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Chinese Science Bulletin 2006 Vol. 51 No. 13 1578—1585 AABB)[1 4]. For example, herbicide resistant transgene
DOI: 10.1007/s11434-006-2021-4 has been found in wild B. rapa population in Canada[5].
To prevent transgenic B. napus from bringing ecologi-
Transgene directionally inte- cal environment risk after natural interspecific hybridi-
zation is becoming a main subject of researches[6].
grated into C-genome of Bras- B. rapa and B. juncea are common field weeds in
China. The AC-genome B. napus is easily hybridized
sica napus with A-genome B. rapa[7,8] or AB-genome B. juncea[9].
The hybridization of AC-genome B. napus with
LI Jun, FANG Xiaoping, WANG Zhuan, LI Jun,
C-genome B. oleracea, however, is extremely diffi-
LUO Lixia & HU Qiong
cult[10,11]. Thus to eliminate ecological risk of transgenic
Key Laboratory of Oil Crops Genetic Improvement of the Ministry of B. napus, reduction of transmission probability of ex-
Agriculture, Institute of Oil Crops Research, Chinese Academy of Agri- ogenous genes to offsprings of the hybrid between
cultural Sciences, Wuhan 430062, China transgenic B. napus and A- or AB-genome species is of
Correspondence should be addressed to Fang Xiaoping (email: significant importance.
Received March 14, 2006; accepted April 17, 2006 Mikkelsen et al.[12] proposed the hypothesis that
there might be safe sites for gene integration in B.
Abstract Integration of a transgene into a
C-genome chromosome plays an important role in napus, i.e. there are chromosome regions with a low
reducing ecological risk of transgenic Brassica napus. probability of gene transmission to backcross genera-
To obtain C-genome transgenic B. napus, herbi- tions with B. rapa as the recurrent parent via homolo-
cide-resistant bar gene was firstly transferred into B. gous recombination. Specifically, the presence of
oleracea var. alboglabra mediated by Agrobacterium chromosomes of either the A-genome or C-genome
tumefaciens strain LBA4404. Then using the trans- determines the transmission frequency of a resistance
genic B. oleracea as paternal plants and 8 non- gene in subsequent backcross generations. Metz et al.[8]
transgenic varieties of B. rapa as maternal plants, C- and Zhu et al.[13] found that transgene in some lines
genome transgenic B. napus with bar gene was arti- disappeared faster than others in backcross generations
ficially resynthesized by means of ovary culture and with B. rapa when studying the inheritance of trans-
chromosome doubling. Among 67 lines of the resyn- genes in crosses and backcrosses of transgenic B. napus
thesized B. napus, 31 were positive, and 36 were with B. rapa. They suggested that the ecological risk of
negative according to PCR test for bar gene. At least gene diffusion is small when transgenes are inserted
2 plants from each line were kept for PPT spray con- into the C-genome of B. napus. On the basis of the dis-
firmation. The result was in consistence with the PCR
tribution probability of different chromosomes in hy-
test. Genomic Southern blotting of three randomly
brids and backcross generations of B. napus with B.
chosen lines also showed that bar gene had been
rapa, Lu et al.[14] built three mathematical models to
integrated into the genome of resynthesized B. napus
analyze transmission rate of transgene in different
backcross generations after the diffusing of the trans-
Keywords: Bar gene, C-genome, directional transgene, resynthesis of gene from A-genome or C-genome, with or without
Brassica napus.
selection pressure. The result supports the conclusion
Transgenic Brassica napus has been widely planted obtained by Metz et al.[8] that transgene integrated on a
in Canada, the United States, and some other countries. C-chromosome is safer than that on an A-chromosome.
In China, although the policy for genetically modified Two problems exist in the previous studies on the
foods has not yet opened, genetically modified rape- risk evaluation of C-genome transgeneic B. napus[8,12,14].
seed oil as raw material for biodiesel offers particularly (1) There is no direct experimental evidence for the
good prospects. A major concern for the release of assumption that the backcross populations with faster
transgenic B. napus is that the transgenes may diffuse transgene lost derived from a transgenic B. napus line
into other wild relatives to form super weeds. A lot of whose transgene was located on C-genome. (2) Strate-
studies confirmed the unavoidable genetic drift and gies for the development of C-genome transgenic B.
introgression of B. napus to its relative weeds, espe- napus with low ecological risk were not pointed out.
cially B. rapa (2n=20, AA) and B. juncea (2n=36, Since the chromosomes of B. napus are tiny, and the A-
1578 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 51 No. 13 July 2006
and C-genomes are highly homologous in sequence and erator for later use. In each experiment, a single colony
hardly distinguishable[15], it is not possible to ensure the was inoculated in a YEB plate with 50 mg/L Kanamy-
transfer of target gene into C-genome using B. napus as cin, cultured at 28℃ for 1―2 d. Thalli was washed off
the experimental material. In our experiments, we first with 1/2MS liquid medium (pH 5.4), and diluted to A600
transferred bar gene into the genome of B. oleracea var. =0.08, then used for infection.
alboglabra (CC), then hybridized the transgenic B. ol- The seeds of B. oleracea were sterilized using 70%
eracea var. alboglabra (CC, 2n=18) with non-trans- alcohol for 5 ― 10 s, 1% Dichloroisocyanuric acid
genic B. rapa, and finally obtained resynthesized B.
(DICA), for 8―15 min and washed with sterile water
napus with transgene on C-genome, thus directionally
for 3―4 times, implanted in 1/2MS medium and grown
integrated the target bar gene into C-genome of B.
napus. These C-genome transgenic B. napus lines pro- for 4―5 d at 25℃, 16 h/8 h day/night). Then cotyle-
vide a good material basis for investigation of the exis- dons with 1―2 mm long petiole and 0.5―0.7 cm hy-
tence of transgene in alien species and offspring popu- pocotyl sections were cut off as cotyledon and hypo-
lations, and for further confirmation of the ecological cotyl explants, respectively.
risk of transgene diffusion in C-genome transgene of B.
napus with experimental evidence, as well as for the
investigation of exchange frequency between A-ge-
nome and C-genome of B. napus.

1 Material and methods

1.1 Plant material
Hong-Kong Zhonghua Jielan (B. oleracea var. al-
boglabra, CC, 2n=18) was used in genetic transforma-
tion. Eight B. rapa (AA, 2n=20) accessions: Heiyebai
(No. QF01), Rongyou Aikangqing (No. QF04), Tezao
50 Baicaitai (No. QF05), Huangjindi Xiaobaicai (No.
QF06), Huangjin Xiaobaicai (No. QF08), Jiuyuexian
Hongcaitai (No. QF10), Chaoshan Tianbaicai (No.
Fig. 1. Plasmid map of pCAMBIA3300.
QF11), and a double-low B. rapa cultivar (No.QF15).
Except the double-low B. rapa introduced from Canada,
The explants were incubated in Agrobacterium liq-
all other experimental materials come from China.
uid. Infection was carried out at 22℃ for 5―10 min by
1.2 Agrobacterium strain and plasmid gentle shaking. The explants were moved to MS+1
Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain is LBA4404 and mg/L 2.4-D+0.2 mg/L 6-BA medium, cultured in dark
its plasmid is pCAMBIA3300. NPTII gene was used at 22℃ for 2―3 d, put in MS+4.5 mg/L BA+5 mg/L
for bacteria screen and bar gene was used for plant AgNO3+500 mg/L Cb for 5―7 d, then moved to selec-
screen (Fig. 1). tive medium MS+4.5 mg/L BA+5 mg/L AgNO3+500
1.3 Genetic transformation of B. oleracea mg/L Cb+10 mg/L PPT and finally cultured for 3―4
weeks. Green seedlings were cut off and implanted in
Agrobacterium strain LBA4404 with pCAM- rooting medium MS+0.2 mg/L NAA+10 mg/L PPT.
BIA3300 plasmid was inoculated in a YEB plate with After complete plants were established, they were
50 mg/L Kanamycin and cultured at 28℃ for 2 d. A transplanted into pots and cultured with proper shade
single colony was inoculated in 5 mL liquid medium and moisture.
(with 50 mg/L Kanamycin), shaken on an orbital shaker
at 200 rpm, and cultured at 28℃ overnight. The bacte- 1.4 PCR detection of T1 transgenic B. oleracea
ria liquid culture was inoculated in a YEB plate with 50 In order to avoid false positives and Agrobacterium
mg/L Kanamycin and cultured at 28℃ for 2 d. After contamination of T0 transgenic plant, T1 seeds were
colonies grew up, the petri dish was put in a 4℃ refrig- obtained by bud pollination of T0 plants that were posi- 1579

tive in PPT screening. T1 seeds were sown in an iso- 1.7 Cytological observation
lated chamber in Spring, 2004, and sprayed with 13.5%
Chromosome number of the hybrids were deter-
Basta® at 1:200 dilution at seedling stage. Leaves of mined using young buds. Pistils of flower buds were
resistant transgenic B. oleracea and non-transgenic B. peeled out, treated with 0.002 mol/L 8-hydroxyquino-
oleracea were used for genomic DNA[16] extraction by line for 4 h, then fixed in Carnoy’s solution for 24h,
CTAB method. PCR was performed with 20 μL reac- and stored in 70% ethanol at 4℃ until use. The pistils
tion system, with negative control (total DNA of were hydrolyzed in 1 N HCl at 60℃ for about 10 min,
non-transgenic B. oleracea plants as template) and squashed in a drop of modified carbol fuchsin and ob-
positive control (plasmid DNA as template). Reaction served under oil[17].
conditions were: 95℃, 2 min; 94℃, 30 s, 50℃, 30 s,
1.8 Herbicide resistance test and molecular detection
72℃, 1 min, 35cycles; 72℃, 5 min. PCR products was
of bar gene
checked by 1% agarose gel electrophoresis.
For bar gene detection, the forward primer was 13.5% Basta® at 1:200 dilution was sprayed on the
5′-GAT CTC GGT GAC GGG CAG GA-3′ and the leaves of synthetic B. napus. Chemical injury of leaves
reverse primer was 5′-GGC GGT CTG CAC CAT CGT was observed and recorded. Chemical injury of plants
CAA-3′, synthesized by Shanghai Bioasia Biotechnol- and number of dead plants were observed in synthetic B.
ogy Co. Ltd. napus lines grown in culture medium amended with 15
mg/L PPT after 13 d of culture. In both of the above
1.5 Genetic analysis of the transgenic B. oleracea tests, non-transgenic plants were used as control.
T1 seeds were sown in an isolated chamber in Spring PCR method is the same as that used for detection of
transgenic B. oleracea.
2004, and sprayed with 13.5% Basta® at 1:200 dilution.
Southern blotting analysis was performed as follows:
The number of alive and dead plants was recorded and 20 μg of total genomic DNA was fully digested with
PCR was performed to detect bar gene in live plants, EcoR I, and electrophoretically separated with 0.8%
the segregation ratio of bar gene was calculated and χ2 agarose gel. Prehybridization, hybridization and film
test was performed. wash procedures follow those reported by Sharpe et
1.6 Resynthesis of B. napus al.[18]. Digoxin labeling kit was used for probe labelling
and detection (Roche Diagnostics, Swiss). A 0.5-kb
In the test field of Qinghai Academy of Agricultural fragment of bar gene generated by PCR was used as
and Forestry Sciences (Xining) in Spring 2004, eight B. template for probe labelling.
rapa species as female parents and T1 transgenic B.
1.9 Pollen viability determination
oleracea with bar gene as male parent were crossed. 7
d after pollination, ovaries were cultured on MS me- Newly opened flowers were sampled at 9―10 a.m.,
dium with 500 mg/L hydrolyzed casein (with 0.8% agar anthers were squashed and pollen grains were stained
and 3.0% sucrose) after sterilization (70% alcohol for with 1% aceto-carmine and observed under microscopy.
Pollen viability rate was calculated as the number of
5―10 s, 1% DICA for 8―10 min, washed with sterile
stained pollen grains/total pollen grains ×100. Three
water for 3―4 times). After ovaries were cultured for views per flower were observed with nearly 500―1000
nearly 35―40 d, seeds were peeled out of the ovaries, pollen grains. Zhongshuang 6, a common B. napus va-
inoculated into MS medium till they grew into normal riety, was used as control.
seedlings. The seedlings were cut off, treated in MS
2 Result and analysis
medium with 0.01% colchicine for 7―10 d for chro-
mosome doubling. Then they were planted in rooting 2.1 Genetic transformation of B. oleracea and analy-
medium (MS+0.2 mg/L NAA) for root initiation and sis of transgenic plants
multiplication. Three new plants were multiplied from (i) Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation
each transgenic plant at least. After robust roots devel- of B. oleracea. Transformation frequency with coty-
oped, the plants were transplanted in pots and allowed ledons and hypocotyls of B. oleracea was calculated
to grow with proper shade and moisture. using data collected from three repeats. The result
1580 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 51 No. 13 July 2006
showed that the average transformation frequency was three plants and the inserted bar gene can be stably in-
8.04% with cotyledons as explants, which was higher herited. The three transgenic B. oleracea plants were
than that from hypocotyls (6.81%). Finally, 29 inde- selected as parents for the resynthesis of B. napus.
pendent transgenic plants were established, of which 21
Table 2 Genetic analysis of T1 population
were from infected cotyledons and 8 from infected hy- χ2
Transgenic Sample PPT-resistant PPT-susceptible
pocotyls (Table 1). lines numbers plants (R) plants (S) :
(3 1)a)
QR306 55 41 14 0.006
Table 1 Transformation frequency of cotyledons and hypocotyls medi-
QR307 99 76 23 0.165
ated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens
QR308 156 116 40 0.034
No. of No. of posi- Transformation
Repeats Explant a) χ20.05=3.84.
explants tive shoots frequency (%)
cotyledon 165 14 8.48
Exp I 2.2 Resynthesis of B. napus
hypocotyl 187 13 6.95

Exp II
cotyledon 241 20 8.29 (i) Hybridization between B. oleracea and B. rapa.
hypocotyl 279 20 7.17 Three thousand nine hundred and ninety-two ovaries
cotyledon 231 17 7.36
Exp III were cultured from 8 cross combinations of B. rapa×B.
hypocotyl 254 16 6.30
oleracea, yielding 154 seeds and 92 hybrid seedlings.
67 hybrid lines after culture and propagation were ob-
(ii) Bar gene detection of transgenic B. oleracea.
tained with an average hybrid production rate of 2.30%.
The resistance-susceptiblity separation of T1 plants was There was a great difference between hybrid production
found in PPT resistance screening experiment. Leaf rate among cross combinations (Table 3). For example,
lesions appeared in susceptible plants followed by the hybrid production rate of Huangjin Xiaobaicai×B.
wilting and death of whole plant. The resistant plants, oleracea was 14.8%, which was the highest, whereas
however, grew normally without any symptoms (Fig. that of Huangjindi Xiaobaibai×B. oleracea and Jiu-
2(a)). PCR detection for bar gene was carried out using yuexian Hongcaitai×B. oleracea was zero. Most cross
leaves from T1 resistant plants, and a unique band was combinations had a low hybrid production rate below
amplified from all tested plants as well as the positive 4.0%.
control, whereas no band was amplified from the nega-
tive control (Fig. 2(b)). This result indicates that bar Table 3 Hybrid production rate of B. rapa × B. oleracea by ovary
gene has been integrated into the nuclear genome of B. No of Production Hybrid
No of seeds Hybrid
oleracea. Crosses ovary
obtained plants
rate of seeds production
cultured per ovary (%) rate (%)
QF01×J 766 9 5 1.17 0.65
QF04×J 493 19 17 3.85 3.45
QF05×J 378 15 3 3.97 0.79
QF06×J 525 11 0 2.10 0
QF08×J 399 78 59 19.55 14.8
QF10×J 462 3 0 0.62 0
Fig. 2. Transgenic B. oleracea with bar gene. (a) Response to PPT QF11×J 483 8 3 1.66 0.62
spray at seedling stage; (b) PCR amplification of bar gene. M, Marker; 1, QF15×J 486 11 5 2.26 1.03
blank; 2, negative control; 3, positive control; 4―10, transgenic plants. Total 3992 154 92 3.86 2.30
a) J represents transgenic plants with bar genes; Production rate of
seeds per ovary = Number of seeds obtained/Number of ovary cul-
(iii) Inheritance of the transgene in B. oleracea. tured×100%; Hybrid production rate = Hybrid plantlets/ Number of
Resistance evaluation by PPT spray and PCR detection ovary cultured×100%.
of T1 populations inbred from some T0 transgenic B.
oleracea plants showed that the segregation of resis- (ii) Chromosome observation. Chromosome
tance and susceptibility occurred in T1 populations de- counting was performed in 31 PPT resistant synthetic
rived from QR306, QR307 and QR308. The segrega- B. napus plants. The result showed that except one with
tion ratio was 3:1, which conforms to Mendelian 34 chromosomes and three with 19 chromosomes, all
model of one pair of genes (Table 2), indicating that a others had 38 chromosomes (Fig. 3(g)), which is the
single copied bar gene was inserted into all of these chromosome number of natural B. napus. The three 1581


Fig. 3. Resynthesized transgenic B. napus with bar gene. (a) Seed germination (2n=19) from B. rapa×B. oleracea hybrids cultured on MS media; (b)
seedlings of B. rapa×B. oleracea hybrids cultured on MS media supplemented with 0.2 mg/L NAA(before treated with colchicine); (c) screening of
resistant seedlings from B. rapa ×B. oleracea hybridsin MS medium supplemented with 0.2 mg/L NAA + 15mg/L PPT; (d) flowering plants; (e)
siliques of plants; (f) PCR result for bar gene in resynthesized B.napus. M, Marker; 1, blank; 2, negative control; 3, positive control; 4―10, resynthe-
sized B. napus; (g) chromosomes of resynthesized B. napus; (h) a resynthesized B. napus line at flowering stage.

plants with 19 chromosomes may be a result of chro- nations were with smooth and hairless leaves; those
mosome doubling failure, since it is exactly the number from 80% of the combinations were with short petioles,
of the addition of the two parental species (B. rapa, big and thick leaves. Plants from 82% of the combina-
n=10; B. oleracea, n=9). tions had smaller siliques containing only 4 ― 8
(iii) Agronomic performance. Synthetic B. napus seeds/pods (data not shown). The flowers of the syn-
grew vigorously with characteristics from both parents. thetic B. napus were creamy white (or yellowish white)
Most leaves are larger with less divided leaves and light and set seeds normally when hybridized with natural B.
leaf color, resembling the female parent. Based on the napus, showing no cross barrier at all. These synthetic
observation data, plants from 95% of the cross combi- B. napus had more branches and longer blooming pe-

1582 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 51 No. 13 July 2006

riod. The angle between branches and the main stem
was smaller in the synthetic B. napus with stronger re-
sistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. They matured
8―15 d later than natural B. napus (Fig. 3(h)).
(iv) Transgene detection. PCR detection of bar
gene was carried out in 67 synthetic B. napus lines. The
result showed that there were 31 positive lines and 36
negative lines (Fig. 3(f)). These lines were transferred
to MS medium containing 15 mg/L PPT and 0.2 mg/L Fig. 4. Southern blot of resynthesized B. napus. A fragment of bar gene,
generated by PCR amplification of pCAMBIA3300, was used as the
NAA, or sprayed with 13.5% Basta® at 1:200 dilution probe (0.5 kb). M, Marker; 1, positive control; 2, negative control; 3,
on leaves after transplantation. The result agreed well transgenic B. oleracea DNA; 4―10, resynthesized B. napus DNA.
with PCR detection. Three synthetic B. napus lines,
which were positive according to PCR and Basta® de- 3 Discussion
tection, derived from the same transgenic male parent, Compared to other interspecific hybridization, the
were randomly chosen for genomic Southern blot hybridization of B. oleracea and B. rapa followed by
analysis together with their male parent. The result chromosome doubling results in new amphidiploid
confirmed that exogenous bar gene had been integrated plants of a novel type of B. napus that belongs to the
into the genome of synthetic B. napus (Fig. 4). The same species as cultivated natural B. napus. To easily
band pattern of hybridization after enzyme restriction identify the hybridity, morphological markers such as
indicated that the chromosome region harboring bar white flower petals were used for selection. Chromo-
gene from the male parent B. oleracea line might have some counting, bar gene detection and other agronomic
not been exchanged with A-genome in these three syn-
characters as well as pollen viability were also invoked
thetic B. napus lines.
to confirm their hybrid nature. Theoretically, pollen
(v) Pollen fertility observation. The result from
fertility of these hybrids should be quite good. In fact,
stainability of pollen grains of 25 plants from 11 syn-
however, a decrease in pollen fertility was often ob-
thetic B. napus lines showed that there was big differ-
served[19]. Jørgensen and Andersen[20] reported that
ence among plants derived from the same parental line
of synthetic B. oleracea on pollen fertility. The CV of pollen fertility of hybrids was 16%―86%. In our ex-
pollen stainability within three of the lines even periment, the fertility observed was between 58.61%―
reached over 20% (Table 4). The average pollen 88.95%.
stainability of most lines, however, ranged from 60% to Some previous studies have revealed that A-genome
90%, which enabled nearly normal seed set upon polli- and C-genome of B. napus are highly homologous in
nation (pollen stainability of natural B. napus control sequence, but chromosomes of the two genomes during
was 98.88%). meiosis do not match well. Moreover, at the structure

Table 4 Pollen stainability of resynthesized B. napusa)

Cross combination Line code Number of plants Number of pollens (mean) Pollen stainability (%)
QF01×J 1 2 671 71.27±0.97
QF01×J 3 6 635 88.95±33.30
QF01×J 4 2 777 75.30±26.80
QF05×J 1 1 597 79.06
QF08×J 5 1 708 87.57
QF08×J 22 2 723 86.72±1.36
QF08×J 34 2 805 76.90±7.44
QF08×J 39 2 993 58.64±20.82
QF08×J 41 4 856 58.61±15.10
QF08×J 51 1 785 73.89
QF11×J 3 2 787 82.13±1.08
a) Number of pollens (mean)=Total number of pollens of each line/Number of plants. 1583

level, the homolog of A genome and C genome is only According to Zhu et al.[13], the transgenes from
partial, so the possibility of gene exchange between A-genome and C-genome were segregated at a ratio of
them was relatively small[14,18,21,22]. Namai et al.[23] ob- 1:1 in BC1 generation, while in BC2 generation and
served 13%―72% trivalents at metaphase stage of afterwords, the transmission frequency of transgenes
meiosis in the first generation hybrids between B. rapa from C-genome to subsequent generations was obvi-
and B. napus. Based on this observation, Lu et al.[24] ously lower than that from A-genome. One line was
deduced that the genomic recombination frequency of found to lose the transgene on C-genome in BC4 gen-
C-chromosome and A-chromosome should be less than eration. Lu et al.[14] deemed that the transgenes on
0.7%―4.0%. The recombination frequency is possibly C-genome will disappear after several generations of
lower in the case of genes located near the centromere. backcross if the transgenic B. napus is not grown re-
Results from genomic Southern blot indicated that there peatedly and the transgenes are not manually selected.
might not be any exchange between A-genome and Therefore, genes from A-genome of B. napus could be
C-genome in the region of exogenous bar gene in the more easily transferred into B. rapa (A-genome) or B.
juncea (AB-genome)[8] than genes on C-genome. But
selected synthetic B. oleracea lines. Thus we believe
there is still controversy among these authors over the
that it is very likely (with the probability above 95%)
transmission frequency of transgenes on C-genome to
that the resythetic B. napus population obtained in this
hybrids and backcross generations. We think that the
study contains the transgene on C-genome. Further
inconsistency of transmission frequency of transgenes
studies on the inheritance behavior of the transgene in
from various studies resulted from the fact that the po-
these lines using chromosome-specifc (RAPD) markers,
sition of transgenes in B. napus genomes was uncertain.
and molecular cytogenetics by genomic in situ hybridi-
Tomiuk et al.[28] also proved that the gene insertion site,
zation (GISH) with exogenous bar gene as probe, will
whether it was in the C-genome or A genome of the two
offer direct evidence for gene exchange frequency be- transgenic B. napus lines in the experiments conducted
tween A-genome and C-genome. by Metz et al.[8], could not be identified. Hence, the
In triploid hybrids obtained from crosses of B. napus acquisition of C-chromosome transgenic B. napus is of
(AACC, 2n=38) and B. rapa (AA, 2n=20), C-chrom- great importance for explaining the difference in trans-
osome is randomly distributed in AAC hybrids[25]. In mission frequency of genes on C-genome and for un-
subsequent backcross generations, individual C-chrom- derstanding the mechanism behind transmission of
osomes are transmitted into gametes irregularly. They transgenes to hybrids and subsequent backcross genera-
are likely to be lost during meiosis because no ho- tions.
mologous chromosome for pairing can be found[26]. Resynthesis of B. napus is an important approach for
Lu[26] observed the decrease of vitality of individual the enrichment of B. napus gene pool and genetic de-
hybrids with C-chromosomes due to aneuploidy. velopment of new varieties at present. Genetic trans-
Among gametes (n=10―19) formed in interspecific formation has become the most efficient measure for
hybrids during meiosis, the relative adaptability of the genetic modification of crops. The ecological risk aris-
gametes with 10 chromosomes is 10―50 times higher ing from the release of transgenic plants is a main re-
than that of others (n=11―19). In this way, with the striction to the development and application of trans-
increase of backcross generation, the number of chro- genic B. napus. Based on the theory of safe integration
mosome in backcross generation tends to be close to 20. sites of exogenous genes in B. napus[12] and the evolu-
A number of studies indicated that the transmission tionary relation of Brassica species[29], this study ex-
frequency of a transgene from A-genome to the next plored a new way to obtain C-chromosome transgenic
generation was nearly 50%[8,13,14,25,27]. Metz et al.[8] B. napus with bar gene through hybridizing transgenic
found that the transmission frequency of a transgene B. oleracea var. alboglabra (CC) with non-transgenic B.
from C-genome of two transgenic lines into its BC1 was rapa, resulting in new materials for ecological risk as-
26% and 46%, respectively, and that to BC2, BC3 and sessment in the field on genetic drift of transgenic B.
BC4 was averaged to 5%, 11% and 9%, respectively. napus with exogenous gene on different geonomes.
Lu et al.[14] concluded that the transmission frequency This makes it possible to further prove the safety of
of transgenes from C-genome to BC1, BC2, BC3 and C-chromosome transgenic B. napus, and reveal the
BC4 was 39.9%, 7.7%, 1.2% and 0.1%, respectively. mechanism behind genetic exchange between A-ge-

1584 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 51 No. 13 July 2006

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Acknowledgements We thank Dr. Lu Changming and Dr.
78―84 [DOI]
Lu Guangyuan for modification opinions of the paper. This 15 Snowdon R J, Friedrich T, Friedt W, et al. Identifying the chromo-
work was supported by National 863 Project (Grant Nos. somes of the A- and C-genome diploid Brassica species B. rapa
2002AA212011, 2003AA222101 & 2005AA241030) and the (syn. campestris) and B. oleracea in their amphidiploid B. napus.
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