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June 2016

The Southeastern Minnesota Synod Assembly was held in Rochester the first weekend in May. I,
along with our elected delegate, Jacob Ulland, attended this gathering of worship, business, and
learning. (See Jacobs summary of our time at assembly on page 4.) It was a weekend that sparked
a lot of thought and a lot of hope.
We heard one particular speaker who works for the Gulf Coast Synod. She is committed to coaching
churches, to helping communities of faith better understand their purpose. She said many things that
struck me but particularly this: What if we could be the church that got serious about sending people
out rather than trying to get people in? And this: Church is not the destination for the week its a
launch pad. Pushing people out, to be the church wherever they go, to bless the world with their
being. Huh. Makes you think, doesnt it?
What if we could be the church that got serious about sending people out rather than trying to get
people in? What if Red Oak Grove got serious about that? Youve heard me say this so many times
Im certain youre growing tired of it but church isnt about the numbers. Its not about the number
on our membership roll or the numbers in the budget. Sure, those things are connected and have
their place. But they are not the reason Red Oak Grove is here. Red Oak Grove is here to gather
and grow and then GO. Out. Into the world. To be church. To bless the world.
I believe more strongly than ever that our purpose the reason Red Oak Grove is here - is not to fill
the pews. In fact, our purpose isnt even here, in this building its outside our doors. Hear me say
that gathering in church is important. It is important because it launches us out to make disciples,
to be a blessing, to feed the hungry, and clothe the naked.
When all of our energy is focused on getting people in, we miss out on what Jesus calls us to do. If
church is our launch pad to go out, heres what I think might happen: Our faith will be contagious.
We will grow - maybe not in numbers but in vitality. In passion. In faith. People will be so intrigued
about being church in the world, about what were up to in the community, that they might come join
us in whatever ways we are serving the world around us.
These are hard things to think about, but like I said early on, I am filled with hope. Its super easy to
feel discouraged in the changing landscape of the church but there is hope. There is always hope.
This is Gods church. God continues to call us and gather us and send us out to be a blessing .
Pastor Lindsay

Red Oak Grove Council Meeting May 3, 2016

Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Gary Ulland. Highs and Lows were shared. Pastor Lindsay led
devotions with an article on Congregational groups and programs.
Pastors Report included that the Synod Assembly will be this weekend. Blessing of the quilts will be May 8th
and Pentecost is May 15th, reminder to wear red. Day Camp will have a theme of water. The Agape Singers
will again be here for a service on June 16th. Altar Guild will be meeting to arrange for a new member.
Thirteen visits were completed with 7 sharing communion.
The Secretarys Report was accepted as presented.
The Treasurers Report was accepted as presented, with these highlights, beginning balance $27,369.
Income was $6,790.50, expenses were $11,299.68 with an ending balance of $24,392.03. The Youth Fund
has a balance of $3,457.04 and the Improvement Fund has a balance of $7,024.54.
WELCA reported that the strawberries are done and the coffee maker has been fixed.
Deacons reported that May baskets were made with the help of Tammy and Holly. GIFT will have a final
event on May 4th with service project of yard clean-up and a picnic style supper.
Trustees reported that Jay Peterson has checked on the lights. Also discussed replacing bulbs with more
cost efficient ones.
Old Business: The floor in the education wing was discussed. This was tabled for now until further bids and
information are received. The Climate Control on the piano has been installed and Laura will work with the
Altar Guild to explain the upkeep.
New Business: Spring cleaning tasks were discussed and a plan was suggested for landscape
improvements. Clean-up will be on Wednesday, May 4th.
Camperships for eight Confirmation students have been taken care of.
Carolyn Zipse was given a farewell quilt and cards from the congregation. She will be missed.
A digital sign was discussed and the idea was dismissed.
A future idea for a fundraiser might be to have a garage sale when Blooming has the city wide sale.
Times for worship were brought up for discussion. Is there something wrong with the microphone system?
This will be reviewed.
Meeting was adjourned and closed with the Lords Prayer.
Next meeting will be June 3rd. May Eucharist Assistant is Jenny and Dean Peterson will assist in June.
Attending: Gary Ulland, Jacob Ulland, Jenny Ingvalson, Marilyn Helleck, Holly Ille, Anne Rudlong, Jamie
Hanson, Mike Hoffman, Pastor Lindsay and Laura Tjomsland.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Tjomsland

WELCA Minutes
The Red Oak Grove WELCA met on Wednesday, May 4, 2016 in the Fellowship Room. The meeting was
called to order by Co-President Joyce Peterson. She opened the meeting in the name of the Father, Son and
Holy Spirit. The group read the purpose together. There was no opening hymn. Virginia Davis shared a
Mothers Day reading for devotions. The Secretary and Treasurers Reports were given with no corrections.
They were approved and placed on file.
Committee Reports: Judy Wambeam reported Spring quilting has been completed after 6 weeks. Total 89
quilts were completed. A quilt was presented to Carolyn Zipse as she moved up north. Blessing of quilts will
be completed Sunday, May 8, 2016. Ardell reported Prairie Manor is under construction again in the dining
area. Next auxiliary meeting will be June 27th.
Unfinished Business: Humidifier for the grand piano has been purchased and installed. Will be paid for with
funds from undesignated memorial funds and music funds. Strawberry flyers to care centers are being sent.
We will have craft and bake sale. Raffle tickets are available for quilt. Give money to Lavonne and tickets in
box in office. A motion was made by Marilyn Helleck and seconded by Sue Hamersma to give each of the 10
campers going to Good Earth Village $60. Total $600. Still collecting for Marie Sandvik until the end of May.
Then Cindy will deliver all items collected. Coffee pot has been repaired for $351 by Mike Hoffman. New pot
information from First Lutheran was gotten to help with suggestions for new one. On hold for now.
New Business: Landscape Church yard clean up scheduled for Wednesday, May 4th. Pastor Lindsay gave
a report on ideas the Council discussed at monthly meeting on this work. Move day lilies, split hostas, pull out
dead shrubs, etc. Suggestion to WELCA to help with mulch and additional expense. Motion made by Doris
Draayer and seconded by Sue Hamersma to purchase mulch. Sandy Bjork from Berg Nursery came out to
look at the project and give suggestions. Yard work starting today, May 4th at 4 p.m. May ask Rachael Riley to
help with watering.
Marlys Peterson gave a report from the Zumbro River Conference held on Thursday, April 21, 2016 at Faith
Lutheran Church in Dodge Center. 135 in attendance and enjoyed a sit down dinner. A skit Not Your
Grandmas Circle was given. New officers were elected and installed. Speaker was Barry Mosier and spoke
on his Congo mission with his family.
Last item of discussion the education wing has received an estimate and the floor has asbestos and will cost
too much so placed on hold for now.
Offering was taken. Program was given by Ruth Circle. Marilyn Helleck read a poem Best Friend. The
poem said Jesus is our best friend. Pat Hanson read a poem For You Mother. Marlys Peterson had a
reading My Mothers Clothes. Also Be Kinder Than Necessary. Worship offering Dorothy Kruger read
trivia back in the 1800s and early 1900s. It was written by B. M Christianson.
Our next meeting will be Wednesday, June 1st at 1:30 p.m. Thank you to Ruth for program and Naomi for
brunch before the meeting at 9 a.m. Ruth will provide program and Hannah will hostess. Ushers were Judy
and Ardell. Thank you. Closed with the Lords Prayer. We had no birthdays in May.
Linda L. Christianson

Pastoral Acts: Wedding Emma Pittman and Stephen Basness

I recently attended the SE Minnesota Synod Assembly in Rochester with Pastor Lindsay.
This two day event was filled with worship, workshops, and fellowship, with our fellow
ELCA Congregations, Synod Leaders, and some insightful guest presenters.
I took away some valuable insights, and information about the changes and challenges that so many
churches face today. They also gave us valuable tools and resources to help navigate these changes
to help our ministry grow and meet the changing needs of those in our community. The landscape is
vastly different today, which provides us with many opportunities to set the table for success here at
Red Oak Grove.
I am grateful to the members of ROG for allowing me to attend this event, and I look forward to
sharing more information with all of you in the near future.
Jacob Ulland, Vice President
P.S. Pastor Luther Matheson sends his best wishes to our congregation and continues to keep us in
his prayers.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Day Camp will be held on one Wednesday of each month June 8 th, July 20th and August 17th. This
years theme is H20, the Bible, and You! Camp starts at 9 a.m. and goes until 4 p.m. Day
Camp is for children age 4 and older and friends can come too! Bring a sack lunch and a refillable
water bottle and wear comfy clothes. The cost is $20 per child and scholarships are available. Sign
up sheets are available in the narthex.
On June 9th we will gather at the VFW in Austin at 6 p.m. to pack meals for the hungry. Please
consider joining us in this evening of service. Call the office to sign up!
June 22nd Community Night at the Pizza Ranch in Austin. Our Confirmation Campers will be
working that night and welcome your tips. A percentage of the profit that night will go towards getting
them to camp. See the flyer on page six for more info!

The 75th Annual Strawberry Festival at Red Oak Grove will be held on June 14th from
4 to 7 p.m. Baked items are needed for the bake sale. Please bring your items prepackaged and priced. Plants and craft items are always welcome. Thank you.
Remember the Strawberry Festival Work Day is June 13th starting at 8:30 a.m.

Thank you to everyone who helped in any way in the making of our quilts. We completed 89 quilts.
Special thanks to Dorothy Kruger and Diana Magnuson for making quilts at home.

Judy Wambeam and Pat Hanson

Spring Clean-up in May was a giant success! Thanks to EVERYONE who came out to split hostas,
spread dirt, plant flowers, and prepare our building for a busy summer! Special thank yous go to:
Sandy Bjork for sharing her landscape suggestions; Suzanne Hamersma and Nancy Wesely for the
donation of flowers; Tom Harber for hauling and Marlys Peterson for donating needed dirt; Scott
Basness for use of his equipment; Travis Doocy for stopping the dandelion infestation; Girl Scouts
who planted the flowers by the front sign; Brent Ingvalson who picked up the mulch; Dorcas Circle for
the donation of plants and a trellis; everyone who brought tools and wheelbarrows and dedicated their
time to beautifying the outside!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Agape Singers, a group of high schoolers from western Minnesota, are returning to lead worship
at Red Oak Grove on Thursday, June 16th at 7pm. They lead worship with tons of energy in song,
action, Scripture, and faith stories. They were here two years ago and were so excited to have them
again! Join us for worship that evening you will walk away with a full heart and a spring in your
On a related note We need host homes for these young people and their chaperones. While
on tour, they rely on the kindness of the churches where they stop along the way. If you are willing to
host young people in your home the night of Thursday, June 16 th, heres what it would entail: Join us
for worship. After worship, the young people assigned to your house will leave with you. Furnish a
place for them to sleep. Supply breakfast in the morning, and return them to church to catch their
bus. Let Pastor Lindsay know if youre interested and how many young people you can host.
Contact PL with any questions as well!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have you liked Red Oak Grove on Facebook? Like our page to get information on upcoming
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