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Article: (20th March 2014) Domestic Violence

Every one out of three women on this planet is bound to be subjected to a certain
kind of gender based violence, be it domestic abuse, rape, genocide, female
infanticide, honor based killing or acid-throwing. Since the inception of human
beings, women have been considered somewhat inferior by most men, as well as
some pathetically disoriented women. Equality, justice, peace not on the basis
of gender is unheard of, and the most upsetting fact is that most women chose to
remain silent on this issue, lest the society holds them in its bad books.
Before hitting his wife, a husband never thinks of his mothers, sisters or daughters.
He is in a fit of fury and justifies everything he further foes under the same label.
Being a well-aware, anti-chauvinism young adult I chose to condemn it with all the
vigor that it requires irrespective of what others will be commenting on my act of
rebellion. I chose to not be tamed by the societys unethical norms.
Especially in South Asian, North and Central African, Arabian as well as the Western
countries, violence against women has been noticed on a high rate. Violence
against women or abuse on the basis of gender has taken many manifestations,
domestic violence being the most popular kind.
Domestic violence, by every definition of the phrase implies immorality, injustice,
cruelty and sheer ignorance. It is the patriarch of the household beating the hell out
of his wife only because he can and she cant. It may be verbal; it may be emotional
or even financial. Whatever form you chose to emphasize, it is wrong. It diminishes
all the self respect, confidence and pride of a woman. She feels vulnerable and is
unable to speak for herself, she is astounded over what has happened to her and
slowly she ebbs away.
A man beats his wife in front of his children, which results in his wife losing all
respect in front of her daughters and sons and the presentation of an act of utter
cruelty, justified in front of the sons who will later on continue to hit their wives and
wreck havoc. One slap disrupts the marital peace for generations.
The fact that bothers me the most is that aware of all the consequences and the
results the society and the establishment chose to stay silent on such issues and
regard them as trivial or usual.
79-82% of all Pakistani women are bound to be abused sexually, emotionally,
financially, verbally or physically irrespective of their social upstanding by the man
of the house and the sole reason being the overwhelming masculinity in a man and
his desire to prove it. Raising his hand on a woman, he thinks he has removed all
doubts about his manliness but believe me it has only created more.

All religions, beliefs, motives, none of them justify domestic violence. No man has a
right to beat his wife, no in-laws have a right to burn their daughter-in-law, and no
sister-in-law has a right to hurl abuses at his brothers wife for no reason. These
things are sadly very common in the society we try so hard to please. Stove
burning, marital rape, financial backstabbing are all various forms of domestic
It is time that we as a nation, as a people, as the humankind stand up against such
acts of brutality and bring about the necessary change in this world.
A feminist once said:
The word mankind bothers me a lot; it implies that only a man shall have a right
to exist on this planet. (Hence the male dominated world). But I think otherwise.
Everyone irrespective of her/his gender, caste, creed, race or color has a right to
live in peace, with dignity.
And I cant agree more to the statement. If a woman is a victim of domestic violence
once, its the mans fault but if this happens twice, its her own fault. Women need
to realize their importance and claim their rightful status and right to self respect
and integrity and they should allow no one to violate that.

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