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<menceritakan kembali>

 A story to retell about past activity<sebuah
cerita yang menceritakan kembali peristiwa
 It can also be called spoof
 The tenses usually use SIMPLE PAST<tenses
yang digunakan SIMPLE PAST>
 Time signal: Last…..

<pengenalan masing masing
tokoh,dimana terjadi,kapan terjadi>

<peristiwa,disampaikan secara

<berisi rangkuman peristiwa>

 To retell past events for the purpose of
informing or entertaining
 <untuk menceritakan kembali peristiwa
lampau untuk tujuan menginformasikan
dan kadang2 menghibur>
1. Yesterday was a holiday.sandra and dina went shopping at plaza senayan.there
were a lot of people.they entered the supermarket.and then they bought some
rice and milk for breakfast.they also bought some fruit and
vegetables.Unfornately they didn’t have much money,they only bought a
little.So,they didn’t buy any coffe or sugar.But,they could buy a few Australian
apples for their mother.

2. It was Sunday evening October 7,2004.The day was a little bit foggy and
drizzling since afternoon made the temperature so cold.The adi sumarmo airport
in surakarta was so busy and crowded as usual planes landed and took off
regularly.Flight officials and securities worked accordingly.passengers came in
and went out.They all thought that everything was alright.
But suddenly,from a distance it looked that an old plane seemed to
land.The drizzle of the rain and the fog caused the pilot found difficulties to find
the landing path,special street for landing the planes.the plane landed almost in
the middle of the landing path.It was really a dangerous landing.
The plane moved fast on the landing path.the pilot couldn’t stop it.The
path was slippery as well.passangers became panic,scream came loudly almost at
once.But it vanished soon and changed with a tremendous breaking sound that
could be heard miles away.The plane stroke the port fence in west part.not in a
minute,fire burst thick fog blew up.Plane inflamed,but it didn’t stop.the
plane kept moving fast to the west crossing the road out of the port.It jumped
over a small river and rice field before stopped near a grave yard

3. I had just got into bed about half past eleven when I felt the tremor.The bed
started to tremble and I noticed the electric light,when was hung on the ceiling
was swaying.
Then I got out of bed quickly and went to look out of the windows.As I
looked.I saw the house opposite began to fall sideways.Then I realize what was
happening.I put on my dressing grown hurriedly and rush uot into the garden.
I was alone in the house.My wife and children had gone to visit my mother-in-
For three or four minutes.I heard a terrible noise of walls falling down
and people screaming.And I saw clouds of dust in the air.Then,the trembling
There were about fifty persons killed and more than two hundred
injured.The damage to property was considerable,and about three hundred
houses would have to be completely rebuilt.
 an unreal story <only imagination>the story usually
about amusement such as <fable,legend,fairy
 sebuah cerita tak nyata<hanya imajinasi>ceritanya
biasanya menghibur seperti
<dongeng,legenda,hikayat,ceita rakyat>
 biasanya sifatnya menghibur seperti <dongeng,cerita
 biasanya berupa cerita khayalan.
 Biasanya terdapat konflik serta penyelesaiannya.



<Pengenalan tokoh,waktu,dan tempat>

<Awal timbulnya masalah,adanya konflik>

<Penyelesaian konflik,keputusan terhadap

<Akhir cerita/rangkuman cerita>

 To amuse/entertain the readers<untuk
menghibur pembaca>

1. Once upon time there was a small farmer.he had grown in his field
watermelon and cucumber.but amouse deer had come and destroy them.
One a day the farmer laid a trap and the mouse deer was trapped.he beat the
mouse deer mercilessly with a stick.the mouse deer howled in pain and
said,”please sir,forgive me.I’m sorry what I have done.I’ll never trouble you
But the farmer grew more furious and his anger the farmer tied
the mouse deerto awooden post with a string,wrapped a piece of cloth round its
tail,lit a match stick,and set it on fire.the flames ran though the string by which the
mouse deer was tired to the wooden poast.thus,the mouse deer got free but ran
into a haystack.
The haystack soon caught fire and the farmer haystack got completely destroyed

2. One upon time there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace.however a
group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the homesof all
the rats.many of them were even crushed to death.
Then taking of rats decided to approach the elephant king suddenly
remembered the king of the rats.he summoned one of the elephant of his
herd,which had not been trapped,to go seek help from the king and told him about
the trapped elephants.
The rats immediately took his entire group of rats and they cut open nets
which had trapped the elephants herd.the elephants herd was totally set free.they
danced with joy and thanked the rats.

3. Along time ago,the wolf and the stork were friends.One day,the wolf asked
the stork to come to his house to eat.
When the stork arrived at the wolf house,the wolf put two bowls of soup on
the table.the wolf ate his bowl of soup so quickly.When he finished,he asked the
stork”did you like my soup?”
But the stork was angry because he couldn’t eat the soup.his beak was too
long.when the stork went home,he was still hungry.The wolf laugh and laughed.
Then the stork had an idea.He asked the wolf to come to dinner.He filled two
tall pitches with good soup.They began to eat.When the strok finished eating,he
asked the wolf if he wanted more to eat.
But the wolf was angry.his mouth was so big that he couldn’t get it into the
pitcher.the wolf went home hungry,and stork have never been friends ever since
4. Long ago, in a peaceful side of this country, there lived a boy, named Raka,
and agirl, named Nimas. Raka and Nimas had been good friend since their
childhood. However, there was something that led them to be apart. Nimas
and her parents had to move to another town. But they belived some day the
would meet again. Nimas said that she would be waiting for that moment.
Than, there was Raka, left alone. What apoor boy ! Since that moment Raka
and Nimas lost contact.
Many yeara passed. Like what Nimas said, finally they meet again after
few years apart. But, they had changed. Nimas had grown to be a pretty young
women, while Raka a handsome young man. Soon, they fell in love with each
other. Raka always came to Nimas ‘s house. Nimas’ s parents welcomed him well
because he was good young man.
But the happy moment didn’t last long. One day, Nimas’s parents heard a
bad news about raka. Some body had said to them that Raka’ s father was a bad
Since that moment, Nimas’s parent disliked him. They were worried that
Raka would be just like his father. They warned Raka to stop seeing Nimas.
Nimas had to break up with Raka.The young lovers felt that is was unfair.
Nimas’s parents could not judge Raka that he was bad guy just because of his
father. Raka said that he was not his father. But, they never gave up. They kept on
trying to see each other, and of course, to ensure Nimas’s parents that Raka
wasn’t like what they thought.
One day, something terribly bad almost happened to Nimas. They day was
already dark. Nimas walked alone one her way home. On the way, three, men
stopped her and tried to do bad things to her. Nimas screamed, but nobody heard
her cry for help. Fortunately, Raka came to help her. He straightly fought those
men. He won and Nimas was safe.
After that, Raka took Nimas to her house. Infront to her parents Nimas
told what just happened to her and how bravely Raka had saved her. Nimas’
parents felt grateful and felt sorry for what they had done to Raka.
At the end of story. Nimas’s parents approved of their relationship.

5. Long ogo,there was Mexican a boy named juan who helped raise money for
his family by growing chili peppers in his garden.
But one day when he came out to his chili patch,he found a ram there eating
some peppers and stomping on other.”go away,mr.ram “said juan.”those are
my peppers.”the ram replied ,”get away from me or I’ll butt you into the next
Juan started to cry,and all the animals on the little farm fell sorry for him.the
cat tried to help.she went up to the ram and said,”you should be ashamed of
yourself.get out of there.those are juan chili peppers,but the ram lowered”his
Head and said,”get out of here or I’ll butt you into the next country.”the dog too
ran away.
Finally a little ant said”I can help you,I can help you,juan.”the ant climbed
into the ram and began biting him all over.the ram jumped up and started
running.he ran so fast and so far that now he is in the next country!


 description about particular
person,thing or place.
 <pendiskripsian/penggambaran
sebuah ciri2

 Berupa penggambaran secara umum
 Penjelasanya secara umum



subyek yang didiskripsikan>


 To describe a particular
person/animal,place or thing
 <untuk mendiskripsikan cirri


I live in a beautiful modern house .

The house has three bedroom s.The bedroom are upstairs.The

livingroom,the kitchen ,and the dinningroom are downstairs.My house has
a balcony.The garden is full of flowers and trees.The colour of the house is
blue.There is a garage for our car.We like living here because its very nice.


I has aparrot named coly.

It has colorful feather.They are yellow,blue,and red. Coly is very noisy.It

always imitates the human has curved also has feet with two
toes pointing forward and two backward.the feet help it to grip on the
branches and hold food.


The lion is called the king of beast.

Lions are found living wild in the grassland of Africa.They hunt smaller
animals and feed on them.There are no wild animals in European Zoos.
Lion has four legs and brown eyes which are protected by very thick
The male lion is a beautiful animals.All lions have manes.Round his head
he has a ring of long hair called a mane.When the lion is young,the hair of
his mine is yellow.When he is old,the hair is sometimes black.
The female lion, or lioness,doesn’t have a mane.Lions are dangerous
animals.They can kill a man.

 How to make or operate something
step by step
 Designed to describe how something is
achieved a sequence of action or
explains how people perform different
processes in a sequence or steps.
 <bentuk teks untuk mendiskripsikan
bagaimana sesuatu itu di peroleh/dibuat
secara berurutan atau sesuai langkah-
langkah.menjelaskan bagaimana orang
melakukan sesuai langkah-langkah>
 Mengunakan Simple Present.
 MengunakanBentuk
 Biasanya mengunakan “the temporal
 first,second,then,next,finally,etc

 BiasanyaBerupa
 Biasanya pada procedural hanya terdiri
dari judul dan diikuti beberapa
step(langkah) tidak terdapat material

Misal :

How Bread is Made

Some people eat bread every day,but how is it made?

First of all,grains such as wheat or rye are grown on

farms.the grain are harvested and stored in silos.later,they are
take to a flour mill where the grains are ground into flour.
The floor is then sent to a large bakery.there it is mixed ith
water,salt,and yeast to make dough.

Next,the dough is placed in mental pans.the pans are food

inti an oven.the pans are put into an oven.the temperature is
about 350f(180).after it baked for 45 minutes,the bread taken
out of the oven to cool.
Some loaves of bread are slices in a machine,and the
wrapped in plastic bags.a ‘use by’ date is ussualy attached to
the package.

Finnaly,the bread is sent to supermarkets or corner shops.



1. Goal (tittle): (judul)

2. Material :(bahan)
3. Step : (langkah)

 To describe how something is
made with followed some steps


You will need:
• flour
• felt-tip
• yarn
• glue
• a funnel
• pens
• ballons

1. Pour as much flour as you can through a funnel into a balloon
2. Tie a knot in the ballon
3. Glue on some yarn for hair
4. Draw a face on the balloon with felt-tip pens
5. Mold the balloon with your fingers

a sheet of paper
a tube of glue
a cutter
a ruler

1. Take a sheet of paper

2. draw a pattern by using a ruler
3. cut the paper following the pattern
4. fold it
5. put some glue on it
6. press it to get a good form


You will need:
• ½ glass milk
• 1 banana
• 1 egg
• 2 scoops ice cream
• Pitcher(jug)
• Bowl
• Fork
• Glass

1. pour the milk into the pitcher
2. carefully break the egg into the milk
3. peel the banana and mash it with a fork in the bowl
4. add the banana to the milk
5. add the ice cream
6. beat the mixture with the fork until it is smooth
7. pour the mixture into the glass
8. clean up the mess
9. drink your banana shake


Red onions,red chilies,garlic,snrimp
paste,tomatoes,rice,beef,celery,chicken,legs,cooking oil,flour,salt and pepper
First,steam the rice until it is cooked.Chop the red onions into very small pieces and
fry them together with the red chilies and garlic until the onions become partly
brown.Then add the sliced tomato and the shrimp paste
Add a little salt and pepper to the beef and put into the pan,stir it about four minutes
and then add the red chilies,the chopped celery and the finally yhe cooked rice.Stir it well
all time.Taste and see if more salt and pepper is needed.
Place a little salt over the chicken legs,turn them in flour and fry them until they are
golden brown.Take two eggs and make an omelet.Cut the omelet into slices and use these
together with the fried onions to put round the fried rice.Place the chicken legs on one
side of the dish,the vegetables on the other and the four fried eggs on the top
Your “fried rice”is ready to serve.


 Classifies / Describe something based on
systematic observation
 <mengklasifikasikan / mendiskripsikan sesuatu
berdasarkan analisis dan pengamatan secara
 The tenses usually use SIMPLE PRESENT<tenses
yang digunakan SIMPLE PRESENT>
 Biasanya informasi yang disampaikan apa
adanya,sesuai hasil pengamatan.
 Biasanya pendiskripsianya secara detail
 Have a main idea(mempunyai ide pokok/kalimat
utama untuk menyusun berbagai informasi)
 Text report biasanya terdapat di majalah,Koran,atau di
media informasi lainya seperti televise,radio,dll.


<General statement>Pernyataan
umum,pengenalan subyek yang
dilaporkan,biasanya disebut kalimat
topic/kalimat utama>

<Tahap pendiskripsian>
 To inform about something<untuk
menginformasikan sesuatu>
 To describe specificly about something<untuk
mendiskripsikan secara khusus tentang

Giraffes are tall interesting animals
Male giraffes are usually about six metres tall.half of the giraffes height
comes from its neck.which is longer than its legs.A giraffe has a brown
eyes which are protected by very thick lashes.since it lives in parts of
Afrika which usually dry with a great deal of dust .The lashes are an
important source of protection.It can also cover its nostrils in order to
protect its nose.It has brown spots on tan skin and this coloring helps
protect the giraffe.The giraffes also have to short horns on its head.Giraffes
usually live in small hard and often feed with other animals.A baby giraffe
is two meters tall at birth.It can stand up by itself within a few minutes and
can run well in about two days.Like the Camel,the giraffe can go a long
time without dringking water.One source of water is the leaves which the
giraffe eats from trees.Since it is so tall the giraffe can reach the tender
leaves at the top of a tree.Giraffes have two methods of self protection.Is
something frighten an adult giraffe,it can gallop away at about fifty
kilometers per hours orstay to fight with its strong legs.

Borobudur is a Hindu Buddhist temple.
Built in the 9 century under the sailendra dynasty of java,Indonesia.
Abandoned in the 11 th century and paetially excavated by archeologist in
the early 20 th century,burobudur temple is well known all over the
world.Influenced by the Gupta architecture of India,the temple is
constructed on a hill 46 m (150 feet) high and consist of eight step like
stone terraces,one of bell shaped stupas(Buddhist shrines).The entire edifice
is crowned by a large stupa at the center of the circle.they way to summit
extend through some 4,8 km of passages and stairways.the design of
borobudur,a temple mountain symbolizing the structure of the universe,the
influence temples built at Angkor,Cambodia.Borobudur,rededicated as an
Indonesia national monument in 1983,is an valuable treasure for Indonesian


Borobudur is a magnificent Buddhist temple in central java,Indonesia.

It was built,probably in the A.D 700’S AND 800’ budhist rulers named
sailendras 9king of the mountain).the temple of borobudur stands near the
city of is a popular tourist attraction.
The huge,square rises out of a plain.the temple has been built as a shell
enclosing a hill.borobudur has no interior and no is 155 feet (35
The structure consist of three spheres.the first kamadatu,the sphere of
passion.the second is rupadatu,the sphere of the visible world.the third is
arupadatu,the sphere of the invisible or metaphysical world.the spheres
represent the stages of human life through which Buddhists must go in
pursuing the perfect state


The statue of liberty is one of the first sight to welcome immigrants

arriving in the united states,national monument
Consist of two small island,liberty island and ellis island that lie in upper
new york bay.the statue of liberty IS LOCATED ON LIBERTY
ISLAND,ELLIS island was once the location where most immigrants
entered the united states
The statue of liberty is a monumental sculpture that symbolizes freedom
throughout the world.its normal name is liberty enlighteningthe world.the
statue depicts a woman escaping the chains of tyranny,which lie at her
feet.her right handhold a loft a burning torch that represent liberty.her left
hand hold a tablet inscribed with a date “JULI 4,1776 (IN ROMAN
NUMERALS),the day united states declared its independence.she is
wearing flowing robes and the seven rays of her spiked crown symbolize
the seven seas and continents
The statue of lberty is 46 m(151)feet high.its base and pedestal increase the
height of monument to93 m (305)feet.the surface of the statue is composed
of hammered copper sheets 2,4 mm (0,01) thick that are riveted to an iron
framework.the iron frame was devised by French engineer Alexander
Gustave Eiffel,who also built the Eiffel Tower in Paris.The statue rest upon
a concrete and granite pedestaldesigned by American architect Richard
morrid hunt.A star shaped wall surrounds the 47m(154)feet pedestal.this
wall was part of fort wood,which was built in the early 19 th century to
defend new york during the war of 1812(1812-1815)

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