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bACHELOR OF ACCOUNTING | Fiqh for Economist II (econ 3511)

The Arabic word Islam simply means 'submission', and this derived
from the Arabic word which means 'peace'. By this, Islam means complete
submission to the will of Allah SWT. Thus, Islam is not just a mere religion
but a "deen" which means 'the way of life'. Allah SWT emphasized the
completeness of Islam in the His Quranic verse:

This day I have

perfected your religion for you, complete My blessing on you and approve
Islam as the way of life for you [Quran 5:3]. Islam came divinely from
God, Allah SWT. It is not theoretically made by human which is uncertain
and may change over time. Islam brought by Muhammad SAW is complete
and comprehends everything. Plus, Allah SWT is the One who created the
whole universe and everything else ever existed whether our eyes sees it
or not.
Islam is complete comprehends all aspects of life that it makes life a
well-balanced one that brings enlightenment and contentment. Having
religion makes one to belief and having belief helps individual and society
to direct all their vital activities towards construction and growth and also
blessings from God. When man unites his work with the Eternal Power, it
helps them to use their personality and potential in the right directions
and with no waste effort, man will accomplish a miraculous achievement.
In Islam, Muslims had Tawheed which makes a Muslims to believe in only
one God, Allah SWT, and no other God. Islam does not separate their
spiritual activities with those that is not spiritual. This is because Muslims
prime goal is to achieve Jannah, the highest level of heaven, and to
achieve this, man should did everything for Allah SWT. History had also
shown that Islam is different than other religions in its ability to provide
guidance for the entire range of human activities. Islam integrates all
domains of human life to bring happiness and peace to all its members.
Ummah is an important universal concept in Islam, when directly
translated means nation. Some religion may be limited to certain race,
colour or sex but not in Islam. Ummah are beyond all limitations implied
by the term 'nation'. Ummah could create universal peace. Strong Ummah
could be the foundation for civilization to take place. Such an Ummah can

be integrated and united, if its doctrines, constitutions, morals, values and

the whole perspective of life are derives from the same united source
which are for the only one and true Allah SWT. This is the concept of
Tawheed (Monotheism) stated earlier. Allah SWT had explained this great
principle in His verse (which means); Mankind was [of] one religion
[before their deviation] Then Allah sent the prophets as bringers of good
tidings and warners and sent down with them the Scripture in truth to
judge between the people concerning that in which they differed. And
none differed over it [i.e. Scripture] except those who were given it after
the clear proofs came to them out of jealous animosity among
themselves. And Allah guided those who believed to the truth concerning
that over which they had differed, by His permission. And Allah guides
whom He wills to a straight path. [Quran 2:213]
Prophet Muhammad SAW respects the rights of both Jews and
Christians in Madinah, thereby safeguarding their freedom and beliefs.
History had never known such rule that represented minorities as this rule
of Islamic state did. In Islam, we follow the Islamic Shariah. It is the rules
and guidelines which are extracted from al Quran, al Sunnah, al ijma,
Qiyas and other secondary sources. These are the rules from Allah SWT
and it includes the life in this world and also hereafter. Therefore, Muslims
always observe their akhlak.
Islam believes in the existence of God, Allah SWT, and belief that
the whole universe is created by Him and only Him without helps from
others. It is not accidental nor by chance. Allah SWT created this universe
and humans with a specific goal but this goal is not what Allah SWT need
to accomplish but us as His creations need to accomplish. In Quran Allah
SWT states that: Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He
decrees a matter, He only says to it, "Be," and it is. [Quran 2:117] Islam
is against Darwinism theory, where Darwinist believe that the universe
and humans are created by chance or by nature. They believe that human
race begins with ape that revolute till today makes Homo sapiens
(humans). Darwinism also based on materialism, where they believe only

what they see. They cannot see God, thus they do not believe in God as
the creator of everything. This is against Islam because though we could
not see Allah SWT, we believe by our hearts that God existed and He is
the one and only ultimate creator. To think again, how do we started to be
an ape? Why did ape today not revolute to human? Plus, that ape must
have had a creator for it to exist. Thus, the existence of God is certain and
Islam is true.
The effect of this comprehensiveness of Islam is shown in a Muslims
life because he will always remembers Allah SWT in his actions and
activities. He is connected with Allah in his relationships with others and
families, while he is eating, he is working, he is walking and every other
actions in his life. Islam evaluates all actions of ones life, regardless of
whether it is spiritual or not. Everything matters and will be written in our
book of deeds and be judge on the day of al-akhirah. Nothing will escape
Allahs SWT eyes, to be judged. Jannah is our goal and may Allah SWT
bless us all.

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