HSC English Revision

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Do As Directed
1. We planted flowering bushes. (Rewrite beginning with ‘Flowering bushes…’)
2. This time, they bloomed. (Add a questing tag)
3. The doctor said, “I have given an injection and it will make you sleep”(Change into indirect
4. It is the biggest review of the planet’s life support system. (Change to the Comparative
5. More ominously, the assessment team warns that the ability of Earth’s ecosystem to sustain
future generations can no longer be taken for granted. (Rewrite using the Noun Form of the
underlined word.)
6. What is the best way to do it? (Rewrite using the gerund form of the underlined infinitive.)
7. The Taj will be washed clean with salt – free water. (Rewrite using a modal auxiliary
showing ‘obligation’.)
8. Multani mitti takes its name from a place in Pakistan. (Rewrite using the Present perfect
9. You’ll never know unless you try. (Rewrite using ‘if’)
10. “Father,” he said, “Tell me honestly. Do you think I can ever be a doctor?”
(Rewrite in indirect speech.)
11. How could he give a flat ‘no’ to a boy like Dave? (Rewrite as an assertive
12. She was the softest member of the team. (Change to the positive degree)
13. He could do anything he set his mind to. (Rewrite as a negative sentence)
14. He was unable to see their rueful headshakes. (Rewrite using ‘could’)
15. Why not settle for something more within your capabilities? (Rewrite as an
assertive sentence)
16. I’d see you and run to get in your path. (Rewrite using ‘used to’)
17. He’d need a massive home library. (Add a question tag.)
18. “I can see like an eagle,” said the senior student, griping his shoulder. (Rewrite
in indirect speech)
19. Pixar is the world’s most successful animation studio. (Change to the positive
20. I turn my face to the sun. (Write another sentence using the underlined word as
21. We must empower our children. (Add a question tag.)
22. How painful it is!(Rewrite as an assertive sentence)
23. Isn’t this painting beautiful? (Rewrite as an assertive sentence)
24. They heard the loud clap of thunder. They ran into the bedroom. (Combine
using ‘no sooner’)
1. What according to the writer, was the simple precept?
2. What did the writer learn from his father’s reply of not having a house of their own?
3. What was the need of the ritual of reading “The Statesman”?
4. What idea of the writer’s family do you get from the extract?
5. Do you agree with the writer’s father’s lesson about showing consideration for others?
Our day used to start with the family huddling around my mother’s chulha, an earthen
fireplace she would build at each place of posting, and where she would cook for the
family. There was no gas, no electric stoves. The morning routine started with tea. As the
brew was seved, Father would ask us to read aloud the editorial page of the Statesman’s
‘mofussil’ edition, delivered one day late. We did not understand much of what we were
reading. But the ritual was meant for us to know that the world was larger than Koraput
district, and the English I speak today, despite having studied in an Oriya medium school,
has to do with that routine. After reading the newspaper aloud, we were told to fold it
neatly. Father taught us a simple lesson. He used to say, “You should leave your newspaper
and your toilet the way you expect to find it” That lesson was about showing consideration
to others. Business begins and ends with that simple precept. We did not have a house of
our own and would occasionally ask Father when, like others, we would live in our own
house. He would give a reply. “We do not need a house of our own. I already own five
houses.” He replies did not gladden our hearts at the time. Nonetheless, we learnt that it is
important not to measure personal success and a sense of well being through material
1. Write a letter to your local MLA suggesting that a bus stop be set up just outside your college for the
convenience of college – going students.
Sub:- Need for a bus stop, outside The General College, Mahim.
It is high time we had a separate bus stop outside our college gates. It is very inconvenient for us to have to walk all the way
to Roshan Petrol Pump in order to board a bus. Students who wish to travel to and from Nandigram have to walk all the way
to Shivani Cowk in order to catch the bus. And the irony is that all the buses pass right in front of our gates.
The situation is even worse during the rainy season, when the drainage near the Roshan Petrol Pump over flows and we are
not able to reach the bus stop due to flooding.
We hope that you will consider the problem in all seriousness and do something immediately to solve our problems. But the
next monsoon, we hope to have our own The General College bus stop.
2. You have lost your original SSC certificate. Write an application to the Divisional Secretary of the sSC
Board, requesting him to issue you a duplicate copy of the certificate.
Sub: - Application for a duplicate copy of SSC certificate.
I had appeared for the SSC Examination from The General School, Mahim in the Year 2006 -07. I was issued the
SSC Certificate from the School on July 24. But now I find that I have either misplaced it or lost it. I have searched high and
low for it, but am unable to trace it. As a result, I find extremely difficult in appearing for my further studies.
Detailed regarding the examination certificates are as follows: -
Name XYZ
Seat No. A – 000000
Centre 000 (Dadar)
Year of passing March, 2007
School The General High School, Mahim (E), Mumbai – 400
Kindly issue me a duplicate copy of the certificate at your earliest. I will pay the necessary charges for it. If you do
the needful then I shall be very much thankful to you.
3. You want to visit a sugar factory to know more about the sugar manufacturing process. Write a letter to the
Manager of the sugar factory near your college seeking permission. Give details about the intended visit.
Sub: - Request to visit the factory.
As a part of our science project, 10 of us students of Std. XII (The General College, Mahim) would like to visit
your factory during the latter half of this month. We will be accompanied by our Account’s Professor, XYZ. It is our desire
to have first hand information about the manufacture of sugar. We believe that a visit to the factory will give us valuable
information than we could ever get out of textbooks.
Do let us know what would be the most suitable day and time for out visit. Since we now have study leave, any day
and any time will be suitable for us. Also let us know if there are any special rules or conditions we need to follow during
the visit. We do hope that you will not say no to our request. If you do the needful then we shall be very much thankful to
4. Write a letter to the Senior Police Inspector of your area complaining about the anti – social activities going
on in your area.
Sub:- Anti – Social activities near Mahim Chowk.
Of late, it has been observed that anti – social activities in our area have increased considerably, particularly after
the issue of licenses to two restaurant owners to convert their restaurants into bars.
Ours is a predominantly residential area and with the opening of these two bars, the atmosphere has been vitiated to
such an extent that the peace – loving citizens of our locality are unable to carry on their daily activities smoothly and
These bars have become the centres of anti – social activities. The whole locality has become a den(nest) of
vice(associated), infested with all sorts of anti – social characters. The result is that children and woman feel most insecure
to move about, especially after dark. The residents are too frightened to lode complaints with the police, for fear of
On behalf of all the law – abiding residents of the locality, I would like to appeal to you to take immediate steps to
nab these undesirable characters and put them behind bars, and also to cancel the licenses of the two bars mentioned above,
so that the residents can breathe free and live peacefully.
5. Write a letter to the Zonal Secretary, M.S.E.B, Complaining about frequent instances of power failure during
examinations. Request him to restore normalcy in power supply.
6. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper drawing attention to the increasing noise pollution in your area.
7. Write a letter congratulating your friend on his team’s success in winning the inter collegiate Twenty – 20
cricket tournament.
8. Write a letter to your father informing him about your plans after passing the HSC examination.
9. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you a bank draft of Rs. 1000 as you wish to attend an
interview at Mumbai.
10. Your cousin has asked for advice on the choice of a profession. Write a letter to him / her giving your views.
11. Write a letter of condolence to your friend who has recently lost his / her mother.
12. Write a letter to your friend advising him / her to keep away from bad company. Advise him / her to
concentrate on better things in life.
I was shocked to hear that you are seen nowadays in the company of some local hooligans, chewing ‘gutka’ all the
while and using foul, villainous language. What’s come over you all of a sudden? Do you want to spoil you life
completely? Do you know how much pain you are causing your father and mother? Your mother is in tears always. She
cannot understand why her beloved XYZ has taken us such company.
I am writing this letter, not so much to warn you against your friends, but to tell you not to forget the
importance of your future life. I want you to write to me and let me know which way you want to go. If you prefer to
keep the present company you are with, then all of us including your family will have to part ways forever.
1. Read the tabular data showing the causes of road accidents in India and write a paragraph mentioning the
chief points.
Sr. No. Causes Percentage
1 Drivers’ fault (not following traffic rule, overtaking, speeding, etc. ) 83.5%
2 Passengers/Pedestrian fault (not following traffic rule, not walking on foot path, etc. ) 4.7%
3 Mechanical defect in vehicle 3.0%
4 Absence of reflectors 2.0%
5 Other factors (bad, roads, potholes, broken dividers, etc) 6.8%
Total 100.0%
2. Write a paragraph based on the following tree diagram about the village Kaldhari:

3. Imagine that you are interviewing Stephen. Write 8 to 10 question that you would ask him.
4. Read the following tree diagram that give information about the judiciary system in India and prepare a short
5. You have conducted a survey of wage earners in your locality. Given below is a graphical representation of
your findings. The ‘X’ axis represents the wages earned in Rs. And the ‘Y’ axis represents the number of wage
earners. The blocks are shaded differently to show children, women and men. The legend for each is given below
the graph. Write a paragraph explaining your findings:

6. Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the enrolment of girls and boys in a school from 1998 to 2002.
You may use the following words or phrases.
Number of enrolments, always, more than, except, exceeded, steady rise, fell, remained the same, rose again, etc.
Year Girls Boys
1998 5000 4911
1999 5200 5099
2000 5100 5067
2001 5100 5190
2002 5325 5205

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