to Lv. A.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Achoon | I'll boost you to level A.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Anater | My energies will boost you to Lv. A.
----------+-----------------------------------------------------------Awarne | Lv. A? Sure, but it will only last the mission!
----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------d.- MISCELLANEOUS DATA ABOUT CYBER ELVES
-----------------------------------------------------------------------There are two types of Cyber Elves in the game: Fusion Elves and
Satellite Elves.
-Fusion Elves, when used, automatically die, and add a permanent
negative score to your missions throughout the rest of the game.
-Satellite Elves, on the other hand, can be used with no stage score
-As in the previous installments, you can feed Energy Crystals to the
Elves; but since this guide wants to make the most of your first
playthrough, I haven't listed the specific Elf Evolutions.
-Some Elves have a small [A] beside them in the Elf Listing screen:
these are the elves that become automatically activated when you
enter Cyber Space. (Obviously, this does not apply in Hard or
Ultimate modes, since in Hard, you can't use them at all, and in
Ultimate, you already have all of them active with no penalty.)
-Some elves, after evolving, can show
their names in the Elf Listing. This
enough Crystals, they can morph from
and vice versa, as many times as you
Energy Crystal supply lasts =p).

a little circular arrow beside

indicates that, if they're fed
Fusion Elves to Satellite Elves
want (and as much as your


In all of these you can receive up to three hits, except for
Leviathan's, which is time based.
-Character: Condition to Unlock.
--In-Game description.
---Description of MiniGame.
-Zero: Finish the game.
--"Aim with +Control Pad and use B BUTTON to hit Mellnets with
Recoil Rod. Different colored Mellnets are harder and require
2 shots or a charged shot.
3 misses = game over."
---Using the Recoil Rod, destroy as many bees as you can. You
can charge the rod, but you can't move anywhere. Gray bees
take a hit, yellow striped bees take two normal hits or a
charged blow. Extra points for hitting a yellow bee and
making it crash against others.
-Ciel: Finish the game with S rank at the end.
--"Guide 5 colored jewels to the right colored beaker. The jewels
will take all possible turns.
Use A BUTTON or B BUTTON to open or close paths.
3 misses = game over."
---You have five colums, and can use five panels. Colored balls
come out of the tubes on top of the screen, and using the
panels to block some passageways, you have to force each ball
to fall in its corresponding tube at the bottom of the
screen. Might be the hardest of them all. =p Press L and R to
speed up the movement of the balls (although I find no human
reason for why would you want to do that). >_>
-Copy X MK2: Finish the game on Hard mode.
--"Using 3 elements, destroy panels on a belt conveyor.
The L BUTTON and R BUTTON change elements, B BUTTON attacks.
Thunder on Ice, Ice on Fire, Fire on Thunder.
3 misses = game over."
---You have three chips, a conveyor belt, and three tubes at the
top of the screen. These three tubes will be dropping icons
with the symbols of the three elemental chips, and you have
to destroy them with the corresponding shot (i.e. Ice
destroys Thunder, Thunder destroys Fire, and Fire destroys
Ice). Press L and R to switch through the elemental shots at
your disposal.
-Harpuia: Finish all missions with S rank using only the Z-Saber.
--"Riding Aztec Falcon jump over obstacles and slash foes.
A BUTTON to jump; B BUTTON to slash. Ends when you get hit

3 times, crash, or fall in a pit."

---You're running in a track with obstacles, and must destroy
everything on sight, and collect as many energy crystals as
possible. You can jump over some stuff and attack with your
blades. (Unrelated Note: Aztec Falcon is BACK! =D ...Just
felt like pointing it out.) =p
-Fefnir: Obtain 100 points in ALL stages (includes the last one).
--"Stop Carryarms from taking the items. +Control Pad to move
Fefnir; B BUTTON to fire Meteor Rain.Score bonus points when
items Drop. Game ends when an item is taken."
---You have four boxes behind you. Shooting upwards, you must
avoid the cargo robots stealing your boxes. This is probably
the easiest of all, along with Phantom's. Destroy a cargo
robot actually carrying a box for extra points.
-Leviathan: Same as Fefnir's.
--"Move Leviathan w/ +Control Pad; B BUTTON for spear. Earn score
and time by hitting only Mechaniloids. Consecutive hits score
bonus points. Game ends when time runs out."
---This is the only time based minigame. You're in the
top of a pool, and various fish are swimming by. Destroy the
piranhas while not damaging the normal fish. Golden oysters
award additional seconds. Miss a hit or hit a normal fish,
and lose 5 seconds. You can hit multiple piranhas at a time
to build up a combo.
-Phantom: Finish all missions with S rank using only the Z-Buster.
--"Jump form one shuriken to another. +Control Pad to move;
A BUTTON to jump. Ends when hit 3 times, or you fall from a
---Easy, but gets annoying after a while. Jump from Shuriken to
Shuriken without falling.
Many thanks to Fireman from the Planet MegaMan forums for letting
me know of some of the minigames tricks, effects and features. ^_^
----------------------------------------------------------------------002. ALTERNATE GAMEPLAY MODES
-After fnishing the game once, press and hold L while selecting
"New Game" form the main menu to play in Hard Mode. This mode
does not allow you to fully charge the buster (can be charged to
the first level though) nor the saber (cannot be charged at all).
The Rod and the Shield can be normally charged though. Also, use
of Cyber Elves is completely taken out of this mode.
-After collecting all 180 Secret Disks or using all the Cyber
Elves in the whole game, press and hold R while choosing "New
Game" from the main menu to play in Ultimate Mode. Its effects?
WHATSOEVER, an insanely and obscenely big life meter, S rank
Also, all your charged attacks can be done by using Street
Fighter type commands on the D-Pad. Here are the combinations:
>>Charged Buster, Lv. 1: Down, Down-Forward, Forward + Attack
>>Charged Buster, Lv. 2: (Down, Down-Forward, Forward) x 2,
>>Charged Saber: Forward, Down-Forward, Down + Attack

>>Recoil Rod: Depends on the direction of the attack.

Forward: Down, Down-Forward, Forward + Attack
Upwards: Forward, Up-Forward, Up + Attack
Downwards (Pogo Jump): Forward, Down-Forward,
Down + Attack
>>Shield Boomerang: Down, Down-Forward, Forward + Attack
Nifty little fact is that the Ultimate Form color of the previous
Zero game also returns in this one. ^_^ Also, albeit this mode is
supposed to make the game harder, it actually makes it easier,
since it gives you every single powerup right from the start, so
have fun beating the hell out of everything that steps on your
way. ;)
-After finishing the game (any difficulty), continue using the
same save file to play a New Game Plus-like mode. You retain all
your powerups and Secret Disks from the previous playthrough, so
if you missed anything, here's your chance to complete your file.
This serves as a way of completing the whole game in case you
overlook or forget something in the first playthrough. =)
Credits go to Tim from the MegaMan Network for informing me the
effects of Ultimate Mode on the gameplay. ^_^ Arigatou gozaimasu,
Tim-sama! =D
----------------------------------------------------------------------003. BATTLE NETWORK VIRUSES AND Z-SABER BATTLE CHIP
-I forgot to mention this before, but opposed to the method of the
E-Reader cards used in the Japanese version, in the US and EUR
versions you can easily unlock the Battle Network enemies in Z3
(and the Z-Saber chip in BN4), by simply hooking up Z3 and any of
the two versions of Battle Network 4 (Red Sun or Blue Moon). You
need to use Ciel's computer (in Z3) and the Link option (in BN4)
to be able to unlock these features.

This section lists miscellaneous stuff that I didn't feel like putting
in any other section. =p
-Spidey Zero (WTF?)
I myself was surprised as heck after seeing this. =p To make Zero
STICK to walls (instead of just sliding down), make sure you're
playing with all of your elves active (might be in a normal game
or better yet, in Cyber Space or Ultimate Mode), select the All
Terrain Armor, and cling to a wall. Instead of slipping down, you'll
hang onto it much like the X series' Gaea and Shadow Armors did. ;)
(Thanks to baron82el for pointing this out to me!!)
-Past EX Techs
Indeed, Z2's EX Techs are BACK! Well, some of them at least. =p
Besides receiving some past EX Techs from bosses, you can also use
some that are inherently given to you at the start of the game, or
when you use a specific Cyber Elf. The Shield Boomerang's ability of
turning enemy shots into Energy Crystals is one of them; try to find

them all! ;)
-Continuous Dash Jumping
xnamkcor pointed this out to me. Dash jump, and at the exact frame
when Zero touches the ground, jump normally again. On some rare
ocassions, you'll be able to get the timing right to keep your dash
shadows and speed without having to press or hold the dash button.
Might prove useful for some stuff out there. n_n
-As pointed out in the guide itself, you can indeed get the SubTank in
Deathtanz Mantisk's stage the first time you visit it. But, be aware
that you'll need precise control over the pogo jump physics, the
dash jump physics, and pixel-perfect aiming. When you reach the area
with the Pantheons stationed on windows, you need to destroy the
rightmost one, then time a pixel-perfect dash jump aimed to fall on
the leftmost Pantheon's head, and pogo jump from it to reach the
high leftmost ledge. It houses the very first subtank of the game, as
well as a big Energy Crystal.

----------------------------------------------------------------------1- JAPANESE VERSION (ROCKMAN ZERO 3)
----------------------------------------------------------------------0000E38D 000A
Enable Code
1000314C 0007
820021CA 443E

Unlock Bonus MiniGames Menu


Enable All Minigames


820021F0 0413

Unlock EXE Enemies in Cyber Space

32031938 0004

Infinite Lives, Zero MiniGame

32031973 0000

No Misses, Ciel MiniGame

32037D7A 0000

Infinite Double Jumps

82036F7C 0000

Low Game Time

32036F71 0006

Always Have S Rank

32036F70 0009

Infinite Lives

32037CF4 0002


32037D04 0020

Infinite Health

32037D05 0001

Have Double Health Bar

Notes: Acts like infinite health though.

82037D1A 270F

Infinite Energy Crystals

32037D70 00FF

Endless Dash

82037D1C 2020
82037D1E 2020

Have Both Reserve Tanks

32037D2A 000F

Have All Weapons

32037D2B 00FF
82037D2C FFFF

Have All Armor Upgrades

82037D28 FFFF

Have All EX Techniques

42036E78 FFFF
00000017 0002

Secret Disk Database Completed

42036ED8 0F0F
00000004 0002

All Life Energy Upgrades

Notes: Gives double health bar without acting like
invincible health; also makes some Elves dead. DO NOT

82036EF2 0F0F

Spike Protection Upgrade

Notes: When you hit spikes, your energy will drain
a bit instead of getting instantly killed. DO NOT USE

42036ED8 0F0F
00000025 0002

Have All Cyber Elves Used

Notes: You cannot combine this code with the "Have
All Elves Fully Grown", or your game will crash. DO

42036ED8 0505
00000025 0002

Have All Elves Fully Grown

Notes: You cannot combine this code with the "Have

All Cyber Elves Used", or your game will crash.

74000130 03FE
E2037CB8 FCB0

Jump Through Ceilings

Notes: You can get stuck and lose all your energy in
some places, so be careful where you use this code.

72001EB0 FE01
32037C6E 0000

Moon Jump (Hold L+A to Activate)

8202FFE4 0690

Infinite Time in Timed Events

7202FFE8 0000
8202FFE8 0018

1 Kill Needed to Pass Timed Events


Press Select to Drain Boss' Energy



Jump to Last Stage

Notes: This will put you all the way at the end of
the game, so you can go to the last stage right

320021F4 00??

Dialog Border Modifier

Notes: Replace the ?? with the following numbers for
these effects:
02=Blue Metal
03=Comic Action Talk Box style
04=Mechanical Style
05=Rose Style
06=Command Line Style
07=Chain Style
08=Intense Style

320021F8 00??

Ciel's Computer Modifier

Notes: Replace the ?? with the following numbers for
these effects:
02=Vending Machine! [LMFAO!]
04=Super Computer

420021A6 FFFF
00000025 0002

Insane Full Resistance Base Makeover!!

Notes: Err... Go and take a look around the base...
You'll probably notice a DEFINITE change. =D Also, be
aware that this prevents you from getting some Secret
Disks, like the one you get from old man Andrew, for

example, since he gets replaced by a Resistance

Soldier, among other things.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2- EUROPEAN VERSION (MEGAMAN ZERO 3)
----------------------------------------------------------------------00009299 000A
Enable Code
10003160 0007
8200244A 443E

Unlock Bonus Mini Game Menu


Enable All Minigames


32031CB3 0000

No Misses (Ciel Mini Game)

74000130 00FF
82031C8C 0708

L+R To Fill Timer (Leviathan Mini Game)

72031D40 0203
82031D40 0303

Infinite Lives (Phantom Mini Game)

72031C78 0002
82031C78 0003

Infinite Lives (Zero, Copy X & Harpuia Mini Games)

82002470 FFFF

Unlock EXE Enemies in Cyber Space

320380BA 0000

Infinite Double Jumps

820372BC 0000

Low Game Time

320372B1 0006

Always Have S Rank

320372B0 0009

Infinite Lives

32038034 0002


32038044 0020

Infinite Health

32037045 0001

Have Double Health Bar

Notes: Acts like infinite health still though.

8203805A 270F

Infinite Energy Crystals

320380B0 00FF

Infinite Dash

8203805C 2020
8203805E 2020

Have Both Reserve Tanks

3203806A 000F

Have All Weapons

3203806B 00FF
8203806C FFFF

Have All Armor Upgrades

82038068 FFFF

Have All EX Techs

420371B8 FFFF
00000017 0002

Have All Secret Disks

42037218 0F0F
00000004 0002

Have All HP Upgrades

Notes: Gives double health bar without acting like
invincible health; also makes some Elves Dead.

82037232 0F0F

Spike Protection Upgrade

Notes: When you hit spikes, your energy will drain
a bit instead of getting instantly killed.

42037218 0F0F
00000025 0002

Have All Elves Used


42037218 0505
00000025 0002

Have All Elves & Fully Grown


7203807C 0606
8203807C C8C8

Quick Weapon Charge

74000130 03FE
E2037FF8 FCB0

Jump Through Ceilings

Notes: You can get stuck and lose all your energy in
some places, so be careful.

72001EB0 FE01
32037FAE 0000

Moon Jump (Hold L+A to Activate)

82030324 0690

Infinite Time in Timed Events

72030328 0000
82030328 0018

1 Kill Needed to Pass Timed Event


Press Select to Drain Boss' Energy


82030104 FFAF

Jump to Last Stage

Notes: This will put you all the way at the end of
the game, so you can go to the last stage.

32002534 00??

Dialog Border Modifier

Notes: Replace the ?? with the following numbers for
these effects:
02=Blue Metal
03=Comic Action Talk Box style
04=Mechanical Style
05=Rose Style
06=Command Line Style
07=Chain Style
08=Intense Style

32002538 00??

Ciel's Computer Modifier

Notes: Replace the ?? with the following numbers for
these effects:
02=Vending Machine! [LMFAO!]
04=Super Computer

42002426 FFFF
00000025 0002

Insane Full Resistance Base Makeover!!

Notes: Err... Go and take a look around the base...
You'll probably notice a DEFINITE change. =D Also, be
aware that this prevents you from getting some Secret
Disks, like the one you get from old man Andrew, for
example, since he gets replaced by a Resistance
Soldier, among other things.



Boss has Triple Health (Press Select+Start to Enable)

3203016E 00FF

Mission ends with 255 enemies killed; scores an extra

15 points

3203016E 0000

Mission ends with no damage taken, scores another

extra 15 points
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3- AMERICAN VERSION (MEGAMAN ZERO 3)
----------------------------------------------------------------------00009299 000A
Enable code
10003162 0007
8200244A 443E

Unlock Bonus Mini Game Menu


Enable All Minigames


82002470 0413

Unlock EXE Enemies in Cyber Space

32031C78 0004

Infinite Lives (Zero's Minigame)

32031CB3 0000

No Misses (Ciel Minigame)

320380BA 0000

Infinite Double Jumps

820372BC 0000

Low Game Time

320372B1 0006

Always Have S Rank

320372B0 0009

Infinite Lives

32038034 0002


32038044 0020

Infinite Health

32037045 0001

Have Double Health Bar

Notes: Acts like Infinite Health still though.

8203805A 270F

Infinite Energy Crystals

320380B0 00FF

Infinite Dash

8203805C 2020
8203805E 2020

Have Both Reserve Tanks

3203806A 000F

Have All Weapons

3203806B 00FF
8203806C FFFF

Have All Armor Upgrades

82038068 FFFF

Have All EX Techs

420371B8 FFFF
00000017 0002

Have All Secret Disks

42037218 0F0F
00000004 0002

Have All HP Upgrades

Notes: Gives double health bar without acting like
invincible health, also makes some Elves dead.

82037232 0F0F

Spike Protection Upgrade

Notes:When you hit spikes, your energy will drain

a bit instead of getting instantly killed.
42037218 0F0F
00000025 0002

Have All Cyber Elves Used


42037218 0505
00000025 0002

Have All Elves & Fully Grown


7203807C 0606
8203807C C8C8

Quick Weapon Charge

74000130 03FE
E2037FF8 FCB0

Jump Through Ceilings

Notes: You can get stuck and lose all your energy in
some places, so be careful.

72001EB0 FE01
32037FAE 0000

Moon Jump (Hold L+A to Activate)

82030324 0690

Infinite Time in Timed Events

72030328 0000
82030328 0018

1 Kill Needed to Pass Timed Event


Press Select to Drain Boss' Energy


82030104 FFAF

Jump to Last Stage

Notes: This will put you all the way at the end of
the game, so you can go to the last stage.

32002534 00??

Dialog Border Modifier

Notes: Replace the ?? with the following numbers for
these effects:
02=Blue Metal
03=Comic Action Talk Box style
04=Mechanical Style
05=Rose Style
06=Command Line Style
07=Chain Style
08=Intense Style

32002538 00??

Ciel's Computer Modifier

Notes: Replace the ?? with the following numbers for
these effects:
02=Vending Machine! [LMFAO!]
04=Super Computer

420024E6 FFFF
00000025 0002

Insane Full Resistance Base Makeover!!

Notes: Err... Go and take a look around the base...
You'll probably notice a DEFINITE change. =D Also, be

aware that this prevents you from getting some Secret

Disks, like the one you get from old man Andrew, for
example, since he gets replaced by a Resistance
Soldier, among other things.


3203016E 00FF

Boss Has Triple Health (Press Select+Start to


Mission ends with 255 enemies killed; scores an extra

15 points

3203016E 0000

Mission ends with no damage taken; scores another

extra 15 points
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many, many, MANY thanks to Helder, Mastersord, Radical Dreamer,
Merlock Magus, and Gator Shark from the CMGSCCC Forums
<> for letting my hands on these little
jewels. ;D

Q: Who the hell is Zero? And Ciel, and Cerveau, and...?
A: In case you're picking up the series for the first time, refer to
and look for all kinds of info on this great series there.
Q: Are all these names accurate?
A: At least as accurate as the US english translations are... Which, in
my personal opinion, are sucky as hell. >.>
Q: How do you use Cyber Space?
A: I already explained how in the New Systems section, but here it goes
again. Once you enter a Cyber Space door, all your elves become
automatically and immediately used (although they won't die). This
literally puts you at the peak of your powers, but also lowers your
rank in the Mission Status screen. Also, using the E-Reader cards
released only in Japan, or through the use of CodeBreaker codes, you
can unlock enemies from the Battle Network Rockman.EXE game, such as
Swordys and Lil' Cannons, which will replace the normal enemies
found throughout the stage.
Q: How can I get the EX Techniques?
A: You have to perform fairly good on all stages. Meaning, you must
fulfill the mission objective (if applicable), lose as little time
as possible, USE NO ELVES OR ENTER CYBER SPACE (in Cyber Space, most
your elves become used, although they won't die), take as little

damage as possible, kill as many baddies as possible, and lose as

few lives as possible. This helps you maintain a decent Rank (A or
S), which is the basic condition to get an EX Technique (you have to
beat the boss with A or S Rank to receive his EX Tech).
Q: I just beat the game, who did I just fight?
A: Apparently you just fought Omega in Zero's real body.
Q: So is the Zero I have been playing as, a copy?
A: It's the real Zero, just in a cloned body. At least, his mind is the
real thing.
Q: I don't get it?
A: Well, what can I say? Even the English version doesn't clear up too
much from this weird personality triangle... =p
Q: Where can I find all the Secret Disks?
A: Refer to the Secret Disks list somewhere else in this guide.
Q: Umm... Hey, ain't you that DominicanZero guy that makes all those
really cool forum avatars?
A: Indeed, it's me. =p And even though right now progress has been
stalled, I'm working in a remake of the site, more organized and a
whole lot cooler than before. ;)
Q: Why did you make this FAQ?
A: Because this is an excellent game. 'Nuff said. XD
Q: Who made this FAQ section?
A: I originally took it from a beta FAQ Maverick-jin8 was making. So
thank him for it. =p

The following are some feedback emails I have gotten about the FAQ,
containing questions that either are not on the FAQ section, or are
not answered in the FAQ at all. Some messages have been edited and
adapted to make them fit with the guide formatting and size.
----------------------------------------------------------------------From: jaap (gigihahagigi [at] hotmail [dot] com)
"Hi maybe you already know this but after you defeat the Cannon
worm There are those Pantheon that throws bombs at you if you
jump dash (with your Recoil Rod Charched) You can bounce on his
head to get on the left cliff once your there you find a SubTank"
My comment:
I DID point this out in the guide since the very start... Though
I DO mention that the first *easily reachable* SubTank of the
game is in Hanumachine's level, the *actual* first SubTank of the
whole game is indeed in Deathtanz Mantisk's level; it's just that
it gets to be a pain in the ass trying to get it before you have
the Double Jump boots.
----------------------------------------------------------------------From: Mike Renneker (rekenner [at] gmail [dot] com)
"So, when I fought Hellbat I didn't have the Ice chip, but I did

have the 1000 slash EX attack for the Recoil Rod.

Quite by accident, I discovered that this attack can almost
perfectly defend you against the bats. I decided to mess around
with this information, and discovered that if you stand right
next to Hellbat and use it, you can destroy all the bats he
launches and do a pretty solid amount of damage to Hellbat in the
process. Usually you can hit him for about 1/3 of a life bar each
time, more if you start getting a second set of attacks onto him
after his invicibility runs out."
My comment:
Well, here is this for those that don't wanna stick to the route
depicted in this guide. A small useful factoid. ;)
----------------------------------------------------------------------From: Nick Zinck (captainfalcon12 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
"1)when you said that your saber cannot be charged at all on hard
mode and your buster can be charged until the first tier, but can
you still use the elemental chips in your attacks?
2)there are 4 hacker elves that you can collect that add +1 you
your rod/shield/buster/saber. will those allow you to charge one
more level?
i read all the FAQS on and i found a referance to a
hidden boss called "Phantom" i was wondering if you can tell me
how to find him."
My comment:
Well, kiddo, it seems this is your first time playing the series
as a whole; as such, I won't disregard your questions. But next
time, make sure you read everything thoroughly, because every
question is answered with knowledge from the series, and reading
the FAQ thoroughly. But just because I'm nice, I'll do this:
1. About Charging and Elemental Chips: No. In hard mode, you can
only use the elemental chips with the Shield and the Rod. Since
only the max level charge can use elemental attacks, that
completely eliminates the possibility of a Buster or Saber
elemental attack.
2. About Power-Increasing Hacker Elves: No. They just add more
power to the respective weapon, but do not increase the
charging levels.
3. About Phantom: READ THE FRIGGIN' FAQ THOROUGHLY. I'm not gonna
say anything more.
----------------------------------------------------------------------From: Tray Epperly (magus [at] nc [dot] rr [dot] com)
"Your FAQ has been a great help in finding all the secret disks
in this game. Thank you! However, I've noticed that you can get
the Sub Tank in Deathtanz Mantisk's stage much sooner than you
mention in your FAQ. The Pantheon closest to the ledge can be
used to pogo jump up to the Sub Tank. You have to dash jump over
to him. The timing can be a little tricky, but I've tried it
several times. I don't know if anyone else has pointed this out,
but considering the note you made in Hanumachine's stage, they
might've. Just thought I'd try to help. Thanks again!"
[To this, I made a reply, and he answered with this:]
"Anyway, after going back and trying to grab the Sub Tank on my
second run-through, it's a lot more difficult than I remembered,

and it's really not worth grabbing the first time through,
especially if you're concerned about your rank. Capcom is almost
cruel with their requirements... But that's what is so attractive
about the game. =D"
My comment:
Indeed, my friend. =p As you, several other people, and I myself
in this very guide mentioned, this tank can be reached at any
moment you can access Deathtanz Mantisk's level, but it's more
easily reachable when you have the Double Jump boots.
----------------------------------------------------------------------From: Andrew Ascone (dolphin12991 [at] yahoo [dot] com)
"I have two questions I hope you'll answer soon.
1: I only have the Flame Burst EX skill and I'm already at the
Copy X-II stage. Would not having the Ex skills from the
bosses make the game more difficult for me?
2: I can't understand how to get the first subtank, becuase I
still don't have any subtanks yet. Can you tell me how,
exactly, am I supposed to get it?"
My comment:
1. Not getting any of the EX Techniques is not gonna make the
game more difficult, though in contrast, they do make the game
a lot easier.
2. If you mean the tank in Deathtanz Mantisk's stage, read the
guide again carefully. I mention that you can get it, but that
it needs very precise aiming. Forget about it for a while, and
continue the game, then revisit the stage when you have the
Double Jump Boots.
----------------------------------------------------------------------From: Jeff N (jeffnosanov [at] yahoo [dot] com)
"Good morning. First of all, thanks very much for making such a
great guide. I have found MMZ3 to be an extremely difficult game
if you have no idea where to start.
Now onto my question. Right now I am at rank B. I have beaten the
first four levels/bosses and the following "flying missle level".
I only got EX skills from the first three bosses (not from the
scythe guy).
I earned the EX skill from the first boss with no problem, but I
had to use elves (the ones that raise you to level A) right
before killing the bosses of the other two levels in order to
earn their EX skills.
I now have no idea how to raise my rank so that I can earn EX
skills from the rest of the bosses in the game.
It seems to me that it was a very bad game design choice to have
a difficult game punish you for not doing well at every level. Is
this the case, or am I missing something?
How can I make sure that I get all or at least most of the
remaining EX skills in the game??"
My comment:
Well, such a long message... =p Though I need to say something to
you: No matter what happens, don't get discouraged, or you will
then have REALLY failed. ;)

Firstly, believe it or not, this is the flat-out easiest game by

far in the Zero series. (Proof: go ask anybody that's finished
either of the previous two installments.) Secondly, the basics of
this game reduce to four words: be quick and deadly. (...Ok,
that's actually four words and a period. =p So sue me.) Thirdly,
by any means possible completely avoid the usage of elves, since
as mentioned in various places in this guide, they permanently
cripple your score for the rest of the game, which means that as
of now, you have no chance of getting any new EX Techs.
When tackling any new missions, I suggest to have two save files:
one to go through it and somewhat memorize it, and one to cleanly
complete it, in order to have the best score possible. If you
didn't get a good score, then reset and try again. That's all
there is to it.
Finally, if you want, forget about Secret Disks on the first
trip through a mission. You can always get them by going back
through it once you've already cleared it, with no penalties. ;)
----------------------------------------------------------------------From: Ray Engelsman (ray_357 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
"ah, i need help, im trying to get the ex skills and its not
working so well, i can get a 86, but thats the most, 20 for
mission and time, 15 for enemy, 10 for damage, 15 for retry, but
i only get a 6 for elves(i knew i got a point cut but i didnt
think it would matter) so i guess wat im asking is, wat is the
max # of point u can get in one lvl and how can i get a A or S
rank, oh and its Childre Inarabitta's lvl, Thx!!!"
My comment:
I have already mentioned this several times (and I actually have
indeed done so), but here goes again. To get max score in ANY
level, you need to go through the level as fast as possible,
kill as many enemies as possible, get hit as few times as
possible (in order to unlock some of the minigames, not getting
hit at all is a must), and not use any elves. Depending on the
type of elves, they cut anywhere from 5 to 15 points PERMANENTLY
from your score for the rest of the game. Meaning, if you can't
get a full 100 in Inarabitta's stage in your first try, might as
well start again from scratch and not use any elves.
The max score in all levels is 100, and it's not so hard to get,
except in the last stage, with the endurance fights against all
past bosses.
----------------------------------------------------------------------From: Sweet Sax (man_of_musik [at] hotmail [dot] com)
"in ANUBIS NECROMANCESS's stage, you can kill the choppers VERY
easily. just charge your recoil rod, stand directly under the
door where the pantheons jump out, wait for one to come out, and
release it. the pantheon will then fly up into the chopper,
giving it damage. but, then the pantheon falls back down, taking
the chopper out completely. but please, dont stand under the
chopper, the wings give you a good amount of damage (if you didnt
use a cyber elf to increase you life)"
My comment:
Hmmm... Another useful factoid. ;) Thanks for the infos. ^_^
----------------------------------------------------------------------From: Justin Parker (neednt_say [at] hotmail [dot] com)
"When you said to beat the game with only the Z-saber, does it
matter if you use the Z-saber's EX Skills, or charging it? Also,
in case you can't, no cyber elves with the only z-saber thing

too? Heh, you ever thought about making a faq on how to get the
mini games? Beating the game with only the Z-saber is pretty
hard... and I think you can only do it on Ultimate mode because
you start off with the ultimaboots. (the double jump is key in
the Z-saber only way of playing) And that mini boss on the Giant
Elevator stage is a bitch with only the z-saber... Also, to get
through the area where you step on the water level switches, you
need to wait till the boss goes through those spikes in order to
proceed? From what I've learned you can't get around the second
tall spike pillar without the double jump or having water
My comment:
1. Beating the game with only the Z-Saber means just that: beat
the game with the Z-Saber alone, no other weapons, no EX-Techs
(charging is allowed though).
2. Nope, I've never thought of making a FAQ of unlocking the
minigames... >.<
3. No, you can finish the game with the Z-Saber alone even in
your first playthrough. I did it in Hard Mode, and it wasn't
that hard anyways. >.>
4. I know the tower miniboss is a bitch, you don't need to remind
me. >.<
5. Nope, no Cyber Elves allowed.
6. You can do one of two things: either wait for Inarabitta's sub
to crush the spikes (don't remember if it actually does it
though, but I seem to recall it does), or don't press one or
both of the two switches in the first half of the stage. (In a
non-saber-only playthrough though, you can use the Recoil Rod
charged downwards to go over the spikes.)
----------------------------------------------------------------------From: Sonia Medrano (sonia.medrano [at] sbcglobal [dot] net)
"I have a question: In the last part where you have to fight the
bosses you faced before, do you get their EX skills if you didn't
get them before? (Omega, Part II) Thanks for your help =)"
My comment:
Sorry for the bad news, Sonia, but you can only get the EX Techs
in your first fight against the bosses. The rematches at the
final stage don't count for this, so I recommend starting a new
game in order to get them. ^_^

First, lemme make clear that some acknowledgements were given back when
all we had was the japanese version, so there are some special thanks
to those who helped translate the game when it first game out.
And now that that's out of the way, the thankies go to, in no
particular order:

-Myself (The one and only!)

<dominicanzero (at) gmail (dot) com>
For taking the time to make and type this. Oh, come the hell on, you
didn't think I was gonna let this one pass without thanking myself,
did you? =p
-Yoli (My bestest best friend... Come on, she deserves it! =p)
For always being there when I needed you.
Thanks, sweetheart. I wuv U.
-Leslie (My best friend from long ago...)
For being my inspirational muse for everything I did, for more than
12 years. My dear, nothing will take away your place in my heart. You
are like a sister to me, and I could give my life for you, if the
need to do so arises. May God protect you forever with all His Might.
You have shown me the ways of life, and the ways of becoming truly
human, with a heart that actually feels. Forever and ever, I love
you, my dear.
-CJayC (GameFAQs Webmaster)
For publishing this FAQ. Thanks a lot, man. =)
-Phoenix, HeatMan and the rest of the Planet MegaMan staff
(Employees' loyalty! XD)
For having the most complete media center when it comes to MegaMan
media, including pictures, music, videos (every now and then), and
loads of other stuff. And also, for hiring me as a site and forum
staff member (an opportunity I can't forget to thank!).
-Tim, Reeve, Houn and all the MMN Staff (Couldn't let this one pass!)
For having one of the coolest, most reliable, and most professional
MegaMan sites out there, The MegaMan Network. =)
Special thanks to Tim for letting me know the effects of the Ultimate
Mode in this game! Merci beaucoup, mon ami! ^_^
-Korcas (MMN Community Forums)
<korcas (at) megaman-network (dot) com>
-SeiYuusha (Planet MegaMan Forums member)
For making, each their way, and in their own situation, complete
lists of the locations of all the Secret Disks. Combine both, and you
have the most complete list out there. ;)
-- (Korcas' Website)
-Maverick-jin8 (MMN Community Forums)
<maverick-jin8 (at) megaman-network (dot) com>

For telling me which chips to use with the Shield EX Techs to power
them up, as well as most of the questions in the FAQ section. Thanks
a lot, man! You rule! ^_^
-Kao Megura (The FAQ Legend himself!)
For creating the nifty Disclaimer paragraph I put up there. ^_^
May God hold his soul in His Mercy.
-Helder, Mastersord and Radical Dreamer (CMGSCCC Forums)
For letting me use their CodeBreaker codes here. Thanks, guys! =D
-HeatMan (Planet MegaMan)
<nekomancer (at) cox (dot) net>
-Vashu Sennin (McTekk)
<duralion (at) hotmail (dot) com>
For translating each on their own the intro story shown at the start
of the game. From these two translations I made my own combination
and that's what I put up there when we only had the Jap version. =p
-- (beware ;) it's in spanish =p)
-Fireman (Planet MegaMan)
<IH_Zero (at) hotmail (dot) com>
For the actual requirements to unlock the minigames without using any
cheats, as well as translating for me the names of five Secret Disks
I was still missing (027, 045, 046, 092 and 143). Thankies thankies,
Fireman-sama! =)
-Splashman (Somewhat shy and professional, but always friendly!)
<splashman (at) balcab (dot) ch>
For letting me know the actual translations of the EX Techs' names.
Thanks a lot, pal. =p
-baron82el (Sorry for thinking you were a bugging n00b at first!)
<aero_8284 (at) hotmail (dot) com>
For motivating me to create the Extras section with weird, fun and
strange / uncommon stuff in the game. Way to go, man! ^_^
-Keiji Inafune (The Lord himself...!)
For creating the almost eternal Rockman / MegaMan series.
Fight, MegaMan! For everlasting peace! =D
-Capcom Co., Ltd. (...And the people behind him!)
For publishing and developing the long running Rockman games. You
shall treat them with the finest wines and cheeses, or get punished

for being an infidel! ^_^

-Everyone else I forgot (Well, it's true, dammit! =p)
C'mon, guys, you know who you are, I know you're there, and that
you've been there, I just didn't remember your names when I was
typing this! ;)
-God (Always there to help me stand up after falling)
<Almighty_One (at) Heaven (dot) com>
For letting me be here, and share my life with so many great people,
always there to lend a helping hand; and for creating love and
friendship, two of the most powerful bonds to ever exist in the whole
universe. =)

If you need extra help for beating bosses or reaching a specific hard
to get Secret Disk, you can always hang out by the MegaMan Network
Community forums <> and ask
in the Zero section for help.

Also, if you need help keeping track of your database, and you don't
like having to speak to Cerveau every time you get new Secret Disks, I
created a small program to do this. You will need the Microsoft .NET
Runtime Environment (Framework) Files and DLL's to run it, but believe
me, it's worth it. You can always download the .NET Framework Files
completely free of charge here:
(Copy and paste the two lines one next to the other for the link to
work correctly!)
And you can download my little program also completely free of charge

Furthermore, if you need help with CodeBreaker Codes, swing by the

Code Masters Game Software Code Creators Club Forum located at
<> and look for Helder there, and tell
him that DominicanZero sent you regarding the MegaMan Zero 3 codes. I'm
sure he'll be more than happy to help you. =)

Last but not least, Hexjaguar and Wichy published a translation guide
on most of the Rockman Zero 3 Menu screens, that should be of much help

to those without knowledge of the japanese language, since they won't

have to figure things out on their own (go me for not asking anybody
and figuring everything out by myself =p). The guide can be found at
Look for Hexjaguar's Translation Guide. =) Note that this is for people
with the Japanese version of the game, since in the EUR and US versions
the menus are completely translated.

I can be reached at various email addresses, but the only one I'll
be using regarding this FAQ/game will be this one:
dominicanzero (at) gmail (dot) com
However, if any other kind of question
<shadow_zero_4 (at) hotmail (dot)
<shadowzero_4 (at) yahoo (dot)
(at) yahoo (dot)
<fbordas5315 (at) yahoo (dot)
(at) pucmm (dot)

arises, you can also reach me

edu (dot) do>

Keep in mind that I will only answer questions regarding this FAQ
through the first email address listed, so should any of the other
ones receive a FAQ/game question, it will be deleted in sight.


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