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International Child Care

International Director Progress Report

Reporting Period: Month 2: February 25 – March 31,


Key Activities and Results by Functional Area:

The following summarizes the main activities and key results achieved this month for each of the
3 agreed upon areas of focus. Again, I have intentionally distinguished between activities and
results given that the two are different. Activities are simply the means to the ends. And it is the
“ends”/results that really count.

I. Post Earthquake Relief, Recovery, and Reconstruction:

Key Activities:

• One trip to Haiti and the Dominican Republic (March 24 – April 3).
• Participated in conference calls of the Capital Campaign committee.
• National TV morning show interview in Canada relative to emerging NHL and NHL
Players Association/World Vision Canada collaboration in support of the rebuilding of
• Prepared draft recommendations for Board leadership relative to steps necessary for
operationalizing the R&R office including 1-year budget, cashflow and accountability
• Recruited small staff team for the R and R office in PAP
• Staff team and R&R office functional as of March 15
• Purchased equipment, supplies and furniture for the R&R office
• Held a 2-day participative planning workshop for the “new GCH” with GCH staff in
Haiti (March 15 and 16 facilitated by R&R team)
• Held a 2-day follow up GCH planning workshop including GCH/ICC Haiti staff along
with Jeannine Hatt, Ellen Palmer and Ray Aller (March 26 and 27 facilitated by the R&R
• Held a participative brainstorming session with ICC staff and victims of the earthquake in
order to arrive at a clearer understanding of the focus and components of our relief
response. (March 31 faciliated by R&R staff)


• ICC’s new Relief and Reconstruction office becomes functional March 15

• Two 2-day planning workshops successfully conducted that produced a much clearer
description of our vision for the new GCH (see workshop report)
• Consensus reached about the 4 groups of beneficiaries and the core activities to be funded
and undertaken as part of ICC’s overall comprehensive emergency relief response.

International Director Monthly Progress Report 1

Month 2: February 25 – March 31, 2010
• Application completed for submission to the International Humanitarian Assistance
branch of CIDA (Canadian Govt) requesting $257,000 in matching funds for our relief
• Two grants submitted to UMCOR for funds in support of ICC’s emergency relief: 1)
US$99,000 for staff salary support at GCH to make up for lost income from patient fees,
2) US$85,000 in support of start up and 6-month operation of the new R&R office (joint
effort between R&R office, ICC Haiti and ICC USA)
• New, emerging partnerships: World Vision Canada, NHL/NHLPA,

II. Management Support and Capacity Strengthening – ICC Haiti

Work with the ICC Management Staff in Haiti in order to:

Key Activities:

• Meetings with senior management in Haiti during the trip there

• Tracking of the senior team’s function in Haiti with particular focus on engaging local
staff in strategic thinking/planning relative to both the “new GCH” as well as the relief
• Staff planning workshops as described above.


• A broader number of ICC staff in Haiti enthusiastically embrace participation in

strategic planning for the future – achieving a sense of “local ownership” and
investment in the process of shaping our collective future
• Strong collaborative bridges established between the new R and R office/staff and
local ICC Haiti staff.
• Good interchange and north-south collaboration in the visioning/planning process for
the new GCH.

III. Board Rebuilding - ICC Haiti

Key Activities:

• Met with Dr. Elie Nicolas as well as Pastor Gestner Paul – head of the Methodist
Church of Haiti in order to explore ways to strengthen the link again between ICC
and the Methodist Church as well as their potential involvement as advisors pending
creation of a new Board.
• Meeting held with the FCID D.R. Board – March 25 in Santiago – to brief them on
the ICC Haiti Board situation; appointment and role of the ID as well as learn from
them more about the FCID board makeup, function and issues of concern


• A list of potential candidates/members has started to be developed for our advisory

committee and ultimately our new Board in Haiti

International Director Monthly Progress Report 2

Month 2: February 25 – March 31, 2010
• Re-established communication with Methodist Church leadership in Haiti. Pastor Paul
expressed his full support and willingness to assist with identifying candidates for
advisory members and ultimately members of the new ICC Haiti Board once constituted.
• FCID Board members in the D.R. gained a clearer understanding of what happended with
the Haiti board.
• I gained a better appreciation for the makeup, function and needs of the FCID Board


The major focus of my attention shifted away from resolving the Haiti Board crisis to that of
strategic planning for the new GCH as well as clarififying the various components of ICC”s post
quake relief response. Absolutely essential for achieving this has been managing to get the new
R&R office successfully up and off the ground.

This required considerable effort on the part of many. It also required some important Board
decisions relative to policy, accountability and collaboration between the national and the
international levels in the organization. I am deeply grateful for the support of a great many staff
and Board leadership around the organization. I would like to particularly express appreciation to
Dr. Magloire and his staff for their enthusiastic support and assistance in getting the R&R office
functional just as quickly as possible and then working closely with us in undertaking a
significant amount of creative and important planning for the future.

The R&R team hit the ground running with little time to waste in trying to move just as quickly
as possible to begin producing trangible results. We convered a significant amount of ground.
Our efforts are, I believe, already starting to pay off. Some exciting though challenging days lie

Respectfully submitted: Dr. John Yates – International Director

International Director Monthly Progress Report 3

Month 2: February 25 – March 31, 2010

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