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Object Oriented Programming C++

Subject Code:

BCA 2030/IMC 2030/MCA 2030

Edition: Fall 2012

BKID B1641

Sikkim Manipal University

Directorate of Distance Education
Department of Information Technology
Directorate of Distance Education
Sikkim Manipal University (SMU DDE)
Board of Studies
Head IT
SMU DDE, Manipal 576 104
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Technology and Science, Lakshmangarh,
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Dayanand Sagar Institutions, Bangalore
Mr. Chitta Prasad
Senior Consultant, Technology Excellence
Group for Insurance and healthcare,
TCS, Bangalore

Mrs. Vidya Selvaraj

Asst. Prof., Dept. of IT
SMU-DDE, Bangalore
Dr. A. Kumaran
Research Manager, Multilingual
Research, Microsoft (India)
Mr. Ashwin Krishna
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PES Institute of Technology,
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Wipro - GE (India), Bangalore
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IBM (India), Bangalore

Edition: Fall 2012

Printed: July 2012
This book is a distance education module comprising a collection of learning
material for our students. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be
reproduced in any form by any means without permission in writing from Sikkim
Manipal University, Gangtok, Sikkim. Printed and published on behalf of Sikkim
Manipal University, Gangtok, Sikkim by Mr. Rajkumar Mascreen, GM, Manipal
Universal Learning Pvt. Ltd., Manipal 576 104. Printed at Manipal Technologies
Limited, Manipal.

Authors Profile
Ms. Pallavi Upadhyaya, Assistant Professor, MIT, Manipal. She has been teaching
various Information Systems area courses for the past 10 years. She has taught
courses such as Computer Application in Management, Management Information
Systems, E-business, Hospital and Health Information Systems, Database Systems
and Object Oriented Programming system.
Mr. Vittaldas Prabhu, Assistant professor MIT, Manipal. His area of specialization
includes object oriented programming concepts, software Engineering and
computer Networks.
In House Technical Team
Mr. C.V. Uppin, Assistant professor in Dept. of IT, Sikkim Manipal.

Unit 1
Evolution of Programming Methodologies

Unit 2
Iteration Statements Array and Strings


Unit 3


Unit 4
Creating Classes and Abstraction


Unit 5
Constructors and Destructors


Unit 6
Operator Overloading in C++


Unit 7
Inheritance in C++


Unit 8
Multiple Inheritance and Virtual Functions


Unit 9
Files and Streams in C++


Unit 10
Standard Input and Output Operations


Unit 11
File Input and Output


Unit 12
Class Templates


Unit 13
Standard Template Library


Unit 14
Exception Handling


BCA 2030/ IMC 2030/MCA 2030

Object Oriented Programming C++
This SLM is designed to cover the fundamentals Object Oriented
Programming concepts using C++ language. C++ is a general-purpose,
middle-level programming language with high-level and low-level
capabilities. It is a statically typed free-form multi-paradigm language,
supporting procedural programming, data abstraction, object-oriented
programming, and generic programming. Since the 1990s, C++ has been
one of the most popular commercial programming languages. The term
middle-level does not imply that C++ is less powerful, harder to use, or less
developed than high-level languages, nor that it has the cumbersome nature
of low-level languages. Rather it combines the best elements of high-level
languages with the flexibility of assembly language. The intention of having
this book is to provide a detailed description of a few advanced concepts in
C++ that may be used in our daily lives to write better programs than before
This SLM has been split into 14 units to cover the basic concepts of OOPS
using C++, overview of which are given below:
Unit 1: Evolution of Programming Methodologies
This unit covers the highlights of the object oriented programming
emphasizing its importance over procedural languages.
Unit 2: Iteration Statements Array and Strings
This unit focuses on Iteration statements in C++ and the concept of arrays
and strings to explain basic data structure which helps in grouping data of
similar type.
Unit 3: Functions
This unit explain us the s the grouping of program statements through
functions and grouping dissimilar data using structures.
Unit 4: Creating Classes and Abstraction
This unit introduces us the concept of objects and classes that are building
blocks of OOP. Also explains the role of abstract class in C++ language.

Unit 5: Constructors and Destructors

This unit speaks about the special function called constructor, how many
types are there to invoke the constructor. How the memory can be
deallocated using destructor for the memory allocated by the constructor.
Unit 6: Operator Overloading in C++
This unit explores, how basic operators can be used differently with user
defined classes and make the program more readable.
Unit 7: Inheritance in C++
This unit deals with the concept of inheritance and how it supports code
Unit 8: Multiple Inheritance and Virtual Functions
This unit is to brush-up the readers fundamentals on Inheritance, Virtual
Functions, and Polymorphism. This unit should be able to drive the reader to
hunt for more knowledge on the concepts touched upon.
Unit 9: Files and Streams in C++
This unit describes in detail the very useful and featureful iostream library
offered by C++. This unit is studded with examples that will help the reader
in understanding the concept of file I/O with streams.
Unit 10: Standard input and Output Operations
This unit also helps the reader in understanding how he/she may be able to
organize (format) output using manipulators.
Unit 11: File Input and Output
This unit focuses on what are different methods available which supports
the input and output operations on file.
Unit 12: Class and Templates
Templates are a very useful and extremely indispensable feature of C++. A
lot of programming effort can be saved by the use of templates. This unit
describes templates, template programming, and the usage considerations
of templates, with the help of a myriad of examples to illustrate the

Unit 13: Standard Template Library

Another step towards efficient programming is achieved by the use of
Standard Template Library (STL). This unit introduces the reader to STL.
Furthermore, this unit provides minute details on all of the STL components
with relevant examples to show how these components can be used in
Unit 14: Exception Handling.
Every programmer describes his/her program to be error-free. But errors still
pop up. How to gracefully handle these errors (or exceptions) is what
exception handling is all about. This unit comprehensively describes
exception handling along with useful examples. This unit also introduces the
readers to standard exceptions, and also teaches how to create userdefined exceptions.

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