Primera Entrega Docs RUS X FOIA

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Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Mark Green
additional draft sections for the SFEIS
Thursday, July 18, 2013 12:50:43 AM
Section 3.10.1 - Odors.docx
Section 3.10.2 - Noise.docx
Section 3.10.3 - Transportation.docx
Figure 2-2 (Noise Study).pdf

Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |


McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC

Philpott, Charles - RD, Washington, DC; Saba, Philip - RD, Washington, DC; Patel, Prashant - RD, Washington,
DC; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC
Sean Mahoney (; Mark Green (;
Arecibo Prelminary Draft SFEIS, Chapters 1-3
Thursday, August 01, 2013 4:41:00 PM
ARECIBO SFEIS 080113.docx

Attached is the most recent draft of Chapters 1-3 of the Supplemental Final EIS for the Arecibo
Project. Chp 3 is still a work in progress, so Ive inserted notes for the sections that require further
work on my part.
Please review these chapters and provide initial edits/comments
by August 9. When I return to the office on August 12, I plan to revise these chapters and complete
the remaining sections of the document. They include:
- 3.0, various subsections
- 1.3.4, Summary of prior public involvement (non-RUS related)
- 3.4 Public Health and Safety (all subsections)
- 4.0, Other required considerations (all subsections, including cumulative effects)
- 5.0, List of Preparers
- 6.0, References
- Exhibit III, Section 404 permit and supporting docs
- Exhibit IV, Floodway modification materials
- Exhibit VI, Distribution List for SFEIS
RUS has received some comments on inconsistencies between the PRIDCO F-EIS and permitting
documents. In the SFEIS, we will need to highlight which numbers/figures are indeed the correct
values. Areas where there are inconsistencies can be added as a bulleted item in Subsection 1.3.5


There will be one more round of reviews before the document is finalized. The last review will be
of a formatted document that is pretty much ready for publication. At this time, I cannot provide an
estimate for how long this will take. I have had numerous other project-related interruptions
(including work travel) over the last couple weeks that prevented me from being further along in
drafting this document. Thus, I apologize for not having a more complete document. I also
underestimated the amount of effort needed to produce the SFEIS. As you can see from the
current preliminary draft, the document far exceeds the original 30 page estimate that I had in
Sorry that I will not be able to participate in next weeks meeting. I will re-engage working on the
project (b)(6)
Lauren McGee Rayburn | Environmental Scientist
U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)

1400 Independence Ave. SW | Washington, DC | 20250

Mail Stop 1571
Phone: (202) 695-2540
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"



McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC

Mark Green; Sean Mahoney
Aivars Udris
Arecibo SFEIS - section sample
Tuesday, July 02, 2013 12:47:00 PM

Mark/Sean, Please see the sample write-up that will be used in the cultural resources/historic
properties section of the preliminary Arecibo SFEIS.
Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist
U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
1400 Indepndence Ave. SW | Washington, DC | 20250
Mail Stop 1571
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

3.8 Cultural Resources and Historic Properties

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), as amended, requires RUS to take into
account the effects of its undertakings (or in this instance, potential financing of the proposed
Project) on historic properties such as buildings, structures, sites, objects and districts that are listed
in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and to afford the Advisory
Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) a reasonable opportunity to comment. These requirements
are implemented through federal regulations (36 CFR Part 800).
RUS has defined the area of potential effect (APE) as those areas that would be directly disturbed by
the proposed Project activities (including the proposed Project site, right-of-way for the electric
transmission line, and the proposed route of the raw water line). Archival and pedestrian surveys
were completed in association with the PRIDCO F-EIS (see Exhibit , Appendix ). The surveys
documented the disturbed condition of the APE and a sparse record of known sites within close
proximity to the APE. The surveys resulted in no identification and recovery of historic properties in
the APE. Accordingly, RUS has determined that the proposed Project would have no effect on
historic properties protected under the NHPA. This finding is in agreement with the
Commonwealths State Historic Preservation Office letter dated October 28, 2010 (see Exhibit ,


McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC

Mark Green (; jakeudris@(b)(6)
Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Philpott, Charles - RD, Washington, DC
Arecibo WTE Project - construction letter
Tuesday, March 25, 2014 11:19:00 AM


RUS is receipt of Energy Answers letter regarding construction associated with the Arecibo Waste
to Energy Project. The environmental staff has a couple of more questions before we can give an
accurate response. They include:
- When is construction proposed to start?
- Will construction occur on the entire site or can it be limited to existing brownfield areas?

Thanks in advance for your quick response

Lauren McGee Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | RD |Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
84 Coxe Ave.
Suite 1E
Asheville, NC 28801
Phone: (202) 695-2540
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

Please note new mailing address


McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC

Sean Mahoney
Arecibo WTE Project - RUS Env. Review (update)
Friday, February 08, 2013 8:20:00 AM


After yesterdays meeting, I was able to speak with Mark Plank, my supervisor, about the anticipated
environmental review process for the Arecibo WTE project. Considering the proposed construction
timeframe (within 120 days), he has preliminarily decided to go down the Supplemental Final EIS
process, which includes the following major steps:
1. Issue a Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare a Supplemental EIS in Federal Register and local
2. Issue Supplemental Final EIS notice of availability publication required in aforementioned
3. 30-day review period begins on the date in which the USEPA receives the Supplemental EIS
4. Issue Record of Decision notice of availability publication required in aforementioned

In the interim, I will continue reviewing the PR-EIS and work with the Southern Regional Divisions
engineers to complete both the environmental and technical review of the PR-EIS within the next
couple of weeks.. It is our plan to have the following completed by the end of the month:
1. Completion of RUS environmental and engineering review of the PR-EIS
2. Completion of an Administrative Memorandum officially documenting the NEPA pathway
for the proposed project
3. Publication of the NOI in the Federal Register/local newspapers
It is our plan to have the Supplemental EIS and associated availability notices published in March.

As mentioned in yesterdays meeting, I hope to send all RUS comments to Energy Answers at once.

Thanks and please let me know if you any questions or concerns

Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"


Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Mark Green
Confirmation of local publication info
Monday, July 22, 2013 3:40:40 PM
Rural Utilities Services - Public Notice in Spanish.docx

Hi Lauren I want to confirm that this NOI is correct for our publication in PR. Both the English and Spanish
versions are included in the attachment and the translation is reliable. It was prepared from the original
version you sent me back on February 22nd, albeit with a correction for the scheduled publication of the
SFEIS, changing from March to August, 2013. Please confirm and we will publish this week.
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |


Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Mark Green
draft of Section 3.9 for SFEIS
Friday, July 19, 2013 4:38:02 PM
Section 3.9 - Waste Disposal.docx

Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |


Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
draft Sections 1.3.2 & 1.3.3
Tuesday, July 09, 2013 1:34:22 PM
Section 1.3.2 - PSD Permit Review.docx
Section 1.3.3 - USACE Section 404 Permit Review.docx

Hi Lauren Two Sections are attached here. We're told we should have something final on the 404 soon. Please let
me know if you'd like us to be reviewing any additional materials as we continue.
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |


Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Mark Green
draft sections for SFEIS
Monday, July 15, 2013 8:02:10 PM
Section 2.5.2 - Wetland Conversion.docx
Section 3.2.3 - Floodplains.docx
Section 3.2.4 - Wetlands and Riparian Areas.docx
Figure 2-10.pdf
Figure 2-15.pdf
Figure 2-16.pdf

Hi Lauren Attached here are a few more drafts of sections for the SFEIS and their referenced figures.
Can you please give us an update on your progress and let me know if there's anything we can be
doing or reviewing to move things along.
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |


McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC

Sean Mahoney; jakeudris@(b)(6)
Mark Green; Jose Torres-Monllor
Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Philpott, Charles - RD, Washington, DC; Saba, Philip - RD, Washington, DC
Draft SFEIS Outline for Arecibo WTE Project
Wednesday, March 13, 2013 4:42:00 PM
Arecio SFEIS OUTLINE 031213.docx

Sean and others, Please see the attached draft outline for the SFEIS. It will be used as reference while the SFEIS is
being drafted. It is my goal to begin drafting sections of the document next week.

Also below is list of RUS personnel who are working of this project.

Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

RUS Staff Member

Annie Holloway-Jones
Charles Philpott
Philip Saba
Lauren (McGee) Rayburn
Prashant Patel
Gregory Snearly

Acting Engineering Branch Chief
Electrical Engineer
Environmental Specialist
Operations Branch Chief
Loan Specialist




Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Energy Answers EIS translations
Wednesday, January 09, 2013 7:46:59 PM

Hi Lauren I'm just checking in to be sure you've received notice of the translation postings and to see how the
review process is coming. Please let me know if you need any more info and if you have any idea of the
timeline for review.
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Christiansted, VI - 340-778-7505
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |


Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
FW: Draft SFEIS Update - Arecibo WTE Project
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 10:48:29 AM

Hi Lauren We'll have comments back to you soon on Chapters 1 and 2 but, regarding your question below,I
wanted to understand the possibility of issuing the SFEIS prior to receipt of the final permit.
Thanks Sean

Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

From: Sean Mahoney

Sent: Thu 4/11/2013 4:10 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC; Aivars Udris
Subject: RE: Draft SFEIS Update - Arecibo WTE Project
Thanks Lauren. I'm assuming you can't complete the SFEIS without first seeing the final PSD permit. If
so, I guess all we can say is we'd want to issue it asap afterward. I'll follow-up with more info on the
404 and floodway permits info.
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

-----Original Message----From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Thu 4/11/2013 3:46 PM
To: Sean Mahoney; Aivars Udris
Subject: RE: Draft SFEIS Update - Arecibo WTE Project
Sean and Jake,
I just wanted to give you an update. The RUS engineers are still reviewing the technical information
that was previously submitted, and I am still drafting the SFEIS. By the end of tomorrow, I should be
50% complete with the draft. I feel comfortable with the purpose/need and alternatives discussion,
which has been my main focus over these last couple of weeks. I plan to submit a draft of chapters 1
and 2 to the group by the end of tomorrow that will include highlighted areas where additional
information is needed - i.e., EPA's AQ permitting process, the USACE Section 404 permit, and the
floodway modification permit.
Also, in light of EPA's delay in issuing a final PSD permit - at what point do want to issue the SFEIS?
This is just a question to think over the next couple of weeks.

From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 11:12 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Subject: RE: Draft SFEIS Outline for Arecibo WTE Project
Hi Lauren I'm just checking in to see how you're progressing and to see if the Need Rider Jake sent and the
response to comments that Mark sent were sufficient. Also, I thought you were going to be sending a
draft NOI for us to translate and publish after RUS first published it in the Federal Register. Is that
ready to go? Please let me know if there's anything I can be doing to spur this along. We are cautiously
optimistic to receive our PSD permit next week.
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227<> |<>
From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []
Sent: Wed 3/13/2013 4:42 PM
>; Mark Green; Jose TorresTo: Sean Mahoney; jakeudris@(b)(6)
Cc: Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Philpott, Charles - RD, Washington, DC; Saba, Philip - RD,
Washington, DC
Subject: Draft SFEIS Outline for Arecibo WTE Project
Sean and others, Please see the attached draft outline for the SFEIS. It will be used as reference while
the SFEIS is being drafted. It is my goal to begin drafting sections of the document next week.
Also - below is list of RUS personnel who are working of this project.
Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist
U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

RUS Staff Member

Annie Holloway-Jones

Charles Philpott
Acting Engineering Branch Chief<>
Philip Saba
Electrical Engineer<>
Lauren (McGee) Rayburn
Environmental Specialist<>
Prashant Patel
Operations Branch Chief <>
Gregory Snearly
Loan Specialist <>

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients.
Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains
may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have
received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.



Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC

McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC
Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC
FW: Letter to Administrator Padalino (with attachments)
Friday, August 30, 2013 8:21:33 AM
Letter to Administrator Padalino.pdf
Emission Factors Comparison.pdf
Energy Answers - Response to Petition for Review.pdf
EPA - Response to Petition for Review.pdf

Good Morning Lauren,

I have been tasked with the responsibility of responding to the attached letter from Energy
Answers to the Administrator; and, (b)(5)


From: Kooyman, Tina - RD, Washington, DC

Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 3:56 PM
To: Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC
Cc: Elliott, Jim - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: FW: Letter to Administrator Padalino (with attachments)

Hello Annie,

The attached documentation will also be assigned to you via ECM. I wanted to give you
the attached so SRD could begin working on a response. All documents will be
managed/routed via ECM.

Thank you,

From: Howell, Holly - RD, Washington, DC

Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 8:49 AM
To: Kooyman, Tina - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: FW: Letter to Administrator Padalino (with attachments)

This letter is in ECM No. 7823088. I added the first 2 documents. I was not able to load the 2
Energy Answers Response for Petition documents into the file. They are Adobe format and 54
pages and 52 pages each. That is why I am emailing this information to you.


From: Early, Catherine - RD, Washington, DC

Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 8:11 AM

To: Smith, StephanieM - RD, Washington, DC

Cc: Howell, Holly - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: FW: Letter to Administrator Padalino (with attachments)

Please respond. Thanks.

From: Patrick Mahoney []

Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 9:37 PM
To: Early, Catherine - RD, Washington, DC
Cc: Sean Mahoney
Subject: Letter to Administrator Padalino (with attachments)

Please confirm receipt.

Thank you.

Patrick F. Mahoney, P.E.

Energy Answers International, Inc. | 79 North Pearl Street, 4th Floor | Albany, NY 12207
p: 518-434-1227 | f: 518-436-6343
Energy Answers Baltimore, LLC | 1701 East Patapsco Avenue | Baltimore, MD 21226
p: 443-602-3750| f: 443-602-3780
Energy Answers International | P.O. Box 3001| Kingshill VI 00851-3001 (St. Croix, US Virgin Islands Office)



Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC

Safian, Janet - OGC; Mahini, Seema - OGC
Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC
FW: RUS Consent Letter (Arecibo)
Tuesday, November 26, 2013 1:50:57 PM
Padalino Consent letter 11 12 2013.pdf


Please take a look at the attached letter to the Administrator; and, provide us with comments
from a legal standpoint (b)(5)

Any assistance that you

can provide will be greatly appreciated.


Annie J. Holloway-Jones
Southern Regional Division
Rural Utilities Service

From: McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC

Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 10:21 AM
To: Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: FW: RUS Consent Letter (Arecibo)

Hi Annie, Mark Plank forwarded me a copy of this letter yesterday. Have you spoken to Nivin/Jim
about this yet? (b)(5)

Lauren McGee Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 66
Barnardsville, NC 28709
Phone: (202) 695-2540
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

From: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC

Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 2:12 PM
To: McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC
Subject: FW: RUS Consent Letter


Mark S. Plank | Director

Engineering and Environmental Staff
USDA Rural Development | Rural Utilities Service
1400 Independence Ave, SW | Mail Stop 1571 | Room 2242
Washington, DC 20250-1571
W: (202) 720-1649 | Blackberry: (b)(6)
| FAX: (202) 690-0649

From: Cynthia Geshell []

Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 1:52 PM
To: Padalino, John - RD, Washington, DC
Cc: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Elgohary, Nivin - RD,
; Sean Mahoney; Patrick Mahoney
Washington, DC; udris@(b)(6)
Subject: RUS Consent Letter

Mr. Padalino,

Patrick Mahoney has requested that I send you the attached letter, please dont hesitate to contact
me if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Cynthia Geshell
Executive Assistant

Energy Answers International, Inc. | 79 North Pearl Street, 4th Floor | Albany, NY 12207
phone: 518-729-1328 | fax: 518-436-6343 |

NOTICE - The contents of this message are confidential, may be privileged and are the exclusive property of Energy Answers International, Inc. and its affiliates. If you
are not the intended recipient of this message, you are hereby notified that the unauthorized use, disclosure or copying of this message or any of its attachments are
strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message and all of its contents
from your computer. Thank you for your cooperation.


Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC

McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC
FW: RUS Consent Letter
Friday, January 31, 2014 2:32:00 PM

For your records

Mark S. Plank | Director

Engineering and Environmental Staff
USDA Rural Development | Rural Utilities Service
1400 Independence Ave, SW | Mail Stop 1571 | Room 2242
Washington, DC 20250-1571
W: (202) 720-1649 | Blackberry: (b)(6)
| FAX: (202) 690-0649

From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 2:22 PM
To: Elliott, Jim - RD, Washington, DC; Cynthia Geshell; udris@(b)(6)
Cc: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Mark Green; Michael McNerney
Subject: RE: RUS Consent Letter

; Patrick Mahoney

Jim Thank you for being in touch and for the specific information request. We are preparing the information now and
should have it to you shortly.

Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

-----Original Message----From: Elliott, Jim - RD, Washington, DC []

Sent: Fri 1/24/2014 4:58 PM
Sean Mahoney; Patrick Mahoney
To: Cynthia Geshell; udris@(b)(6)
Cc: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: RE: RUS Consent Letter
Good afternoon everyone,

I am sending this email as a follow up to Mark Plank's email dated 12/24/13 (copy attached). In order for us to

provide a response to your "Consent" letter dated 11/12/13, RUS needs specific information regarding the proposed
construction activities that Energy Answers plans to or has already undertaken to qualify for the Department of
Treasury's federal investment/production tax credits. These activities need to be evaluated within the context of 40
CFR 1506.1 and 7 CFR 1794.15 of the CEQ's NEPA Implementing Regulations and RUS' Environmental
Policies and Procedures.

Specially, we need:

A list of proposed construction activities, which Energy Answers is planning or has completed to qualify for
the tax credits

The scope of work associated with each activity, including amount of land disturbance (if needed) and
proposed construction time frames.

Please provide a response as soon as possible. Any delay in responding to these questions will lead to further
delays in our ability to begin our EIS process. Please review Mark's 11/4/13 e-mail, copy attached, for clarification
on what we need to initiate the EIS process. As we discussed the EIS will take over a year to complete and we
need to start the process as soon as possible if you wish to pursue RUS financing.

Thank you and have a nice weekend.


James F. Elliott | Acting Assistant Administrator

Rural Development | Rural Utilities Service | Electric Program
United States Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Avenue, SW | Washington, DC 20250
Phone: 202.720.9545 | Fax: 202.690.0717

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This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any
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Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC

McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC
FW: RUS Consent Letter
Tuesday, December 24, 2013 2:11:21 PM

I sent this to Energy Answers a little while ago.

Mark S. Plank | Director

Engineering and Environmental Staff
USDA Rural Development | Rural Utilities Service
1400 Independence Ave, SW | Mail Stop 1571 | Room 2242
Washington, DC 20250-1571
W: (202) 720-1649 | Blackberry: (b)(6)
| FAX: (202) 690-0649

From: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC

Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2013 1:28 PM
To: 'Cynthia Geshell'; udris@(b)(6)
Sean Mahoney; Patrick Mahoney
Subject: RE: RUS Consent Letter


I was asked to send you a request for more information as we prepare a more formal response to
your letter. There are no waiver provisions to NEPA therefor we cannot respond favorably to that
question. What we do need is more specific information regarding what construction activities you
are undertaking or propose to undertake to qualify for your federal investment tax credit
program. Once we have that information we will be able to respond more specifically to your

Let me know if you have any questions, sorry for the lateness of this response.


Mark S. Plank | Director

Engineering and Environmental Staff
USDA Rural Development | Rural Utilities Service
1400 Independence Ave, SW | Mail Stop 1571 | Room 2242
Washington, DC 20250-1571
W: (202) 720-1649 | Blackberry: (b)(6)
| FAX: (202) 690-0649

From: Cynthia Geshell []

Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 1:52 PM

To: Padalino, John - RD, Washington, DC

Cc: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Elgohary, Nivin - RD,
Sean Mahoney; Patrick Mahoney
Washington, DC; udris@(b)(6)
Subject: RUS Consent Letter

Mr. Padalino,

Patrick Mahoney has requested that I send you the attached letter, please dont hesitate to contact
me if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Cynthia Geshell
Executive Assistant

Energy Answers International, Inc. | 79 North Pearl Street, 4th Floor | Albany, NY 12207
phone: 518-729-1328 | fax: 518-436-6343 |

NOTICE - The contents of this message are confidential, may be privileged and are the exclusive property of Energy Answers International, Inc. and its affiliates. If you
are not the intended recipient of this message, you are hereby notified that the unauthorized use, disclosure or copying of this message or any of its attachments are
strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message and all of its contents
from your computer. Thank you for your cooperation.


Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC

McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC
Tuesday, September 24, 2013 11:37:27 AM

Mark S. Plank | Director

Engineering and Environmental Staff
USDA Rural Development | Rural Utilities Service
1400 Independence Ave, SW | Mail Stop 1571 | Room 2242
Washington, DC 20250-1571
W: (202) 720-1649 | Blackberry: (b)(6)
| FAX: (202) 690-0649

From: Aivars Udris [mailto:jakeudris@(b)(6)

Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 4:12 PM
To: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: Fwd: RUS SFEIS

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 10:19 AM, Mark Green <> wrote:
The 404 permit has been approved by all parties. The only remaining step that must occur
before the permit is issued is our need to secure a performance bond in the amount of the cost
of the proposed wetlands mitigation program, including the maintenance and monitoring
costs for the first 5 years of its existence. Before we can secure this performance bond, the
COE must approve our cost estimate for the construction, maintenance and monitoring
programs. These estimates have been prepared and submitted to the COE for approval and
we are currently waiting for their response. We have already received some feedback from
the COE and refined our estimates based on this information. We now believe that all
required information has been submitted.
I will let the group know when we have their approval, which should be very shortly.
Mark J. Green
Energy Answers Arecibo, LLC
T: (518) 434-1227 (Albany, NY)
F: (518) 436-6343
C: (b)(6)
NOTICE - The contents of this message are confidential, may be privileged and are

the exclusive property of Energy Answers International LLC and its affiliates. If you
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From: Aivars Udris [mailto:jakeudris@(b)(6)
Sent: Fri 9/6/2013 12:11 PM

To: Sean Mahoney; Mark Green; Torres-Monllor, Jose; Brauner, Michelle

Subject: RUS SFEIS
I spoke with Mark Plank this morning, he is confident the Administrator will back the current
30 day SFEIS, which should allow us, pending budget issues, a commitment from RUS yet
this calendar year. He indicated the US Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit would be
helpful to his cause. My understanding was the Corps was going to issue the permit, has that
been done, and if not, is there anything we can do to accelerate the process?


Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Fwd: Noticed published Tuesday 13 of August in Vocero
Thursday, August 15, 2013 7:09:45 PM
Screen shot 2013-08-15 at 12.21.00 AM.png

Hi Lauren - is this OK?

Begin forwarded message:
From: "Mark Green" <>
To: "Sean Mahoney" <>
Cc: "Jose, Torres-Monllor" <>
Subject: FW: Noticed published Tuesday 13 of August in Vocero
Please see page 7 of the Vocero below which contains the RUS
notification. This is an electronic copy of the paper, not their online
paper. Please let me know what, if any, additional confirmation of
printing that may be required.
Mark J. Green
Energy Answers Arecibo, LLC
T: (518) 434-1227 (Albany, NY)
F: (518) 436-6343
C: (b)(6)
NOTICE - The contents of this message are confidential, may be
privileged and are the exclusive property of Energy Answers International
LLC and its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient of this
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copying of this message or any of its attachments are strictly prohibited
and may be unlawful. If you have received this message in error, please
notify the sender immediately and delete this message and all of its
contents from your computer. Thank you for your cooperation.


Mark Green
Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Sean Mahoney
Jose Torres-Monllor; Udris; McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC; John Sullivan
RE: *** SPAM ***RE: Arecibo Environmental Process
Thursday, November 01, 2012 10:52:54 AM
SHPO Letter (10-28-10).pdf
US Fish & Wildlife Service Letter (5-4-11).pdf


Attached, please find our SHPO and Endangered Species Act approvals for review and discussion. I am in the
process of securing the EIS Resolution in English, however if you would like a copy in Spanish, let me know and I
will forward the document to you.


Mark J. Green
Energy Answers International
T: (518) 434-1227 (Albany, NY)
T: (340) 778-7505 (St. Croix, U.S.V.I.)
F: (518) 436-6343
C: (b)(6)

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Energy Answers International LLC and its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are
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From: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC []

Sent: Thu 11/1/2012 8:12 AM
To: Sean Mahoney; Mark Green
Cc: Jose Torres-Monllor; Udris; McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC; John Sullivan
Subject: RE: *** SPAM ***RE: Arecibo Environmental Process

3:00 ET today works for me as well. I will dial into the number provided.


Mark S. Plank | Director

Engineering and Environmental Staff
USDA Rural Development | Rural Utilities Service
1400 Independence Ave, SW | Mail Stop 1571 | Room 2242
Washington, DC 20250-1571
W: (202) 720-1649 | Blackberry: (b)(6)
| FAX: (202) 690-0649

From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:25 AM
Cc: Jose Torres-Monllor; Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Udris; McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC; John Sullivan
Subject: Re: *** SPAM ***RE: Arecibo Environmental Process

Lets aim for tmrw - Thursday - at 3 ET. Please let me know if that doesn't work for anyone.
Let's dial in to: (b)(6)
bridge (b)(6) access code (b)(6)
Thanks -

On Oct 31, 2012, at 8:29 PM, "" <> wrote:

I am also available at the times mentioned.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
From: "Sean Mahoney" <>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 15:43:53 -0700
To: Torres-Monllor, Jose<>
Cc: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC<>; Mark
Green<>; Udris<udris@(b)(6)
; McGee, Lauren - RD,
Haw River, NC<>
Subject: Re: *** SPAM ***RE: Arecibo Environmental Process

Those times can work for me.

On Oct 31, 2012, at 11:35 AM, "Torres-Monllor, Jose" <> wrote:
Tomorrow I am available 9-10 am PT/noon-1 ET or Noon-1 pm PT / 3-4 pm ET

Friday I am available any time after 11 am pt 2 pm ET


Jose A. Torres Monllor

Senior Vice President
Energy Investors Funds
591 Redwood Highway, Suite 3100
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Tel. 415-380-0531
Fax 415-380-0527

From: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC []

Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 11:27 AM
To: Mark Green; Torres-Monllor, Jose; Sean Mahoney
Cc: Udris; McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Subject: RE: *** SPAM ***RE: Arecibo Environmental Process


Im sorry Ive been offline for the last few days but as you know Hurricane Sandy
has driven schedules the last few days. Thankfully it is over and we can get back
to work. We can try to schedule a call tomorrow or Friday. Today is not good I
had to take care of some personal issues this morning and will need to spend this
afternoon catching up.

Let me provide some responses to your responses to my questions and we can

discuss later.

1. Who prepared the EIS and for what agency? CSA Group, a well
established firm, the largest in Puerto Rico with offices in the US and throughout
the Caribbean and the Americas. The EIS was
produced for and reviewed and approved by the Puerto Rico Environmentally
Quality Board (EQB), the equivalent of a state level EPA office. My concern here
is that the EIS was not prepared for or by a federal agency. Normally federal
agencies can adopt NEPA documents prepared by other federal agencies (see 40

CFR Sec. 1506.3 Adoption) but NEPA and CEQ procedures are not completely
clear on that issue. Regardless we will reduce any duplication of effort by
reviewing the EIS once you provide it to us. The intent is for us to supplement the
Final EIS with a few federal requirements, i.e., Endangered Species Act and
National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106 determinations/findings and to
determine/highlight any differences between the State environmental review
requirements and the federal process (if there are - beyond the 2 laws above which
apply to federal agencies not states)
2. Has a Record of Decision been published? Yes, a final resolution was
issued by the EQB in November 2010. Can you send me a copy of the EQBs
Record of Decision.
3. Has any federal agency concluded the Section 106 review process with
the PR SHPO? SHPO requirements have been met, though I believe that this was
done through the Puerto Rico. Since no federal agency was involved (unless
USACE did as part of your 404 permit) we will need to independently deal with
4. Status of Section 404 permits with the U.S. Corps of Engineers? The
Corps has reviewed our application and has unofficially confirmed that we have
their full support/approval. The Corps must still get the EPA to remove its initial
objection letter based on the additional information that they have been provided.
Simply stated, we will receive the permit, it is just a matter of time. OK
5. Status of air quality permit? The draft permit has been issued and public
hear process completed. We are now waiting for the issuance of the final report.
Again, unofficially we have been told that we will receive our permit, it just a
matter of time. OK

Bottom line if you decide to pursue potential RUS financial assistance well need
to adopt the Final EIS and supplement it with Endangered Species Act and National
Historic Preservation Act, Section 106 determinations/findings and anything else
that differs from the normal NEPA process. Once we do those things well have to
publish the appropriate public notices, allow a 30-day public comment period and
respond to any public comments when we execute and publish the availability of
the Record of Decision.

Another issue would relate to assistance in supplementing the EIS. Did you
contract with the CSA Group to prepare the EIS? If so, we will need for you to
task them with assisting us in supplementing the EIS.

Let me know when you all would be available for a call.



Mark S. Plank | Director

Engineering and Environmental Staff
USDA Rural Development | Rural Utilities Service
1400 Independence Ave, SW | Mail Stop 1571 | Room 2242
Washington, DC 20250-1571
W: (202) 720-1649 | Blackberry: (b)(6)
| FAX: (202) 690-0649

From: Mark Green []

Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 5:46 PM
To: Torres-Monllor, Jose; Sean Mahoney
Cc: Udris; Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC

Subject: RE: *** SPAM ***RE: Arecibo Environmental Process


The call happened and I thought was informative.

Here are the answers to the questions posed:

1. Who prepared the EIS and for what agency? CSA Group, a well established firm, the
largest in Puerto Rico with offices in the US and throughout the Caribbean and the
Americas. The EIS was produced for andreviewedand
approved by the Puerto Rico Environmentally Quality Board (EQB), the equivalent of a
state level EPA office.

2. Has a Record of Decision been published? Yes, a final resolution was issued by the EQB
in November 2010.

3. Has any federal agency concluded the Section 106 review process with the PR SHPO?
SHPO requirements have been met, though I believe that this was done through the
Puerto Rico

4. Status of Section 404 permits with the U.S. Corps of Engineers? The Corps has reviewed
our application and has unofficially confirmed that we have their full support/approval.
TheCorps must still get the EPA to removeits initial objection letter based on the
additional information that they have been provided. Simply stated, we will receive the
permit, it is just a matter of time.

5. Status of air quality permit? The draft permit has been issued and public hear process
completed. We are now waiting for the issuance of the final report. Again, unofficially
we have been told that we will receive our permit, it just a matter of time.
Last, as of June 30, 2011 PREPA shows an amount of $2,010,000 in a restricted construction
fund. We have someone trying to find out the current details but it does appear that they do have
a small amount of borrowings under the RUS program.

Mark J. Green
Energy Answers International
T: (518) 434-1227 (Albany, NY)
T: (340) 778-7505 (St. Croix, U.S.V.I.)
F: (518) 436-6343
C: (b)(6)

NOTICE - The contents of this message are confidential, may be privileged and are the exclusive
property of Energy Answers International LLC and its affiliates. If you are not the intended
recipient of this message, you are hereby notified that the unauthorized use, disclosure or copying
of this message or any of its attachments are strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have
received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message and
all of its contents from your computer. Thank you for your cooperation.

From: Torres-Monllor, Jose []

Sent: Thu 10/25/2012 4:02 PM
To: Sean Mahoney
Cc: Udris; Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Mark Green
Subject: Re: *** SPAM ***RE: Arecibo Environmental Process
Did the call take place? Was this 230 et?

Jose A Torres
Energy Investors Funds
On Oct 25, 2012, at 11:03 AM, "Sean Mahoney"
<<>> wrote:

The dial-in # I sent earlier will get us all on the call.

Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Christiansted, VI - 340-778-7505
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227<> |<>

-----Original Message----From: Udris [mailto:udris@(b)(6)

Sent: Thu 10/25/2012 2:01 PM
To: Sean Mahoney; 'Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC'
Cc:<>; Mark Green
Subject: RE: *** SPAM ***RE: Arecibo Environmental Process
Sean, can you coordinate a 3 way from your location?

From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 11:51 AM
To: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Udris
Cc:<>; Mark Green
Subject: *** SPAM ***RE: Arecibo Environmental Process

OK, thanks Jake, please call in at 2:30 and, if Mark can't make it, we can still
briefly discuss.
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Christiansted, VI - 340-778-7505
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227<> |<>

-----Original Message----From: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC []

Sent: Thu 10/25/2012 1:48 PM
To: Sean Mahoney; Udris
Cc:<>; Mark Green
Subject: RE: Arecibo Environmental Process
I have a 2:00 teleconference call and should but can't guarantee we will be
done at 2:30. I will try to call in at 2:30.

Mark S. Plank | Director

Engineering and Environmental Staff
USDA Rural Development | Rural Utilities Service
1400 Independence Ave, SW | Mail Stop 1571 | Room 2242
Washington, DC 20250-1571
W: (202) 720-1649 | Blackberry: (b)(6)
| FAX: (202) 690-0649

From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 1:45 PM
To: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Udris
Cc:<>; Mark Green
Subject: RE: Arecibo Environmental Process

If a call at 2:30 ET still works for everyone, please call in to

, bridge # (b)(6) , access # (b)(6) . In addition to the schedule Mark
P. just sent and the questions that followed, we would like to also discuss
any opportunities for shortening it, the most efficient process for
providing the necessary translations and any advantages in providing
additional information on the Project's environmental benefits
(sustainability, GHG reductions). We can answer the questions just posed and
have a call next week if that makes more sense but a quick discussion today
seems useful.
Thanks Sean


Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Christiansted, VI - 340-778-7505
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227<><

-----Original Message----From: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC []

Sent: Thu 10/25/2012 12:54 PM
To: Sean Mahoney; Udris
Subject: RE: Arecibo Environmental Process
Here's a rough estimate for discussion purposes of the amount of time we'll
need to review the EIS for the Arecibo project.
There's a few assumptions we'll need to know before we could agree to this
Mark S. Plank | Director
Engineering and Environmental Staff
USDA Rural Development | Rural Utilities Service

1400 Independence Ave, SW | Mail Stop 1571 | Room 2242

Washington, DC 20250-1571
W: (202) 720-1649 | Blackberry: (b)(6)
| FAX: (202) 690-0649

From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 12:07 PM
To: Udris
Cc: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC;<><>
Subject: Re: Arecibo Environmental Process
I'm still trying to coordinate a time early this afternoon with our Project
Manager in Puerto Rico. I'll get back to you soon.
On Oct 25, 2012, at 8:00 AM, "Udris"
Let's try to do that.


>> wrote:

From: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC []

Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 8:57 AM
To: Udris
Subject: RE: Arecibo Environmental Process
Yes - 2:45 or 3:00 would be best for me.

Mark S. Plank | Director

Engineering and Environmental Staff
USDA Rural Development | Rural Utilities Service
1400 Independence Ave, SW | Mail Stop 1571 | Room 2242
Washington, DC 20250-1571
W: (202) 720-1649 | Blackberry: (b)(6)
| FAX: (202) 690-0649

From: Udris [mailto:udris@(b)(6)

Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 10:56 AM
To: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: RE: Arecibo Environmental Process
I am traveling on Tuesday, so that may be tough. Would before or after the
Administrator's meeting work best? The call should take less than 15
From: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC []
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 8:47 AM
To: Udris
Subject: RE: Arecibo Environmental Process
Forgot to say I have a 2:00 with our Administrator.
Mark S. Plank | Director
Engineering and Environmental Staff
USDA Rural Development | Rural Utilities Service
1400 Independence Ave, SW | Mail Stop 1571 | Room 2242
Washington, DC 20250-1571
W: (202) 720-1649 | Blackberry: (b)(6)

| FAX: (202) 690-0649

From: Udris [mailto:udris@(b)(6)

Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 10:44 AM
To: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC
Cc: 'Sean Mahoney'
Subject: RE: Arecibo Environmental Process
Mark, could this afternoon work?
From: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC []
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 8:37 AM
To: Udris
Cc: Sean Mahoney
Subject: RE: Arecibo Environmental Process
I'm sorry I'll be out the office tomorrow - we can do early next week? Let
me know of your availability. The 29th not good for me but any time after
11:00 on the 30th is good.
Mark S. Plank | Director
Engineering and Environmental Staff
USDA Rural Development | Rural Utilities Service
1400 Independence Ave, SW | Mail Stop 1571 | Room 2242
Washington, DC 20250-1571
W: (202) 720-1649 | Blackberry: (b)(6)
| FAX: (202) 690-0649

From: Udris [mailto:udris@(b)(6)

Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 10:22 AM
To: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC
Cc: Sean Mahoney
Subject: Arecibo Environmental Process
Mark, would you be available this Friday to briefly review the conversations
we have had on Arecibo regarding the environmental process? On this call I
would like to introduce Sean Mahoney, the Arecibo principal, who would
appreciate an overview of the process and key requirements. Sean will then
decide if the project will move forward with the RUS process.
Best Regards,
Jake (b)(6)

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely

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or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law
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Mark Green
McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC
RE: Answers to questions re: NEPA
Monday, September 30, 2013 4:39:33 PM

Thank you for this information.
One additional question; can the remainder of the official RUS process continue upon the execution of
the ROD or does it have to wait for its final publication in the Federal Register and does this publication
process also typically require 8 weeks as well?
Mark J. Green
Energy Answers Arecibo, LLC
T: (518) 434-1227 (Albany, NY)
F: (518) 436-6343
C: (b)(6)
NOTICE - The contents of this message are confidential, may be privileged and are the exclusive
property of Energy Answers International LLC and its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient of
this message, you are hereby notified that the unauthorized use, disclosure or copying of this message
or any of its attachments are strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this message
in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message and all of its contents from your
computer. Thank you for your cooperation.

From: McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC []

Sent: Mon 9/30/2013 4:09 PM
To: Mark Green
Cc: jakeudris@(b)(6)
Subject: Answers to questions re: NEPA

Mark and Jake,

I just finished talking to Mark Plank. He was unable to get a hold of the Administrator today, but
plans to follow up soon. Regarding the other issues/questions posed during todays call, please see
the responses at the end of this email.
Lauren McGee Rayburn | Environmental Scientist
U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 66
Barnardsville, NC 28709
Phone: (202) 695-2540
"Committed to the future of rural communities"

"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

Question 1: EPAs responsibilities to comment on EISs. What are the possible scenarios?
USEPA/Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance --- EPA's Section 309 Review: The Clean Air
Act and NEPA

Question 2: What constitutes construction and what can be done before NEPA is concluded?
7 CFR 1794.15(b)(1): The activity shall not have an adverse environmental impact and shall not
preclude the search for other alternatives. For example, purchase of water rights, optioning or
transfer of land title, or continued use of land as historically employed will not have an adverse
environmental impact. However, site preparation or construction at or near the proposed site (e.g.
rail spur) or development of a related facility (e.g. opening a captive mine) normally will have an
adverse environmental impact.

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the
intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or
disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator
to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error,
please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.


Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC; Mark Green
Jose Torres-Monllor; Udris; John Sullivan; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Plank, Mark - RD, Washington,
RE: Arecibo Environmental Process
Thursday, November 29, 2012 4:42:24 PM

Hi Lauren, et al ...
Please be advised that we have engaged CSA Architects and Engineers to translate and prepare an
official English version of the full Arecibo Resource Recovery Facility EIS. As you may recall, CSA is the
firm in Puerto Rico that prepared the original Spanish version of the EIS, which will be helpful in
expediting the time required to complete the extensive translation and to certify its accuracy, as it will
need to be stamped by a local professional engineer.
CSA has agreed to make sections of the document available as they are completed, however they've
noted that these sections will not likely include the tables and figures, as these will be added once the
full translation is complete. We will circulate these sections as they are completed. Mark Green expects
to meet with CSA in the next few days to generate a schedule of the expected dates that the priority
sections will be available but we understand that the full translation and delivery of the certified
document is expected within the next 30 days.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Christiansted, VI - 340-778-7505
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

-----Original Message----From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Mon 11/19/2012 12:15 PM
To: Mark Green; Sean Mahoney
Cc: Jose Torres-Monllor; Udris; John Sullivan; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Plank, Mark - RD,
Washington, DC
Subject: RE: Arecibo Environmental Process
Mark G. & others,
I just had the opportunity to download all of the documents that have been uploaded to the ftp site. In
addition to the items listed in my Nov 5 email, please also have the following appendices translated to
English in the following priority:
1. Appendix R - Response to Comments
2. Appendix D - Flora and Fauna Study
3. Appendix F - Archaeological Study
4. Appendix J - Environmental Justice Study
5. Appendix I - Socioeconomic Study

Lastly, I have a question about the two most recent documents uploaded to the site ("Resolution R 1046-2" and "Response to R-10-43-1 Comments"). Are these translations of the files: "EIS Resolution
Final EA" and "EIS Resolution R-10-43-1 EA"? If not, please also add the latter two files to list of
documents needing translation to English.
Lauren McGee | Environmental Scientist
U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC

Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 10:48 AM
To: 'Mark Green'; Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Sean Mahoney
Cc: Jose Torres-Monllor; Udris; John Sullivan; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: RE: *** SPAM ***RE: Arecibo Environmental Process
Mark G., Below is the priority list for translation of sections of the EIS. The first four are the most
1. Executive Summary
2. Section 1.4, Project Description & Section 1.5, Financing
3. Section 3, Environmental Impacts
4. Section 2, Environment Description
5. Section 9, Comments from Agencies
6. Section 10, Public Participation
7. Section 5, Cumulative Impact Analysis
8. Section 4, Alternatives
9. Sections 1.1-1.3
10. Sections 7-8
11. Remaining portions of the document
If you have any questions, I can be reached at the contact info provided below. In addition, I've been
in talks with the program who will likely be assigned this project. Annie Jones, Director of the Southern
Regional Division, will be your main RUS contact.
Regards -

Lauren McGee | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

From: Mark Green []

Sent: Friday, November 02, 2012 1:59 PM
To: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Sean Mahoney
Cc: Jose Torres-Monllor; Udris; McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC; John Sullivan
Subject: RE: *** SPAM ***RE: Arecibo Environmental Process
Below is a note that I received regarding the PREPA / RUS outstanding loan situation. Additionally, I
have attached the translated Arecibo Project EIS Table of Contents.
PREPA has in the past borrowed under the RUS program and as recently as 2010 had a bond issue
outstanding. In April, 2010 PREPA refunded all of their outstanding RUS bonds in the US tax exempt
market. Those bonds carried an interest rate of 5% with a maturity in 2028. The issue was actually paid
off on July 1, 2010 since they advanced refunded the bonds and escrowed the funds necessary to pay
off the issue until that date. PREPA's financial statements, as of June 30, 2011 (latest available), still
show an amount of about $2,000,000 related to the issue. I believe that this is probably what is left of a
reserve fund. I do not know why they still show this as an asset and have not taken the amount into
their general funds. Their 2011 financials show no liability related to the original RUS issue.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Regards, Ken
Mark J. Green
Energy Answers International
T: (518) 434-1227 (Albany, NY)
T: (340) 778-7505 (St. Croix, U.S.V.I.)
F: (518) 436-6343
C: (b)(6)
NOTICE - The contents of this message are confidential, may be privileged and are the exclusive
property of Energy Answers International LLC and its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient of
this message, you are hereby notified that the unauthorized use, disclosure or copying of this message
or any of its attachments are strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this message
in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message and all of its contents from your
computer. Thank you for your cooperation.

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients.
Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains
may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have
received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.


McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC

"Sean Mahoney"
Mark Green
RE: Arecibo SFEIS update
Wednesday, July 31, 2013 10:51:00 AM


It is still my plan to have a draft preliminary SFEIS completed by close of business Thursday. I will
email what I have to both Energy Answers and RUSs internal staff for initial comments at that time.
After this initial draft is produced, I plan summarize figure/table formatting needs and also copies of
documents that RUS needs to include in the projects administrative record. I have received most of
the summary/write-ups provided by the Energy Answers team for inclusion in the SFEIS, except for
1.3.4. Summary of prior-public involvement and 3.4 Public Health and Safety (all subsections). I do
have a list of all public meetings that have happened to date for the project that can be included in
Section 1.3.4; however, to be all inclusive, I would also like to have a list of all additional
comment/review periods that may not have required public mtgs.

I have briefly looked over the EPAs letter, and it states that they oppose permit issuance unless it is
suitably conditioned to ensure that water is never drawn from Cao Tiburones at unsustainable
volumes. I appreciate Energy Answers following up with the DENR about this concern. I presume
that the DENR will provide an official letter or email to Corps about this issue and that the Corps
Section 404 permit will also address it. Do you have an update on the status of that permit? Also
has the Corps released its Environmental Assessment in association with this project or is it pending
issuance? As stated before, I want to make sure that all the federal permitting processes are
concluded before the SFEIS is issued.

I will not be present for the meeting with the Administrator, but will provide an update before I take
leave for the move.


Lauren McGee Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
1400 Independence Ave. SW | Washington, DC | 20250
Mail Stop 1571
Phone: (202) 695-2540
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"


From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 7:24 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Cc: jakeudris@(b)(6)
; Mark Green
Subject: RE: Arecibo SFEIS update
Hi Lauren Do you still expect to have the preliminary draft completed this Thursday? We have a meeting with
John Padalino set for August 6th (will you be there - (b)(6)
and it would be very
helpful to have this as close to final as possible.
Also, I'm attaching here the EPA's letter releasing their opposition to our wetlands permit.We met with
the DNER regarding the one concern the EPA letter raises and after walking their key staff through our
water diversion program, they told us that they understood it and that this should not be an issue.
Please let me know if you will need more info on that or any other areas.
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Thu 7/18/2013 3:24 PM
To: Sean Mahoney
; Mark Green
Cc: jakeudris@(b)(6)
Subject: RE: Arecibo SFEIS update

Sean, Ive had numerous interruptions the last two days and was unable to complete Chp 3. Based
on my new schedule (which now includes work travel for two days next week), I am now planning
to finish the preliminary draft by Thurs, Aug 1. (b)(6)
so it is my priority to have the preliminary draft
Section 404 permit? Thanks,
Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist
U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
1400 Independence Ave. SW | Washington, DC | 20250
Mail Stop 1571
Phone: (202) 695-2540
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 11:44 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Cc: jakeudris@(b)(6) ; Mark Green
Subject: RE: Arecibo SFEIS update

Hi Lauren -

Attached here are two more draft sections for the SFEIS. I've also attached a summary report we prepared regarding
the GHG reduction benefits the Arecibo Project provides that you might want to use to augment Section 3.3.2.
I'll be sending more sections soon. In the meantime, I got your update on progress but are you able to give us an
estimated date for a final draft?
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

-----Original Message----From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Tue 7/16/2013 3:53 PM
To: Sean Mahoney
Mark Green
Cc: jakeudris@(b)(6)
Subject: RE: Arecibo SFEIS update
Sean, I am about 50% done with Chp 3. I have the sections on cultural/historic properties, geology/soils,
vegetation/wildlife, special status species and migratory birds completed. I also have a summary of the NOI
comments and initial responses completed (Chp 1). I should be able to have a write up for the sections on
environmental justice and land use completed by COB Thurs and will send those to Energy Answers for initial
review. Pending completion of the remaining topics in Chp 3, I plan to work on Chp 4 (which includes the
cumulative effects assessment) and inserting information into the table in Chp 2 next week.
Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist
U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
1400 Independence Ave. SW | Washington, DC | 20250
Mail Stop 1571
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any
unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law
and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please
notify the sender and delete the email immediately.


McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC

Sean Mahoney; Mark Green
RE: Arecibo SFEIS
Monday, June 24, 2013 10:23:00 AM
Arecibo SFEIS OUTLINE 062413.docx
Arecibo SFEIS SOW 062413.docx


Lets plan to meet at or after 2:30 PM (EST).

After completing a cursory review of comments RUS has received on the Notice of Intent, EPAs
response to comments, and the USACE documentation Ive updated the proposed SFEIS outline
and identified those sections where it may be easier to have Energy Answers draft an initial
summary. This write up with a set of additional questions/issues is located on the last page of the
SFEIS outline. Ive also attached the skeletons of the main tasks that need to be performed to
proper conclude NEPA for RUS.

We can discuss all of these this afternoon.


Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
1400 Indepndence Ave. SW | Washington, DC | 20250
Mail Stop 1571
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"


From: Udris [mailto:udris@(b)(6)

Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 9:41 AM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Cc: Sean Mahoney; Mark Green
Subject: Arecibo SFEIS

Lauren, I am arranging my schedule today, and hoped we would could schedule a review of the
SFEIS issues with Sean and Mark.

Best Regards,


Mark Green
McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC; jakeudris@(b)(6)
Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Philpott, Charles - RD, Washington, DC
RE: Arecibo WTE Project - construction letter
Thursday, April 03, 2014 10:19:50 AM
EAB decision.pdf


We have found the desired photos and are in the process of superimposing the proposed fill area
and/or the site schematic drawings over the photos to confirm the correlation between the previously
disturbed areas and the proposed construction activities. We expect to have these to you by tomorrow.

Regarding another matter, I am not sure if you are aware that a final ruling on the appeals filed
againstour EPA Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD or EPA air) permit was issued last week
by the EPA Environmental Appeals Board (EAB). The EAB ruling was strongly in our favor and exactly
in line with what the EPA Region 2 Office and Energy Answers had jointly requested of the EAB.
Besides denying all petitions for review, the ruling directs the Region 2 office to remand the permit to
modify our Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission limits, which will now include both biogenic and nonbiogenic GHG emissions and not just the non-biogenic emissions, as was the original case, and then
issue the permit as final.No additional public comment istobe provided. A draft of the modified final
permit was included in the information reviewed and approved by the EAB, therefore we expect the
final permit to be issued within a week or so.

For your reference, I have attached a copy of the EAB ruling.


Mark J. Green
Energy Answers Arecibo, LLC
T: (518) 434-1227 (Albany, NY)
F: (518) 436-6343
C: (b)(6)

NOTICE - The contents of this message are confidential, may be privileged and are the exclusive
property of Energy Answers International LLC and its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient of
this message, you are hereby notified that the unauthorized use, disclosure or copying of this message
or any of its attachments are strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this message
in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message and all of its contents from your
computer. Thank you for your cooperation.

From: McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC []

Sent: Mon 3/31/2014 10:25 AM
To: Mark Green; jakeudris@(b)(6)
Cc: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Philpott, Charles - RD,
Washington, DC
Subject: RE: Arecibo WTE Project - construction letter


I just wanted to follow up with a conversation that Jake and I had towards the end of last week. It is
RUS understanding that construction is to start within 60-90 days after the company receives its
final local permits. The time frame for receiving the permits is within the next 2-4 weeks.

Energy Answers plans to disturb the entire site once construction begins. Jake had indicated that
the entire site is a brownfield site that had been used for industrial purposes. I have since looked
through the PREPA-EIS for historical aerial maps of and unfortunately could not find any. Do you
mind forwarding those maps to provide confirmation.



From: McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC

Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 11:19 AM
To: Mark Green (; jakeudris@(b)(6)
Cc: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Philpott, Charles - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: Arecibo WTE Project - construction letter


RUS is receipt of Energy Answers letter regarding construction associated with the Arecibo Waste
to Energy Project. The environmental staff has a couple of more questions before we can give an
accurate response. They include:
- When is construction proposed to start?
- Will construction occur on the entire site or can it be limited to existing brownfield areas?

Thanks in advance for your quick response

Lauren McGee Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | RD |Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
84 Coxe Ave.
Suite 1E
Asheville, NC 28801
Phone: (202) 695-2540
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

Please note new mailing address

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the
intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or

disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator
to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error,
please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.


Mark Green
McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC; jakeudris@(b)(6)
Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Philpott, Charles - RD, Washington,
DC; Jose, Torres-Monllor
RE: Arecibo WTE Project - construction letter
Friday, April 11, 2014 5:47:44 PM
Environmental Site Asssessment PHASE I Historical Aerial Photos.pdf
1936 Site plan (1).pdf
1963 Site plan (1).pdf
Existing Conditions Survey from Pre Consulta Submission Revised (1).pdf

Hi Lauren,

Attached, please find the previously referenced aerial photos of the Arecibo Resource Recovery Facility
(the Project) site. The photos, which were included in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment,
show the Project site dating back to 1936. These photos clearly show that the site has been in active
use since that time, and likely before, for agricultural purposes and later for industrial uses.

In response to your request and in an effort to document the overlap between the previously disturbed
area and the area in which the proposed construction activities are to take place, we have provided
two additional figures, these include the 1936 and 1963 aerial photos with an overlay of the Project
layout. The overlays clearly show that the construction activities anticipated to take place within the first
12 months of construction, as well as the entire Project, are within previously disturbed areas. In
addition to these photos and overlays, I have attached the existing conditions survey, which also shows
that the site has been previously and extensively disturbed.

It is our hope that these photos, the site conditions survey and the previously provided Archeological
Phase 1A and 1B survey sufficiently document that the construction activities anticipated to
occurduring the NEPA review, are all within previously disturbed areas and pose little to no threat to
environmentally or historically sensitive areas.

Should you have additional questions or wish to discuss this further, please contact me at your
convenience. Last, the Final EPA PSD permit was issued yesterday. For your convenience, I have
also attached a copy of the final permit.

Best regards,

Mark J. Green
Energy Answers Arecibo, LLC
T: (518) 434-1227 (Albany, NY)
F: (518) 436-6343
C: ((b)(6)

NOTICE - The contents of this message are confidential, may be privileged and are the exclusive
property of Energy Answers International LLC and its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient of
this message, you are hereby notified that the unauthorized use, disclosure or copying of this message
or any of its attachments are strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this message
in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message and all of its contents from your
computer. Thank you for your cooperation.

From: McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC []

Sent: Mon 3/31/2014 10:25 AM
To: Mark Green; jakeudris@(b)(6)
Cc: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Philpott, Charles - RD,
Washington, DC

Subject: RE: Arecibo WTE Project - construction letter


I just wanted to follow up with a conversation that Jake and I had towards the end of last week. It is
RUS understanding that construction is to start within 60-90 days after the company receives its
final local permits. The time frame for receiving the permits is within the next 2-4 weeks.

Energy Answers plans to disturb the entire site once construction begins. Jake had indicated that
the entire site is a brownfield site that had been used for industrial purposes. I have since looked
through the PREPA-EIS for historical aerial maps of and unfortunately could not find any. Do you
mind forwarding those maps to provide confirmation.



From: McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC

Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 11:19 AM
To: Mark Green (; jakeudris@(b)(6)
Cc: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Philpott, Charles - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: Arecibo WTE Project - construction letter


RUS is receipt of Energy Answers letter regarding construction associated with the Arecibo Waste
to Energy Project. The environmental staff has a couple of more questions before we can give an
accurate response. They include:
- When is construction proposed to start?
- Will construction occur on the entire site or can it be limited to existing brownfield areas?

Thanks in advance for your quick response

Lauren McGee Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | RD |Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
84 Coxe Ave.
Suite 1E
Asheville, NC 28801
Phone: (202) 695-2540
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

Please note new mailing address

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the
intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or
disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator
to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error,
please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.


Mark Green
McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC; jakeudris@(b)(6)
Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Philpott, Charles - RD, Washington, DC
RE: Arecibo WTE Project - construction letter
Monday, March 31, 2014 2:09:23 PM


I am currently working on exactly that issue. I expect to have several photos that show the site when it
was a fully active paper mill, which show that the full site was cleared and in productive use at one
point. We are also reviewing our existing conditions survey to see if this provides additional support for
our statements.

I expect to have this information to you later this week.


Mark J. Green
Energy Answers Arecibo, LLC
T: (518) 434-1227 (Albany, NY)
F: (518) 436-6343

NOTICE - The contents of this message are confidential, may be privileged and are the exclusive
property of Energy Answers International LLC and its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient of
this message, you are hereby notified that the unauthorized use, disclosure or copying of this message
or any of its attachments are strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this message
in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message and all of its contents from your
computer. Thank you for your cooperation.

From: McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC []

Sent: Mon 3/31/2014 10:25 AM
To: Mark Green; jakeudris@(b)(6)
Cc: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Philpott, Charles - RD,
Washington, DC
Subject: RE: Arecibo WTE Project - construction letter


I just wanted to follow up with a conversation that Jake and I had towards the end of last week. It is
RUS understanding that construction is to start within 60-90 days after the company receives its
final local permits. The time frame for receiving the permits is within the next 2-4 weeks.

Energy Answers plans to disturb the entire site once construction begins. Jake had indicated that
the entire site is a brownfield site that had been used for industrial purposes. I have since looked
through the PREPA-EIS for historical aerial maps of and unfortunately could not find any. Do you
mind forwarding those maps to provide confirmation.



From: McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 11:19 AM
To: Mark Green (; jakeudris@(b)(6)
Cc: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Philpott, Charles - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: Arecibo WTE Project - construction letter


RUS is receipt of Energy Answers letter regarding construction associated with the Arecibo Waste
to Energy Project. The environmental staff has a couple of more questions before we can give an
accurate response. They include:
- When is construction proposed to start?
- Will construction occur on the entire site or can it be limited to existing brownfield areas?

Thanks in advance for your quick response

Lauren McGee Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | RD |Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
84 Coxe Ave.
Suite 1E
Asheville, NC 28801
Phone: (202) 695-2540
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

Please note new mailing address

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the
intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or
disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator
to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error,
please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.


McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC

Sean Mahoney
RE: Arecibo WTE Project - RUS Env. Review (update)
Friday, February 22, 2013 8:48:00 AM
FR_NOI_EnergyAnswersAreciboWTE (PDRA EDIT 2-14-13).docx

Hi Sean,

I have completed my review of the Puerto Rico EIS and am now reviewing the appendices. I met
yesterday with the engineering division to discuss preliminary comments. It is our goal to send
comments to you towards the end of next week. We would like to also schedule a conference call
for the following week (Mar 4) to discuss: 1) the RUS environmental/preliminary engineering
comments, 2) main issues that will be highlighted the Supplemental Final EIS, and 3) additional
environmental/engineering information needed from Energy Answers. Please think about times
that would best for your schedule.

Last week, I drafted a Notice of Intent for publication in the Federal Register. Internally, it can
sometimes take a month for a notice to be published. The notice was recently approved and is now
being reviewed by the Office of the Secretary (USDA). The office is aware of the proposed timeline
for publication of the notice, so I anticipate that it will likely be published within the next two
weeks. Attached is copy of the notice. I recommend waiting to publish the notice in local
newspapers until after we have the conference call. Please note that the notice will likely require
translation to Spanish.

Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 6:00 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Subject: RE: Arecibo WTE Project - RUS Env. Review (update)

Hi Lauren I'm just checking in to see how the review is going. If you have a moment, please let me know what you're thinking
on the schedule and if there's anything else we can do to keep it moving.
Thanks Sean

Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Christiansted, VI - 340-778-7505
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

-----Original Message----From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Fri 2/8/2013 8:20 AM
To: Sean Mahoney
Cc: Udris
Subject: Arecibo WTE Project - RUS Env. Review (update)
After yesterday's meeting, I was able to speak with Mark Plank, my supervisor, about the anticipated
environmental review process for the Arecibo WTE project. Considering the proposed construction timeframe
(within 120 days), he has preliminarily decided to go down the Supplemental Final EIS process, which includes the
following major steps:

Issue a Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare a Supplemental EIS - in Federal Register and local newspapers


Issue Supplemental Final EIS - notice of availability publication required in aforementioned periodicals


30-day review period begins on the date in which the USEPA receives the Supplemental EIS


Issue Record of Decision - notice of availability publication required in aforementioned periodicals

In the interim, I will continue reviewing the PR-EIS and work with the Southern Regional Division's engineers to
complete both the environmental and technical review of the PR-EIS within the next couple of weeks.. It is our
plan to have the following completed by the end of the month:

Completion of RUS environmental and engineering review of the PR-EIS

Completion of an Administrative Memorandum officially documenting the NEPA pathway for the proposed
Publication of the NOI in the Federal Register/local newspapers
It is our plan to have the Supplemental EIS and associated availability notices published in March.
As mentioned in yesterday's meeting, I hope to send all RUS comments to Energy Answers at once.
Thanks and please let me know if you any questions or concerns -

Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465

"Committed to the future of rural communities"

"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any
unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law
and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please
notify the sender and delete the email immediately.


Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
RE: Arecibo WTE Project - RUS Env. Review (update)
Friday, February 08, 2013 11:06:14 AM

Thanks very much for the update, Lauren. I'll look forward to your comments.
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Christiansted, VI - 340-778-7505
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

-----Original Message----From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Fri 2/8/2013 8:20 AM
To: Sean Mahoney
Cc: Udris
Subject: Arecibo WTE Project - RUS Env. Review (update)
After yesterday's meeting, I was able to speak with Mark Plank, my supervisor, about the anticipated
environmental review process for the Arecibo WTE project. Considering the proposed construction
timeframe (within 120 days), he has preliminarily decided to go down the Supplemental Final EIS
process, which includes the following major steps:
1. Issue a Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare a Supplemental EIS - in Federal Register and local
2. Issue Supplemental Final EIS - notice of availability publication required in aforementioned
3. 30-day review period begins on the date in which the USEPA receives the Supplemental EIS
4. Issue Record of Decision - notice of availability publication required in aforementioned periodicals
In the interim, I will continue reviewing the PR-EIS and work with the Southern Regional Division's
engineers to complete both the environmental and technical review of the PR-EIS within the next couple
of weeks.. It is our plan to have the following completed by the end of the month:
1. Completion of RUS environmental and engineering review of the PR-EIS
2. Completion of an Administrative Memorandum officially documenting the NEPA pathway for the
proposed project
3. Publication of the NOI in the Federal Register/local newspapers
It is our plan to have the Supplemental EIS and associated availability notices published in March.
As mentioned in yesterday's meeting, I hope to send all RUS comments to Energy Answers at once.
Thanks and please let me know if you any questions or concerns Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)

P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients.
Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains
may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have
received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.


McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC

Sean Mahoney
Mark Green
RE: Confirmation of local publication info
Monday, July 22, 2013 4:03:00 PM
Rural Utilities Services - Public Notice in Spanish_RUS.docx

Sean, Please see my edits. They are minor. The biggest are a change in mailing address and a
correction to my email address. Please send me a copy of the published notice once available to
include in the RUS project file. As a FYI - I will be traveling Tues/Wed and will be inaccessible both

Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
1400 Independence Ave. SW | Washington, DC | 20250
Mail Stop 1571
Phone: (202) 695-2540
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"


From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 3:36 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Cc: Mark Green
Subject: Confirmation of local publication info

Hi Lauren I want to confirm that this NOI is correct for our publication in PR. Both the English and Spanish versions are
included in the attachment and the translation is reliable. It was prepared from the original version you sent me back
on February 22nd, albeit with a correction for the scheduled publication of the SFEIS, changing from March to
August, 2013. Please confirm and we will publish this week.
Thanks Sean

Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |


Sean Mahoney
Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC
Mark Green; jakeudris@(b)(6)
;; Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; McGee, Lauren - RD,
Haw River, NC
RE: Dept of Justice of Puerto Rico voids contract between Energy Answers-SWA
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 5:37:40 PM

Hi Annie I'm very happy to attach here two press releases (from Energy Answers and EPA) announcing the
issuance of our PSD permit for our Arecibo Resource Recovery Project today. The EPA press release
has a link to the final permit. This is a major step forwardfor the Project development effort and will
boost our momentum toward closing the Project.
To that end, some of our key participants for a conference callare traveling to Puerto Riconow. We
can be available for a call at 4:00 pm EST tomorrow ormost anytimeon Thursday but I'll suggest 2
pm EST for Thursday as a starting point aswe arescheduling meetings at the moment that could
impact availability.
Thanks Sean

Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

From: Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC []

Sent: Fri 6/7/2013 8:18 PM
To: Sean Mahoney
Cc: Mark Green; 'jakeudris@(b)(6)
'; ''; Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; McGee,
Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Subject: Re: Dept of Justice of Puerto Rico voids contract between Energy Answers-SWA

Thanks for your response. Please let me know when it will be most beneficial for all
parties to engage in a conference call re the proposed Puerto Project.

From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Friday, June 07, 2013 11:59 PM Coordinated Universal Time
To: Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC
Cc: Mark Green: <>; Jake Udris: <jakeudris@(b)(6)
>; Jose TorresMonllor: <>; Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC; McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Subject: Re: Dept of Justice of Puerto Rico voids contract between Energy Answers-SWA

Ms. Jones,
Thanks for your note. We are certainly aware of this new issue and holding several
meetings today and over the weekend to determine the best path to resolve it. We'll
be happy to arrange for a conference call but please allow us until early next week
to propose some times so we can be sure to have as much information as possible.
Thanks and have a good weekend.

Sean Mahoney
Energy Answers
On Jun 7, 2013, at 12:24 PM, "Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC"
<> wrote:

I would like to schedule a conference call at a time mutually satisfactory to all to discuss the
above subject matter; as well as other issues involving project need, consumer unrest, EPA air
permit and other environmental issues. Ultimately, we would like to be able to estimate a
time-frame, for planning purposes, when these and other related matters maybe resolved.
Please discuss this e-mail among yourselves (Energy Answer Group) and provide me with a
day and time that is agreeable to all. It will be helpful if you would also include alternative
days (s) and times (s).
Looking forward to hearing from you soon,
Annie J. Holloway-Jones
Southern Regional Division
Rural Utilities Service

From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC

Sent: Friday, June 07, 2013 10:25 AM
To: Philpott, Charles - RD, Washington, DC; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Saba, Philip RD, Washington, DC
Cc: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: FW: Dept of Justice of Puerto Rico voids contract between Energy Answers-SWA

FYI - These are all in Spanish but could impact the Project Need section of the
From: Angel Gonzalez [mailto:sjotp@(b)(6)
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 9:49 PM
To: Judith Enck; Jose Font; McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Cc: Enrique; Ivan Elias; Inc Aleida Centeno; Inc Javier Biaggi; Teresa Sanchez; Myrna; Pedro
Saade; Fernando Marquez; Orlando Negron; Eliza Llenza; A Gonzalez MD
Subject: Dept of Justice of Puerto Rico voids contract between Energy Answers-SWA

Department of Justice of Puerto Rico declares that contract between Energy

Answers and the Solid Waste Authority is not legal.
We are including the PR DOJ Opinion (in spanish) and news in the main PR

newspaper (El Nuevo Dia) and an electronic newspaper (Noticel).

06 junio 2013
05:32 p.m.

ADS declara nulo contrato con

Energy Answers
La decisin de la agencia se bas en una opinin del Departamento de Justicia
La Autoridad de Desperdicios Slidos (ADS) declar hoy nulo el contrato o
acuerdo suscrito con la compaa Energy Answers Arecibo, LLC para desarrollar
una planta de conversin de desperdicios slidos a energa ("waste to energy")
en ese municipio.
As lo inform el director ejecutivo de la ADS, Agustn Carb, tras indicar que
la decisin de la agencia se bas en una opinin del Departamento de Justicia.
Y es que el secretario de Justicia, Luis Snchez Betances, concluy que el
acuerdo entre la ADS y Energy Answers Arecibo, LLC es nulo por violar las
disposiciones de la Ley 81-1991, conocida como Ley de Municipios Autnomos,
ya que pretenda limitar las facultades de los pueblos para disponer de sus
Carb advirti que la implementacin del acuerdo hubiese redundado en que
entidades privadas que ya hayan suscrito contratos con los municipios entablen
acciones legales contra la ADS.
Busca ms informacin maana en la edicin impresa de El Nuevo Da.
Angel Gonzalez, MD
Environmental and Public Health Committee
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Puerto Rico
cell (b)(6)

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solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this
message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may
violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If
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sender and delete the email immediately.


Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
RE: draft Sections 1.3.2 & 1.3.3
Thursday, July 11, 2013 12:16:36 PM
Section 2.5.1 - Floodplain Conversion.docx

Hi Lauren Here's a draft of Section 2.5.1.

Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

-----Original Message----From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Wed 7/10/2013 9:12 AM
To: Sean Mahoney
Subject: RE: draft Sections 1.3.2 & 1.3.3
Thanks Sean Lauren.
From: Sean Mahoney []
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 1:30 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Subject: draft Sections 1.3.2 & 1.3.3
Hi Lauren Two Sections are attached here. We're told we should have something final on the 404 soon. Please let
me know if you'd like us to be reviewing any additional materials as we continue.
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227<> |<>

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients.
Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains
may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have
received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.


McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC

Sean Mahoney
RE: Draft SFEIS Outline for Arecibo WTE Project
Tuesday, April 02, 2013 10:19:00 AM
FR_NOI_EnergyAnswersAreciboWTE (PDRA EDIT 2-14-13).docx

Hi Sean,

Charlie and Philip are currently reviewing the technical information that was submitted. As soon as I hear back from
them and receive some form of informal concurrence, I will begin drafting those sections of the SFEIS.

Attached is a copy of the notice that will eventually be published in the Federal Register. The notice still has not
received clearance from the Secretarys Office (OSEC), even though they have had it since Feb 20. The RUS
publications division is trying their best to receive approval, but they do not know when OSEC will finally release it.
Attached is copy of the notice. Ive changed the anticipated date of publication to May 2013. Please go ahead and
have it translated/published in local newspapers. I will let you known as when the Federal Register notice is finally

Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 11:12 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Subject: RE: Draft SFEIS Outline for Arecibo WTE Project

Hi Lauren I'm just checking in to see how you're progressing and to see if the Need Rider Jake sent and the response to
comments that Mark sent were sufficient. Also, I thought you were going to be sending a draft NOI for us to translate
and publish afterRUS first published it in the Federal Register. Isthat ready to go? Please let me know if there's
anything I can be doing to spur this along. We are cautiously optimistic to receive our PSD permit next week.
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Wed 3/13/2013 4:42 PM
Mark Green; Jose Torres-Monllor
To: Sean Mahoney; jakeudris@(b)(6)
Cc: Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Philpott, Charles - RD, Washington, DC; Saba, Philip - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: Draft SFEIS Outline for Arecibo WTE Project

Sean and others, Please see the attached draft outline for the SFEIS. It will be used as reference while the SFEIS is
being drafted. It is my goal to begin drafting sections of the document next week.

Also below is list of RUS personnel who are working of this project.

Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

RUS Staff Member

Annie Holloway-Jones
Charles Philpott
Philip Saba
Lauren (McGee) Rayburn
Prashant Patel
Gregory Snearly

Acting Engineering Branch Chief
Electrical Engineer
Environmental Specialist
Operations Branch Chief
Loan Specialist



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McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC

Sean Mahoney
RE: Draft SFEIS Update - Arecibo WTE Project
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 12:46:00 PM

Sean, It is a possibility; however, my supervisor and I feel very uncomfortable releasing the SFEIS
before the USEPA issues its final permit.


From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 10:45 AM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Subject: FW: Draft SFEIS Update - Arecibo WTE Project
Hi Lauren We'll have comments back to you soon on Chapters 1 and 2 but, regarding your question below,I
wanted to understand the possibility of issuing the SFEIS prior to receipt of the final permit.
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

From: Sean Mahoney

Sent: Thu 4/11/2013 4:10 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC; Aivars Udris
Subject: RE: Draft SFEIS Update - Arecibo WTE Project
Thanks Lauren. I'm assuming you can't complete the SFEIS without first seeing the final PSD permit. If so, I guess
all we can say is we'd want to issue it asap afterward. I'll follow-up with more info on the 404 and floodway
permits info.
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

-----Original Message----From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Thu 4/11/2013 3:46 PM
To: Sean Mahoney; Aivars Udris
Subject: RE: Draft SFEIS Update - Arecibo WTE Project
Sean and Jake,
I just wanted to give you an update. The RUS engineers are still reviewing the technical information that was
previously submitted, and I am still drafting the SFEIS. By the end of tomorrow, I should be 50% complete with

the draft. I feel comfortable with the purpose/need and alternatives discussion, which has been my main focus over
these last couple of weeks. I plan to submit a draft of chapters 1 and 2 to the group by the end of tomorrow that
will include highlighted areas where additional information is needed - i.e., EPA's AQ permitting process, the
USACE Section 404 permit, and the floodway modification permit.
Also, in light of EPA's delay in issuing a final PSD permit - at what point do want to issue the SFEIS? This is just a
question to think over the next couple of weeks.
From: Sean Mahoney []
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 11:12 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Subject: RE: Draft SFEIS Outline for Arecibo WTE Project
Hi Lauren I'm just checking in to see how you're progressing and to see if the Need Rider Jake sent and the response to
comments that Mark sent were sufficient. Also, I thought you were going to be sending a draft NOI for us to
translate and publish after RUS first published it in the Federal Register. Is that ready to go? Please let me know if
there's anything I can be doing to spur this along. We are cautiously optimistic to receive our PSD permit next
Thanks Sean

Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227<> |<>
From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []
Sent: Wed 3/13/2013 4:42 PM
; Mark Green; Jose Torres-Monllor
To: Sean Mahoney; jakeudris@(b)(6) <mailto:jakeudris@(b)(6)
Cc: Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Philpott, Charles - RD, Washington, DC; Saba, Philip - RD, Washington,
Subject: Draft SFEIS Outline for Arecibo WTE Project
Sean and others, Please see the attached draft outline for the SFEIS. It will be used as reference while the SFEIS is
being drafted. It is my goal to begin drafting sections of the document next week.
Also - below is list of RUS personnel who are working of this project.
Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist
U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

RUS Staff Member

Annie Holloway-Jones
Charles Philpott
Acting Engineering Branch Chief<>
Philip Saba
Electrical Engineer<>
Lauren (McGee) Rayburn
Environmental Specialist<>
Prashant Patel
Operations Branch Chief <>
Gregory Snearly
Loan Specialist <>


This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any
unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law
and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please
notify the sender and delete the email immediately.


McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC

Sean Mahoney
RE: Energy Answers EIS translations
Thursday, January 10, 2013 8:58:00 AM

Hi Sean, Yes I received the notice and have downloaded the files from the ftp site. The only file
that is missing is the English translation of Appendix R, Response to Comments. I havent had the
chance to begin reviewing the files or to coordinate file review with RUS engineering staff. I plan to
begin that next week. Based on my current schedule and workload, I anticipate the review to take
approximately 5-6 weeks but will notify you as soon as questions arise. Do you have a schedule for
when the English translation of Appendix R will be completed? Thanks,


Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 7:47 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Subject: Energy Answers EIS translations

Hi Lauren I'm just checking in to be sure you've received notice of the translation postings and to see how the review process
is coming. Please let me know if you need any more info and if you have any idea of the timeline for review.
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Christiansted, VI - 340-778-7505
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |


Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
RE: Energy Answers EIS translations
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 8:16:45 PM

Lauren I also have a question regarding the extent, if any, of comment or review afforded EPA Region 2 during
the process. If you have a few minutes tomorrow, maybe we can discuss.
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Christiansted, VI - 340-778-7505
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

-----Original Message----From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Wed 2/6/2013 3:26 PM
To: Sean Mahoney
Subject: RE: Energy Answers EIS translations
Hi Sean, I am still in the early phases of the review. I have reviewed/commented on 1/3 of the
document and am waiting on comments back from SRD/engineering branch.

Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 3:17 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Subject: RE: Energy Answers EIS translations

Hi Lauren We are meeting with Annie Holloway Jones and her team at SRD tomorrow to present the Arecibo
Project. Can you please give me a quick update on your review?
Thanks -

Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Christiansted, VI - 340-778-7505
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 | <>

-----Original Message----From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Thu 1/24/2013 4:13 PM
To: Sean Mahoney
Subject: RE: Energy Answers EIS translations
Hi Sean,
When I speak of "environmental action," I am referring to official RUS approval of the EIS' adequacy
and subsequent notice to the public/agencies that RUS is adopting and/or issuing the EIS for comment.
These actions, which officially start RUS' NEPA process, cannot occur until the environmental staff
receives concurrence from RUS' engineering branch regarding the project's technical justification and
alternatives analysis. Right now, my supervisor and I have been informally discussing the exact steps of
the environmental review process to provide greater clarity to Energy Answers following our initial
conversations held in Nov 2012. Since I am more of a visual person, I hope to provide a
workflow/diagram with the specific steps in the EIS process after Energy Answers begins discussions
with SRD.
From: Sean Mahoney []
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 3:53 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Subject: RE: Energy Answers EIS translations
Thanks for the update, Lauren. We have been discussing the timing for presenting the project and
decided to postpone it until we receive our PSD permit, if it's issued by the date we're told to expect it,
which is by the end of this month. There is another piece we expect to fall into place shortly as well,
which will then allow us to provide a nearly complete presentation. However, considering your advice
and our plan, if these pieces do not come together by next week, we will go ahead and connect with
the engineering and underwriting branches anyway.
In the meantime, can you explain to me what you mean by "any environmental action taken on the
project will require concurrence from SRD?" What environmental actions are you referring to?
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Christiansted, VI - 340-778-7505
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227<> |<>

-----Original Message-----

From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Thu 1/24/2013 1:59 PM
To: Sean Mahoney
Cc: Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: RE: Energy Answers EIS translations
I just wanted to follow up with this email. I was able to download the translated Appendix R last week
and believe that I have all of the documents needed for the environmental review process. After I
complete the initial environmental review, I will inform you if any additional information or assistance is
In talking with the underwriting and engineering branches of Southern Regional Division (SRD), I was
informed that they still have not had formal discussions with Energy Answers about project financing.
While I can currently review these documents, any environmental action taken on the project will
require concurrence from SRD. I strongly recommend that Energy Answers begins discussions with SRD
to avoid potential delays in the environmental review process.
Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist
U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"
From: Sean Mahoney []
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 7:47 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Subject: Energy Answers EIS translations
Hi Lauren I'm just checking in to be sure you've received notice of the translation postings and to see how the
review process is coming. Please let me know if you need any more info and if you have any idea of the
timeline for review.
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Christiansted, VI - 340-778-7505
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227<> |<>

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients.
Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains
may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have
received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.


McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC

Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC
Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC
RE: Letter to Administrator Padalino (with attachments)
Wednesday, September 04, 2013 11:03:00 AM

Hi Annie,

Please see the below draft paragraph concerning the documents translation requirements.


Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

I will be doing additional research today on the appeal filed for the PSD permit.


Lauren McGee Rayburn | Environmental Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 66
Barnardsville, NC 28709
Phone: (202) 695-2540
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

From: Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC

Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 8:21 AM

To: McGee Rayburn, Lauren - RD, Barnardsville, NC

Cc: Plank, Mark - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: FW: Letter to Administrator Padalino (with attachments)
Importance: High

Good Morning Lauren,

I have been tasked with the responsibility of responding to the attached letter from Energy
Answers to the Administrator; and, (b)(5)


From: Kooyman, Tina - RD, Washington, DC

Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 3:56 PM
To: Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC
Cc: Elliott, Jim - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: FW: Letter to Administrator Padalino (with attachments)

Hello Annie,

The attached documentation will also be assigned to you via ECM. I wanted to give you
the attached so SRD could begin working on a response. All documents will be
managed/routed via ECM.

Thank you,

From: Howell, Holly - RD, Washington, DC

Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 8:49 AM
To: Kooyman, Tina - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: FW: Letter to Administrator Padalino (with attachments)

This letter is in ECM No. 7823088. I added the first 2 documents. I was not able to load the 2
Energy Answers Response for Petition documents into the file. They are Adobe format and 54
pages and 52 pages each. That is why I am emailing this information to you.


From: Early, Catherine - RD, Washington, DC

Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 8:11 AM
To: Smith, StephanieM - RD, Washington, DC
Cc: Howell, Holly - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: FW: Letter to Administrator Padalino (with attachments)

Please respond. Thanks.

From: Patrick Mahoney []
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 9:37 PM
To: Early, Catherine - RD, Washington, DC
Cc: Sean Mahoney
Subject: Letter to Administrator Padalino (with attachments)

Please confirm receipt.

Thank you.

Patrick F. Mahoney, P.E.

Energy Answers International, Inc. | 79 North Pearl Street, 4th Floor | Albany, NY 12207
p: 518-434-1227 | f: 518-436-6343
Energy Answers Baltimore, LLC | 1701 East Patapsco Avenue | Baltimore, MD 21226
p: 443-602-3750| f: 443-602-3780
Energy Answers International | P.O. Box 3001| Kingshill VI 00851-3001 (St. Croix, US Virgin Islands Office)



Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
RE: List of public mtgs for Arecibo project
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 4:37:18 PM

Hi Lauren We finally got our EPA PSD permit! Our Energy Answers press release and the EPA press release are
attached here. The EPA's has a link to the final permit. I'm still trying to find a time to propose a call
with Annie Holloway Jones that can accommodate our full team so we can provide her with as much
info as possible. I hope to have that out later today but wanted to get this to you now.
Thanks Sean

Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Mon 6/10/2013 3:44 PM
To: Sean Mahoney
Subject: RE: List of public mtgs for Arecibo project

I have a conflict at 2PM. Can he do 12:30PM (EST)?


From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 3:35 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Subject: RE: List of public mtgs for Arecibo project

Thanks, I understand. Jose Torres at EIF will be on the call Wednesday but is on the west coast and only available
after 12:00 ET. Can that still work for you?
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

-----Original Message----From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Mon 6/10/2013 8:44 AM
To: Sean Mahoney
Subject: RE: List of public mtgs for Arecibo project
Thanks Sean - I can't provide any promises - but this information will be to support whatever the agency's decision

may be. As far as the meeting on Wed, a morning mtg. would work best with my schedule. Thanks,
From: Sean Mahoney []
Sent: Sunday, June 09, 2013 5:47 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Cc: Mark Green
Subject: RE: List of public mtgs for Arecibo project

Hi Lauren Attached here is a list of the public hearings or other opportunities for public comment (18 thus far) that have been
held for the Arecibo Project. We think yet another is unwarranted and redundant and hope your response to the
request agrees. However, if that is not the case, we would certainly appreciate an opportunity to discuss it with you
Regarding the recent termination of our waste supply agreement with the Solid Waste Management Authority, we
are still determining the actual reasons for it and the best path to resolve it quickly. I will be back in touch with
Annie Holloway Jones on Monday to schedule a time for a conference call. We will likely propose the call for
Wednesday as we have been assured by EPA staff that our PSD permit will be issued on Tuesday and would prefer
to have that settled prior to the call. Review of the PSD transcript will also indicate the extent of public commentary
already received and responded toon the Project and will be important in determining whether an additional public
hearing will actually be beneficial in advancing this process.
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227<> |<>

-----Original Message----From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Fri 6/7/2013 12:41 PM
To: Sean Mahoney
Subject: List of public mtgs for Arecibo project
Hi Sean,
RUS recently received a letter, requesting that we would hold a public hearing on the SFEIS. Before we respond to
the request, do you mind sending me a list of all the public meetings held for this project with dates, times, location,
sponsoring agencies, mtg. purpose, etc. This information will be used to support the agency's response. Thanks in
advance Lauren.
Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist
U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465

"Committed to the future of rural communities"

"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any
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notify the sender and delete the email immediately.


Aivars Udris
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC; Sean Mahoney
Re: Needs Rider, PPOA Summary
Wednesday, April 03, 2013 6:01:04 PM

Lauren I reviewed the needs rider and believe all the information stated in the
document is on the public domain.
On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 1:27 PM, McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
<> wrote:
Jake, Just finished looking over the Needs Rider and am waiting to hear back
from Charlie/Philip. Is there any confidential information that should not be
included the SFEIS? Thanks,


From: Aivars Udris [mailto:jakeudris@(b)(6)

Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 12:29 PM
To: Philpott, Charles - RD, Washington, DC; McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Cc: Patel, Prashant - RD, Washington, DC

Subject: Needs Rider, PPOA Summary

Charlie you will find attached a Needs Rider as well as the PPOA summary document.
The Needs Rider should be read in the context of the Final Environmental Impact
Statement, Dec 1, 2010. Relevant sections of the EIS include Section 1.3 Project Need,
pages 10-11 through 10-14 and Section 4 Alternatives to the Proposed Action and
Location, pages 1-64 through 4-70. You should now be able to find the full PPOA on the
Internet site, the Summary provides a synapse of the material provisions of the PPOA.

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the
intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or
disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the
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in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.


Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
RE: RUS Preliminary Comments on EIS
Wednesday, March 06, 2013 12:35:58 PM

Hi Lauren Can you please add Jose Torres - - from Energy Investors Funds, (our development
funding / equity partner on the Project) to any e-mails going out to the full working group?
Thanks - we'll speak with you shortly.
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Christiansted, VI - 340-778-7505
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

-----Original Message----From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Mon 3/4/2013 3:57 PM
To: Sean Mahoney
Subject: RE: RUS Preliminary Comments on EIS
Hi Sean - Yes, 1pm ET works for me. I'll forward the scheduled time to the RUS staff members who
also plan to participate. Will you provide a conference line number?
I will try to mail a CD copy of the comments included in the larger file by the end of the week.
Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist
U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"
From: Sean Mahoney []
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 3:48 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Subject: RE: RUS Preliminary Comments on EIS
Hi Lauren Will 1 pm ET on Wednesday work for a call?
In addition to our project manager for our Arecibo Project we will have our lead engineer on the call so
hopefully we can facilitate the most efficient means of moving your engineering review forward. We do
not plan to request the first draft Independent Engineer's report until we receive the final PSD permit,
but can certainly provide RUS with the same information we've provided to the IE, or hopefully the
more specific info required for the review.
Also, if the edited pdf is too large to e-mail, it's probably easiest to send it to us at our Albany office 79 N. Pearl St, Albany, NY 12207.

Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Christiansted, VI - 340-778-7505
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227<> |<>

-----Original Message----From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Fri 3/1/2013 9:49 AM
To: Sean Mahoney; Udris
Cc: Philpott, Charles - RD, Washington, DC; Jones, Annie - RD, Washington, DC; Tuffuo, Ned - RD,
Washington, DC; Saba, Philip - RD, Washington, DC
Subject: RUS Preliminary Comments on EIS
Sean and Jake,
Please see the attached RUS comments on the Puerto Rico EIS. In general, the environmental analysis
seems robust. The Affected Environment/Environmental Consequences discussion in the RUS
Supplemental Final EIS will mostly focus on updates in the permitting process - i.e., PSD, FEMA
floodway amendment, etc. Areas that will require substantial work in the RUS Supplemental Final EIS
will be the electrical need for the project and connected actions (more ensuring that they are clearly
defined in the project description). Also attached, more for reference purposes, is a sample EIS outline
that RUS typically uses. The outline is a bit exhaustive and will be modified to meet the specific needs
of the project's Supplemental Final EIS.
In addition to these comments, I also have inserted some edits into the pdf itself. They are more
related to document translation and possible re-wording of certain sentences/paragraphs. What is the
best way to transmit this to Energy Answers?
To follow up with these comments, I also would like to schedule a conference call on Wednesday, Mar
6, to answer any questions you may have and to provide clarity re: the next steps in RUS'
environmental and engineering review processes. Please let me know of a time that works best with all
of your schedules.
Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist
U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients.
Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains
may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have

received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.


Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
RE: waste/fuel supply documents
Monday, March 11, 2013 1:44:18 PM
Puerto Rico Market Analysis Energy Answers (DRAFT 11-28-12).pdf

Thanks Lauren. Attached here is the most recent draft we have of the independent waste market
analysis prepared by Golder Associates. It's commissioned by the likely Project lenders and mostly
complete though we still expect some updating.
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Christiansted, VI - 340-778-7505
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

-----Original Message----From: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC []

Sent: Mon 3/11/2013 9:01 AM
To: Sean Mahoney
Subject: RE: waste/fuel supply documents
Thanks Sean, I've forwarded the attached documents to others at RUS and should be able to send you
an updated list of RUS staff working on this project by the end of the week.
Lauren (McGee) Rayburn | Environmental Scientist
U.S. Department of Agriculture | Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
P.O. Box 776 | Haw River, NC 27258-0776
Phone: (202) 695-2540 or (336) 270-3465
"Committed to the future of rural communities"
"Estamos dedicados al futuro de las communidades rurales"

From: Sean Mahoney []

Sent: Friday, March 08, 2013 5:43 PM
To: McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
Cc: jakeudris@(b)(6)
; Mark Green
Subject: waste/fuel supply documents
Hi Lauren Attached here are two documents related to the Project's waste/fuel supply. The first is our agreement
with the Solid Waste Management Authority and the second is a report we prepared that outlines the
factors impacting our waste/fuel sourcing plan on Puerto Rico. We also have a draft of an independent
report on the waste market from Golder Associates but they are currently updating it so I'm waiting
until that's complete before sending. Can you please determine who should get these and tell me the
person that will be reviewing and/or commenting? I will also have them uploaded to the RUS folder in
our data room on Monday, though it seems most efficient to organize the flow of info with you. Do you
We will follow-up with the electrical need info next week.
Thanks -

Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Christiansted, VI - 340-778-7505
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227<> |<>

This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients.
Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains
may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have
received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.


Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
; Torres-Monllor, Jose
SFEIS Chapters 1 & 2
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 1:40:30 PM

Hi Lauren Attached here is your draft Chapters 1 & 2 of the SFEIS with some comments and suggested edits from
myself and our team at Energy Answers. (Jake - there is a section on Page 3 of the actual document
regarding the need for the Project where Lauren needs the reference or citation for the information. Can
you please provide that?) Please let me know if you have any questions or would like any clarifications.
I apologize for the time it took to turn this around and will ensure it won't take as long next time. If you
have any more sections written that we can review please send them along or let me know how you're
progressing and the expected schedule to a final draft.
FYI - our PSD permit has still not been released by Region 2 but we have a meeting there next week
and are aggressively pursuing its issuance.
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |


Sean Mahoney
McGee, Lauren - RD, Haw River, NC
SFEIS support
Monday, August 19, 2013 3:49:50 PM
ARECIBO SFEIS 080113 RU (8-9-13)(SPM).docx
Section 3.4.1 - Lead.docx
Section 3.4.2 - Dioxins & Furans.docx
Emergency Exec Order 034-Translation.pdf
Permits Table (EIS).pdf
PREPA Fuel Cost Graph.pdf
PREPA Fuel Diversification Graph.pdf

Hi Lauren Attached here are several docs to support your preparation of the final draft. Our comments on the
draft are intended to respond to your questions and comments and add some info where available.
Additionally, drafts of Sections 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 are included, as well as the Exec Order requested
(translated), the permits table and graphs supporting the PREPA sections.
Please let me know how else we can help and any other info you'll need or we might have missed.
Thanks Sean
Sean Mahoney
Business Development
Energy Answers International
Albany, NY - 518-434-1227 |

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