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Version 3.5.5.

1 - 09 Feb 2016
- Minimized the memory footprint of the watermarking software while running
- Improved the Save ouput as input format option so more formats are supported
- Fixed a racing condition when watermarking before the first preview image is s
hown or the watermarker was generating a new preview image when starting the wat
ermarking Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special4
- Upgraded the Secure FTP due to the POODLE SSLv3 vulnerability now SSLv3 is dis
abled by default.
- Improved the 3D image watermark routine, now if you grayscale the watermarking
image while using it as a 3D watermark, the 3D watermark will be more sharp at
the edges
- Changed the way the password is encrypted in the configuration files, users ha
ve to re-enter the passwords.
- Updated the registration routine, now it checks the watermark registrations ke
y better.
Version 3.014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.
Version - 11 Mar 2015
- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer is allowed
- Improved the stabillity of the 3D Text depth map routine, it sometimes failed
in edge cases
Version - 06 Oct 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.
Version - 11 Mar 2015
- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.

Version - 11 Mar 2015

- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.
Version - 11 Mar 2015
- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.
Version - 11 Mar 2015
- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.
Version - 11 Mar 2015
- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.

Version - 11 Mar 2015

- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.
Version - 11 Mar 2015
- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.
Version - 11 Mar 2015
- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.
Version - 11 Mar 2015
- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.

Version - 11 Mar 2015

- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.
Version - 11 Mar 2015
- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.
Version - 11 Mar 2015
- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.
Version - 11 Mar 2015
- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.

Version - 11 Mar 2015

- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.
Version - 11 Mar 2015
- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.
Version - 11 Mar 2015
- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.
Version - 11 Mar 2015
- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.

Version - 11 Mar 2015

- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Fixed an locked file when watermarking finished, now all files used are releas
ed when done watermarking.
Version - 11 Mar 2015
- Updated the watermark
Version - 22 Dec 2014
- Fixed a race cond014
- Fixed an error with special characters (like the german ) in paths and filename
- Improved the select of watermark type, now you can double click the image and
it is selected
- Added a configure watermark icon to the watermark layer list that helps the us
er to easily change the watermark type
Version - 07 Nov 2014
- Added an new option to create 3D text watermarks (Looks like a chiseled or emb
ossed watermark just much better since it is a depth image watermark) without th
e need to create an image and then using that as a 3D watermark
- Improved the speed of the 3D (depth map) watermarking routine, it is up to 60%
- Improved the way you select the type of watermark, now examples are shown of t
he different type of watermarks available.
- Improved some UI code so now the grayscale options are displayed correctly
- Moved the buttons for the watermark layers around, makes for a nicer and clean
er user interface and user experience
- Changed when the watermark font is changed in the input field to reflect a new
selection of what font to use as watermmarking font
Version - 27 Sep 2014
- Added an option to use embedded color information in the original watermark im
age when loading it, sometimes the color gets changed if you are not using this
option, sometimes they get changed when you are...
- Made som minor changes to the Wordpress uploader, will now upload watermarked
images to WordPress even better.
- Added an upgrade option from the free photo watermark version to the paid wate
Version - 11 Sep 2014
- Command line option has been improved, now it do not leave the watermark softw
are running after running.
- Tweaked the upload watermarked images to WordPress function.
Version - 01 Sep 2014
- Improved the watermarking wizard when adding new watermark setup.
- Redesigned the new watermark wizard to improve the first time experience.
- Improved the upload watermark to WordPress feature.
- Added an option to check for updates to TSR Watermark Image in the help menu,

the software checks automatically every 10 days.

Version - 24 Aug 2014
- Added a new pro feature - convert the resulting watermarked photo to a graysca
le photo
- Added a new pro feature - convert the image used as an watermark into a graysc
aled watermark image.
- Added a new feature - select text watermark size in % of photo size or in poin
ts, the latter will result in the same size of the watermark on photos in landsc
ape and portrait mode.
- Minor changes to the upload watermarked photos to WordPress feature
Version - 18 Aug 2014
- Changed the way the program handles when the destination directory do not exis
- Added an warning message when no watermark has been selected
- Added an warning message when no ouput destintion has been selected
- Removed the editabillity of the Font drop down, now you cannot write a non exi
sting watermarking font, only choose those fonts that are available on your syst
- Improved the EXIF transfer option, now the EXIF also works on user profiles wi
th a space.
- Adjusted the upload watermarked photos to WordPress option
Version - 15 Aug 2014
- Huge speed improvement over previous version, up to 60 times faster at waterma
- Improved the way dragged and dropped photos are added to the watermarking list
- Improved on the watermarked photos destination path handling when having many
destination paths
- Changed the way the update check works, now it only check for new updates of T
SR Watermark Image every forthnight
- Rewrote the way the software counts the photos that needs to be watermarked
- Removed a limit on the support email from within the watermarking software, no
w even very big files can be transmitted
Version - 12 Aug 2014
- NEW Feature - Tiled Image Watermarks, now you can tile your image watermarks f
or even better photo protection
- Updated the GUI handling when watermarking folders with images, now the mainta
in folder structure follows the normal rules when loading setup
- Improved the upload watermarked photos to Wordpress functionality
- Changed the way renaming watermarked photos loads to improve the result
- Disabled the load new configuration file and new configuration when watermarki
ng photos
Version - 06 Aug 2014
- Improved the responsiveness of the application
- Added a directory check to the wizard setup filename
Version - 19 May 2014
- Added a version check on startup that removes higher versions options if you a
re not licensed for them
- Improved the files to watermark column resizing
- Improved the files to watermark counter
- New way of remove source files from the list (it was removed from the UI) when
clicking remove file
Version - 15 May 2014
- Changed the way the resize options works, if nothing is written (or 0) then th

e paramter is ignored and only the other width/height parameter is used for resi
- Added the "Unregistered version" to the watermarking preview image
Version - 14 May 2014
- Added new columns to the watermarking source files box, now the Date taken or
filedate is listed
- Added an option to sort/order the watermarking source files and directories by
date taken
- Added an option to sort/order the watermarking source files and directories by
- Fixed an error with the bug report method posting to the wrong page on the web
Version - 08 May 2014
- Fixed the upload watermark image to Facebook would not work when the preview w
atermarked image was just created.
- Cleaned up the code that handled EXIF, XMP and IPTC metadata (Canon, Sony and
more camera and Adobe Lightroom tags), removed unnecessary EXIF properties from
the code.
- Fixed a bug when saving a new setup after the first run
- The Danish language was updated.
Version - 02 May 2014
- New feature - XMP, IPTC, EXIF, GPS, ID3, and many more photo metadata is now s
upported in the Professional version. All metadata is now copied from source pho
tos to destination photos if the keep metadata option has been selected.
- Registered users automatially download and installs updated versions of TSR Wa
termark Image
- When starting the watermarking software for the first time or adding a new set
up the initial watermark setup is improved
- Wrong configuration value used for keeping the DPI of the watermarked image
- Fixed a copytext error in the wizard dialog
Version - 22 Apr 2014
- Added a length check to the mail feedback that prevented long log files from b
eing emailed.
- Added a check that detects when a user is using a black and white image for wa
termarking, this sometimes caused the program to not display the watermarked ima
- Added some styling to the watermark help feedback form.
- Added a check that removes the image watermark if no watermark image file is s
elected or the watermark image file is invalid.
- Added some check to the emailing when needing help watermarking.
- Removed the current XMP implementation it caused to many errors, working on a
new implementation.
Version - 14 Apr 2014
- Updated some wrong UI text
- Minor bug fixes
Version - 25 Mar 2014
- Fixed a bug when using bold or italic watermark text where it would forget it
when restarting the software
- Minor bug fixes
- Fixed
- Fixed
ing any - 14 Mar 2014

a resize watermarked image error
an error on that occured when using an image as watermark and not select
transparency option

- Minor GUI Fixes

Version - 09 Mar 2014
- Changed the way external ressource are handled, this makes the portable waterm
ark version much more stable
- Better Watermark Sharing
- Minor GUI improvements
Version - 04 Mar 2014
- Russian translation has been updated, thanks Vadim
- Minor bug fixes
Version - 20 Feb 2014
- Added the option to upload the watermarked images to wordpress, after watermar
king all images are automatically uploaded to your wordpress installation.
- Added new option share watermarked preview image to WordPress with a logo for
easy recognition
- Improved the configuration of the new share/upload to Wordpress, facebook and
FTP options
- Improved the handling when testing the watermark Share features
- Improved the FTP Uploader
- Added
nt pack
- Added
- Added
- Fixed - 15 Feb 2014

2 new versions, Share and SecureShare both having a special Watermark Fo
of 225 fonts.
new option, upload watermarked files after watermarking using FTP
new option, upload watermarked files after watermarking using Secure FTP
a lot of GUI errors

Version - 14 Feb 2014

- Improved the watermark font selection and font preview, now supports more font
s for watermarking than before!
- Fixed another registration bug when replacing an worng registration with a val
id one.
- Fixed a strange error message when the watermarker could not save to the log f
Version - 06 Feb 2014
- Improved the image watermark option, the result and speed has been greatly imp
Version - 29 Jan 2014
- Fixed a bug with the "rename watermark files" options.
Version - 24 Jan 2014
- Fixed a bug with the cross effect
Version - 21 Jan 2014
- Removed the log tab page
- Fixed a GUI Error
Version - 11 Jan 2014
- The watermarking software now remembers the last window position
Version - 10 Jan 2014
- Fixed a GUI error with the Effects option
Version - 03 Jan 2014
- Working on improving the interface.
- Minor reg fix

Version - 23 Dec 2013

- More GUI work done
- Minor bug fix
Version - 17 Dec 2013
- Cleaned up the GUI a bit, more to come
- Added an option to set the size of an image watermark in pct of original photo
or in a fixed pixel size.
- Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Version - 11 Dec 2013
- Added facebook shareing
- Fixed a gui error
Version - 16 Nov 2013
- Upgraded to .NET framework 4.0
Version - 16 Nov 2013
- Made an extra check before starting, if watermark or output isn't selected the
program selects the first for you.
Version - 14 Nov 2013
- Minor changes to the XMP transfer
Version - 08 Nov 2013
- Improved the preview feature, now the last image added is selected as current
preview image
- Improved the remove item from source list handling
- Fixed a bug with the orientaion where Adobe XMP information was not updated co
- Fixed a bug in the gui with the show files after watermarking
Version - 29 Okt 2013
- Added a help wizard to the first time the program is used and when you start a
new setup.
Version - 28 Okt 2013
- Added a new feature to rename the output files
- Added code certification to the exe files, should remove some security warning
s on windows 7 and 8
Version - 22 Okt 2013
- Added support for Adobe XMP file information, they are now transferred to the
watermarked image!
- Fixed a watermark dpi error when using file formats other than jpeg
Version - 18 Okt 2013
- Minor bug fixes
- Improved the help system
Version - 12 Okt 2013
- Fixed some errors in the ready validation code, now it's much easier to start
Version - 09 Okt 2013
- Minor GUI Changes
Version - 5 Okt 2013
- Fixed a serious registration bug, are you running version and keep get

ting a registration error you must update to this version.

Version - 4 Okt 2013
- Fixed a registration bug
Version - 28 Sep 2013
- Fixed that the Korean language did not work on all machines.
Version - 28 Sep 2013
- Added the Korean language, Thanks Zames
Version - 25 Sep 2013
- Added the Ukranian language, Thanks Sergey
- Fixed some bugs regarding the save watermarked photo preview option
- Fixed
- Fixed
- Fixed - 16 Sep 2013

a crash in the watermark preview save as function, Thanks Tony!
an rounding error in the watermark resizer
a GUI error

Version - 07 Sep 2013

- Fixed some minor GUI errors
Version - 26 Aug 2013
- Updated the French language, thanks Dom
Version - 28 Aug 2013
- Fixed a resize bug where the image would not be resized correctly.
- Added an option to save the current watermark preview
Version - 26 Aug 2013
- Fixed a bug when maintain aspect ratio was unchecked, then no resize of the wa
termarked photo was done.
- Fixed some minor GUI bugs
- Updated the French language, thanks Dom
Version - 08 Aug 2013
- Updated the Chinese simplified language, thanks
Version - 05 Aug 2013
- Added the option to do tiled text watermarks
Version - 29 Jul 2013
- Added a new information that can be automatically added as watermark - EXIF Da
te only
- Added a new information that can be automatically added as watermark - Current
Date only
- Added a new information that can be automatically added as watermark - Current
Date and time
- Fixed a bug in the EXIF date and time parsing, it now displays the date/time i
n your local culture instead of using the EXIF string.
Version - 17 Jul 2013
- Changed the behavior so an invalid image will not trigger an message box while
running with a command line option to automate the run.
Version - 16 Jul 2013
- Minor reg issue fixed
Version - 27 Jun 2013

- Minor bug fixes

Version - 17 Jun 2013
- Rewrote the sequential numbering watermark engine, it had some flaws with the
Version - 26 May 2013
- Added a new feature, cross effect that draws a cross on the image
- Minor bug fixes
Version - 10 May 2013
- Fixed a bug in the free version that made the watermark fail
Version - 09 May 2013
- Added the option to select which watermarks should be applied with a checkbox
in the watermark list
- Added the option to select which output profiles should be applied with a chec
kbox in the save watermarked photos as list
- Fixed so custom colors in the palette used for watermarking photos is saved
Version - 02 May 2013
- Added support for transparent PNG/GIF as watermark image, now the transparency
of the images is used and the transparency from the photo is also used.
- Improved the text watermark quality
Version - 29 Mar 2013
- New feature : You can now select if you wish to resize the photos before or af
ter applying the watermark, this is nessesary if you are using an image as water
mark and it is not big enough.
- Minro bug fixes.
Version - 14 Mar 2013
- Updated the Danish language files
- Minor bug fixes.
Version - 07 Mar 2013
- Fixed some minor bugs.
- Made some adjustments to the registration engine.
Version - 26 Feb 2013
- Added the Greek language files, thanks Nick
Version - 21 Feb 2013
- Fixed a rotation error caused by the DPI option
Version - 15 Feb 2013
- Added new option to keep input file format
- Fixed the DPI "Set to 72 DPI" option
Version - 31 Jan 2013
- Minor bug fixes
Version - 17 Jan 2013
- Updated the French language, thanks Robert
- Updated the Armenian language, thanks Hrant
Version - 06 Jan 2013
- Changed the counter so it left pads with zeros, eg. 0001 becomes 0002 when inc
remented instead of 2
- Fixed a setup bug where the "Show watermarked files when finished" setting was

'nt saved.
- Added
- Added
- Added - 29 Dec 2012

drag and drop support to the watermark source directory list
an option to clear the watermark preview image
an option to reset the source file list on program start

Version - 21 Dec 2012

- Change the save watermarked image routine - if input format and output format
are equal, the name and casing og the file extension are kept.
- Fixed a bug in the watermarker that did not allow users to save to UNC paths.
- Updated the registrations profile.
Version - 22 Nov 2012
- Fixed an error in the image resize when the max width or height was set to 0
- Updated the Spanish language, thanks Jos
Version - 16 Nov 2012
- Fixed an error in the default profile shipped with the software
Version - 09 Nov 2012
- Fixed an error that only let you use one image as watermark, Thanks Hans-Rudol
- Fixed
- Fixed
- Fixed - 06 Nov 2012

an save setup error where it would not allow you to save a new setup.
a bug in the load setup information.
the updater to point the user in the correct direction.

Version - 02 Nov 2012

- Added the Norwegian language
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Splitted the software into a free and a pro version to clear confusion
Version - 21 Sep 2012
- Fixed a bug that saved some jpeg as black images
Version - 20 Sep 2012
- Rewrote the open default directory option
- Rewrote the last directory remembered option
- Fixed a bug that kept the "select preview image" button disabled on the "Save
watermarked picture as" tab, thank Stephen
Version - 31 Aug 2012
- Updated the icons on the toolbar
- Added
to our
- Fixed - 30 Aug 2012

a "Email support" option that emails all relevant watermark indformation
a bug when "my pictures" does not exist, thanks Jo!

Version - 22 Aug 2012

- New installer GUI/Design
- Fixed some minor GUI problems
- Added some new graphics to the program
- New icon
Version - 09 Aug 2012
- Fixed a serious bug in the text watermarking - no watermark was added.

Version - 08 Aug 2012

- Updated the Italian language, Thanks Filippo
Version - 22 Jul 2012
- Added Lithuanian translation, thanks Jurate
Version - 25 Jun 2012
- Added Slovak translations, thanks Martin
- Minor bug fixes
Version - 21 May 2012
- Fixed some minor memory leaks
Version - 26 Apr 2012
- Added the Turkish language, thanks Alper
Version - 19 Apr 2012
- Fixed an error in the function that adds
Version - 08 Apr 2012
- Fixed a bug where a warning would stay on the last page, thanks Elisabeth
- Fixed a design issue affecting the gui look.
Version - 01 Apr 2012
- Fixed some errors in the Open and Save as file dialogs
Version - 28 Mar 2012
- Added the option of changing the emboss/chisel width so they are more visible
in larger images.
Version - 13 Mar 2012
- Fixed a bug with empty profiles, thanks Carlos
Version - 06 Mar 2012
- Fixed a bug in the Maintain DPI option when upgrading to version, than
ks Edward & Stepahnie
- Fixed a bug when an output profile had some invalid data, thanks Jim
- Rewrote the warning method, now it gives even better warning when there is a s
etup error.
Version - 15 Feb 2012
- Added the option to set the DPI of the output image to either the same as the
original image or 72 DPI, thanks Stephanie
- Minor GUI changes
Version - 07
- Fixed the error in
- Fixed a bug in the
- Fixed a bug in the
hanks Norbert Hufler

Feb 2012
the German translations, thanks Norbert Hufler
File->Open routine, thanks Simon
effect option where the transparency option did not work, t

Version - 2 Feb 2012

- Updated the German translations, thank Norbert
Version - 25 Jan 2012
- Added the Swedish language, Thanks Marianne!
- Fixed a bug where the watermark image would not be applied if the Use image pr
ofile was'nt selected.
- Minor GUI changes

- Fixed
- Fixed
- Minor - 14 Jan 2012

a memory leak in the watermark preview.
a bug where the program would not terminate correctly

- Added
- Minor
- Minor - 07 Dec 2011

the option to write a counter to the text watermark, Thanks Don!
GUI changes
bug fixes

Version - 22 Nov 2011

- Added the Polish language, Thanks Radoslaw!
Version - 28 Oct 2011
- Fixed a deadlock blocking in the watermarking preview that would prevent the p
rogram from starting to add the watermarks.
Version - 23 Oct 2011
- Added the Vietnames language, Thanks Trong
- Fixed a bug setting the width of the watermark when watermarking using an imag
e, Thanks Marina
- Fixed a bug when adding a profile/watermark with a blank name.
- Fixed some text label bugs
- Changed the wording in the gui, Thanks Larry!
Version - 20 Oct 2011
- Fixed the Effect option not showing up, Thanks Larry
Version - 16 Oct 2011
- Added a new option to add borders to the watermarks, Thanks Ingo
- Added the option to choose the text watermarking - text border size.
- Improved the text watermarking rutine.
- Improved the preview image.
- Fixed a load profile bug.
- Fixed a bug where the watermarked image would not be saved, Thanks Tim
- Fixed a bug where the Font list was not cleared correct.
- Fixed a preview image resize bug
- Fixed a bug in the text watermarking where a trailing space would not be used
in the text watermark
- Fixed a new profile bug
Version - 06 Oct 2011
- Fixed an error that prevented the Font list of being loaded, Thanks Huub
- Fixed some minor gui errors
Version - 04 Oct 2011
- Added the option to add different file tags to the text watermarks
- Changed the GUI to explain the multiple watermarks and destinations
Version - 03 Oct 2011
- Fixed a GUI layout error
Version - 03 Oct 2011
- Fixed a problem preventing some users from generating watermarks
- Fixed
- Fixed
- Added
- Added - 02 Oct 2011

a preview memory leak
the default setup shipped with the product
a warning when loading an old setup file.
some more information and color coding on what to do before you can star

t watermarking
Version - 01 Oct 2011
- Added the option for multiple watermarks - only available in the registered ve
- Added the option for multiple output profiles - only available in the register
ed version
- Added the option for Bold/Italic text watermarks
- Added the option for antialized/not antialized text watermarks
- Improved the text watermarking routine, now text watermarks looks better than
- Changed the GUI - a lot :)
- Changed the default save/open directories, now it's My Pictures not the TSR Wa
termark Image Exe file path
- Changed the preview image to scale/fixed whatever creates the best image.
- Changed the text box, now it is shown in the selected font
- Fixed a major memory leak!
Version - 16 Aug 2011
- Added the Hebrew language
- Minor bug fixes
Version - 14 Jul 2011
- Fixed a Windows 7 screen zoom problem, now the fonts in the watermark program
looks ok even when you set the zoom level at 125%, thanks Lisette
Version - 14 Jun 2011
- Fixed a color conversion error when saving jpeg, thanks Jaap & Huub
- Fixed a 3D marking error when creating 100% 3D watermarks from an image that w
as smaller than the resulting image.
- Fixed a text layout problem when having 10000+ images to add watermark to, tha
nks Jeffrey
- Fixed a Deutch/Deutsch spelling error, thanks Klaus
- Updated the save watermark setup function to include a better error handling.
Version - 27 May 2011
- Updated the serbian language, thanks Ozzii
- Added a new translation of the Japaneese, thanks Sakata
- Added flags icons to the language selection
- Minor bug fixes
Version - 12 May 2011
- Added an alert box when destination and source files are equal, thanks Tim
- Added Serbian Cyrilic language, thanks Ozzii
- Fixed a major speed issue, now watermarking large images is 100 times faster t
han previous versions
- Minor bug fixes
Version - 12 Apr 2011
- Added a show files when done option, this opens the file explorer showing the
watermarked photos.
- Addes a popup box showing if a file has an error.
Version - 10 Mar 2011
- Added a use image as 3D Depth map option, to create 3D watermarks - this uses
the input image as a bump map for the 3D watermark by doing a emboss edge detect
ion on the watermark image and then using this to modify the original image and
thereby create a 3D watermark effect, thanks to Remi for asking for this :)
- Added the Farsi language, thanks to Mona for the help.
- Added a remove all button in the source file list, thanks for asking Elisabeth

- Fixed some layout and text errros when running using a language other than Eng
lish, thanks Mona!
- Fixed a major memory leak, thanks for pointing this out Ingo
Version - 18 Feb 2011
- Added a buttton used to insert a special character in the watermark text area.
- Added the option to make a multiline watermark.
- Added the Armenian language, Thanks Hrant!
- Added some more error handling when pressing the start button.
- Changed layout a bit to support the above options.
Version - 07 Feb 2011
- Extended the %FILE_DATE% so it now uses the EXIF tag 36867 CreationDateTime be
fore using the file dates.
- Fixed a bug when using the %FILE_DATE% to replace with picture taken date - th
anks James!
Version - 27 Jan 2011
- Updated the Hungarian language, thanks Istvan!
- Minor bug fixes
Version - 01 Jan 2011
- Added the Vietnamese language, it's machine translated, please help improve it
- Minor bug fixes
Version - 19 Dec 2010
- Added the Finnish language, Thanks Olli
- Added the option of using the following text %FILE_NAME% or %FILE_DATE% or %FI
LE_NAME_NOEXT% in the text watermark method, this will be replaced with the file
name or creation date of the watermarked image file, Thanks Olli
- Changed the File->Save text to File->Save Setup and added a Watermark Image me
nu item
- Fixed the multi selection of the images/directories that will be watermarked,
now you can select more than one for deletion, Thanks Elisabeth
- Fixed some corrections to the Romainan language, Thanks Cristian
Version - 14 Dec 2010
- Added the Romanian language, Thanks Cristian
- Minor bug fixes
Version - 06 Dec 2010
- Added the Czech language - Thanks DNick
- Added a link to the online manual under Help->Help, Thanks Peter
Version - 06 Nov 2010
- Re-included the "scan subdirectories" option again based on customer request.
- Fixed that the preview image was not saved when it was selected form the list
of images to add watermark to.
- Fixed some GUI errors.
Version - 29 Oct 2010
- Changed the way the source files are located, now you can add 1 or more files/
folders to one batch watermark run instead of adding watermark to an entire dire
- Removed the option to scan and watermark all photos in the current directory A
ND subdirectories
- Added the option to doublclick on a line in the source list of watermark photo
s and then be asked to set the photo as the preview photo.

- Added the Japanese language to the application, this is machine translation, s

o please contact me if you can help do a better translation!
Version - 13 Oct 2010
- Made the font size matching more accurate, thanks Bobby
- Command line option to load a config file and run, then exit, usage is: Waterm
arkImage.exe "C:\Path to\ConfigFile\configfilename.wmi"
- Fixed that the last photo was kept open when batch watermarking all photos - T
hanks Kevin
Version - 28 Sep 2010
- Fixed missing EXIF information in the watermarked photo, thanks Cory!
- Added Russian language - Thanks sniflz!
Version - 13 Sep 2010
- Fixed a bug where the watermarked photos would not be saved when using tif ima
ges, thanks Steve!
- Fixed a bug where the relative offset of the watermark was not saved to the se
tup file, thanks Bobby!
Version - 10 Sep 2010
- Added Hungarian language, it's machine translated so please contact me if you
can help improve it!
Version - 02 Sep 2010
- Added Portuguese - Portugal language, thanks Antnio!
Version - 26 Aug 2010
- Changed the watermark placement radiobutton layout, to make room for the text
in the translated languages.
- Added Portuguese - Brazilian language, thanks Hilton!
- Added Chinese - Simplified language, thanks Samuel!
- Added Chinese - Traditionel language, thanks Samuel!
- Changed the Spanish language, Thanks Goyo!
- Fixed some minor bugs
Version - 14 Aug 2010
- Added Indonesia language, it's machine translated so please contact me if you
can help improve it!
- Added Portuguese language, it's machine translated so please contact me if you
can help improve it!
- Added Chinese (Simplified) language, it's machine translated so please contact
me if you can help improve it!
Version - 05 Aug 2010
- Added Dutch language, Thanks Rene!
- Added German language, Thanks Markus!
- Added French language, Thanks Filippo!
- Added the current watermark configuration path/filename to the title bar
- Added check on exit, if user has unsaved photo watermarking data the user is n
ow asked if it should be saved
- Added a registry setting with the current watermark setup, so the program load
s the last used watermarking setup when restartet
- Changed the text watermarking routine, now looks better than before
- Changed the width in % to size in % and now check both width and height of the
watermark to make sure it's a perfect fit even when the mark is at an angel.
- Rewrote the photo resize algorithm
- Freed up some resources when adding watermarks to photos
- Fixed a path check that would disable you from certain watermarking paths, tha
nks Dietmar

- Fixed som minor bugs

- Fixed a text transparency error
- Added
- Added
- Added
- Fixed
- Fixed - 31 Jul 2010

Italian language, Thanks to Filippo Podeschi!
German language, machine translated, need help to make it better
Spanish language, machine translated, need help to make it better
the language selection problem
some minor GUI problems

Version - 29 Jul 2010

- Added multilanguage support for the GUI, please contact me if you can help tra
nslate the software!
- Closes the program when selecting OK to upgrade, to minimize installation prob
- Added a check when starting the software so only one version can be running at
a time
- Added a check to the installer to check if the software is running when instal
Version - 24 Jul 2010
- Fixed a photo watermark scaling problem, thanks Joao and Cory
Version - 23 Jul 2010
- re-wrote the entire image watermarking method.
- Changed the update check function, now using the registry for storing informat
- Fixed a resize antialiasing bug, thanks Markus!
- Fixed some minor bugs
Version - 31 May 2010
- Added the IPTC subject (keywords) to the EXIF data if no EXIF XP Keywords are
defined, working on a IPTC preserve option - this is used when adding data to yo
ur photos in adobe lightroom and other adobe programs - Thanks Kees-Jan
- Changed the resize/rotate working method, now the resize is done before the au
tomatic image rotation done before the watermarking of the photo - Thanks Harsha
- Fixed resize bug that resized watermarked photos up.
- Fixed a bug in the registration.
- Improved error logging.
Version - 20 Apr 2010
- Added a option to add or subtract a value from the watermarking x and y coordi
nates, related to the selected radiobutton/placement of the watermark - Thanks M
- Added error logging tab in the preview area - Thanks Abdul
- Changed GUI font and layout again, now a new gui is needed more than ever :)
- Fixed a bug when closing the program while watermarking images, this would cau
se a hang
Version - 09 Apr 2010
- New feature - add border to text watermark.
- Fixed a bug at startup - Thank Jave and Rne
- Fixed a cross thread error when closing
- Fixed a start photo watermarking synchronization bug
- Changed layout to make room for the new feature - a new version is so much nee
ded :)
Version - 31 Mar 2010
- New feature Emboss Text mode

- New feature Chisel Text mode

- Changed functionallity when using an image as watermark - the image selected i
s now scaled down (and only down) to the selected width in % - Thanks Mike
- Changed the version check, it now displays the latest version info from this f
ile below the general new version alert!
- Changed layout a bit, to help people running low resolutions
- Fixed a bug when loading an indexed GIF image (and other image types using ind
ex color palettes) - Thanks Ed
- Fixed a save/load bug - Thanks Elisabeth, Dave and others
- Fixed a save/load and then preview bug - Thanks Dave
- Fixed a preview bug where the preview thread would hang forever in a untermina
ted loop.
- Fixed a bug when using a black text watermark - Thanks Ben
- Fixed a resize bug when not maintain aspect ratio - Thanks Ben
- Fixed File->Exit so it now actually exit's the program - Thanks Jave
- New name, new icon, new website layout :)
Version - 20 Mar 2010
- Rewrote the text watermarker the new version looked wrong - Thanks Harshana!
- Changed the way the text size works, now it is the percentage of the destinati
on image width.
- Fixed path error when watermarking destination photo path is below or equals t
he source - Thanks Harshana!
Version - 3 Mar 2010
- Added color picker for watermark text color
- Rewrote the preview rutine, you can now select image to use as preview image,
and it's updated automatically
- Added .NET Framework check to the setup
- Fixed load/save setup information bug
- Fixed watermark using image error when no image was selected - Thanks Andreas
- Added
- Added
- Fixed
- Fixed
- Fixed - 12 Feb 2010

auto rotate based on EXIF/camera information option
Append "Watermark Text" to "EXIF Copyright tag" option
GUI bugs
resize bug
watermarking bug - Thanks Harshana!

Version - 16 Jan 2010

- Added possibility for preserving EXIF information about camera, lense etc. (Or
drop it :)
- Added select output photo format
- Added jpeg quality select option
- Fixed preview watermarked photo bug
Version - 07 Jan 2010
- Fixed some minor bugs with the paths
Version - 20 Dec 2009
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Added support for angled text
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Initial release

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