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Minutes of Annual General Body Meeting
Ref. No. : AGM 01/2014-15
Dated : 14.09.2014.
The annual General Body Meeting (AGM) was conducted on 14.09.2014. The meeting
was started at 10.30 AM with a prayer.
Dr. Zambre was nominated as Chair Person of the AGM, and seconded by Mr.
Raveendra Raiker.
Mr. Raveendra Raiker, the chairman welcomed all the members present in the meeting.
Mr. M A Vinod, the secretary read out the minutes of the last AGM held on 14.08.2013
and Confirmed & adopted the same and noted the action taken thereon.
Received the committees report together with the audited statements of accounts
showing Income & Expenditure for the previous year and Balance Sheet as at 31.3.2014
from Mr. Kishore Patil, the Treasurer.
Considered audit memorandum for the previous co-operative year, along with the
rectification report of the committee thereon.
Appointed existing auditor as auditor for the statutory audit, who is from the panel
maintained by the Registrar (CS) for 2014-15.
All the members unanimously decided to continue the existing Managing Committee
along with new addition of two members. As new members Mr. Bhosale (402) was
recommended by Mr. Vijay Pawar and seconded by Mr. Raveendra Raiker and Dr.
Zambre (603) was recommended by Mr. M A Vinod and seconded by Mr. Dilip Ragorte.
All the members agreed to adopt old Bye Laws introduced by the Commissioner of Cooperation, Maharashtra.
Mr. Dilip Ragorte suggested to keep the FD accounts of small amounts and big amounts
separately from SB for the convenience of utilization and maximum benefit of interest.
All the members passed the suggestion unanimously.
Mr. Nagwekar required to understand the balance sheet in details about its titles and
accounts. Mr. M A Vinod will request Mr. Venukuttan Nair, Accountant to make better
understanding the same to all the members whoever interested as early as possible.
Few members pointed that the interest received for the last financial year period for FDs
and SB accounts to be clarified and reconfirmed from the accountant and bank.

Mr. Raveendra Raiker informed the members that the existing water meter is not
functioning proper even after repair. The same has to be replaced immediately with a new
calibrated water meter.
Few members raised complaint, for existing and new leakages inside their flat even after
last pre-monsoon repair done. The members are requested to put a fresh application for
their complaint regarding leakage along with an application to visit their flat for taking
action accordingly.
Members brought into the knowledge regarding the miss alignment of lift stoppage. The
committee assured to call the service provider and take suitable action immediately.
Members expressed to continue with the existing security service till better services are
offered by any other security services.
Dr. Zambre brought into notice the risk in safety from back side compound wall of the
society. Members suggested to fix Brocken glasses or barbed wires on the wall
Members requested to provide Accountants Mobile no. and an allotted time to call him
and get clarification regarding pending dues.
Members are interested to make online payment of dues. The committee will look into it
and will take necessary action for providing such facilities for those who are interested.
Mr. Kishore Patil put a suggestion to change the society dues of members per square feet
basis to per flat basis, for expenses other than Property Tax, Sinking Fund and Repair &
Maintenance Charge. The members present unanimously accepted the same and decided
to make it with effect from October 2014.
Mr. Kishore Patil, Mr. M A Vinod and other few members suggested to renovate the
society office with good quality Marbonite Tiles flooring from existing mosaic
tiles/marble chips. All the members agreed for the same and decided to take action.

Chairman / Secretary / Treasurer

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