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Bureau of Land Acquisition and Distribution

The Bureau of Land Acquisition and Distribution (BLAD) is under the Field Operations
Office (FOO) of the Department of Agrarian Reform. The FOO is responsible in the
monitoring and assessment of the implementation of the land tenure improvement
policies, plans and programs. It is located at the Basement of the DAR Main Building
in Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City. It is currently headed by Rodolfo Bernardo
M. Bueno, CESO V.

Formulate and disseminate Policy Guidelines and Procedures

Formulate policies to streamline operational and administrative


Review/evaluate proposed policy guidelines and procedures

Assist Field Offices on CFs/LDFs documentation/processing and

leasehold execution

Prepare position paper on LAD related concerns in aid of legislation or

through inquiry

Monitor and evaluate programs

Report preparation

Implement and maintain an information system on tenanted

Agricultural lands

Verify and control lot disposition in R.A. 3844 lands

Monitor/update master list/database of:

Rural/Private banks




Order of Award

Deed of Transfer (A.O. 4. S. 2006)

Facilitate the issuance and documentation of:

Deed of Transfer of agricultural lands under E.O.407 (GAs/GFIs

Head Office Accounts)

Deed of Reconveyance (DOR) letter of Rescission

Review/participate in the deliberation of Agribusiness Venture

Agreement (AVA) Application in agrarian reform areas

Review documentation (A.O. 4 S.2006) of Deed of Transfer of lots

subject of transfer to NGA/LGU in DAR SP/LE

Review documentation of request of approval of transfer/sale


Document review of proposal for Presidential Proclamation

Facilitate documentation of CFs involving DNYP landholdings (PD 27)

Review, analyze and verify documents

Verify, review and evaluate original Owners Duplicate Certificates of

titles in ARMM and non-ARMM provinces pursuant to PARC Executive
Committee Memorandum Circular Nos. 1 and 2, Series of 2006

Review and evaluate Petitions for Revocation/Cancellation of SDO

Review and evaluate Application to Purchase (R.A. 3844)

Process final survey documents

Sign and seal EP/CLOA Judicial Forms

Maintain records of Orders of Finality

Coordinate with concerned DAR Offices and CIAs

Develop the BLAD site on the DAR Intranet

Key Officials

Rodolfo Bernardo M. Bueno, CESO V, Director IV, Office of the Director

Rodolfo G. Frilles, Director III, Office of the Director

Lynne M. Aldover, OIC-CARPO, Land Distribution Division

Annalie T. Gadrinab, CARPO, Land Acquisition Valuation Division

Violeta M. Bonilla, CARPO, Land Tenure Document Division

Lorna G. Lim, OIC-CARPO, Land Tenure Development Division

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