Lesson 2

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PGCE (Primary) Lesson plan

Subject: Mathematics and Numeracy

No. of
Class P3 Date 18/1/06 Time Duration 40mins 27

Prior Learning
Children have been making sets of 10 with cuisenaire and have discussed how to make sets
greater than 10.
Context :
Cuisenaire rods - exchange
Learning outcomes
• Children can use the cuisenaire to make sets greater than ten
• They know that you can exchange ten one rods for a ten rod
• They know why you would exchange rods

Lesson Introduction (2-3 mins approx.) Resources

Lesson phase 1
(Share lesson outcomes with children, introduce key learning point, link to previous learning, set lesson
We are going to use the cuisenaire rods today to learn about exchange. We are
going to learn how to exchange rods and why it is useful. It is a bit like when
you were doing money with Mrs Martin yesterday.

Lesson phase 2 (10mins approx.)

(Part of lesson where teacher teaches, new material is outlined, demonstrated and explained)

Teacher demonstrates that a ten rod is the same as ten one rods.
Get children to lay out ten one rods below the ten rod to let them see.

Teacher explains that if I want a ten there is no point in me taking ten one rods
when I can take one ten rod.

Today we are only going to use ten rods and one rods.

Get children to take out eleven one rods.

What value is this?
So we are only going to use ten rods and one rods so what could we do to make
this simpler for us?
Take a ten rod and a one rod.
Is it easier for us to count if we use a ten rod and a one rod rather than eleven
one rods?

Demonstrate a few more examples using higher numbers.

Lesson Development (15-20mins approx) Resources

Lesson phase 3
(The key section of the lesson. Children are given the opportunity to make personal sense of the material they
have encountered, information becomes learning. Time needs to be spent on activities and tasks that enable the
learners to manipulate and interrogate information in order to make sense of it.)
Children are given activity sheets with several examples using only one rods.
The children have to find out how to make it simpler using ten rods and one rods
PGCE (Primary) Lesson plan
and write down how many of each rod they would use.

Focus of teacher interactions during learning phase

(Plan and describe what the teacher will do or who the teacher will work with once all the children have settled to complete their
Teacher will settle children to their task and will then give task to the less able children in the
class working with them closely.

Lesson Conclusion (5-10mins approx.) Resources

Lesson phase 4
(Review, reflect and summarise lesson, ensure children know what they know, cement learning and
understanding and ensure that it is remembered)
What did we learn today?
To exchange one rods for a ten rod.
Does this help us?
Instead of using ten one rods what should I exchange them for?
Assessment (What will you assess and how will you assess it?)
What? That children understand that ten one rods are equal to one ten rod and that we can
exchange the ten one rods for the ten rod.
How? Observing the children during the activity and marking their activity. Observing the
children when answering questions.

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