Visualizing Future For Prosperity & Success

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Most of us thought at some time, “There's got to be more to life than this'. Often times
we are so busy with the business of living that we forget to have a life.

“Visualizing the Future for Success and Prosperity”

“ I am large on ideas but short on time , I expect to live to be only about hundred”,

“Thomas Alva Edison.”

This short work is dedicated to my beloved daughter



“When I get an idea I start at once building it up in my imagination.”
Nikola Tesla

“When I heard the music it made pictures in my are the pictures.”
Walt Disney (Describing the film Fantasia)

“I...go over again in the imagination the main outlines of the forms previously studied, or of
other noteworthy things conceived by ingenious speculation; and this exercise is entirely to be
commended, and it is useful in fixing things in the memory.”
Leonardo Da Vinci

“I would sit in my father’s office chair and pretend I was in charge of a big company – a big
dream for a school boy but one that ultimately came true...I believe a vibrant imagination is the
lifeblood of a successful entrepreneur.”
Peter Jones (From his book ‘Tycoon’)

“Every person I looked at had daydreaming as a part of their strategy for success; you really do
seem to get what you spend most of your time dreaming about”
Says Jones

” A Daydream is visionary fantasy experienced while awake, especially one of happy, pleasant
thoughts, hope or ambition'.

“If you daydream, you think about pleasant things for a period of time, usually about things
that you like to happen”.

“A daydream is a series of pleasant thoughts you would like to happen “


Daydreaming is visualizing the future for success . It may seem like human
shortcoming , a useless destruction system. But can we ignore an aspect of human thought which
appears so frequently in everyday life.

# your are sitting in a classroom and bored with material. You missed the question which the
instructor just asked you because in your fantasy , you have been driving in convertible an
French Riviera wearing scarf, thats waving in the wind

# when things don't go as planned you make yourself feel better by imagining how if they had
gone as planned, you might have been even worse off.

# While driving home from work with car radio on , you suddenly realize that you have
completely missed the last few minutes of the news report. Instead of listening you have been
mentally replaying an event of the day and altering it to how you would have liked it to come
out. You think about what you might have said or done , but didn't.

Daydreaming was long held in disrepute in society and was associated with
laziness. In the late 1800s, Toni nelson argued that some daydreams with grandiose fantasies are self-
gratifying attempts at “ wish fulfillment”.

Researcher looked at pattern in how people achieved success from entrepreneurs

like Richars Branson and Peter Johnes to genius like Elbert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci. Also
Researcher also looked at the thinking style of successful creative people like Bethoven and Walt
Disney. What he found was that they all had one thing in common . They spent time daydreaming
about their area of success.

Daydreams involve a more relaxed style of thinking, with people more willing to
contemplate ideas that seem silly or far-fetched,” says Teresa Belton, a research associate at East
Anglia University in England.

When your brain is supposedly doing nothing and daydreaming, it’s really doing a
tremendous amount. We call it the ‘resting state,’ but the brain isn’t resting at all. (Dr. Marcus Raichle,
a neurologist and radiologist at Washington University)

The study published in the proceeding of National Academy of sciences find that
activity in numerous brain increases when our minds wander, It also finds that brain areas associated
with complex problem-solving, previously thought to go dormant when we daydream -are in fact
highly active during these episodes.

Dreaming of any kind has always been seen in the society as the sign of laziness
and act of fools. This has always been seen with disrespect. Special day dreaming is associated with
some one who is non-achiever , who avoid hard work, who is not realistic etc.


Everybody dreams, be It bad or good.. everyone dream at night and most of that
we forget in the morning. Night -dream is natural process, but daydreaming is the deliberate one,
someone dreams at day to ignore reality of their life, someone uses this as tools to experienced their
unfulfilled wishes, someone use it for self motivation, some one daydream to be more creative. So
Question is, is it good or not so good to dream while awake. Everything has negatives and positives, so
it all depends on us whats out intentions are.

All the great people , be it politician. Artist, scientist visualized their thoughts
and aspiration before acting on that. We would have not been independent if Greats Like Gandhi never
would have dream on being independent. We would have not been able to conquer the Himalaya if
some on has not dare to dream so, we would have not been on moon , if we would have not dream of
doing so. Daydreaming can make achieve you wonder , and can also make your achieve bad, Bin laden
idea of daydreaming is different , thats why he became so notorious and bad for world , P Prabhakaran
had also different visualization thats mad him the cause of destruction and killing of so many innocent


Sports psychologists have used this knowledge for years without making the
connection to daydreaming. They would have sports people visualize success. Studies have shown that
those that use visualization outperform those that use practice alone.

The gift of daydreaming s only blessed to human by nature , this is not the act of
animals. Of many things that differentiate us from animal is our capability of visualization of the future
, whats really is absent in the present and what can be possible in the future . Without all that we would
have not made so much progress.

Daydreaming often explores possibilities which are unrealistic or fanciful at first

glance, but which can sometimes be incrementally modified in to realistic, useful solution to a problem.
Daydreaming enables one to feel better, it often concerned with reduction or elimination of negative
emotions from past failure.

Daydreaming is a pervasive aspect of human experience and fundamentally

related to human learning ,creating problem solving emotions.

When someone complains in you about you daydreaming just tell them you are
thinking harder then they are. One of the simplest most enjoyable and effective ways to improve your
outlook and rise above the depressing headlines , is to daydream-visualize a better life.
In India we have a funny story about a lazy-man and how people make fun out of
him as he do nothing except daydreaming. Its titled “ sheikh Chilli Ke Hasin Spane( The Fantasy of
Sheikh Chilli).

This is all about how a lazy-man , daydream about something and do nothing to
convert it in to reality, and thus make his life like a hell. But the story is only one side of the coin, other
side of the coin includes name of all the Greats who daydream about future, about something normal
people thought as impossible and because of those daydream , the future visualizer that we have made
so much progress socially, scientifically, as a human being. This is what make us different from other
creatures that exists in this Earth.

Far from being a waste of time in which nothing is achieved or produced,

daydreaming has positive effects. So next time you find yourself drifting off, let your mind wander.
Daydreaming can be a real creativity booster. And in case you don't think you daydream, consider this:
We all do it, for at least up to half an hour in our total waking time each day.


All of dreams quiet regularly its natural process and God gift to human species.
We all dream while asleep . Sometime bad, some time good, some time pleasant. By day most of the
night dreams are forgotten, Night dreams are believed to be release of thoughts, depression, daytime
activity which human mind releases at night to get rid of extra memory storage , that hamper or thought
process . And put pressure on our daily activities, thus night-dream clear some of the useless thoughts.
We don't have control over the dream we experience while asleep. And most of time it has no
relevance to our real life. And its hard to draw any conclusion of that. Lots of research has been going
on this. But its has very little effect on our present and future. Night-dream has very momentarily effect
on mind and on emotions and it vanishes of quit quickly.

Daydreaming is quit different, if is is used consciously and with the purpose it

brings very positive result. Some one use it to shade their failure in life to enjoy momentarily
enjoyment or happiness, but its harmful if used that way. It will bring laziness and inactivity if done
that way. But with proper knowledge, awareness and purpose it really help us visualize our future, can
help us achieve our future goals, can really give purpose in the life, can make us prosperous and
successful . It must be use as mean to achieve something rather then an end.

“When you daydream anything is possible and unlike nighttime dreaming there is
a greater sense of malleability. You can slow down or speed up time, zoom in or out, be associated or
disassociated, add or take away what you like, alter the laws of physics, and so much more. As
dreaming updates patterns in the mind what you dream about becomes a part of who you are. Dream of
being successful and you’re likely to become successful”

“It isn’t about just dreaming once, it needs to be so compelling that you can’t
stop yourself dreaming about what you want to achieve until you have got it. It has to motivate you into
So the conclusion we can draw from this is that daydreaming can play an
important part in one progress, to achieve success, in planning the future and dreaming the impossible
and with conscious effort make it possible, Thats what human are capable of , with the power of
imagination, thinking of ,what seems impossible at present and make that dream to reality with their
genius and efforts. Thats why why human are unique in this earth , and thats what differentiate us from
other species of this planet earth.


1. 'WILL', to do something different.

2. Innovative and futuristic approach
3. dare to dream impossible
4. live in present and plan for the future
5. consistency in their approach for dream realization
6. self-confidence and and never to die approach
7. Vision for the better future
8. dreaming and creating new ideas

There are numbers of ways to encourage daydreaming for successful future.

Once something has been taught the mind needs to update the patterns within about 20 minutes; and it
takes about 10 to 20 minutes for this updating to be completed.

Dreams make the world go 'round. It doesn't matter how big or how small your
dream is, it's your ability to control your dreams and act them out with open eyes that leads to success.

Daydreaming often explores possibility which are unrealistic or fanciful at first

glance but which can sometimes be incrementally modified into realistic , useful solutions to a
problem. Daydreaming enables one to feel better, it often concerned with reduction or elimination of
negative emotions resulting from past failures


Dream until dream come true, that is old saying and thats very true persistence
always pays. The idea of dreaming or visualization has been around for thousands of years , if you
imagine and daydream about something you want , that thing will eventually manifest into reality.
Daydreaming is good for everyone and the dreamer are one who succeed in life. The practice of seeing
your success before you are success is a valuable mastery to hones.

Its always give you motivation in visualizing what you want life. In sports
athlete visualize themselves competing in their sports, in order to enhance their performance, what they
call is mental practice. This was once seen as strange but is now becoming more and more common
among professional and Olympic athletes. Studies has shown that cognitive aspects of athlete task are
just as important as the physical one.

Mental rehearsing is combination of recalling skills you have already performed

and preparing your body to successfully performer that again. This may be the reason thats those who
use visualization or day dream along with their physical practice are better prepared for the

Daydreaming or visualization can be used to get in to road to success. Better

solution for a person who wants to achieve in their own way may be realized through seeing a fanciful
situation and then coming to plausible conclusion.

Those individual who have tendency to get caught up in their daydream and
imaginary sequences with no real intention of making a reality from those scenario will most likely to
be seen as slackness. However many with the powerful ability to imagine with the aspiration and then
take action towards their goal , seems to be ones that succeed. The beauty of possible benefit of
daydreaming and visualizing is that this practice can be applied to many aspects of our life.

Firstly the BIG dream; what do you REALLY want. Then dreaming how you
will get there or what the stages are, followed by frequent dreams of the bigger picture and what you
need to do over the next few stages towards success. This pattern of dreaming leads to increased
motivation and an increase in ‘luck’ or opportunities.

Part of becoming successful is to be able to learn a chosen subject successfully.

For successful learning Jones found that people need the opportunity to daydream about what they are
being taught.

“Teachers tell pupils off for not paying attention or daydreaming in class, they
should instead be encouraging and facilitating daydreaming. As long as the daydreaming is related to
the subject rather than to something like ‘what will I be doing later’ the pupil will be updating patterns
in their mind adding the new learning to what they already know.”


# Relaxation.
# Conflict management
# Relationship Health
# Increased productivity
# Knowing your believe and values
# Achieve your goals
# boost your creativity


Sometime in our life, we are thrust into situations that require us to

rethink our old views. Perhaps we have been working towards our goals for too long without success.
Perhaps we start thinking that happiness is just beyond our reach in this life. The situation that we are
in might have been generated by our own selves, or it might not. It might be something that we think is
out of our control.
In the views of the advocates of self transformation, nothing is out of our
control. Nothing happens in the world around us that is not generated by ourselves, our own actions
and our own thoughts. The positive side of this philosophy is that, once we become aware of this, we
can change the negative situation into more positive ones. However, it is all well to talk about changes
but the journey into self transformation needs a personal development plan. This would entail a
structure of schedules and activities to reach the goals that we have set for ourselves. In this kind of
plan, a method of creative visualization is one of the personal development tools in use.
Creative visualization is more than what it would seem at first. Imagining
and daydreaming about something is not merely enjoyed for its own end. Creative visualization is a
form of structured daydreaming. It is about focusing our minds on a dream with a set purpose in mind.
When used with a personal development plan, this tool for self transformation can be used to change
not only ourselves for the better, but also to improve the things and situations around us. It would
sound improbable at first glance, but athletes have been using this technique of creative visualization as
part of a training regimen. Mental readiness for success is then achieved. This tool of creative
visualization is said to attract positive energy. As a person starts thinking positive, the good vibes
around the universe are attracted to him or her. This is what makes us succeed in our goals, achieve
happiness in our lives, and change our situation for the better. It is similar in principle to what has been
said about the power of positive thinking.

In this light, a personal development plan can be effectively used to

achieve any goal. It could be about a personal quest for self fulfillment, or success in the workplace.
The plan could also be for specific goals such as getting an ace in an upcoming test, getting the job we
are set on, even for winning a contest. Moreover, anybody in the world can apply this method of
creative visualization. Young or old, rich or poor, fat or thin, it doesn’t matter. It is a simple tool that is
available to everyone. Students studying for an exam can visualize a perfect score, businessmen can
visualize the perfect deal, athletes can visualize that winning moment as if it was happening right at
that moment. Using this powerful technique together with a personal development plan can achieve
powerful results.

Creative visualization is the technique of using your imagination to create

what you want in your life . There nothing at all new, strange , or usual about creative visualization.
We already using it everyday. Its is our natural power of imagination, the basic creative energy of
nature , which we use constantly , whether or not we are aware of it.
In the past also we all would have used our power of creative visualization or daydream in a relatively
unconscious way. Because of our own deep rooted negative emotions about life , we creative obstacle
in the way of success in the life. The use of visualization gives us key to tap into natural goodness and
bounty of life.

Daydreaming -the way for creative visualization is the ability to create an

idea . Your goal may be of nay level – physical, emotional , mental, or spiritual. You might imagine
yourself with a new home or with a new job, or having satisfying relationship , or feeling in peace with
yourself . Whatever it is , you can work on any level and all will have results , through experience you
will find the particular technique that work best for you.

Daydreaming is the best way to develop your ability for creative

visualization it is magic in the truest and highest meaning of the word. It involves understanding and
aligning yourself with the natural principles that govern the working of our universe., and learning to
use theses principles in the most conscious and creative way.

Daydreams first might seem amazing and impossible to the very limited
type of education our rational minds have received , becomes perfectly understandable once we lean
the basic concepts.

Whatever we think and want to achieve or do comes first in our mind in

the form of Ideas. Though is quick and mobile form of energy, it comes instantly in to our mind.
Whatever we want to creates we first create in our mind. Whatever we like to be we become like that
whatever we dream of if rightly pursued we will get that one day. To bring positivity in the life we
imagine and think of something positive in the the life, it comes first in the form of visualization. We
have to practice daydreaming in very positive way we can call the process of daydreaming as creative
visualization, it actually if practice consciously can help us tremendously in developing the habit of
creative visualization. And then our life can take a very positive turn.


whenever you use daydreaming or visualization as a mean to achieve

something in life. Do so in a very positive frame of mind . Make very positive statement in the mind.
Whenever doing so try to forget the past failure and forget the negative that u would have any from
your past experiences. Just use past failure to take corrective action in your future planning. If anyone
uses this naturral gift in nay form of destrcutiveness, thus breaking the natural law this will definetly
brings self distructions. There is an old saying “ what we sow, so shall you reap.

(Day dreamin' and I'm thinkin' of you)

(Day dreamin' and I'm thinkin' of you)
(Day dreamin' and I'm thinkin' of you)
(Day dreamin' and I'm thinkin' of you)
(Look at my heart floating away)

He's the kind of guy that would say

'Hey baby let's get away let's go some place, huh''
Well I don't care
He's the kind of guy that you give your everything
And trust your heart, share all of your love, till death do you part

I want to be what he wants when he wants it, and whenever he needs it

And when he's lonesome and feelin' love starved
I'll be there to feed it
I'm givin' him a little bit for each day
He turns me right on when I hear him say

(Hey baby let's get away, let's go somewhere far

(Baby can we')
Well I don't care
(Hey baby let's get away, let's go somewhere far
(Baby can we')
Well I don't care

I wanna be what he wants when he wants it

And whenever he needs it
When it comes to bein' feelin' loved starved I'll be there to feed it
Lovin him a little bit more each day
It turns me right on when I hear him say
(Hey baby let's get away, let's go somewhere far)
(Baby can we') Well, I don't care
(Hey baby let's get away, let's go somewhere far)
(Baby can we') Well, I don't care

(Day dreamin' and I'm thinkin' of you)

(Day dreamin' and I'm thinkin' of you) hoooo
(Day dreamin' and I'm thinkin' of you)
(Day dreamin' and I'm thinkin' of you)
(Look at my heart, floating awayl)]

(Day dreaming) day dreaming of you

(Day dreaming)
Thinking of you

by Aretha Franklin


There is some contradiction about the principle of living now for

happy life and daydreaming. Both form of thought has its own positivity and negativity.
Daydreaming doesn't mean you live only in future. Both are synonymous with each other, for
realizing the dream to reality you have to work it out on day to day basis. We all only live real life in
present, but this now has to future some time and to make that future a better present we have
consciously make effort and planning, and some visualization is always going to be helpful. So that
think not to be confused. There are many theories about to bring positivity in life this is on us on
which we believe in. This is for us to choose. Advocating one for of thought doesn't mean discarding
other one.


ScienceDaily (May 12, 2009) — A new University of British Columbia

study finds that our brains are much more active when we daydream than previously thought.
The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, finds that activity in
numerous brain regions increases when our minds wander. It also finds that brain areas associated
with complex problem-solving – previously thought to go dormant when we daydream – are in fact
highly active during these episodes.

"Mind wandering is typically associated with negative things like laziness

or inattentiveness," says lead author, Prof. Kalina Christoff, UBC Dept. of Psychology. "But this study
shows our brains are very active when we daydream – much more active than when we focus on
routine tasks."
For the study, subjects were placed inside an fMRI scanner, where they
performed the simple routine task of pushing a button when numbers appear on a screen. The
researchers tracked subjects' attentiveness moment-to-moment through brain scans, subjective reports
from subjects and by tracking their performance on the task.
The findings suggest that daydreaming – which can occupy as much as
one third of our waking lives – is an important cognitive state where we may unconsciously turn our
attention from immediate tasks to sort through important problems in our lives.
Until now, the brain's "default network" – which is linked to easy, routine
mental activity and includes the medial prefrontal cortex (PFC), the posterior cingulate cortex and the
temporoparietal junction – was the only part of the brain thought to be active when our minds wander.
However, the study finds that the brain's "executive network" – associated
with high-level, complex problem-solving and including the lateral PFC and the dorsal anterior
cingulate cortex – also becomes activated when we daydream.
"This is a surprising finding, that these two brain networks are activated
in parallel," says Christoff. "Until now, scientists have thought they operated on an either-or basis –
when one was activated, the other was thought to be dormant." The less subjects were aware that their
mind was wandering, the more both networks were activated.
The quantity and quality of brain activity suggests that people struggling
to solve complicated problems might be better off switching to a simpler task and letting their mind
"When you daydream, you may not be achieving your immediate goal –
say reading a book or paying attention in class – but your mind may be taking that time to address more
important questions in your life, such as advancing your career or personal relationships," says
The research team included members who are now at Stanford University
and University of California, Santa Barbara.


There are many stories about daydream achievers , Einstein, for instance,
was notorious for his wandering mind."If your mind didn't wander, then you'd be largely shackled to
whatever you are doing right now," says Jonathan Schooler, a psychologist at the University of
California, Santa Barbara.
Yours can also be an success story of daydream achiever. You believe on
yourself, and set your goal, visualize it , plan it and this will definitely bring success and prosperity in
your life.
Be aware of dream thieves such as fear, self-doubt. These can be great obstacle before you to
realization of your dreams, whenever it comes to mind use positive affirmation to get rid of your
negative emotions.

So dream big and work positively to make your dream to reality , if work with consciously this will
definitely will bring success , happiness, and prosperity in to our life


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