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Teacher: Nria Hernndez

Student: Marta Rodrguez Caamares

Posgrate in English as a Third Language - UIC

Facultat dEducaci
Pg in English as L3
Skype Project

Skype Project self-assessment grid

Date and session number #

07/04 (SESSION 1) 44 min 57s



New vocabulary learnt

In this conversation I use the essential

vocabulary that I have. We dont learn
any new word.

Cultural aspects which have arisen

We talk about our hobbies, where we

live, age, family, basic information about

Language use:
- Resources I used (dictionary, other)
- Have I adopted grammatical
structures used by my interlocutor?
- Pronunciation (words and patterns):
have I tried to imitate my
interlocutors pronunciation patterns?
- New vocabulary and structures learnt
recently: Have I consciously used
new vocabulary or structures?
Have I enjoyed the session?
What worked? What didnt work?
Am I satisfied with my performance
and level of engagement? And with
my partners?
- What learning strategies have I
used? (Provide evidence)
- Has my partner used any learning
strategies that I would like to adopt?
(Provide evidence)
Observations about my partner:

Is my partner engaged in the

Project? In what ways?
- Is my partner making progress?
- Does my partner ask me languagerelated questions?
- -Have I applied any teaching
strategies to help my partner?

We didnt use a dictionary because It

was the first meeting. I didnt use
specific vocabulary. She is fluent in
Spanish and I try do it the same in

I enjoy the lesson a lot, because Now I

have an English Speaker Friend and I
can improve my English and we talk in a
In this session I used social-affective
dimension because I speak with other
person In the target language. I interact
with Sophie by Skype.
In this first meeting. I was talking
during all the conversation. I see my
new friend, a bit embarrassed. She was
younger than me and it was the first
meeting with a foreign person for her.
Not for me. In this first meeting I didnt
see the progress of my partner. I make
some gestures when I talk I think it
helps to my partner.
In this conversation I feel comfortable.
In my opinion, We could make another
free session about introduce ourselves
to meet us better.

Facultat dEducaci
Pg in English as L3
Skype Project

Date and session number #

14/04 (SESSION 2) 46 min32 s



New vocabulary learnt

In this session I use some specific words

about we learnt in this postgrade. For
example, target language, lingua franca,
multilingualism, bilingualism, etc.
We talk about benefits about learn
languages at the same time in school.
More than one. In America society it
doesnt exist much opportunities for
learning a L2 or a L3. Im conscious that
I have some mistakes in my structures
when Im talking about some tenses
(future, past and present). There are
few schools with a bilingualism schools.

Cultural aspects which have arisen

Language use:
- Resources used (dictionary, other)
- Have I adopted grammatical
structures used by my interlocutor?
- Pronunciation (words and patterns):
have I tried to imitate my
interlocutors pronunciation patterns?
- New vocabulary and structures learnt
recently: Have I consciously used
new vocabulary or structures?
Have I enjoyed the session?
What worked? What didnt work?
Am I satisfied with my performance
and level of engagement? And with
my partners?
- What learning strategies have I
used? (Provide evidence)
- Has my partner used any learning
strategies that I would like to adopt?
(Provide evidence)
Observations about my partner:

Is my partner engaged in the

Project? In what ways?
- Is my partner making progress?
- Does my partner ask me languagerelated questions?
- -Have I applied any teaching
strategies to help my partner?

First of all, I read the text by Ofelia to

prepare some questions to my partner. I
didnt use a dictionary. I was more
comfortable with the pronunciation of
my partner. She speaks slowly and I
understand better. The American accent
is easily to understand, more than the
British and Irish accent.
I enjoyed the session because I can
explain some important points about
learning languages. I have to see the
clock for changing our speaking in the
other language. Know my partner feels
more comfortable speaking Spanish with
me. We introduce some experiences in
our meeting for this reason, we use the
metacognitive and Cognitive learning
My partner is engaged with the project
because she reads all the text about
Ofelia. So the conversation is more
fluent. We can explain same points of

Today I start speaking in English and

later in Spanish.

Facultat dEducaci
Pg in English as L3
Skype Project

Date and session number #

20/ 04 (SESSION 3) 26 min



New vocabulary learnt

In this conversation I use the essential

vocabulary that I have. We dont learn
any new word. We practice the
- We talk about the languages in our
country and town.
- Definitions about multilingualism and
- She explains the bilingualism
situation in her country.
- American people has got a problem,
they talk English and Knows a L2 but
they dont need it for
communication. English is around
the world and it is a lingua franca.
- Languages are useful in our social

Cultural aspects which have arisen

Language use:
- Resources used (dictionary, other)
- Have I adopted grammatical
structures used by my interlocutor?
- Pronunciation (words and patterns):
have I tried to imitate my
interlocutors pronunciation patterns?
- New vocabulary and structures learnt
recently: Have I consciously used
new vocabulary or structures?
Have I enjoyed the session?
What worked? What didnt work?
Am I satisfied with my performance
and level of engagement? And with
my partners?
- What learning strategies have I
used? (Provide evidence)
- Has my partner used any learning
strategies that I would like to adopt?
(Provide evidence)
Observations about my partner:

Is my partner engaged in the

Project? In what ways?
Is my partner making progress?
Does my partner ask me languagerelated questions?
-Have I applied any teaching
strategies to help my partner?

She uses the dictionary when she want

to say some word in Spanish. She use
the wordreference edition from the
mobile phone. I try to use the same
intonation as my partner. It is earlier to
use some new vocabulary in a
consciously way.

I enjoy the session, but less than the

others because We have to phone some
times and we waste time waiting for the
problems of the connexion. I use some
Metacognitive and social-Effective

Sophie is engaged with the project

because she explain me some examples.
She talk me about her friend experience.
She talk English with her father and
Spanish with her mother. When she
couldnt understand some word I say to
her that she could explain me in her
mother tongue. She was interest in my
town and village and we link the same
things about languages.

Facultat dEducaci
Pg in English as L3
Skype Project


This session we do very quickly because

we have lots of problems with the
connexion. She stays in the park of the
university, maybe is the reason about
why the signal of Wi-Fi didnt arrive and
it didnt work. Today I start speaking in
Spanish and later in English.

Facultat dEducaci
Pg in English as L3
Skype Project

Date and session number #

11/05 (SESSION 4) 47 min 37s



New vocabulary learnt

In this conversation I use some

vocabulary and words from the video
which we have seen.

Cultural aspects which have arisen

We talk about tourism. The topic of the

video. The massive people who comes
from some parts of the world and visit
Barcelona (Souvenirs shops). A little bit
of history of our city Barcelona. The
negative point of view about tourism in
Barcelona. We talk about the relation
with other countries and cities. The
neighbourhood of Ramblas and Born.
The most important architecture of
Barcelona. Antoni Gaud the author of it
(Sagrada Famia and Park Guell). The
crisis and society situation. And
problems of neighbours who lives in this
area of the city.
The tourism part of Massachusetts,
history and reasons.

Language use:
- Resources used (dictionary, other)
- Have I adopted grammatical
structures used by my interlocutor?
- Pronunciation (words and patterns):
have I tried to imitate my
interlocutors pronunciation patterns?
- New vocabulary and structures learnt
recently: Have I consciously used
new vocabulary or structures?
Have I enjoyed the session?
What worked? What didnt work?
Am I satisfied with my performance
and level of engagement? And with
my partners?
- What learning strategies have I
used? (Provide evidence)
- Has my partner used any learning
strategies that I would like to adopt?
(Provide evidence)
Observations about my partner:

Is my partner engaged in the

Project? In what ways?
Is my partner making progress?
Does my partner ask me languagerelated questions?
-Have I applied any teaching

I didnt use a dictionary. I use some

gestures, I ask some questions when I
dont understand something because I
sometimes she speaks fast. I need more
vocabulary to talk about more specific
feelings. I couldnt imitate interlocutors
pronunciation. I couldnt think about
what I want to say in my mother
I enjoy the session because I never seen
this documentary of Barcelona. It gets
interested of me. It is very interesting.
And it is the perfect topic to talk with
our language partner. I have used
cognitive strategies when we are talking
about the summary of the tourism

If Sophie doesnt understand any word I

explain her in English. Then she gives
me another example in her mother
tongue. I think she is making progress
because it feels happy when we talk
together. I could see the motivation of
her likes me. I have to start the
conversation of meeting. She makes me

Facultat dEducaci
Pg in English as L3
Skype Project

strategies to help my partner?


some language question but she doesnt

know about learning strategies.
Today I start speaking in English and
later in Spanish.

Facultat dEducaci
Pg in English as L3
Skype Project

Date and session number #

18/ 5 (SESSION 5) 57 min and 6 s



New vocabulary learnt

Coyote (person who gives you some

illegal papers because you dont have
the nationality and this country. Coyote
helps you enter to this country).
- The actual economic crisis.
- Problems about immigration and
- Donald Triumph the republic site
(elections in November). He wants to
build a wall.
- The problems of the important
values of live.
- Freedom/rights/access of the
government/citizens/help each other.
- Mexican immigration.
- Syrian and Europe conflict.
- Terrorism.

Cultural aspects which have arisen

Language use:
- Resources used (dictionary, other)
- Have I adopted grammatical
structures used by my interlocutor?
- Pronunciation (words and patterns):
have I tried to imitate my
interlocutors pronunciation patterns?
- New vocabulary and structures learnt
recently: Have I consciously used
new vocabulary or structures?
Have I enjoyed the session?
What worked? What didnt work?
Am I satisfied with my performance
and level of engagement? And with
my partners?
- What learning strategies have I
used? (Provide evidence)
- Has my partner used any learning
strategies that I would like to adopt?
(Provide evidence)
Observations about my partner:

Is my partner engaged in the

Project? In what ways?
- Is my partner making progress?
- Does my partner ask me languagerelated questions?
- -Have I applied any teaching
strategies to help my partner?

I didnt use a dictionary. I use

sometimes grammar reference like
Sophie. I couldnt imitate interlocutors
pronunciation. I couldnt think about
what I want to say in my mother
tongue. I didnt have more vocabulary of
this specific topic.

I didnt enjoy this session because it is

the same topic which appears of news
and I didnt like to talk about it. She
helps me because I had a headache. I
feel more comfortable if we talk about
free topic.

She is engaged in this project but she

doesnt prepared some questions for
me. She doesnt have to make a project
about all the sessions. I feel more
exhausted when we talk because I have
to write and summaries the most
important thing of conversations.
Today I start speaking in English and
later in Spanish.

Facultat dEducaci
Pg in English as L3
Skype Project

Date and session number #

25/05 (SESSION 6) 1h 15min 55s



New vocabulary learnt

Smoothie, Ballroom dancing, Jitterbug

(a dance like quickstep). Counsellor,
closet, wardrobe, drawer, my fianc,
pole vault and high jumping.

Cultural aspects which have arisen

Language use:
- Resources used (dictionary, other)
- Have I adopted grammatical
structures used by my interlocutor?
- Pronunciation (words and patterns):
have I tried to imitate my
interlocutors pronunciation patterns?
- New vocabulary and structures learnt
recently: Have I consciously used
new vocabulary or structures?
Have I enjoyed the session?
What worked? What didnt work?
Am I satisfied with my performance
and level of engagement? And with
my partners?
- What learning strategies have I
used? (Provide evidence)
- Has my partner used any learning
strategies that I would like to adopt?
(Provide evidence)
Observations about my partner:

Is my partner engaged in the

Project? In what ways?
- Is my partner making progress?
- Does my partner ask me languagerelated questions?
- -Have I applied any teaching
strategies to help my partner?

Hobbies (cooking and athletics).

Education in America, differences.
Study at University.
Personal live.

I didnt use a dictionary. I use

sometimes grammar reference like
Sophie. I couldnt imitate interlocutors
pronunciation. I couldnt think about
what I want to say in my mother

It is the best day about the project. Now

I know more my friend and I can explain
more things about my daily life. I use
some gestures, translating in her
language. We enjoy more because we
talk about our personal things. We have
got more trust and confidence. The most
strategy I used was social-affective
because we are communicating every
She is engaged in this project but she
doesnt prepared some questions for
me. She doesnt have to make a project
about all the sessions. Today I feel
better than the first day because we are
talking about free topics. We use new
technologies as a strategy. The
whattsapp application is perfect to
develop the writing and reading ability.
I couldnt see her by the camera
because it doesnt work.
Today I start speaking in Spanish and
later in English. We decide continue with
the Skype session every week if we have
time and try to be a penpal friends too
(writing letters to practice the

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