Japanese Conversation and Composition

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• Practical Japanese

: Conversation and Composition :

for Introductory Level Student Vol.1

*ilHi r~~;-f '5! f;:fllv '::'J '/1) - ;::(0)#1-:Ji=J'7':=':::L 7 !v--Z:To #1-:Jtl""7':=':::L

7 JH::J:, fJJff& 1, 2 0) 2 fffi;J~ G p:\(; IJ si. /) --C.t3 IJ, *~ ~::J:f)Jff& 1 0)~1-:Jt1 '7 ':=':::L 7/v -eTo

*~t::J:, 13 *~!t$:1§*0)~ 6lv7J~, ~n.:a.-f~ /) --Ct'2531:"t Q C' ~ f;:, ~~I;: ~--C v \ t::_ t: < =- c ~ § s'-] c L'i. L tt.;

1§-~C'$:1§lT Q j(~ ~fR:jf;~, j(~ ~j1nRT Q =- C' c\ -t.- O)~ C'fPJ~#EO);J~7J~ 5J-iJ~QJ: ?t;:fj:/)--Cltyj:To 'i.t::_, 13-~--ct±:l--C< 6~~t~L--C3bQO)"C', ~~!t7J~ 5J-iJ~Gftv'7J~G, j(~7J~1§l1~--Z:~ ftlt', c It\ '5 =- C' ;O~ftv'J: '5 f;:Jtli2.Lt L --Clt\"j:To * tc ; .:tn-t:";h,O) § ~j§0)!f,f1~~~"j:;Z, 13 *~~~1§T Q Il1jH;:, --::>'i. f~~Tv', b 7)' IJ f;: < It\~~ /' l- tjlj~m t. --C 3b IJ 'i.To

*~f::J:, ~n~~f~ -o td~J\~--C0)~~~f;:T2tj::-tt lv7J~, J-;.ft 6lvO) 13 *~j§#1§l O)-!lj] C' ft Q =- C ~W~ /) --C v \ j:_ To

20051f- 7 Yl *.mi*1-t*~cT


This book is a student manual of "Practical Japanese Conversation and Composition for Introductory Level Students Vol. 1" for English Speakers.

This manual helps you identify the important points from the text and then provides you with the translations of each key sentence pattern, example sentence, and explanations for them. Each new word is also translated and listed in the vocabulary list at the end of the unit. All such information can help you understand the text well when you use it.

We hope that this book will help your study of Japanese and the understanding of Japan.

June 2005 The Editors

* 8C"'% 0) 8R BJI

N : !b~1>J v : lbtl'iJ

* A:- ~t:ltfit

Uni t : I am Wan. <c- T ~.A l- 0).)7 -1 r-;I/

[page 18,19] <c- T~.A rO)~-/

(I am Wan.) <c- iR

N 1 f'iN 2 "'C-t : N 1 IS N 2 <c- £*X~O)iR

l'i : particle that shows subject <c- .i;§Hfr*O)~/~~~

How to use

* Explanation of a sign X~ : a sentence pattern

N : noun V : verb

i- A : i-adjective / na- A : na+ad jec t i ve

* Canst i tut i on

Unit: I am Wan. ~ Unit title on "the text book",

[page 18, 19] ~ Page number on "the text book".

<::st~ 1 > ! Sentence pat tern. (I am Wan .) <c- Translation


N 2 <c- Basic form (translation) f'i : particle that shows subject <c- Key words (translation/explanation)

§~ contents

Preface 3

How to use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4

Uni t l : I am Wan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6

Unit2:Here is a Japanese language school 12

Unit3:What time is it now? 16

Uni t4: I go to Hokkaido. . 19

Uni t5: I eat a meal. 24

Uni t6: Surruner is hot. . 28

Uni t Zt I like the sea 32

Unit8:There is Mr. Wan over there 36

Uni t9: I want a bag. . 40

Uni tIO: I am eating a meal. 43

Uni t l l : I eat breakfast, brush teeth and go to school. 46

Un i t l Zt Donrt smoke, please. . 49

Uni t.IxYou may sit here. .. 52

Unit14:I gave a present to Ms. Kim 55

Unit15:My hobby is playing football 60

Iln it lfi: I have seen Kabuki. . 64

Unit17:Let's meet in Shinjuku.


Unit18:There are clothes that my mother made 69

Un i t19: If it rains, I won' t go 73

Unit20:The window is closed 77

Uni t 1: I am Wan.


Nl Ii N2 '"C'T
1---- I- - -- ---
bt~L ~i 1]2/ IC'T (I am Wan.)

N 1 ~i N 2 '"C'T : N 1 is N 2.

Ii : particle that shows subject


N 1 ,1:1 N2 -c: li;b I) 'i it Iv
--- f-- ------- 1--------
bt~L fi iF'v\L.>?v\!v -c: ~i;b I) 'i it Iv (I am not an office worker.)

N lliN 2 C'li;lb () 'iit!v : N 1 is not N 2.

Nl 1:1 N2 c'T TP
1---- f-- ---- -- --
;lbft.t~ 1:1 ~At!:!v '"C'T TP (Are you Ms. Kim?)

~tp : [sentence] + i» indicates a question.


Nl b N2 C'T
1----- -- ---- --
::r-At!:1v b il~ < itv' -C:T (Ms. Kim is also a student.) b : also, too

(This is a pencil. ) (That is a chair.) (That is a window.)

.:. n : things near me -En : things near you

ibn : things far from both you and me


N l'i tC:n -CT tJ~
r---- t-- - -- -- r--
ib(!)7.pt:. l'i tC:n 'C'T tJ~ (Who i.s that person?) tC:n : who

[page 20,21] ·.:.n / -En / ibnl'i~'C'To <:>c~1>

-En It N 'C'T
--- - 1----- --
.:.n ;tlvlJ"'J
-En It J..'T 'C'T
ibn ~c' <:>c~2>

(What is this?) ti:.lv : what


-En It NI (!) N2 'C'T
I-- -- - --- -- -- --
.:.n It :}J;J.7 (!) Lflv 'C'T (This is a book on camera.)

N 1 (!)N 2 : N 2 on/about N l. (!) : on, about

..:en Ii fJ:./v (J) N C'-9 ip
1---- - f--- - 1--- -- r-
..:en I'd:: fJ:./v (J) fJ:/v C'T iJ, (What is that book about?)

[page 22,23] . =-n l..:en I ibnfi ~O) .. '''('To <)l:~ 1. >

..:en f'd:: Nl (J) N2 C'-;J-
r-- -- --- - 1---- --
=-n Ii txt: L (J) ~ tt1;\ C'T (This is my watch.)

N 1 0) N 2 : N l' s N 2.

N 1 : person (J) : ' s


..:en Ii Nl 0) C'T
--- -- --- -- ---
..:en fi bt:: L 0) C'T (That is mine.)

N 1 0) N 2 : In this case, you can omi t N 2.


Nl (J) N2

(Which is Mr. Wan's hat?) ~"n : which


f:(J) Nl Ii N2 0) -CT
1--- """-- f- - --- -- --
f:0) jJ).'7 l'i btcL (J) cOT
j;0) (This camera IS mine.) (That camera is mine.) (That camera is mine.)

= (J)N : this N

f:o)N : that N (things near you)

i\0o)N : that N'(th i ngs far from both of us)

f:(J) Nl ~i tc'n (J) -C:T 7J"
r--- 1---- f-- --- - -- I--
j;(7) tJ).=j fJ: tC:n (J) \.."T 7J" (Whose is that camera?) t::}(G(J) : whos e

**JT L ~ \ ~ ~ (new words) P17



a man from ~


way of mentioning nationality 7J"v \ L ~ V \ Iv (~t±~)

company employee

f:n ibn

f~1v (*)

Ii L 6tyi; L -c ~":> e

d:0 L< =t:;t.:>=f:

this (things near me) that(things near you) that (over there)


7J"1v = < (~ll~J) ibt,t.tc


-it !v{h \ (j'[;~) i':I~!v (13*) IJ: v \



the United States of America

book Nice to meet you. please please say hello to ~ Nice to meet you, too.

Mr., Ms.



P 18

iJ~<-itv\ ('¥~) ~~v\

iil¢:> :::'< (~OO)

student ~ years old China





p 19 5-1

~j:t~ -t? 7"7 :))v


L0nv 'c'TiJ~ (~tL c'TiJ~)


twenty years old

Brazil who

Excuse me

t3 < f=- (t300)

country(in polite expression)

< ~=- (00) c!::" -t? G Tlf'1·tUv '!b (J) iJ ~ tt: ( '!b (J) jJ)

that person(in polite way)

c!::"f,tt~ who (in polite way)

t3 L~' c!:: (t3i±*)



Excuse me

L~' c!:: (tt*) t3v'<0

job (in polite way) job, occupation how old

p 20

:t/v r.J0 (~fHJ) Ci) iJ~ tl


0<:t (f)l)

'* c!::" (~)



:tv'iJ~ (~@j) ts:.'0 L (~w) /~l--

T::'f A I"

C L J: (t¥~) :);::7_~A

pencil glasses chair desk window

camera movie

magazIne notebook text book dictionary juice green tea pen That's right.

{:") -CT -t?iJ~v\*T

~tv -t: v ,"(' /vb Ci~1IH~:~t)


!7 ;t)V F,"/"jJT c!::ftv' (B#~+)

p 21

f,t f=-/ t,t Iv (fij) '7-7

*17-1 l--*-F :::r"/!:::°;::7_-5~

t~f,t (tJlJl)

<': (~~B-) /-T'-{t3lviJ~< ({f~) L-1v_S:/V (~JT~) :t Ii'~' (~~fr)

Cc:,,") L-'\" (EliJJ*) /'<-1 ;J

mobile phone tea coffee towel handkerchief watch, clock

what tape white board

computer shelf ""' language CD


news paper English



*-;v""""::"/ bali-point pen Y''"\' -7'''''''''::"//)v mechanical pencil

bag that (over there) radio this (things near me) that(things near you)

(~~-1-) hat, cap



P 22 ip~i'/v '!b(J) 7/;j-


P 23

~c'li:. c*r§")

It L ziL; m~ L :::fA) L ~lf (~~)


schedule book

pen case eraser


jOn.iJ~ 1; \ L :t -t (jOW~1; \ L :t -1") please

c" < L J: (~ii)
-t1;\;t1;\ (7kilk)
~2:~') (myJ:'j() /-\ V~:¥~!J...l::0/~/

~ J:: 5 ~ (*4JJI!) 1:::"7/



-1 /~--*y r- 2: JuLt (~*)

P 24

tf_'l;\iJ~< (*$) < ') .: 5 (@~) ib0)5


0* (~)

tr-t 'd) (P~)

football reading books sport swimming baseball volleyball ping pong cooking piano karaoke

game internet walk

university airport Excuse me welcome wife daughter

Uni t 11: 1 eat breakfast, brush teeth and go to schoo I.

VI -c (t e-f'orm) , V 2 -c (te-form) • V3
-------- r----.----- --------
/-\'lJ-~ iblf-C , L-/v£lv~ J:1v-C:, ::z-l::::-~ O)17-*T (I take a shower. and read a newspaper. and then drink a coffee.) V 1, V 2 : action in sequence (t e-f'orm)

V 3 : final action in sequence (masu-form)

[page 99] . ~-C < t: 2: l \0


V-C (te-form)


< T it) ~ (J) Iv -r: < r: 2: 'v \

(Please take medicine.) V-c+<t-{'2:l\:Please V.

V -c : request (t e--form)


N Vi Al A2
N1 N2
1----- - 1------- -----
~J,..2:1v f'i ~2:L-<-C, ~;h,'v\-C'T
iplv::'" < CIv-C:, 212:l\-C:T (Ms. Kim is kind and beautiful.)

(Ms. Kim is a Korean and 21 years old.) A l/N 1 and A2/N2

Only Al /N 1 will be changed;

'v\m?£¥~OJ (i- A) : ~2: L-l\-c:'T----;~2: L<-C

ftTr;;?£¥~OJ (na- A) /~gOJ (N) : Llv-tt-"')C'T----; Llv-tt-'J-C:'/ 7)'·lv:" < Clv-c:T----;jplv::. < Clv-c

Al A2
Nl N2
r-;---- ~ -':J < -t: r-bVP1i - r-----;-
l,t -':J Ii 6Uv\-CT
:: f::> ~ Ii f::> f::> -r: , ib '/? ~ Ii ;})C-CT (Summer is hot, but winter is cold.)

(This is my father, and that is my uncle.)

A 1/ A 2, N 1/ N 2 : two topics in comparison or opposition


VI -C(te-form) iJ""~ V2
1------- 1--- ---
li~ Jj.iJ~v vr iJ~ i? tJ.:t-t (I sleep after brushing teeth.) V 1 -c + iJ"i? : after V 1 VI: the first action

V 2 : the second action

[page 103] . ~ let. iJ~ G,


V 1 (masu-f'crm) It;6) ~ V2
-------- --- ---------
=:'Ii/V~ i: .rZ It;6~ i? lift L:t T
1 .. ::Jl./v-C fit:: ~ ~ .rZ/v~ 1: OJ L-Cv\:t-t (I talk while eating a meal.)

(I am studying while working in Japan.)

V 1 (masu-f'orm) + ft;6~ G V 2 : while V 1, V 2 (at the same time)

*~.IT L ~ \§ ~ (new words) p 97

Vi Cliff) htJ~ 6;:t-t

Tb~;:tT (~IQ;:t-t)

teeth brush sit

p 98

/ "f 17 ~ shower &jV;:tT CfitV;:t-t) takeCa shower)

tb 61;\;:t-t (1%v\;:t-t) wash

:/3 :¥/,;lL;:t-t jog

;)3b6 (;)3)!l§) bath

P 99

cb-'J;:tIQ;:t-t (1t;:t~;:t-t) It,*:t (:1; M)


(=r~ r.-8::)tJ>tt;:tThang up lPL;:t-t (WL;:t-t)

e:"? t

-c -'Jt~'1; \;:t -t (Cf:{~v \;:t-t)



hii-;:t-t (~ii-;:t-t)

gather name coat (a coat) lend thanks help slowly any show

P 100

f:::_ < (~) J-tv\

IQ <> filt (:iz:/frVt)

excellent, magnificient

;:t 1"1; \

() L 6 (J::13)

? -'J < L1; \ (~L v \) tJ>n (1Ez)



tasteless landscape beautiful


P 101

t~'1; \::=. Iv (.:kt&J Chinese radish

::kl L uncle

tJ>1f-s -'? (~JO barley tea

?-o/''G-'\=> (?~o/'1fi:)

oolong tea

a graduation ceremony

:t eh, I beg your pardon.

l:l 6 Look., See.

1'i1;\ L-'? (t@~%) :t 2" '*:t C\fiR §in


in front of station V J:. :) 1; \ Iv (~$PJG) beauty par lor

P 102

t::_ v \f: :) L;:t -9 (f2$:1* L ;:t T)

e:"? VJ J: ') (~f~) l'i VJ ;:t-t

6 --::>.b (-11]14) #5/'

exercise colleague put ticket button

::klL;:t-t (t'tlL;:t-t) push

::::J /,-l;T- l- concert

ii-Iv::=. 5 L*T (~~L*-t)

major in

1)1;\7.:.1;\ (ff,£~) management

itlvtlv:6~--::>::=' ') (~~~'¥R)

vocational school

P 103

< 'G~7.:. (Q/E~n b~*-t (1lk~;:tT) l'i It ') t= (.~)

L ~ lvV (~1Iifj)

t!' CF-l)


7.:. t;:::;:t Ii) (tt5'J

6 1;\::=' 5 It (:i:;fiJlt) IcC""":::

whistle whistle (verb) humming prepare day beer green soybean best


P 104

6 < G (f~) T"f-r,/ ~";h,<61;\


tblvf,t1;\L;:t-t (~pqL;:t-t)


cherry blossom

fried rice

how long place guide but

fJ]*J!dJ~~J:::J&'i-CO)-~YV-;( Vol. 1 Practical Japanese Conversation and Composition for Introductory Level Student Vol. 1 ~t£?! l::t~N.=' ~~m~ =.l 7)l.- i:JJff&l (~~i:i:~&)

*j~ J£:fTffl

I~ *~~W£Wt!xH~JB~ ~ ~ i*~~t± ~F~t®:Wi±lJl.&

T 161-0033 -*R:'im~:@IRT?tif 3-21-1 TEL 03-3565-3071 FAX 03-3565-3441 }~7~ 00170-7-35760

FjJftj;1j '!lW* ljj:X1'±

ISBN4-88324-406-7 C0081

2005 ©

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