Circle Time Lesson Plan

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PGCE (Primary) Lesson plan

Subject: Language and Literacy

No. of
Class P3 Date 23/1/06 Time 9.55 Duration 50mins 27

Prior Learning
Children have previously discussed events from their weekend in other sessions.
Context :
Talking and Listening – My Weekend
Learning outcomes
• Children will practice talking in front of their peers
• Children will recall significant events from their weekend
• Children will practice turn taking while talking and listening to others talking

Lesson Introduction (2-3 mins approx.) Resources

Lesson phase 1
(Share lesson outcomes with children, introduce key learning point, link to previous learning, set lesson
Today boys and girls we are going to tell each other about our weekend. We Ball of Wool
are going to take turns and try to speak only when it is our turn and listen
carefully when someone else is talking.

Lesson phase 2 (10mins approx.)

(Part of lesson where teacher teaches, new material is outlined, demonstrated and explained)
Children gathered in a circle.
Teacher explains: I am going to start and I am going to hold onto this end of the
wool. When I’m finished I’m going to throw the wool to someone else but I am
going to keep holding this bit. When you get the wool you hold onto it and when
you have finished talking you hold onto the bit next to the big ball and throw the
ball to someone else.
Teacher begins the lesson telling everyone what she did at the weekend.
Teacher passes the wool to another child.
Teacher encourages children to talk to the whole class and not just to the

Lesson Development (15-20mins approx) Resources

Lesson phase 3
(The key section of the lesson. Children are given the opportunity to make personal sense of the material they
have encountered, information becomes learning. Time needs to be spent on activities and tasks that enable the
learners to manipulate and interrogate information in order to make sense of it.)

Children get the opportunity to talk about their weekend in front of the class.

Focus of teacher interactions during learning phase

(Plan and describe what the teacher will do or who the teacher will work with once all the children have settled to complete their
Teacher sits in the circle with the children and works with the whole class.
PGCE (Primary) Lesson plan
Lesson Conclusion (5-10mins approx.) Resources
Lesson phase 4
(Review, reflect and summarise lesson, ensure children know what they know, cement learning and
understanding and ensure that it is remembered)

Did we all enjoy our weekends?

What do we do when we are talking about our weekends? Listen to each other.
Do we all talk at once?
We take turns.
Assessment (What will you assess and how will you assess it?)
What? Children can talk in front of their peers recalling significant events from their weekend
and that they take turns and listen to each other.
How? By observing the children during the lesson. How they talk when they are telling about
their weekends ( are they shy and say little or do they want to talk for ever).

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